In Our Common Agenda, the Secretary-General has called for enhanced investment in prevention and peacebuilding, this reflects the recognition that investment in conflict resolution, prevention and peacebuilding is cost-effective.
The year 2023 marked a new beginning for the Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) with the launch of the Strategic Plan for 2023-2026.
Global developments have a direct impact on our work. They have increased prevention, peacemaking, and peacebuilding risks, while curtailing our resources. This places a renewed obligation on DPPA to seek further donor support for voluntary contributions, which have become critical in augmenting DPPA’s regular budget resources.
Voluntary donor funding through DPPA’s Multi-Year Appeal (MYA), our main fundraising tool, will be vital in supporting the full implementation of the Strategic Plan. The MYA supports the breadth of DPPA’s global mandate, including our “core” capacity in conflict prevention, peacemaking and peacebuilding. It enables strengthened support for Special Envoys and Special Representatives of the Secretary-General greater engagement with partners including regional organizations, and continued investments in thematic priorities including women, peace and security; technology and innovation; and climate, peace and security. The MYA also enables DPPA to expand its reach, and stay operational and field-focused. It allows us to maintain vital liaison presences, as well as deploy mediation and electoral assistance support, as requested.
Without the MYA, our ability to engage with partners on the ground would be significantly hampered.
Extrabudgetary funding is the lifeline that allows us to make a meaningful impact.
For more information, please contact the DPPA Donor Relations Team at
DPPA's Multi-Year Appeal (MYA) is calling for $170 million for 2023-2026, to make the Strategic Plan a reality.
Flexibility of the MYA
On average, approximately 70 per cent of MYA funds received are unearmarked. This is invaluable for the MYA and a prerequisite for its success. Unearmarked funding provides DPPA with the flexibility to respond to emerging needs, including to provide timely responses to requests from Member States, regional and sub-regional organizations, and other UN partners. This agility is crucial to maximizing the impact of every dollar contributed.
Transparency of the MYA
Every spring, the Department issues a results-focused MYA Annual Report to ensure accountability and enhance transparency. The report includes both financial and substantive reporting on the use of MYA contributions and its main results. In addition, DPPA also produces a midyear update each summer. DPPA also produces thematic factsheets on its work.
Previous MYA reports can be found here.
MYA Resources
For 2024, DPPA is calling for $42 million to support the implementation of the Strategic Plan.
We are deeply grateful to our donors who have made pledges and contributions. For historical information on past donor contributions, please visit the MYA page on the UN Peace and Security Data Hub.
*Pledge as of December 2024
Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation
Accompanying the Strategic Plan is a new Results Framework, that measures our contribution to conflict prevention and sustaining peace through key performance indicators. Through mid-year and annual reviews, DPPA will track progress against qualitative and quantitative indicators, which will enable any necessary corrections. In addition, the lower level “theories of action” will allow us to articulate more clearly how/why MYA projects are designed and what they will do to affect positive change.
DPPA continues to make use of the UN secretariat-wide Enterprise Risk Management approach in project planning, implementation and to monitor risks, finances and results and will continue to demonstrate its strategic and operational value building on the Value-for-Money assessment undertaken in 2020.
Risk Management
Developing a risk register helps minimize the exposure and impact to risks. Using the DPPA-DPO risk register, all MYA projects conduct a mandatory assessment to identify risk areas and mitigation measures.
For further information on the Multi-Year Appeal, please contact the DPPA Donor Relations Team at