Madame la Présidente, Distingués membres du Conseil, Excellences, Mesdames et Messieurs,
Je suis heureux de m’adresser au Conseil pour la première fois en ma qualité d'Envoyé spécial du Secrétaire général pour la région des Grands Lacs. Je saisis cette occasion pour remercier le Conseil de son soutien à mon mandat ainsi que pour l’opportunité qui m’est offerte de présenter le rapport du Secrétaire général sur la mise en œuvre de l’Accord-cadre pour la paix, la sécurité et la coopération pour la RDC et la région. Je suis ravi de le faire en compagnie de mon collègue et ami Martin Kobler, le Représentant spécial du Secrétaire général en RDC et chef de la MONUSCO. Je tiens à témoigner, ici, du soutien total qu'il m'apporte avec ses collaborateurs depuis ma nomination. Je n’ai aucun doute que notre collaboration forte et étroite se poursuivra et contribuera à renforcer nos efforts complémentaires visant à assurer la mise œuvre effective de l’Accord-cadre.
Madame la Présidente,
Distingués membres du Conseil,
Dès ma prise de fonction, j’ai entrepris de visiter les pays de la région pour écouter et échanger avec les hautes autorités des pays signataires, les garants de l’Accord-cadre, ainsi qu’avec les partenaires internationaux.
Les dirigeants des pays signataires se disent déterminés à mettre fin au cycle de la violence et à conduire la région sur la voie du développement et de la stabilité durables. Ils voient en l’Accord-cadre un instrument utile qui permettra d'accélérer et de soutenir cette transformation. Mais pour que la région sorte définitivement du cercle vicieux de la violence et de l'instabilité et aille résolument vers son destin solidaire et prospère, elle devra se débarrasser définitivement des problèmes qui la retiennent dans son passé douloureux en perpétuant la suspicion et la méfiance entre les pays et les peuples. Il est, dès lors, évident qu'il faudra s’attaquer, en priorité, aux questions sensibles de sécurité héritées de l'histoire tourmentée de la région et s'atteler à restaurer patiemment la confiance entre les pays. Dans le même temps, il conviendra de soutenir les efforts et les initiatives en cours visant à mobiliser les énergies et les ressources en vue de la transformation socio-économique rapide de la région et de son intégration.
Madam President,
I deliver these remarks a month after the Regional Oversight Mechanism (ROM) endorsed the First Progress Report of the implementation of the PSC Framework. The findings and recommendations are clear. Overall, there is a need to accelerate progress particularly with respect to the complete neutralization of negative forces operating in the eastern DRC, including the FDLR and the ADF as well as the implementation of the Nairobi Declarations on the M23 process.
I am pleased to note that the signatories and guarantors have taken steps towards addressing these issues. As regards FDLR, I wish to recall the conclusions and recommendations of the recent joint ICGLR/SADC ministerial meeting on the mid-term review of the voluntary disarmament of the FDLR by the agreed deadline of 2 January 2015. I call upon all the signatories, the Guarantors as well as the international partners, to ensure that these are effectively and timely executed. We should, on the one hand, continue to facilitate the conditions for a full voluntary disarmament of the FDLR, while on the other hand, set in motion a credible process for military pressure to be exerted at the end of the agreed deadline against those not willing to surrender.
We must act now. Failure to bring the process of neutralization of the FDLR to a successful conclusion in line with the resolutions of the Security Council and the decisions of the leaders of the region will potentially exacerbate tensions, undermine our collective credibility and put the PSC Framework under serious stress.
Madam President,
Distinguished Members of the Council,
Another concern relates to the slow pace in the implementation of the Nairobi Declarations. I welcome the recent impetus given to the process at the initiative of the Government of DRC. I also extend our appreciation to the Government of Uganda and Rwanda for their cooperation.
A few weeks ago, my Office participated in a joint mission with the DRC National Oversight Mechanism (NOM) and ICGLR Secretariat in Kampala to explore ways of revitalizing the process. I am pleased to inform you that further to consultations, a high level follow up meeting to which I have been invited, will be convened in Kinshasa on 7-8 November. On that occasion, I will strongly encourage the concerned parties to seek solutions to existing bottlenecks and take urgent political and operational actions required to fast track the amnesty and the repatriation process.
Madam President,
Distinguished Members of the Council,
The twin process of dealing with the FDLR and M23 should continue to receive our full attention. But so should the resurgent threat posed by the ADF, whose horrendous acts perpetrated recently against the populations of Beni, come as a sad reminder that the security situation remains fragile and that the hard won gains against negative forces can be reversed.
I am just back from my first visit to eastern DRC where I have held very useful consultations in Goma with a variety of stakeholders. Last Thursday, I visited Beni together with SRSG Martin Kobler and Ambassador Boubacar Diarra, the Special Representative of the AU to the Great Lakes region, to show our solidarity with the Government and people of DRC as well as our sympathy for the innocent victims of the ADF. We took this opportunity to commend the FARDC for their successful military campaign against ADF with the effective support of MONUSCO and its FIB. We also encouraged the FARDC and Monusco to further enhance their cooperation and initiate decisive joint actions towards fully neutralizing ADF with the full support of the populations.
Madam President,
Distinguished Members of the Council,
While I am expected to devote serious attention to supporting efforts at neutralizing negative forces and promoting conducive environment for the expeditious implementation of the PSC Framework, I am fully committed to strengthening the foundation laid by my predecessor, Mary Robinson, in support of women, the youth, displaced populations, and civil society as well as encourage economic cooperation, promotion of justice, human rights and the fight against impunity.
In this regard, I am pleased to report that following the launch of the Women's Platform, small grants have already been availed to the Global Fund for Women to support initial activities designed to enhance women's ability to advocate for and monitor the implementation of the commitments of the PSC Framework. These grants also provide seed money for improving women's access to clean energy. With respect to UNSCR 1325, I plan to step up my advocacy efforts for a wider adoption of the Regional Plan of Action building on the experiences of Burundi, DRC, Rwanda and Uganda whom I commend for commencing the implementation of their national plans. Regarding the youth, my Office provided support to the organization of the ICGLR Youth Summit and going forward plans to work with other partners to support small scale youth projects, and bulding young entrepreneurs.
Initiatives aimed at promoting the emergence of a strong regional coalition of civil society are ongoing. My Office will closely work with ICGLR and other stakeholders to convene, before the end of this year, a regional workshop in Bujumbura bringing together civil society organizations from DRC, Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda. Such gathering will lay the foundation for a wider civil society constituency whose task will be to increase awareness of the PSC Framework in cooperation with Governments as well as promote solidarity, a culture of peace and tolerance between the communities in the region.
We are also working closely with all stakeholders to address obstacles that impede safe and dignified returns of displaced populations as well as provide options for those who may decide to settle in other parts of the region. In this regard, I would like to commend the Government and people of Tanzania for granting rights of citizenship to about 200,000 Burundian nationals including their dependants who took refuge in Tanzania decades ago. I also encourage all countries which are host to displaced populations as well as countries of origin to step up efforts to provide durable solutions. I intend, together with my fellow Envoys, to support all concerned parties to promote the propitious political and security conditions for lasting solutions.
Madam President, Distinguished Members of the Council,
Leveraging the strength of various development partners such as the UNDP, WB, EU and others, my Office has launched or supported various initiatives aimed at rebuilding livelihoods, create jobs and bring about peace dividends. In this respect, my Office is supporting the preparation of a Development Partners Conference to mobilize resources for development initiatives identified by signatories of the PSC Framework. In the same vein, we are working closely with the UNCTs in signatory countries as well relevant regional UN Offices to develop and align strategies and programmes in support of the PSC Framework. We are also strongly promoting jointly with ICGLR the convening in Luanda in early December of a Regional Ministerial Consultation on Private Sector Investment to consider and validate a substantial portfolio of projects that have been compiled. During my tour in the region, I have encouraged the PSCF countries to be adequately represented at this meeting that would pave the way to the convening of a greater Private Sector Investment Forum next year to signal a new era in the Great Lakes Region towards shared stability and prosperity.
Madam President, Distinguished Members of the Council,
The signatories of the PSC Framework are members of various regional economic communities. We must support these various organisations to unlock the vast potential of the region. I wish, in this regard, to encourage the ongoing efforts aimed at convening the Summit of the Economic Community of the Great Lakes Countries (CEPGL) as part of the revitalisation of this Organisation called for by the PSC framework. In this context, I held a fruitful meeting last week with the Executive Secretary of CEPGL and his team and we discussed possible areas of cooperation including promoting transborder security and development programmes with the involvement of women.
Madam President,
Distinguished Members of the Council,
As I stated in the beginning, I see my role as that of a catalyst and facilitator. I am committed to work closely with the signatory countries, the co-guarantors, my fellow special envoys as well as the international partners committed to the PSC Framework. I am confident that together, we can help the region put an end to the recurring cycle of conflicts and instability, build mutual confidence and trust, and set in motion an irreversible process towards realizing its full potential, in peace and stability.
I thank you for your attention.