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Funding Documents

  • This reporting period covers the inaugural year of the Department’s Strategic Plan for 2023-2026, and demonstrates how DPPA was able to respond to new and protracted crises –together with our partners – amidst an ever more complex international peace and security environment. In 2023, the MYA secured $31.1 million, falling short of the $41 million target by 24 per cent. Despite strong ongoing support from our current and new donors, this deficit impacted the MYA portfolio.

  • This year marks the beginning of the implementation of the new Strategic Plan of the Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA). The Multi-Year Appeal (MYA) is critical to these efforts, allowing us to do more, more quickly and with more impact. In the first half of 2023, MYA funding supported the breadth of DPPA’s activities at Headquarters and in the field – demonstrating its effectiveness and flexibility. Thanks to the generous support of our donors, DPPA was able to make a difference by meeting mid-year targets in its current 2023-2026 Strategic Plan. The MYA calls for $170 million over the next four years, including 41 million in 2023. 

  • The MYA recorded positive results in 2022. The present report shows how effective operational deployments and engagement with the right partners and actors can make a difference, all at relatively low cost. The MYA is an indispensable part of this approach, critically augmenting our capacities. The confidence that donors have shown in our work, and the urgency of current needs, informs our ambitious 2023-2026 Appeal for $170 million. We count on our traditional donors and welcome new contributors for 2023 and beyond.

  • The Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) is pleased to present its mid-year report under the Multi-Year Appeal (MYA), which highlights the and activities made possible through voluntary contributions received during the first part of the year (from 1 January to 30 June). Thanks to the support of our eleven donors so far, DPPA was able to make a difference and meet nearly every benchmark in its current Strategic Plan (2020-2022). With a funding gap of 77 per cent at mid-point, the MYA urgently needs additional contributions in the second half of the year to meet its operational needs and deliver on its mandate. For any information on the MYA, please contact: DPPA-DonorRelations@un.org.

  • This report looks back at our efforts in 2021 to advance political solutions and assist peace processes, mediation, and elections throughout the world. Much of this work would have been impossible without the strong financial support of our partners through the Multi-Year Appeal (MYA). Once more, the MYA has shown its distinctive value through projects and initiatives that respond quickly to the risk of violent conflict.

  • The Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) is pleased to present its Third Quarterly Report under the Multi-Year Appeal (MYA) covering the period from 1 July to 30 September 2021. Thanks to the generous support of our donors, DPPA was able to respond to opportunities, take risks and meet demand for preventive diplomacy, mediation, conflict resolution and peacebuilding – our core work. For more information, please contact DPPA’s Donor Relations Team at: dppa-donorrelations@un.org

  • The Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) is pleased to present its Second Quarterly Report under the Multi-Year Appeal (MYA) covering the period from 1 April to 30 June 2021. Thanks to the generous support of our donors, DPPA was able to respond to opportunities, take risks and meet demand for preventive diplomacy, mediation, conflict resolution and peacebuilding – our core work. For more information, please contact DPPA’s Donor Relations Team at: dppa-donorrelations@un.org.

  • The Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) is pleased to present the Quarterly Report under the Multi-Year Appeal (MYA) covering the period from 1 January to 31 March 2021. The report highlights some of the activities made possible through the very generous support of our donors under the Multi-Year Appeal. For more information, please contact DPPA’s Donor Relations Team at: dppa-donorrelations@un.org.

  • In 2020, DPPA had a total income of $81 million, including some $36 million in voluntary funding, more than we have ever mobilized before. Voluntary contributions allowed us to seize opportunities, respond to urgent requests from Member States, kickstart projects and innovate in ways that would not otherwise be possible.

  • In the beginning of 2020, DPPA launched the MYA to put its new three-year Strategic Plan for 2020–2022 into action. But with the onset of COVID-19, the Department had to quickly shift gears. Unearmarked MYA funding, and the rapid response window, enabled it to adapt to the new reality, seize opportunities and innovate.

  • The report examines MYA projects at a whole-portfolio level, while identifying specific areas for in-depth evaluation. The assessment analyses the relevance of the MYA testing, the logical connection between MYA projects and DPPA’s high level objectives; examines the effectiveness of the MYA portfolio of projects in delivering valued results; and considers questions of cost-efficiency, asking whether the MYA portfolio is applying funds in an efficient way to minimize costs. The assessment articulates a clear ‘value claim’ of the MYA for the first time, which will be helpful in future discussions with our divisions.

    Undertaken by an independent consultant, the assessment concludes that the MYA has been able to deliver value-for-money at multiple levels, ensuring good use of resources.

  • COVID-19 continues to pose considerable challenges to conflict prevention, mediation and peacebuilding while it exacerbates the conditions that can lead to violence. But we are also witnessing resilience, innovation and inclusive political action in response to the pandemic. DPPA is closely monitoring the implications of the pandemic in mission settings and countries with fragile political transitions. This report provides an update of DPPA’s key milestones and achievements during the third quarter of 2020.

  • In the second quarter of 2020, well into the COVID-19 pandemic, the Multi-Year Appeal (MYA) was instrumental in translating the vision and priorities set out in the Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs’ (DPPA) Strategic Plan for 2020-2022 into action. The new MYA is the most ambitious appeal for funding the Department has ever issued, seeking to mobilize $45 million for this year to meet increased demand and sustain our activities. By 30 June, the Department had received $20 million in contributions and pledges, leaving a funding gap of $25 million (appeal 45 per cent funded).

  • The Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs' (DPPA) new Multi-Year Appeal (MYA) for 2020-2022 carries special significance, for reasons of symbolism and of substance. It marks 10 years since the Department first asked Member States for voluntary contributions to support its work. And, with the launch of our new Strategic Plan for 2020-2022, it provides the means to help secure DPPA’s position as a central part of the UN’s conflict prevention, peacemaking and peacebuilding work over for the next three years, a longer span than any previous appeal.

  • DPPA's Annual Report under the Multi-Year Appeal showcases how voluntary contributions made a difference in 2019, allowing us to be more operational and seize opportunities to prevent violence and defuse tensions in mission and non-mission settings such as Bolivia, El Salvador, Papua New Guinea-Bougainville, Sudan, Ukraine, and Yemen.

  • Report on progress achieved in the delivery of its mandate in the period between July and September 2019.

  • DPPA is pleased to issue its Quarterly Report (01 April to 30 June) covering activities funded under the Multi-Year Appeal. During the reporting period, the Department made further progress, thanks to funding under the Multi-Year Appeal (MYA), in assisting Special political Missions (SPMs) and non-mission settings, as well as servicing the whole UN system in the areas of electoral assistance, conflict prevention, crisis response and mediation. DPPA also organized a field visit to Addis Ababa on 3 and 4 June to inform partners of its work with regional organizations.

  • The 2018 Annual Report on the Multi-Year Appeal (MYA) provides an overview of success stories for the year as well as ongoing challenges. Partnerships with regional and sub-regional organizations feature prominently in the document, which also lists examples of collaboration with the UN Peacebuilding Fund, UN Country Teams, the World Bank and the Joint UNDP-DPPA Programme on Conflict Prevention, among others. In 2018 the MYA allowed DPPA to mobilize a total of $35.6 million from 30 partners. Remarkably, up of 69 per cent of the total received was unearmarked, which demonstrates the confidence partners place on the Department.

  • The 2019 Update of the Multi-Year Appeal (MYA) is being released at a significant turning point, as the Department of Political Affairs transforms into the Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA), following the reform of the United Nations peace and security pillar.  The Update reflects on the opportunities created by the reform and its “whole-of-pillar” approach.  Following the reform, the extra-budgetary funding mechanisms of the two former Departments (DPA and DPKO) and PBSO will co-exist and complement one another, resulting in more synergies in the peace and security work of the Organization.


  • The Multi-Year Appeal 2018-2019 lays out the priorities for the biennium, taking into account the Secretary-General’s vision and focus on prevention, and in line with DPA’s Strategic Plan for 2016-2019. Under the overarching priorities of the Strategic Plan, the MYA 2018-2019 puts emphasis on inclusive processes as part of setting the agenda for conflict prevention and as a cross-cutting theme in all areas of our work. The MYA continues investments in sustaining peace and further strengthening of partnerships and common agendas with regional and sub-regional organizations.

  • This annual report shows how donor contributions allowed DPA to extend its assistance and expertise to help prevent or mitigate conflict and sustain peace in countries around the world, expand its network of regional presences, and to continue to work for more inclusion of women, minorities, indigenious peoples and marginalized groups in conflict prevention, peace processes and peacebuilding. 




  • The 2017 Update complements the MYA 2016-2017providing an overview of what’s new for 2017 with a particular focus on DPA’s response to the twin “Sustaining Peace” resolutions adopted by the Security Council and the General Assembly in April 2016.

  • 2016 was a year of transition for the United Nations. In his last year at the helm of the Organization, former Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon moved to translate the conclusions of the wide ranging and recent reviews of the United Nations peace and security work into meaningful reforms and action, and saw the adoption of the landmark “Sustaining Peace” resolutions. The United Nations also welcomed a new leader, António Guterres, who has made a “surge in diplomacy for peace” his clarion call. These changes, along with the continuously evolving “conflict landscape” that gave rise to them, promise to have a transformational effect on the Department of Political Affairs (DPA).