Reactions to Beirut explosions
Following the devastating explosions in Beirut this week, Special Coordinator Ján Kubiš said on 4 August “The sight of ordinary Lebanese citizens taking a personal initiative to help lift the rubble and support compatriots whose homes and shops were destroyed in devastating Beirut blast offers a beautiful image of hope built in human and national solidarity. This is true Lebanon in action.” In a statement, the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator and Deputy Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Ms. Najat Rochdi, is releasing USD $9 million from the Lebanese Humanitarian Fund, and the UN Emergency Relief Coordinator, Mark Lowcock, will release additional funding from the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) to address immediate needs and help strengthen the capacity of existing hospitals. On Sunday, 9 August, the International Support Group for Lebanon will hold a high-level meeting co-hosted by the UN and France. Read more here
New policy brief
This week, UN Women and DPPA launched a joint policy brief on the impact of COVID-19 on women´s participation in ceasefire and peace processes. The women, peace and security agenda provides a critical framework for inclusive decision-making and sustainable solutions, and the impact of the ongoing pandemic on women in conflict-affected contexts is of particular concern. “If we want to build back better after COVID-19, we must use the crisis as an opportunity to put women´s meaningful participation in public life and peacebuilding efforts front and center of our collective efforts,” Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo tweeted in conjunction with the launch. Read the policy brief here
For up-to-date information on COVID-19 and its impact, please visit: WHO website UN coronavirus website
Anniversary of atrocities against Yazidis
Recalling the atrocities committed by Da’esh (ISIL) against the Yazidis six years ago, Special Representative Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert commended the Yazidis’ resilience in preserving their culture and land, and determinedly pursuing their rights despite the odds. “I take heart in the determination of the many Yazidis pursuing freedom and justice for their community,” the Special Representative said. Read more here
Futuring peace
The UN is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year. To mark this special occasion, DPPA's Innovation Cell and Design Futures Initiative (DFI) are calling for designers and futurists to create speculative artifacts that evoke novel futures of how to better sustain peace. Under the theme “Futuring Peace”, they are seeking creative speculative pieces on conflict prevention, peace mediation, and peacebuilding. These concepts should take into account the complex, long term nature of reducing the risk of lapsing or relapsing into conflict using diplomatic action, regional and international partnerships, and supporting local peace initiatives. Submissions with a focus on the meaningful participation of women in sustaining peace and inclusion at large are particularly welcome. Read more here