New York
Highlights of Security Council Practice for 2019
The Security Council Affairs Division (SCAD) has released its Highlights of Security Council Practice for 2019. The interactive document summarizes the Council’s daily work for the year via an informative set of facts, figures and interactive charts. See all the highlights here
Security Council
Salamé: “Keep your hands off Libya”
Ghassan Salamé, Special Representative and Head of UNSMIL, spoke to the media after briefing the Security Council in closed consultations on 6 January. “Keep your hands off Libya,” was his message to international actors intervening in the conflict. “There are enough weapons in Libya, they don’t need extra weapons,” he said. “There are enough mercenaries in Libya, so stop sending mercenaries as is the case right now, with hundreds or thousands right now coming into the country of late.” Read the transcript here
Devastating surge in terrorist attacks in West Africa and the Sahel
Special Representative Mohamed Ibn Chambas, presenting the latest report of the Secretary-General on the activities of UNOWAS on 8 January, told the Security Council that despite positive political developments, “the region has experienced a devastating surge in terrorist attacks against civilian and military targets.” “The geographic focus of terrorist attacks has shifted eastwards from Mali to Burkina Faso and Niger, and is increasingly threatening West African coastal States,” Mr Chambas said. Read his full statement here Read more in UN News
Guterres: “We must come home to the UN Charter”
The Security Council held an open debate on “Upholding the United Nations Charter to Maintain International Peace and Security” on 9 January. In his statement at the meeting, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres encouraged countries to return to fundamental principles. “We must come home to the UN Charter,” he said. “At this time of global divisions and turmoil, the Charter remains our shared framework of international cooperation for the common good.” Read his full statement here
UNAMI chief meets with Iraqi president
Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, Special Representative and Head of UNAMI, met with Iraqi President Barham Salih on 6 January. They discussed the current political developments in the country and the region. Ms. Hennis-Plasschaert reiterated United Nations support for Iraq’s security and stability as well as the need to undertake reforms that would address the Iraqi people’s legitimate demands for change.
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Experts discuss Libya’s economic future UNSMIL convened a meeting of 19 Libyan experts on 6 January representing the main Libyan financial and economic institutions as well as the different economic sectors. The experts were selected based on their capacity to represent interests from across the Libyan political and geographic spectrum. The experts agreed that the Libyan economy was under duress due to the institutional fragmentation caused by the conflict and that this was having an increasingly detrimental impact on the daily lives of Libyans. It was also agreed that any comprehensive political settlement would require a mechanism to unify financial and economic policy as well as the institutions. Read more on UNSMIL’s website
Visit to Somaliland
The Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia, James Swan, visited Hargeisa in Somaliland on 8 January. He met with Somaliland’s President Musa Bihi Abdi and members of his cabinet, and they discussed how confidence-building efforts and dialogue between the authorities in Hargeisa and Mogadishu could bring about broad benefits in several areas. “The United Nations welcomes initiatives aimed at building mutual confidence and fostering dialogue between Hargeisa and Mogadishu,” he said. “We believe there are many areas in which greater cooperation could improve security, promote economic growth, and improve the lives of the people,” Mr. Swan told press after the meeting. Read more on UNSOM’s website