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This Week in DPPA: 4 - 10 May 2024

A brief roundup of United Nations-related political and peacebuilding events and developments globally.

The Seventh Advisory Group of the Peacebuilding Fund meets in New York

The Seventh Advisory Group of the Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) gathered for its fourth and final session in New York on 9-10 May. The Secretary-General received the Group and Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support, Elizabeth Spehar, and discussed means to raise the Fund’s profile, increase the engagement of youth in a global peacebuilding movement and mobilize voluntary contributions noting the Fund’s lowest-ever liquidity level. During the two-day meeting, members were briefed on the joint PBF partner visit to South Sudan that took place in April and met with the Chair and Vice-Chairs of the Peacebuilding Commission to discuss PBF-PBC collaboration. They also held a virtual session with the UN Resident Coordinator and World Bank representative in Chad on UN-International Financial Institution (IFI) collaboration, learned about PBSO’s plans for the Peacebuilding Impact Hub's global overview report on peacebuilding, and discussed the 2025 Peacebuilding Architecture Review. ASG Spehar expressed profound thanks for the Group’s dedicated oversight and counsel over their mandate.

Strengthening UN support for national peacebuilding priorities in Guatemala


From 2 — 7 May, ASG Spehar visited Guatemala to meet with key national counterparts and international partners to discuss opportunities to strengthen UN support for national peacebuilding priorities. Meeting with President Arevalo about Guatemala’s peacebuilding priorities, Spehar discussed the possibility of briefing the Peacebuilding Commission and of piloting a Youth, Peace and Security National Action Plan. The Government requested UN support, including from the Peacebuilding Fund, for the new institutional arrangements for conflict transformation and dialogue, and for addressing specific emblematic conflicts. The ASG also met with civil society organizations, including youth and women organizations, and organizations working with indigenous communities in the Polochic Valley, to discuss how historic conflicts around land were being addressed with PBF support. The visit followed ASG Jenca´s visit to the country last March, as part of the UN’s continued support to peacebuilding efforts of the Guatemalan Government. 

DPPA co-convenes strategic dialogue on Climate, Peace and Security

On 4 and 5 May, DPPA’s Policy and Mediation Division and the Climate Security Mechanism co-convened a Strategic Dialogue on Climate, Peace and Security in Stockholm with partners the Folke Bernadotte Academy and the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. The first-of-its-kind dialogue provided a forum for experience sharing among senior mission leadership as well as Climate Peace and Security Advisors, with a particular focus on risks and opportunities for confidence-building, good offices, prevention, peacemaking and peacebuilding. The discussion highlighted climate-related entry points for mediation and good offices activities, community-based conflict resolution, the use of water diplomacy, how to strengthen regional-level initiatives, as well as enhancing analysis and access to climate finance. A selection of experiences and best practices were then shared at a roundtable event at the Stockholm Forum for Peace and Development on 6 May.

DPPA’s Peacebuilding Support Office (PBSO) participated in the forum to discuss how to advance peacebuilding and adapt to current global challenges. PBSO’s partners the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation and Interpeace convened a panel discussion on the importance of using new partnerships to develop options for more sustainable peacebuilding financing, including with development finance institutions and the private sector.

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UN Special Coordinator hosts Lebanese women parliamentarians

UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Joanna Wronecka hosted five women parliamentarians from the Lebanese parliament to exchange views on how to address some of the country's main current challenges. The discussions focused on the situation along Lebanon’s southern border with Israel and the priorities discussed within the Parliament commissions, including on the Women, Peace and Security agenda. The Special Coordinator stressed the need for greater inclusion of women in decision-making and leadership positions in Lebanon.

Special Coordinator discusses security situation with Lebanese officials

UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Wronecka continued her round of meetings with Lebanese officials and stakeholders to discuss the importance of safeguarding the country's security and stability. In discussions with caretaker Foreign Minister Abdallah Bouhabib, she discussed ongoing diplomatic de-escalation efforts and the need to halt the exchange of fire across the Blue Line. The Special Coordinator also raised with caretaker Interior Minister Bassam Mawlawi (pictured) the importance of delivering on Lebanon’s constitutional obligations to preserve the country’s democratic practices.

SRSG Hennis-Plasschaert meets with top Iraqi officials

On 5 May, Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, met separately in Baghdad with National Security Advisor Qassim Al-Araji and Head of the Al-Hikma National Movement Ammar Al-Hakim. During the meetings, they discussed the current political and security situation in the country, as well as the Al-Hol Camp in Northeastern Syria.

UNAMI Human Rights Office discusses human rights curriculum at University of Baghdad

The UNAMI Human Rights Office, in coordination with the College of Education for Women at the University of Baghdad, organized a roundtable on 7 May to discuss the human rights curriculum. The roundtable brought together 23 participants, who discussed the development of the curriculum, as well as the enhancement of teaching staff capabilities, as well as possible support from UNAMI.

Libyan youth leaders teach children about climate change

This week, five teams of young women from the UN in Libya’s Ra’idat youth training programme visited private and international schools in Tripoli to raise children’s awareness about climate change and its consequences in the country. Ra’idat is the annual female youth training programme led by the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) supported by the UN Development Programme (UNDP), UNICEF and UN Women. The programme trains 30 young women from across Libya each year in communication, leadership and advocacy skills, as well as building their knowledge on human rights, legal rights and elections. Working with UNICEF and Lecao Volunteers, a local civil society organization, the women developed lessons on the impact of human activity on the environment.

SRSG Massieu marks Europe Day in Agua Bonita

This week, to mark Europe Day, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Colombia Carlos Ruiz Massieu, along with the Ambassadors of the European Union and its Member States present in Colombia, local and departmental authorities, visited the former Territorial Area for Training and Reintegration (TATR) of Agua Bonita, in the department of Caquetá. Massieu emphasized the importance of celebrating Europe Day in the TATR of Agua Bonita, a space that exemplified the will of the signatories for reincorporation and the importance of international cooperation for achieving peace.

On 3 May, Deputy Special Representative for Colombia Raul Rosende participated in the first inter-institutional meeting carried out in San José de las Hermosas, a remote village that was highly affected by conflict and is now working to restore confidence and build peace. Indigenous people, women, and communities participated in voicing their needs and requests, to which government institutions and regional entities, including military and police authorities, responded. The DSRSG delivered a message highlighting the importance of comprehensive institutional presence for a sustainable peace. 

Next Week

On 13 May, the Security Council will be briefed on the situation in Yemen. On 15 May, there will be an open debate on Bosnia and Herzegovina. On 16 May, there will be a Council briefing on UNAMI.