Bienvenidos a las Naciones Unidas

Reports and Policy Documents


  • 19 Oct 2020

    Unless access is urgently granted to humanitarian organizations, thousands in the Central Sahel will be “pushed into further destitution”, the UN emergency food relief agency warned on Monday.  

  • 19 Oct 2020


    New York, 20 October 2020

    I wish everyone around the world a data-rich World Statistics Day!

    Statistics are fundamental for evidence-based policymaking. Current, reliable, timely and trusted data help us to understand the changing world in which we live and to drive the transformations that are needed, leaving no one behind.  The coronavirus pandemic has further elevated the importance of data...

  • 19 Oct 2020

    BISHKEK, Kyrgyzstan

    On October 20, Natalia Gherman, Special Representative of the...

  • 19 Oct 2020

    New York, 19 October 2020. The Members of the Security Council reiterated their full and unanimous support for the peace process in Colombia, and reaffirmed their commitment to working closely with Colombia to...

  • 19 Oct 2020
  • 19 Oct 2020

    Geneva, 19 October 2020 - The fourth round of the Libyan (5+5) Joint Military Commission (JMC) talks began this morning at the Palais des Nations in Geneva with the...

  • 19 Oct 2020

    NEW YORK - The Secretary-General strongly condemns the indiscriminate attack today on a provincial police headquarters in Afghanistan’s province of Ghor, in an area where many civilians are present.  

     According to...

  • 18 Oct 2020

    The UN Secretary-General on Sunday condemned “all attacks on populated areas” in and around the Nagorno-Karabakh zone of conflict, as Armenia and Azerbaijan reportedly accused each other of violating the latest humanitarian ceasefire agreement.

  • 17 Oct 2020

    On the eve of the presidential elections in Guinea, the UN Secretary-General has called on all national stakeholders to ensure that the polls are conducted in an inclusive and peaceful manner. 

  • 17 Oct 2020

    @UN Photo/Mark Garten

    The Secretary-General welcomes the further release of detainees by the Yemeni parties on 15 and 16 October, in line with the agreement reached...

  • 16 Oct 2020

    A surge in armed violence, coupled with the economic and social fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic, are contributing to worsening conditions for children in the Central Sahel, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) reported on Friday. 

  • 16 Oct 2020

    New York, 17 October 2020

    The COVID-19 pandemic is a double crisis for the world’s poorest people.

    First, they have the highest risk of exposure to the virus, and least access to quality healthcare.

    Second, recent estimates show the pandemic could push up to 115 million people into poverty...

  • 16 Oct 2020

    10 - 16 October 2020

    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world.

    Security Council

    Huang Xia: Encouraging progress in the Great Lakes region despite persisting challenges 
    Special Envoy Huang Xia on 13 October briefed the Security Council on recent developments in the Great Lakes region. The Special Envoy noted the region's leaders continued efforts to improve political, security and economic cooperation, in line with the implementation of the 2013 Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework for the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and the region. “The situation in the region in recent months has indeed remained broadly stable, with encouraging progress despite persistent challenges,” he said. Paramount among the positive developments are the peaceful transfer of power in Burundi following general elections in May; a quadripartite summit held on 7 October to discuss security and economic cooperation issues between the DRC, Angola, Uganda and Rwanda; and the diplomatic and peaceful resolution of the border issue between the DRC and Zambia in August. As for the remaining challenges, the Special Envoy singled out cross‑border incidents and persisting illegal activities by armed groups in eastern DRC.
    Watch the briefing here
    Read more in UN News


    Ruiz Massieu: Finding ways to curb violence is imperative to deliver on the promise of the Peace Agreement 
    Carlos Ruiz Massieu, Special Representative and Head of the UN Verification Mission in Colombia, on 14 October briefed the Security Council on the Secretary-General’s latest report on the work of the Mission. He recalled the central objective of the Final Peace Agreement signed almost four years ago: ending more than five decades of confrontation between the Colombian State and the FARC-EP, as well as the opening of a long and complex phase of building lasting peace. In addition, he mentioned the historic achievements that have been made, such as the laying down of weapons by the FARC-EP, as well as their transition to a political party. Despite the advances in the reintegration process of former combatants and the Integral System for Truth, Justice, Reparation, and Non-Repetition, Ruiz Massieu expressed his concern about the continuing violence in some areas of the country. “Unfortunately, some of the areas that suffered immensely during the conflict continue to be besieged by violence from other actors who continue attacking social leaders, human rights defenders, former combatants, and entire communities. Recent massacres in various departments have served as a painful reminder of how innocent civilians, including young people, are falling victim to the actions of these groups. Finding ways to curb this violence is imperative to deliver on the promise of the Peace Agreement.” To conclude, Ruiz Massieu paid tribute to the strength and courage of Colombia’s countless women peacebuilders.
    Read his full remarks here


    Griffiths: Release of prisoners an “airlift of hope”
    Special Envoy Martin Griffiths on 15 October briefed the Security Council on the situation in Yemen. He
    called the release of prisoners and detainees, following the agreement reached on 27 September, an "airlift of hope". “We hope that the implementation of the prisoners’ agreement will build confidence and momentum by demonstrating that peaceful dialogue can deliver”, he said. The Special Envoy also paid tribute to Yemeni women, saying that they “have worked tirelessly, mostly behind the scenes, always below the radar to stop the war, reduce violence, release detainees and build back peace. They do this against all odds with a courage we can only imagine and often under circumstances which threaten their lives, their livelihoods and their families”.
    Read his full remarks here
    Read more in UN News



    Meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs
    Natalia Gherman, Special Representative and Head of UNRCCA, on 16 October met with Ruslan Kazakbaev, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, to discuss the political and socio-economic situation in the country. Minister Kazakbaev informed the Special Representative about the latest developments in the country, noting the efforts to bring the political situation back into the legal framework. Speaking on behalf of the UN, Ms. Gherman strongly encouraged Kyrgyz authorities to ensure that decisions made on the way forward for the country are being reached in an inclusive and transparent manner, in line with the Kyrgyz Constitution and legal framework.
    Read more here



    Visit to family of late Yezidi spiritual leader
    Irena Vojáčková-Sollorano, Deputy Special Representative and Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator, on 14 October, visited the family of the late Yezidi spiritual leader Baba Sheikh, Prince Tahsin Beg, at Lalish Temple. She expressed her condolences on the passing of his holiness Baba Sheikh and discussed challenges faced by the Yezidi community, especially women and children. She reaffirmed the UN’s long-term commitment to support the Government of Iraq as it continues working for stabilization, recovery, reconciliation and durable solutions; and to ensure that all IDPs have the right to a safe home and a self-sufficient and dignified life through voluntary return to their places of origin or settling down in new communities in safety and dignity.


    Launch of maritime border negotiations
    Lebanon and Israel began this week landmark negotiations for the delineation of their common maritime boundary, after it took them ten years to agree on a framework for holding those talks. UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Ján Kubiš is hosting the border negotiations that are being facilitated and mediated by the United States. “During this initial meeting (on 14 October), the representatives held productive talks and reaffirmed their commitment to continue negotiations later this month,” a joint statement issued by the Government of the United States and UNSCOL said. A second round of negotiations is scheduled for the end of October.  
    Read more here









    Consultative meeting with Libyan Mayors as part of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum process
    As part of Libyan Political Dialogue Forum process, based on the principles of social and political inclusivity, Stephanie Williams, Acting Special Representative and Head of UNSMIL, has been holding a series of meetings with mayors from the South, West and the Eastern part of Libya this week. The mayors discussed concerns and recommendations regarding the political process, focusing on the phase preceding the national elections. They urged the UN to advocate for an improvement of economic conditions and better provision of services to the Libyan citizens at municipal level.



    Special Representative visits Baidoa
    On a visit to Baidoa, South West State, on 14 October, representatives of some of the country’s key international partners highlighted the importance of the Federal Government and Federal Member States working together for the good of all Somalis. “We are encouraged by the revitalization of the dialogue between the Federal Government and all of the Federal Member States. This has included the series of meetings in Dhusamareb in recent months and consultative meetings in Mogadishu in September during which the agreement on the elections model was reached,” James Swan, Special Representative and Head of UNSOM, said.
    Read more here

    Federal Government of Somalia and the UN sign new cooperation framework
    The Federal Government of Somalia and the UN on 15 October signed a new cooperation agreement which sets out how the country and the world body will work together over the next five years to achieve peace, stability and prosperity for all Somalis. “Since signing of the UN Strategic Framework in December 2017, Somalia has made remarkable progress in its journey towards consolidating peace and sustainable and inclusive development, with steadfast UN support,” Special Representative James Swan, said at the signing ceremony.
    Read more here

    Women, Peace and Security

    Panel discussion on inclusive mediation
    Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo on 15 October gave the opening remarks at the panel discussion on "Imagining the Future of Inclusive Mediation: Learning from pioneering and young women leaders." “Power politics entrenched patriarchal attitudes and unequal social structures continue to impede women’s participation in peace processes as has shrinking civic and political space and inadequate financial support to women’s groups,” Ms. DiCarlo said. Hanna Tetteh, Special Representative and Head of UNOAU, and Miriam Coronel-Ferrer, member of the UN Standby Team of Senior Mediation Advisors, also participated in the event.   
    Read her remarks here
    Watch the event here



    Interview with the Deputy Special Representative in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
    In “Building Peace during the Pandemic” this week, David McLachlan-Karr, Deputy Special Representative, Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in MONUSCO, spoke with Marc-André Franche, Chief, Financing for Peacebuilding, Peacebuilding Support Office, about the threats posed by the pandemic on fragile institutional systems and social safety nets in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, emphasizing that the pandemic could worsen inequalities and exacerbate community grievances. To address this, the UN Country Team has adopted a nexus approach by linking peacebuilding needs with humanitarian assistance and grassroots development and has focused on supporting the most vulnerable, including women and youth. Mr. McLachlan-Karr also highlighted the UN’s support to the Government in strengthening social safety nets, particularly in health and education, leveraging the private sector and creating opportunities for youth employment. He noted, in particular that “[the UN] has had a particular theme of looking at the most vulnerable sectors of society, and ensuring that they are given support and are also specifically targeted in the COVID-19 response and through the Peacebuilding Fund’s programming so that they can receive the necessary support.”
    Watch the video here:


    Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) meeting on Sahel and UNISS  
    The PBC on 14 October discussed the latest developments in the Sahel region and the status of the UN Integrated Strategy for the Sahel (UNISS) implementation. Member States noted UN system-wide efforts to implement UNISS, including the UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) political guidance, strengthened capacity within the Dakar-based UNISS Implementation Support Unit, and an increasingly supportive role of the UN Development Coordination Office. Recognizing that the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbates development, humanitarian and security challenges and reverses progress in gender equality, they stressed that an immense effort is required to prevent millions of Sahelians from plunging into a deeper crisis, and that women and youth should be at the center of recovery and peacebuilding efforts. They acknowledged that financing for the COVID-19 socio-economic recovery in the Sahel countries offers an opportunity to promote coherent international action on the humanitarian-development-peace nexus. The PBC Chair, Ambassador Bob Rae, Permanent Representative of Canada to the UN in New York, proposed that all PBC members reinforce this message with their respective Capitals. The G5 Sahel representatives called for even stronger focus in support of their Priority Investment Program. The need to strengthen peoples’ confidence to military and security forces was highlighted as a necessary precondition for fighting terrorism effectively and strengthening resilience of local communities.
    Watch the recording here


    The Work of Peace

    Virtual exhibit
    Remember to check out our virtual exhibit – The Work of Peace. It highlights the work of the UN in preventive diplomacy, good offices, mediation and elections over the past 75 years, and looks ahead at what the future may hold for this work.
    Enter here






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  • 16 Oct 2020

    BISHKEK, Kyrgyzstan

    On October 16, Natalia Gherman, Special...

  • 16 Oct 2020

    Statement of United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon Ján Kubiš

    on the...

  • 16 Oct 2020

    Authorities in Mali are being urged to act swiftly to apprehend those responsible for two separate attacks on Thursday against peacekeepers serving with the UN Mission in the country, MINUSMA. 

  • 16 Oct 2020

    TRIPOLI, 16 October 2020 - Acting Special Representative of the Secretary-General (ASRSG) for Libya and Head of the...

  • 16 Oct 2020
    Launch of lessons learned study From words to actions:The experience of UN Special Political Missions in Colombiaon Women, Peace...
  • 16 Oct 2020

    The UN’s top human rights official has called on all actors in Bolivia to remain calm and refrain from any action that could undermine the peaceful conduct of the general elections, taking place on Sunday. 

  • 16 Oct 2020

    Top UN officials have called on all stakeholders in Bolivia to maintain calm and commit to peaceful conduct of the general elections, taking place on Sunday. 

  • 16 Oct 2020

    New York, 16 october 2020

    The award of this year’s Nobel Prize for Peace to the United Nations World Food Programme recognizes the right of all people to food, and our common quest to achieve zero hunger.

    In a world of plenty, it is a grave affront that hundreds of millions go to bed hungry each night.

    The COVID-19 pandemic has further intensified food insecurity to a...

  • 16 Oct 2020

    Tripoli 16 October 2020 - As part of Libyan Political Dialogue Forum process, based on the principles of social and...

  • 15 Oct 2020

    Tripoli, 15 October - UNSMIL welcomes yesterday’s arrest of Abd Al-Rahman Milad, commonly known as ‘al-Bija’ by GNA law...

  • 15 Oct 2020

    Immense relief and comfort are forthcoming for families awaiting their loved ones as Yemen’s warring parties have begun releasing prisoners and detainees on Thursday, in what the UN envoy there called, “an airlift of hope”. 


  • 15 Oct 2020

    Mogadishu – The Federal Government of Somalia and the United Nations today signed a new cooperation agreement which sets out how the country and the world body...

  • 15 Oct 2020

    Opening Remarks by Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo at the Panel Discussion: "Imagining the Future of Inclusive Mediation: Learning from pioneering and young women leaders"


    Thank you, Itonde
    Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

    Let me begin by extending my thanks to you all for joining us for this discussion.

    And I want to thank the Crisis Management Initiative, the Peace Research Institute Oslo, and the Governments of Finland and Norway for their support in presenting today’s dialogue, and for our long-standing partnership in delivering the UN’s High-Level Seminar on Gender and Inclusive Mediation Strategies.

    Now, we’ve made a lot of progress since Security Council resolution 1325 was adopted 20 years ago, but we all know there is much more to be done. We need innovative and practical initiatives to achieve lasting change around the world.

    To this end, the UN High-Level Seminar series has become a critical tool in our efforts to secure women’s full, equal and meaningful participation in peace processes.

    Since 2013, more than 250 senior envoys, mediators, negotiators, experts and civil society representatives have participated from all regions of the world, sharing experiences and challenges in advancing inclusion, and discussing practical ways to expand women’s participation.

    The reasons for our specific and continuing focus on strengthening women’s participation could not be clearer.

    First, making up half of humanity, women have a right to be at the table and have their voices heard.

    And second, statistics show that peace agreements have a greater chance of longevity if women are at the table and their concerns are taken into account.

    We have had some successes.

    In Sudan, women were instrumental in the protests that led to the country’s transition to democratic governance.  They must have a key role in Sudan’s future, and have this far been instrumental in ensuring gender responsive provisions in Sudan’s Constitutional Declaration.

    In Colombia, activism by women’s groups during the 2012 peace talks saw women’s participation grow from one woman amongst 20 negotiators at the start of the process to women representing nearly one-third of delegates later on. Women’s participation led to the establishment of a landmark Gender Sub-Commission and to a final peace agreement regarded as an international standard for gender inclusion.

    Yet, despite awareness of the importance of women’s inclusion in peacemaking, many of the challenges that women peacemakers have faced still persist.

    Power politics, entrenched patriarchal attitudes and unequal social structures continue to impede women’s participation in peace processes as has shrinking civic and political space and inadequate financial support to women’s groups.

    The current COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the persistent disconnect between women’s central role in frontline community work, brokering humanitarian access and serving as health workers, from national decision making on the response to the virus.  

    Bridging this gap and supporting women’s full, equal and meaningful participation in peacemaking requires all of us to double our efforts.

    The United Nations is committed to this objective.  We must lead by example.  The Secretary-General has appointed women to serve in 52 per cent of senior leadership posts in Special Political Missions, which my Department oversees.

    We have strengthened our cooperation with regional women mediator networks.

    And as COVID-19 has shifted much of our work online, we have supported women in navigating the transition of peacemaking efforts to digital platforms.  We are also seeking to make the best use of digital capabilities to expand our outreach to women in remote and conflict-affected areas and to support the millions of young people, women and men, using the Internet to promote peace initiatives.  

    We also recognize that young women, who often begin and lead peace movements, face additional barriers to their political participation. This is why we have scaled up the Peacebuilding Fund’s Gender and Youth Promotion Initiative from $2.7 million in 2016 to $20.4 million in 2019.

    These funds are being used for digital platforms in Libya to amplify women’s voices, and to build young women’s leadership and advocacy skills in the Caucasus and the Balkans.  I welcome the presence today on the panel of such inspiring young women such as Emmily Koiti and Hajer Sharif.

    In Syria, Iraq and Yemen the Special Envoys have used indirect inclusion mechanisms to overcome women’s exclusion and ensure their voices are heard. In Syria, the Women’s Advisory Board has been a springboard for women’s inclusion, with several members of the Board now serving as delegates to Syria’s Constitutional Committee.

    And, of course, we need long-term strategic partnerships to both devise short-term fixes and drive long-term change. And it is in this context that our long-standing cooperation with CMI, PRIO and the Governments of Finland and Norway in delivering the UN High-Level Seminar is so important.


    Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

    Realizing a world of sustainable peace requires that we all step up our efforts to harness the full potential of women in peacemaking – that we learn lessons from successful and inclusive peacemaking of yesterday and prepare for the new and emerging challenges of tomorrow.

    Today’s dialogue is an important contribution to these efforts, and I look forward to an interesting discussion.

    Thank you.

  • 15 Oct 2020

    UN Special Coordinator for the...

  • 15 Oct 2020

    New York, 15 October 2020

    Rural women play a critical role in...

  • 15 Oct 2020

    Kismayo – Amina Abdi Ali started an adult literacy programme for women in the southern Somali city of Kismayo in 2016 with high hopes of making a difference in the lives of her fellow Jubalanders. ...

  • 15 Oct 2020

    Mogadishu – The Federal Government of Somalia and the United Nations today signed a new cooperation agreement which sets out how the country and the world body will work together over the next...

  • 14 Oct 2020

    Enormous challenges remain on the road to lasting peace in Colombia, where despite ongoing attacks and stigmatization, the vast majority of former FARC-EP fighters who laid down their weapons under a 2016 peace agreement with the Government, remain engaged in the reintegration process, the head of the UN mission in the South American country says.

  • 14 Oct 2020

    Statement by Carlos Ruiz Massieu, Special Representative of the Secretary-GeneralUnited Nations...

  • 14 Oct 2020

    The Secretary-General welcomes the launch today of discussions on the delineation of the Lebanon-Israel maritime boundary, following the framework agreement...

  • 14 Oct 2020

    The Secretary-General welcomes the launch today of discussions on the delineation of the Lebanon-Israel maritime boundary, following the framework agreement announced on 1...

  • 14 Oct 2020

    New York, 15 October 2020

    Corruption is criminal, immoral and the ultimate betrayal of public trust.

    It is even more damaging in times of crisis – as the world is experiencing now with the COVID-19 pandemic.

    The response to the virus is creating new opportunities to exploit weak oversight and inadequate transparency, diverting funds away from people in their hour of...

  • 14 Oct 2020

    The UN Secretary-General has welcomed the launch of ground-breaking discussions on Wednesday, over the disputed maritime border between Lebanon and Israel in the eastern Mediterranean, following a framework agreement between the two nations at the beginning of the month.

  • 14 Oct 2020

    Mogadishu – On the third anniversary of the 14 October 2017 suicide bombing in the Somali capital of Mogadishu, the United Nations today paid tribute to the victims...

  • 14 Oct 2020

    Baidoa – On a visit to Somalia’s South West State today, representatives of some of the country’s key international partners highlighted the importance of the Federal Government and Federal...

  • 14 Oct 2020

    UN agencies in Myanmar have expressed ‘sadness’ and ‘shock’ over the killing of two boys, allegedly used as human shields by security forces in the country’s northern Rakhine province, earlier this month. 

  • 14 Oct 2020
  • 14 Oct 2020

    Mogadishu – On the third anniversary of the 14 October 2017 suicide bombing in the Somali capital of Mogadishu, the United Nations today paid tribute to the victims and survivors of the horrific attack and reaffirmed the world body’s solidarity with all Somalis.

    “Together with Somalis, the United Nations family is focused on the future and on continuing to build on progress towards...

  • 13 Oct 2020

    UN Special Envoy Huang Xia (screen photo) briefing the Security Council on 13 October 2020.

    Nairobi, 13 October 2020 – ...

  • 13 Oct 2020

    Even as they confront the COVID-19 pandemic, countries in Africa’s Great Lakes Region continue to improve political, security and economic cooperation in line with a 2013 Framework agreement, UN Special Envoy Huang Xia told the Security Council on Tuesday. 

  • 13 Oct 2020


    New York, 13 October 2020

    The COVID-19 pandemic has brought renewed attention to the importance of strengthening disaster risk reduction.

    Many countries are facing multiple crises simultaneously.

    We will see more of this.

    Extreme weather events have risen dramatically over the past two decades.

  • 13 Oct 2020

    Tripoli, 13 October 2020, The UN Support Mission in Libya welcomes the 11 October appointment of five women judges who will work in two new specialised courts in Benghazi and Tripoli dedicated to...

  • 12 Oct 2020

    The UN’s work in promoting dialogue between Arabic and Kurdish groups in Iraq is just one example of how human rights personnel are playing a critical role at the Organization’s peace operations around the world. 

  • 12 Oct 2020

    Special Envoy Huang Xia (L) with President Denis Sassou Nguesso of the Republic of Congo.

    8 October 2020 - The UN Special Envoy for the Great Lakes region, Huang...

  • 12 Oct 2020

    New York, 12 October 2020

    The systems that bring food to our tables have a profound impact on our economies, our health and the environment.

    Food systems are one of the main reasons we are failing to stay within our planet’s ecological boundaries.

    But they can also be the key to tackling the climate crisis, addressing soaring...

  • 11 Oct 2020

    ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan

    On October 12, Natalia Gherman, Special Representative of the UN Secretary General...

  • 10 Oct 2020

    Tripoli 10 October 2020 - Acting Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya Stephanie Williams is pleased to announce the resumption of...