Bienvenidos a las Naciones Unidas

Reports and Policy Documents


  • 8 Feb 2019

    Mogadishu, 08 February 2019 – Somalia’s Joint Police Programme (JPP) received a funding boost of 8 million Euros yesterday, under a partnership between Germany and the United Nations in Somalia...

  • 8 Feb 2019

    Ambassador Kuptel of Belarus meets with SRSG Tetteh on collaboration with African Member States in the area of infrastructural development

    H.E. Dmitry Kuptel, Ambassador of the Republic of Belarus in...

  • 7 Feb 2019

    Security Council Press Statement on Lebanon

    8 February 2019

    The members of the Security Council welcomed the announcement on 31 January 2019 of the...

  • 7 Feb 2019

    NILI - An increased number of women in the Central Highlands area of Daikundi are taking up positions in public life, working as civil servants and enjoying success in parliamentary elections.


  • 6 Feb 2019

    SRSG Hanna Tetteh continues to engage with representatives of the African Union Peace and Security Council (AU PSC) here in Addis Ababa.

    Today, she met with H.E. Ambassador George S. W. Patten of Liberia to...

  • 5 Feb 2019

    6 February 2019

    Female genital mutilation is an abhorrent human rights violation affecting women and girls around the world. It denies...

  • 5 Feb 2019


    ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan

    On 6 February 2019, in Ashgabat, SRSG Natalia Gherman met...

  • 4 Feb 2019

    The National Strategy for Preventing Violent Extremism was adopted on 27 March 2018. The Strategy provides the national objectives, policies and plans to prevent...

  • 4 Feb 2019

    Representatives of the Government of Yemen and Ansar Allah, with members of OSESGY and ICRC teams, after exchanging the lists of prisoners during the Sweden Consultations....

  • 4 Feb 2019

    ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan

    Today, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Central Asia, Head of UNRCCA, Natalia Gherman hosted a meeting with Special Representative...

  • 4 Feb 2019

    HELMAND - Community leaders from the Nawa and Nadali districts of Helmand province came together to discuss local communities’ role in the broader...

  • 1 Feb 2019

    Statement attributable to the Spokesman for the Secretary-General

    on the formation of a new Government in Lebanon

    The Secretary-General welcomes the...

  • 1 Feb 2019

    The Special Representative of the Secretary – General and Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), Mohamed Ibn Chambas,...

  • 31 Ene 2019

    UN’s top political official visits Somalia, discusses priority issues...

  • 31 Ene 2019

    'More women in peacekeeping simply means more effective peacekeeping', SRSG Tetteh at Women, Peace and Security Ministerial meeting

    The Third Peacekeeping Ministerial Preparatory...

  • 31 Ene 2019

    The Special Envoy of the Secretary General for Yemen,...

  • 31 Ene 2019

    PUL-E-KHUMRI - In an effort to help the youth have their voice heard on peace, UNAMA has worked with local media in Baghlan to help create platforms and encourage dialogue.


  • 30 Ene 2019

    Lebanon and the UN launch Lebanon Crisis Response Plan Appeal at the Grand Serail (UNRCO Photo)

    Lebanon's Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri, together with UN Resident and...

  • 30 Ene 2019

    Mogadishu  – H.E. President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed and H.E. Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire today welcomed the United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding...

  • 30 Ene 2019

    Acting Special Coordinator Pernille Kardel and Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri (Photo credit Dalati-Nohra)...

  • 29 Ene 2019

    Acting UN Special Coordinator Pernille Kardel and Lebanese Army Commander Gen. Joseph Aoun (Lebanese Army Photo)

    (Press Release from the Lebanese Armed Forces)

    Under the...

  • 29 Ene 2019

    UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, evacuated yesterday (28 January) 130 people out of Libya, marking the first evacuations to Niger in 2019.

    The individuals evacuated had been detained in...

  • 29 Ene 2019

    Acting Special Coordinator Kardel meets President Michel Aoun (Photo credit Dalati-Nohra)


    I just...

  • 28 Ene 2019

    Participants at the 23rd Technical Support Committee. From L to R: Said Djinnit, UN Special Envoy for the Great Lakes region; and Basile Ikouebe, AU Special Representative for the...

  • 28 Ene 2019

    Ninni Andersson/Government Offices of Sweden

    The Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, Martin Griffiths, mentioned that there...

  • 27 Ene 2019

  • 26 Ene 2019


    I’ve been asked about theappointment of the new envoy for the Great Lakes...

  • 26 Ene 2019

    Honorable Ministers,


    The situation in Venezuela is cause for serious concern. The protracted crisis in the country has had a grave impact on the population, with high levels of political polarization, growing humanitarian needs and serious human rights concerns. And the economic situation in the country has become dire. 

    The situation has both an economic and political dimension. The population is affected in a systemic way, i.e., nearly all 30 million Venezuelans are affected by hyperinflation and a collapse of real salaries; shortages of food, medicine and basic supplies; deterioration of health and education services; deterioration of basic infrastructure such as water, electricity, transport and urban services.  Drastic reduction in production capacities in the agricultural, pharmaceutical and other sectors have aggravated the supply situation.  

    The drop in oil production recorded in recent years continued in 2018, with a decrease of about half a million barrels per day from 2017, and a consequent fall in revenues. The International Monetary Fund reported that the inflation rate hit 1.37 million per cent last year and projected real GDP in 2019 of negative 18 per cent.  According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, between 2015-2017, there were 3.7 million undernourished people in the country. Infant mortality rates doubled in recent years.

    According to UN estimates, over 3 million Venezuelans are now living abroad, including some 2.3 million who have left the country since 2015, going mostly to other South American countries. 


    Mr. President,

    In the parliamentary elections of December 2015, the opposition won a large majority of seats in the National Assembly. Subsequently, the Supreme Court ruled that the Assembly was “in contempt” and that all its actions were “null and void”.  In 2017, a National Constituent Assembly was established through elections in which the opposition parties did not participate.  

    The National Constituent Assembly took over key functions of the legislative branch and undertook a process of constitutional reform that remains inconclusive and is not recognized by the opposition parties.

    Attempts to bring about political dialogue started as early as May 2016, through an initiative facilitated by three former presidents from the Dominican Republic, Panama and Spain, under the auspices of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR). 

    Despite some initial progress, no concrete agreements were reached through this initiative, which was suspended by the beginning of 2017.  

    By mid-2017 there were efforts to resume dialogue and formal talks began in September, hosted by the Dominican Republic and with international accompaniment. Talks ended without agreement on February 2018. One of the major areas of disagreement was the electoral calendar and guarantees to ensure free, transparent and credible elections. 

    Subsequently, the Government went ahead with presidential elections in May 2018.  President Nicolás Maduro was declared the winner over two other candidates. Most of the opposition did not participate in the elections or recognize the results.

    On 10 January, Nicolás Maduro was sworn in as President for a second six-year term. 

    On 23 January, large scale opposition protests culminated with Juan Guaidó, president of the opposition-led National Assembly, announcing that he did not recognize President Maduro or his Government. Mr. Guaidó proclaimed himself interim President, pledging to form a transitional government and call for elections.  

    While the protests were largely peaceful, there were incidents of violence. The Secretary-General has expressed strong concern over reports of casualties among demonstrators and has called for a transparent and independent investigation of these incidents.  

    According to the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, credible local sources have reported that at least 20 people have died in the unrest. Many more have reportedly been injured and detained in violent incidents.

    The High Commissioner stated yesterday “Any violent incident resulting in death or injury should be subject to an independent and impartial investigation to find out whether there was excessive use of force by the authorities, or if crimes have been committed by members of armed groups, pro-government or otherwise…I am extremely concerned that the situation in Venezuela may rapidly spiral out of control with catastrophic consequences.”

    The High Commissioner also stressed that it is of utmost importance to uphold the right to peaceful assembly and refrain from excessive, disproportionate and indiscriminate use of force. 


    Mr President,

    In a statement on 24 January, the Secretary-General emphasized the urgency for all relevant actors to commit to inclusive and credible political dialogue to address the protracted crisis in the country, with full respect for the rule of law and human rights.  

    He has offered his good offices to help resolve the crisis. The main concern is the wellbeing of the Venezuelan people and their ability to enjoy their full rights.  

    The UN has been providing assistance, particularly in the areas of health and nutrition. And the Secretary-General had asked the International Organization for Migration and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees to establish a mechanism to support Venezuelans leaving the country.  IOM and UNHCR appointed Eduardo Stein, former Vice-President of Guatemala, as their Joint Representative to work with regional Governments to ensure that support is in place to these individuals.


    Mr President, 

    As the Secretary-General has stated, in this crucial moment, it is important that all actors exercise maximum restraint to avoid an escalation of violence and confrontation.  

    There are divergent visions of what the future should hold for Venezuela. 

    But we must all be guided by the pursuit of the wellbeing of the Venezuelan people, and work together so that their needs are fully met.  

    We must do all we can to prevent a worsening of tensions. 

    We must try to help bring about a political solution that will allow the country’s citizens to enjoy peace, prosperity and all their human rights.


    Thank you, Mr. President.

  • 25 Ene 2019


    Distinguished Delegates,

    Ladies and Gentlemen.


    I thank the Government of the Dominican Republic for convening this timely open debate.

    The risks associated with climate-related disasters do not represent a scenario of some distant future. They are already a reality for millions of people around the globe – and they are not going away.

    A report released by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change last October predicted more heat waves, heavier rain events, higher sea levels, and more severe damage to agriculture.

    These trends represent a security risk for the entire world. However, their consequences are felt most strongly in regions that are already vulnerable, where climate change and extreme weather compound existing grievances and threats.

    The relationship between climate-related risks and conflict is complex and often intersects with political, social, economic and demographic factors.

    Sea level rise is an obvious primary impact of climate change, and one which ultimately threatens the very existence of coastal communities and small island states. Extreme weather is another such consequence. In the space of a month, hurricanes Irma, Harvey and Maria displaced around three million people along the Atlantic Coast of the Americas and the Caribbean. The worst impact was felt by small island developing states in the region.

    In Haiti, for example, a series of climate-related disasters has struck the country since the devastating earthquake in 2010, and has contributed to instability and a prolonged humanitarian crisis.

    Climate change also affects peace and security in indirect, but no less serious ways.

    In the Sahel and the Sudan, for instance, climate change has heightened competition for diminishing land, forage and water resources, fueling tensions between herders and farmers. In the Lake Chad Basin, climate change contributes to unpredictable rainfall patterns that impede traditional livelihood options, compound socio-economic exclusion, and reduce the opportunity costs of joining armed groups.

    Climate-related displacement has also become an acute problem. Frequent and longer droughts in Somalia have been a major factor in the displacement of more than 2.6 million people[1], which in turn drives up local tensions as well as human trafficking, child exploitation, and recruitment by armed groups.

    For the Security Council, this is not news. In recent months, the Council has recognized the adverse effects of climate change, among other factors, on the stability of Mali, Somalia, West Africa and the Sahel, Central Africa, and the Sudan.

    The Secretary-General, for his part, has articulated a broad vision for prevention and made it a priority to improve our ability to address wider stresses and shocks that can exacerbate crises and lead to violent conflict.

    Across the United Nations system, efforts are intensifying to leverage capacities and sharpen responses.

    For example, the United Nations Regional Office in West Africa and the Sahel has been working closely with ECOWAS to analyze climate-related security risks in the region, and to jointly develop regional prevention strategies.

    These regional approaches are also being applied in Central Asia, where regional cooperation is fostering progress in the area of trans-boundary water management, through ongoing consultations among Central Asian states, supported by the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy.

    In country-specific contexts, our missions are also building responses to the consequences of climate change. In Somalia, UNSOM and the United Nations Country Team have worked closely together to establish an effective drought response programme.

    Looking ahead, the United Nations will invest in a number of actions.

    First, we are strengthening our analytical capacity. The Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, the United Nations Development Programme, and the United Nations Environment Programme, in collaboration with practitioners from across and beyond the UN, are developing an integrated risk assessment framework to analyze climate-related security risks.

    Furthermore, in response to Security Council Presidential Statement 2011/15, which requested more contextual information on the security implications of climate change, the UN is working to ensure that such analysis is better reflected in our mandated reports.

    Second, the UN is seeking to strengthen the evidence base to support development of climate risk prevention and management strategies at the field level. We invite Member States and other interested actors to jointly undertake a review of good practices that will inform this work.

    And third, we are strengthening partnerships to leverage existing capacities across the United Nations system, and with Member States, regional organizations, civil society, and the growing external research community. Addressing the security implications of climate change is a collective problem, which requires a collective response.

    Most important, for all of us, is the recognition that deeds must follow words. Major armies and businesses have long recognized the need to prepare for climate-related risks, rightfully assessing climate change as a threat multiplier. We cannot lag behind. We must act now, with a sense of urgency and a commitment to place people, especially those most marginalized and vulnerable, at the centre of our efforts.

    Given the critical role and responsibility of the Security Council, I am encouraged by today’s debate. It signals our willingness to establish a shared understanding of the impact of climate-related security risks on international peace and security.

    In this regard, I would like to thank again the Dominican Republic for convening us on this subject.

    Thank you.


    [1] Data from OCHA.

  • 24 Ene 2019

    As part of the efforts of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) to support the consolidation of democracy and good governance in Nigeria, and in line...

  • 24 Ene 2019

    MAHMUD-E-RAQI – Young people in Kapisa are shaping their province and working together regardless of their different backgrounds, say local residents.

    The role of youth in decision making and their meaningful participation in...

  • 23 Ene 2019

    Secretary-General António Guterres speaks with school children during a visit to Zaatari refugee camp in Jordon. UN Photo

    New York: Today we celebrate the first International Day of Education.  ...

  • 23 Ene 2019

    Sr. Presidente,

    Distinguidos miembros del Consejo de Seguridad,

    Estoy muy...

  • 23 Ene 2019
    Mr. Huang Xia of the People’s Republic of China - Special Envoy for the Great Lakes Region

    United Nations...

  • 22 Ene 2019

    The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Central Africa, Mr. François Louncény Fall, reassured the Cameroonian Prime Minister, Mr. Joseph Dion Ngute, of the availability of the UN to work with national...

  • 21 Ene 2019


    Following the Stockholm Agreement, reached in Sweden in December 2018, between the Government of Yemen and the Houthis under the auspices of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, the Security Council in its resolution 2451 (2018) authorized the establishment and deployment, for an initial period of 30 days, of an advance team to begin monitoring and to support the immediate implementation of the ceasefire and redeployment of forces from the city of Hudaydah and the ports of Hudaydah, Salif and Ra’s Isa.

    By the same resolution, the Security Council requested the Secretary-General to submit proposals before 31 December 2018 on how the United Nations would fully support the implementation of the Stockholm Agreement, including substantive monitoring of the ceasefire and the redeployment of forces. It also mandated the United Nations to chair the Redeployment Coordination Committee (RCC) set up to oversee the ceasefire and the redeployment of forces. On 16 January 2019, the Security Council unanimously adopted resolution 2452 (2019) authorizing the establishment of a Special Political Mission, the United Nations Mission to support the Hudaydah Agreement (UNMHA). 


    UNMHA brings together civilian, military and police personnel, to support the Yemeni parties in delivering their obligations under the Stockholm Agreement, in particular the Agreement on the City of Hudaydah and the Ports of Hudaydah, Salif and Ra's Isa (Hudaydah Agreement). Since its establishment, the Mission has focused on supporting the parties in the implementation of the Agreement and has aimed to establish an appropriate footprint in a highly challenging operational environment to ensure the discharge of its mandate.

    Despite the challenging political and military landscape, UNMHA has continued to adjust its approach and explore different ways to maintain momentum towards the full implementation of the Hudaydah Agreement. It has focused its efforts on supporting the parties to secure a sustained resumption of the RCC, the Hudaydah Agreement’s core implementation and coordination mechanism. These efforts centered on re-establishing dialogue between the parties through seeking a joint meeting; addressing issues of concern to both parties; and enabling the Mission’s equal access to both sides of the front line in Hudaydah Governorate.

    UNMHA remains closely engaged with United Nations entities and international and local non-governmental organizations operating in Hudaydah governorate, leveraging its position to facilitate and increase operational space for other actors as possible. In addition, the Mission collaborates with other partners who are instrumental to the implementation of the Hudaydah Agreement, namely the Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, the United Nations Country Team and the United Nations Verification and Inspection Mechanism (UNVIM).


    UNMHA Mandate

    The Security Council most recently extended the mandate of UNMHA until 14 July 2024 in its resolution 2691 (2023):  


    1. To lead, and support the functioning of, the Redeployment Coordination Committee (RCC), assisted by a secretariat staffed by UN personnel, to oversee the governorate-wide ceasefire, redeployment of forces, and mine action operations;
    2. To monitor compliance of the parties to the ceasefire in Hudaydah governorate and the mutual redeployment of forces from the city of Hudaydah and the ports of Hudaydah, Salif and Ra’s Isa;
    3. To work with the parties so that security of the city of Hudaydah and the ports of Hudaydah, Salif and Ra’s Isa is assured by local security forces in accordance with the Yemeni law, and;
    4. To facilitate and coordinate UN support to assist the parties to fully implement the Hudaydah Agreement.


    In addition, the Council requested that the Secretary-General present a further review of UNMHA at least one month before its mandate is due to expire.

  • 21 Ene 2019

    The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Central Africa and the AU Commissioner for Political Affairs have expressed their satisfaction after their meeting in...

  • 20 Ene 2019

    Newly Appointed UNESCWA Executive Secretary Rola Dashti

    United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres today announced the appointment of Rola Dashti of Kuwait as the next Executive...

  • 20 Ene 2019

    The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) expresses its deep concern about reports coming from the South on the mobilisation of armed forces and the escalating cycle of statements and counter-statements,...

  • 20 Ene 2019

    JALALABAD – Thousands of people across the eastern region have learned about gender violence and women’s rights through a series of radio and...

  • 18 Ene 2019

    New York, 18 January 2019. The members of the Security Council condemned in the strongest possible terms the terrorist attack at the General Santander National Police Academy in Bogotá on 17 January 2019 which left several fatalities and dozens injured. 

    The members of the Security Council expressed their deepest sympathy and condolences to the families of the victims, as well as to the people and Government of...

  • 18 Ene 2019

    The Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), Mohamed Ibn Chambas, condemns the...

  • 18 Ene 2019

    New York, 18 January 2019. The Secretary-General strongly condemns the car bombing at a police academy in Bogotá.  He expresses his condolences to the families of the victims and wishes speedy recovery to the injured. 

    The Colombian authorities have indicated that they have proof that this terrorist act was conducted by the ELN. The perpetrators must be brought to justice.


  • 17 Ene 2019

    The Secretary-General is pleased to announce the appointment of Ms. Sima Samar and Mr. Juan Gabriel Valdés to his High-Level Advisory Board on Mediation.  Ms....

  • 17 Ene 2019

    Tripoli, 17 January 2019 – As part of its continuous efforts to support the Libyan Government in strengthening the capacity of State’s regular security institutions, UNSMIL hosted a...

  • 17 Ene 2019

    Hanan Elbadawi/OSESGY

    The supervisory follow up committee on implementing the prisoner exchange agreement concluded its...

  • 17 Ene 2019

    KUNDUZ - In the northeastern region, religious leaders are countering violent extremism by preaching peace, tolerance and national unity.


  • 16 Ene 2019

    Tripoli, 16 January 2019 - The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) strongly condemns the recent military mobilisation of forces in southern Tripoli and is...

  • 16 Ene 2019

    The UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia has issued a new publication entitled “Addressing Conditions Conducive to the Spread...

  • 15 Ene 2019

    DPPA is calling for $30 million in voluntary funding in 2019 to meet growing global demand for conflict prevention, mediation, electoral support and peacebuilding expertise.

    During a meeting chaired by Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs Rosemary A. DiCarlo to present DPPA’s Multi-Year Appeal, 58 member States of the United Nations voiced continued support for the Department as it undergoes a profound transformation to implement the Secretary-General’s ambitious reform programme, which aims to make the world organization more responsive and effective in all its areas of work.

    The Multi-Year Appeal remains a crucial funding tool for DPPA. The Department leads the Secretary-General’s good offices and mediation efforts, provides consolidated political analysis and technical advice on preventive diplomacy to the whole UN system, and helps the UN and member States tackle crises worldwide. DPPA supports the work of Special Envoys and SRSGs in their efforts to foster dialogue to diffuse tensions and resolve conflicts, and deploys staff or senior mediators at short notice to assist in peace negotiations.