DPPA is calling for $30 million in voluntary funding in 2019 to meet growing global demand for conflict prevention, mediation, electoral support and peacebuilding expertise.
During a meeting chaired by Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs Rosemary A. DiCarlo to present DPPA’s Multi-Year Appeal, 58 member States of the United Nations voiced continued support for the Department as it undergoes a profound transformation to implement the Secretary-General’s ambitious reform programme, which aims to make the world organization more responsive and effective in all its areas of work.
The Multi-Year Appeal remains a crucial funding tool for DPPA. The Department leads the Secretary-General’s good offices and mediation efforts, provides consolidated political analysis and technical advice on preventive diplomacy to the whole UN system, and helps the UN and member States tackle crises worldwide. DPPA supports the work of Special Envoys and SRSGs in their efforts to foster dialogue to diffuse tensions and resolve conflicts, and deploys staff or senior mediators at short notice to assist in peace negotiations.
Click on the following link to view the report (PDF):
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