Bienvenidos a las Naciones Unidas

Reports and Policy Documents


  • 30 Ago 2018

    Amman, 30 August 2018 - The Special Envoy of the Secretary General for Yemen, Martin Griffiths, conducted a consultative meeting with the President of the Southern Transitional Council, Aidarous Zubaidi and a number of the Council's leaders in the Jordanian capital,  Amman on 29 August 2018.

    The meeting reviewed the efforts of the Special Envoy in ensuring consultations with all Yemeni political parties. The meeting also discussed the role that southerners can play in...

  • 30 Ago 2018

    Amman, 30 August 2018 - The Special Envoy of the Secretary General for Yemen, Martin Griffiths, conducted a consultative meeting with the President of the Southern Transitional Council,...

  • 30 Ago 2018

    Guinea‑Bissau, having made crucial strides towards overcoming its long‑standing political impasse, must hold free, fair and inclusive elections as scheduled in November or risk rolling back...

  • 30 Ago 2018

    HERAT - Improving the media’s access to information affecting local communities, strengthening press freedom and ensuring journalist safety were among the topics...

  • 30 Ago 2018

    The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General and head of the UN Integrated Peacebuilding Office in Guinea-Bissau (UNIOGBIS), José Viegas Filho, will present today at 3 pm*, Bissau time, the report of the...

  • 29 Ago 2018

    Map of United Nations Special Political Missions and Other Political Presences 2024


    Special Political Missions and Good Offices Engagements

    The Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) manages Special Political Missions (SPMs) engaged in conflict prevention, peacemaking and post-conflict peacebuilding around the world.

    These field operations include country-specific missions and regional offices. They are headed by senior representatives of the Secretary-General and provide a forward platform for preventive diplomacy and other activities across a range of disciplines, helping prevent and resolve conflict and supporting complex political transitions, in coordination with national actors and UN development and humanitarian entities on the ground.

    DPPA also provides guidance and support to traveling envoys and special advisers of the Secretary-General who bring his “good offices” to bear in the service of conflict resolution or the implementation of other UN mandates. For more information about the UN global leadership team, visit:  

    The term ‘Special Political Mission’ encompasses entities that are not managed or directed by DPPA such as the Office of the Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide. These SPMs also include panels established by the Security Council, such as the Monitoring Group on Somalia; the Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo; the Panels of Experts on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, on Libya, on the Central African Republic, on Yemen, on South Sudan and on Mali; the Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team established pursuant to Security Council resolution 1526 (2004) concerning Al-Qaida and the Taliban and associated individuals and entities; the Office of the Ombudsperson established pursuant to resolution 1904 (2009); the Implementation of Security Council Resolution 2231 (2015); the Support for the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 (2004) on the non-proliferation of all weapons of mass destruction; the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) and the United Nations Investigative Team for Accountability of Da’esh (ISIL).



    Repertoire of the Practice of the Security Council website for information on the mandates of current and previous missions

    List of past political missions

    List of SG Reports on overall policy matters pertaining to Special Political Missions


    Investigative Mandates and Fact-Finding Missions

    DPPA has also assisted in establishing and providing support to various UN investigative and fact-finding bodies. These have included: the Organization of the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons - United Nations Joint Investigative Mission (OPCW-UN JIM), the International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG); the United Nations Commission of Inquiry into the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, the former Prime Minister of Pakistan; the International Commission of Inquiry on the 28 September 2009 events in Guinea; and the United Nations International Investigation Commission in the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.


    Peace and Development Advisors and Liaison Offices

    In an innovative partnership between DPPA and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Joint UNDP-DPPA Programme on Building National Capacities for Conflict Prevention provides support for national initiatives towards conflict prevention. Much of the support to date has gone toward deploying "Peace and Development Advisers" – or PDAs as they are known – to UN Country Teams in the field to help national authorities address root causes of conflict. The Programme also provides seed funding to prevention initiatives overseen by the PDA.

  • 29 Ago 2018

    The UN Support Mission in Libya condemns the escalation of violence in the Greater Tripoli area, now in its third day and call for an immediate ceasefire on all fronts.

     The Special Representative of the Secretary-...

  • 28 Ago 2018

    The Secretary-General is deeply concerned about the growing risks of a humanitarian catastrophe in the event of a full-scale military operation in Idlib province in Syria.  The Secretary-General once again reaffirms that any use of chemical weapons is totally unacceptable.

    The Secretary-General urgently appeals to the Government of Syria and all parties to exercise restraint and to prioritize the protection of civilians.

    He calls on the Astana guarantors to step up...

  • 28 Ago 2018

    GARDEZ - The active participation of communities in the upcoming elections is crucial for building a more peaceful and stable country, said participants gathered at...

  • 27 Ago 2018

    NEW YORK - The members of the Security Council welcomed the announcement by the Government of Afghanistan on 19 August of a second conditional ceasefire with the Taliban from the start of the Eid al-Adha holiday.


  • 27 Ago 2018

    BRIEFING ON IFAS SUMMIT RESULTS (Ashgabat, 24 August 2018)

    ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan

    On 27 August 2018, SRSG Natalia Gherman took part in a briefing organized by the Ministry of...

  • 27 Ago 2018

    The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) is following the clashes in and around Tripoli with grave concern and calls on all parties to immediately cease all military action.

    UNSMIL is concerned by the use of...

  • 27 Ago 2018

    ASHGABAT, 27 August 2018

    Dear Minister Meredov,

    Dear participants,

    United Nations and our Regional...

  • 26 Ago 2018

    JALALABAD - Participants in a UN-backed television programme broadcast in the eastern province of Nangarhar singled out education as the key to women’s empowerment at all levels of Afghanistan’s political and social life....

  • 23 Ago 2018
    The United Nations Support Mission in Libya condemns today’s terrorist attack on al-Kaam Checkpoint east of the Libyan capital Tripoli which resulted in at least four deaths and seven injuries among security personnel manning the...
  • 23 Ago 2018

    Former United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan was remembered on Wednesday as the embodiment of the global Organization that works to improve the lives of men and women worldwide.

  • 22 Ago 2018

    Mme. President,

    Members of the Security Council,

    We meet today in the wake of yet another series of violent escalations that threatened to plunge Gaza into war.

    Over the past several weeks, Special Coordinator Mladenov has led unprecedented UN efforts, with the Government of Egypt and other regional and international partners, to prevent another devastating outbreak of hostilities, respond to the most urgent humanitarian needs, and support intra-Palestinian reconciliation.

    The recurring violence highlights the urgency of this initiative. In several rounds of hostilities throughout the reporting period, Palestinian militants fired some 195 rockets and mortars towards Israel. On 7 August, one Grad rocket reportedly landed in an open field near the city of Be’er Sheva, the furthest a projectile has been fired since the 2014 hostilities.

    Israel targeted sites in the Strip on at least 125 occasions. Eight Palestinians, including a pregnant woman and her 18-month-old baby were killed, while 56 Palestinians and 28 Israeli civilians were injured. These exchanges, which have escalated in recent months, underline the fragility of the interim periods of calm and the need for longer-term solutions.


    Mme. President,

    In recent weeks, the humanitarian situation in Gaza had also deteriorated further, due in part to additional restrictions that Israel imposed on the movement of goods through the Kerem Shalom crossing. This was in reaction to the launching of incendiary kites and balloons from Gaza that have burned thousands of acres of Israeli fields, forests and agricultural land.

    On 15 August, Israel fully reopened Kerem Shalom and expanded the fishing zone to nine nautical miles. The Secretary-General welcomed the decision as having a significant impact on the struggling Gaza economy and on efforts to de-escalate the situation. However, on 19 August, Israel closed the Erez pedestrian crossing to Gaza and West Bank residents, except for humanitarian cases, citing continued violent incidents at the fence.

    As we work towards a full lifting of the closures on Gaza, in line with Security Council Resolution 1860, I call on all parties to ensure that urgently needed humanitarian supplies reach the Strip. These should not be held hostage to political and security developments.

    I also reiterate previous calls by the Special Coordinator to Hamas to provide full information on the Israeli nationals who are being held in Gaza, as required by international humanitarian law.


    Mme. President,

    The UN is taking steps to increase its capacity on the ground to better support energy, water, health and job-creation projects endorsed by the Palestinian Authority and the international community. I am pleased to note that many donors and international organizations are looking into increasing their allocations for Palestine. This is the appropriate response to Gaza’s crumbling infrastructure and collapsing economy.

    In particular, I am encouraged by the World Bank’s increased USD 90 million allocation for West Bank and Gaza, including for some 4,400 short-term employment opportunities.

    UNDP is also accelerating its emergency economic assistance programme with support from several donors. Both efforts focus on employment for women and youth as a priority. The UNDP programme aims to have 40% of resulting job placements for women, a critical step, given that the unemployment rate for Palestinian women continued to be significantly higher than men, exceeding 78 per cent in Gaza in the second quarter of 2018.

    This follows the launch in May of the “Decent Work for Women” programme, a joint Italian, UN-Women and ILO initiative to promote equal and decent work opportunities throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, as well as the launch last April of a Japan-funded UN-Women project to support women in Gaza. Improving women’s socio-economic status is essential to peace and stability, as women remain more vulnerable throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory. These are also important efforts to strengthen women’s role in preventing conflict, as per Security Council resolutions on women, peace and security.

    I am however deeply concerned that funding for UN emergency fuel, which sustains some 250 critical facilities in Gaza has now run out.

    Some USD 4.5 million are urgently required to ensure a minimum level of essential services through the end of the year. Also of concern is the dangerously short supply of essential medicines, with 40 per cent of essential drugs completely depleted.

    The UN is working with the Governments of Israel and Palestine on reviewing the Gaza Reconstruction Mechanism to improve its functionality, transparency and predictability. The Palestinian Authority has also made great efforts to re-assert its engagement in support of Gaza. I look forward to its full and active participation in this regard.

    I also welcome Egypt’s continued efforts to facilitate intra-Palestinian reconciliation, critical to advance not only Gaza’s humanitarian and development objectives but also Palestinian national aspirations. I reiterate the Secretary-General’s call on all parties to support these efforts.


    Mme. President,

    We have been regularly updating the Council and its members on the unprecedented financial challenge UNRWA faces this year.

    The Secretary-General has warned that failing to address UNRWA’s remaining USD 217 million funding shortfall will have serious humanitarian and developmental consequences, as well as implications for regional stability. I thank Member States that have taken steps to assist in closing this shortfall and call on others to increase their support to UNRWA. It is imperative to maintain the strong collective mobilization.


    Mme. President,

    Turning to the broader situation, violent incidents continued to take place throughout the Occupied Palestinian territory and Israel. In Gaza, 13 Palestinians were killed by Israeli security forces during continued protests near the perimeter fence, including one medical worker and four children. Some 1000 Palestinians and one Israeli soldier were also injured.

    On 21 August, Israel’s Military Advocate General announced that military police investigations would be opened into the death of two Palestinians killed during protests near the fence in recent months.

    While Israel has a duty to protect its citizens, it must exercise maximum restraint in the use of live fire, and refrain from using lethal force, except as a last resort. I further call on Hamas to avoid violence at the fence and refrain from putting children in harm’s way. Children should never be targeted or instrumentalized in any way.

    On 26 July, in the West Bank settlement of Adam, a 17-year-old Palestinian stabbed an Israeli civilian to death and injured two others. He was shot and killed by one of the victims. It is deplorable that Hamas and others once again chose to glorify this attack.

    After a period of relative calm in Jerusalem, on 27 July, the one-year anniversary of the resolution of last year’s unrest at the Holy Esplanade, clashes erupted at the site between Palestinians and ISF, during which ten Palestinians and four Israeli police officers were injured. On 17 August, an Israeli Arab man was shot dead by ISF in Jerusalem’s Old City after attempting to stab them. Following both incidents, Israeli security forces closed the entrances to the compound for a few hours, before restoring full access.

    With the celebration of Eid al-Adha this week, and the Jewish holidays approaching, I urge all to do their part to avoid provocations at Jerusalem’s Holy Sites.

    The Special Coordinator conducted a series of meetings with Christian, Jewish and Muslim religious leaders in Jerusalem to discuss the importance of maintaining calm, rejecting violence, and ensuring the status quo is preserved at the Holy Sites. He will continue its engagement with all stakeholders.


    Mme. President,

    On 14 August, Israeli authorities announced they would publish a tender for 603 units in the Ramat Shlomo settlement in East Jerusalem, the first such announcement since 2016. In Area C, a tender for 511 housing units was published, and construction based on previously approved plans continued.

    On 1 August, the Israeli Civil Administration confirmed its intention to expand the municipal boundaries of the Amichai settlement to include the outpost of Adei Ad. If implemented, this would result in the first outpost legalization, under Israeli law, since 2014.  I reiterate the UN long-standing position that all settlement activities are illegal under international law and an obstacle to peace.

    Israeli authorities demolished 18 Palestinian-owned structures in Area C and East Jerusalem for lack of building permits, which are nearly impossible for Palestinians to obtain. As a result, eight Palestinians were displaced, including six children.

    On 1 August, Israel’s High Court of Justice indicated it did not find sufficient reason to prevent the demolition of the Bedouin village of Khan al-Ahmar. It instructed the State to present an alternative relocation site, on which the parties have not agreed. Demolition is on hold while the Court considers the case.

    I reiterate UN calls on Israel to cease the demolition of Palestinian property and efforts to relocate Bedouin communities in the occupied West Bank. Such actions are contrary to international law and undermine the two-state solution.


    Mme. President,

    I would like to close by highlighting the efforts of ordinary women and men, Israeli and Palestinian, who overcome cynicism and despair by taking tangible steps to promote tolerance and forge a shared future.

    They include volunteers who drive Palestinian patients to medical appointments in Israel; youth leaders finding creative ways to build a shared future amongst Jerusalem’s communities; scientists working together to solve regional environmental challenges; and Palestinian and Israeli women mobilizing constituencies for peace and promoting the participation of women in the political process, in line with Security Council Resolution 1325. As outlined in the 2016 Quartet Report, such initiatives provide a crucial foundation for broader peace efforts. I invite Member States to continue generously supporting them.

    Even as the international community focuses on resolving the current crisis in Gaza and returning the legitimate Palestinian Government to the Strip, the perseverance of these individuals reminds us of the need to view our efforts in the context of our broader goal – ending the Israeli occupation and achieving a future of two states, based on relevant UN resolutions and previous agreements, living side by side in peace, security and dignity.

    Thank you.

  • 21 Ago 2018

    In La Guajira, a group of women, former combatants of the FARC and community members surrounding the Territorial Area for Training and Reintegration (TATR), are building a tailoring business that facilitates reconciliation.

  • 21 Ago 2018

    On 14-17 August, UNIOGBIS, through its Military Adviser, in partnership with Armed Forces General Staff of Guinea-Bissau, organized in Bissau a seminar on peace missions for more than 60 officers of the Guinean Armed Forces...

  • 21 Ago 2018

    Mogadishu – The UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Somalia, Michael Keating, extends his heartfelt greetings to the Somali people as they celebrate Eid al-Adha, marking the end of Hajj,...

  • 20 Ago 2018

    KABUL - As Muslims around the world prepare to mark the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha, I wish all Afghans a peaceful and joyous celebration.

    Eid-ul-Adha is a time of peace, which all Afghans long...

  • 20 Ago 2018

    NEW YORK - Terrorism is one of the most challenging issues of our time and a serious threat to international peace and security. From Tajikistan to the United...

  • 20 Ago 2018

    The Special Envoy of the UN Secretary General for Yemen wishes the Yemeni people a blessed Eid al-Adha.

    May the values and lessons of this holiday, of giving, compassion and sacrifice, unite all Yemenis in their desire to achieve peace and prosperity throughout Yemen.

    Eid Mubarak.

  • 20 Ago 2018

    Kabul - UNAMA welcomes the announcement by the Government of a conditional ceasefire for the upcoming Eid and calls on the parties to the conflict to seize this opportunity to put...

  • 19 Ago 2018

    The United Nations Support Mission in Libya expresses its strong condemnation of the violence, intimidation and obstruction to the work of Libya’s sovereign institutions by militiamen. Members of...

  • 19 Ago 2018

    Mogadishu – As the international community marked the World Humanitarian Day today, a senior United Nations official warned of the grave threats faced by aid workers in Somalia, where they continue to be targets...

  • 19 Ago 2018

    ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan

    On 20 August 2018, the United Nations in Turkmenistan observed a minute of silence in honour and commemoration of former UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan.


  • 19 Ago 2018

    Baidoa, 19 August 2018 – Speaking in regional Somalia today, the top United Nations official for gender equality and women’s empowerment highlighted efforts made at the national and local levels...

  • 19 Ago 2018

    Civilians are not a target

    Tunis, 19 August 2018 - This World Humanitarian Day, we continue to recognize the suffering of civilians caught in...

  • 19 Ago 2018

    We mark World Humanitarian Day every year on 19 August, to express solidarity with people affected by humanitarian crises and pay tribute to the humanitarian workers who help them. 

    This year’s commemoration marks...

  • 19 Ago 2018

    In the course of his work in Somalia, Aweys Abdullahi Abdirahman has ducked bullets several times and survived death by a whisker, with his experiences delivering desperately needed humanitarian aid reading...

  • 19 Ago 2018

    Muna Haji Yussuf Ali had her first direct encounter with Al-Shabaab militants in 2012.

    The Bay region of south-central Somalia was in the grip of the country’s worst famine in 60 years, and...

  • 18 Ago 2018

    Kofi Annan was a guiding force for good.  It is with profound sadness that I learned of his passing.  In many ways, Kofi Annan was the United Nations. He rose through the ranks to lead the organization into...

  • 18 Ago 2018

    KABUL - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) condemns the Kabul school attack that the Mission has now verified...

  • 16 Ago 2018

    Tripoli, 16 August 2018 - The verdict announced on 15 August 2018 by the Criminal Circuit of the Court of Appeal of Tripoli is a cause of concern, given the 45 death sentences pronounced. UNSMIL recognizes...

  • 16 Ago 2018

    NEW YORK - The Secretary-General condemns in the strongest terms the suicide attack yesterday on an education centre in Kabul. According to reports, many of the victims at the co-...

  • 16 Ago 2018

    NEW YORK - The members of the Security Council condemned in the strongest terms the heinous and cowardly terrorist attack that took place in Kabul, Afghanistan, on 15 August, targeting an education centre,...

  • 16 Ago 2018

    NILI - Women’s participation in political processes is crucial for advancing Afghanistan toward a more stable and prosperous country,...

  • 15 Ago 2018

    Photo: Diego Calderón-Franco @diegocolombiabirding

    Ten former combatants, from the Territorial Area for Trainning and Reintegration of...

  • 15 Ago 2018

    KABUL - Under-Secretary-General Vladimir Voronkov, Head of the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism appealed for support to the victims of terrorism today in Kabul.

    “We must never forget...

  • 15 Ago 2018

    KABUL - The Taliban’s attack against Ghazni city, and the subsequent fighting in densely populated urban spaces, has again caused terrible suffering to civilians caught in the conflict. Equally unacceptable, the fight for the city...

  • 14 Ago 2018

    KANDAHAR - After nation-wide consultations on peace among ordinary Afghans from across the country, all documented in a new book,...

  • 14 Ago 2018

    KABUL - On the occasion of the first International Day of Remembrance and Support to the Victims of Terrorism, Under-Secretary-General Vladimir Voronkov, Head of the United Nations...

  • 13 Ago 2018

    KABUL - The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) welcomes the recent progress made toward Afghanistan’s parliamentary polls, including candidate vetting and other preparations...

  • 13 Ago 2018

    GENEVA / MOGADISHU – A UN report has urged Somalia to build on the significant gains made in its peace process in the last five years and take steps to ensure future...

  • 12 Ago 2018

    On August 12, as people from all over the world celebrated International Youth Day, hundreds of Somali youths took to the streets to take action and improve their communities in a clear demonstration of their...

  • 12 Ago 2018

    HERAT - Ahead of International Youth Day, the UN and partners organized an Afghanistan-wide poetry competition, drawing hundreds of writers and poetry aficionados from across the country to the western...

  • 12 Ago 2018

    By his own account, Salad Yusuf Adow had an epiphany in 2015 that convinced him to launch his digital startup company Danleey.

    His interest in digital space soared that year after he realised that...

  • 12 Ago 2018

    The relative peace and stability in Somalia have seen an increased use of safe spaces for transformative youth activities. Young people across the country gather in these spaces to exchange knowledge, share ideas, experiences and...

  • 10 Ago 2018

    photo: UNHCR/Tarik Argaz

    The UN in Libya strongly condemns the forced eviction of displaced Tawerghan families from Tariq al-Matar Camp early this...