Bienvenidos a las Naciones Unidas

Reports and Policy Documents


  • 15 Ago 2023

    The United Nations Support Mission in Libya is following with concern security incidents and developments in Tripoli since yesterday and their impact on the civilian population. The Mission reminds all parties involved...

  • 14 Ago 2023
  • 14 Ago 2023
  • 14 Ago 2023

    An escalation of Russian attacks against civilians in Ukraine has brought more death and injuries to southern regions while hampering aid operations, the UN’s top humanitarian official in the country said on Monday.

  • 14 Ago 2023

    More than 30 independent UN human rights experts have called for the international community to recommit to support the people of Afghanistan, in a statement issued on Monday marking two years since the Taliban took power. 

  • 13 Ago 2023

    PSC/PR/COMM.1168 (2023)

    The Council Reiterated its deep concern over the resurgence of military coups d’état and unequivocally condemned the military coup d’état that took place on 26 July 2023 in Niger. Council welcomed the Final Communique of the Extraordinary Summit of the ECOWAS Authority of...

  • 13 Ago 2023

    SRSG Kaha Imnadze meets with H.E. President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov

    Ashgabat, TURKMENISTAN

  • 11 Ago 2023

    From 8 to 12 August, UNOAU staff supported a team of experts from the African Union Peace Support Operations...

  • 11 Ago 2023




  • 11 Ago 2023
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 

    Security Council

    Sudan conflict brings "unimaginable suffering," ASG Pobee tells Security Council

    On 9 August, Assistant Secretary-General for Africa Martha Ama Akyaa Pobee briefed the Security Council on the situation in Sudan. Indiscriminate and sometimes targeted attacks on civilians and civilian objects and infrastructure continued, she noted, particularly in Khartoum, Darfur, and North Kordofan, as the parties disregarded calls to protect civilians. “The conflict in Sudan continues to have immense repercussions on the country and its people who continue to face unimaginable suffering,” she said. She welcomed the ongoing efforts of the African Union and IGAD to end the conflict, and underscored that UNITAMS remained committed to support these efforts, including through the AU-led Expanded Mechanism and its Core Group, of which the UN Is a part. “The longer this war continues, the greater the risk of fragmentation, and foreign interference and erosion of sovereignty, and the loss of Sudan’s future,” she said.

    Her full remarks here


    Special Coordinator discusses security situation with Acting Director of General Security

    On 10 August, Special Coordinator of the Secretary-General for Lebanon Joanna Wronecka met with the Acting Director of General Security, Maj. Gen. Elias Baissari, to discuss the security situation in the country following recent incidents, including armed clashes in the Palestinian refugee camp of Ain El-Hilweh and an exchange of fire in the Lebanese village of Kahale. The Special Coordinator stressed the need to maintain focus on de-escalation efforts for the stability of the country, particularly in light of the fragility caused by over nine months of a presidential vacuum and a protracted economic and financial crisis. She also stressed the importance of the full implementation of UN Resolution 1701 for the security and stability of Lebanon.

    Special Coordinator Wronecka meets with Lebanese officials to discuss presidential vacuum and reforms

    Special Coordinator Wronecka held a round of meetings with Lebanese officials and other stakeholders this week on the need to end the prolonged presidential vacuum in Lebanon and place the country on a path of recovery. In separate meetings with Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri and the head of Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee, MP Fadi Alameh, the Special Coordinator emphasized the role of Parliament in the election of a new President and in the adoption of necessary laws to advance reforms. She also met with Aram I. Kishishian, Catholicos of Cilicia of the Armenian Orthodox Church, to discuss the role of religious leaders in promoting tolerance and harmony in an increasingly polarized society. In addition, she exchanged views with the Saudi Ambassador Waleed Bukhari and with the Kuwaiti Charge D’Affaires Abdallah Sleiman Al-Shaheen on the challenges facing Lebanon.


    UNAMI supports meetings between UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and civil society representative

    The UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) supported the four-day visit of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, this week, as he met with a broad range of civil society representatives, human rights defenders, lawyers, journalists, environmental activists, and representatives of diverse ethno-religious communities, throughout the country. The High Commissioner heard concerns about issues of inequality, discrimination, continued impunity for human rights violations and crimes against activists, journalists, and demonstrators, as well as human rights in the digital space. 

    Read more here

    DSRSG Claudio Cordone holds meetings in Kuwait

    On 7 August, the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq for Political Affairs and Electoral Assistance, Claudio Cordone, met with Sheikh Jarrah Jaber Alahmad Alsabah, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of the State of Kuwait. The discussion focused on the work of the mechanism dealing with the Kuwaiti missing persons and missing property, UNAMI’s overall role and other related Iraqi-Kuwaiti issues. DSRSG Cordone also met with Ambassador Rabea Al-Adsani, Assistant Foreign Minister for Prisoners of War and Missing Affairs. 


    Special Envoy Grundberg meets with political leaders in Riyadh

    The Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, concluded a two-day visit to Riyadh on 9 August, where he met with the President of Yemen’s Presidential Leadership Council, Rashad al-Alimi, along with other Council members in Riyadh. They discussed ongoing mediation efforts to agree on measures to improve living conditions, implement a nationwide ceasefire, and resume an inclusive, Yemeni-owned political process under UN auspices to reach a sustainable political settlement. In Riyadh, Special Envoy Grundberg met with Saudi Ambassador to Yemen, Mohamed al Jaber, to explore ways to enhance cooperation between regional and international stakeholders to support Yemen’s progress towards a political solution.

    Read more here


    Head of Verification Mission accompanies Swiss President to observe reconciliation and peace efforts 

    Accompanied by Carlos Ruiz Massieu, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) and Head of the Verification Mission in Colombia, President Alain Berset of Switzerland visited Buenaventura, in the department of Valle del Cauca, and the former TATR of Dabeiba in Antioquia this week. In Buenaventura on 8 August, he met with the representatives of civil society, local authorities and communities to learn about the efforts to consolidate peace in the territories. In Antioquia on 9 August, they visited the former TATR of Llano Grande, where the Swiss President learned about the history of the "Llano Grande Family", a model of reconciliation between the community, victims and former combatants. During the meeting with the community of the former TATR, the SRSG highlighted the messages of hope and the voices of the children of Dabeiba as an example for Colombia and the world.

    Great Lakes region

    Workshop held in Zambia to empower women and youth in mining sector 

    The Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General (SESG) for the Great Lakes Region convened a workshop on strategic minerals in Zambia’s capital, Lusaka, on 8-10 August. Organized in partnership with the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) and the Government of Zambia, the meeting brought together participants from the Great Lakes region, including women and youth from mining associations in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Zambia. The workshop raised awareness about the inclusion of women and youth in the mining sector and discussed existing regional and national policies in the minerals value chains. It also served as an opportunity for the Great Lakes region to continue in its plans to solidify its position in the global mining landscape and to promote sustainable and inclusive growth.

    Read more here


    Head of UNOCA meets with Gabonese opposition ahead of elections

    On 8 August, Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) and Head of the UN Regional Office for Central Africa (UNOCA) Abdou Abarry met with members of the Gabonese opposition from the “Alternance 2023” coalition. The opposition figures requested the meeting to share their views on the situation in Gabon ahead of the presidential, legislative and local elections scheduled for 26 August. The Special Representative took note of their concerns as well as the steps already taken with the competent institutions to advocate for an electoral process that considers their grievances on political and electoral governance. He also reiterated his availability to offer the good offices of the Secretary-General to promote a climate of peace and security before, during and after the election.

    Read more here

    African Union

    UNOAU calls for nominations to recognize African women advancing the WPS agenda in next edition of She Stands for Peace  

    The UN Office to the African Union (UNAOU) is accepting nominations to be included in the latest edition of She Stands for Peace, a publication that aims to amplify the voices of women who made outstanding contributions to the promotion of peace and security in Africa, jointly to be published with the African Union Commission. Criteria for nomination include those women who have actively participated in peace processes, or who have made significant contributions towards the prevention of sexual and gender-based violence. The deadline for submission is 31 August 2023.

    Find out more here


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  • 11 Ago 2023

    A UN-led operation to remove over one million barrels of crude oil from a rusting supertanker off Yemen safely concluded on Friday, preventing the immediate threat of a massive spill in the Red Sea.

  • 11 Ago 2023

    The United Nations on Friday welcomed the release of five of its security personnel in Yemen who had been held in captivity for more than a year.

  • 11 Ago 2023

    Participants during the "Strategic Minerals' Meeting" held in Lusaka Zambia, 8-10 August. Photo, Liz Guantai, OSESG-GL

    The Office...

  • 10 Ago 2023

    An international human rights body focused on Ethiopia has voiced deep concerns over the worsening security situation in the northwest of the country, particularly in the Amhara region.

  • 10 Ago 2023

    The United Nations has strongly condemned the assassination of a presidential candidate in Ecuador, urging authorities to investigate the crime.

  • 10 Ago 2023

    The Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine has begun transitioning one of its reactor units from a hot shutdown to a cold shutdown after a water leak was detected in one of its steam generators, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said on Thursday.

  • 10 Ago 2023

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres has voiced concern about the reported “deplorable living conditions” of the President of Niger in arbitrary detention, his spokesperson said in a note to journalists published on Wednesday evening. 

  • 9 Ago 2023

    The UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Joanna Wronecka met with the Acting Director of General Security, Maj. Gen. Elias Baissari, to discuss the...

  • 9 Ago 2023

    Photo credit: Media office of the President of the Presidential Leadership Council

     The Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, concluded a two-day visit to Riyadh, Kingdom of...

  • 9 Ago 2023


    New York, 9 AUGUST 2023

    Madame President

    Members of the Security Council, 

    Thank you for this opportunity to brief you on the situation in Sudan.

    More than one hundred days have passed since the eruption of fighting between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces.

    Clashes between these parties continue in various parts of the country, particularly Khartoum, Bahri, Omdurman and Darfur, with neither side achieving victory nor making any significant gains. Khartoum State remains an epicenter of the conflict, with major combat concentrated around key SAF installations including the Sudanese Armed Forces General Command Headquarters.  Fighting is continuing in neighborhoods. This week, the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces both ordered residents to leave their homes in a part of Omdurman, declaring it “an area of operations”. 

    The parties have exacted tremendous suffering on the people of the Darfur region.  The fighting in Darfur continues to reopen the old wounds of ethnic tension of past conflicts in the region. The brutal violence experienced in El Geneina and Sirba are particular examples of this situation. This is deeply worrying and could quickly engulf the country in a prolonged ethnic conflict with regional spill overs. The initiative by Chad to convene a grouping of Darfurian stakeholders to address the situation in the region is therefore welcome and should be built upon while ensuring the participation of broad range of stakeholders including armed groups, tribal leaders, civil society, and women’s groups.

    The situation in the two Kordofan and the Blue Nile States of Sudan continues to be fragile, with persistent military actions and frequent road closures.  In North Kordofan, SAF controls El Obeid city while RSF is controlling areas around the city. 

    Since June, the SPLM-North Al Hilu faction has continued to make military advancements in SAF-controlled areas in South Kordofan and Blue Nile states, in which SPLM-N claims is an attempt to take back territory previously taken from them.

    While the East is relatively calm, there are indications of active mobilization efforts in support of SAF, with the emergence of mobilization committees and establishment of military training camps. The mobilization is particularly worrisome and risk plunging the East into conflict along ethnic lines, further highlighting the fragility of the region.  

    The Northern part of the country remains under Sudanese Armed Forces control.


    The conflict in Sudan continues to have immense repercussions on the country and its people who continue to face unimaginable suffering. The humanitarian and protection needs are rising by the day with no signs of a reprieve.  My humanitarian colleague Ms. Edem Wosornu will brief you in detail on the mounting humanitarian needs and response efforts.

    The indiscriminate and sometimes targeted attacks on civilians and civilian objects and infrastructure continue, particularly in Khartoum, Darfur, and North Kordofan, as the parties continue to disregard calls to protect civilians and uphold their international human rights and humanitarian law obligations.

    Sexual violence continues to be perpetrated on a large scale, while children continue to be killed or victimized or are at risk of being recruited to fight.

    The systematic abductions and killings of human rights defenders in Darfur and Khartoum are on the rise. The parties to the conflict must take concrete actions to end and investigate these violations, and support must be provided to strengthen human rights defenders’ networks and better protect human rights defenders.

    UNITAMS and the wider UN has on several occasions denounced specific egregious violations such as ethnically-motivated attacks in West Darfur, systematic looting and rape, or aerial bombardments, and has named those responsible.

    Hostilities in the country must come to an end and perpetrators should be held accountable for crimes committed, including sexual violence.


    We welcome the ongoing efforts by the African Union and IGAD to end the conflict in Sudan. UNITAMS remains committed to support these efforts including through the AU-led Expanded Mechanism and its Core Group – which the UN is a part of. We also welcome the continued efforts of the US and Saudi Arabia to facilitate negotiations between the conflicting parties in Jeddah, as well as the initiative of Sudan's neighboring countries to help resolve the conflict. The common thread among these initiatives is the call for a permanent cessation of hostilities, facilitation of humanitarian access, and engagement with civilian stakeholders in an inclusive political process.

    Coordination between the existing regional and international mechanisms and fora remains essential to maximize the collective leverage of regional and international actors and enhance the effectiveness of mediation efforts. The United Nations is supporting a joined-up approach towards facilitating a comprehensive solution and will continue to work closely with our partners – particularly the African Union and IGAD in this regard, in coordination with others.

    We must also highlight that a broad range of civilians remain committed to ending the war and a resumption of a transition leading to a democratic state.  Civilians, tribal leaders and others are coming under increasing pressure to take sides in the war, and we continue to urge against this. Such pressure will only lead to a civil war with ethnic and regional repercussions for decades to come. In fact, UNITAMS is supporting efforts by local leaders to prevent or de-escalate conflicts particularly in Darfur.

    UNITAMS also welcomes the ongoing efforts by civilian leaders to consolidate various civilian initiatives under one umbrella to unify anti-war forces in one broad front and prepare for an inclusive political process. It is important to include civil society, women’s rights groups, youth, trade professions, and resistance committees whose voices and engagement are particularly significant in any efforts to end the conflict in Sudan.  UNITAMS continues its outreach with these initiatives and encouraging broad-based inclusivity.

    Let me also highlight the important role Sudanese women are playing by leading several anti-war initiatives that call for the immediate cessation of violence, accountability for human rights violations including sexual violence, and for women’s participation in ceasefire negotiations and any future political process. Their voice must be heard.


    Let me close by reiterating that there needs to be a negotiated solution to end this war as soon as possible.  There is no other alternative.  Calls by some to continue the war in order to achieve a military victory will only contribute to destroying the country. The longer this war continues, the greater the risk of fragmentation, and foreign interference and erosion of sovereignty, and the loss of Sudan’s future, particularly its youth. Now is the time to end this senseless war and return to negotiations.  UNITAMS, along with its partners, will continue to engage with both sides towards this goal and we count on the united support of this Council.

    Thank you, Madame President.



  • 9 Ago 2023

    A deal has been reached with the Government of Syria to reopen the main border crossing from Türkiye to allow the delivery of humanitarian aid. 

  • 9 Ago 2023

    Ongoing mediation efforts aimed at resolving the conflict in Sudan are critical,  a senior UN official told the Security Council on Wednesday, warning against the risk of prolonged ethnic conflict. 

  • 9 Ago 2023

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres called for countries to recommit to eliminating nuclear weapons in his message to mark the 78th anniversary of the atomic bombing of the Japanese city of Nagasaki, observed on Wednesday.

  • 9 Ago 2023

    Participants of the 7th Statutory meeting of the Forum of Parliaments of ICGLR member states’ Committee on Economic Development, Regional Integration and Natural Resources, pose for...

  • 8 Ago 2023

    François Ndong Obiang presented the Head of UNOCA with a memorandum summarizing the concerns of the opposition grouped within the coalition “Alternance 2023,” which he chairs. Photo UNOCA/Norbert N. Ouendji...

  • 7 Ago 2023

    On 8 August, the SRSG to the African Union and Head of UNOAU, Parfait Onanga-Anyanga attended a meeting on the Africa Multi-Hazard Early Warning and Early Action System (...

  • 7 Ago 2023
  • 7 Ago 2023

    Persistent violence in Haiti remains a significant concern for the safety and welfare of its most vulnerable citizens, especially women and children, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said on Monday, citing reports of an “alarming spike” in kidnapping and other crimes.

  • 7 Ago 2023

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres has underlined his support for ongoing mediation efforts by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in the wake of the 26 July attempted coup in Niger, his Office said on Monday. 

  • 7 Ago 2023

    Attacks against Ukrainian port infrastructure are not isolated and with Russia’s termination of the Black Sea Initiative, are impacting global food prices and affecting the most vulnerable people, a UN spokesperson said on Monday.

  • 5 Ago 2023
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 


    UN stands ready to support National Participation Committee in facilitating inclusive participation in peace process

    In a statement on 3 August, the Secretary-General congratulated the Government of Colombia and the National Liberation Army (ELN) as they embark on a new phase in their peace process, with the entry into force of the bilateral ceasefire agreement and the launch of the National Participation Committee. The United Nations is ready to support the critically important work of the National Participation Committee in facilitating the inclusive participation of Colombian society in the peace process. The Secretary-General also called on the international community to continue to assist these initiatives both politically and through support for the implementation of agreements.

    West Africa and the Sahel

    Special Representative Simão commends the important role Ghana plays in the sub-region

    On 2 August, Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) and Head of the UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) Leonardo Santos Simão concluded a two-day visit to Ghana. This visit was part of his regional familiarization tour, following his appointment as Special Representative. During his visit, SRSG Simão met with President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo. They discussed the strengthening of sub-regional cooperation to address emerging security challenges, especially the fight against terrorism.

    Read more here

    ECOWAS Extraordinary Summit discusses situation in Niger

    Special Representative Leonardo Santos Simão was in Abuja on 30 July to take part in the summit on the situation in Niger organized by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). He said that the UN country team in Niger is continuing its assistance to vulnerable people in the country. The SRSG also reiterated the commitment of his office and the entire UN system to work closely with ECOWAS in support of the people of Niger.

    Read more here


    Head of UNOCA calls on media to contribute to a peaceful electoral process

    On 3 August in Lambaréné, Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) and Head of the UN Office Regional Office for Central Africa (UNOCA) Abdou Abarry took part in the opening ceremony of the capacity-building seminar for journalists on "the fundamentals of a free and regulated media ecosystem during elections". Organized by the High Authority for Communication (HAC) in collaboration of Commission of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) with support of UNOCA, the event brought together about 50 journalists from the nine regions of Gabon. The seminar offered an opportunity for journalists to learn how they could contribute to a peaceful electoral process. SRSG Abarry mentioned that they should make good use of the freedom of expression to maintain and promote a climate of peace and security during the crucial period which begins on 11 August with the launch of the electoral campaign.

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    UNSMIL trains civil society activists on security sector reform

    On 3 August, the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) concluded a workshop in Tripoli on security sector reform and governance. 15 civil society activists were trained by national experts supported by UNSMIL. Participants learned how to work together to engage with Libyan stakeholders on issues related to security sector reform and governance.

    African Union

    UNOAU participates in NeTT4Peace Webinar on African Perspectives on New Agenda for Peace

    On 3 August, Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) and Head of UN Office to the African Union (UNOAU) Parfait Onanga-Anyanga took part in the webinar on African Perspectives on A New Agenda for Peace, organized by the African Union Department of Political Affairs, Peace and Security and the African Union Network of Think Tanks for Peace (NeTT4Peace). The webinar aimed to provide an African perspective to the New Agenda for Peace bearing in mind the key priorities of the African Union Commission. In his opening remarks, the SRSG stressed the importance of African ownership in strengthening diplomacy for peace and the need to engage in the preparatory process for the Summit of the Future.

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    UN Envoy meets with Truth and Justice Charter Group on arbitrary detention

    Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Syria Geir O. Pedersen had an in-depth exchange with the Truth and Justice Charter Group on 3 August. They discussed the latest developments regarding arbitrary detentions and missing persons in Syria, as well as continued engagement as the establishment of the Independent Institution on Missing Persons moves forward. Pedersen stressed that he would keep pushing for the release of individuals detained arbitrarily and access for international humanitarian actors to all places of detention.



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    Moment of silence and calls for justice on third anniversary of Beirut blast 

    On the third anniversary of the catastrophic Beirut Port explosion of 4 August 2020, representatives of the United Nations, the diplomat community in Lebanon and Lebanese and Lebanese authorities, led by Special Coordinator Joanna Wronecka and upon her invitation, observed a moment of silence at the Port of Beirut to remember the victims, express solidarity with their families and survivors, and reiterate the call for justice. Meanwhile, the International Support Group (ISG) for Lebanon, which is chaired by the Office of the UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon (UNSCOL), issued a statement also expressing its solidarity with the families of the victims and with those severely affected by this tragic event. Lamenting the lack of progress in the judicial proceedings, the ISG called “on the Lebanese authorities to lift all obstacles hindering the pursuit of justice and facilitate the completion of an impartial, thorough and transparent investigation.” The Group also called on Parliament to accelerate the adoption of necessary legislation to strengthen the independence of the judiciary.

    Special Coordinator holds round of meetings with Lebanese stakeholders

    Special Coordinator Wronecka held a round of meetings this week with Lebanese officials and stakeholders on issues of priority for Lebanon’s peace, security and stability. With Deputy Parliament Speaker Elias BouSaab, they discussed the importance of accelerating the election of a president and the adoption of reform legislation by the Parliament. The Special Coordinator also discussed with the Deputy Speaker Lebanon’s preparations for the beginning of the exploration for oil and gas following the maritime border deal with Israel last year, including the establishment of a sovereign fund. Separately, the Special Coordinator held meetings with MPs Faysal Karami and Fuad Makhzoumi to seek their views on the dynamics within the Sunni community and the positions towards the political impasse, including the need to elect a new President.


    “People must be placed before politics or partisan interests,” says SRSG at commemoration event

    On 3 August, Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert delivered a speech in Baghdad on 3 August at an event on the 9th Annual Commemoration of Victims of the Genocide Against Yazidis and other Iraqi Components. The United Nations, including through the work of UNITAD, continues to support Iraqi-led efforts to enact relevant legislation and pursue justice.   “People must be placed before politics or partisan interests”, she said. 

    Commemorating victims in Erbil as well, SRSG Hennis-Plasschaert appealed for differences to be set aside.

    Read more here

    Special Representative meets with Foreign Minister of Iran

    Special Representative Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert met in Tehran on 30 July with the Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian. They discussed the latest developments in Iraq and the region. 

    UNAMI reaffirms commitment to women's participation in upcoming elections

    Deputy Special Representative of Secretary-General for Political Affairs and Electoral Assistance Claudio Cordone spoke on 2 August at the Women Political Forum at the Al Nahrain Centre for Strategic Studies in Baghdad. He reaffirmed UNAMI’s unwavering commitment to work with various stakeholders to advance women’s full, equal and meaningful participation in the upcoming elections and beyond.

    Read more here

    Central Asia

    UNRCCA Preventive Diplomacy Academy holds youth training sessions on preventing violent extremism

    The UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA) Preventive Diplomacy Academy organized a series of sessions in July to train young people from Central Asia and Afghanistan on preventing violent extremism. They also learned about intercultural communication and negotiation skills. The sessions were delivered by experts in the field and provided young people with valuable training that will help them promote peace and security in Central Asia and Afghanistan.

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    Trilateral Summit opens in Ashgabat

    On 4 August, a trilateral Summit opened in Ashgabat with the participation of the Presidents of Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. UNRCCA was invited to brief the Presidents of the Summit on the mandate and activities of the Regional Centre in support of preventive diplomacy and regional cooperation.  



  • 5 Ago 2023

    As United Nations-led talks on nuclear disarmament continued in Geneva, New York and Vienna, UN Secretary-General António Guterres warned on Sunday that “the drums of nuclear war are beating once again”. 

  • 5 Ago 2023

    Kismayo – Somali society can sometimes be characterized by clan-based divisions, inequalities and exclusions.

    In these situations, the country’s marginalized...

  • 4 Ago 2023

    From 29 July to 5 August, the UNOAU supported the African Union Commission (AUC) Formed Police Assessment Team (FPAT) in Freetown, Sierra Leone, to assess state of readiness of the Sierra Leonean...

  • 4 Ago 2023

    According to Abdou Abarry, the support of men and women who work in the media is critical to avoid "the episodes of violence which have marked elections in the past." Photo UNOCA/Samperode Mba Allogho...

  • 4 Ago 2023

    ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan

    On 4 August 2023, a meeting of the Presidents of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and...

  • 4 Ago 2023

    Two senior UN humanitarian officials have called for more funding and less bureaucratic impediments to support civilians affected by the war in Sudan, including roughly 14 million children.

  • 4 Ago 2023

    A new study by the Secretariat of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) and UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, highlights risks of statelessness for refugees who have spent more than 20 years outside their country of origin, and especially for their descendants born in exile.


  • 3 Ago 2023

    Moment of Silence at the Port of Beirut (Photo/Rana Sweidan)

    On the third anniversary of the catastrophic Beirut Port explosion of 4 August...

  • 3 Ago 2023

    From 31 July to 4 August, UNOAU attended a workshop organized by the AUC PSOD in Debre Zeit, Ethiopia. The purpose of the workshop was to identify progress made so far and...

  • 3 Ago 2023

    Dakar, 03 August 2023 - The Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel...

  • 3 Ago 2023
  • 3 Ago 2023

    Port of Beirut (Photo/Rana Sweidan)

    On the third anniversary of the catastrophic explosion at the Port of Beirut on 4 August 2020, the members of the...

  • 3 Ago 2023

    Port of Beirut (Photo/Rana Sweidan)

    On the third anniversary of the catastrophic explosion at the Port of Beirut on 4 August 2020, the members of the...

  • 3 Ago 2023

    Thirteen people have been killed and more than 60 injured in four days of deadly violence at the largest Palestine refugee camp in Lebanon, a senior UN official in the country said on Thursday. 

  • 3 Ago 2023

    The threat of famine, with people slowly starving to death, must be considered a red line for international peace and security, the UN Famine Prevention and Response Coordinator said on Thursday, warning that warring groups deliberately use hunger as a tactic of war.

  • 3 Ago 2023

    The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has issued a grave warning regarding the deepening food crisis in Sudan, as the country grapples with conflict and economic decline.  

  • 3 Ago 2023

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres congratulated the Government of Colombia and the National Liberation Army (ELN) on the start of their bilateral ceasefire which entered into force on Thursday, his spokesperson said in a statement. 

  • 3 Ago 2023

    Somalia’s youth are the driving force of its development and the catalyst of its transformation. They have faced many hardships and obstacles, but they have also shown remarkable resilience and optimism. As we approach ...

  • 3 Ago 2023

    Dakar, 03 August 2023 - The Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), Mr. Leonardo Santos...