Bienvenidos a las Naciones Unidas

Reports and Policy Documents


  • 21 Jun 2023

    International cooperation is making waves in combatting piracy in West Africa, but addressing its root causes and ensuring sustainable funding must fully eliminate threat, which is spreading to other regions, a top UN official told the Security Council on Wednesday.

  • 21 Jun 2023

    Zeinabou Maata, a Muslim from Mauritania, is one of 50 women serving on the frontlines of preventing the spread of violent extremism in her country, with UN support.

  • 21 Jun 2023

    The multiple restrictions placed on women and girls by Afghanistan’s de facto rulers are costing the Taliban “both domestic and international legitimacy” and are highly unpopular across the country, said the top UN official based there on Wednesday.

  • 21 Jun 2023


    Women play key role in the promotion of peace and security in Africa. The African Union Commission (AUC) and the United Nations Office to the...

  • 20 Jun 2023

    Mogadishu – International partners* are concerned about the violence in Garowe and its impact on civilians. 

    The partners call for the immediate de-escalation of tensions and a return to...

  • 20 Jun 2023

    New York, 21 June 2023

    Yoga unites. 

    It unites body and mind, humanity and nature, and millions of people across the globe, for whom it is a source of strength, harmony, and peace. 

    In a dangerous and divided world, the benefits of this ancient practice are particularly precious. 

  • 20 Jun 2023

    The MYA is a pooled funding mechanism and DPPA’s main fundraising tool to support the Department’s efforts in preventing and resolving conflict worldwide. This guidance provides information on the MYA, its governance structure, funding windows and process for accessing funding through the submission of MYA projects.

  • 20 Jun 2023

    Dakar, 20 June 2023 - As part of his familiarization tour in the sub region, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General...

  • 20 Jun 2023

    The cross-border impact of the crisis in Sudan is unfurling along multiple fronts, and action is urgently needed to ease rising tensions that has already resulted in deadly clashes, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for South Sudan told the Security Council on Tuesday.

  • 20 Jun 2023

    Despite deteriorating border security, humanitarian and human rights challenges, the Central African Republic (CAR) is committed to a constitutional referendum and local elections, the Security Council heard on Tuesday.

  • 20 Jun 2023

    The UN’s Middle East envoy said on Tuesday he was “deeply alarmed” at the continuing cycle of violence in Israel and Palestine, and “appalled by the continued loss of civilian lives.”

  • 20 Jun 2023

    UN humanitarians issued an urgent appeal on Tuesday to help millions of people in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) where chronic violence and displacement continue to fuel a dramatic hunger crisis.

  • 20 Jun 2023

    The cross-border impact of the crisis in Sudan is unfurling along multiple fronts, and action is urgently needed to ease rising tensions that has already resulted in deadly clashes, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for South Sudan told the Security Council on Tuesday.

  • 19 Jun 2023

    New York, 20 June 2023

    During my decade as UN High Commissioner for Refugees, I witnessed the resilience and contributions of refugees across all walks of life.

    Their perseverance in the face of adversity inspires me every day. 

    Refugees represent the very best of the human spirit.

    They need and deserve support and solidarity — not closed borders and pushbacks.

    As we mark World Refugee Day, we...

  • 19 Jun 2023

    Mister President,

    Distinguished Members of the Council,

    It is a great honour for me today to address you on the...

  • 19 Jun 2023

    ASTANA, Kazakhstan

    On 19 June, In Astana, Kazakhstan, UNRCCA participated in the opening event of...

  • 19 Jun 2023

    With terrorism posing a complex, constantly evolving and multi-faceted threat, law-enforcement agencies gathered at United Nations Headquarters in New York on Monday in search of a comprehensive, inclusive, and effective multilateral response.

  • 19 Jun 2023

    Libyan political leaders who are being encouraged to set aside their differences for the sake of a new democratic future, must put the interests of the people “above all else”, said the UN’s Special Representative for the country on Monday.

  • 19 Jun 2023

    On the International Day for Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict, UN Secretary-General, António Guterres demanded accountability and justice for victims of sexual violence. 

  • 19 Jun 2023

    Countering hate speech is a key component of atrocity prevention, UN General Assembly President Csaba Kőrösi said on Monday, calling for more global action towards eradicating it.  

  • 19 Jun 2023

    A UN-led appeal for funding to help the people of Sudan raised $1.5 billion on Monday as UN chief António Guterres warned that the country was descending “into death and destruction” at breakneck speed.

  • 19 Jun 2023

    Mogadishu – On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict, the United Nations in Somalia today called for enhancing the...

  • 18 Jun 2023

    UN Photo

    Hate speech is often aimed at vulnerable groups, reinforcing discrimination, stigma and marginalization. Minorities, women, refugees, migrants, and people of diverse sexual orientation and...

  • 17 Jun 2023

    Kismayo – Wrapping up her initial round of visits to Somalia’s Federal Member States, the new top United Nations official for Somalia today visited...

  • 17 Jun 2023

    Edited for length and clarity

    Thank you very much, Mr. President, for the very warm welcome you and your team have extended to me here in Kismayo, Jubaland.

    It is...

  • 16 Jun 2023
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 
    USG DiCarlo visits Moscow

    Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs Rosemary A. DiCarlo visited Moscow from 15 to 16 June. The visit is the latest by the Under-Secretary-General to the capital of a permanent member of the Security Council. She held consultations with Deputy Foreign Minister Vershinin and met with the Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs, Mr. Karasin. In her meetings, she reiterated the UN’s clear, consistent and principled position regarding the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation. 

    Security Council

    Special Envoy Grundberg and Head of UNHMA brief Security Council on situation in Yemen

    On 12 June, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General Hans Grundberg and Head of UN Mission to Support the Hudaydah Agreement (UNMHA) Major General (retired) Michael Beary briefed the Security Council in a closed session. Maj. Gen Beary provided an update on the activities of the Mission, including ceasefire monitoring and continuous efforts to maintain the civilian nature of the ports. Both briefers reiterated to the Council of their commitment to furthering the UN's collective efforts toward stability and peace in Yemen.


    Special Committee opens substantive session

    On 12 June, the Special Committee on Decolonization opened its 2023 substantive session. Josiane Ambiehl, Chief of the Decolonization Unit, shared DPPA’s contribution to the dissemination of information on decolonization as mandated by the General Assembly. Notable among these is an increase of 68 per cent in views of the website of the United Nations and Decolonization, the addition of a new section entitled, “Women in Territories: Highlights”, as well as the translation of the messages of the Secretary-General to the regional seminars from 2005-2022 in the six UN official languages. The substantive session of the Committee will last for two weeks until 23 June.


    Last RENAMO military base closes

    On 15 June, the last remaining RENAMO (Mozambique National Resistance) military base closed. The closure is part of the Accord for Peace and National Reconciliation, signed in 2019. Over 350 former combatants, including 100 women, were disarmed and demobilized. They will join almost 5,000 former combatants who have already passed through the DDR process. “While the closure of the Vunduzi base marks the end of one phase of the peace process, we remain committed and focused on supporting DDR beneficiaries in their reintegration,” affirmed the Personal Envoy during the ceremony presided over by President Filipe Nyusi and Renamo leader Ossufo Momade.

    Read more here


    Queen Letizia of Spain visits peace initiatives in Yotoco

    On 14 June, Queen Letizia Ortiz of Spain visited the La Esperanza coffee farm in Yotoco, in the department of Valle del Cauca. The UN Verification Mission in Colombia accompanied the visit, along with members of different cooperatives of the National Coffee Table. Queen Letizia spoke with former combatants, members of the community and organizations who shared their experience of economic reintegration and reconciliation. The group also visited a coffee cultivation and processing centre, which is currently serving 32 cooperatives with nearly 1,200 former combatants.

    A path for restorative justice

    On June 15, the Mayor's Office of Bogotá and the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) presented the book The TOAR Route: A Path for Restorative Justice in Transitional Justice. The book shares a jointly designed participative methodology applied in three neighborhoods in Bogotá. The pilot initiative was implemented in Usme, a rural area of the capital, where victims, former combatants, and local community members led a dialogue process to promote restorative measures and reconciliation. At the event, the UN Verification Mission in Colombia was recognized for its support to this initiative.


    Special Coordinator Wronecka urges political leadership to end vacuum and elect new President

    Following a 12th inconclusive electoral session in the Lebanese parliament on 14 June, Special Coordinator Joanna Wronecka held a round of meetings with representatives of different blocs and parties in Parliament to underline the need for urgent steps to ensure the election of a President in the interest of Lebanon and its people. She noted that the prolonged vacuum undermines Lebanon’s democratic practices and further delays long overdue reforms and solutions needed to steer the country back to a path of recovery. The Special Coordinator also led a joint statement by the International Support Group for Lebanon that urged the political leadership and Lebanese Members of Parliament to assume their responsibilities and prioritize the national interest by electing a new President.

    Special Coordinator visits Qatar

    Special Coordinator Wronecka visited Qatar this week as part of her consultations with regional stakeholders to discuss the situation in Lebanon. She met in Doha with Secretary-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ahmed bin Hassan al-Hammad. They had a fruitful exchange on supporting Lebanon’s political and economic stability for the interest of the Lebanese people and prosperity of the country.


    Special Representative Hennis-Plasschaert visits Al-Hol Camp in Syria

    On 12 June, Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) and Head of the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert participated in the event on Iraq’s vision on Al-Hol Camp in Syria. In her remarks, she spoke of the harsh reality of young children at a camp like Al-Hol. “These children never asked to be part of this mess. But the harsh reality is that they find themselves deprived of their rights. Also, they find themselves at risk of forced recruitment; of violent extremism becoming their ‘normal’,” she said, stressing that leaving the situation unaddressed is “simply not an option”.

    Read full remarks here  

    Special Representative meets with Iraqi political officials, reiterates UNAMI’s support for elections

    On 13 June, Special Representative Hennis-Plasschaert met in Baghdad with the Chairman of the Central Committee of the Iraqi National Project, Sheikh Jamal Al-Dhari. They discussed the situation in the country. 

    On 15 June, she attended a meeting in Erbil hosted by the President of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq Nechirvan Barzani, along with the Chairman and Board of Commissioners of the Independent High Electoral Commission. The SRSG expressed UNAMI's support to provide technical assistance in facilitating the elections. UNAMI electoral team, IHEC Board of Commissioners and the Kurdistan Regional Government presidency team continued discussions afterward. 

    UNAMI Office of Electoral Assistance holds training session on managing voter registries and other electoral processes, hosts workshop on electoral participation

    Over a three-month period, the UNAMI Office of Electoral Assistance, in collaboration with UNOPS, organized a series of training for 43 staff of the Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC). The goal of the training was to improve IHEC staff’s abilities in managing and enhancing the quality of the voter registry, as well as utilizing Geographic Information Systems for electoral maps. The workshops helped strengthen IHEC's capacity to handle electoral data and prepare them for future elections.

    On 12-13, June, the Office of Electoral Assistance also organized a capacity building workshop for civil society organizations in the Kurdistan Region, Iraq, to further enhance electoral participation and foster a comprehensive understanding of the importance of election integrity. Attendees discussed the principles and obstacles surrounding election integrity, and explored the specific roles and responsibilities of civil society. 

    UNAMI Human Rights Office holds workshop on combating violence against women

    The UNAMI Human Rights Office organized a workshop on 13 June that brought together key government officials from the Kurdistan Region-Iraq, including from the Directorate of Combating Violence against Women, and representatives from the police and the judiciary. Participants identified gaps that hinder the successful prosecution of criminal violence against women and deliberated on strategies on how to enhance coordination efforts among all relevant entities with the aim of ensuring accountability for perpetrators of such crimes. 


    Peacebuilding Fund's strategic direction focuses on UN transition contexts, transitional justice, and local actors

    The 5th Annual Strategic Dialogue with the Peacebuilding Fund's (PBF) top 12 donors and other partners took place in Dublin this week with the participation of the Irish Minister of State for International Development and Diaspora, Sean Fleming, and Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support (PBSO) Elizabeth Spehar. The dialogue focused on the strategic direction of the Fund in an evolving global peacebuilding context, with discussion around the role of Fund in UN transition contexts, in supporting national transitional justice processes, and reducing barriers for supporting local actors. Participants reaffirmed the Fund's priorities and recommended ways to improve its performance. The importance of capturing and communicating peacebuilding impact was highlighted.

    UN-CSO Dialogue Initiative on Peacebuilding

    The Peacebuilding Support Office (PBSO) and a group of civil society organizations (CSOs) launched the UN-CSO Dialogue Initiative on Peacebuilding on 14 June. The initiative aims to foster collaboration and exchanges among diverse CSOs, in particular from the global south, and to act as a sounding board around peacebuilding and sustaining peace priorities and practices. The initiative is expected to produce actionable recommendations by civil society to inform peacebuilding policy and programmes of DPPA and the wider UN system. UN agencies, funds, and programs will also participate as key stakeholders. The initiative was welcomed by participating CSOs, who encouraged a more systematized approach between the UN and civil society on peacebuilding.

    Next Week

    On Monday, the Peacebuilding Commission will hold an Ambassadorial-level meeting on Indigenous Peoples, Peace and Reconciliation (Conference Room 1; 3pm New York time). On Friday, the Comission will meet to discuss the Sahel (Trusteeship Council Chamber; 10am New York time). 

    On Monday, Special Representative Abdoulaye Bathily will brief the Security Council on Libya. On Wednesday, the Council will discuss the situation in Afghanistan with a briefing by Special Representative Roza Otunbayeva. On Thursday, Special Representative Catriona Laing will brief on Somalia. On Friday, the Council will discuss Ukraine.  





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  • 16 Jun 2023

    Dakar, 16 June 2023 - Following his appointment as Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Office...

  • 16 Jun 2023

    New York, 17 June 2023

    “Her Land. Her Rights: Advancing gender equality and land restoration goals”

    Excellencies, friends.

    We depend on land for our survival. Yet we treat it like dirt.

    Unsustainable farming is eroding soil 100 times faster than natural process can restore them....

  • 16 Jun 2023

    New York, 17 June 2023

    “Her Land. Her Rights: Advancing gender equality and land restoration goals”

    Excellencies, friends.

    We depend on land for our survival. Yet we treat it like dirt.

    Unsustainable farming is eroding soil 100 times faster than natural process can restore them.


  • 16 Jun 2023

    TRIPOLI – After the 6+6 Committee of the House of Representatives and High Council of State announced the completion of its draft electoral laws on 6...

  • 16 Jun 2023

    With the conflict between rival militaries in Sudan entering its third month, the people of Darfur are “trapped in a living nightmare”, the UN’s top aid official has said.

  • 16 Jun 2023

    Words are not enough to alleviate the multiple crises afflicting Haiti, said the President of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) on Friday, in an appeal for urgent international action.

  • 16 Jun 2023

    The UN is providing “multifaceted support” to Mali ahead of this weekend’s constitutional referendum, the head of its peacekeeping mission in the country, MINUSMA, said in a briefing to the Security Council on Friday. 

  • 16 Jun 2023

    Tripoli – DSRSG Raisedon Zenenga today met with representatives from 17 Libyan political parties and associations, representing the majority of parties across the geographic and...

  • 15 Jun 2023

    Escalating violence in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has displaced nearly one million people since January, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) said on Thursday. 

  • 15 Jun 2023

    The UN Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS) said on Thursday it was “appalled and deeply shocked” at the killing of the Governor of West Darfur, calling for a halt to the spiralling violence and for those responsible to be brought to justice.

  • 14 Jun 2023
    United Nations Headquater

    On 14th June 2023, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres announced the appointment of Kaha Imnadze of Georgia as his Special Representative and Head of the United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA). Mr. Imnadze succeeds Ms. Natalia Gherman of Moldova who was appointed as Executive Director of the Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate and to whom the Secretary-General is grateful for her...

  • 14 Jun 2023

    In the face of rising hatred worldwide, both on and offline, faith leaders are vital allies in the quest for global peace, UN Secretary-General António Guterres told the Security Council on Wednesday. 

  • 14 Jun 2023

    Sabah El Kheir. It’s my pleasure to really to be here. I saw quite a number of you yesterday afternoon. I’m sorry I could not be...

  • 13 Jun 2023

    The new Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) and Chairman of the Cameroon-Nigeria Mixed Commission, Mr. Leonardo Santos...

  • 13 Jun 2023

    Baidoa – South West State was the latest stop for the recently-appointed top United Nations official for Somalia, who today met that Federal Member State’s (FMS)...

  • 13 Jun 2023

    Disease outbreaks, a mental health crisis and lack of access to care are among the devastating health impacts of the destruction of the Kahkovka dam in southern Ukraine a week ago, the UN World Health Organization (WHO) said on Tuesday.

  • 13 Jun 2023

    With an estimated 3.5 billion people living in “climate hot spots”, related peace and security risks are only set to heighten, UN Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations Jean-Pierre Lacroix told the Security Council on Tuesday, warning that action must be taken to avert ever-worsening effects.

  • 13 Jun 2023

    The ongoing conflict in Sudan has raised the spectre of ethnic violence and crimes against humanity, senior UN officials warned on Tuesday. UN Secretary-General António Guterres said he was deeply concerned about the increasing ethnic dimension, and appalled at reports of large scale violence in Darfur.

  • 13 Jun 2023

    As delivered

    Thank you so much, Mr. President. Let me begin by thanking you and your team for welcoming me to South West State, Baidoa. This is my second visit; I was...

  • 12 Jun 2023

    The Council expressed deep concern over CAR stakeholders’ disagreement on the organisation of the Constitutional Referendum and called on all concerned stakeholders to peacefully resolve their political differences...

  • 12 Jun 2023

    Greater efforts are needed to protect civilians in Somalia from unexploded weapons of war, the UN Mine Action Service (UNMAS) said on Monday in the wake of a recent deadly incident in the south of the country. 

  • 12 Jun 2023

    Although the UN tribunal prosecuting decades-old war crimes in Rwanda and the Former Yugoslavia is moving closer to completion, much remains to be done, the Security Council heard on Monday. 

  • 11 Jun 2023

    On 12 June, the SRSG to the AU and Head of UNOAU met with a delegation from the African Development Bank (AfDB) led by the AfDB Deputy Director-General for the East Africa Region, Dr. Abdul...

  • 11 Jun 2023

    Fleeing armed conflict is frightening, forcing people to escape violent clashes and leave behind their homes, schools, and daily lives in a desperate search for safety.