Bienvenidos a las Naciones Unidas

Reports and Policy Documents


  • 30 Abr 2023

    TRIPOLI – 30 April 2023 – As a young man Khaled Alwadawi picked up the remnants of a rocket that had landed near his house in Misrata and took it to the local police...

  • 30 Abr 2023

    In light of the rapidly deteriorating humanitarian crisis in Sudan, Secretary-General António Guterres is sending UN Humanitarian Affairs chief Martin Griffiths to the region immediately, the global body announced on Sunday.  

  • 30 Abr 2023

    In light of the rapidly deteriorating humanitarian crisis in Sudan, Secretary-General António Guterres is sending UN Humanitarian Affairs chief Martin Griffiths to the region immediately, the global body announced on Sunday.  

  • 30 Abr 2023

    Food | FAO rehabilitates canals to help farmers overcome water...

  • 29 Abr 2023

    Mogadishu – One morning in 2011, Fatima Ismail Mohamed was seated in her 8th grade classroom in the Somali capital of Mogadishu waiting for the lesson to begin, when...

  • 29 Abr 2023

    Mogadishu – One morning in 2011, Fatima Ismail Mohamed was seated in her 8th grade classroom in the Somali capital of Mogadishu waiting for the lesson to begin, when suddenly her...

  • 28 Abr 2023


    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world.

    Security Council

    Secretary-General warns Security Council that tensions between major powers at "historic high"

    On 24 April, the Security Council held an open debate on effective multilateralism. Secretary-General António Guterres, in his opening remarks, said that the world faced unprecedented and interlocking crises, and that the multilateral system was under greater strain than at any other time since the founding of the Organization. “Tensions between major powers are at an historic high,” he cautioned, going on to underscore that “Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, in violation of the United Nations Charter and international law, is causing massive suffering and devastation to the country and its people.” He also highlighted members of the Council had a particular responsibility “to make multilateralism work, rather than contribute to its dismemberment.” Of the worsening situation in Sudan, he said that “The violence must stop" as it risked “a catastrophic conflagration within Sudan that could engulf the whole region and beyond.”  Watch remarks here.

    SRSG Perthes briefs Council on ongoing armed confrontation in Sudan

    On 26 April, in an evening session, the Security Council considered the situation in Sudan. Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Sudan Volker Perthes said that since the last briefing on 17 April, his efforts and those of Member States and regional organizations had focused on securing humanitarian pauses or ceasefires between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces. He noted that the efforts had met with limited success and the situation on the ground had escalated dramatically. He went on to note the "positive step" of the 72-hour ceasefire brokered by the United States, which was holding in some parts. The UN will focus on a sustained ceasefire and a return to political negotiations, he said.  

    Watch remarks here.

    SRSG Salvador gives first briefing to the Council on the situation in Haiti

    On 26 April, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Haiti, María Isabel Salvador briefed the Council for the first time. She said, “a path for Haitians to engage in dialogue towards restoring democratic institutions in the country has been charted” but that it would be “difficult to move forward without effectively addressing rampant insecurity.” She also said that since the last briefing on Haiti to the Council by her predecessor, gang criminality had increased. The SRSG stressed that gang violence was expanding at an “alarming rate” in areas previously considered relatively safe in Port-au-Prince and outside the capital. “The horrific violence in gang-ridden areas, including sexual violence, particularly against women and girls, is emblematic of the terror afflicting much of Haiti’s population,” she warned. 


    Watch the briefing here.

    Special Coordinator Wennesland informs Council of latest developments in the Middle East

    The Secretary-General's Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Tor Wennesland, told the Council that while the situation in the Middle East had been mostly calm, there had been "shocking incidents of violence at the Holy Sites" in recent weeks and that "the current trajectory is neither sustainable nor inevitable." The Special Coordinator underlined that the parties, the region and the international community must address the underlying political, security, economic and institutional challenges driving the conflict. He also noted that “there must be an end to the unilateral measures, provocations and incitement that enable violence.”  

    Watch here.

    Peacebuilding Commission

    Ambassadorial-level meeting on transitional justice in Colombia, The Gambia and Timor-Leste

    On 28 April, the Peacebuilding Commission convened a meeting on transitional justice in Colombia, The Gambia and Timor-Leste. Participants outlined experiences, good practices and lessons learned regarding transitional justice, with a specific focus on guarantees of non-recurrence, in the spirit of South-South and triangular cooperation. The Commission commended the efforts of the three countries in advancing their transitional justice processes, and encouraged them to continue their efforts. 

    Watch meeting here.

    Liberian Configuration of PBC holds ambassadorial-level meeting on elections

    On 25 April, the Liberia Configuration of the Peacebuilding Commission convened a meeting on peaceful and inclusive elections in Liberia, focusing on the political participation of women and youth and the prevention of electoral violence. The Commission underlined that the presidential and legislative elections in October 2023 will be critical to consolidating democracy.


    Peacebuilding Fund’s Seventh Advisory Group convenes in New York

    This week, the Peacebuilding Fund’s (PBF) Seventh Advisory Group convened for its second full session in New York and met with Secretary-General António Gutteres and Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support Elizabeth Spehar. The Group discussed resource mobilization, both for the Fund and for peacebuilding in general, as well as the need to reach a positive conclusion on assessed contributions. It also spoke about the New Agenda for Peace and its link to longer-term processes such as the 2025 review of the Peacebuilding architecture.

    PBSO launches Climate Security and Peacebuilding Thematic Review

    On 25 April, nearly 200 participants joined the Peacebuilding Support Office’s virtual launch event of the Climate, Security and Peacebuilding Thematic Review. In her opening remarks, Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support Elizabeth Spehar emphasized the importance of an inclusive climate, peace and security agenda. The event video recording is available here. 




    Central Africa

    Special Representative Abarry visits Chad to discuss transition process  

    From 26-28 April, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Regional Office for Central Africa (UNOCA) Abdou Abarry visited the Republic of Chad. He met with the President of the transition and Head of State, General Mahamat Idriss Déby Into, Prime Minister Saleh Kebzabo, Minister of Foreign Affairs Mahamat Saleh Annadif, Special Representative of the Economic Community of Central African States Botelho Urbino, and representatives of country’s international partners and other key stakeholders. The SRSG noted the progress made in the roll-out of the transition, in particular the establishment of the National Commission for the Organization of the Constitutional Referendum. He stressed the importance of additional measures to ensure inclusivity and the participation of all stakeholders in the transition. 

    Republic of Congo

    UNSAC conducts field visit to discuss refugee situation  

    From 24 to 28 April, the Bureau of the UN Standing Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa (UNSAC) carried out a field visit to the Republic of Congo, with a view to collect and analyze relevant information related to the refugee situation in border areas with the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Central African Republic. Representatives of Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda and São Tomé and Príncipe attended, together with the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), the UN Regional Office for Central Africa (UNOCA) and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (HCR) in Congo. The mission assessed the situation of refugees and displaced persons, and noted efforts by Congolese authorities and partners to assist and protect them.  


    UN Special Coordinator meets with political and religious leaders, youth influencers 

    This week, UN Special Coordinator Joanna Wronecka held a round of meetings with Lebanese political leaders and stakeholders as the presidential vacancy in Lebanon approaches its sixth month. Wronecka highlighted the damaging impact of the prolonged vacuum on State institutions. Lebanese Forces party leader Samir Geagea, Kataeb party leader Samy Gemayel and MP Ibrahim Kanaan of the Free Patriotic Movement, raised with the Special Coordinator growing concerns about the prolonged presence of Syrian refugees. The Special Coordinator also met with Maronite Patriarch Bechara El-Rahi, Orthodox Archbishop for Beirut Elias Aude and Jaafari Mufti Sheikh Ahmad Kabalan, to discuss the role of religious leaders in defusing tensions. With MP Georges Adwan, the head of Parliament’s Justice and Administration Committee, discussions focused on the work being done to move forward with legislation that is critical for the reform agenda, most notably on independence of the judiciary. Wronecka also met with a group of youth influencers to hear their vision for a better future in Lebanon. 


    Top UNAMI officials discuss media freedom, climate; Human Rights Office holds workshop for minority communities 

    On 27 April, the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Iraq, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, spoke about media and press freedom at the launch of the Rudaw Media Network Bestoon talk show. On 26 April 2023, the Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq for Political Affairs and Electoral Assistance, Claudio Cordone, and the Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General/Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq, Ghulam Mohammad Isaczai, attended the second meeting of the Informal Expert Group of the members of the UN Security Council on Climate, Peace and Security. Discussions focused on the climate-driven challenges facing Iraq, including water shortages and the peace and security implications of these challenges. On 26 April 2023, UNAMI’s Human Rights Office organized a workshop for minority communities in Duhok and Nineveh governorates. The workshop aimed to enhance the understanding of United Nations Protection Mechanisms related to minorities, including the Universal Periodic Review, the Special Procedures and the Treaty Monitoring Bodies of the United Nation. On 25 April, the United Nations Country Team (UNCT) in Iraq published its 2022 Annual Results Report on UN development activities and contributions to the development priorities of Iraq.  


    Peace Process Secretariat holds training course on social cohesion and gender-sensitive reintegration 

    This week in Mozambique, the Peace Process Secretariat organized a training on social cohesion and gender-sensitive reintegration for DDR focal points in the provinces of Zambezia and Niassa. The training was organized in partnership with the Folke Bernadotte Academy. The participants serve as focal points and a vital link between DDR beneficiaries, local communities and the peace process, providing support to DDR beneficiaries during their reintegration. They are appointed by both Renamo and Government and support the implementation of the DDR process. 


    Special Envoy for Horn of Africa receives award of recognition for UN’s role in peace talks 

    On 23 April, the Federal Government of Ethiopia organized a Recognition Programme under the theme “Enough with war – Let’s Sustain Peace” to take stock of the lessons learned from the African Union-led and Ethiopian owned peace process. Ethiopia’s Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed, presented an award recognizing the UN’s support during the peace talks between the Federal Government and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front to the Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa, Hanna Tetteh. In her remarks after the ceremony, SESG Tetteh commended the Ethiopian stakeholders for the progress achieved since the signing of the COHA.  


    UN Verification Mission participates in launch event for book on victim and former combatant testimonies 

    On 24 April, the UN Verification Mission in Colombia participated in the presentation of a book that reflects the experience of Revipaz, the first organization integrated by victims and former combatants accredited in case 001 of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace. The book "Stories of an imagined future" was launched at the Bogota International Book Fair 2023. With the support of the Mayor's Office of Bogotá, Revipaz reiterated their commitment to be an example of reconciliation. "We removed the hatred from our hearts; we want to show the world the nobility of our people", said Juan Carlos Gonzalez, one of the victims and a member of Revipaz. 

    Next Week

    Switzerland will assume the presidency of the Security Council for the month of May.  

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  • 28 Abr 2023

    Japan must assume a greater leadership role to address the deteriorating crisis in Myanmar and “step up pressure on the country’s military junta”, a UN-appointed independent rights expert urged on Friday.

  • 28 Abr 2023

    The acting UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Ukraine, Matthew Hollingworth, has condemned a wave of deadly strikes that hit several cities early on Friday, reportedly the most intense aerial bombardment in weeks. 

  • 28 Abr 2023

    Lasting peace hinges on everyone being on an “equal footing” and an all-of-society approach, a top UN official on Friday told the UN Peacebuilding Commission as it met to discuss national report cards on the pace of transitional justice reforms.

  • 28 Abr 2023

    A turbulent transition to civilian rule has been underway in Sudan since the ouster of former President Omar Hassan El-Bashir in April 2019. The civilian-led transitional Government put in place later that year, through a power-sharing agreement between military and civilian leaders, was toppled by a military coup in October 2021.

  • 28 Abr 2023

    Civilians in Sudan, including scores of internally displaced people and refugees, are scrambling for safety and suffering the disastrous consequences of the violence there, as many aid operations have been forced to pause, UN humanitarians said on Friday.

  • 28 Abr 2023
  • 27 Abr 2023


  • 27 Abr 2023

    The Council expressed deep concern over reported funding gaps, which have had an effect on the drawdown of forces from Somalia on 30 June 2023 and 31 December 2024 respectively; strongly...

  • 27 Abr 2023

    From 24 to 28 April, UNOAU, in collaboration with OHCHR supported the AU in the design and delivery of Training in Compliance and Accountability for...

  • 27 Abr 2023

    On 28 April, the AUPSC convened its 1151st session to address ‘One Year of ATMIS: Progress, Challenges, Funding’. The Permanent...

  • 27 Abr 2023

    Leaders in Albanian-majority Kosovo and the Serb minority there backed by Belgrade, need to take “courageous” action towards normalizing relations, or risk growing regional instability, the head of the UN mission there (UNMIK) told the Security Council on Thursday.

  • 27 Abr 2023

    A new UK law affecting people’s rights to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and association, is “incompatible” with the country’s international obligations, the UN rights chief said on Thursday.

  • 27 Abr 2023

    Renewed diplomatic attention on Syria in the aftermath of the recent devastating earthquakes that hit the country and neighbouring Türkiye could help to unlock stalled peace efforts, UN Special Envoy Geir Pedersen told the Security Council on Thursday. 

  • 27 Abr 2023

    The UN has been forced to essentially halt all aid operations across Sudan due to the continuing fighting between rival militaries, but humanitarians who have re-located to Port Sudan on the Red Sea coast are determined to return to Khartoum “as quickly as possible”, the UN Humanitarian Coordinator said on Thursday.

  • 27 Abr 2023

    ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan

    On 4 April, the UNRCCA Preventive Diplomacy Academy (PDA) held an online session on the topic "The role of youth in...

  • 26 Abr 2023

    The rapidly deteriorating security situation in Haiti demands that the country remains at the centre of international attention and action, newly appointed UN Special Representative Maria Isabel Salvador said on Wednesday in her first briefing to the Security Council. 

  • 26 Abr 2023

    The UN’s Special Representative for Sudan has called on the rival military factions which have plunged the country into chaos during 11 days of fighting to “fully adhere” to the agreed 72-hour ceasefire amid increasing concern at reports of inter-communal violence and attacks in the West Darfur region.

  • 26 Abr 2023

    Survivors of one of the world’s worst ever nuclear accidents at the Chernobyl power plant in Ukraine on 26 April 1986 have been reflecting on the events of that fateful day 37 years ago, as current employees consider the challenges of working at the plant which was seized by Russian troops following Moscow’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

  • 26 Abr 2023

    One year after the General Assembly adopted its so-called “veto initiative”, Member States met on Wednesday to discuss how it could contribute to a more efficient and impact-oriented UN. 

  • 25 Abr 2023

    From 24 to 26 April, the Military Strategic Support Group (MSSG), under the authority of the AUPSC Specialized Technical Committee...

  • 25 Abr 2023

    On 26 April, the SRSG to the AU and Head of UNOAU paid a courtesy call on the Ambassador of the Union of Comoros to Ethiopia and Permanent Representative to the AU, Youssouf Mandoha...

  • 25 Abr 2023

    Authorities in Burkina Faso must conduct a full and independent investigation into the recent killing of scores of civilians in a village near the border with Mali, the UN human rights office, OHCHR, said on Tuesday. 

  • 25 Abr 2023

    The United Nations will continue to deliver desperately needed relief for the Sudanese people, amid soaring needs, acute shortages of essentials and fast-rising prices, UN humanitarians pledged on Tuesday.

  • 25 Abr 2023

    The current trajectory of escalating unrest between Israelis and Palestinians is neither sustainable nor inevitable, UN Middle East envoy Tor Wennesland told the Security Council on Tuesday, delivering his latest report. 

  • 25 Abr 2023

    The on-going power struggle between Sudan’s top generals not only puts the future of the country at risk, but threatens to “detonate across borders”, fuelling widespread suffering that could go on for years, warned the UN chief on Tuesday.

  • 25 Abr 2023

    NEW YORK - United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres announced today the appointment of Feridun Sinirlioğlu of Türkiye as the Special Coordinator, Independent Assessment Mandated by...

  • 24 Abr 2023

    On 25 April, the Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the UN and incoming President of the UNSC for the month of May, Pascale Baeriswyl, and the Ambassador of Uganda to...

  • 24 Abr 2023

    On 18-24 April, UNOAU in collaboration with the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Center (KAIPTC), supported the AU Commission in the design and...

  • 24 Abr 2023

    The UN Secretary-General on Monday welcomed the temporary relocation of hundreds of staff members and their families from the Sudanese capital Khartoum, amid the continuing intense fighting between rival military factions which has now entered its second week.

  • 24 Abr 2023

    The world’s multilateral system is under greater strain than at any time since the creation of the United Nations, requiring swift action to “do better, faster” in using the UN Charter and existing tools to forge greater security and prosperity for all, the Secretary-General told the Security Council on Monday, which marks the International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace.

  • 23 Abr 2023

    On 24 April, UNOAU participated in a briefing of the Group of Friends of the AU-UN Partnership held at the African Union Commission. The meeting was co-chaired by...

  • 21 Abr 2023


    New York, 22 April 2023

    On International Mother Earth Day, we reflect on humanity’s most important relationship — our relationship with the natural world.

    From the air we breathe to the water we drink to the soil that grows our food – humanity’s health depends on the health of Mother Earth.

    Yet we seem hellbent on destruction.

    Our actions are laying waste to forests,...

  • 21 Abr 2023

    The UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Sudan issued a strong statement on Friday calling on both sides in the military power struggle to “implement humanitarian pauses” allowing civilians and aid workers to access essential supplies.

  • 20 Abr 2023
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 


    Secretary-General strongly condemns outbreak of fighting in Sudan

    On 20 April, the Secretary-General, speaking to reporters following a meeting convened by the African Union on Sudan, strongly condemned the outbreak of fighting between the Rapid Support Forces and the Sudanese Armed Forces. He appealed for a ceasefire marking the Eid Al Fitr celebrations, to allow civilians trapped in conflict zones to escape and to seek medical treatment, food and other essential supplies. “This must be the first step in providing respite from the fighting and paving the way for a permanent ceasefire,” he said.

    Earlier in the week on 15 April, the Secretary-General released a statement strongly condemning the outbreak of fighting between the Rapid Support Forces and the Sudanese Armed Forces in Sudan. He further noted that further escalation of the fighting would have a devastating impact on civilians and aggravate the already precarious humanitarian situation. On 16 April, he issued a statement strongly condemning the deaths and injuries of civilians, including the deaths of three staff members of the World Food Programme in North Darfur, with a further two seriously injured. On 17 April, Special Representative Volker Perthes briefed at a press conference in New York via VTC. He also issued a statement expressing his disappointment that the humanitarian cessation of hostilities agreed to was only partially honored. On 19 April, the Trilateral Mechanism issued a statement welcoming the announcement of a ceasefire between the Rapid Support Forces and the Sudanese Armed Forces.

    Security Council

    Grundberg: “We need to see a Yemeni-owned ceasefire that durably stops the violence, ensures the safety and security of Yemenis, and builds trust for a political process”

    On 17 April, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General Hans Grundberg briefed the Security Council on the situation in Yemen. In his remarks, he noted that the truce continued to deliver beyond its expiration six months ago and that there had not been “such a serious opportunity for making progress towards ending the conflict in eight years.” He went on to underscore that “We need to see a Yemeni-owned ceasefire that durably stops the violence, ensures the safety and security of Yemenis, and builds trust for a political process.” The same day, the Head of the UN Mission to Support the Hudaydah Agreement (UNMHA) and Co-chair of the Redeployment Coordination Committee Major General (retired) Michael Beary briefed the Security Council in closed consultations on the situation in Hudaydah.

    Assistant Secretary-General Khiari urges the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to comply with international obligations

    Assistant Secretary-General (ASG) for Middle East, Asia and the Pacific Khaled Khiari briefed the Security Council on 17 April on non-proliferation and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. He said that the lack of unity and action in the Security Council had done little to impact the negative trajectory on the Korean Peninsula. ASG Khiari also reiterated calls made by the Secretary-General to Pyongyang to desist from taking any further destabilizing actions, to fully comply with its international obligations, and to resume dialogue that will lead to the complete and verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

    Special Representative Bathily meets with key political leaders on elections in Libya

    Briefing the Security Council on 18 April, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Libya Abdoulaye Bathily said he has engaged key political leaders through shuttle diplomacy to seek common ground and encourage them to make compromises that will clear the path to elections. He also noted that his interlocutors all expressed their readiness to discuss the organization of elections. Additionally, the meetings between military units and security formations from the east, west and south represented a breakthrough, and were of great symbolic value on the path to reconciling and unifying the country, he said.


    UN Envoy for the Great Lakes region warns that armed groups continue to “sow terror”

    On 19 April, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the Great Lakes Region Huang Xia briefed the Security Council. He said the region was enjoying “a fragile lull” following months of fighting between the M23 rebel movement and the Democratic Republic of Congo armed forces, a deteriorating humanitarian situation, and rising diplomatic tensions between the DRC and Rwanda. Special Envoy Xia underscored that the presence of armed groups that continue to “sow terror” remains one of the greatest challenges to peace in the region. He also pointed out that escalation of diplomatic tensions between Rwanda and DRC earlier in the year, following border incidents and charges of Rwanda’s backing of M23, had threatened the fragile peace in the region. 

    Under-Secretary-General DiCarlo meets with senior Korean officials in Seoul

    The Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, Rosemary DiCarlo, concluded her visit to northeast Asia on 18 April with a stop in Seoul, Republic of Korea. She met with senior Korean officials to discuss the role of multilateral diplomacy in fostering regional stability, as well as the latest developments on the Peninsula. She met with Minister of Foreign Affairs Park Jin, Minister of Unification Kwon Young-se, and Deputy Minister for Multilateral and Global Affairs Park Yong-min, among other officials.

    Central Asia

    Assistant Secretary-General Jenča visits Kazakhstan, discusses cooperation and regional challenges

    On 17 April, Assistant Secretary-General for Europe, Central Asia and the Americas Miroslav Jenča visited Kazakhstan. During his trip, he met separately with President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, Chairperson of Majilis Yerlan Koshanov, Deputy Chairperson of Majilis Dania Espaeva, and First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Kairat Umarov. Discussions focused on cooperation between the United Nations and Kazakhstan, global and regional challenges, and the country's reform process.

    Read more here


    New “Peace Clubs” established in Mozambique to promote non-violence and reconciliation

    This week, three new Peace Clubs were established in Nampula Province in northern Mozambique. Peace Clubs play an important role in the peace process and help to build sustainable ties between disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) beneficiaries and receiving communities. Through a network of interfaith religious and social leaders, the Clubs promote non-violence, peace and reconciliation using existing community structures in seven provinces. Supported by the Office of the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General for Mozambique, Mirko Manzoni, Peace Clubs engagement with DDR beneficiaries, their family members and broader communities helps enhance reintegration and reconciliation across the country.

    Watch a video on Peace Clubs in Mozambique here


    Special Representative Salvador meets with Haitian officials, discusses political situation

    On 17 April, the new Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Haiti, María Isabel Salvador, met Prime Minister Ariel Henry in Port-au-Prince, where they discussed the situation in the country. On 18 April, she also met Minister of Foreign Affairs and Religious Affairs Jean Victor Geneus to discuss the relationship between Haiti and the United Nations. 


    Implementing restorative Initiatives to foster reconciliation in Fusagasugá

    To build trust and forge reconciliation, a group of former combatants, community leaders, and victims worked on a rural road improvement in the municipality of Fusagasugá, inaugurated on 15 April during an event accompanied by the UN Verification Mission in Colombia. Regional authorities showcased this process as an example of a restorative initiative that can contribute to the transitional justice system. The Special Jurisdiction for Peace has certified similar activities in Cundinamarca to be considered as part of the upcoming sentences.


    UNAMI releases For Iraq magazine reflecting on 2022

    This week, the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) published For Iraq magazine that looks back 2022.

    The magazine can be viewed here

    Next Week

    On 24 April, the Secuity Council will hold an open debate on “Maintenance of international peace and security: Effective multilateralism through the defense of the principles of the UN Charter.” The Secretary-General is set to address the meeting. On 25 April, Special Coordinator Tor Wennesland will brief on the Middle East Peace Process. On 26 April, Special Representative for Haiti María Isabel Salvador will make her first Security Council briefing. On 27 April, Special Envoy Geir O. Pedersen will brief on Syria. 

    The 2023 Thematic Review on Climate Security and Peacebuilding will be launched on 25 April. The Review was commissioned by the Peacebuilding Support Office, in partnership with FAOUNICEFClimate Security Mechanism and the United Kingdom, and led by the UN University’s Centre for Policy Research. Watch a video featuring its key findings and recommendations here, and register for the virtual launch event on 25 April 9:30-11:00 am EDT here.

    Also on 25 April, the Peacebuilding Commission will hold an Ambassadorial-Level Meeting on Liberia in Conference Room 11 of the UN Secretariat. On 28 April, the Commission will discuss transitional justice in Colombia, The Gambia and Timor-Leste in Conference Room 3. 

    Subscribe to This Week in DPPA here

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  • 20 Abr 2023

    The study draws on a review of publicly available literature and over 20 interviews conducted with UNAMI, members of the UN Country Team, researchers, and civil society organizations. To situate the effects of climate change in the Iraqi context, the study analyzes factors determining the exposure and vulnerability of the State and communities, including conflict history, capacity and resources of public institutions, patterns of human mobility, and levels of gender equality.

  • 20 Abr 2023

    Mogadishu – The United Nations family in Somalia extends warm greetings and congratulations to all Somalis on the occasion of Eid-al-Fitr.

    “As we come to the end of the holy month of Ramadan, the United Nations...

  • 20 Abr 2023

    On the advent of Eid al-Fitr, I would like to extend my heartfelt wishes to the Libyan people inside and outside the country

    I hope that the joy of Eid, after the blessed month of Ramadan, will strengthen solidarity for...

  • 20 Abr 2023

    Special Envoy Huang Xia briefing the Security Council on 19 April 2023. UN Photo, Eskinder Debebe

    Speaking at the 9307th meeting of...

  • 20 Abr 2023

    Ahead of the presidential and general election scheduled to take place in October 2023, Liberian political parties and stakeholders committed themselves on April 4 in Farmington to ensure peaceful, transparent, and credible...

  • 20 Abr 2023

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres on Thursday appealed for warring parties in Sudan to observe a ceasefire for at least three days so that civilians trapped in conflict zones can seek medical treatment, food and other essential supplies. His call to silence the guns during the Eid al-Fitr celebrations, marking the end of Ramadan, followed a virtual meeting on the crisis, convened by the African Union (AU).

  • 19 Abr 2023

    Ashgabat, TURKMENISTAN

    On 19-20 April, Miroslav Jenča, Assistant Secretary-General for Europe, Central Asia and the Americas in the...

  • 19 Abr 2023

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres continues efforts towards ensuring an end to the hostilities in Sudan, his Spokesperson said on Wednesday, amid reports of a new ceasefire between warring military factions and refugees fleeing the country across the border into Chad. 

  • 19 Abr 2023

    UN humanitarians have reached nearly two million Ukrainians whose lives have been impacted by Russia’s ongoing invasion with multi-purpose cash assistance in just the first three months of 2023, the UN Spokesperson said on Wednesday.