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Reports and Policy Documents



  • 30 ноя 2011

    On 30 November 2011, the thirty second meeting of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM), chaired by the United Nations, was held in Gali. The meeting took place in businesslike atmosphere with all participants engaging in the discussions in a professional manner.

    The participants followed up on some detention cases discussed at the previous meetings, as well as new ones. They exchanged updated information on the destiny of the detainees.

    In line with the existing procedures, the participants once again discussed the freedom of movement at the Inguri Bridge and other crossing points. The need for joint efforts in the fight against crime was also reiterated and concrete ideas were suggested for further discussions.

    It was agreed that the next meeting of the IPRM would take place in Gali on 31 January 2012.

  • 26 окт 2011

    On 26 October 2011, the thirty first meeting of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM), chaired by the United Nations, was held in Gali. The meeting took place in businesslike atmosphere with all participants engaging in the discussions in a professional manner.

    The participants followed up matters discussed at the previous meetings, in particular, issues related to the alleged violations of the line of control.  The  participants also exchanged views with regards to the alleged helicopter over flights.

    Тhe participants agreed  to the suggested ideas how to further improve the effectiveness of hotline communication.  It was once again emphasized that the hotline is a very important tool of communication, in particular in cases of emergency.

    It was agreed that the next meeting of the IPRM would take place in Gali on 30 November 2011.

  • 20 сен 2011

    On 20 September 2011, the thirtieth meeting of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM), chaired by the United Nations, was held in Gali. The meeting took place in a constructive and businesslike atmosphere with all participants engaging in the discussions in a respectful and professional manner.

    Тhe general security situation since the 29th IPRM meeting was assessed as calm. Participants followed up matters discussed at the previous meetings including two detention cases and freedom of movement of the local residents. Additional information available on those issues was provided by respective participants.

    Тhe participants in particular discussed issues related to safety of one pedestrian bridge.  They also touched upon the alleged helicopter overflights.

    It was agreed that the next meeting of the IPRM would take place in Gali on 26 October 2011.

  • 14 июл 2011

    On 14 July 2011, the twenty ninth meeting of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM), chaired by the United Nations, was held in Gali. This meeting marked the second anniversary of the launch of this IPRM, which continues its work without interruption.

    Тhe general security situation was assessed as calm. Participants exchanged the updated information on one detention case of a local resident, including the possible visit to the place of his current detention. They also discussed the request of one of the participants to hand over the persons wanted for their alleged involvement in terrorist acts.

    Тhe participants also discussed the claims about questioning and recruitment of people crossing the Inguri River. Clarifications were provided on the incident involving the attempt to stop a minibus reportedly trying to cross at the unauthorized location on 6 July. In this context, participants underscored the need to respect the freedom of movement of local residents and called for refraining from any action, which undermines this right.   

    The meeting took place in a constructive and businesslike atmosphere with all participants engaging in the discussions in a respectful and professional manner.

    It was agreed that the next meeting of the IPRM would take place in Gali on 20 September 2011.

  • 21 июн 2011

    On 21 June 2011, the twenty eighth meeting of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM), chaired by the United Nations, was held in Gali.

    Participants followed up some issues discussed at the previous IPRM meeting, especially the case of the local resident detained on suspicion of committing terrorist acts. This discussion also touched upon findings of the ad-hoc fact finding team set in the framework of IPRM, which had visited the alleged locations of detention claimed by two sides. New information was provided on other reported attempts of committing terrorist acts and on the detention of suspected individuals.

    Furthermore, participants discussed incidents, which took place since IPRM 27, including the alleged flights of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) across the Inguri River and the detention of individuals by one or another side. Participants once again revisited the issue of free movement of the local population and addressed specific incidents, which had raised concern related to crossing, including the alleged forced questioning of people crossing the Inguri River. The need to respect the rights of people and to ensure their unimpeded movement was emphasized.

    As in the previous IPRM meetings, the 21 June meeting also took place in a constructive, respectful and professional manner.  

    It was agreed that the next meeting of the IPRM would take place in Gali on 14 July 2011.

  • 20 мая 2011

    On 20 May 2011, the twenty seventh meeting of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM), chaired by the United Nations, was held in Gali.                                              

    Participants discussed issues related to incidents, which took place since the last IPRM. They followed up the case of one local resident who was detained on suspicion of committing a serious crime. The specially-arranged fact finding team within IPRM was involved in studying the case. In addition, the updated information was provided on the alleged terrorist acts.

    One of the serious incidents discussed at the meeting was the killing of a Colonel of a Russian Border Guards’ patrol team on 8 April 2011 in the Gali district by two perpetrators who were also killed during the shootout.  

    Participants further discussed crossing procedures and freedom of movement of the local residents and exchanged views on how to ensure their unhindered movement across the Inguri River.

    The participants discussed river bank protection works carried out on a section of one side of the Inguri River. In this regard, they stressed the need for advance notice and coordination of actions, as well as cooperation on the level of experts.

    The timely and efficient use of hotline was highlighted as an important practical element of IPRM, in particular in cases of emergency.  

    The meeting took place in a constructive, respectful and professional manner.  

    It was agreed that the next meeting of the IPRM would take place in Gali on 21 June 2011.

  • 22 мар 2011

    On 22 March 2011, the twenty sixth meeting of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM), chaired by the United Nations, was held in Gali.

    Based on the proposal of the Chair, the participants agreed the code of conduct of patrols when they approach the identified point(s) on the boundary line. Among other measures, the participants agreed to immediately activate the hotline to avoid any misunderstanding that could lead to the threat or the use of force.  

    Participants once again discussed issues related to the detention of two local residents, in particular the demand was made to immediately release and return one of the detainees. Clarifications on the reasons and circumstances of their detention were provided.

    The issue of restoration of a shuttle bus service over the Inguri bridge, which had been functioning under the UN auspices until summer 2008, was once again followed up. It was agreed that the issue would be brought to the attention of the relevant authorities for consideration.

    The meeting took place in a constructive, respectful and professional manner.  

    It was agreed that the next meeting of the IPRM would take place in Gali on 04 May 2011.

  • 22 Feb 2011

    On 22 February 2011, the twenty fifth meeting of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM), chaired by the United Nations, was held in Gali.

    Participants discussed issues related to crossing, in particular by school children.  They also discussed the procedures of issuance and distribution of relevant identification documents.  Clarifications were provided on both matters.

    Incidents, which took place since the last IPRM meeting, were discussed as well, including the detention of a local resident and the case of a missing person, who disappeared in 2008.

    Participants once again addressed the issue of preservation of cultural heritage. 

    The meeting took place in a businesslike, respectful and professional manner.

    It was agreed that the next meeting of the IPRM would take place in Gali on 22 March 2011.

  • 31 янв 2011

    On 31 January 2011, the twenty fourth meeting of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM), chaired by the United Nations, was held in Gali.

    Participants exchanged available information on some incidents which took place since the last IPRM meeting. Тhe general security situation was assessed as calm. 

    As in the case of previous IPRM meetings, participants exchanged useful information on substantive matters, such as freedom of movement of local residents and the language of instruction in the schools in the Gali district, as well as they discussed the issue of preservation of cultural heritage. 

    The meeting took place in a constructive and businesslike atmosphere with all participants engaging in the discussions in a respectful and professional manner.

    It was agreed that the next meeting of the IPRM would take place in Gali on 22 February 2011.



  • 25 ноя 2010

    On 25 November 2010, the twenty third meeting of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM), chaired by the United Nations, was held in Gali.

    The meeting continued the discussion on the circumstances of disappearance of Mr Gari Jopua and his subsequent return to his home after one month. The participants also discussed the case of Mr David Sigua who was missing since 2007.  Furthermore, they exchanged views on the general security situation and on cases involving different individuals.

    On substantive matters, a useful exchange of information took place with respect to the freedom of movement of local residents, in particular in relation to social activities.

    The participants welcomed ideas on how to tackle potential security-related issues on the ground proposed by the Chair of the IPRM and agreed to continue the discussion on confidence building.

    Despite divergent views on certain issues on the agenda, which have political connotations, all participants engaged constructively in the discussions.

    It was agreed that the next meeting of the IPRM would take place in Gali on 26 January 2011.

  • 2 ноя 2010

    On 2 November 2010, the twenty second meeting of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM), chaired by the United Nations, was held in Gali.

    Participants addressed in detail issues related to recent incidents including the disappearance of a resident of Abkhazia near the Inguri river on 9 October 2010. They exchanged available information on this particular incident and agreed to continue discussing this and other matters at the next IPRM meeting, which will be suggested by the Chair.

  • 8 окт 2010

    On 8 October 2010, the twenty first meeting of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM), chaired by the United Nations, was held in Gali.

    Participants once again discussed issues related to the freedom of movement of the local population, in particular for school pupils and university students.  In this regard, further clarifications on crossing procedures and practices were provided.

    Several incidents reported since the last meeting of the IPRM were addressed in detail, including specific security-related incidents and reports of alleged mistreatment of the local population.  A number of these incidents were clarified through detailed explanations and exchanges of information, while some others remain open pending further information to be provided during the next meeting.  In this regard, participants also briefly addressed the issue of missing persons, and agreed to review an unresolved case should any new information become available.

    Although a number of sensitive issues were raised in today’s meeting, all participants engaged in a professional, constructive and respectful manner. They demonstrated restraint and made a concerted effort to avoid politicisation of issues under discussion.  This was instrumental in ensuring an overall atmosphere conducive to further progress.

    Participants agreed that the next meeting of the IPRM would take place in Gali on 2 November 2010.

  • 14 сен 2010

    On 14 September 2010, the twentieth meeting of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM), chaired by the United Nations, was held in Gali.

    As in the previous IPRM meetings, participants discussed issues related to freedom of movement of the local population, in particular school teachers and students.  In this regard, clarifications on procedures and modalities in place were once again provided, noting that there were no changes to the previous practices.  Participants also raised the issue of freedom of movement of goods and transportation means across the Inguri river.

    Noting decrease in the number of incidents in the period since the previous IPRM meeting, the participants discussed some reported incidents, including the detention of Russian citizens on 30 August near Orsantia village.  Furthermore, participants exchanged information on the criminal situation in the Gali district and undertook to follow up on these matters on the operational level.

    IPRM participants positively assessed the recent release by the Abkhaz side of the Georgian detainee as a confidence-building measure.

    The meeting took place in a constructive, businesslike atmosphere with all participants engaging in a respectful and professional manner.

    Participants agreed that the next meeting of the IPRM would take place in Gali on 8 October 2010.

  • 20 июл 2010

    On 20 July 2010, the nineteenth meeting of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM), chaired by the United Nations, was held in Gali.

    Participants discussed incidents reported in the period since the previous IPRM meeting, including incidents that were deemed to have occurred due to the undefined line of separation along the Inguri River.  They also exchanged additional information on some incidents discussed during the previous meeting, in particular incidents of a criminal nature that are of mutual concern.  Participants undertook to follow up further on these matters in the period leading to the next meeting of the IPRM.

    A main item of discussion focused on the need to ensure the freedom of movement of the local population across the Inguri River.  In this regard, participants clarified procedures and modalities currently in place and discussed planned changes that may impact on the freedom of movement and livelihood of the local population.

    Today’s meeting once more took place in a constructive, businesslike atmosphere with all participants engaging in a respectful and professional manner.

    Participants agreed that the next meeting of the IPRM would take place in Gali on 14 September 2010.

  • 15 июн 2010

    On 15 June 2010, the eighteenth meeting of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM), chaired by the United Nations, was held in Gali.

    Participants discussed the violent incidents that had recently taken place in Gali district, including the killing on 1 June of Mr Genadi Kvitsiniya, the killing on 3 June of Mr Dmitri Katsia, and the acts of arson on 6 June in the village of Dikhazurga, which resulted in the destruction of five houses.  In an effort to determine the nature of these incidents, participants engaged in a detailed discussion and provided clarifying information.

    Notwithstanding a difference of opinion on the causal aspects, participants agreed that a known criminal element had been involved in at least one of these killings.  In this regard, they exchanged information on the activities of criminals operating on both sides and across the InguriRiver, and expressed a common interest to cooperate further on matters related to the combating criminal activities.

    Participants regretted and condemned the events that took place on 6 June in the village of Dikhazurga.  They discussed both the factual circumstances surrounding this incident and steps taken since 6 June to avoid any further recurrence.  In this context, participants also noted the need to refrain from inflammatory public statements, including pre-judging the outcomes of ongoing investigations.

    Despite the difficult nature of the discussions, the meeting took place in a professional and constructive manner, with all participants engaging openly and positively.

    Participants agreed that the next meeting of the IPRM would take place in Gali on 20 July 2010.

  • 3 июн 2010

    The main purpose of this manual is to familiarize new UN mediators with the range of skills used by their predecessors to carry out third-party mediation. The manual describes the current context in which UN mediation and “good offices” is carried out, offers advice and lessons from previous representatives and envoys, and suggests how the UN’s Mediation Support Unit can help to support the work of UN mediators. The manual is based on the UNITAR Programme for Briefing and Debriefing Special and Personal Representatives of the Secretary-General, which involved extensive interviews with UN representatives and envoys to determine lessons learned and best practices from their work.

  • 25 мая 2010

    On 25 May 2010, the seventeenth meeting of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM), chaired by the United Nations, was held in Gali.

    Participants discussed incidents reported in the period since the previous IPRM meeting, and exchanged additional information on some incidents discussed during the last meeting.  Discussions focused, in particular, on the need to respect the freedom of movement of the local population, including medical personnel, whilst at the same time meeting the security requirements of all participants.

    The follow-up discussion on previous incidents concluded that some unintentional violations stem primarily from the unmarked terrain along the Inguri River.  In this regard, participants supported the idea that, in future, joint visits at a technical level could take place, with a view to preventing any recurrences of incidents in future.  In this context, the value of the hotline was once again highlighted with the addition of a new contact number.

    The meeting was held in a professional and business-like atmosphere, with all participants engaging in an open and respectful manner.

    Participants agreed that the next meeting of the IPRM would take place in Gali on 22 June 2010.

  • 5 мая 2010

    On 5 May 2010, the sixteenth meeting of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM), chaired by the United Nations, was held in Gali.

    Participants reviewed incidents reported since the previous meeting, exchanged information and provided clarification in this regard. Incidents addressed at the previous IPRM meeting were also followed up.

    Participants noted the need to ensure unhindered passage for the local civilian population, in particular for patients, who are seeking medical assistance, and ambulances.

    All participants once again reaffirmed their commitment of providing advance notice of sensitive activities for prevention of incidents and confidence building purposes.  The importance of hotline as a useful tool to address issues in a timely and professional manner was also emphasized.

    The meeting took place in a professional and constructive atmosphere, with participants engaging in a respectful manner.

    Participants agreed that the next meeting of the IPRM would take place in Gali on 25 May 2010.

  • 13 апр 2010

    On 13 April 2010, the fifteenth meeting of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM), chaired by the United Nations, was held in Gali.

    Participants exchanged updated information and clarification on various issues including on crossing points for pedestrians and vehicles in order to facilitate the passage for the local population. They also exchanged specific information on the activities of coastal guard boats in adjacent waters.

    After examining the case of a homemade landmine reportedly found and later defused in close proximity to Otobaia village, participants once again underlined the importance of hotline as a vital tool to respond to such kind of incidents.

    The meeting took place in a professional and constructive atmosphere, with participants engaging in a respectful manner.

    Participants agreed that the next meeting of the IPRM would take place in Gali on 5 May 2010.

  • 23 мар 2010

    On 23 March 2010, the fourteenth meeting of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM), chaired by the United Nations, was held in Gali.

    Participants once again exchanged information and clarifications on incidents reported since the previous IPRM meeting.  Several specific cases of local residents reportedly prevented from crossing the Inguri River – in particular school children and patients seeking continuing medical treatment – were addressed.

    Some specific instances of alleged mistreatment of local residents were also addressed, and participants agreed on subsequent steps to clarify the circumstances surrounding these reported incidents.

    Participants also shared concerns caused by Imedi television’s “simulated” program of 13 March.  Whilst agreeing that no incident had taken place as a result of this broadcast, all participants recognised the potential threat that such media reports pose to the overall security situation.

    Notwithstanding some sensitive and difficult issues discussed, the meeting took place in a business-like atmosphere, with all participants engaging in constructive manner.

    Participants agreed that the next meeting of the IPRM would take place in Gali on 13 April 2010.

  • 2 мар 2010

    On 2 March 2010, the thirteenth meeting of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM), chaired by the United Nations, was held in Gali.

    Participants exchanged information and clarification on incidents, which were reported since the previous IPRM meeting, including the incident that took place in the village of Orsantia on 17 February 2010. 

    Crossing related issues were again discussed in detail and further clarifications were provided, in view of facilitating the passage for the local civilian population.  Specific details on the future crossing points were also shared with the participants.

    Discussion on the use of hotline continued with emphasis on the usefulness of this tool to exchange operational information, particularly in combating criminal activities. While acknowledging that the hotline is working, participants renewed their commitment to actively use it.

    The meeting took place in a professional and constructive atmosphere, with participants engaging in a respectful manner.

    Participants agreed that the next meeting of the IPRM would take place in Gali on 23 March 2010.

  • 9 Feb 2010

    On 9 February 2010, the twelfth meeting of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM), chaired by the United Nations, was held in Gali.

    Participants reviewed incidents reported since the previous meeting and exchanged information and clarification in this regard, including on the incident that took place in the village of Chuburkhinji on 29 January 2010.  In this context, participants also discussed the negative impact that preemptory statements and sensationalist media reporting may have on the peaceful civilian population prior to the conclusion of a proper investigation.

    The issue of crossings was again discussed, with further clarifications provided on related matters, including the procedures for detention and release.  Participants once again reaffirmed their commitment to facilitate unhindered passage for the local civilian population.

    Discussion on possible exchanges of information related to combating criminal activities continued.

    Advance notification of planned military exercises was provided and clarifications given of other sensitive activities ongoing in the vicinity of the Inguri river.  Such information forms an important preventive and confidence-building component.

    The meeting took place in a professional and constructive atmosphere, with participants engaging in a respectful and productive manner.

    Participants agreed that the next meeting of the IPRM would take place in Gali on 2 March 2010.

  • 20 янв 2010

    On 20 January 2010, the eleventh meeting of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM), chaired by the United Nations, was held in Gali.

    Participants discussed incidents since the previous meeting and exchanged clarifying information in this regard.  Maritime security was also addressed and clarifications were provided with regard to the deployment of Coast Guard vessels.  In this context, another brief exchange took place on last year’s incident involving a commercial vessel and its cargo.

    The issue of crossings was also discussed, including the possibility of re-establishing a free bus service across the Inguri bridge for the benefit of the local population.  Participants agreed to continue this discussion.

    Participants also discussed the need to seek means for cooperation in combating criminal activities, which would be mutually beneficial.  This issue also remains under discussion.

    The meeting took place in a business-like atmosphere, with participants engaging in a constructive dialogue aimed at addressing past and preventing future incidents.

    Participants agreed that the next meeting of the IPRM would take place in Gali on 9 February 2010.


  • 10 дек 2009

    On 8 December 2009, the tenth meeting of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM), chaired by the United Nations, was held in Gali.

    Participants had an in-depth discussion on a number of alleged incidents related to crossings.  Clarifications on current rules and practices were given. In this connection, concerns were raised regarding the establishment of a fence along the Inguri river.

    The alleged over-flights by UAVs were also discussed.  A request to stop these was made with a view to avoid unnecessary confrontation.

    Participants once again discussed the recent maritime incidents in the Black Sea.  One participant gave an update on the bilateral talks aimed at providing a proper framework for uncontested maritime traffic, including for humanitarian shipments.

    The meeting took place in a business-like atmosphere, with participants engaging in a spirit of resolving past and preventing future incidents.

    Participants agreed that the next meeting of the IPRM would take place in Gali on 20 January 2010.

  • 18 ноя 2009

    On 17 November 2009, the ninth meeting of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM), chaired by the United Nations, was held in Gali.

    Participants reviewed alleged incidents during the last two weeks and exchanged useful clarifications on each of them. Some of the incidents raised had already been discussed during the 8th round of the Geneva International Discussions of 11 November, and participants reiterated their concerns.

    Participants once again discussed in detail the movement of the local population between Gali and Zugdidi districts and exchanged information and views on current and future crossing procedures and practices. These exchanges of information contributed to the requested transparency as regards the freedom of movement for the local population.

    Participants agreed that the next meeting of the IPRM would take place in Gali on 8 December 2009.

  • 4 ноя 2009

    On 3 November 2009, the eighth meeting of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM), chaired by the United Nations, was held in Gali.

    Participants reviewed incidents in the period since the last meeting, providing clarification and exchanging information on specific incidents and security-related developments, including military exercises.

    The movement of the local population between Gali and Zugdidi districts, including by public transport, was discussed in some detail, with participants exchanging views and providing information on crossing procedures and requirements, both current and future.  They specifically agreed that civilians needing medical assistance should be given unhindered passage for treatment.

    All participants once again engaged in a constructive dialogue, seeking and providing information and clarification on all agenda items with a view to averting any potential incident or escalation in tension.

    Participants agreed that the next meeting of the IPRM would take place in Gali on 17 November 2009.

  • 21 окт 2009

    On 20 October 2009, the seventh meeting of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM), chaired by the United Nations, was held in Gali.

    Participants reviewed incidents in the period since the last meeting, providing clarifications and additional information on most of the incidents addressed.  They also reviewed material pertaining to the issue of recent and past helicopter flights along and in the vicinity of the Inguri River, and noted the assurances given so that such flights do not provide cause for concern.

    Discussions on the movement of the local population, in particular local schoolchildren, between Gali and Zugdidi districts also continued.  While the overall situation was again assessed as satisfactory, some aspects remain a source of concern and will again be reviewed and updated during the next meeting.

    The continuing constructive engagement by all participants once more ensured a useful meeting.

    It was agreed that the next meeting of the IPRM would take place in Gali on 3 November 2009.

  • 7 окт 2009

    On 6 October 2009, the sixth meeting of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM), chaired by the United Nations, was held in Gali.

    Participants continued their discussion concerning the movement of the local population between Gali and Zugdidi districts, taking into account humanitarian considerations.  They discussed in particular the situation with regard to school children. As regards the latter, the overall situation was assessed as satisfactory.  The matter will, however, be kept under review by the IPRM.

    Participants reviewed incidents that have occurred since the last IPRM meeting, and also provided further elements of clarification with regard to incidents and issues that were discussed during the previous IPRM meeting.  The issue of helicopter flights along and in the vicinity of the Inguri River was again discussed, and participants agreed to study the matter further on the basis of evidence presented by a participant during the next meeting with a view to resolving outstanding concerns.                                                                            

    With regard to the issue of maritime incidents in the Black Sea, the Chair provided, as requested by participants, a technical overview of the existing dispute settlement mechanisms within the framework of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.  Participants exchanged views on this issue and agreed that maritime incidents with potential security consequences must be avoided.

    Once again, the willingness by participants to engage on substantive matters and to exchange information and provide clarification on contentious issues ensured that the meeting was productive.

    It was agreed that the next meeting of the IPRM would take place in Gali on 20 October 2009.

  • 22 сен 2009

    On 22 September 2009, the fifth meeting of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM), chaired by the United Nations, was held in Gali.

    Participants continued their discussion concerning the movement of local school children attending schools in Zugdidi and Tsalenjikha districts since the beginning of the new school year on 14 September.  Whilst the situation appears overall satisfactory, some remaining questions will be addressed during the next IPRM meeting.

    Recent maritime incidents in the Black Sea and the recent Resolution of the United Nations General Assembly were also discussed in brief, as they had been addressed in more detail during the seventh round of the Geneva International Discussions, which took place on 17 September 2009.  On the issue of maritime incidents, participants agreed that the complex technical aspects of this matter are better addressed in the appropriate international fora.

    Participants also reviewed some recent incidents and provided advance notice of sensitive activities that may take place in the near future.

    The constructive engagement by all participants and their willingness to engage on substantive matters by sharing relevant information and clarifying outstanding issues contributed to a constructive and positive meeting.

    It was agreed that the next meeting of the IPRM would take place in Gali on 6 October 2009.

  • 8 сен 2009

    On 8 September 2009, the fourth meeting of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM), chaired by the United Nations, was held in Gali.

    Participants addressed incidents in the period since their last meeting, including recent maritime incidents in the Black Sea.  On the latter, an in-depth discussion allowed participants to state their views, including on legal aspects, and they agreed that incidents with potential security consequences should be avoided.

    An exchange of views also took place with regard to the movement of local school children attending schools in Zugdidi and Tsalenjikha.  It was agreed, and indeed encouraged that ahead of the new school year relevant information on crossing procedures would be shared with the local population.

    Other specific incidents were also discussed.  Participants provided clarifying information on these and related matters.  They agreed that IPRM meetings should have a review of past incidents as a standing agenda item.

    It was agreed that the next meeting of the IPRM would take place in Gali on 22 September 2009.

  • 11 авг 2009

    On 11 August 2009, the third meeting of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM), chaired by the United Nations, was held in Gali.

    The meeting continued the discussion on some practical arrangements of work.  In light of the agreement reached in Geneva on 17-18 February 2009 on IPRMs, participants also discussed what should be considered an “incident”, and held an initial discussion on the terms of reference for “agreed joint visits”.  The meeting then addressed several substantive questions.

    On substantive matters, a brief assessment of the general security situation was given, and participants exchanged information and views on what they considered to be recent incidents.  Participants undertook to share relevant information, to the best of their knowledge, when addressing specific incidents.  An informative exchange of views took place with respect to the movement of local residents through crossing points and some suggestions were made, and discussed, in this regard.

    Despite divergent views on underlying political issues, all participants continued to engage constructively in the discussions.

    It was agreed that the next meeting of the IPRM would take place in Gali on 8 September 2009.

  • 28 июл 2009

    On 28 July 2009, the second meeting of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism, chaired by the United Nations, was held in Gali.

    Today’s meeting continued the discussion of the first meeting on some questions regarding the practical organisation of work and the modalities of future meetings, and then moved on to address substantive questions.

    The practical arrangements for the establishment of a “hotline” to facilitate urgent contacts between participants were finalised.

    On substantive matters, both current and past incidents were discussed, as well as wider issues related to enhancing security in general.  The participants exchanged views and information on these matters and undertook to revert to some of the points during next meetings.

    As a measure of transparency and confidence building, it was agreed that the agenda for the IPRM meetings would include “advance notice of sensitive activities” as a standing item.

    As was already the case in the first meeting on 14 July 2009, participants engaged constructively in the discussion, thus contributing to what was again a productive meeting.

    It was agreed that the next meeting of the IPRM would take place in Gali on 11 August 2009.

  • 14 июл 2009

    As agreed at the sixth round of the Geneva Discussions on 1 July 2009, the first consultative meeting under United Nations auspices of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism took place in Gali on 14 July 2009.

    With all participants present, this meeting addressed questions regarding the practical organisation of work and modalities of future meetings.

    All participants actively engaged on all points on the agenda, thus contributing to a good and productive meeting.

    Agreement was reached on all issues except one.  There was agreement on the periodicity of meetings, on the format of the meetings, on the working languages of the meetings, on the way summary conclusions of meetings will be drawn and the agenda will be set, on the chairmanship of the next meetings, and on the practical set-up of the “hotline”.  The only issue that will be further discussed at the next meeting is the locations where the meetings should be convened.

    As all participants agreed to meet on a bi-weekly basis, the next meeting under United Nations auspices will take place on 28 July 2009.  It was also agreed that this meeting will take place in Gali.