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Reports and Policy Documents


  • 14 дек 2023

    Some Gazans are so desperate for food that they are now stopping aid trucks and immediately eating what they find, the head of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees warned on Thursday.

  • 14 дек 2023

    A pioneer in the study of chimpanzees and a vocal environmental activist, Jane Goodall became a UN Messenger of Peace in 2002.

  • 14 дек 2023

    The outbreak of conflict seven months ago in Sudan has led to “a convergence of a worsening humanitarian calamity and a catastrophic human rights crisis”, according to a senior UN official, and the restive region of Darfur has been particularly badly affected.

  • 14 дек 2023

    The Head of UNOCA highlighted the challenges and progress observed in the subregion over the past six months. UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe

  • 14 дек 2023

    ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan

    The UNRCCA Preventive Diplomacy Academy held an online...

  • 14 дек 2023

    KABUL  – New UNAMA report ‘The Handling of Complaints of Gender-Based Violence against Women and Girls by Afghanistan’s de facto Authorities’.

    The report is available and...

  • 13 дек 2023

    Humanitarians in Ukraine mobilized emergency assistance for citizens of Kyiv on Wednesday morning following the third attack in less than a week by Russia forces which left dozens injured, including children.

  • 13 дек 2023

    A ceasefire in Gaza is “the only way forward” and “in the interest of everybody” as the war there threatens peace and security for both Palestinians and Israelis for years or even decades to come, the UN’s top humanitarian official in the Occupied Palestinian Territory said on Wednesday. 

  • 12 дек 2023

    The UN General Assembly met on Tuesday afternoon in Emergency Special Session on the decades long Israel-Palestine conflict and as the ongoing crisis in Gaza shows no signs of abating.  

  • 12 дек 2023

    UN peacekeeping missions in Sub-Saharan Africa are operating under more challenging political and security conditions due to a multiplication of crises and a “climate of division” amongst Member States, particularly in the Security Council. That’s according to the head of UN Peacekeeping, Jean-Pierre Lacroix.

  • 12 дек 2023

    The last barely functioning hospital in northern Gaza is a “humanitarian disaster zone”, the UN World Health Organization (WHO) said on Tuesday, highlighting the disastrous consequences of ongoing Israeli bombardment for critically ill and injured civilians across the enclave.

  • 11 дек 2023

    Dakar, 11 December 2023 - The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for West Africa and the Sahel (...

  • 11 дек 2023

    UN Emergency Relief Coordinator Martin Griffiths reiterated deep concerns for the people of Gaza on Monday, amid reports of intense fighting between Israeli forces and Palestinian armed groups in Gaza City and Jabalia in the north of the Strip, and in Khan Younis in the south, while Israeli bombardment of the enclave has continued. 

  • 11 дек 2023

    With just nine days to go for the Presidential elections in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the situation is one of progress in the electoral process on one hand and escalating insecurity on the other the head of the UN peacekeeping mission in the country said on Monday.

  • 10 дек 2023

    The UN Secretary-General on Sunday pledged that he would “not give up” on appealing for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, adding that inaction on the Security Council was undermining its credibility.

  • 10 дек 2023

    In a special emergency session held on Sunday in Geneva, the Executive Board of the World Health Organization (WHO) adopted a resolution by consensus, aimed at addressing the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip.

  • 10 дек 2023

    TRIPOLI, 10 December 2023: As the world commemorates the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations...

  • 10 дек 2023

    On Human Rights Day and the 75th anniversary of the...

  • 9 дек 2023

    Statement by Parfait Onanga-Anyanga

    Special Representative of the...

  • 9 дек 2023

    Mogadishu – Marking both Human Rights Day and the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations today reaffirmed its unwavering support to Somalia in the full...

  • 9 дек 2023

    UN humanitarians in war-ravaged Gaza are “hanging on by our fingertips” with civil society on the brink of full-blown collapse, they warned on Saturday.

  • 9 дек 2023

    ASHGBAT, Turkmenistan

    On 7-8 December 2023,...

  • 9 дек 2023

    Mogadishu – Marking International Anti-Corruption Day, the United Nations in Somalia today called for greater efforts to prevent and fight corruption...

  • 8 дек 2023
    A brief roundup of United Nations-related political and peacebuilding events and developments around the world. 

     "2023 has been devastating for the people of Ukraine," ASG Jenča tells Security Council 

    On 6 December, Assistant Secretary-General for Europe, Central Asia and Americas Miroslav Jenča said that winter’s arrival and intensifying Russian Federation attacks on the country’s energy facilities were worsening the dire humanitarian conditions across the country. "Much like last year, the year 2023 has been devastating for the people of Ukraine,” he said, adding, “if urgent steps are not taken to reverse this trajectory, next year may be even more unpredictable and destructive.” 

    Full remarks

    “UN Security Council in Review” newsletter highlights work under Presidency of China

    This week, DPPA’s Security Council Affairs Division published “UN Security Council in Review,” its monthly newsletter covering the work of the Council this month. Under the Presidency of China for the month of November, the Council held one signature event on promoting sustainable peace through common development. It held a total of 24 formal meetings and 8 consultations; it also held two Arria-formula meetings and made seven decisions. The Middle East, including the Palestinian question, was the most frequently considered country- or region-specific item in open and closed discussions. 

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    Peacebuilding Impact Hub aims to transform prevention and peacebuilding with data-driven solutions

    On 8 December, DPPA’s Peacebuilding Support Office (PBSO), in collaboration with the Permanent Missions of Canada, Costa Rica, Germany, and South Sudan to the United Nations, launched the Peacebuilding Impact Hub, a collaborative initiative to bring together the UN, governments, think tanks, academia, and civil society peacebuilders. In her remarks, Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support Elizabeth Spehar underscored the need — in addition to the moral and political — for empirical arguments in favor of investing in prevention and peacebuilding. This constitutes a fundamental aspect of the Peacebuilding Impact Hub's mission. During the panel discussion, participants emphasized the crucial role of impact data. The Peacebuilding Impact Hub will share knowledge from peacebuilders and partners; derive valuable insights and data-driven solutions; create space for learning; and demonstrate impact and cost savings of prevention.

    Learn more

    UNSOM launches podcast series on combating gender-based violence in Somalia

    This week, the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) and its partners launched a new podcast series, ‘Gobaad: Dignity for All,’ to raise awareness and take action against gender-based violence (GBV) in Somalia. The series features eight episodes that explore various aspects of GBV, such as online harassment, disability and gender inequality, and the role of the government and collective action of the international community in addressing this issue. It also features interviews with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia, Catriona Laing, and the Somali Minister of Women and Human Rights Development, Khadijo Mohamed Diriye.

    Listen here

    Special Representative Imnadze addresses conference of Central Asian Women Leaders Caucus

    On 4 December, Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) and Head of the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA) Kaha Imnadze addressed the final conference of the Central Asian Women Leaders’ Caucus under the Chairmanship of Kazakhstan. Imnadze encouraged the Caucus to facilitate partnership between women organizations at the local level, to be more vocal on the situation of women and girls in Afghanistan and to further contribute to discussion and implementation of the Women, Peace and Security agenda. The members of the Caucus adopted a statement condemning all forms of violence against women and committing to step up measures to implement comprehensive measures to counter gender-based violence.

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    High-level diplomatic talks in Beijing on collaboration with Shanghai Cooperation Organisation

    On 4-5 December, SRSG Imnadze visited Beijing. In a meeting with the Special Representative on Eurasian Affairs from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Li Hui, the SRSG discussed the geopolitical situation as well as specific political, security and socio-economic developments in Central Asia. The SRSG also visited the Headquarters of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation and met with its Secretary-General, Zhang Ming. They discussed cooperation between the two organizations to increase interaction and trust in the region, including through the implementation of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy and various youth initiatives.

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    UNMHA Head Beary joins field patrols, meets with community members

    On 4 December, the Head of the UN Mission to Support the Hudaydah Agreement (UNMHA), Michael Beary, joined one of the Mission's regular patrols, alongside Hudaydah governor Mohammed Quhim. They visited the communities of Ad Durayhimi, Bayt Al Faqih, At Tuhayta and Zabid. During the field patrol, Beary met 18-year-old Abdu Mohammed, who spoke about how he lost both his legs in a landmine incident in the area while tending to his animals. Through its monitoring and patrolling efforts, and oversight of mine action operations in Hudaydah governorate, UNMHA continues to maintain a strong presence on the ground, paving the way for a peaceful future in Yemen, in close cooperation with local authorities.

    UNOWAS holds regional youth dialogue 

    On 4 December, Special Representative and Head of the UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) Leonardo Santos Simão engaged in a regional dialogue to mark the commemoration of the eighth anniversary of Security Council Resolution 2250 (2015) on Youth, Peace and Security. Over 150 young men and women from West Africa and the Sahel region expressed their views and shared ideas on the implementation of the Youth, Peace and Security agenda. In remarks, SRSG Simão emphasized the crucial role young women and men play in conflict prevention, community resilience and social cohesion, bringing innovative solutions to problems.

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    Special Coordinator Wronecka meets with UNIFIL colleagues in South Lebanon

    On 7 December, Special Coordinator of the Secretary-General Joanna Wronecka visited south Lebanon to meet with the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), as well as with residents of the border areas affected by the exchanges of fire across the Blue Line. In a meeting with UNIFIL Force Commander Maj. Gen. Aroldo Lazaro, the Special Coordinator highlighted the critical work of UNIFIL peacekeepers in south Lebanon during this period of turbulence and their efforts to secure a return to a cessation of hostilities. They emphasized that the full implementation of Resolution 1701 is key to realizing peace, security, and stability in the region. Wronecka also met with displaced residents of border areas in a collective shelter in Tyre, currently receiving support from both the UN and the government.

    Special Coordinator discusses Resolution 1701 with Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee

    Special Coordinator Wronecka met this week with Parliament’s Foreign Affairs and Emigrants Committee, which includes parliamentarians from different sides of Lebanon’s political spectrum. The discussions focused on the importance of adhering to Security Council Resolution 1701 against the backdrop of skirmishes across the Blue Line between Hizbullah and Israel.  


    Cycling for peace and reconciliation in Meta

    On 2 December, the UN Verification Mission in Colombia accompanied the second “Tour for Peace” bicycle event, in which former combatants from the department of Meta cycled to raise awareness for reconciliation and peace. The cyclists started in the urban centre of the municipality of Mesetas and ended in the vereda, or village, La Guajira. It was a route of about 17 kilometers and was held in the commemoration of the seventh anniversary of the Peace Agreement. The Mayor's Office of Mesetas supported the event jointly with the UN Development Programme, the Agency for Reincorporation and Normalization (ARN), the Public Security Forces and the HALO Trust.

    On Día de las Velitas, former combatants light candles for peace  

    This week, former combatants in the new reintegration area of the vereda La Pista in the municipality of Uribe in the department of Meta in the department of Meta were joined by the Verification Mission’s regional office of Villavicencio in commemorating the “Día de las Velitas” (Day of Candles), a significant date for Colombians to reaffirm the meaning of unity, peace and hope in the country. 


    UNAMI attends full-scale real-time election simulation 

    On 7 December, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq (UNAMI) for Political Affairs and Electoral Assistance Claudio Cordone attended the fourth and final full-scale real-time election simulation at the Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC). The simulation, which involved 38,040 polling stations across Iraq, was conducted successfully. The IHEC has now finalized all necessary preparations and is technically ready for the Governorate Council elections on 18 December 2023.

    UNAMI delegation meets with Independent High Electoral Commission

    On 5 December, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNAMI Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert and Deputy Special Representative for Iraq for Political Affairs and Electoral Assistance Claudio Cordone met with the Chairman and Board of Commissioners of the Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) at their national office in Baghdad. The IHEC Chairman and Board of Commissioners provided comprehensive updates on the preparations for the upcoming governorate council elections scheduled for 18 December 2023. 

    UN Iraq marks International Volunteer Day

    Marking International Volunteer Day on 5 December with the Government of Iraq and civil society organization partners, Deputy Special Representative/Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq Ghulam Mohammed Isaczai emphasized the importance of volunteering as a critical pathway for young people to learn new skills and connect labour market demand and employment. “We value and recognise the millions of volunteers across the world and our 123 UN Volunteers, both National and International, currently deployed in Iraq — 48 per cent of whom are females — who are providing expertise and support to UN activities in Human Rights, Climate Change and Environment, Health, Community Engagement, Communication, and Operational Support”, the DSRSG noted in his speech at the event held in Baghdad. 

    UNAMI Human Rights Office holds roundtable discussions and consultative workshops

    On 4 December, the UNAMI Human Rights Office organized a roundtable discussion as part of the 16 Days of Activism. The event aimed to address online violence against women and girls. Participants engaged in a comprehensive dialogue on challenges and potential solutions pertaining to online violence, and suggested recommendations to address this issue.

    As part of the ‘Human Rights 75 Initiative’ to mark the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UNAMI Human Rights Office held a consultative workshop in Baghdad on 4 December on the theme of advancing racial justice. During the workshop, participants heard presentations on the importance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in promoting racial justice and the need to strengthen the national legal framework to promote equality. 

    On 7 December, the UNAMI Human Rights Office organized a round table discussion in Mosul under the theme “enhancing child protection.” The event discussed forms of child right violations and raised awareness on how to effectively protect the rights of children in areas that have been affected by conflict. Participants identified gaps in relation to the protection of children and discussed strategies for promoting child rights. 

    Next Week

    On 12 December, the Security Council will hold a briefing on the 1591 Committee, established pursuant to Resolution 1591 (2005) concerning Sudan, as well as on Haiti sanctions. On 13 December, it will hold consultations on Yemen and a briefing on UNOCA/LRA (the “Lord’s Resistance Army”). On 15 December, it will hold an open debate on small arms: addressing the threat posed by diversion, illicit trafficking and misuse of small arms and light weapons and their ammunition to peace and security.


    Subscribe to 'This Week in DPPA' here

    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org

  • 8 дек 2023

    ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan

    On 7 December 2023, within the Centre’s Strategy on supporting...

  • 8 дек 2023

    The UN Security Council held an emergency meeting Friday morning New York time to discuss the catastrophic situation in Gaza. This follows Wednesday’s urgent letter by Secretary-General António Guterres – one of the most powerful tools at his disposal – urging the body to help end carnage in the war-battered enclave through a lasting humanitarian ceasefire. A resolution tabled late afternoon in the chamber calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire was vetoed by the United States.

  • 8 дек 2023

    Over half a million people have been displaced in Myanmar amid a surge in fighting between the military and armed groups that started in late October and has spread to over two-thirds of the country, the UN humanitarian affairs office reported on Friday.

  • 8 дек 2023

    As intense Israeli bombardment of Gaza and fighting with Palestinian armed groups continued to impede aid operations, reports on the ground of children begging for water and people cutting down telephone poles for firewood indicated that “society is about to break down”, UN humanitarians said on Friday. 

  • 8 дек 2023

    The UN Security Council held an emergency meeting Friday morning New York time to discuss the catastrophic situation in Gaza. This follows Wednesday’s urgent letter by Secretary-General António Guterres - one of the most powerful tools at his disposal - urging the body to help end carnage in the war-battered enclave through a lasting humanitarian ceasefire. Our live coverage is over for now but ambassadors are due back at 5:30 PM. Stay tuned here for further developments...

  • 8 дек 2023

    Amid ongoing bombardment in the Gaza Strip, UN agencies and humanitarian partners continue to provide desperately needed food, water, healthcare and other services to the more than two million people living there. 

  • 8 дек 2023

    As Haiti faces a situation of “absolute brutal violence”, the deployment of a multi-national security support mission is awaited with hope, the UN’s top humanitarian official in the country said on Friday.

  • 8 дек 2023

    UNOAU participated in a five-day Annual AU Police Coordination meeting convened by the PSOD at Park Inn Hotel, Nairobi-Kenya from 4 to 8 December 2023. The UNOAU was represented by...

  • 7 дек 2023

    Mogadishu – The power of film to tell stories about human rights in Somalia was celebrated today with the culmination of the country’s first-ever film competition centred on human...

  • 7 дек 2023

    Two months to the day since Hamas’ terror attacks in Israel prompted a massive Israeli military retaliation in Gaza, the situation in the war-torn enclave is becoming “apocalyptic” with hostilities making meaningful humanitarian efforts “nearly impossible”, UN humanitarians warned on Thursday.

  • 7 дек 2023

    The UN Secretary-General called for stronger action to fight the growing challenge of transnational organized crime in an address to the Security Council on Thursday. 

  • 7 дек 2023

    Two months to the day since Hamas’ terror attacks in Israel prompted a massive Israeli military retaliation in Gaza, the situation in the war-torn enclave is becoming “apocalyptic” with hostilities making meaningful humanitarian efforts “nearly impossible”, UN humanitarians warned on Thursday.

  • 7 дек 2023

    ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan

    On 6 December 2023, the UNRCCA Academy of Preventive...

  • 6 дек 2023

    Special Coordinator Visits Collective Shelter in Tyre

    UN Special Coordinator Joanna Wronecka visited south Lebanon on 7 December to extend support to...

  • 6 дек 2023
  • 6 дек 2023

    The 59th round of the Geneva International Discussions (GID) took place on 5-6 December 2023 in accordance with the six-point agreement of 12 August 2008 and implementing measures of 8 September 2008. This round was held in two working groups meeting in parallel on security and humanitarian issues, as per usual practice.

    It was the third round held this year in a highly challenging regional and geopolitical environment. The participants reconfirmed the importance of the GID as the only platform where the conflict consequences have been addressed over the past 15 years.

    The round took place against a backdrop of increased tension along the South Ossetian Administrative Boundary Line. In this context, the fatal shooting of 6 November 2023 was broadly discussed, with extensive exchanges between participants on ways to prevent a repetition of similar incidents.

    The issue of internally displaced persons and refugees could not be discussed due to a walkout by some participants.

    The Co-Chairs thanked the participants for their overall commitment to this process and called on all of them to engage in constructive, forward-looking exchanges to overcome their differences and ensure the peaceful settlement of issues relating to the security and humanitarian situation on the ground. 

    It was agreed to hold the next GID round in April 2024.

  • 6 дек 2023

    On December 4, 2023, the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for West Africa and the Sahel, Mr. Leonardo...

  • 6 дек 2023





    New York, 6 DECEMBER 2023

    Mr. President,

    The cold winter weather has arrived in war-torn Ukraine. Intensifying Russian attacks on the country’s energy facilities, amidst heavy snow and freezing temperatures, are worsening the dire humanitarian conditions across the country.

    Since the last time I briefed this Council two weeks ago, we have continued to see daily reports of attacks on Ukraine’s critical civilian infrastructure, many resulting in civilian casualties.

    Since Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine – in violation of the UN Charter and international law - the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights has verified 10,065 civilians killed and 18,679 injured. The actual figures are likely considerably higher.

    Most civilian casualties continue to be caused by shelling and multiple-launch rocket systems in areas near the frontline.

    However, the attacks have recently escalated on populated areas across the country. On 25 November, Kyiv came under the most significant drone attack in months.

    The extensive presence of explosive remnants of war and mines continues to have a significant impact on civilians and their livelihoods, more so in rural areas and agricultural lands. Since August, they killed 31 people and injured 98 – mostly men and boys.

    All attacks against civilians and civilian infrastructure must stop immediately. They are prohibited under international humanitarian law and are simply unacceptable.

    Mr. President,

    As a result of the war, ten million people have been forced to flee their homes, including 3.7 million internally displaced, and over 6.3 million refugees recorded globally.

    While we can attempt to count the numbers of those killed, injured and displaced, the full lasting toll of this devastating war on the civilian population is beyond measure. In addition to the lives lost, families torn apart, and life-changing physical injuries, the impact of the war on the mental health of millions of Ukrainians will be felt for decades to come.

    Children often suffer the greatest lasting trauma in any conflict. In Ukraine, they also face major disruptions in access to basic health and education, which will impact their lives for years.

    The fighting has damaged and destroyed hundreds of schools, health and medical facilities. Given the security situation, only half of the 3.9 million children in the territory under Ukraine’s control have attended school in person full-time since the start of the school year.

    Mr. President,

    Due to the war, women in Ukraine face a heightened risk of sexual- and gender-based violence. Increased poverty rates caused by the war also affect women more than men. Women face a greater amount of domestic and unpaid care work due to family separation, lack of childcare facilities and school closures.

    Yet, since the beginning of the war, women have also taken on new vital roles in their communities. Most frontline workers, volunteers and first responders in Ukraine are women.

    Mr. President,  

    As long as the war continues, all four Ukraine’s nuclear power plants remain at risk.

    On Saturday, the International Atomic Energy Agency reported that the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant – Europe’s largest nuclear power plant, located dangerously close to the front line - suffered a complete off-site power outage. This was the eighth time since the start of the invasion.

    Last Wednesday, the IAEA team at the Khmelnitsky Nuclear Power Plant in western Ukraine reported hearing several explosions close to the plant. The plant was not directly affected. Yet, the incident reminded of the risks faced by Ukrainian nuclear sites – even those away from active combat.

    All nuclear sites must be able to operate safely and must be protected to avoid potentially catastrophic consequences.  

    Mr. President,

    Despite the reports of increasing shipments in the Black Sea, the war continues to pose significant risks to civilian navigation and to Ukraine’s grain export capacity.

    Since 11 July, OHCHR has recorded 32 attacks that damaged or destroyed grain production and export facilities in territory of Ukraine under Ukrainian control. Russian attacks hit port facilities, grain silos and vehicles for transporting grain. Most attacks affected infrastructure in Odesa region, where the Black Sea and Danube River ports are located.

    Following the suspension of the Black Sea Initiative, these attacks substantially reduced the capacity of Ukraine to export food. With so many facilities damaged, and export routes curtailed, the cost of logistics is rising.

    Mr. President,

    Much like last year, the year 2023 has been devastating for the people of Ukraine.

    If urgent steps are not taken to reverse this trajectory, next year may be even more unpredictable and destructive.  

    I reiterate the Secretary-General’s call to all Member States to do their part to lay the groundwork for peace. Peace that is in line with the UN Charter, international law, and resolutions of the General Assembly.

  • 6 дек 2023

    Invoking a rarely used article of the UN Charter, Secretary-General António Guterres on Wednesday called on the Security Council to “press to avert a humanitarian catastrophe” in Gaza and unite in a call for a full humanitarian ceasefire between Israel and Palestinian militants.

  • 6 дек 2023

    UN human rights chief Volker Türk on Wednesday condemned serious sexual violations allegedly carried out by Hamas militants during their terror attacks in southern Israel on 7 October, while humanitarians in Gaza said conditions for civilians there had hit “rock bottom”, amid continued bombardment and mass displacement in the south.

  • 6 дек 2023

    More than 90 countries underlined their commitment to UN Peacekeeping during a two-day conference in Accra, Ghana, that concluded on Wednesday.

  • 6 дек 2023

    If urgent steps are not taken to end the ongoing war and its dire humanitarian consequences in Ukraine, 2024 may be even more unpredictable and destructive, a senior UN official warned on Wednesday.

  • 6 дек 2023

    Invoking a rarely used article of the UN Charter, Secretary-General António Guterres on Wednesday called on the Security Council to “press to avert a humanitarian catastrophe” in Gaza and unite in a call for a full humanitarian ceasefire between Israel and Palestinian militants.

  • 5 дек 2023

    Special Coordinator Wronecka meets with Lebanese Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee


  • 5 дек 2023

    For over a year, a group of United Nations peacekeepers from Ghana led by Captain Esinam Baah regularly patrolled the “blue line” or the demarcation line between Lebanon and Israel, and visited neighbourhoods in the area, checking in with local families and making sure they were safe. 

  • 5 дек 2023

    The transition to renewable energy at UN peacekeeping missions helps to ensure the safety and security of uniformed personnel serving in the field, a senior official said on Tuesday.