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  • 5 дек 2022

    The AU Office of the Special Envoy on Women, Peace and Security will host the 3rd Africa forum on Women Peace and Security (WPS) with stakeholders in the implementation of the WPS Agenda in Africa, including Member States,...

  • 5 дек 2022

    A UN Spokesperson said on Monday that another wave of missile strikes in Ukraine has further damaged the country’s energy system, leaving millions of people without electricity and water as temperatures dip below freezing. 

  • 5 дек 2022

    Providing justice for the communities impacted by the ISIL terror network in Iraq remains the key focus of the UN investigative team there, Special Adviser Christian Ritscher told the Security Council on Monday. 

  • 5 дек 2022

    Senior UN officials have welcomed an agreement signed on Monday between military and civilian leaders in Sudan as a “courageous” step forward towards the establishment of democratic rule.

  • 3 дек 2022

    TRIPOLI, 3 December 2022 - Since my arrival in Libya, I have called on political actors to accelerate discussions on the way forward in the political process, and to create the...

  • 3 дек 2022

    International Day for Disabled Persons: Disabled woman campaigns for more recognition and equality

    TRIPOLI – 3 December 2022 – For disabled people in...

  • 3 дек 2022

    Mogadishu – Somalia’s pool of academic skills deepened recently with the conferring of a range of postgraduate degrees to 166 students – including the country’s president.

  • 2 дек 2022

    Mogadishu – Marking the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD), the United Nations in Somalia today commended the Somali authorities for...

  • 2 дек 2022
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 


    USG DiCarlo travels to Ethiopia

    Under-Secretary-General (USG) Rosemary DiCarlo accompanied Secretary-General António Guterres to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, for the sixth session of the African Union-United Nations annual conference. On 30 November, in her meeting with African Union member states and partners, USG DiCarlo reaffirmed the UN’s continued support to the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia in its efforts to transfer full security responsibility to the Government of Somalia. 

    Security Council

    Conflict in the occupied West Bank and Israel reaches boiling point, says Special Coordinator Wennesland  

    Tor Wennesland, the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, briefed the Security Council on 28 November. He reported that high levels of violence in the occupied West Bank and Israel in recent months - including attacks against Israeli and Palestinian civilians, increased use of arms, and settler-related violence - have caused grave human suffering. "After decades of persistent violence, illegal settlement expansion, dormant negotiations and deepening occupation, the conflict is again reaching a boiling point," he said.

    Read his full remarks here  

    Special Envoy Pedersen briefs Security Council on escalatory dynamics taking place in Syria

    Geir Pedersen, the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Syria, briefed the Security Council on 29 November. Warning of the dangers of military escalation in Syria, he said:  “I am troubled by the thought of a major military operation resuming after three years of relative calm. I fear what this would mean for Syrian civilians, and also for wider regional security.” He called on all parties to reject the path of deeper suffering  and instability, and instead find ways to cooperate towards a more constructive way forward.

    Read his full remarks here

    Special Coordinator Wronecka reports urgency of prioritizing the election of a new President to end the political vacuum in Lebanon

    The Security Council met on 29 November to discuss the implementation of Resolution 1701. Briefing the Council members in closed consultations, the Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Joanna Wronecka, commended Lebanon and Israel for putting an end to their maritime boundary dispute and establishing a permanent maritime boundary on 27 October. While welcoming this progress, she said more needed to be done internally in Lebanon to address a multitude of accumulating political and socio-economic crises. She noted in particular the urgency of prioritizing the election of a new President to end the political vacuum in Lebanon and the formation of a fully functional government.

    Read more here


    Mozambique continues its process of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration

    In a statement on 1 December, Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General for Mozambique Mirko Manzoni commended the continued collaboration and commitment to dialogue demonstrated by the Government and Renamo in the ongoing implementation of the Maputo Accord for Peace and National Reconciliation. The Personal Envoy also called on both parties and all stakeholders to remain focused and to do their part in advancing definitive peace in Mozambique. He reiterated the UN’s commitment to support the remaining combatants on their reintegration journey.

    Read full statement here

    West and Central Africa

    UNOCA and UNOWAS Joint interregional visit on farmer-pastoralist dynamics in West and Central Africa

    From 24-26 November, the UN Regional Office for Central Africa (UNOCA), the UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) and the Office of the Special Coordinator for Development in the Sahel (OSCDS), carried out a joint inter-regional visit to Cotonou, Benin, to discuss farmer-herder dynamics in West and Central Africa. Representatives of Beninese herders' associations, as well as the Mayor of Banikoara and the Prefect of Borgou, briefed on the existing opportunities and challenges of implementing sedentarization policies at the local level. They noted efforts to strengthen social cohesion, the need for economic support to improve productivity, as well as increased efforts to support education for the younger generation.

    Read more here

    Special Representatives and Envoys discuss UN engagement in Central Africa

    UNOCA organized a high-level meeting of Special Representatives (SRSG) and Envoys of the Secretary-General working in Central Africa from 30 November to 1 December in Luanda, Angola. The meeting was attended by SRSG for Central Africa and Head of UNOCA Abdou Abarry; SRSG for the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Head of the UN Organization Stabilization Mission in the DRC (MONUSCO) Bintou Keita; SRSG for the Central African Republic and Head of United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) Valentine Rugwabiza; and Special Envoy for the Great Lakes Region Huang Xia. The meeting allowed for in-depth reflection on the paths to follow for a coherent and concerted response by the United Nations to common challenges. In addition, “Women, peace and security”, “Youth, peace and security” and on the issue of natural resources were also discussed as possible areas of synergy.

    Read more here

    General Assembly adopts draft resolution on the Division for Palestinian Rights

    On the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People (29 November), the General Assembly adopted on 1 December a draft resolution on the Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat. The Assembly acknowledges that the Secretariat continues to make a constructive and positive contribution to raising international awareness of the question of Palestine and of the urgency of a peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine in all its aspects on the basis of international law and United Nations resolutions. The resolution requests the Secretary-General to continue to provide the Division with the necessary resources to effectively carry out its programme of work, in consultation with the Committee and under its guidance.


    Deputy Special Representative Isaczai discusses vocational training, climate action with government officials

    On 27 November, Deputy Special Representative, Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator (DSRSG/RC/HC) for Iraq Ghulam Isaczai visited Anbar Governorate, where he discussed the long-term support of returnees with local government officials. The DSRSG/RC/HC also visited the Vocational Training Centre in Ramadi. On 28 November, he took part in the launch of the Let's Talk Conference convened in Erbil, Kurdistan Region, which marked the start of the annual 16 Days of Activism campaign. “Eradication of gender-based violence is a collective responsibility, and we call on everyone to respond to the alarm raised by women and girls and take firm actions to end the violence,” he said. In his meeting with Minister of Planning Mohammed Ali Tamim on 29 November, they discuss how to further strengthen coordination and support Iraq’s development priorities, including climate action, to achieve durable solutions.

    UNAMI Human Rights Office holds training sessions on storytelling and digital security

    As part of its support for youth human rights activists, the Human Rights Office of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) conducted a training session from 23-27 November aimed at developing and enhancing the advocacy skills of youth activists from Kirkuk. Sixteen participants from various communities were trained on a wide range of storytelling methodologies, including short digital film making, cartoon development and photography, which will support the promotion and protection of minority rights in their local community. From 25-26 November, the UNAMI Human Rights Office partnered with the Iraqi Network for Social Media (INSM), to provide practical training to a group of 35 human rights defenders, activists, journalists, bloggers, and lawyers on how to safely maneuver through cyberspace.

    Learn more here  

    Emerging Iraqi conceptual artists convey lived experiences and perceptions of human rights in Iraq

    This week, emerging young Iraqi artists participated in “Baghdad Walk”, a mobile group exhibition and a narrative art walk focusing on human rights, which was held in Baghdad’s historic al-Rasheed Street. The Embassy of the Netherlands in Iraq and Tarkib organized the project. The UNAMI Human Rights Office organized two interactive workshops for Tarkib in September and November, providing mentorship on the promotion of human rights through the visual arts.

    Read more here  

    Central Asia

    UNRCCA offers a platform for constructive dialogue on transboundary water-energy cooperation and climate 

    On 29-30 November, the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA) convened a meeting of national experts from the Central Asian states in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. The meeting reviewed the existing legislative basis for regional water-energy cooperation in Central Asia. Participants also discussed the role of Afghanistan regarding cooperation in the Aral Sea Basin, as well as monitoring and early warning for the rivers of Amu Darya and Syr Darya.

    Read more here


    Colombian Government hands over land to former combatants for agricultural project use

    On December 1, the UN Verification Mission in Colombia participated in the act of handing over a 1.3-hectare rural property to a project for former combatants and the community in Fusagasugá, a town 70 km south of the Colombian capital, in the center of the country. The Colombian Government, through the public entity of Special Assets Administration, delivered the property to a productive project of 26 former combatants and 10 people from the community who will cultivate and process "orellanas" (oyster mushrooms). This first installment marks progress in resolving the land issue, which has been one of the main barriers to productive projects and the implementation of the Peace Agreement.

    Podcast: "She Stands for Peace"

    New episode focuses on Peacebuilding in informal settlements in Africa

    Editar Adhiambo Ochieng is the Founder of the Feminist for Peace, Rights and Justice Centre. In this episode, she discusses the impact of women's civic and political participation, election violence, and peacebuilding in informal settlements.

    Listen to the episode here


    Innovation Cell launches Sparrow 2.0 social media analysis reporting tool 

    This week, DPPA’s Innovation Cell launched Sparrow 2.0, a social media data analytics tool developed for UN staff to enhance inclusive and multidimensional political analysis. Sparrow lets users create reports using a unified format and provides step-by-step guidance for conducting social media analysis. This initiative responds to the call in the Secretary-General’s Data Strategy to advance data analytics and internal data capacities across the UN. Since Sparrow's debut in 2021, more than 500 colleagues from DPPA-DPO have used it to produce over 2,000 social media analysis reports.

    Read more here

    Sign up for online training session here

    Multi-Year Appeal 

    This week, DPPA received voluntary contribution from Norway, Sweden and Switzerland to DPPA's Multi-Year Appeal, which will support our conflict prevention, mediation and sustainable peace work around the world.  


    African Union Peace and Security Council and Peacebuilding Commission meet on climate change

    On 28 November, the African Union Peace and Security Council (AU PSC) and the UN Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) convened their 5th annual consultative meeting on peacebuilding in Africa. The meeting focused on strengthening collaboration to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change on peacebuilding. Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support Elizabeth Spehar and UN Office to the African Union (UNOAU) Special Representative of the Secretary-General Parfait Onanga-Anyanga highlighted the Peacebuilding Fund's work in promoting climate-sensitive programming in Africa. Member States called for more predictable climate-responsive financing and underscored the significance of advancing a common African position that links climate, peace and security.  

    Peacebuilding Commission holds meeting on situation in Guinea-Bissau

    The PBC Guinea-Bissau Configuration convened a meeting to provide an update on the political and socio-economic situation in the country. Participants also discussed international support for peacebuilding and socio-economic development in Guinea-Bissau. Briefers included Bissau-Guinean Minister of Foreign Affairs Suzi Carla Barbosa, UNOWAS DSRSG Giovanie Biha, Resident Coordinator in Guinea-Bissau Anthony Ohemeng-Boamah and representatives of the ‘No Ianda Djuntu’ project. Member States welcomed updates on the legislative elections and agreed on the need to revitalize political dialogue. They noted that legal and institutional reforms are key and underscored the importance of the meaningful participation of women and youth, while recognizing the imperative to promoting economic diversification. 

    Peacebuilding Commission explores areas of cooperation with Burundi  

    The PBC Chair of the Burundi Configuration convened a meeting to conclude Burundi’s engagement with the PBC in the framework of a country-specific configuration and mark its transition to more flexible engagement. Briefers included Burundi’s Permanent Representative Zéphyrin Maniratanga, UN Resident Coordinator in Burundi Damien Mama as well as three representatives of civil society who spoke to women’s empowerment. Member states welcomed Burundi’s transition, noting the country’s many achievements during the 16 years of the PBC’s accompaniment. They offered their continued support to Burundi’s national priorities and encouraged Burundi to continue cooperation with the PBC, including in supporting other countries.

    ECOSOC-PBC meeting raises the importance of prioritizing inclusion and investment in prevention

    On 2 December, the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and the Peacebuilding Commission held a joint meeting on “Peacebuilding, sustaining peace and sustainable development: Towards coherence and impact on the ground”, convening Member States, IOMUNDPUNICEFUNFPAUN WomenWFPIMF, and civil society. The meeting raised awareness on how Agencies, Funds and Programmes contribute  to peacebuilding and sustaining peace, promoting long-term development in conflict-affected countries, the need to increase investments in prevention, and the importance of prioritizing inclusion.


    Next Week

    Under the presidency of India, the Security Council will discuss the situation in Sudan on Wednesday. Special Representative Abdou Abarry will brief the Council on the situation in Central Africa on Thursday.

    Subscribe to This Week in DPPA here

    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org

  • 2 дек 2022

    She Stands For Peace | Season 3-Episode 14 | Out Now!  Click here to listen: https://unoau.unmissions.org/podcast-series-she-stands-peace

  • 2 дек 2022

    UN special envoy Roza Otunbayeva visits a project site in Mazar-i-Sharif where UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) distributed wheat seeds, poultry equipment and...

  • 2 дек 2022

    A top UN Human Rights Council-appointed probe into potential rights abuses linked to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, outlined on Friday the “devastating” impact of the war on the country’s children.

  • 2 дек 2022

    Amidst multiple conflicts that have disrupted supply chains, fuelled food insecurity, and contributed to the rising risk of famine and forced displacement throughout numerous countries, the UN convened a high-level meeting on Friday to discuss solutions surrounding building and sustaining peace and stepping up development.  

  • 2 дек 2022

    The World Health Organization (WHO) published a report on Friday aimed at helping stakeholders worldwide end the growing scourge of violence online against children.  

  • 2 дек 2022

    A top UN Human Rights Council-appointed probe into potential rights abuses linked to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, outlined on Friday the “devastating” impact of the war on the country’s children.

  • 1 дек 2022

    Far too often, Africa is viewed from outside “through a prism of problems” said UN chief António Guterres on Thursday, speaking in the Ethiopian capital, home to the African Union, where he has been taking part in the sixth UN-AU annual conference.

  • 30 ноя 2022

    Mesdames et messieurs les représentants des médias,

    Je remercie le Président Moussa Faki Mahamat des échanges que nous avons eus aujourd’...

  • 30 ноя 2022

    1.  On 1 December 2022, the African Union (AU) Commission Chairperson, Moussa Faki Mahamat, and the United Nations (UN) Secretary-General, António Guterres, held the 6th African Union-United Nations Annual Conference in Addis Ababa,...

  • 30 ноя 2022

    She Stands For Peace | Season 3-Episode 13 | Out Now!  Click here to listen: https://unoau.unmissions.org/podcast-series-she-stands-peace

  • 30 ноя 2022

    Desert Locusts | FAO's use of biopesticides helps win battle...

  • 29 ноя 2022

    SAMARKAND, Uzbekistan

    On 29-30 November 2022 in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, UNRCCA convened a meeting of...

  • 29 ноя 2022

    The first shipment of fertilizer donated by Russian producers to countries hit hard by rising global food insecurity, has left the Netherlands bound for Malawi, the UN Spokesperson said in a statement on Tuesday.

  • 29 ноя 2022

    Syria needs less military activity and more focus on the political process, UN Special Envoy Geir Pedersen told the Security Council on Tuesday, appealing for restraint amid a worrying trend towards escalation. 

  • 28 ноя 2022

    New York, 29 November 2022 

    We commemorate the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People at a time of diminished hope for peace.

    I am deeply saddened by the growing number of Palestinian civilians who have lost their lives in the spiral of violence engulfing the occupied West Bank. Each casualty fuels fear and yet more violence. I urge all parties...

  • 28 ноя 2022

    The Annual Report highlights key accomplishments that the Joint Programme enabled our partners to achieve across the world in 2021. This work was undertaken by an expanding cadre of 1191 peace and development experts based in over 67 countries, comprised of international and national Peace and Development Advisors (PDAs), UN Volunteers and secondees, as well as six Regional Programme Specialists. 

  • 28 ноя 2022

    Cotonou, November 25, 2022 - The United Nations Regional Office for Central Africa (UNOCA), the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) and the Office of the...

  • 28 ноя 2022

    In the south of Ukraine, people have no water, electricity or heat, and food is scarce, the UN Spokesperson said on Monday. 

  • 28 ноя 2022

    The international community should push ahead with stalled plans to prevent biological weapons from being developed in the wake of COVID-19, the UN’s top disarmament official insisted on Monday. 

  • 28 ноя 2022

    Conflict between Israelis and Palestinians “is again reaching a boiling point”, the UN Middle East envoy told the Security Council on Monday, warning of escalating violence amid a stalled peace process. 

  • 27 ноя 2022

    TRIPOLI - Students are struggling to complete their studies due to a lack of equipment, teacher strikes, outdated curricula, and electricity cuts, according to representatives from the...

  • 26 ноя 2022

    TRIPOLI - 26 November - To support the United Nations’ #16days campaign, the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNMSIL) brought together female...

  • 26 ноя 2022

    The UN Secretary-General on Saturday strongly condemned an attack on an airfield in southeastern Central African Republic (CAR) which left one peacekeeper from Morocco dead, while his unit was attempting to secure the perimeter.

  • 25 ноя 2022
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 


    Security Council

    Dicarlo calls for Security Council unity in face of ongoing DPRK missile launches, nuclear programme 

    Briefing Council members on 21 November on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Under-Secretary-General (USG) for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs Rosemary DiCarlo stressed that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s continued pursuit of its nuclear weapons programme and launches of ballistic missiles blatantly violate relevant Security Council resolutions and have led to a significant escalation of tensions. She underlined that it was critical to de-escalate and reduce tensions and that communication channels must be enhanced, particularly military to military, to lower the risk of miscalculation. “Unity in the Security Council is critical, and a diplomatic solution is the only way forward,” she said.

    Read her full remarks here

    Effective strategies to tackle governance and security challenges will be critical to countering piracy in the Gulf of Guinea, Pobee underscores

    On 22 November, the Security Council held a meeting on peace and security in Africa, regarding the situation of piracy and armed robbery at sea in the Gulf of Guinea. Assistant Secretary-General (ASG) for Africa Martha Ama Akyaa Pobee noted that piracy in the Gulf of Guinea has morphed over the last decade, with pirate groups adapting to changing dynamics both at sea and in coastal areas. She said that it is imperative that states in the Gulf of Guinea and regional structures enhance and accelerate their efforts to establish a stable and secure maritime environment in the Gulf by fully operationalizing the maritime security architecture laid out in the Yaoundé Code of Conduct.

    Read her full remarks here

    Special Envoy Grundberg briefs the Security Council following the expiration of the UN-mediated nationwide truce in Yemen 

    Hans Grundberg, the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, briefed the Security Council on 22 November. He noted that seven weeks have passed since the United Nations-mediated nationwide truce in Yemen expired. He added that during those seven weeks, there had not been a return to full-fledged war, and he reiterated his call on the parties to exercise maximum restraint during this critical time. On Ansar Allah’s recent attacks against oil terminals and ports in Hadramawt and Shabwa governorates, the Special Envoy said that such attacks and threats to oil companies undermine the welfare of the Yemeni people and risk setting off a spiral of military and economic escalation.

    Read his full remarks here

    DiCarlo: Relentless, widespread attacks against civilians and critical infrastructure continues across Ukraine

    Briefing the Security Council on Ukraine on 23 November, USG DiCarlo said the latest Russian attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure in the country point to a potentially catastrophic winter for millions of Ukrainians. The USG stressed that attacks targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure are prohibited under international humanitarian law. She also briefed about the reported shelling at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant over the weekend, where the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) confirmed that there were no immediate nuclear safety or security concerns as a result. “This is the result of sheer luck,” she said. “We do not know how long this luck will last. The world cannot afford another nuclear catastrophe.”

    Read her full remarks here


    Peace process in Mozambique focuses on reintegration and reconciliation 

    As the focus of the peace process shifts to long-term sustainability, reintegration and reconciliation activities assume increasing importance. In over 50 of 158 districts of Mozambique, Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) beneficiaries and family members have received socioeconomic opportunities. Under the leadership of the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General for Mozambique, Mirko Manzoni, over 900 DDR beneficiaries and family members have been connected with reintegration opportunities.

    Great Lakes region

    The Office of the Special Envoy holds workshops to promote women’s participation in electoral processes

    Over the course of the past two weeks, the Office of the Special Envoy for the Great Lakes Region facilitated a series of regional workshops in Nairobi, Kenya on women’s representation in public life. The first workshop on 17-18 November focused on reviewing legislation, regulatory and policy frameworks on women’s representation in electoral processes. The second workshop on 21-22 November focused on gender, leadership, and electoral management processes, with the aim of strengthening women’s representation in electoral processes. A study, conducted by the Levy Mwanawasa Regional Centre for Democracy and Good Governance, a think tank of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR), and the Office of the Special Envoy for the Great Lakes region between September 2021 and July 2022, revealed that men in the Great Lakes region hold most key positions in electoral processes at both policy and technical levels, as compared to women. The third event on 23-24 November was a regional peer learning workshop for political parties of ICGLR member States, focusing on developing gender-responsive policies to strengthen women’s representation in elections.

    West Africa and the Sahel

    Deputy Special Representative Biha stresses the importance of continued cooperation to combat terrorism

    Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for West Africa and the Sahel, United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) Giovanie Biha participated in the International Conference on the Accra Initiative, held in Accra, Ghana from 21-22 November. During the meeting, DSRSG Biha emphasized the "need to ensure a consistent response that combines the military approach with long term interventions aiming to address the governance deficits noted in affected communities" and reiterated the support of the United Nations to the Accra Initiative.

    Read more here

    Central Asia

    Special Representative Gherman encourages Central Asian states to adopt long-term policies addressing root causes of violence against women and girls 

    On 25 November, Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) and Head of the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA) Natalia Gherman participated virtually at the international conference “Combating the Violence against Vulnerable Women and Girls: Strengthening Mechanisms of Access to Justice,” jointly organized by the Mejlis of the Republic of Kazakhstan, UN Women and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). In her remarks, the SRSG encouraged Central Asian states to adopt comprehensive, long-term policies enhancing the capacity of state and non-state actors to prevent, respond and eliminate violence against women and girls. She stressed the key role of civil society in working with victims of violence and communities, raising public awareness and implementation of legislation and policies combating gender-based violence at the local level.

    Read more here


    Special Coordinator Wronecka holds consultations ahead of Security Council briefing

    Special Coordinator of the Secretary-General for Lebanon Joanna Wronecka held a round of consultations this week with political, religious and economic stakeholders in Lebanon ahead of next week’s briefing to the Security Council on the implementation of Resolution 1701. In a meeting with caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati, the Special Coordinator underlined the priority of electing a new President of the Republic and the urgency of implementing reforms, particularly those required for an agreement with the International Monetary Fund. She also discussed with Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri Parliament’s crucial role in expediting the election of a new President and in moving forward on reforms. She also met with Maronite Patriarch Bechara Boutros El-Rahi for an exchange of views on the importance of avoiding a prolonged vacuum in the presidential seat, which is reserved for the Maronite community, and on how people were coping with the impact of a multitude of crises in Lebanon. The Special Coordinator also consulted with a group of pro-reform economists on the measures Lebanon should take to address the country’s protracted socio-economic crisis.


    Special Representative Hennis-Plasschaert discusses security developments in the country 

    This week, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert met with President of the Republic of Iraq Abdullatif Jamal Rashid, Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region Masrour Barzani, National Security Adviser Qassim Al-Araji, and leader of the National Coalition Ayad Allawi, among others, to discuss the general political and security situation in the country. 

    UNAMI Human Rights Office and Iraqi Women Journalist Forum hold training programme

    On 21 November, UNAMI Human Rights Office, in collaboration with the Iraqi Women Journalist Forum, concluded a four-day training programme on “Gender and Human Rights-Based Approach to Reporting” for 19 women journalists, young influencers and bloggers. The workshop focused on the concepts of gender mainstreaming, applying a human rights-based approach to reporting, and increasing safety on and offline, among other topics. “Negative social media campaigns that attack women’s reputation undermine their work and security,” said Danielle Bell, Chief of the UNAMI Human Rights Office, in her closing remarks, adding that "this course played a critical role in improving the capacity and knowledge of women journalists to report safely and professionally on human rights in Iraq.”

    UNAMI’s Human Rights Office hosts a roundtable on due process and rights of defendants 

    On 23 November, UNAMI Human Rights Office held a roundtable with the Iraqi Ministry of Interior in Kirkuk on due process and the rights of defendants under Iraqi and international law. The roundtable focused on the Iraqi and international human rights law framework protecting the right to legal counsel, the right to remain silent and the right to prepare an adequate defence. The roundtable also covered the legal framework governing legitimate arrests and investigations as well as the prohibition of torture.

    Read more here


    Colombia celebrates sixth anniversary of the signing of peace agreement

    This week, Colombia commemorated the sixth anniversary of the signing of the final peace agreement between the Colombian government and the former FARC-EP guerrilla. Yesterday, 24 November, former combatants, institutions, civil society, victims and the international community participated in the main commemoration event at the Teatro Colón in Bogotá, with musicians, artists and a concert by the "Daughters and Sons of Peace Choir," composed of children of former combatants. At the event, Special Representative Carlos Ruiz Massieu highlighted the accomplishments achieved so far and expressed the full support of the United Nations to continue advancing in the peacebuilding in Colombia.

    Electoral Assistance

    Former Deputy Special Representative for Nepal reflects on the UN’s electoral Assistance

    In the fifth installment of the DPPA Electoral Series — video interviews with senior United Nations officials on electoral support and its connection to broader conflict prevention efforts — Aracelly Santana, former Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Nepal and former Deputy Director of the Electoral Assistance Division, reflects on the importance of context and tailoring the Organization’s electoral assistance to help define possible risks to an election and recommend mitigating measures.

    Read more here

    Podcast: "She Stands for Peace"

    New episode focuses on role of women journalists and peacebuilding 

    Comfort Mussa and Amal Habbani are journalists from Sudan and Cameroun. In this episode, they discuss the role of journalists and women journalists, and the impact of their working conditions on the extent to which they can contribute to achieving the Women, Peace and Security agenda in Africa.

    Listen to the episode here  


    Multi-Year Appeal 

    This week, DPPA received voluntary contribution from Slovenia to DPPA's Multi-Year Appeal, which will support our conflict prevention, mediation and sustainable peace work around the world.  


    Peacebuilding Commission convenes its Annual Session, discusses partnerships with regional development banks 

    The Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) convened its Annual Session with a focus on partnerships with regional development banks. The Commission was briefed by representatives of the African Development Bank, Islamic Development Bank, Asian Development Bank and Inter-American Development Bank. Member States recognized the important and unique roles played by regional development banks and welcomed their increasing engagement in support of prevention and peacebuilding, based on their fragility and resilience strategies. They also encouraged regional development banks to continue to promote participation and empowerment of women and youth.

    Peacebuilding Commission provides advice to the Security Council on piracy in the Gulf of Guinea

    Ahead of the Security Council Briefing on “Peace and security in Africa: Piracy Gulf of Guinea”, which took place on 22 November, the PBC submitted a written advice to the Security Council. The advice recognized that the impacts of piracy in the Gulf of Guinea on both the coastal and land-country countries within the region are multifaceted. It urged a comprehensive approach that takes into consideration the root causes and inputs from vulnerable groups including women and youth.

    Next Week

    On Monday, the Security Council will discuss the Middle East Peace Process. On Tuesday, the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General Geir O. Pedersen will brief the Council on the situation in Syria. 

    On Monday starting at 8 a.m., the Peacebuilding Commission and the Security Council of the African Union will hold a joint, virtual meeting on climate and peacebuilding in Africa.  The Peacebuilding Commission will also hold Ambassadorial-level meetings on Guinea-Bissau on Tuesday at 10 a.m. (CR-6), and on Burundi on Wednesday at 10AM (CR-11). On Friday, the Peacebuilding Commission and the UN Economic and Social Council will hold a joint event on peacebuilding, sustaining peace and sustainable development at 10 a.m. in the ECOSOC Chamber.




    Subscribe to This Week in DPPA here

    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org

  • 25 ноя 2022

    TRIPOLI – 25 November 2022 - The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) joins the world in supporting the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence.

  • 25 ноя 2022

    Today begins the global 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence (GBV) (25 November -10...

  • 25 ноя 2022

    Amidst recent allegations of war prisoners being summarily executed in Ukraine, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk expressed his shock on Friday over unabated human suffering as Russian missile and drone strikes against critical infrastructure continue on a broad scale.

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    New York, 23 NOVEMBER 2022


    Mr. President,

    Relentless, widespread attacks against civilians and critical infrastructure are continuing across Ukraine, with devastating consequences.

    Overnight, a new wave of missile and drone strikes terrorized the people of   Kyiv, Odesa, Lviv, Mykolaiv, Kharkiv, and Zaporizhzhia.

    As Ukrainians desperately sought shelter from the bombing, they also had to contend with freezing temperatures. Indeed, these latest attacks renew fears that this winter will be catastrophic for millions of Ukrainians, who face the prospect of months of frigid weather with no heating, electricity, water, or other basic utilities.

    According to initial media reports quoting local authorities, the strikes today killed or injured over 30 civilians as residential buildings were hit in Kyiv and in Chabany and Vyshhorod towns in the outskirts of the capital.

    We have also seen reports of an overnight strike on a maternity hospital in the town of Vilnyansk in Zaporizhzhia region. A two-day-old baby was reportedly killed in that attack.  

    Even before the latest strikes, Ukrainian officials state that there were practically no large thermal or hydroelectric power plants left intact in Ukraine. Today’s barrage is likely to make the situation even worse.

    Emergency shutdowns were introduced today in all regions of Ukraine, and regions like Lviv, Zaporizhzhia, Odesa and Chernihiv were reportedly completely disconnected from electricity. 

    In Kyiv, Darnyts’ka Thermal Power Plant was hit. All of Kyiv region was reportedly deprived of electricity and the approximately three million people of the capital were left without running water. 

    The Ladyzhyn Power Plant in Vinnytsia region also was hit.

    Russian strikes also damaged energy infrastructure in Kremenchuk, Lviv and Odesa. Reports note that Odesa has no electricity nor running water.

    Three nuclear power plants still operating – Rivne, South Ukraine, and Khmelnytskyi – were reportedly disconnected from Ukraine's energy grid as a result of today’s attacks.

    People in neighbouring Moldova are also likely to suffer consequences. Today’s strikes reportedly resulted in a blackout across Moldova – a country that is already suffering an energy shortage due to the war.

    Mr. President,

    The World Health Organization warned this week of a 'Life-Threatening' Winter in Ukraine. We must ensure that the most vulnerable people in Ukraine are adequately protected and able to cope with the months ahead.

    Humanitarian actors in Ukraine are working to support people facing the challenges imposed by the energy shortage. Over the past weeks, more than 430,000 people have received some sort of direct winter assistance, and nearly 400 generators have been distributed to ensure energy in hospitals, schools, and other critical facilities. 

    I will say it once again:, attacks targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure are prohibited under international humanitarian law. So are attacks against military objectives that may be expected to cause harm to civilians that would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated.

    The United Nations strongly condemns these attacks and demands that the Russian Federation immediately cease these actions. There must be accountability for any violations of the laws of war.

    Mr. President,

    We also remain deeply concerned about the situation at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, the largest in Europe.   

    The reported shelling at the plant over the weekend is reckless and deplorable.

    The Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) confirmed on Monday that – despite the severity of the shelling – key equipment remained intact and there were no immediate nuclear safety or security concerns.  

    This is the result of sheer luck. We do not know how long this luck will last. The world cannot afford another nuclear catastrophe.

    Underscoring the risks of these attacks, just a couple of hours ago the IAEA reported that the plant has lost external electricity access and is relying on diesel generators to power cooling and essential nuclear safety functions.  All military activities at, and around, the plant must cease immediately.

    Mr. President,

    Amid the dark news of today, I want to mention a positive development. The parties today reported yet another prisoner exchange. Thirty-five Russian, and thirty-six Ukrainian prisoners were released.  

    We strongly encourage the parties to continue these releases and to ensure that they fulfill their obligations under international law, in particular, the third Geneva Convention.

    Mr. President,

    The temperature in Kyiv right now is said to be -1 Celsius, with snow forecast.

    The weather we have been both preparing for, and dreading, is now upon the people of Ukraine.  

    We must all work together to prevent a man-made humanitarian catastrophe this winter. The resulting shocks would exact a heavy price not only on Ukrainians, but on us all.

    Immediate de-escalation is needed. We reiterate our call to all Member States and international organizations to support efforts to this end, with respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.

    The United Nations will continue to do its part on the ground and remains ready to support all efforts towards peace – in line with the UN Charter and international law.                   

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