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  • 11 мая 2022

    @Government of Yemen

    Amman, 11 May 2022 – The UN Special Envoy for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, concluded today a two-day visit to Aden where he met with the President of the Presidential...

  • 11 мая 2022

    TASHKENT, Uzbekistan

    On 11 May, SRSG Natalia Gherman took part in the Forum “Public Diplomacy – mutual...

  • 11 мая 2022

    TASHKENT, Uzbekistan

    On 11 May, SRSG Natalia Gherman took part in the Forum “Public Diplomacy – mutual...

  • 10 мая 2022

    ASG Williams visited two mass graves where 220 bodies, including 8 women and 3 children, have so far been exhumed.

    TARHOUNA, 10 May 2022 - The Special Advisor to the Secretary-...

  • 10 мая 2022

    The latest deadly prison violence in Ecuador has again highlighted the urgent need for a comprehensive reform of the country’s criminal justice system, the UN human rights office, OHCHR, said on Tuesday. 

  • 10 мая 2022

    Responses to terrorism must be anchored in the rule of law, human rights, and gender equality to ensure their effectiveness, Secretary-General António Guterres told a UN-backed counter-terrorism meeting that opened in Málaga, Spain, on Tuesday. 

  • 10 мая 2022

    As Syria begins 12 years of conflict amidst soaring humanitarian needs, UN agency heads launched during a European Union conference on Tuesday, a joint appeal for $10.5 billion.

  • 10 мая 2022

    Mogadishu – Somalia’s international partners* welcome the announcement by the parliamentary organizing committee that the election of the President will take place on...

  • 10 мая 2022

    In response to the UN Security Council’s request to address the impact of climate change on peace and security in West Africa and the Sahel, UNOWAS has launched a series of initiatives,...

  • 9 мая 2022

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres has urged authorities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to investigate deadly armed group attacks in Djugu Territory, Ituri Province, on Sunday.

  • 9 мая 2022

    On 9 May, ahead of the High-Level International Conference on Human Rights, Civil Society and Counter-Terrorism, which takes place in Malaga,...

  • 9 мая 2022

    The country urgently needs $2.7 million for the 2022 legislative, regional and...

  • 8 мая 2022

    Secretary-General António Guterres said on Sunday that he was appalled by an attack on a school in Bilohorivka, eastern Ukraine, where many people were sheltering from the ongoing fighting.

  • 8 мая 2022

    Chisinau in spring – the chestnut trees are in bloom, music pours from sidewalk cafés, and young people are everywhere. Although it seems peaceful in the capital of Moldova, if you listen, you can hear everyone speaking about the war, discussing the latest news from Ukraine and exchanging alarming prognoses.

  • 8 мая 2022

    Chisinau in spring – the chestnut trees are in bloom, music pours from sidewalk cafés, and young people are everywhere. Although it seems peaceful in the capital of Moldova, if you listen, you can hear everyone speaking about the war, discussing the latest news from Ukraine and exchanging alarming prognoses.

  • 7 мая 2022

    KABUL - UNAMA is deeply concerned with today’s announcement by the Taliban de facto authorities that all women must cover their faces in public, that women should only leave their homes in cases of...

  • 7 мая 2022

    A newly published United Nations report highlights the urgency of adopting a more strategic approach to address the economic and fiscal crisis faced by the Palestinian Authority and Government. It urges a coordinated and integrated response to resolve this precarious situation.

    The report, issued by the office of...

  • 6 мая 2022

    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 


    Security Council

    War on Ukraine is senseless in its scope, ruthless in its dimensions, limitless in its potential for global harm 

    Secretary-General António Guterres briefed the Security Council on 5 May on his recent travel to Moscow and Kyiv. "The war on Ukraine is senseless in its scope, ruthless in its dimensions and limitless in its potential for global harm," he said. Guterres reported progress in the evacuation of civilians from besieged Mariupol in efforts coordinated with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). “It is good to know that even in these times of hyper-communications, silent diplomacy is still possible and is sometimes the only effective way to produce results,” he said.

    Read full remarks here 


    Twenty years after Bojayá massacre, victims demand implementation of Peace Agreement 

    The UN Verification Mission in Colombia, on 2 May, participated in the commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the Bojayá massacre in the department of Chocó, in which more than 100 people were killed during clashes between former FARC-EP guerrillas and paramilitaries in 2002. The victims reiterated the importance of non-repetition, pointed out the increasing insecurity in the area and stressed the need for the full implementation of the Peace Agreement. The event was coordinated by local ethnic and social victims’ organizations, UN Human Rights, and international NGOs, with the participation of the ambassadors of Germany, Spain and Switzerland, and the Integral System of Truth, Justice, Reparation, and Non-Repetition. 


    Haitian National Police and civil society representatives discuss public security 

    The UN Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH) held a working lunch on 4 May with the High Command of the Haitian National Police and representatives of civil society to discuss public security issues. This exchange allowed participants to better understand the challenges for the Haitian population brought on by the current situation and to strengthen their collaboration to address them. 


    Special Envoy stresses need for safe and unimpeded access for humanitarian actors 

    In a statement on 4 May, Special Envoy on Myanmar, Noeleen Heyzer, welcomed the convening of the Consultative Meeting on ASEAN Humanitarian Assistance to Myanmar on 6 May and strongly urged ASEAN leaders and donors to prioritize principled engagement with diverse local humanitarian networks to effectively deliver aid to all communities in need. Given the complexity of Myanmar’s conflict, Heyzer stressed that it is imperative that humanitarian assistance is delivered through a diverse range of channels, without discrimination or favor, and reaches the most vulnerable in every part of the country. “Safe and unimpeded access for all aid actors is non-negotiable,” she said.  

    Read full statement here


    Focus on parliamentary elections 

    Special Coordinator for Lebanon Joanna Wronecka on 4 May discussed with Commander Gen. Joseph Aoun the Lebanese Armed Forces’ (LAF) efforts to safeguard security in Lebanon, particularly ahead of the elections. On 5 May, Prime Minister Najib Mikati briefed the Special Coordinator on the situation in Lebanon in the run up to the polls. She then, together with UNDP and UNHCR in Lebanon, led a discussion with the international community on pre- and post-electoral dynamics. The Special Coordinator also discussed with President Michel Aoun how Lebanon’s security, stability and development agenda could best be served within the framework of cooperation between Lebanon and the UN.  

    Digital youth dialogue in Lebanon 

    The Office of the UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon (UNSCOL), supported by DPPA’s Innovation Cell, held a digital youth dialogue on 5 May to hear views of the public in light of the upcoming parliamentary elections on 15 May. Most of the participants (59%) identified as women, and 67% of the participants were under the age of 35. Participants weighed in on issues such as the upcoming elections, the candidates, the importance of inclusivity and how they view Lebanon’s future. Some of the main concerns included lack of trust in the current system and the possibility of change, freedom of choice, fake news and misinformation, electoral fraud, voter intimidation and hate speech. 

    African Union

    Meeting of the UN-AU Joint Task Force on Peace and Security 

    The United Nations-African Union Joint Task Force on Peace and Security held its 21st consultative meeting on 5 May 2022. During the virtual meeting, the group discussed coordinated peace and security efforts in Ethiopia, Libya, Mozambique, Somalia, the Sahel region and the Sudan and underscored the need to a timely return to constitutional order in Burkina Faso, Chad, Guinea and Mali. 


    Horn of Africa

    Special Envoy Tetteh in New York 

    During a visit to UN headquarters, Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa Hanna Tetteh met on 3 May with Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Permanent Representative of the United States to the United Nations. They discussed the challenges within the Horn of Africa and recent developments in Ethiopia. On 4 May, Tetteh met with Taye Atske Selassie, Permanent Representative of Ethiopia to the UN. They exchanged views on a wide range of issues with reference to peace and security challenges in the Horn of Africa region. The same day, she also met with Martin Kimani, Kenya's  Permanent Representative to the UN. 


    Williams prepares for second round of Joint House of Representatives/High Council of State Committee meeting  

    In Tripoli on 5 May, Stephanie Williams, Special Adviser on Libya, met separately with Faouzi el Nuweiri, First Deputy for the House of Representatives (HoR) and Head of the High Council of State (HCS) Khaled el Mishri to brief them on her recent visits to various European capitals to discuss current events in Libya. Both confirmed the commitment of the HoR and the HCS to taking part in the second round of meetings of the Joint HoR/HCS Committee in Cairo on 15 May, with the aim of agreeing the necessary constitutional arrangements for taking Libya to national elections as soon as possible.  


    UN leadership discusses Somali state-building and upcoming presidential elections

    The UN joined some of Somalia's international partners on 3 May to meet the newly elected Speaker of the House of the People, Sheikh Aden Mohamed. The ensuing discussion focused on concluding the electoral process peacefully, and the need to advance Somalia’s state-building agenda. Support for advancing Somalia’s state-building priorities after the elections was also the focus of discussion on 5 May between UN Deputy Special Representative for Somalia Kiki Gbeho and the Chairperson of the Somalia Non-State Actors (SONSA), Osman Moallim.

    Ahead of Somalia’s presidential elections and as part of his regular meetings with political figures, UN Special Representative James Swan, on 6 May, met with candidate Dr. Abdinur Sheikh Mohamed to learn about his policy priorities and vision for the country.

    West Africa and the Sahel

    Steering Committee of the UN Integrated Strategy for the Sahel meets in Chad 

    The 13th meeting of the Steering Committee of the UN Integrated Strategy for the Sahel opened on 5 May in Ndjamena, Chad under the co-chairmanship of Special Representative Annadif and Mar Dieye, UN Special Coordinator for the Sahel. The meeting was held “to take stock of our responses, readjust our actions according to the needs of the populations and emerging risks, and strengthen our cooperation with local and regional partners,” Dieye noted. In his opening remarks, Special Representative Annadif underlined the impact of the Ukrainian crisis on the Sahel region: “The inflationary spiral we are witnessing [...] poses significant risks to political and social stability in the region.” Referring to the political situation and governance in the Sahel, he stressed that unconstitutional regimes jeopardize the integration and cohesion of the region. On the security front, Annadif indicated that national and regional responses are being strengthened both in the Central Sahel as well as the Lake Chad Basin. The morning of 6 May was dedicated to discussions focused on challenges related to climate change, food security and governance, gender and education, especially for young girls in the Sahel, and resource mobilization and partnerships. 

    World Press Freedom Day


    On World Press Freedom Day on 3 May, Somali journalists, representatives from the police, the attorney general's office and civil society organizations came together for a one-day panel discussion on press freedom in Somalia, organized by the Federation of Somali Journalist (FESOJ) and supported by the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM). In a statement issued for the occasion, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNSOM stressed: “Somalia’s media are a key component for the growth of democracy, and they need to be able to go about their work free from threats, intimidation and harm so they can carry out their important work.”  

    Read the full statement here


    A number of Afghan journalists and media advocates attended an event in Kabul on 30 April marking World Press Freedom Day, organized by the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) and UNESCO. The event offered a platform to exchange views on the shrinking and restrictive media space in the country and the way forward. UNAMA Deputy Head Mette Knudsen paid tribute to the hard-working journalists for their tenacity and resilience. “Let me assure you that UNAMA and the UN family in Afghanistan stand firmly in solidarity with your clarion call for safety, professional independence and a free press,” she said.  



    Peacebuilding Commission retreat discusses how to stay fit-for-purpose 

    On 5 and 6 May, the Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation and DPPA’s Peacebuilding Support Office (PBSO) hosted an in-person ambassadorial-level retreat of the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) at Greentree Estate in Manhasset, New York. The two-day retreat focused on how the Commission can better deliver in the face of continuing threats – from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic to worsening climate impacts, growing humanitarian crises and conflicts, and the unraveling of hard-won gains in curbing poverty and closing the gender divide. Representatives of PBC members and countries under the Commission’s consideration discussed the important and interlinked elements of the Programme of Work of the PBC for 2022, with a focus on ways of amplifying impact, improving communications and visibility and strengthening the Commission’s advisory and bridging roles. Rosemary DiCarlo, Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, Melissa Fleming, Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications, Elizabeth Spehar, Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support, Asako Okai, Assistant Secretary-General and Director of the UNDP Crisis Bureau, and Åsa Regnér, Assistant Secretary-General and Deputy Executive Director of UN Women were present. Boukar Issoufou Mamadou Goni, President of the NGO WARAKA in Niger, connected virtually to share his views. PBC members reiterated their commitment to ensuring that the Commission stays fit-for-purpose in the face of new challenges to peacebuilding. They agreed that this requires continuing focus on timely and effective support to the countries who seek to engage with the Commission, be it, for example, for the operationalization of the Special Criminal Court in the Central African Republic (CAR), the timely implementation of the recommendations of the Truth, Reconciliation, and Reparations Commission in The Gambia, or advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment in Liberia. Effective and timely PBC responses is a key factor in determining its future success, they stressed. PBC members renewed their commitment to further strengthen links with the General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), and the Security Council, and agreed on the need to dedicate more resources to ensure effective deliberations and enhanced communications. In response to the recent High-Level Meeting on Financing for Peacebuilding, which took place on 27 and 29 April, many representatives expressed their support for a follow-up process of the High-Level Meeting to produce a negotiated outcome document. 

    Next Week

    Next week at the Security Council will start with consultations on Monday, 9 May, on the 1559 report on the situation in Lebanon. And on Wednesday, 11 May, the Council will hold its quarterly debate on Bosnia and Herzegovina.  

    And on 10 May, the Peacebuilding Commission Ambassadorial-level meeting on Youth Peace and Security will take place. 

    Subscribe to This Week in DPPA here

    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org

  • 6 мая 2022


    It is a pleasure to join you today.

    As the Secretary-General underscored in his briefing to the Peacebuilding Commission in March, peace is the most important task we have at the United Nations.  And this is a task that is becoming greater and more complicated.

    Today, we are facing a series of overlapping threats that have far-reaching implications for the global collective security architecture, and that affect the ability of the UN to carry out its work.

    These threats are manifest at various levels and in different realms.

    At the geopolitical level, conflicts have become more fragmented, regionalized and thus harder to resolve. They increasingly test the effectiveness of many of our traditional conflict management and resolution tools.

    Climate change is exacerbating risks and creating additional sources of stress – particularly in the most fragile settings.

    This is not a future challenge, but a present one. We are seeing, for example, the increasing frequency and intensity of violent conflicts between farmers and herders across many countries in Central and West Africa, which have significant consequences for stability.

    Technological disruption is shaping conflict across the world. Conflict is increasingly hybrid, fought in the battlefield as well as online through cyber operations that create potential for miscalculation, and which often target infrastructure that is critical for civilians.

    Increasing use of sophisticated new weapons challenge existing legal frameworks – and may create risks of unprecedented escalation.

    Disinformation and hate speech are widespread, crossing from online realms to offline action, engendering polarization and violence.

    A perceived failure of governance – of the ability of States to deliver essential services that respond to the aspirations of their people – is giving rise to tensions and social unrest in many regions.

    Exclusion and inequalities of all kinds — economic, social and cultural — exact a devastating toll on security. 

    The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated many of these risks, while at the same time putting significant pressure on the ability of States to deliver. The pandemic also showed the real limitations of global preparedness and solidarity – all of which are essential to our work in prevention.

    These phenomena, on their own but particularly in combination, have dire consequences for the most vulnerable communities.

    Women and girls, especially, have already been disproportionately affected by the deteriorating security and socio-economic environment – including with the unprecedented spike in domestic and gender-based violence during the pandemic.

    The confluence of these factors also makes our work to prevent and resolve conflicts much more difficult, particularly at a time when there is growing skepticism about multilateralism. And just when there is more need for collective solutions.

    This is why the Secretary-General has emphasized the importance of conflict prevention and peacebuilding in “Our Common Agenda”.  We must get better at addressing these challenges before conflicts breakout.

    Recent events only confirm the urgency of our collective task.

    The war in Ukraine is having a global impact – what the Secretary-General refers to as a triple crisis, as food security, energy and finance are affected by the ongoing conflict.

    In these times, the contributions the Peacebuilding Commission makes to advance our efforts to avert conflict and build lasting peace are invaluable. Even more important will be considering how the Commission can be even more effective, a question I know is of utmost importance for you, too.

    A decade ago, I sat where you are as a member of the PBC. The Commission was still deciding its agenda and profile.

    Since that time, the PBC has grown into a most valuable body for fostering consensus and action on key areas that are essential for sustaining peace.

    The ambitious programme of work for 2022 you adopted in March highlights several priorities that, when implemented, will further reinforce the Commission’s central role.

    We strongly support the Commission’s decision to expand its geographic and thematic scope as well as the continued emphasis on inclusive approaches in support of national peacebuilding initiatives. We cannot achieve lasting impact without engaging and empowering women and youth.

    Helping countries build more inclusive societies, based on trust, social cohesion, and human rights, requires a coherent approach.

    And the Commission’s convening role has been instrumental in bringing the UN system together.

    Further the Commission’s efforts to build stronger partnerships with regional and sub-regional organizations, civil society organizations and the private sector have been vital.

    I remember the first time the PBC briefed the Security Council.  And I can tell you that not all Council members were enthusiastic about letting you into the club.

    Since that time the Commission’s advisory role has expanded considerably and your contribution to Council deliberations has become essential.



    Let me conclude by noting that at last week’s General Assembly High-level meeting on peacebuilding financing, we heard, loud and clear, that Member States are convinced of the need to invest more in peacebuilding and prevention work.

    Member States agree that it is cost-effective but underfunded. We heard appreciation for the work of this Commission and testimonies regarding the critical role of the Peacebuilding Fund as a flexible and agile tool to support national peacebuilding priorities.

    More needs to be done to secure increased resources for the Peacebuilding Fund, including through assessed contributions.

    I really want to thank the Commission for its valuable input to the General Assembly in advance of the High-level meeting and for continuing to prioritize financing as a key requirement for effective peacebuilding initiatives. 

    I hope that this retreat has provided you with the space and opportunity to build on the excellent 2022 programme of work.

    We are all invested in helping realize the full potential of the PBC as an indispensable tool of the UN peace and security architecture.

    I congratulate you for what you have accomplished and look forward to your continued support and to backing your good work to build peace.

    Thank you.


  • 6 мая 2022

    The UN chief welcomed on Friday afternoon, the unity of the Security Council in support of peace in Ukraine, while also assuring that he would continue to “spare no effort” in saving lives, reducing suffering and finding the path of peace.

  • 6 мая 2022

    Ports in the Odesa area of southern Ukraine must be re-opened urgently to prevent the global hunger crisis from spinning out of control, the World Food Programme (WFP) said on Friday. 

  • 6 мая 2022

    Already reeling from COVID-19, the fighting in Ukraine has introduced significant and worrying new risks likely to heavily impact Africa, UN development experts warned on Friday.

  • 6 мая 2022

    Ten weeks into the war in Ukraine, UN humanitarians on Friday said that they were urgently ramping up efforts to provide vulnerable children with specialist and psychosocial support, amid “tremendous” mental health needs and ongoing dangers linked to the Russian invasion and sexual and gender-based violence.

  • 6 мая 2022

    New York - The members of the Security Council condemned in the strongest possible terms the heinous terrorist attack by Al-Shabaab against the AU Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) Forward Operating Base in...

  • 5 мая 2022

    Briefing the Security Council on his shuttle diplomacy last week in Russia and Ukraine, Secretary-General António Guterres declared that he “did not mince words” during meetings with Presidents Putin and Zelenskyy, on the need to end the brutal conflict.

  • 5 мая 2022

    The UN’s leading expert on issues facing children caught up in war, on Thursday released a new analysis on the importance of considering how gender differences impact young people during armed conflicts.

  • 4 мая 2022

    The number of people facing acute food insecurity, requiring urgent life-saving food assistance and livelihood support, continues to grow at an alarming rate, according to a joint UN report released on Wednesday.

  • 4 мая 2022

    The “enormous challenges” faced by the northeastern Nigerian state of Borno, which include a continuing terrorist insurgency, need to be recognized by the international community to create what the UN Secretary-General has called a “state of hope and a state of reality”, in a region which he said did not live up to its reputation for “terrorism, violence, displacement or despair.”

  • 3 мая 2022

    Rows of temporary shelters covered in sheeting which has been blanched by the sun and sand blasted by winds blend into the grey, dusty and parched environment. It’s midday, and temperatures have reached a punishingly hot and dry 44 degrees Celsius (111 F).

  • 3 мая 2022

    Women’s rights do not end when wars begin, a senior UN official said in Ukraine on Tuesday, outlining measures towards ensuring justice and accountability for sexual violence committed during the conflict in the country. 

  • 3 мая 2022

    Clashes in Haiti between rival gangs in the capital, Port-au-Prince, have forced hundreds of people to flee their homes, the UN Deputy Spokesperson said on Tuesday.

  • 3 мая 2022

    In Ukraine on Tuesday, UN humanitarians began to help the first evacuees arriving from Mariupol’s devastated Azovstal steel works, more than two months since Russia’s invasion began, and said that they would do everything possible to assist those still trapped.

  • 3 мая 2022

    KABUL - On World Press Freedom Day this year, we recognise that everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression, as enshrined in the Universal Declaration...

  • 3 мая 2022


    New York, 3 May 2022

    On World Press Freedom Day, we shine a spotlight on the essential work of journalists and other media workers who seek transparency and accountability from those in power, often at great personal risk.

    Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, many media workers have been on the...

  • 3 мая 2022

    Mogadishu – On the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, the United Nations in Somalia emphasizes the vital role that the country’s media play in Somali society and the need to ensure their ability to...

  • 2 мая 2022

    KABUL – Afghan journalists and media advocates joined UNAMA and UNESCO this week in marking World Press Freedom Day in Kabul, offering a platform to exchange views on the shrinking and restrictive...

  • 2 мая 2022

    The number of terrorist attacks in the Sahel region of Africa “continues to increase” according to the UN Secretary-General António Guterres, who arrived in the capital of Niger, Niamey, on Monday, the second of three countries he is visiting on a tour of West Africa to mark the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

  • 1 мая 2022

    The war in Ukraine is aggravating a “triple food, energy and financial crisis,” across Africa, according to the UN Secretary-General António Guterres.

  • 1 мая 2022

    A United Nations and Red Cross (ICRC) operation to evacuate desperate civilians trapped in the Azovstal steel plant in the Ukrainian port city of Mariupol is underway, the Spokesperson for the humanitarian affairs office in the country confirmed on Sunday.

  • 1 мая 2022

    Mogadishu – The United Nations family in Somalia extends warm greetings to all Somalis on the occasion of Eid-al-Fitr.

    “The United Nations wishes a peaceful and safe Eid-al-Fitr to the people of Somalia as we come to the end of...

  • 30 апр 2022

    The Special Representative and Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel, Mahamat Saleh ANNADIF, will accompany the  United Nations Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, who will...

  • 30 апр 2022

    Humanitarian | OCHA calls for more funds...

  • 29 апр 2022
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 

    Security Council

    Secretary-General visits Russia and Ukraine 

    Under-Secretary-General (USG) Rosemary DiCarlo accompanied Secretary-General António Guterres to Russia and Ukraine this week to discuss urgent steps to bring about peace in Ukraine and scale up humanitarian assistance to the Ukrainian people. Before traveling to Russia on 25 April, the Secretary-General met Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Ankara and expressed support for Turkey’s ongoing diplomatic efforts in relation to ending the war as soon as possible. In Moscow on 26 April, the UN delegation had a working meeting and lunch with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, followed by a meeting between the Secretary-General and President Vladimir Putin. On their way to Ukraine on 27 April, the Secretary-General met with Polish President Andrzej Duda in Rzeszów, Poland. He expressed his deep appreciation for the generosity of the Polish people in opening their homes to Ukrainian refugees. In Kyiv on 28 April, after witnessing the destruction in the towns of Borodyanka, Irpin and Bucha, the Secretary-General met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and informed him of the UN’s efforts to scale up operations in Ukraine to save lives and reduce suffering. In a tweet, Under-Secretary-General DiCarlo said she had been able to see first-hand the devastation the Russian invasion has wrought and reiterated the Secretary-General's call for an end to “this senseless war.”  

    Security Council

    Wennesland: “The ultimate goal remains clear: two States, living side-by-side in peace and security”

    “A serious escalation is avoidable,” Tor Wennesland, the Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, said at the Security Council briefing on 25 April. He urged members not to lose sight of the imperative to end the occupation and advance towards a two-State reality: “The ultimate goal remains clear: two States, living side-by-side in peace and security.” The briefing took place during heightened tension and a month marred by violence in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and terror attacks in Israel, which have killed and injured scores of civilians. In Jerusalem, the situation remains relatively calm, he said, despite inflammatory rhetoric and violent clashes between Palestinians and Israeli Security Forces (ISF) that have taken place at the Holy Sites. “Violence, provocations and incitement must stop immediately and be unequivocally condemned by all,” Wennesland stressed. He urged the parties to maintain calm through the final week of Ramadan so it can be celebrated without interruption.

    Read full remarks here

    8th session of the Syrian Constitutional Committee to convene in May

    Briefing the Council on 26 April, Special Envoy Geir O. Pedersen urged Member States to focus on Syria, recalling that it is “a hot conflict, not a frozen one”, with an uptick in airstrikes and intensified clashes in the northeast in the past month, “regular incidents between or involving international actors” as well as the threat of terrorism emanating from the crisis. “The current strategic stalemate on the ground and Syria’s absence from the headlines should not mislead anyone into thinking that the conflict needs less attention or fewer resources, or that a political solution is not urgent,” he stressed. In this regard, Pedersen announced that he had issued invitations for the 8th session of the Syrian Constitutional Committee to be held from 28 May to 3 June in Geneva.

    Read full remarks here

    Special Envoy Xia notes steady progress in the Great Lakes region despite persisting challenges

    On 27 April, Special Envoy for the Great Lakes region Huang Xia, in a briefing to the Council highlighted ongoing efforts to strengthen regional cooperation in the region, especially on security and economic integration, in line with the Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework for the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and the region. He hailed the existing climate of dialogue, cooperation and integration, and the continued willingness to address the root causes of instability in the Great Lakes region. Xia pointed out that recent security incidents involving attacks by armed groups in Eastern DRC showcase “how much peace in eastern DRC is still extremely fragile.” He called on Member States to redouble efforts to achieve a region completely free of the horrors of war.

    Read full remarks here

    UNSMIL mandate extended for another three months

    The Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 2629 (2022) on 29 April to extend the mandate of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) until 31 July 2022. The integrated special political mission will continue to support the political process in Libya.

    Central Asia

    UNRCCA takes part in conference on water cooperation

    On 26 April, the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA) participated in the Central Asian International Scientific and Practical Conference held in Kazakhstan, entitled “30 years of Water Cooperation in Central Asia: Experience of the Past, Tasks for the Future”. Within the framework of the Conference, UNRCCA, in cooperation with DPPA, organized a separate roundtable on the linkages between climate change, peace and security. The event was arranged within the new UNRCCA Strategy on supporting cooperation between the states of Central Asia on water, energy, environment and climate for 2022-2025. Around 30 experts took part in the roundtable from respective ministries and agencies of the Central Asian states.

    Read more here

    UNRCCA completes April series of Preventive Diplomacy Academy training seminars

    In April, within the Preventive Diplomacy Academy (PDA) initiative framework, UNRCCA held two training workshops for youth in Central Asia and Afghanistan. The workshops were attended by 36 PDA participants, including two youth representatives from Afghanistan. The students received learning materials on the definition of emotional intelligence components, their development, and self-control of basic emotions for enhancing stress resistance. They also participated in a three-day workshop on conflict prevention and digital security where they learned about digital security and conflict prevention methods, including digital conflict prevention methods in peacebuilding.

    Read more here


    Deputy Special Representative engages with representatives in Herat

    Mette Knudsen, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General at the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMAmet with de facto provincial governor Mawlavi Noor Ahmad Islamja on 27 April during her visit to Herat this week. She also met a wide range of representatives from civil society, media and the business community to discuss the current situation and the way forward.




    Special Representative Hennis-Plasschaert discusses political developments with interlocutors

    Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq, met on 24 April in Baghdad with the leader of the Wisdom (Al-Hikma) Movement, Ammar al-Hakim. They reviewed recent political developments in the country, with emphasis on the need for government formation to meet the aspirations of the Iraqi people. On 27 April, the Special Representative visited the Jurisprudence Association in Baghdad and met with Sheikh Abdul Sattar Abdul Jabbar and other members of the Association where they discussed recent political developments and various issues, including human rights, displacement and humanitarian aspects, with an emphasis on social cohesion. On 28 April, she met with Iraqi Council of Representatives Speaker Mohammed al-Halbousi to discuss the political situation in the country. She emphasized the importance of ending the political stalemate, in the interest of all Iraqis.


    Special Envoy Grundberg discusses progress of the truce 

    Hans Grundberg, the Special Envoy for Yemen met on 25 April with Jordanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ayman Safadi to discuss progress on the implementation of the truce in Yemen, particularly the continuous efforts to resume commercial flights from Sana’a. “The parties have reiterated their commitment to uphold the truce,” said the Special Envoy separately in a tweet on 28 April, also calling on the parties to work constructively and in good faith to prioritize the interests of Yemeni civilians. “We are working tirelessly to help them identify solutions to resume flights from Sana’a. We also continue pushing for progress on opening roads in Taiz and other governorates,” he added.  

    West Africa and the Sahel

    Special Representative Annadif visits Côte d'Ivoire

    Mahamat Saleh Annadif, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) concluded on 28 April a two-day visit to Côte d'Ivoire. During the visit, he met with Vice-President Tiémoko Meyliet Koné and Prime Minister Patrick Achi, among others. The Special Representative welcomed the closure of the political dialogue in March and the establishment of an inter-community dialogue process in Côte d'Ivoire, with the participation of administrative authorities, civil society organizations, traditional and religious leaders, youth and women's groups. He seized the opportunity of his visit to announce the launch, in May, of the project to strengthen social cohesion in Côte d'Ivoire.

    Read more here



    Verification Mission witnesses a milestone for transitional justice

    The UN Verification Mission in Colombia hailed the holding on 26-27 April of the first public hearing by the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP). The Mission was able to witness the courage of the victims, their testimonies and their persistence in the search for the truth, as well as the appearance of the 10 soldiers and the third parties (‘tercero civil’) accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity committed in the Catatumbo region. This hearing, as well as other hearings announced by the Special Jurisdiction for Peace, are decisive steps to guarantee the rights of victims, the construction of peace and guarantees of non-repetition. The UN Verification Mission in Colombia will continue to support transitional justice efforts.


    BINUH hears concerns on security and political situations

    The UN Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH) on 28 April met with representatives of the private sector, professional organizations and civil society to listen to their concerns and proposals on the security and political situation in the country. 


    Virtual Reality experience “Sea of Islands” at UN headquarters

    In collaboration with the Government of Japan, the DPPA Innovation Cell developed a Virtual Reality (VR) film to raise awareness on climate security risks with a particular focus on the Pacific region, which was on view this week at UN headquarters. The 14-minute VR experience, filmed in Fiji, explores various climate-related challenges facing Pacific communities, such as threats to food security, displacement, and natural disasters, and highlights examples of community adaptation and resilience. Through this immersive experience, visitors could deepen their understanding of the impacts of climate change in the Pacific region and beyond.

    More information on DPPA’s innovation work available on https://futuringpeace.org/


    High-Level Meeting on Financing for Peacebuilding 

    On 27 and 29 April, the General Assembly convened for a High-Level Meeting on Financing for Peacebuilding, in accordance with the outcome of the third review of the UN peacebuilding architecture. The opening segment of the High-Level Meeting featured remarks from USG Volker Türk on behalf of the Secretary-General, the Presidents of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and the Security Council, the Chair of the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) and representatives from the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, private sector and women and youth peacebuilders. The opening segment was followed by a plenary meeting, featuring statements by about 70 Member States and regional organizations. All spoke to the urgent need to ensure adequate, predictable and sustained financing for peacebuilding and all highlighted how investments in prevention and peacebuilding pay for themselves many times over in human lives and financial costs that are saved. The meeting saw strong cross-regional support among Member States for a resolution as an action-oriented outcome before the end of the 76th session of the General Assembly – called for by a joint statement of 108 Member States. There was also support from across regions, including from the Africa Group, the European Union, and others, for considering assessed contributions to the Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) and many highlighted the Fund’s critical role in the UN system and its impact. Some Member States made specific commitments and calls towards multi-annual voluntary contributions to the PBF, spending more of their official development assistance (ODA) on peacebuilding in conflict-affected countries and increasing support for local peacebuilding efforts, women and young peacebuilders.  

    Roundtables on Financing for Peacebuilding  

    On 25 April, DPPA’s Peacebuilding Support Office (PBSO) organized four round tables to facilitate action-oriented commitments at the General Assembly High-Level Meeting on Financing for Peacebuilding. With strong cross-regional representation, high-level engagement of several countries benefiting from UN peacebuilding as well as the participation of many different UN entities, civil society organizations and private sector representatives, the round tables generated a rich discussion and strengthened support for existing and new perspectives on how to advance financing for peacebuilding - a central feature of the New Agenda for Peace, as laid out in the Secretary-General’s report “Our Common Agenda” The topics of the four round tables were: funding of local peacebuilding; PBF results and resourcing; peace-responsive investing through the private sector; and flexibility of funding for peacebuilding, including in transition setting. PBSO produced informal outcome summaries on each of these themes ahead of the High-level Meeting held on 27 April to enable Member States to take their commitments to the General Assembly.  

    Next Week

    On 1 May, the United States of America will take over the presidency of the Security Council for the month of May.

    An Ambassadorial-Level Retreat of the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) is scheduled to take place on 5-6 May. 

    Subscribe to This Week in DPPA here

    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org

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    The United Nations has condemned a deadly explosion at a Sufi mosque in Afghanistan’s capital, Kabul, on Friday, which reportedly killed at least 10 people and injured up to 15 more, many of them seriously. 

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