Bienvenidos a las Naciones Unidas

Reports and Policy Documents


  • 4 Oct 2022

    <p>The absence of a functioning government in Iraq one year after elections were held is hard to justify, the top UN official in the country said on Tuesday, urging political leaders to put aside their differences for the common good. </p>

  • 4 Oct 2022

    <p> </p>
    <p>Nearly one million people have fled extreme violence perpetrated by non-State armed groups in northern Mozambique over the past five years, the UN refugee agency UNHCR reported on Tuesday. </p>

  • 4 Oct 2022

    <p>The UN Secretary-General on Tuesday <a href=" condemned the launch</a> of a ballistic missile by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), more commonly known as North Korea, which reportedly travelled over Japan.</p>

  • 3 Oct 2022

    UN Photo

    Bogota, 03 October 2022. In his latest report on the UN Verification Mission in...

  • 3 Oct 2022

    The famous Colombian cartoonist Julio Cesar Gonzalez Quiceno, known as Matador, presented 27 cartoons and an interactive video for...

  • 3 Oct 2022

    On 28 and 29 September, with the participation of former FARC combatants and more than 200 children from three reintegration areas and...

  • 2 Oct 2022

    New York, 3 October 2022

    Each year, World Habitat Day focuses attention on the state of human settlements.

    This year’s theme – ‘Mind the Gap. Leave No One and No Place Behind’ – puts the spotlight on widening inequalities in living conditions across the world.

    A cascade of challenges – from climate chaos and conflicts to COVID-19 – is hitting the...

  • 2 Oct 2022

    Hargeisa– Nimo Abdillahi Muhumed knows a thing or two about patience.

    The 36-year-old spent almost two decades building up her small business selling vegetables,...

  • 1 Oct 2022

    Capacity building | UNODC supports the committee against...

  • 1 Oct 2022

    New York, 2 October 2022

    The International Day of Non-Violence celebrates not only Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday, but the values he embodied that echo across the decades: peace, mutual respect, and the essential dignity shared by every person.

    Sadly, our world is not living up to those values.

    We see this through growing conflicts and climate chaos....

  • 1 Oct 2022

    <p>The UN Secretary-General expressed on Saturday his deep concern regarding the unfolding developments in Burkina Faso, where according to media reports, a group of military officers overthrew the man who had seized power in a coup only nine months earlier.</p>

  • 1 Oct 2022

    The United Nations Regional Office for Central Africa (UNOCA), the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (...

  • 30 Sep 2022
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 


    Security Council

    Special Representative and Head of BINUH briefs the Security Council on the question of Haiti 

    On 26 September, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Haiti Helen La Lime emphasized in a briefing to the Security Council that “an economic crisis, a gang crisis, and a political crisis have converged into a humanitarian catastrophe.” She went on to stress that despite challenges, national stakeholders have been able to re-engage, while the Haitian National Police have worked to restore some freedom of movement for the population.  She called on the Council to take urgent action to support Haitians in their efforts to gain a better future. 

    Watch full remarks here

    USG DiCarlo underscores that so-called "referenda” held by Russia in Ukraine “cannot be called a genuine expression of the popular will” 

    On 27 September, Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo, briefing the Council on the so-called "referenda” held by the Russian Federation on occupied Ukrainian territory,” underscored that “Unilateral actions aimed to provide a veneer of legitimacy to the attempted acquisition by force by one State of another State’s territory, while claiming to represent the will of the people, cannot be regarded as legal under international law.” The Under-Secretary-General also urged Member States to do all they could to end the war and ensure lasting peace, in accordance with the principles of the Charter and international law.

    Read full remarks here 

    DSRSG Potzel briefs the Security Council on the situation in Afghanistan 

    On 27 September, the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Afghanistan noted in the Council that the Taliban’s ongoing ban on secondary education for girls is the only such prohibition in the world. Growing restrictions on women’s rights signal that the Taliban is indifferent to more than 50 per cent of the population and willing to risk international isolation, he added.  If the Taliban does not respond to the needs of the whole of Afghan society and engage constructively with the international community, it is unclear what could come next, he said, detailing fragmentation, isolation, poverty and internal conflict as likely scenarios. 

    Read full remarks here 

    Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process provides update 

    On 28 September, Special Coordinator Tor Wennesland provided the Security Council with an update on the Middle East, including on the Palestinian question.  He reported that settlement activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory had continued, as had violence against civilians. He called for support from the international community for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNWRA), which needed sustainable sources of funding for the delivery of vital services to millions of Palestinian refugees. 

    Read full remarks here

    Central and West Africa

    Sharing good practices on farmer-herder dynamics

    On 29 and 30 September, the UN Regional Office for Central Africa (UNOCA), the UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) and the Office of the Special Coordinator for Development in the Sahel organized an inter-regional workshop on good practices in farmer-herder dynamics in West and Central Africa. Participants from six countries shared best practices in the prevention and management of conflicts, in particular on mechanisms for dialogue and early warning and supervision, as well as alternatives to traditional transhumance. The workshop will be followed by joint field visits and a subsequent workshop establishing a community of practice in the two sub-regions. The event, held in Yaoundé, Cameroun, brought together about 50 participants.  


    Special Representative Hennis-Plasschaert meets with Iraqi officials to discuss political situation 

    On 26 September, the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, met in Baghdad with the Speaker of the Council of Representatives, Mohammed Al-Halbousi. They discussed the latest political developments in the country. On 27 September 2022, the Special Representative met the Head of al-Seyada (Sovereignty) Alliance, Sheikh Khamis Al-Khanjar. They discussed the latest political developments in the country. 


    UN Special Coordinator encourages Lebanon leaders to strengthen state institutions 

    This week, UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Joanna Wronecka encouraged Lebanese leaders and representatives to work on strengthening and empowering the country’s state institutions, including by respecting constitutional timelines and adopting pro-reform laws that support Lebanon’s recovery process.  After a first inconclusive presidential election session in Parliament on Wednesday, she said more concerted steps should be taken to ensure a president is elected on time before the end of outgoing President Michel Aoun’s term on 31 October. In a meeting with Prime Minister-designate Najib Mikati, the Special Coordinator also stressed the need for a fully functional government in Lebanon that can deliver for the people. The Special Coordinator also met with the caretaker Minister of Information to discuss press freedoms and access to verified information, in order to curb the spread of hate speech and mis/disinformation.     

    Central Asia

    UNRCCA co-organizes regional forum on civil society and the implementation of national action plans on preventing violent extremism 

    On 28-30 September, the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA), in partnership with the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT), organized a regional forum on the role of civil society organizations in the implementation of national action plans on preventing and countering of violent extremism in Central Asia. Held in Almaty, Kazakhstan, the meeting served as a platform to increase interaction and partnership between civil society and state institutions, as well as to promote contacts among civil society organizations within the region. The discussions produced a set of recommendations for government and non-government organizations on countering violent extremism.

    Read more here


    DPPA’s virtual reality film “Pathways Colombia” screened in Dabeiba and Mutatá 

    On 28 and 29 September, The UN Verification Mission in Colombia celebrated the International Day of Peace with a virtual reality movie, “Pathways Colombia,” which shows the progress of the implementation of the Peace Agreement. Joining the Mission were former FARC combatants and more than 200 children from three reintegration areas and five surrounding villages in the municipalities of Dabeiba and Mutatá, in Antioquia.  The film was produced by DPPA’s Innovation Cell, with funding from Multi-Year Appeal. 

    Learn more about #PathwaysColombia here

    Colombia cartoonist “Matador” presents cartoons on the Colombian Peace Agreement 

    On 26 September, with support from the UN Mission in Colombia and the UN Development Programme (UNDP), famous Colombian cartoonist Julio Cesar Gonzalez Quiceno, also known as “Matador,” presented 27 cartoons and an interactive video on the Colombia Peace Agreement.  The work was presented to children and young students, social leaders, victims of the conflict and people in the process of reintegration in the town of La Paz, Cesar, in northern Colombia.

    Watch the video here

    Podcast: "She Stands for Peace"

    New episodes focus on academia, partnerships, and enabling environments for peacebuilding

    New episodes of the podcast released this week feature a variety of voices from the world of peacebuilding, including Dr. Mandiedza Parichi, Chairperson for the Peace Studies Department at the Midlands State University in Gweru, who discusses the role academia can play in peacebuilding processes. Also featured is Hamsatu Allamin, the Founder and Executive Director of the Allamin Foundation for Peace and Development, who shares her views on partnerships in peacebuilding and reconciliation; and Ilwad Elman from the Elman Peace and Human Rights Centre, who discusses the challenges and trauma of peacebuilding, as well as her work in supporting survivors of sexual and gender-based violence.


    Listen here  


    Peacebuilding Commission holds first meeting on Timor-Leste 

    On 26 September, the Peacebuilding Commission convened a meeting on Timor-Leste. Participants included the President of Timor Leste, Ramos-Horta and former president Mr. Gusmão, as well as civil society representatives and senior UN officials, including the ASG for Middle East, Asia and the Pacific, the ASG for Peacebuilding Support and the Resident Coordinator in Timor-Leste.  The meeting marked a first-time exchange between the Commission and Timor-Leste on the country’s peacebuilding experiences. Timor-Leste shared good practices and lessons learned from its peacebuilding process, while the Commission welcomed Timor-Leste’s role in international engagement in support of conflict-affected countries and regions.

    Next Week

    For the month of October, Gabon will take over the Security Council presidency.


    Subscribe to This Week in DPPA here

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  • 30 Sep 2022

    @UN/Mark Garten

    Over the past six months, the Government of Yemen and the Houthis have taken important and bold steps towards peace by agreeing to, and twice renewing, a...

  • 30 Sep 2022

    NEW YORK -  The members of the Security Council condemned in the strongest terms the horrendous terrorist attack against the Kaaj Educational Centre in the Dasht-e-Barchi area of Kabul, Afghanistan, on 30...

  • 30 Sep 2022

    NEW YORK - The Secretary-General strongly condemns today’s heinous attack on an educational centre in the Dasht-e-Barchi area of Kabul City - a predominately Hazara Shia area - which caused scores of casualties,...

  • 30 Sep 2022

    <p><span><span><span><span><span lang="EN-CA" lang="EN-CA" lang="EN-CA"><span><span><span>Yemen’s warring parties who have sustained a nationwide truce <a href="">for the past six months</a>, need to prioritize the “needs and aspirations” of the people, by both extending and expanding it, beyond Sunday’s imminent deadline, <a href=" UN chief has said</a>.</span></span></span></span></span></span></span></span></p>

  • 30 Sep 2022

    <p><span><span><span><span><span><span>Russia on Friday vetoed a <a href="">Security Council</a> resolution which described its attempts to unlawfully annex four regions of Ukraine earlier in the day with a formal ceremony in Moscow, as “a threat to international peace and security”, demanding that the decision be immediately and unconditionally reversed.</span></span></span></span></span></span></p>

  • 30 Sep 2022

    <p>The UN envoy for the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) on Friday denounced the recent violence against the Organization’s stabilization mission in the country, which has been the target of “manipulation and stigmatization”.</p>

  • 30 Sep 2022

    <p><span><span><span><span><span><span>The UN has condemned a suicide bombing in the Afghan capital Kabul which has left more than 20 dead, according to latest news reports, many of them young women who were sitting mock exams at an education centre.</span></span></span></span></span></span></p>

  • 30 Sep 2022

    ALMATY, Kazakhstan

    On 28-30 September, UNRCCA in partnership with the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) organized a regional forum on the role of civil society organizations in the implementation of national action plans on preventing and countering of violent extremism in Central Asia. The regional forum took place in Almaty, Kazakhstan. It...

  • 29 Sep 2022

    She Stands For Peace | Season 3-Episode 7 | Out Now!  Click here to listen:

  • 29 Sep 2022

    On 19 September, a group of 10 women former combatants inaugurated in the municipality of Santander de Quilichao a community shop that sells products made by various cooperatives of former...

  • 29 Sep 2022

    With different events, the International Day of Peace was celebrated in Colombia. Special Representative Carlos Ruiz Massieu opened the day with a joint message with the Ambassador of Colombia to the UN, Leonor...

  • 29 Sep 2022

    <p>Two months since the Black Sea Grain Initiative kicked into action to help release desperately needed grain and fertilizer from ports in Ukraine and Russia, confidence is returning among global distributors as exports ramp up, UN humanitarians said on Thursday..</p>

  • 29 Sep 2022

    <p>Russia’s plan to annex four occupied regions in Ukraine would be an illegal move, a violation of international law, and should be condemned, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Thursday, warning of a “dangerous escalation” in the seven-month war. </p>

  • 29 Sep 2022
  • 29 Sep 2022

    ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan

    In accordance with the UNRCCA Preventive Diplomacy Academy (PDA) training plan, two online training seminars for young...

  • 28 Sep 2022

    A senior UN official has welcomed the start of the trial against an alleged leading figure in the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, highlighting the importance of paying attention to hate speech in deterring atrocities. 

  • 28 Sep 2022

    New York, 29 September 2022

    Maritime transport represents more than 80% of global trade. The war in Ukraine –and the Black Sea Grain Initiative – have reminded us of the vital role of shipping in feeding the world.

    The theme of this year’s World Maritime Day, "New technologies for greener shipping", highlights the need for sustainable shipping solutions that...

  • 28 Sep 2022

    The UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process told the Security Council on Wednesday, that since the adoption in December 2016 of resolution 2334, which demands Israel stop building new settlements on Palestinian land, there’s been “little progress” implementing it.

  • 27 Sep 2022

    Recent so-called referenda conducted in four Russian-occupied regions in Ukraine cannot be considered legal under international law, the UN’s political affairs chief, Rosemary DiCarlo, told the Security Council on Tuesday. 

  • 27 Sep 2022

    Recent so-called referenda conducted in four Russian-occupied regions in Ukraine cannot be considered legal under international law, the UN’s political affairs chief, Rosemary DiCarlo, told the Security Council on Tuesday. 

  • 27 Sep 2022

    Mr President,

    The exceptional level of attention to the war in Ukraine reflects the wide-spread global concern about its dangerous and far-reaching consequences.

    This concern can only deepen, as the most recent developments in the war are ominous, pointing to more death, destruction and suffering.

    Indeed, since the last Council meeting on Ukraine on 22 September, we have seen actions that threaten to further escalate the conflict.

    As we meet, so-called “referenda” were just conducted by de facto authorities in the Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia regions.  Ukrainians were asked whether they approved their regions joining the Russian Federation. Voting took place in polling centers. De-facto authorities accompanied by soldiers also went door-to-door with ballot boxes.    

    These exercises, which began on 23 September, have been held during active armed conflict, in areas under Russian control and outside Ukraine’s legal and constitutional framework.  They cannot be called a genuine expression of the popular will.

     Unilateral actions aimed to provide a veneer of legitimacy to the attempted acquisition by force by one State of another State’s territory, while claiming to represent the will of the people, cannot be regarded as legal under international law.

    Let me reiterate here that the United Nations remains fully committed to the sovereignty, unity, independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine, within its internationally recognized borders, in accordance with relevant UN resolutions.

    I would like to recall that, as the occupying power, the Russian Federation is obliged under international humanitarian law to respect the laws of Ukraine in the administration of occupied territories.

    Mr. President,

    The past few weeks have also seen heavy fighting in southern Ukraine in the direction of Kherson and Zaporizhzhia, as well as escalating military operations in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

    In mid-September, the Ukrainian military undertook a successful counter-offensive to restore Ukrainian control over most of the Russian-held areas in Kharkiv region.

    We have continued to see not only daily attacks on many Ukrainian cities, including in Donetsk and Luhansk, but also the targeting of civilian energy and water infrastructure, reportedly by Russian forces. Recent reports of drone attacks in and around Odesa are also deeply disturbing.

    To date, OHCHR has recorded 14,844 civilian casualties, with 5,996 persons killed and 8,848 injured. This is 278 more civilians killed, and 649 more injured since I last briefed this Council on 7 September. These are verified individual incidents; actual figures are likely considerably higher.

             We have also heard alarming rhetoric regarding the use of nuclear weapons. This is unacceptable.

    Such rhetoric is inconsistent with the Joint Statement of the Leaders of the Five Nuclear-Weapons States on Preventing Nuclear War and Avoiding Arms Races, made on 3 January 2022.

    Let me reiterate the Secretary-General’s appeal for all nuclear-armed states, including the Russian Federation, to recommit to the non-use and progressive elimination of nuclear weapons.

    Mr. President,

    Amid these grim developments, the United Nations continues to work to alleviate the suffering caused by the war, to support accountability for violations and abuses of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law, and to prevent the deterioration of the already volatile situation around Ukraine’s nuclear sites.

    UN and partner organizations need safe and unimpeded access to deliver life-saving assistance to all in need.  In the areas of Kharkiv region back under Ukrainian control, they were able to organize several aid convoys. 

    However, in areas outside Government control in Donetsk,  Luhansk, Kherson, Mykolaiv and Zaporizhzhia regions, access is the biggest challenge.

    Mr. President,

    The Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine continues to report on violations of human rights and international humanitarian law.

    We are gravely concerned by allegations of violations committed in parts of north-eastern Ukraine, including after the recovery of over 400 bodies from improvised graves in Izium.

    OHCHR is working with local authorities to investigate this and other allegations of human rights violations and abuses in areas in Kharkiv region that were until recently under Russian control.

    There are other extremely disturbing reports. Following investigations in the areas of Kyiv, Chernihiv, Kharkiv and Sumy, the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine, mandated by, the Human Rights Council has concluded that war crimes were committed in Ukraine.

    Among other findings, the Commission was struck by the large number of executions and other violations carried out by Russian forces. In the four areas it covered, the Commission has processed two incidents of ill-treatment against Russian Federation soldiers by Ukrainian forces.

    Rarely, if ever, has the international community collected so much evidence of human rights violations, war crimes and other atrocities as they were happening.

    It is tragic that we have not been able to stop them. But it would be shameful if we were not able to ensure justice for the victims and their loved ones. Those responsible for the outrages being committed in Ukraine, wherever they sit, must be brought to account.

    Mr. President,

    We remain deeply troubled by reports of continuing attacks, as recently as last week, in the vicinity of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant.  The UN continues to support the efforts of the International Atomic Energy Agency.  

    We urge all concerned to provide maximum cooperation with the IAEA.  It is imperative that all attacks on nuclear facilities end, and that the purely civilian nature of such plants be re-established.   

    Mr. President,

    By now, the global implications of this war on food and energy security, felt by millions of people, are well-known.  During the general debate, many Member States decried this predicament.

    The Black Sea Grain Initiative continues to gather pace, with more than 4.5 million metric tons of foodstuff shipped from Ukrainian ports, including to the Horn of Africa, Yemen and Afghanistan.

    Efforts to remove remaining obstacles to the export of Russian food products and fertilizers also continue. These products are not under sanctions, and it is crucial to get them back to world markets.

    Averting a global food crisis makes it vital to renew the Black Sea Grain deal when it expires at the end of November.

    Mr. President,

    In his remarks to the General Assembly, the Secretary-General warned that the UN Charter and its ideals are in jeopardy, and that we have a duty to act.

    I repeat his appeal to all Member States to help prevent further escalation, and to do all we can to end the war and ensure lasting peace - in accordance with the principles of the Charter and international law.

    Thank you.

  • 27 Sep 2022

    “Patience is running out” for many in the international community when it comes to effectively engaging with Afghanistan’s de facto rulers, the Taliban, senior UN envoy for the country, Markus Potzel, told the Security Council on Tuesday.

  • 27 Sep 2022

    @Ismail Al-Rabidi

    AMMAN, 27 SEPTEMBER 2022 - On Monday 26th September,  UN Special Envoy to Yemen Hans Grundberg met with the President of Yemen’s...

  • 27 Sep 2022

    Ongoing armed attacks by Russia against Ukraine have led to devastating human rights abuses there, according to a new report released on Tuesday by the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission for the war-torn country (HRMMU).

  • 27 Sep 2022

    NEW YORK - The Secretary-General’s Deputy Special Representative for Afghanistan, Markus Potzel, today briefed the Security Council on the situation in Afghanistan.


  • 27 Sep 2022

    NEW YORK  - The following is the as-delivered transcript of the briefing by the Secretary-General’s Deputy Special Representative for Afghanistan, Markus Potzel, to the Security Council on the...

  • 26 Sep 2022

    The Security Council must act urgently to support Haiti as the gang, economic, and fuel supply crises there “intersect in altogether new and frightening ways”, the head of the UN Mission in the country, BINUH, said on Monday. 

  • 26 Sep 2022

    The UN and its humanitarian partners are stepping up efforts to assist more than 150,000 people who have been impacted by fighting across the Kharkiv region of Ukraine, where Government forces recently announced they had regained full control after months of Russian occupation.

  • 26 Sep 2022

    The UN chief on Monday issued a statement expressing deep sadness at the death of 15 people, including 11 children, at a school in the Russian city of Izhevsk, following an attack by a lone gunman who killed himself at the scene. Two dozen people were wounded.

  • 26 Sep 2022

    New York, 27 September 2022

    World Tourism Day celebrates the power of tourism to foster inclusion, protect nature and promote cultural understanding.

    Tourism is a powerful driver for sustainable development. It contributes to the education and empowerment of women and youth and advances the socioeconomic and cultural development of communities. It plays a critical part in the social...

  • 26 Sep 2022

    In an era of “nuclear blackmail”, UN Secretary-General António Guterres on Monday urged countries to step back from the threat of potential global catastrophe and recommit to peace. 

  • 25 Sep 2022

    New York, 26 September 2022

    On the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons, we reject the claim that nuclear disarmament is some impossible utopian dream.

    Eliminating these devices of death is not only possible, it is necessary.

    At a moment of rising geopolitical division, mistrust and...

  • 24 Sep 2022

    Colombia’s 2016 Peace Agreement has led to an unexpected outcome: the discovery of a new species of dinosaur.

  • 23 Sep 2022
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 
    High-level event on margins of the General Assembly focuses on insecurity in the Sahel 

    On 22 September, The Secretary-General, the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, the President of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Commission and the Executive Secretary of the G5 Sahel convened a high-level event on the Sahel. Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo moderated the meeting.  Mahamadou Issoufou, Chairman of the Independent High-Level Panel on Security, Governance and Development in the Sahel, provided updates on the Panel, which is mandated to take stock of the ongoing security, governance, and development efforts underway and to make recommendations for strengthening international coordination in the region. The event commenced with opening remarks from the panelists, before moving into a closed session. 

    Watch opening remarks here 

    USG DiCarlo addresses ministerial-level meeting of the Group of Friends of Mediation 

    On 21 September, USG DiCarlo spoke to the Group of Friends of Mediation at a ministerial-level breakfast. She underscored that the prevention of humanitarian crises was at the core of what the United Nations seeks to achieve through its practice of mediation and good offices.  She highlighted work in Yemen on the 2018 Hudaydah Agreement and the April 2022 UN-brokered country-wide truce, which has delivered humanitarian benefits to the Yemeni people. 

    Read full remarks here  

    USG DiCarlo joins high-level panel discussion on climate security  

    On 20 September, USG DiCarlo joined a high-level panel on “Advancing Climate Security in the Year of Implementation” at the International Peace Institute.  The event highlighted ways climate security interventions at the local, regional, national, and international levels can be invested in and scaled, practical solutions to advance them, and the policies needed at the global level to raise ambition. Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, IPI President, gave opening remarks. Speakers included Nisreen Elsaim, Chair of UN Secretary-General’s Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change; Ann Linde, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden; John Kerry, U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate; Christian Guillermet-Fernández, Vice Minister of Multilateral Affairs of Costa Rica; Aminath Shauna, Minister of Environment, Climate Change and Technology, of Maldives.

    Watch the recorded event here 

    Security Council

    Security Council holds high-level meeting on Ukraine 

    On 21 September, the Security Council held a high-level meeting on the maintenance of peace and security of Ukraine. The Secretary-General said that that Russia’s war in Ukraine showed no sign of letting up, adding that “The idea of nuclear conflict, once unthinkable, has become a subject of debate.” He underscored his deep concern over recent reports of “plans to organize so-called ‘referenda’ in areas of Ukraine that are currently not under government control. Any annexation of a State’s territory by another State resulting from the threat or use of force is a violation of the UN Charter and of international law.” He also noted the need to end impunity for international crimes. Karim Khan, Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, also briefed the Council. 


    Watch the full meeting here 

    Read the Secretary-General’s full remarks here 


    Women former combatants launch first community shop in Santander de Quilichao, Cauca 

    On 19 September, a group of 10 women former combatants inaugurated a community shop in the municipality of Santander de Quilichao.  The store sells products made by cooperatives of former FARC combatants, indigenous communities and victims' organizations in the north of the department of Cauca. The UN Verification Mission in Colombia, UN Development Programme and the National Reincorporation Agency provided support for the project, which promotes economic reincorporation with a gender focus, as well as the peacebuilding and reconciliation processes in the territory. 

    Great Lakes region

    Regional Directors of UN entities meet to pave the way for the implementation of the UN Regional Strategy for the Great Lakes region 

    On 23 September, Senior representatives of UN entities in the Great Lakes region met in Nairobi, Kenya, to pave the way for the implementation of the UN Strategy for Peace Consolidation, Conflict Prevention and Conflict Resolution in the Great Lakes region. In his opening remarks as co-host of the meeting, Huang Xia, Special Envoy for the Great Lakes region, stressed that the Organization’s longstanding commitment to peace, security and economic development in the region is embodied by the Regional Strategy to help achieve inclusive peace, prosperity, and sustainable and people-centred development.


    UNAMI Human Rights Office in Erbil holds training for civil society groups on citizen’s rights advocacy 

    On 20 September, the UNAMI Human Rights Office in Erbil, Kurdistan Region, Iraq, conducted a one-day training for civil society organizations. The goal of the training was to help empower civil society to advocate for citizen’s rights to adequate food, housing, education, health, social security, decent jobs, as well as to take part in cultural life.  


    UN Special Coordinator Meets Lebanese Officials 

    This week, UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Joanna Wronecka held a round of meetings with senior Lebanese officials to encourage steps towards Lebanon’s recovery and for safeguarding the country’s security and stability.  In her meeting with President Michel Aoun, the Special Coordinator underlined the importance of respecting Lebanon’s constitutional timelines, including to hold presidential elections on time, before the end of October. She also met with Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri to discuss the critical role the Parliament should play in expediting the adoption of reforms necessary for Lebanon to be able to conclude a bail-out agreement with the IMF. And amid growing concerns over the security situation, she discussed with the caretaker Minister of Defense measures needed to safeguard Lebanon’s security and stability, including by supporting the Lebanese army. The Special Coordinator also met with the President of the Higher Judicial Council and underlined the importance of supporting the independence of the judiciary.  

    Peace Day

    The UN Office of the African Union launches conflict-prevention education technology 

    On 21 September, the International Day for Peace, UNOAU collaborated with the African Union Commission’s Department of Political Affairs, Peace and Security (AUC PAPS) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) to launch a game called “Mission 55 – Conflict in Anaka.” By solving conflicts that erupt in the various stages of the game, users are introduced to tools included in the AU’s African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) and the African Governance Architecture. 

    Peace Day: an opportunity to advance peacebuilding in Colombia 

    On 21 September, the International Day of Peace, Special Representative Carlos Ruiz Massieu and Colombia’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Leonor Zalabata, delivered a joint message calling for "building a country where racism disappears, with social justice, with environmental justice, in total peace." In Bogotá, the UN Verification Mission and the UN system in Colombia joined the office of the city’s mayor [in organizing?] a concert by the Daughters and Sons of Peace Choir, a group comprised of children of former combatants.  

    Watch the joint message here 


    ASG Spehar speaks at high-level event on the International Dialogue for Peacebuilding and Statebuilding  

    On 20 September, Mohammed Shahriar Alam, State Minister for Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh, participated in high-level luncheon of the International Dialogue for Peacebuilding and Statebuilding (IDPS), hosted by UNDP, as the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) Chair, together with the Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support, Elizabeth Spehar. In his remarks, the PBC Chair spoke about the progress made by the PBC through the implementation of the 2022 programme of work, emphasizing the need to focus on conflict-affected countries, ensuring that the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals is inclusive while continuing efforts to address the root causes of conflict. ASG Spehar expressed her hope that the Dialogue would contribute to furthering South-south cooperation and triangular collaboration in support of peacebuilding.  

    Next Week

    On 26 September, the Security Council will hear a briefing on Haiti. On 27 September, it will meet on the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA); on 28 September it will meet on the Middle East; on 29 September there will be a resolution tabled on the maintenance of international peace and security and a meeting on the Middle East.  

    On 26 September at 9 a.m., the Peacebuilding Commission will hold an Ambassadorial-level meeting on Timor-Leste. 




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