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Reports and Policy Documents


  • 11 апр 2020

    On 23 March, the Secretary-General launched an appeal for an immediate Global Ceasefire, urging all warring parties to pull back from hostilities, put aside mistrust and animosity, and silence their guns. Many parties have responded positively to the Secretary-General’s appeal, but more needs to be done to translate these words into actions.

    Too many in the Middle East have endured conflict and deprivation for far...

  • 10 апр 2020

    Tripoli, April 10, 2020 - More than two million people, including 600,000 children, who live in Tripoli and surrounding towns and cities, are suffering from water cuts for almost a ...

  • 10 апр 2020

    The UN Special Envoy for Yemen, Martin Griffiths, shared earlier today with the Government of Yemen and Ansar Allah the UN’s revised proposals for agreements on 1) nation-wide ceasefire 2) key economic and...

  • 10 апр 2020

    United Nations Response to COVID-19 Outbreak in Lebanon


    Beirut, Lebanon

    Thursday, 9 April 2020 (United Nations) – In recent weeks, Lebanon had...

  • 10 апр 2020

    While the COVID-19 pandemic is first and foremost a health crisis, its implications are more far-reaching and could threaten global peace and security, the UN Secretary-General told members of the Security Council in a closed video-conference held on Thursday.

  • 9 апр 2020

    Page also available in Japanese, Korean and Mongolian.


    Supporting Cooperation in Northeast Asia

    Northeast Asia: Northeast Asia is home to one fifth of the world’s people and makes up one quarter of the world's gross domestic product. The region is still grappling with historical and territorial disputes.  DPPA advocates for differences to be managed and resolved peacefully and encourages Northeast Asian countries to expand their coordination and collaboration.

    Korean Peninsula: The situation on the Korean Peninsula is one of the longest-standing issues before the United Nations.  The Security Council first adopted a resolution on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) nuclear issue in 1993, when it urged the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea not to withdraw from the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.  DPPA’s objective is to contribute to furthering efforts to reach a peaceful, negotiated solution of the outstanding issues on the Korean Peninsula, with a priority on supporting the parties to step up efforts to build trust, reduce tension and supporting dialogue for sustainable peace and complete and verifiable denuclearization. 

    DPPA presence and activities: DPPA is the lead entity supporting the Secretary-General in the UN’s efforts to prevent and resolve conflicts at the global level, and proactively partners with UN Women and other entities in advancing the Women, Peace and Security (WPS), as well as the Youth, Peace and Security (YPS) agendas.  DPPA’s Asia and the Pacific Division in New York and the liaison presence in Beijing, which interacts with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, in a spirit of joint work with other UN entities, prepares briefings to the Security Council, conducts political analysis, supports the Secretary-General's good offices and preventive diplomacy efforts, carries out capacity building, and builds partnerships with other entities. 

    DPPA’s Programme to Support Cooperation in Northeast Asia allows the UN system to, inter alia: (i) facilitate the participation of regional representatives in UN fora; (ii) support UN/DPPA engagement and partnerships; (iii) facilitate UN initiatives in and on Northeast Asia; and (iv) contribute to UN coherence.  DPPA’s Security Council Affairs Division provides support to the functioning of the Security Council as well as to the works of its subsidiary organs, including the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1718 (2006).


    Partnerships and Cooperation

    As per the Secretary-General’s vision on prevention, the “UN is not the only actor, and in many cases not even the most important actor.  The ultimate goal is not to expand our remit but to make a real difference for people, especially the most vulnerable.  As the anchor of multilateralism with universal membership, the UN has unparalleled capacity to convene and mobilize.  The UN system is most impactful when truly enabling others.  This means building meaningful partnerships with the widest array of Governments, regional organizations, international financial institutions, civil society organizations, academia and the private sector, always being truthful to our mission as the guardian of the international norms that the Organization has generated over the past seven decades”.

    DPPA is in regular contact with its governmental, regional and sub-regional organizations counterparts, as well as with other entities. The Department coordinates the UN system in this endeavour, including by ensuring information-sharing and cooperation on regional or country-specific issues of mutual concern.  For Northeast Asia, partnerships and cooperation with other entities include:

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    Supporting the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in Northeast Asia

    13-14 June 2023, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

    Following, the regional dialogue in December 2019 in Beijing, China, on 13-14 June 2023, DPPA, in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia, UN Women, and the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC), convened a two-day in-person dialogue on the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda in Northeast Asia in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The dialogue brought together government officials, academics, and representatives from civil society from Mongolia, Japan, and the ROK. The participants discussed regional trends, increased tensions and risks, including nuclear, in the region and the continued marginalization of women in peacebuilding, preventive diplomacy, and the security sectors. The dialogue also provided an opportunity for the participants to learn and have a fruitful exchange about Japan and the ROK’s 1325 National Action Plan (NAP) as Mongolia is envisaging to restart discussions on its NAP. This year, a young peacebuilder from Mongolia also joined the interactive discussions, with the participants exploring the nexus between the WPS and the Youth, Peace and Security (YPS) agendas. The dialogue was followed by the Ulaanbaatar Dialogue on Northeast Asian Security and the First Female Foreign Ministers Meeting hosted by the Foreign Minister of Mongolia.


    Futuring peace in Northeast Asia

    Futuring peace in Northeast Asia is an initiative by the United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) dedicated to bridging the generational gap and strengthening opportunities for Northeast Asian youth to share their unique observations for regional peace and security with policymakers, scholars, and governments in the region. The aim is to strengthen their advocacy capacities in line with the New Agenda for Peace, the SDG 2030 agenda, and UN Security Council Resolutions 2250 (2015), 2419 (2018) and 2535 (2020) on Youth, Peace and Security (YPS). In a region that lacks common security structures, the project enables the capacity of young people to be at the forefront of regional policy discussions, demonstrating that intergenerational interaction can help identify the challenges and opportunities ahead.

    Phase I (2021)

    The first phase of the project in 2021 was implemented in partnership with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and focused on building capabilities for digital facilitation and utilizing Futures Literacy methodology considering the specific regional context. During a series of virtual dialogues, over 40 youth peacebuilders  from China, Japan, Mongolia, and the Republic of Korea imagined scenarios set in 2040, imagining how digital literacy education, new technologies and innovative approaches could strengthen cross-border ties. They recognized the criticality of building shared regional experiences that would enable a peaceful future through for instance education systems, academic exchanges, and cultural assets such as movies and literature.

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    Phase II (2022)

    In 2022, the initiative was implemented in collaboration with the Swiss foreign policy think-tank foraus and co-designed and co-facilitated by Northeast Asian youth. From April to September 2022, four workshops were held where the youth peacebuilders used strategic foresight tools to develop concrete policy recommendations for policymakers, exploring pathways to a peaceful future for the region. Questions were framed using the “Futures Triangle” approach, probing participants to think about future outcomes by looking at three dimensions: the push of the present, the pull from the future, and the weight of the past. Through collective scenario building and testing, they identified four key policy avenues, including establishing digital literacy programs, furthering educational and technological cooperation, creating a regional youth parliament, and fostering an inclusive Metaverse.

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    As an outcome of the initiative, a youth-drafted policy report on the future of collaboration and narrative building in Northeast Asia was launched on World Futures Day 2 December 2022 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, with Assistant Secretary-General for Asia and the Pacific Khaled Khiari, youth peacebuilders, regional experts and UN partners present.

    In addition, in 2022 APD supported youth representatives to attend multiple policy platforms. At the Ulaanbaatar Dialogue on Northeast Asian Security (UBD) in June 2022, DPPA, the Mongolian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Institute for Strategic Studies jointly organized a youth panel. Youth participants also attended the Climate Change and Youth Forum in Mongolia in August 2022, where they moderated a session on Global Warming and Greenhouse Gas Emissions and facilitated a group work session on strategic foresight, and at the Transforming Education Summit in New York in September 2022, sharing insights on education and technology as enablers for peace in the region.

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    UN WebTV video of Ms. Ijun Kim as a youth peacebuilder in the Futuring Peace in Northeast Asia project: Ijun's Future: Foresight for Peace | UN Web TV

    Phase III (2023)

    In 2023, the project focused on policy bridging and supporting youth voices at relevant regional policy fora through events at: (i) Tsinghua University and the North-East Asia Regional Power Interconnection and Cooperation Forum 2023 organized by ESCAP in Beijing (China); (ii) Yonsei University, the National Assembly Futures Institute (NAFI), and the Jeju Forum (Republic of Korea); (iii) the Ulaanbaatar Dialogue for Northeast Asian Security (Mongolia); (iv) Sophia University and the 2023 Internet Governance Forum annual summit (Japan).

    In these foras, youth were given a seat at the table in regional discussions and a platform to share their perspectives on regional issues, enabling them to network and connect with policymakers, government officials, NGOs, scholars, and youth. In the discussions, youth emphasized the importance of dialogue, and the need for regional digital literacy education programs to counter the negative impacts of misinformation and a fragmented internet landscape in the region. They also discussed their proposal for a Northeast Asia Youth Climate Council which could address the gap of a lack of a regional mechanism and inclusion of youth in respective national policy spaces.

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    UN WebTV video of that follows five youth peacebuilders from Northeast Asia and their session at the 2023 Internet Governance Forum in Kyoto, Japan in October 2023:  Beyond Boundaries: Futuring Peace in Northeast Asia | UN Web TV


    For more information:

    Project website: https://futuringpeace.org/NEA/ 

    Policy brief: The Future of Regional Narrative Building in Northeast Asia – Policy recipes by youth peacebuilders (December 2022)

    Interview with participants in DPPA’s Politically Speaking (December 2021) : https://dppa.medium.com/creating-a-collective-language-youth-from-northeast-asia-imagine-the-future-of-the-region-97e411135a7d

    UNESCO’s Futures Literacy : https://en.unesco.org/futuresliteracy



    Youth perspectives on disarmament and non-proliferation in Northeast Asia

    DPPA and ODA online learning series with Northeast Asian young leaders, April-December 2020

    The UN Security Council Resolutions 2250 (2015), 2419 (2018) and 2535 (2020) on Youth, Peace and Security (YPS) provide a framework for the UN to promote a more meaningful participation of youth in peace and security processes.  The adoption by the UN General Assembly of Resolution 74/64 on “Youth, disarmament and non-proliferation”, tabled by the Republic of Korea (ROK) on 21 October 2019 and co-sponsored by 84 Member States, including Japan, the People’s Republic of China and Mongolia, created another entry point for multilateral policy and confidence-building initiatives with young people in the region. 

    In 2020, DPPA and the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs (ODA) launched a joint project to bring together a group of Northeast Asian young leaders to discuss disarmament and non-proliferation issues. Since April, the joint team has worked with eight youth leaders from the ROK, Japan, China and Mongolia to train and build their capacity on disarmament, non-proliferation, gender, new technologies and civil society action. The participants participated in a series of virtual discussions with UN officials, independent experts, academics and civil society representatives.

    The project also connected youth with senior policy makers in the region. On 2 December, a participant of the project spoke at a youth special session convened for the first time as part of the annual ROK-UN Joint Conference on Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Issues, in line with the ambition to build bridges between decision-makers and young people. Members of the group also recorded an episode for ODA’s Disarmament Today podcast and wrote an article for DPPA’s Politically Speaking to reflect on their experiences.

    To learn more about DPPA’s youth champions in Northeast Asia, please click here for a poster about the project and the participants.

    Please find the links to the young leaders' policy papers and their perspectives:

    Note: These policy papers were developed in the course of a regional project and reflect solely the views of their authors. They do not necessarily reflect the official position of the United Nations or its Member States nor do they entail their endorsement.


    Expert-Level Discussions on Northeast Asian Countries’ Contributions to the Women, Peace and Security Agenda

    10 December 2019, Beijing, China

    DPPA, in close cooperation with UN Women and the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), organized a regional expert discussion on Northeast Asian countries’ contributions to the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda.  The event in Beijing on 10 December gathered more than 30 participants from China, Japan, Mongolia and the Republic of Korea to discuss progress of WPS implementation in the region in light of the 2020 anniversaries of the Beijing+25 process and the 20th anniversary of UN Security Council Resolution 1325.  At the event, SIPRI launched its background paper on emerging role of the ROK and Japan in WPS.  The Beijing consultations provided an opportunity to strengthen regional networks and allowed experts from the region to discuss challenges and to share best practices amongst each other. 

    See link to Women, Peace and Security: Voices from Northeast Asia (March 2021).


    Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo’s remarks to the 2019 Global Peace Forum on Korea

    28 September 2019, New York, USA

    I am pleased to again send my warm greetings to the 2019 Global Peace Forum on Korea.  Last year, the Korean Peninsula experienced momentous developments.  We witnessed summits and family reunions. And many commitments were made.  Today, the international community is eager for talks to resume and progress to be made. 

    I am glad that the United Nations has been a platform for the two Koreas to send messages of collaboration and peace.  Over the past 12 months, the Panmunjom Declaration was circulated as an official document of the General Assembly and Security Council; traditional Korean wrestling was listed as Intangible Cultural Heritage thanks to a joint application from both Koreas, and the World Taekwondo and International Taekwon-Do Federation promoted peace at the United Nations Office at Geneva.

    These symbolic steps are crucial.  But more is needed.   The Secretary-General continues to urge the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to begin working-level talks with the United States, as agreed by the two leaders in June, and to resume inter-Korean dialogue.  The summits involving the leaders of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and the Republic of Korea and United States respectively remain important milestones. 

    They have built an atmosphere conducive to advancing sustainable peace and complete and verifiable denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula, in accordance with the relevant Security Council resolutions.  There could be setbacks, but there is now a foundation to make tangible progress on the core issues.  The United Nations system and our Good Offices are available to support the diplomatic efforts of the parties.  I wish you great success in the discussions ahead and look forward to the results of the forum.  Thank you.


    Youth, Peace and Security: Perspectives for Dialogues in Northeast Asia Regional Workshop

    3 to 4 June 2019, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

    It is beyond question that young people must be included in discussing  peace and security issues, including in peace negotiations.  On 3 and 4 June 2019, DPPA, in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia, the UN team in Mongolia, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the United Network of Young Peacebuilders (UNOY) brought together young people from all around Northeast Asia to discuss the youth, peace and security agenda and perspectives for dialogues in the region.  Khishigjargal Enkhbayar, a former Coordinator at the UN Youth Advisory Panel in Mongolia, wrote about the experience here.  The workshop was mentioned in the Secretary-General’s first report on Youth and peace and security issued on 2 March 2020.

  • 9 апр 2020

    @UN Photo/Jean-Marc Ferré


    Following the UN Secretary-General’s ...

  • 9 апр 2020


    4 - 9 April 2020

    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world.


    West Africa and the Sahel: Together, we will defeat COVID-19  
    Mohammed Ibn Chambas, Special Representative and Head of UNOWAS, issued a statement on COVID-19 on 5 April. “I call on all citizens in West Africa and the Sahel to maintain this determination and continue to respect all the measures imposed by the national authorities to fight the spread of COVID-19," the Special Representative said. “Together, we will defeat COVID-19,” Mr. Ibn Chambas concluded.    
    Read the full statement here 


    Libya: Call for immediate cessation of hostilities and unity to combat COVID-19 
    4 April marked one year since the forces of “Libyan National Army” Commander General Khalifa Haftar launched their offensive to seize Tripoli, Libya’s capital. The same day, UNSMIL issued a statement where it appealed to “all concerned to activate the humanitarian truce immediately and cease all military operations to allow Libyan authorities to respond to the threat of COVID-19." The statement also called on the parties to the conflict, and their foreign backers, to accept the ceasefire agreement proposed in Geneva, embrace the outcomes of the Berlin conference, implement UN Security Council Resolution 2510, and engage without delay in the three UN-facilitated Libyan-led tracks (military, political, and economic). 
    Read more here 

    Lebanon: Meeting of the International Support Group  
    At the invitation of Lebanese President Michel Aoun, the International Support Group (ISG) met in Beirut on 6 April. ISG brought together the United Nations and the governments of China, France, Germany, Italy, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States, together with the European Union and the Arab League since 2013. Ján Kubiš, Special Coordinator and Head of UNSCOL, said that: “In support of the government efforts, the UN is strengthening the engagement with communities, to provide evidence-based guidance about COVID-19 prevention, mitigation and care, to continue delivering critical assistance and services to most vulnerable communities, including primary health care, protection, shelter and sanitation”. 
    Read more here 


    Yemen: Ceasefire to avert COVID-19  
    In a statement, Special Envoy Martin Griffiths welcomed the announcement by the Joint Forces Command of a two-week unilateral ceasefire covering all ground, maritime and air operations in Yemen starting on 9 April. The announcement came in support of the UN’s peace process and the UN Secretary-General’s call for a nationwide ceasefire in order to avert the grave risks of a COVID-19 outbreak. “I am grateful to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Arab Coalition for recognizing and acting on this critical moment for Yemen. The parties must now utilize this opportunity and cease immediately all hostilities with the utmost urgency, and make progress towards comprehensive and sustainable peace,” Mr. Griffiths said.  
    Read full statement here
    Read more in UN News 










    Peacebuilding Commission meeting on the impact of COVID-19  
    Marc-André Blanchard, Permanent Representative of Canada, chaired a virtual Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) meeting on 8 April on the impact of COVID-19 on peacebuilding and sustaining peace.  
    Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed briefed the PBC, alongside the Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Bank. Member States echoed Secretary-General António Guterres’ call for global solidarity and emphasised the importance of working along the humanitarian, development and peace nexus in support of the Secretary-General’s recovery and response plan. They took note of ongoing efforts to leverage the global footprint of the UN system in implementing the Secretary General’s plan and stood ready to lend full support to the UN in meeting this enormous test of the reformed system. They agreed that the PBC should continue advocating for predictable financing and strong partnerships for peacebuilding and sustaining peace and called for stronger UN-World Bank partnership in support of nationally owned and conflict-sensitive responses to the pandemic.  
    For more Information, contact us 

    For up-to-date information on COVID-19 and its impact, please visit:   
    WHO website  
    UN coronavirus website 


    Security Council

    Briefing on the new EU operation in the Mediterranean  
    Under-Secretary-General DiCarlo briefed the Security Council on 8 April on “Operation Irini”, the new European Union (EU) military operation to contribute to the implementation of the United Nations arms embargo on Libya. Council members gathered via a closed video teleconference. Operation Irini succeeded Operation Sophia, which the EU reports was involved in rescuing nearly 45,000 people off the coast of Libya. Operation Sophia was also tasked in 2016 with supporting the implementation of the arms embargo on Libya and, in 2017, with monitoring illegal trafficking of oil exports. 

    Briefing on the impact of COVID-19 
    In a closed VTC on 9 April, Secretary-General António Guterres briefed the Security Council on the impact of COVID-19 on the issues that fall under the Council’s mandate, including special political missions and peacekeeping operations.   
    Please see the Security Council website for an updated program of work. 



    Observance of International Mine Awareness Day  
    Somalia observed International Mine Awareness Day on 4 April. In Mogadishu, James Swan, Special Representative and Head of UNSOM, highlighted the need for collaboration to eliminate the threat of mines to Somalis and Somalia's development. “Explosive hazards and improvised explosive devices in Somalia not only endanger the lives of civilians but also undermine state-building and economic development - areas in which Somalia has made commendable progress,” Mr. Swan said. Since 2018, there have been 3,279 casualties due to explosive remnants of war and improvised explosive device incidents in the country.  
    Read more here


    Meeting with Prime Minister-designate 
    Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, Special Representative and Head of UNAMI, met with Prime Minister-designate Adnan Al-Zurf in Baghdad on 4 April. They discussed the health and political situation in the country, including the formation of a new government. Iraq faces major economic, security, health and social challenges. 
    For more Information, contact us

    Subscribe to This Week in DPPA by clicking here: Sign Up Now

    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org

  • 9 апр 2020

    A ceasefire declaration by Saudi Arabia in war-shattered Yemen that was due to come into effect on Thursday has been welcomed by United Nations chief António Guterres as a way to promote peace and slow the advance of COVID-19.

  • 9 апр 2020

    Ashgabat, TURKMENISTAN

    On 9 April, in Ashgabat, SRSG Natalia Gherman met with H.E. Rashid Meredov...

  • 9 апр 2020

    @UN Photo/Mark Garten


    I welcome the announcement by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, on behalf of the “Coalition to Support Legitimacy in Yemen”, of a...

  • 8 апр 2020

    The Syrian air force used deadly chemical weapons in three separate attacks in March 2017 on the central town of Ltamenah that affected a total of at least 106 people, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) said in a report on Wednesday.

  • 8 апр 2020

    The Syrian air force used deadly chemical weapons in three separate attacks in March 2017 on the central town of Ltamenah that affected a total of at least 106 people, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) said in a report on Wednesday.

  • 8 апр 2020

    The COVID-19 pandemic should not be politicized as unity is the “only option” to defeat the disease, the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Wednesday.

  • 8 апр 2020


    Amman, 8 April 2019 - The Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, Martin Griffiths, welcomes the announcement by the Joint Forces Command of a two-week unilateral ceasefire covering...

  • 8 апр 2020

    The United Nations is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year. To this end, a major global debate on the "on the role of international cooperation in building the future we...

  • 8 апр 2020

    UN Special Envoy for the Great Lakes region Huang Xia (second from right) and ICGLR Executive Secretary Zachary Muburi Muita (far left) attending the videoconference along with the Chief...

  • 7 апр 2020

    As the COVID-19 pandemic plagues the world, the head of the UN peacekeeping mission in Mali told the Security Council on Tuesday that the mission continues to fulfill its mandate while doing whatever it can to prevent the coronavirus outbreak from overrunning the country.

  • 7 апр 2020

    Fighting must stop immediately in Libya if it is to have any chance of staving off the COVID-19 outbreak, the top United Nations official in the North African country said on Tuesday as he condemned an attack on a major Tripoli hospital. 

  • 7 апр 2020

    1. On 2 April 2020, the representatives of the Guarantor institutions of the Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework (PSC Framework) for the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the region held a consultative meeting via videoconference. The main purpose of the meeting was to discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the region, and the impact on the implementation of the PSC Framework, including the holding of the 10th Summit of the Regional Oversight Mechanism (ROM),...

  • 6 апр 2020

    Parties to Syria’s brutal civil war, now in its tenth year, failed to abide by their obligations under international law to avoid attacks on hospitals and other civilian facilities that featured on the UN’s so-called deconfliction list, Secretary-General António Guterres said on Monday. 

  • 6 апр 2020

    The UN has condemned the shelling of the women’s section of the Central Prison in a district of Yemen’s war-torn Taizz Governerate, in the south of the country, which has left at least five women and one child dead, and wounding more than 11, with casualties expected to rise. 

  • 6 апр 2020

    As prepared

    Talking Points of Mr. Jan Kubis, Special Coordinator for Lebanon

    on Behalf of UNSCOL

  • 5 апр 2020

    Tripoli, 6 April 2020 – At a moment when people in Libya needed nothing more than a safe home and functioning medical facilities, we received the...

  • 5 апр 2020


  • 5 апр 2020

    TRIPOLI, 05 April , 2020 - The Acting Special Representative of the Secretary-General and head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) Stephanie Williams joins Libyans in mourning the...

  • 4 апр 2020

    Mogadishu – On the occasion of the International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action, the United Nations envoy to Somalia today highlighted the need for...

  • 4 апр 2020

    Decades ago, millions of landmines were buried in countries around the globe, and today the world is in the throes of a deadly COVID-19 pandemic, the UN chief said on Saturday, noting that in both situations, the most vulnerable remain at risk.

  • 4 апр 2020

    TRIPOLI, 04 APRIL 2020 - Today marks one year since the forces of “Libyan National Army” Commander General Khalifa Haftar launched their offensive to seize...

  • 4 апр 2020

    Even as UN peacekeepers adapt to the challenges posed by the coronavirus, they continue to perform their vital peace and security tasks while helping to stem the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • 4 апр 2020

    Mogadishu –  The United Nations in Somalia confirms today that an international employee of a private company operating under contract to the UN has been diagnosed with the novel coronavirus disease (...

  • 4 апр 2020


    Mogadishu  –  On the occasion of the International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action, the United Nations envoy to Somalia...

  • 4 апр 2020


    Mogadishu – The United Nations in Somalia confirms today that an international employee of a private...

  • 3 апр 2020

    The Secretary-General remains deeply concerned that the coronavirus continues to spread at an alarming rate, including into countries where millions of people cannot easily access clean water, food, healthcare and shelter.  Given the potentially devastating impact on some of the world’s most vulnerable countries, the Secretary-General stresses the need for a concerted, coordinated global response that encompasses communities such as refugees, migrants, stateless people, those...

  • 3 апр 2020

    The unfolding COVID-19 pandemic is so far having little impact on the global food supply chain, but that could change for the worse – and soon – if anxiety-driven panic by major food importers takes hold, the World Food Programme (WFP) warned on Friday.

  • 3 апр 2020

    There should be only one fight in our world today, the United Nations Secretary-General said on Friday, issuing a loud clarion call to join “our shared battle against COVID-19”.

  • 3 апр 2020

    There should be only one fight in our world today, the United Nations Secretary-General said on Friday, issuing a loud clarion call to join “our shared battle against COVID-19”.

  • 3 апр 2020


    28 March - 3 April 2020

    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world.


    Colombia: Let’s focus on the true fight of our lives 
    The Special Representative and Head of the UN Verification Mission in Colombia, Carlos Ruiz Massieu, issues a statement on COVID-19 in the country on 28 March. “It is time to deepen dialogue and reconciliation at all levels and to lend a helping hand to the most vulnerable communities,” the Special Representative stated. He also echoed Secretary-General António Guterres’ call to "put armed conflict in lockdown and focus together on the true fight of our lives."  
    Colombia's ELN guerrillas have declared "an active unilateral ceasefire for a month, from 1 to 30 April in a humanitarian gesture of the ELN with the Colombian people, who are suffering from devastation because of the coronavirus."  
    As of 2 April, the Colombian Ministry of Health had confirmed 1.161 cases of COVID-19 across the country, 19 deaths and 55 recovered. 
    Read the full statement here 

    Somalia: We must all unite to prevent the spread of the virus   
    The UN system in Somalia issued a joint statement on COVID-19 on 31 March. The UN family in Somalia stands shoulder-to-shoulder with the people of Somalia during this testing time. We will continue to support all efforts to address the immediate health and long-term socio-economic impact of COVID-19,” said James Swan, the Special Representative for Somalia and Head of UNSOM. “We must all unite to prevent the spread of the virus. We need to pay particular attention to the most vulnerable in our communities, including internally displaced people, the infirm and the elderly.” 
    Read the full statement here 
    Read more in UN News 

    Great Lakes: United and determined, we will defeat COVID-19   
    Huang Xia, Special Envoy for the Great Lakes, issued a statement on the corona virus this week, where he encouraged the Governments of the region to continue to coordinate their efforts as much as possible to meet the challenges posed by the pandemic, building on the vast experience accumulated in the continent, notably in the fight against diseases such as Ebola. “United and determined, we will defeat the COVID-19,” the Special Envoy said.  
    Read the full statement here 

    Geneva International Discussions: Protect vulnerable conflict-affected populations 
    The Co-Chairs of the Geneva International Discussions (GID) issued a statement on 31 March saying that they are fully engaged to help address the challenges created by the coronavirus pandemic. The Geneva process brings together representatives of the participants of the conflict between Georgia and Russia, and Georgia’s breakaway Abkhazia and South Ossetia. The Co-chairs urge GID participants to do their utmost to protect vulnerable conflict-affected populations, especially women, men and children in areas especially isolated. 
    Read the full statement here 
    Yemen: Joint efforts need to counter the threat of COVID-19 
    The Office of the Special Envoy for Yemen is engaging with the parties of the conflict to reach an agreement for a nationwide ceasefire, with the goal to foster joint efforts to counter the threat of COVID-19. Special Envoy Martin Griffiths remains is conducting bilateral consultations with parties and hopes to convey virtual meetings between them as soon as possible. “‘I hope that these consultations can be soon completed and deliver what Yemenis expect, demand and deserve,” the Special Envoy stressed in a statement on 2 April.   
    Read the full statement here 

    For up-to-date information on COVID-19 and its impact, please visit: 
    WHO website  
    UN coronavirus website 


    Security Council

    Council adopts four resolutions amidst pandemic
    Taking innovative steps in the face of unprecedented circumstances, the Security Council this week considered, through its new video teleconferencing (VTC) platform, the situations in Syria and the Middle East (including Palestine), and Afghanistan. The Council also tackled the daunting challenge of voting during the COVID-19 pandemic, implementing a temporary written procedure and adopting four draft resolutions, thus ensuring the continuity of operations of UNSOM, UNAMID and the Panel of Experts on the DPRK.  Also adopted was a resolution on safety and security of peacekeeping operations.  Seeking to increase the transparency of the Council’s novel work arrangements, the informal plan of VTCs for the Dominican Republic’s Presidency in April was posted on the Council`s website. Records of the discussions will be issued as official documents, and live broadcasts of portions of these meetings are set to begin next week.





    Pedersen: COVID-19 “an enormous threat to Syrians” 
    Special Envoy Geir O. Pedersen on 30 updated the Security Council via video link on the situation in Syria.  “For many Syrians, now in their tenth year of a conflict that still defies comprehension in the scale of suffering, brutality, and devastation, it may seem hard, even slightly abstract, to focus on a global virus pandemic. But make no mistake: COVID-19 is an enormous threat to Syrians, and it demands a complete shift in mind-set from all, now. This common threat must now focus all with new consciousness and new determination on a common agenda to save the Syrian people from a new calamity,” Mr. Pedersen said.     
    Read the full statement here 
    Read more in UN News  


    Mladenov: “The situation on the ground remains fragile” 
    Special Coordinator Nickolay Mladenov on 30 March briefed the Council via video link on the implementation of Resolution 2334 (2016), concerning Israeli settlements in "Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem. “As the region continues to confront the enormity of the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and the broader geopolitical tensions, the situation on the ground remains fragile. Credible negotiations have yet to be launched that will end the occupation and realize a negotiated two-State solution. In the absence of a renewed commitment of the parties to pursue concrete measures that will lead to genuine political progress, the situation I’m afraid will continue to deteriorate,” the Special Coordinator said.  
    Read the full statement here 

    Hayden: “Afghanistan appears to be reaching a defining moment” 
    Ingrid Hayden, Deputy Special Representative and Officer-in-charge at UNAMA, updated the Council on the situation in Afghanistan on 31 March.  “Afghanistan appears to be reaching a defining moment. Almost two decades after the start of the coalition intervention, the question for the Islamic Republic now is: can its leaders rally together to engage in meaningful talks with the Taliban to achieve a sustainable peace? The choice is made stark by the all-encompassing threat of COVID-19, which poses grave dangers to the health of Afghanistan’s population and, potentially, to the stability of its institutions,” Ms. Hayden said to the Council on video link from Kabul.  
    Read the full statement here 
    Read more in UN News  

    Please see the Security Council website for an updated program of work.  


    Meeting with Yemeni women’s Technical Advisory Group  
    Special Envoy Martin Griffiths had a video conference with the Yemeni women’s Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on 31 March. The TAG members and Mr. Griffiths discussed a number of economic and humanitarian measures that would alleviate the suffering of Yemeni people, build confidence between the parties, and enhance Yemen’s capacity to respond to the threat of a COVID-19 outbreak, including the release of all conflict-related prisoners and detainees. Mr. Griffiths thanked the TAG members and all Yemeni women’s groups and networks for their support to the peace process and their vital advocacy to end the war. 
    Read more here 


    UN Mission participates in Senate virtual session on killings of ex-combatants and social leaders’ 
    In the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, the Colombian Senate called for a virtual session on 2 April to discuss the worrying security situation of social leaders and former FARC combatants. Special Representative Carlos Ruiz-Massieu was called to participate and share the Mission's main concerns on this issue. "It is very important to strengthen the mechanisms established in the Peace Agreement that guarantee the protection and security of leaders, communities, and ex-combatants and that can fulfill their mandates to see an impact on the reduction of violence," said Ruiz-Massieu. Participants also included Interior Minister Alicia Arango, Justice Minister Margarita Cabello, Defense Minister Carlos Holmes Trujillo, Presidential Adviser on Stabilisation and Consolidation Emilio Archila, and Peace Commissioner Miguel Ceballos. 
    For more Information, contact us 

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    Full Transcript of UN Secretary-General's Press Briefing about Appeal for Global Ceasefire Following Outbreak of COVID-19


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