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  • 31 дек 2019

    DPPA's Year in Review 2019 looks back at some achievements, and some difficult moment in 2019 - in Sudan, Madagascar, Bolivia, North Macedonia, Yemen, Libya, Afghanistan and more.

  • 31 дек 2019

    After an intense 2019 with three electoral processes, parliamentary elections in March and two rounds of presidential election in November and December, Guinea-Bissau enters 2020 in suspense to know who will be the next president of the Republic....

  • 31 дек 2019

    From sustainable development to economic development, and human rights to humanitarian aid, UN News provides daily coverage across all of the Organization's  key issues – health, migration, climate change and so much more.

  • 31 дек 2019

    DPPA's Annual Report under the Multi-Year Appeal showcases how voluntary contributions made a difference in 2019, allowing us to be more operational and seize opportunities to prevent violence and defuse tensions in mission and non-mission settings such as Bolivia, El Salvador, Papua New Guinea-Bougainville, Sudan, Ukraine, and Yemen.

  • 31 дек 2019

    JALALABAD - An agreement earlier this year to resolve a longstanding community dispute over Nangarhar water resources has continued to foster social cohesion among formerly warring tribes.

    In April 2019, mediation...

  • 30 дек 2019

    The joint chief mediator for the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur, UNAMID, welcomed on Monday a framework agreement between the Transitional Government of Sudan and the Darfur armed movements that was signed during peace talks in Juba, South Sudan, on Saturday.

  • 30 дек 2019

    The members of the Security Council condemned in the strongest possible terms the terrorist attack of 28 December 2019 at the Ex-control Afgoye Junction in Mogadishu, which killed...

  • 30 дек 2019

    Conflicts around the world are lasting longer and claiming more young lives, UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore said on Monday, as the agency reported that over this ‘deadly decade’, there has been a three-fold rise in verified attacks on children since 2010 – an average of 45 violations a day. 

  • 30 дек 2019

    “Three years after the signing of the Final Peace Agreement, Colombians are striving to write a new chapter of peacebuilding, reconciliation and hope,” stated the latest Quarterly Report of the United Nations Secretary-General to the Security Council on the Verification Mission in Colombia.

    The report covers the period from September 27, 2019, to December 26, 2019, highlighting that “the strong participation and comparatively peaceful nature of the October local and...

  • 29 дек 2019

    The top United Nations official in Libya has condemned recent airstrikes targeting civilian installations that left at least three people dead and several others injured.


  • 29 дек 2019

    KANDAHAR - Community leaders at a UN-backed symposium at Kandahar University underscored the importance of investing in education for women’s meaningful participation at all levels of Afghanistan’s social,...

  • 28 дек 2019

    Perpetrators behind the deadly terrorist attack in Somalia on Saturday must be brought to justice, the UN Secretary-General has said.

  • 27 дек 2019

    TRIPOLI – 28 December 2019 - The Special Representative of Secretary-General (SRSG) in Libya, Ghassan Salame, strongly...

  • 27 дек 2019

    The number of Haitians who do not have sufficient food to eat is expected to surpass four million next year, the UN humanitarian affairs office, OCHA, said on Friday. 

  • 26 дек 2019

    Only by ending the war in Afghanistan can there be “real hope” for a prosperous future for the country, the top UN official there said on Thursday. 

  • 26 дек 2019

    KABUL - Peace is crucial for the future of Afghanistan. I welcome the efforts made by the people of Afghanistan and other key actors to make progress and realize direct intra-Afghan talks. While...

  • 25 дек 2019

    United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has “strongly" condemned an attack carried out yesterday by unidentified gunmen in northern Burkina Faso.

  • 25 дек 2019

    While visiting with Pope Francis at the Vatican on Friday, UN Secretary-General António Guterres extended wishes for a peaceful Christmas and a blessed New Year. 

  • 25 дек 2019

    With the 2020s now in full view, welcome to the second in our three-part series looking back at some of the major UN-related stories of the past decade. In part two, we take in the years 2014 to 2016, which saw the worst outbreak of Ebola ever recorded; new hope that the climate crisis could be tackled by world leaders, through the historic Paris climate agreement; a UN mission in Colombia to facilitate a much-awaited peace process; and the launch of the UN’s 2030 Agenda, a plan of action for people, the planet and prosperity.

  • 24 дек 2019

    Those responsible for the recent execution and abduction of civilians in northeastern Nigeria must be held accountable, the UN Secretary-General has said, according to a statement issued on Tuesday by his spokesperson. 

  • 24 дек 2019

    “Deeply concerned” over a recent military escalation in northwest Syria, Secretary-General António Guterres called for an “immediate cessation of hostilities”.

  • 24 дек 2019

    “Deeply concerned” over a recent military escalation in northwest Syria, Secretary-General António Guterres called for an “immediate cessation of hostilities”.

  • 24 дек 2019

    A woman speaks during a Global Open Days event on 22 October 2019 in Kabul, Afghanistan. Photo: UNAMA / Fardin Waezi

    GHAZNI - In a UN-backed radio programme broadcast...

  • 23 дек 2019

    The top UN humanitarian official has called for a thorough investigation into weekend attacks against the premises of three international aid organizations in Yemen that wounded one person, in addition to damaging property. 

  • 23 дек 2019

    Abuja, 21 December 2019- Speaking at the 56th Ordinary Session of the ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Government, held in Abuja on 21 December 2019,...

  • 22 дек 2019

    Welcoming the preliminary results for Afghanistan’s presidential election on Sunday, the head of the United Nations mission in the country urged the authorities and all actors to “protect the integrity of the final stage of the process.” 

  • 22 дек 2019

    KABUL, 22 December 2019 - The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) welcomes the announcement of the preliminary results for Afghanistan’s presidential election and...

  • 21 дек 2019

    The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), Mohamed Ibn Chambas, participated in the 56th Ordinary Session of the Authority of the Heads of State and...

  • 20 дек 2019


    14 -  December 2019

    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world.


    “We need to reimagine a new global order with justice and accountability at its core”
    Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo visited Qatar to attend the Doha Forum between 14 and 15 December. The Forum is a global platform for dialogue, bringing together leaders in policy to build innovative and action driven networks. During a panel titled, “The United Nations at 75: A Time for Renewal and Innovation”, she said the world needed to reimagine a new global order with justice and accountability at its core. While in Doha, Ms. DiCarlo also held bilateral talks, including with  Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al-Thani, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qatar. In a meeting with  Somali Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khare, she emphasized the UN’s support to the upcoming elections in the country. With Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Sharif, she discussed Iran’s HOPE initiative to reduce tensions in the Middle East. For more information, contact us 

    Security Council

    West Africa and the Sahel “shaken by unprecedented violence”
    Mohamed Ibn Chambas, Special Representative and Head of the UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), briefed the Security Council on inter-communal violence and terrorism in West Africa on 16 December. He told the Council that the region has been “shaken by unprecedented violence” in recent months. “Curbing the financial and supply corridors used by armed groups, and the links with illegal trade, requires international cooperation; targeted sanctions and other measures recommended by Panels of Experts, are relevant for leverage,” Mr. Ibn Chambas said. 
    Read his full statement here
    Read more in UN News 

    Peace will be the issue of paramount importance to the new administration in Afghanistan
    Tadamichi Yamamoto, Special Representative and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), briefed the Council on the situation in Afghanistan on 16 December. He provided an update on developments since voting took place in late September. "When the election is completed with credibility, it will become a milestone in the history of establishing a representative political system of the country”. Mr. Yamamoto explained that preliminary results are yet to be announced as stakeholders want to ensure the electoral process was as transparent and credible as possible. “Whatever the outcome of the presidential election may be, peace will be the issue of paramount importance to the new administration," he said.
    Read his full statement here
    Read more in UN News  

    Israeli-Palestinian conflict in “fragile phase”
    Special Coordinator Nickolay Mladenov briefed the Security Council on the implementation of Resolution 2334 (2016) on 18 December. The resolution concerns the Israeli settlements in “Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem”. “The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is in a fragile phase with the occupation deepening, political uncertainty prevailing, and volatile regional dynamics threatening to further de-stabilize the situation,” Mr. Mladenov told the Council.
    Read his full statement here
    Read more in UN News 

    Briefing on the Iran nuclear deal 
    Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo briefed the Security Council on nuclear non-proliferation and resolution 2231 on 19 December. The resolution backed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) agreed by China, France, Russia, Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom, the European Union and Iran in July 2015. “Certain actions taken by the United States, since its withdrawal from the Plan, are contrary to the goals of the Plan. The re-imposition of its national sanctions lifted under the Plan, as well as its decision not to extend waivers for the trade in oil with Iran and certain non-proliferation projects, may also impede the ability of Iran and other Member States to implement the Plan and 2231,” Ms. DiCarlo said. She added that since July: “Iran has surpassed JCPOA-stipulated limits on its uranium enrichment level, as well as limits on its stockpiles of heavy water and low-enriched uranium.”
    Read her full statement here
    Read more in UN News

    Pedersen: “The Constitutional Committee needs to be nurtured, and genuinely supported if it is to succeed”
    Special Envoy Geir O. Pedersen briefed the Security Council on the situation in Syria on 20 December. He updated the Council on the work of the Constitutional Committee.  “The Constitutional Committee needs to be nurtured, and genuinely supported if it is to succeed. This is the responsibility of the Syrian parties. International stakeholders, too, have a supporting role to play. I know I can count on the support of this Council in that regard,” Mr. Pedersen said.
    Read his full statement here


    Bayman youth meet to discuss social cohesion  
    Youth activists in Afghanistan’s central highlands province of Bamyan gathered at a UN-backed symposium to strategize on ways to promote social cohesion in the interest of advancing peace, locally and nationally, on 15 December. Some 40 young activists from seven districts across Bamyan attended the event, organized by UNAMA’s Bamyan regional office, to exchange ideas on factors hindering the participation of young people in Afghanistan’s social, political and economic life and to chart out possible next steps to maximize their engagement in promoting a culture of peace.
    Read more on UNAMA’s website 

    Protecting Human Rights in Afghanistan spotlighted at Kunduz university symposium Participants at a UN-backed seminar at Kunduz University on 19 December underscored the crucial importance of human rights for peace and stability, and highlighted the special role of young people as constructive agents of change in promoting and protecting rights. The university event was the final in a series of seminars facilitated by UNAMA’s Kunduz regional office to enable faculty and students to discuss international and national principles related to human rights provisions, with a specific focus on Afghanistan. In the wide-ranging panel discussion in the final seminar, with more than 100 students from six faculties in attendance, participants noted that the seminars have contributed not only to enhancing student interest in human rights but also to generating support for a new Human Rights and Peace Centre as a step to institutionalizing the first-ever Master’s Degree in Human Rights in Afghanistan.
    Read more on UNAMA’s website  









    Central Asia

    Annual meeting with Deputy Foreign Ministers of Central Asian states  
    The ninth annual Meeting of Deputy Foreign Ministers of Central Asian states, convened by UNRCCA, took place in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, on 14 December. The meeting brought together the Deputy Foreign Ministers of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan. As part of the C5+1 format established by UNRCCA in December 2017, the Deputy Foreign Minister of Afghanistan also took part in the discussion devoted to the cooperation between Central Asia and Afghanistan.
    Read more on UNRCCA’s website 

    Capacity-building workshop and meeting of Central Asian water experts in Ashgabat
    UNRCCA convened a regional capacity-building workshop in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, on 17-18 December dedicated to water cooperation in the Central Asian region. The event was attended by the representatives of the ministries and state agencies of the countries of Central Asia and Afghanistan, international and partner organizations as well as international experts. Special Representative Natalia Gherman welcomed the participants and praised efforts made by Central Asian states in strengthening regional cooperation in the sphere of transboundary water management. She pointed out that water and environmental issues continued to be key factors in terms of full and sustainable economic and social development in the region of Central Asia and Afghanistan. 
    Read more on UNRCCA’s website  


    Women activists trained on the integration of a gender perspective in the Universal Periodic Review
    In collaboration with OHCHR, UNSMIL completed a three-day training on the integration of gender perspective in the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Process on 17 December. The training benefited 15 geographically diverse women activists working on issues related to gender equality, combatting gender-based violence and promoting human rights. It further aimed to maximize knowledge among participants of gender sensitive analyses, monitoring, and how to best formulate tailor made and specific action-oriented recommendations to address gender related human rights violations. On the last day participants conceptualized a robust advocacy and outreach campaign strategy to build up momentum for the upcoming UPR cycle review of Libya’s human rights record due to take place under the auspices of the UN Human Rights Council in May 2020.
    Read more on UNSMIL’s website


    Delegations of AU, EU, IGAD and UN hold consultations with stakeholders in Kismayo and Garowe  
    On the third stop of a series of consultations in Somalia’s Federal Member States, a senior delegation of some of the country’s international partners visited Jubaland’s capital Kismayo on 17 December, where it held meetings on how the country can implement the national priorities it has set for the coming year. “We are here to engage with a range of stakeholders, and to hear their views on how key national priorities can be achieved in 2020. These include preparations for ‘one-person, one-vote’ elections, finalization of the Federal Constitution, continued progress towards debt relief, and the fight against Al-Shabaab,” James Swan, Special Representative and Head of UNSOM, said on behalf of the delegation.
    Read more on UNSOM’s website  

    The delegation visited Puntland’s capital Garowe on 18 December, the final stop of their visits to seek stakeholders’ views on how key national priorities can be realized next year. The delegation met with Puntland’s President Said Abdullahi Deni, and other political and social actors in the state, such as cabinet ministers and civil society representatives. “These consultations have been an opportunity to hear directly from stakeholders on how Somalia’s national priorities can be achieved, and challenges overcome,” James Swan said.
    Read more on UNSOM’s website  



    Former combatants and victims of the conflict join in song for reconciliationVictims of the armed conflict and former FARC, ELN, and AUC combatants sang together with the Medellin Philharmonic Orchestra on 17 December during a "Reconciliation Concert" organized by the UN Verification Mission in Colombia, Explora Park, and the orchestra. "The fundamental objective of today's world is to obtain peace, and we know that the power of music is one of the tools for peacebuilding and reconciliation. I believe that citizens must support in-depth peacebuilding in Colombia", was the message of Karla Gabriela Samayoa Recari, Deputy Head of the UN Verification Mission. The artists were responding to a call from the Colombian Government through the Reintegration and Normalization Agency and the Victims’ Unit.
    For more information, contact us 

    Business roundtable between ex-combatants and businessmen in Meta
    In Villavicencio city on 17 December, ex-combatants and businessmen from the department of Meta met at a business roundtable to discuss commercial ideas. The ex-combatants presented 15 projects to the business sector, related to livestock, agriculture and tourism. The businessmen provided advice and recommendations to the new entrepreneurs so they could maximize productivity and profitability. The event was organized by the Reintegration and Normalization Agency, the UN Verification Mission in Colombia, UNDP and IOM.
    For more information, contact us 


    Decolonization Committee visits Montserrat
    The Special Committee on Decolonization, also known as the C-24, is wrapping up a visit to the Caribbean island of Montserrat, which is under United Kingdom administration. Montserrat is on the UN’s list of 17 Non-Self-Governing Territories. The mission, which also included meetings in Antigua and Barbuda, is led by Grenada, the Chair of the C-24, alongside representatives of Antigua and Barbuda, Indonesia and Sierra Leone. The C-24 is mandated to undertake at least one visiting mission per year to a Non-Self-Governing Territory. In Montserrat, the delegation paid particular attention to the impact of the volcanic eruptions that have hit the island since 1995, forcing thousands of people to evacuate mostly to Antigua and Barbuda and the United Kingdom, or to resettle in the north of the island. Upon their return to New York, the delegation will present its findings in a public report. For more information on the mission and DPPA’s work on decolonization, visit the Decolonization Unit’s new website: https://www.un.org/dppa/decolonization/en






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  • 20 дек 2019

    Our top stories for Friday include: Pope Francis receives the UN chief in Rome, Lesotho famine threat, concern for jailed Iranian protestors, and strengthened global action to prevent corruption. 

  • 20 дек 2019

    Following a “thorough, independent and objective assessment”, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) announced on Friday that she plans to open a formal investigation into alleged war crimes in Palestine, but asked the Court for a further ruling over territorial jurisdiction.