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  • 15 Feb 2022

    Recent attacks on the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia indicate how the conflict in Yemen risks spiralling out of control, the chief UN mediator for the country told the Security Council on Tuesday, as he called for “serious efforts” to be made by Yemeni parties, the region and the international community, to end the fighting, now in its seventh year.

  • 15 Feb 2022

    OSESGY/ Abdel Rahman Alzorgan

    Good evening, everyone,

    I’m glad to be speaking to you today here from New York. I just briefed the Council...

  • 15 Feb 2022

    Somalia’s leaders must put aside their differences and urgently conclude a credible election process, the UN’s senior official in the country told the Security Council on Tuesday, noting that national elections are now more than a year behind schedule and women’s representation remains significantly off-track.

  • 15 Feb 2022


    The United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Joanna Wronecka, and Minister of Interior and Municipalities, Bassam Mawlawi, chaired today the second...

  • 15 Feb 2022

    Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

    On 15 February 2022, the Special Representative of the UN...

  • 14 Feb 2022

    Amid increasing tension over Ukraine between Russia and Western countries of the NATO alliance, the UN Secretary-General declared on Monday that “there is no alternative to diplomacy.”

  • 13 Feb 2022

    As Timor-Leste prepares to choose a new president in March, Roy Trivedy, the senior UN official in the country, explains the Organization’s role in securing the vote for all citizens across the small island nation, which gained independence from Indonesia in 2002, and expresses his hopes for safe, inclusive, and transparent elections.

  • 13 Feb 2022

    More than 600 family members of ISIL fighters have been repatriated from Syria to Kazakhstan over the last three years, as part of an initiative to rehabilitate women and children from the country. One formerly radicalized wife who married a member of the terrorist group, has been speaking to UN News about her regrets, and her hopes for a better future.

  • 11 Feb 2022
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 


    Joint UNDP-DPPA Programme showcases work of Peace and Development Advisors

    Hosted by Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs Rosemary DiCarlo and UNDP Administrator Achim Steiner, the Joint UNDP-DPPA Programme on Building National Capacities for Conflict Prevention held on 9 February a high-level partner event to discuss recent examples of country-led efforts to sustain peace. USG DiCarlo and other speakers noted the critical role of Peace and Development Advisors (PDAs) in operationalizing prevention and supporting peacebuilding across many areas, including the response to COVID-19, combatting hate speech, addressing climate-related risks and advocating for the meaningful inclusion of women and young people in political and peace processes. President George Weah of Liberia and President of São Tomé and Príncipe Carlos Vila Nova took part in the commemoration.

    Security Council

    DiCarlo: UN sanctions not the blunt instrument they once were, can be made more effective

    Briefing the Security Council on sanctions on 7 February, USG DiCarlo said that sanctions are not an end in themselves. “UN sanctions are no longer the blunt instrument they once were,” she said. “Since the 1990s, they have undergone considerable changes to minimize their possible adverse consequences on civilian populations and third States.” The Under-Secretary-General added that the Council and its sanctions committees have increasingly sought to obtain firsthand information on possible adverse consequences and that sanctions are continually adjusted in response to changes on the ground. To be effective, she further stressed that sanctions should be part of a comprehensive political strategy, working in tandem with direct political dialogue, mediation, peacekeeping and special political missions.

    USG DiCarlo’s full remarks here

    Annadif stresses importance of coordinated response to help Burkina Faso

    Mahamat Saleh Annadif, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) briefed the Security Council on 8 February during closed consultations on Burkina Faso. He stressed that the current situation in the country demands our continued attention and that we need to help support a coordinated response. He called for a road map for a consensual and reasonable transition to be put in place to restore constitutional order and reiterated his commitment to closely coordinate his good offices work with the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to help Burkina Faso quickly emerge from this crisis.

    Read more here


    Concern over missing women activists

    Deborah Lyons, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Assistance Mission for Afghanistan (UNAMA), met with the Taliban leadership this week to convey deepening concern about the well-being of missing women activists. On 6 February, she met with the de facto Deputy Prime Minister Abdul Kabir, followed by a meeting with de facto acting Deputy Prime Minister Abdul Salam Hanafi on 8 February and de facto acting Minister of Foreign Affairs Amir Khan Muttaqi on 9 February. In all meetings, she voiced concern to Taliban leadership about the women’s safety and urged for all steps to secure their liberty. Raising the same issues and voicing concern over the well-being of the missing women activists, UNAMA Deputy Head Mette Knudsen met with de facto Acting Kabul Mayor Molvi Abdur Rasheed to discuss the city's security, the economy and inclusive governance.

    Palestinian Rights

    Two-State solution with no Plan B

    Secretary-General António Guterres on 8 February spoke at the opening of the 2022 Session of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People. He said that the situation today in the Occupied Palestinian Territory — including East Jerusalem — continues to pose a significant challenge to international peace and security. He emphasized the urgent need to intensify collective efforts to resolve the conflict and to end the occupation in line with United Nations resolutions, international law and bilateral agreements. The Secretary-General said the goal is to continue for a two-State solution, adding that “there is no Plan B”.

    Read more here

    Watch the session here


    Special Coordinator Wronecka visits south Lebanon

    On 10 February, Joanna Wronecka, Special Coordinator of the Secretary-General for Lebanon, visited southern Lebanon, including Sidon, Bissariye, Sarafand and Amraa. She met with the Directorate of General Security, visited a collective shelter and spoke to Lebanese and refugee families supported by the UN and its partners. "The current economic crisis is having a severe impact on communities in the south, where vulnerable Lebanese and refugee families are struggling," the Special Coordinator said. “During today’s visit, I spoke with many families who shared their difficulties to provide for their loved ones and their overall desire to live in dignity.” Faced with one of the harshest winters, many families are relying on the assistance provided by the UN. “The needs are immense, and most families cannot make ends meet", the Special Coordinator said. She also reiterated the importance of safeguarding stability and social cohesion in Lebanon despite the severe socio-economic crisis, and the UN's strong commitment to leaving no one behind.

    Read more here


    Special Adviser Williams continues her engagements in Rome and Sirte

    In Rome on 7 February, Stephanie Williams, the Special Adviser of the Secretary-General for Libya, met with Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio to discuss recent developments in Libya and the importance of national and international consensus in support of an inclusive political process. In the Italian capital, she also met Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias. The Special Adviser then traveled to Sirte, Libya, on 9 February to meet with the members of the Joint Military Committee (JMC) (5+5). They discussed the JMC’s efforts to operationalize the action plan signed in October 2021. She commended the progress made on the release of detainees and efforts to reopen the Abu Qurain road and Al Jufra.

    Find out more about her latest engagements in the region


    Special Representative Annadif visits Guinea-Bissau, reaffirming UN solidarity after coup de force 

    Mahamat Saleh Annadif visited Guinea-Bissau on 10 February. He held meetings with Umaro Sissoco Embaló, President of the Republic of Guinea Bissau and the P5 partners, composed of the African Union, the ECOWAS, the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries, the European Union and the UN, and extended for the occasion to other representatives of the diplomatic corps. He also chaired a meeting with the United Nations country team. Annadif said at the end of the visit: “Our visit follows the coup de force suffered by the government of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau on February 1, 2022. We have come to offer our condolences to the families of the disappeared, reaffirm our solidarity and reiterate our condemnation of any unconstitutional change”.

    Read more here


    UNITAMS continues consultations on a political process for Sudan

    In its fifth week, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS) Volker Perthes continue holding the UN-facilitated consultations on a political process in Sudan with various stakeholders. This week also saw more than 20 groups representing various groups, including a delegation of Civil Forces Alliance (Central States), National Reform Party, Sudanese National Liberal Party, Sudanese Bar Association and Republican Party, who shared their visions for the country and discussed ways to end the current political crisis.


    Medellín Director presents latest UN report on Colombia to civil society and journalists

    Medellín Director of the UN Verification Mission in Colombia Raul Rosende on 10 February presented the Secretary-General's latest report on Colombia to civil society representatives. He said that it is crucial to preserve the independence and the functioning of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace to guarantee its work and the full implementation of the peace agreement. Meeting with journalists and community media in Antioquia the following day, Rosende highlighted the importance of the comprehensive implementation of the peace agreement in this region of the country.


    PBC Chair encourages innovative and context-specific peacebuilding initiatives

    The Chair of the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC), Rabab Fatima, represented the Commission at the high-level partner event of the Joint UNDP-DPPA Programme. In her remarks, the Chair expressed her appreciation for the contributions of the joint programme, and those of the Peace and Development Advisors in particular, to the work of the Commission. She explained that the valuable contributions of Resident Coordinators, with support from the Joint Programme, have helped enhance the Commission’s understanding on the important role of the UN’s Common Country Analysis and Sustainable Development Cooperation Frameworks in support of national peacebuilding priorities. The Chair encouraged innovative and context-specific peacebuilding initiatives under the Joint Programme, in synergy with the Secretary-General’s Peacebuilding Fund. She also encouraged the Joint Programme and all concerned United Nations entities to incorporate gender dimensions in their analysis based on verified, reliable and sex-disaggregated data. 

    Read her remarks here


    Next Week

    On 15 February, Special Representative James Swan will brief the Security Council regarding Somalia, followed by Special Envoy Hans Grundberg’s briefing on Yemen in the afternoon. On 17 February, the Security Council will discuss the situation regarding Ukraine. On 18 February, Special Representative Helen La Lime will brief on the situation in Haiti. 

    The Peacebuilding Fund Ambassadorial-Level Group of Friends Meeting is scheduled to take place on 17 February. 


    Subscribe to This Week in DPPA here

    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org

  • 11 Feb 2022

    The UN chief is “following closely” the latest political crisis unfolding in Libya, which threatens to return the country to a stand-off position between two rival authorities, following the failure to hold presidential elections in December.

  • 11 Feb 2022

    Although internal conflict erupted within the world’s youngest country after independence in 2011, Radio Miraya, the news service launched by the UN Peacekeeping Mission in South Sudan in 2005, has stuck fast to its original mandate of trying to bring the country together, becoming the most popular and trusted source of information in the country to this day.

  • 11 Feb 2022

    UN human rights experts have warned of increased political violence and polarization between communities across the world’s youngest country, South Sudan, following a fact-finding visit there this week. 

  • 10 Feb 2022

    Hybrid press briefing by the Deputy Secretary-General to discuss her recent trip to Ethiopia, held on February 11, 2022...

  • 10 Feb 2022

    Dakar, 10 February 2022 - The Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), Mahamat...

  • 10 Feb 2022

    New York, 11 February 2022

    Today, only one in three science and engineering researchers in the world is a woman.

    Structural and societal barriers prevent women and girls from entering and advancing in science.

    The COVID-19 pandemic has further increased gender inequalities, from school closures to a rise...

  • 10 Feb 2022

    Photo Credit: Pascual Gorriz Marcos

    Today, the United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Ms. Joanna Wronecka, visited southern Lebanon including Sidon, Bissariye, Sarafand and Amraa. She met with the...

  • 9 Feb 2022

    More than 30 years after the UN Compensation Commission (UNCC) was created to ensure restitution for Kuwait following the Iraqi invasion of 1990, the reparations body announced on Wednesday that it had processed its final claim, amounting to $52.4 billion in total.

  • 9 Feb 2022

    On the last day of a five-day trip to Ethiopia, the Deputy Secretary-General said the East African nation is in “a much better place” to resolve the conflict that erupted 15 months ago in Tigray. 

  • 9 Feb 2022

    The global fight against the shadowy, ever-morphing threat posed by the ISIL terrorist group - known officially as Da’esh - and its affiliates, remains a “long-term game” for which there are “no quick fixes,” the UN counter-terrorism chief told the Security Council on Wednesday.

  • 9 Feb 2022

    From survivors of rape to young women entrepreneurs, the UN Deputy Secretary-General has spent the week meeting some of those whose lives have been upended by conflict in Ethiopia, but also hearing stories of hope that point towards the “indispensable” value of a return to lasting peace across the African nation.

  • 9 Feb 2022


    President Weah,

    President Vila Nova,


    Distinguished delegates,


    I am delighted to be here today, with my colleague Achim Steiner.


    I am grateful to the Deputy Secretary-General for her opening message.


    I would particularly like to thank President Weah of Liberia and President Vila Nova of São Tomé and Príncipe, who have highlighted important advances in the pursuit of sustaining peace.




    Violent conflicts have become more complex, regionalized, fragmented and protracted. Civilians bear the brunt, and women and girls do so disproportionately.


    Geopolitical tensions are undermining trust and our ability to respond to challenges collectively.


    The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated existing risks. Alongside the climate emergency and increasing technological disruption, the virus has altered and magnified the challenge of prevention.


    Yet at a global level we spend much more energy and resources on managing conflicts than on preventing them. As the Secretary-General told the General Assembly as he presented his priorities for 2022 recently, we need to review our priorities and resources across the peace continuum and strengthen our investment in conflict prevention and peacebuilding.




    Since its creation in 2004, the UNDP-DPPA Joint Programme has engaged with national partners, UN Resident Coordinators and Country Teams, to do precisely this: invest in prevention and peacebuilding.


    Considered groundbreaking when it started, the Joint Programme today deploys over 120 Peace and Development Advisers (PDAs), including 40 national peace and development officers, across 70 countries. 


    Last year, over 80% of our PDAs supported COVID-19 responses. This is in recognition of the profound impact the pandemic could have on social cohesion and sustainable development.


    And PDAs continue working with national stakeholders to strengthen national mechanisms, structures and capacities for inclusive dialogue, social cohesion and reconciliation.


    There are several areas to highlight.


    First, PDAs are working to enhance women’s participation in political processes and wider youth involvement in peacebuilding. 


    In Kenya, the PDA worked to support the establishment of a Women Mediation Network to enhance women’s political leadership and contribution to sustaining peace. The network is now part of the wider African Women Leaders’ Network.


    In Tunisia, our team conducted a series of innovative consultations using various digital platforms. These dialogues allowed young people from around the country to express their aspirations and discuss existing barriers to youth participation in public life.  

    Second, PDAs are also exploring new initiatives to address hate speech and disinformation, which have risen dramatically during the pandemic, fueling distrust and conflict.


    In Sri Lanka, the PDA team is supporting UNDP and UNICEF in working with the Ministry of Mass Media to enhance national capacity to monitor and counter hate speech and explore partnerships with social media companies.


    In Côte d’Ivoire, during the 2020 electoral period, the PDA teamed up with a social media company to facilitate training for Ivoirian women activists, bloggers and influencers on countering hate speech. The group successfully disseminated counter narratives and ensured that videos and text containing harmful content were taken down. 


    And finally, in a number of climate-stressed regions, PDAs are working to include climate-related risks in peacebuilding programming.


    In the South Pacific, the PDA team supports a project with governments and the Pacific Islands Forum, funded by the Peacebuilding Fund, to help scale local solutions in the face of sea-level rise and extreme weather.




    PDAs are natural bridges between the UN’s Peace and Security Pillar and the Development System. These talented women and men show through their daily work that lasting peace, social and economic development and people’s right to have a say in the matters that concern them are inextricably linked.   


    Important work is underway in many countries. However, we need to multiply our efforts and continue to deepen our partnerships. With your engagement, I am convinced the Joint Programme can provide even better support to Member States in preventing conflicts and sustaining peace.


    Thank you.

  • 9 Feb 2022

    Dakar, 09 February 2022- After having carried out a joint mission with ECOWAS to Burkina Faso on 31 January, and...

  • 8 Feb 2022

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Tuesday that he is encouraged by the recent engagement between senior Israeli and Palestinian officials.

  • 8 Feb 2022

    Authorities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) must ensure civilian protection in the wake of recent deadly raids on camps for internally displaced persons (IDPs), the UN human rights office, OHCHR, said on Tuesday. 

  • 7 Feb 2022

    United Nations Security Council sanctions are no longer the “blunt instrument” they once were, having transformed since the 1990s into “a vital tool” that minimizes negative consequences for civilians, and States that are not directly being targeted.

  • 7 Feb 2022

    Remarks of Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo at the Security Council Open Debate on General Issues Relating to Sanctions: Preventing their Humanitarian and Unintended Consequences

    Thank you, Mr. President, for the opportunity to address the Security Council on this important topic.

    Sanctions remain a vital Charter-based tool available to the Council to ensure the maintenance of international peace and security. As stressed when the Council last met to discuss this topic, they are not an end in themselves. To be effective, sanctions should be part of a comprehensive political strategy, working in tandem with political dialogue, mediation, peacekeeping and special political missions.

    There are currently 14 Council sanctions regimes. They support conflict resolution in Libya, Mali, South Sudan and Yemen. They aim to deter unconstitutional changes of government in Guinea Bissau.

    They curb the illicit exploitation of natural resources that fund the activities of armed groups in the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Somalia.

    They constrain the proliferation activities of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) and the terrorist threat posed by the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), Al-Qaida and their affiliates.

    UN sanctions are no longer the blunt instrument they once were. Since the 1990s, they have undergone considerable changes to minimize their possible adverse consequences on civilian populations and third States.

    The most applied targeted measures include standardized humanitarian and other exemptions. In the case of arms embargoes, exemptions are routinely granted for the import of non-lethal equipment necessary for humanitarian actors to operate in conflict zones.

    In the case of travel bans, exemptions are routinely provided for medical or religious reasons or to participate in peace processes. Exemptions to assets freezes allow payment for food, utilities or medicines.

    Moreover,  the Security Council has instituted standing humanitarian exemptions in the Somalia and Afghanistan regimes, as well as case-by-case humanitarian exemption systems in the Libya, Yemen and DPRK regimes.

    The 1718 Committee, which oversees sanctions on the DPRK, has approved 85 of the one hundred exemption requests received since 2017. The Committee has also granted multiple timeline extensions in recognition of the logistical challenges created by the COVID-19 pandemic.

    In recent years, the Council and its sanctions committees have increasingly sought to obtain first‑hand information on possible adverse consequences for civilian populations and third States.

    They have done so through regular briefings by OCHA and by the Secretary-General’s Special Representatives for Children and Armed Conflict and for Conflict-Related Sexual Violence. Sanctions Committee Chairs also regularly travel to countries under sanctions, and the Committees frequently meet with country as well as neighboring officials.

    Sanctions are continually adjusted in response to changes on the ground, with due regard for the impact on civilian populations. In recent years, the Council terminated the Eritrea sanctions and significantly narrowed down the scope of the arms embargo on the Central African Republic.

    On the other hand, in response to a new serious threat to peace and security in Somalia, the Council imposed in 2019 a ban on Improvised Explosive Device components.

    I should also note that in the last decade, only one Member State has reported facing  “special economic problems” arising from Council  sanctions.


    Mr. President,

    The last decade has also shown that sanctions can do more than limit the influx of arms and ammunition or the financing of armed groups in conflict-based situations.

    Almost all the sanctions regimes supporting conflict resolution now include designation, or listing criteria intended to uphold international humanitarian law or international human rights law.

    They have served as leverage to bring about positive outcomes for people at risk. For example, the prospect of sanctions has opened the space for child protection actors to negotiate the release of children by armed groups in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

    Importantly, more than 50 individuals and entities have been designated, or put on sanctions lists, by the Council or its committees for involvement in conflict-related sexual violence, the use of children in armed conflict, migrant trafficking, attacks on humanitarian workers, and obstruction of delivery of humanitarian assistance, among other international humanitarian law criteria.

    They include Sultan Zabin, the director of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) in Sanaa, Yemen, for torture and sexual violence in conflict; and Ahmed Ag Albachar, self-proclaimed “president of the humanitarian commission” of the Kidal region in Mali, for obstructing the delivery of humanitarian assistance.

    The imposition of sanctions solely for such acts is a relatively recent and welcome step. Its use sends an unmistakeable signal about the Council’s commitment to ensure accountability for violations and abuses of international humanitarian or human rights law.


    Mr. President,

    The evolution from comprehensive to targeted sanctions marked a sea change in this area of the Council’s work. But there are still some concerns about unintended consequences or adverse effects of Council sanctions.

    De-risking policies and over-compliance are probably two of the most important problems facing humanitarian actors. Financial actors and other service providers may impose additional conditions, increase their costs, or simply refuse to provide the requested goods and services, thereby inhibiting the delivery of humanitarian assistance.

    The continued difficulty in reviving the banking channel for humanitarian transfers to the DPRK, since its collapse in 2017, is a prime example of such challenges.

    These difficulties can be compounded when financial actors and other service providers are obliged to comply with multiple sanctions regimes, as well as counterterrorism and anti-money laundering regulations across the globe.

    In trying to abide by a wide range of applicable measures, these actors sometimes adopt an overly broad interpretation of what is required by sanctions regimes, often in contradiction with the interpretation of humanitarian actors.


    Mr. President,

    More can be done to reduce the possible adverse consequences of sanctions.

    The humanitarian community, and much of the world, warmly welcomed resolution 2615 (2021), which carves out a humanitarian exemption to the sanctions regime on Afghanistan. Similar standing exemptions in other sanctions regimes could go a long way to respond to the critical needs of civilian populations.

    Various Council resolutions make it clear that sanctions are “not intended to have adverse humanitarian consequences for the civilian populations”. Other resolutions require that Member States ensure that their implementation measures comply with their obligations under international law, including humanitarian and human rights laws, as applicable. It is extremely important to recall these provisions at every opportunity.

    Member States can further minimize the burden of additional due diligence and reporting requirements on humanitarian actors by keeping their domestic legislation as close as possible to Security Council language.

    Additionally, the continued monitoring by sanctions committees of the possible humanitarian impact of sanctions is vital. Their groups of experts may assist by gathering information about the possible unintended impact of sanctions on humanitarian activities, as appropriate.

    It is also essential to increase cooperation with humanitarian actors and the private sector. The UN Inter-Agency Working Group established in 2014 has helped promote better understanding and a system-wide approach to sanctions.

    My Department, through the Security Council Affairs Division, has launched other initiatives, including training, to build capacities and increase synergies among these key constituencies.

    Lastly, allow me to touch briefly on the role of the Ombudsperson. Its establishment in 2009 introduced a more robust due process mechanism available to individuals or entities seeking to be removed from the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant/Da’esh and Al-Qaida sanctions list.

    Providing fair and clear procedures to all other designated entities and individuals would render the sanctions tool even more effective.

    Thank you, Mr. President.

  • 6 Feb 2022

    New York - Female genital mutilation is an abhorrent human rights violation that causes profound and...

  • 5 Feb 2022

    New York, 6 February 2022

    Female genital mutilation is an abhorrent human rights violation that causes profound and permanent harm to women and girls around the world.

    Every year, over 4 million girls are at risk of this extreme form of violence. Sadly, the COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on health services and put even more girls in jeopardy.

  • 4 Feb 2022
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 

    Security Council

    DiCarlo appeals for immediate steps to de-escalate tensions around Ukraine

    Briefing the Council on the situation in Ukraine on 31 January, Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs Rosemary DiCarlo said that the UN remains greatly concerned about the escalating tensions amid a dangerous military build-up in the heart of Europe. “No one is watching the current diplomatic efforts more than the people of Ukraine,” she said. “They have endured a conflict that has taken over 14,000 lives since 2014 and that tragically is still far from resolution. It is painfully obvious that any new escalation in or around Ukraine would mean more needless killing and destruction. Whatever one’s position regarding the current situation or the status quo in eastern Ukraine, this should be inconceivable. The fact that it is not should give us pause.” The Under-Secretary-General added that the UN welcomes the steps taken so far by all involved to maintain dialogue and urged all actors to build on these efforts to remain focused on pursuing diplomatic solutions by engaging in good faith. She further stressed that the Secretary-General himself has also made clear in all his contacts that there can be no alternative to diplomacy and dialogue to deal with the complex and long-standing security concerns and threat perceptions that have been raised.

    Full remarks at the Security Council here

    UNSMIL mandate extended for another three months

    The Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 2619 (2022) on 31 January to extend the mandate of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) until 30 April 2022. The integrated special political mission will continue to support the political process in Libya.

    Read more here

    January issue of the UN Security Council in Review out now

    DPPA's Security Council Affairs Division of the Department has released the January 2022 issue of the "United Nations Security Council in Review." The monthly newsletter offers an overview of the activity of the Security Council for the previous month. It is an addition to the existing research tools and information products available here.

    Read the latest newsletter here

    Sign up here to receive updates of the Council’s work


    Coherent international support needed for Myanmar-led process 

    Speaking to journalists in New York on 31 January ahead of the one-year anniversary of the military takeover in Myanmar, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General Noeleen Heyzer urged the international community to “help Myanmar work towards a common vision for their country.” She further stressed that “[a] Myanmar-led process, guided by the aspiration of the people towards a peaceful, democratic and inclusive future has to be supported by a coherent international approach founded on regional unity."

    Full press conference here


    Special Representative discusses political situation with Prime Minister

    Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), met on 29 January with Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi. They discussed the political and security situation, as well as cooperation between Iraq and the UN. The Special Representative reiterated the UN’s unwavering support.

    Special Representative visits Mesopotamian Marshes

    During her visit to the Mesopotamian Marshes on 1 February, Special Representative Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert witnessed the challenges arising from climate change, water shortages and population growth. "Water scarcity is a threat multiplier, adding to poverty, displacement, instability and conflict,” said the Special Representative, adding that the risks will only be exacerbated in the absence of concerted action and political resolve.

    Read more here

    Training organized for the Iraqi Interior Ministry's media officers

    UNAMI’s Human Rights Office organized a two-day training in Baghdad on 3 February for the Iraqi Interior Ministry’s media officers. It aimed to inform and hone the reporting skills of the staff relating to human rights and technical language when drafting press releases on security matters. Discussions focused, among other topics, on the duty of authorities to inform the public while taking into account the rights of suspects and the right to privacy.


    Special Adviser Williams visits Benghazi 

    Stephanie Williams, the Special Adviser of the Secretary-General for Libya, met on 2 February with the eastern-based members of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF) in Benghazi. They discussed the status of the LPDF and current dynamics. She also met separately with House of Representatives members and discussed recent parliament deliberations.

    Find out more about her latest engagements in the region

    Central Africa

    UN entities meet in Brazzaville to discuss peace, security and governance in the region

    The UN Office for Central Africa (UNOCA) held the tenth meeting of Special Representatives and Envoys of the UN Secretary-General, Regional Directors and Resident Coordinators of the UN system in Central Africa, from 1 to 2 February in Brazzaville, Congo. The meeting highlighted issues related to the prevention and peaceful resolution of conflicts, particularly in a context marked by the COVID-19 pandemic. Special Representative for Central Africa and Head of UNOCA François Louncény Fall called for the establishment of a framework to strengthen governance and democratic public spaces in the subregion. He also argued for a similar instrument for climate security.

    Read more here

    West Africa and the Sahel

    Special Representative continues his good offices work 

    Mahamat Saleh Annadif, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), took part on 3 February in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Extraordinary Summit of Heads of State and Government on the political situation in Burkina Faso, Mali and Guinea. In his remarks, Special Representative Annadif reaffirmed the UN's support to ECOWAS efforts to help these three countries. On Burkina Faso, he stressed the importance of coordinating efforts by ECOWAS, the African Union, and the UN to ensure a swift transition. Ahead of the meeting, he took part in a joint mission with ECOWAS Foreign Ministers to Ouagadougou where the joint delegation held exchanges with the Patriotic Movement for Safeguard and Restoration (MPSR) and was also allowed to visit former President Kaboré.

    Read more here


    UNITAMS continues consultations on a political process for Sudan

    The fourth week of the UN-facilitated consultations on a political process in Sudan concluded on 3 February. This week saw more than 20 groups representing various civil society, women’s rights organizations, political parties, academics and national experts engaged in the sessions facilitated by the UN Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS). “The UN-facilitated consultations process seeks to hear what Sudanese stakeholders believe is critical to overcome the current political impasse. Not the other way around,” said Special Representative of the Secretary-General Volker Perthes while emphasizing that the UN does not have a premade solution to offer in this Sudanese-owned process. The Mission will continue these consultations with the broadest range of Sudanese stakeholders to seek their views on priority issues and their vision on the way forward.

    Read more here


    Framing Futures workshop in Kyrgyzstan

    In October 2021, DPPA’s Innovation Cell co-organized a three-day scenario analysis and planning workshop in Issyk-Kul with the UN Country Team in Kyrgyzstan and the Regional Department of the UN Coordination Office for Europe and Central Asia. The workshop allowed the participants to explore, for the first time, a future-leaning approach to develop a shared vision of the UN’s role in Kyrgyzstan. The methodology used in the exercise, along with participants' reflections, can be found in the report “Framing Futures: Kyrgyzstan Scenario Planning.”

    Read the report here

    Listen to our colleagues on the “Framing Futures”

    Bolivia Digital Dialogue experience

    In December 2021, DPPA’s Innovation Cell supported the Office of the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Bolivia and the Vice Presidency of the Plurinational State of Bolivia in launching “Bolivia Conversa”, a digital dialogue with over 250 Bolivian citizens. The Innovation Cell coordinated the development of a short documentary titled Liita’s Conversa, out this week, which follows a young Bolivian woman as she participates in the dialogue. In the documentary, Liita shares her hopes for her country’s future, what unites Bolivians, and how technology can be used to generate dialogue and advance peace.

    Watch the short documentary here

    New episode of “She Stands for Peace”

    This week’s episode of the UN Office to the African Union (UNOAU)'s podcast series on women in peace and political processes features Regional Director and Assistant Secretary-General for UN Development Programme (UNDP) Regional Bureau for Africa Ahunna Eziakonwa. In this episode, she talks about the application of a gender perspective to reconstruction and peacebuilding.

    Listen to the episode


    Peacebuilding Commission welcomes first woman chair

    In an Ambassadorial-level PBC meeting on 1 February, Ambassador Rabab Fatima of Bangladesh became the first woman Chair since the inception of the Commission, taking over from Egypt Permanent Representative. Egypt and the Dominican Republic took over as vice-chairs while the Chairs of the country-specific configurations were re-elected. Member States commended progress in the Commission’s work in 2021 as summarized in its annual report, which was approved on 31 January. In her remarks, Officer-in-Charge of DPPA’s Peacebuilding Support Office (PBSO) Awa Dabo expressed her concern for political instability observed in different part of the world, risking the gains that the Commission has been supporting for years. Together with the Chair, they called for greater focus on impact and stressed the need for inclusive approaches to peacebuilding, particularly by empowering women and youth. They underlined their commitment to further pursuing more coherent UN support, stronger partnerships with regional organizations and IFIs, and further enhancing the Commission’s advisory and bridging roles. They called for timely action on the recommendations contained in Our Common Agenda, including further advocacy for adequate peacebuilding financing. Calls were also made to prioritize discussions on resource challenges facing the Commission, even as the General Assembly prepares to convene its first-ever high-level meeting on peacebuilding financing.

    More effective collective responses are needed to make triple cross pillar nexus a reality

    During an informal meeting of the Peacebuilding Commission on 4 February in preparation of its 2022 Programme of Work, PBSO’s Awa Dabo said her office receives clear messages both from Permanent Missions and UN representatives in the field about the urgent need to take a hard look at the efficacy of international support in contexts where peacebuilding gains remain fragile and where peace dividends take too long to translate to opportunities, especially for young people. . During the meeting, country and regional representatives presented their expectations and priorities for PBC support in 2022, in synergy with the Peacebuilding Fund, ranging from effective governance and transitional justice to basic services delivery, action against climate change and its devastating effects, women and youth empowerment, as well as regional and cross-border cooperation for peacebuilding and sustaining peace. 

    Click here for more

    Next Week

    Among other activities, the Security Council will hold a debate on general issues relating to sanctions and preventing their humanitarian and unintended consequences on 7 February. Under-Secretary-General DiCarlo will brief. 

    An Expert-level PBC discussion on the PBC letter to the General Assembly on peacebuilding financing is scheduled to take place on 8 February. 

    Subscribe to This Week in DPPA here

    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org

  • 4 Feb 2022

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    New York, 4 February 2022

    On the International Day of Human Fraternity, we reflect on the importance of cultural and religious understanding, and mutual respect.

    I am grateful to religious leaders across the world who are joining hands to promote dialogue and interfaith harmony.

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  • 2 Feb 2022

    Minister Haavisto (Finland)

    Minister Çavuşoğlu (Turkey)


    First, thank you to Finland and Turkey for hosting today’s event and for your leadership as co-chairs of the Group of Friends. I am delighted to join you to reflect on the past decade of focused attention on mediation.


    Since 2001, the General Assembly has, through its four resolutions on mediation, provided the United Nations and other mediation actors with a strong normative and practical framework. These resolutions represent a collective recognition by Member States of the primacy of political solutions, and of the criticality of inclusive approaches to ending conflict.


    Over the years, we have seen significant advances in the field of mediation. But we also have seen the complexity of the international, regional, and local environments within which we engage also grow.


    While the number of conflicts around the world has increased, the number of peace processes or agreements has not kept pace. Meanwhile, human suffering has endured and expanded.


    Geopolitical divisions, and the increased regionalization and fragmentation of conflicts, have challenged our traditional tools of conflict resolution.


    A perceived failure of governance exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, and rising scepticism about the multilateral system, have undermined trust and collaboration.


    Technological disruption – including malicious use of social media and the rise in hate speech – fuels conflict and further complicates the work of mediators.


    Libya aptly illustrates the challenges of bringing peace to a conflict where external actors are involved.  But it also illustrates the benefits of an agreed international position – such as we saw in the Berlin Process - for talks to proceed at a national level.

    The UN-brokered intra-Libyan dialogue did successfully reach agreement on a nationwide ceasefire and political roadmap – although, as you know, the latter is now under great pressure.


    Greater unity amongst major powers and regional actors is still needed in a number of other processes – notably Syria and Yemen.  


    Ministers, Excellencies,


    The UN’s partnerships with Member States, regional and subregional organisations, and civil society are vital to our collective efforts and effectiveness. When the UN and its partners speak with one voice, we are better able to encourage conflict parties to pursue a negotiated solution.


    In Africa, for example, where we have acted jointly with the African Union and regional economic communities, we have seen real impact.


    In Somalia last April, after the decision to delay elections led to clashes in Mogadishu, joint efforts by the UN, AU, IGAD and EU helped to prevent further escalation and encouraged a resumption of dialogue.


    In Côte d’Ivoire, coordinated messaging as part of preventive multi-track diplomacy by the UN, AU and ECOWAS helped to de-escalate tensions around the October 2020 presidential elections.


    Across the globe, we seek similar partnerships.


    The Core Group in Haiti, for example, chaired by the UN Special Representative and comprising several Member States, the EU, and the Organization of American States, has played a critical facilitation role in helping to manage crises over the years.


    At a more technical level, my Department has supported Member States and Resident Coordinators on dialogue and inclusive consultation mechanisms, including around elections in Honduras, Bolivia and Ecuador.

    In December 2021, our Innovation Cell, together with the Resident Coordinator, worked with Bolivia’s Vice-Presidency to engage some 200 Bolivians in digital consultations on trust-building and on participants’ hopes for the country’s future.


    In Mozambique, we provide technical support to local-level interfaith peacebuilding efforts as part of our partnerships with civil society and private peacemaking organizations.


    Ministers, Excellencies,


    Let me turn to one of our most significant priorities to effective mediation: the issue of inclusion.


    Over recent years, there has been a clear – and welcome – increase in understanding and expectation around women’s meaningful participation, as well as that of youth and other traditionally marginalized groups. At the same time, power politics and entrenched patriarchal attitudes have continued to stymie our work.

    Indeed, operating in the context of a global backlash against women’s rights, including shrinking civic space and targeted attacks against women peacebuilders, has added new complexity to the work of mediators in securing inclusive processes.


    Nevertheless, recognizing that inclusion is a strategic imperative to the success of mediation, we have taken several steps to integrate it into our work:


    First, the Secretary-General has led in appointing women leaders. In late 2020, these efforts led to gender parity being achieved across all Heads and Deputy Heads of UN Peace Operations.


    Second, we have pursued innovative direct participation models, such as independent and civil society delegations that prioritize women’s participation, as we saw in the Libya Political Dialogue Forum and Syria Constitutional Committee.

    And in Sudan, the UN Mission successfully advocated for gender observers to participate in peace talks.


    Third, all our Envoys are engaging in regular consultations with women’s groups. In places like Iraq, Myanmar, Syria and Yemen, we have created women’s advisory boards to ensure that their perspectives inform our work. In Libya, Yemen and other contexts, digital platforms have been used to expand our engagement with hard-to-reach communities.


    Fourth, we support local women peacemakers, including through partnerships with civil society and women mediator networks. In 2020, for example, we supported several FemWise deployments.


    Finally, recognizing that young women – who so often are at the head of  peace movements – face additional barriers to their political participation, we have scaled up the Peacebuilding Fund’s Gender and Youth Promotion Initiative – from $2.7 million in 2016 to a record $51.5 million in 2021.


    Ministers, Excellencies,


    Looking ahead, our mediation practices will inform and be informed by the New Agenda for Peace, which  the Secretary-General has committed to developing as part of Our Common Agenda. Here we have several challenging issues to address:


    First, we need to consider how we adapt to the polarised geopolitical environment and build the international support that mediation efforts need to bear fruit. If we cannot ensure consistent regional and international unity, how can we forge alignment in specific peace processes?


    Second, seizing opportunity requires us to be ready to support a broad range of mediation activities. The Security Council will, of course, mandate new peace efforts, and the Secretary-General and his representatives will continue to offer good offices.


    But we must also be ready to quickly and flexibly lend our support to promising initiatives by individual Member States – such as Norway’s efforts in Venezuela– and by regional organisations, ad-hoc coalitions of states, and local mediation actors.


    This Group of Friends will be a vital platform as we identify and tailor support to these formats for mediation and in the efforts to ensure unity of action across them.


    Finally, we must continue to prepare for new threats and adapt to the changing environment in which conflicts take place.


    In his remarks to the General Assembly on his priorities for 2022, the Secretary-General warned of a five-alarm global fire, where the climate crisis, lawlessness in digital space, and lack of peace and security are amongst the most pressing concerns of the day.


    In DPPA we have already been preparing for this reality, focusing efforts to ensure climate security and digital technologies form part of our conflict prevention efforts, and to better understand the opportunities and challenges they bring to peace – as drivers of conflict, and as entry points for collaboration, and inclusion.


    Ministers, Excellencies, Friends,


    The support from this Group of Friends to our work over the past decade has been invaluable. As we move forward and further develop our mediation practices, we look forward to continuing our collaboration.


    I thank you.


  • 1 Feb 2022

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  • 1 Feb 2022

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