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Reports and Policy Documents


  • 31 дек 2021

    This report looks back at our efforts in 2021 to advance political solutions and assist peace processes, mediation, and elections throughout the world. Much of this work would have been impossible without the strong financial support of our partners through the Multi-Year Appeal (MYA). Once more, the MYA has shown its distinctive value through projects and initiatives that respond quickly to the risk of violent conflict.

  • 31 дек 2021

    Cash transfers | WFP supports top-up cash transfers to 17,...

  • 31 дек 2021

    Conflict, health crises and the climate emergency may have dominated headlines this year but, behind the scenes, countless unsung heroes were working tirelessly to put the values of the UN into action. Here are some of the inspiring personal stories we featured on our UN News pages during 2021.

  • 30 дек 2021

    Armed conflict, inter-communal violence and insecurity continued to take a devastating toll on thousands of children throughout 2021, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), warned on Friday. 

  • 30 дек 2021

    Armed conflict, inter-communal violence and insecurity continued to take a devastating toll on thousands of children throughout 2021, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), warned on Friday. 

  • 29 дек 2021

    Read here the latest UNSOM Quarterly Newsletter.

  • 28 дек 2021

    Baidoa - The path to becoming a youth activist in Somalia can vary. For Jamila Haji Mohamed, it began while studying economics at Mogadishu University in the mid-2010s.


  • 28 дек 2021

    The Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, said on Tuesday that a recent military escalation in the country is “among the worst” in years and increasingly putting civilians in crosshairs. 

  • 28 дек 2021

    The Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, denounced the recent major military escalation in Yemen and called on the warring...

  • 28 дек 2021

    Long-running conflicts continued in Syria and Yemen this year, whilst fresh unrest caused serious instability in Myanmar, Afghanistan, Ethiopia and Sudan. United Nations "Blue Helmet" peacekeepers suffered losses and injuries, particularly those serving in the peacekeeping missions in Mali and the Central African Republic (CAR). Nevertheless, the UN reaffirmed its commitment to protect those caught up in the fighting.

  • 27 дек 2021

    UN peacekeepers in the Central African Republic (CAR) have ousted scores of militants from the embattled town of Boyo, in the south of the country.

  • 27 дек 2021

    Mogadishu - International partners* are following with deep concern the current situation and political developments. We call on Somalia’s leaders to put the country’s interests...

  • 27 дек 2021

    The UN Special Envoy on Myanmar has appealed for a New Year’s ceasefire following weeks of escalating violence in the country. 

  • 26 дек 2021

    Authorities in Myanmar must investigate a recent deadly attack against civilians in Kayah state, the UN humanitarian affairs chief Martin Griffiths said in a statement on Sunday.

  • 26 дек 2021

    New York, 27 December 2021

    COVID-19 demonstrated how quickly an infectious disease can sweep across the world, push health systems to the brink, and upend daily life for all of humanity.

    It also revealed our failure to learn the lessons of recent health emergencies like SARS, avian influenza, Zika, Ebola and others.

    And it reminded us that the...

  • 26 дек 2021

    Mogadishu – At the request of the Somali Government, the United Nations in Somalia has closed its passenger operations facility (known as MOVCON) at the Aden Adde...

  • 26 дек 2021

    Somalia has been riven by decades of conflict and extreme weather events but, says Adam Abdelmoula, the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in the country, there are signs of progress amidst a host of ongoing challenges.

  • 24 дек 2021

    In the wake of recent developments in northern Ethiopia, UN Secretary-General António Guterres on Saturday urged warring sides to seize the opportunity to bring an end to more than a year of fighting in the Tigray region.

  • 24 дек 2021
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 


    Lebanese leaders do not have the right to be divided and paralyze the country

    Secretary-General António Guterres, together with Under-Secretaries-General Rosemary DiCarlo and Jean-Pierre Lacroix of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, visited Lebanon this week to show solidarity and reaffirm the support of the entire UN family for the country. The delegation met with Government officials, including President Michel Aoun, Speaker Nabih Berri and Prime Minister Najib Mikati, as well as a number of religious leaders and civil society. They also paid tribute to the victims of the 2020 Beirut Port blast and undertook field visits to interact with people impacted by the numerous crises the country has been facing. The Secretary-General, during his last press conference before departing for New York, once again urged Lebanon’s political leaders to work to implement reforms that respond to the demands of the Lebanese people for greater welfare, accountability, protection and transparency in order to restore hope for a better future. 

    Read more here 

    Security Council

    Syria Envoy Pedersen: “Military solution remains an illusion”

    Geir Pedersen, Special Envoy for Syria, briefed the Security Council on 20 December. He said that we can only look back on 2021 as a year of deepening suffering of the Syrian people with continuing violence against civilians and systematic human rights abuses. He said that all parties confront a strategic stalemate on the ground that has now continued for 21 months, with no shifts in frontlines – making it increasingly clear that no existing actor or group of actors can determine the outcome of the conflict, and that a military solution remains an illusion. The Special Envoy also noted that he is ready to convene a seventh session of the Constitutional Committee in Geneva as soon as understandings are in place.

    Watch the briefing highlight here

    Wennesland: “It is crucial that all parties take immediate steps to lower tensions and restore calm”

    Briefing the Security Council on 21 December, Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Tor Wennesland expressed his continued concern over recent developments in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and in particular the deteriorating security situation. The Special Coordinator said, if left unchecked, the dynamics could also impact the security situation in Gaza and undermine the cessation of hostilities that has held there since May. He reiterated that it is crucial that all parties take immediate steps to lower tensions and restore calm, adding that we must act now to prevent yet another destructive and bloody round of violence from happening.

    Full remarks to the Security Council here

    Security Council unanimously adopts resolution 2615 (2021) on Afghanistan

    The Security Council unanimously adopted on 22 December resolution 2615 (2021), declaring that humanitarian assistance and other activities that support basic human needs in Afghanistan do not violate the UN sanctions regime against the Taliban. The humanitarian operations in Afghanistan are set to be the largest anywhere in the world in 2022, reaching some 22 million people.

    Read more here              

    Full resolution here

    Central Asia

    UNRCCA co-organizes regional forum on Women, Peace and Security

    On 20 December, the United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA), the Senate of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the UN Women Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia co-organized a Regional Forum on the implementation of Security Council resolution 1325 in Central Asia with the participation of women’s organizations from across the region. A number of recommendations were made by the participants at the end of the forum which include increasing women’s participation and representation; expanding youth-related work; financing of national action plans on resolution 1325; enhancing women’s role in countering global threats such as terrorism and violent extremism as well as climate change.

    Read more here

    Central Asia Women Leaders’ Caucus meets for annual meeting

    Natalia Gherman, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Central Asia and Head of UNRCCA, co-hosted on 21 December the annual meeting of the Central Asia Women Leaders’ Caucus (CAWLC). The meeting focused on CAWLC’s activities and achievements in 2021 and outlined main directions of work for the next year. Emphasizing the pertinence of the CAWLC, the Special Representative noted that the platform demonstrates the crucial importance of cooperation and solidarity. “The Women Leaders’ Caucus is a telling example of solidarity and expression of political will to support all women of the region,” said Gherman.

    Read more here


    Report on human rights and freedom of expression in Kurdistan region

    The Human Rights Office of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), together with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), issued on 22 December a report on human rights and freedom of expression in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. The report examines criminal justice proceedings in four emblematic cases in the Erbil Criminal Court. It sets out an evidence-based analysis of the administration of justice in Kurdistan and provides an assessment of risks individuals may face for exercising legitimate rights to freedom of expression. The report is available for download at the following links:

    English - https://bit.ly/3qaS7K4

    Arabic - https://bit.ly/3J4iGcN

    Kurdish - https://bit.ly/3yPlsxD


    Special Adviser Stephanie Williams continues discussion to advance electoral process

    Stephanie Williams, Special Adviser of the Secretary-General on Libya, continued her good offices and mediation efforts this week. She met with a number of presidential candidates, including Agila Saleh in Al-Quba and Aref Nayet, as part of her meetings with Libyan political actors to discuss ways to protect and advance the electoral process. She also met with President of the Presidential Council Mohamed Al-Menfi, and they stressed the importance of accelerating the national reconciliation process and the critical role of the Presidency Council. On 22 December, the Libyan High National Elections Commission (HNEC) requested that the House of Representatives set a new date for the first round of Presidential elections within a period of 30 days in accordance with the law, citing difficulties related to the inadequacies in the electoral legislation and the process of challenges and appeals related to the eligibility of candidates.

    Read more here


    UNITAMS Permanent Ceasefire Committee for Darfur chair visits Ed-Daein

    On 23 December, Chair of the Permanent Ceasefire Committee for Darfur (PCC) General Sandeep Bajaj of the United Nations Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS), paid a first visit to Ed-Daein, capital of East Darfur State, along with members of the PCC. The delegation interacted with the State’s Acting Wali and its security committee on the PCC’s functioning.


    Verification Mission supports recreational activities for children of former combatants in Cauca

    On 19 December, children of FARC former combatants, local indigenous, and community members participated in a recreational activity promoted by the Agency for Reintegration and Reincorporation (ARN), at the municipalities of Santander de Quilichao and Caloto, in the department of Cauca, with the support and participation of the UN Verification Mission in Colombia. This activity is part of the ARN programme “Pilot Project of Integral Development for Children and Adolescents", providing better educational opportunities for minors in crucial topics such as psychosocial development, arts and culture, and recreation.


    New episode of “She Stands for Peace”

    This week’s episode of UNOAU's podcast series on women in peace and political processes features Regional Director and Assistant Secretary-General for UNDP Regional Bureau for Africa Ahunna Eziakonwa. In this episode, she offers her insights on the application of a gender perspective to reconstruction and peacebuilding.

    Listen to the episode

    For more information on the podcast series, click here









    Subscribe to This Week in DPPA here

    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org

  • 23 дек 2021

    During a visit to help implement intra-Libyan political, security and economic dialogues and support recently postponed presidential and parliamentary elections, the UN envoy to the country issued a statement on Thursday, detailing her work over the last 10 days.

  • 23 дек 2021

    The Secretary-General takes note of the announcement on 22 December by the Libyan High National Elections Commission that a new date needs to be set by the House of Representatives for the first round...

  • 23 дек 2021

    Authorities in Sudan must protect boys and girls from violence, a senior official with the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said on Thursday, following recent deadly inter-communal clashes in West Darfur and protests in the capital, Khartoum.  

  • 23 дек 2021

    23 December 2021 

    At the request of the Secretary-General, I arrived in Libya on 12 December to lead United Nations good offices and mediation efforts and engagements with...

  • 23 дек 2021

    Mogadishu – Somalia’s international partners* welcome plans to hold an in-person National Consultative Council meeting focused on improving and expediting the electoral process. We...

  • 23 дек 2021

    MOSCOW, Russia

    On 21-22 December 2021, in Moscow (Russian Federation), the UNRCCA organized a...

  • 22 дек 2021

    The Security Council on Wednesday unanimously adopted a resolution clearing the way for aid to reach Afghans in desperate need of basic support, while preventing funds from falling into the hands of the Taliban, a move welcomed by the UN Emergency Relief Coordinator as a “milestone” decision that will save lives.

  • 21 дек 2021

    The UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) on Tuesday expressed concern over the unfolding security situation in the capital, Tripoli, where forces affiliated with different armed groups have been deploying. 

  • 21 дек 2021

    The deteriorating security situation in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, took centre stage at the Security Council on Tuesday as the UN Special Coordinator for the peace process in the region, expressed his “continued concern” over recent developments.

  • 21 дек 2021

    In Sudan, reports of serious sexual violence and the use of live ammunition against protesters at the weekend must be investigated immediately, the UN rights office, OHCHR, said on Tuesday.

  • 21 дек 2021

    TRIPOLI, 21 December 2021 – The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) is concerned about the unfolding security situation in Tripoli. The current mobilization of forces affiliated...

  • 21 дек 2021

    TASHKENT, Uzbekistan

    On 21 December, the Special Representative of the...

  • 20 дек 2021

    UN Photo-Eskinder Debebe



  • 20 дек 2021

    Now is the time to explore whether a political process in Syria can meaningfully move forward in 2022, UN Special Envoy Geir Pedersen told the Security Council on Monday. 

  • 20 дек 2021

  • 20 дек 2021

    Mogadishu/New York, 20 December 2021 – The United Nations and humanitarian partners have released the 2022 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) for Somalia — a country now facing its...

  • 20 дек 2021

    The UN’s Humanitarian Coordinator in South Sudan has strongly condemned the killing of a UN-contracted aid worker on Sunday, that also left another injured, after the convoy they were travelling in came under attack.

  • 20 дек 2021

    Mogadishu/New York, 20 December 2021 – The United Nations and humanitarian partners have released the 2022 Humanitarian...

  • 20 дек 2021

    Out now! Season 2 | Episode 18 | She Stands For Peace | Click here: https://unoau.unmissions.org/podcast-series-she-stands-peace...

  • 20 дек 2021

    TASHKENT, Uzbekistan

    On 20 December, the United Nations...

  • 20 дек 2021

    By United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres; His Beatitude Patriarch Bechara Boutros Rahi, Maronite Patriarch of Antioch and Head of the Maronite Church; His Eminence Abdul...

  • 20 дек 2021

    Edward Kallon, the outgoing UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Nigeria, is moving on after five years in the post. In this blog, Mr. Kallon reflects on the many challenges facing Africa’s most populous nation, the impact the UN has made on his watch, and the prospects for a prosperous, sustainable future.

  • 19 дек 2021

    UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres Meets Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri (UN Photo-Eskinder Debebe)

    Very good morning.

    We just had a...

  • 19 дек 2021

    UN Secretary-General-UNCT-Prime Minister Mikati and Cabinet (UN Photo-Eskinder Debebe)

    Dear Prime Minister Mikati

  • 19 дек 2021

    UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres Meets Prime Minister Najib Mikati (UN Photo-Eskinder Debebe)

    I would like to once again express my gratitude to Prime Minister...

  • 19 дек 2021

    When I was High Commissioner for Refugees, I came many times to Lebanon and I could see the solidarity of the people of Lebanon with so many refugees. I believe this is the moment for us all in the...

  • 18 дек 2021

    Dakar, 17 December 2021- The United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), organized on 16 and 17 December 2021, a...

  • 18 дек 2021

    Secretary-General António Guterres received the Lamp of Peace award on Saturday, a major honour from the Catholic Church, which he said recognizes the work of UN personnel “striving for peace around the world”.

  • 17 дек 2021
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 

    Security Council

    DiCarlo: No viable alternative to the full and effective implementation of the JCPOA 

    Under-Secretary-General (USG) Rosemary DiCarlo briefed the Security Council on 14 December on Iran and the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). She reiterated the Secretary-General’s message that there is simply no viable alternative to the full and effective implementation of the JCPOA. In this regard, together with the Secretary-General, USG DiCarlo appealed to the United States to lift or waive its sanctions as outlined in the Plan and extend the waivers regarding the oil trade with Iran. She also called on Iran to reverse the steps it has taken that are not consistent with its nuclear-related commitments under the Plan.

    Read more here

    Full remarks at the Security Council here

    Yemen envoy Grundberg: “Restraint, de-escalation and dialogue are urgently needed now”

    Briefing the Security Council on 14 December, Special Envoy for Yemen Hans Grundberg reported on the “considerable” escalation of the conflict following the evacuation of the Joint Forces from large parts of Hudaydah governorate. The Special Envoy said he remains concerned about the possibility of urban warfare in Ma’rib and stressed that military options will not result in sustainable solutions. He reiterated that a comprehensive inclusive political approach was needed and called on the parties to grant him unconditional and regular access.

    Full remarks at the Security Council here

    ‘An opportune moment’ to intensify cooperation to defeat violent extremism in Central Africa

    François Louncény Fall, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Regional Office for Central Africa (UNOCA), briefed the Security Council on 15 December on the situation in the subregion and the activities of UNOCA. On the Boko Haram and Islamic State in West Africa Province (ISWAP) threats in the Lake Chad Basin, he said it is the right moment to increase international support to national and regional efforts to defeat these groups as their activities seem to have been weakened by military operations. On climate change, he noted that UNOCA will continue to dedicate attention to this global priority and its potential linkages to peace and security, in partnership with other actors in the subregion.

    Watch the briefing highlights here


    Special Representative meets former President Karzai

    Deborah Lyons, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) met on 13 December the former President of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai in Kabul. They exchanged views on the humanitarian and economic situation. The Special Representative reaffirmed the UN's continued on-the-ground support to the Afghan people.


    Special Representative discusses political situation post-elections

    This week, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert continued discussions on Iraq’s stability. In Amman, she met with Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi. The following day on 13 December, she met with Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein in Baghdad. On 14 December, she met with the leader of the Azm Alliance, Khamis al-Khanjar, and discussed the political situation including the result of the recently held parliamentary elections. In Baghdad on 15 December, she met with the leader of the Taqadoum Alliance, Mohammed al-Halbousi. 

    Capacity building workshop for youth on strengthening political engagement 

    On 11 December, a closing session of the capacity building workshops on youth political engagement took place in Baghdad. UNAMI, in coordination with the Committee for Dialogue and Societal Peace (CDSP) in the Prime Minister’s Office, had organized ten thematic participatory workshops between August and December 2021 to build the capacities of 50 youth from across Iraq on political participation. In his opening remarks, Director of the UNAMI Office of Political Affairs Mohammed Al-Najjar affirmed the important role of Iraqi youth as catalysts for change. “UNAMI will continue to support the Iraqi people for real reform and sustainable development,” said the Director.

    Read more here

    Human rights training for law enforcement

    The UN Office of Counter-Terrorism and the UNAMI Human Rights Office held a human rights training for Iraqi law enforcement officials from 12-13 December. The event focused on the promotion and protection of human rights standards during investigative interviewing, procedural safeguards to prevent torture and ill-treatment as well as best practices regarding the treatment of women and children.

    Read more here

    UNAMI discusses rights of persons with disabilities

    The UNAMI Kirkuk office met on 15 December with the representatives of People with Disabilities. The representatives shared the challenges experienced in the sectors of employment, education, health and access to social services and made recommendations to address them. They further asked UNAMI to advocate for the full implementation of Law 38 (2013) on the Care of Persons with Disabilities and Special Needs, and the Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) for the protection of their rights. 

    Central Asia

    Central Asian Parliamentarians discusses action plans for addressing terrorism 

    On 14-15 December, UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA) convened the roundtable, “The Role of Parliamentarians in the Implementation of National Action Plans for Addressing Terrorism and Violent Extremism Conducive to Terrorism”, in partnership with the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) and its Programme Office in Doha. The hybrid meeting, participated by more than 60 officials, aimed to empower the Central Asian parliamentarians in elaborating and implementing national strategies and plans for addressing violent extremism through knowledge-sharing and establishing regional contacts. Opening the meeting, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNRCCA Natalia Gherman underlined that prevention of violent extremism and countering terrorism are among top priority areas of UNRCCA engagement in the region.

    Read more here


    Special Adviser Stephanie Williams arrives in Tripoli

    Stephanie Williams, Special Adviser for Libya, arrived in Tripoli on 12 December to lead the good offices and mediation efforts in close coordination with the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL). Over the past few days, she has met a broad range of Libyan interlocutors – including political, security and civil society representatives - throughout the country. She will work to help Libyans sustain the momentum created for national elections in support of the holding of presidential and parliamentary elections.

    Read more here

    West Africa and the Sahel

    Regional seminar on peacebuilding and conflict resolution

    The UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) organized a regional seminar on the "Contribution of religious and traditional actors to peacebuilding, conflict prevention and resolution in West Africa and the Sahel" from 16 to 17 December. The regional seminar aimed to promote the involvement of religious and traditional leaders in peacebuilding efforts. A network between religious actors, civil society and decision-makers is to be launched after the meeting.

    Read more here


    Special Representative discusses ongoing electoral process

    James Swan, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) met on 16 December with Somali civil society representatives to hear their views on the ongoing electoral process. They discussed points to improve to ensure credible, free and fair elections, including better access for independent observers throughout the process. On 14 December, the Special Representative held a meeting with international donors as well as federal and state electoral implementations teams where they underscored the need for ensuring credible and widely accepted elections process. 

    Great Lakes region

    Special Envoy Xia takes part in discussion on non-military measures against negative forces in DRC

    Huang Xia, Special Envoy for the Great Lakes region, took part of the multi-stakeholder expert discussion in Goma on 14 December. The meeting marked the start of the Operational Cell of the Contact and Coordination Group where the experts met to define a ‘modus operandi’ of the Group to coordinate non-military activities against negative forces in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. 


    Former combatants participate in reconciliation fair in Icononzo

    On 15 December, in Icononzo, Tolima, the UN Verification Mission supported the municipality's first "Reconciliation Fair." The second collection of the "Avanza" brand, a clothing workshop made up of former combatants, was launched at the event, with several companies from the municipality also present. Currently, more than 200 former combatants of the FARC-EP carry out their reintegration process in Icononzo. It is the closest to the Colombian capital, Bogotá, after a three-hour journey on a narrow road. The UN Development Programme as well as the Mayor's Office, Colombian Government Agency for Reintegration, and the National Council for Reintegration also participated in the event.

    DPPA Donor Group Meeting 

    DPPA met with its member State donors on 15 December to discuss the latest Multi-Year Appeal. During a virtual session hosted by the Permanent Mission of Norway, our colleagues presented a year-end update on its activities and funding. Donors also heard an overview of the UN’s mediation support in 2021, including the deployments of the Standby Team of mediation experts.


    ECOSOC-PBC meeting on COVID-19 pandemic, peacebuilding and sustainable development

    Addressing the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) Ambassadors on 15 December, Deputy Secretary-General Amina J. Mohammed stressed that the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, rising poverty and hunger, and persistent conflicts are threatening our ability to deliver on the promise of a better life for people and a healthy planet as set out in Agenda 2030. This year’s annual ECOSOC-PBC meeting heard from IMF Deputy Managing Director Antoinette Sayeh; World Bank Managing Director of Operations Axel van Trotsenburg; and private sector representatives from Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Mali. The ECOSOC and PBC members affirmed their commitment to working together in promoting coherence among UN development, humanitarian, human rights, and political actors, with women and girls at the center. They called for more action to promote vaccine equity and stressed the role of South-South cooperation (SSC) and advance long-term goals of economic recovery and peacebuilding. Recognizing the need to ensure adequate funding, especially for the Peacebuilding Fund, the Joint Sustainable Development Goals Fund, and UN Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), they also echoed the DSG’s call for a shift to a funding architecture that incentivizes collaboration and impact at scale. They welcomed ongoing United Nations efforts to enhance partnerships with civil society organizations, particularly women peacebuilders, and encouraged continuation of efforts for shared risk analysis.


    Watch full remarks by the DSG here

    Gender and Youth Promotion Initiative: Record number projects and sum approved  

    The annual PBF Gender and Youth Promotion Initiative (GYPI), launched in May, calls for proposals promoting the positive engagement of women and youth in peacebuilding. The GYPI focuses on promoting meaningful participation of women and youth in local peacebuilding, prioritizing the promotion and protection of civic spaces (notably regarding land, indigenous peoples and environmental issues) and promotion and strengthening of mental health and psychosocial well-being for women and youth as part of local peacebuilding processes. The PBF received a total of 275 applications, totaling USD 309 million, from UN agencies and CSOs in the 25 eligible countries. A record number of 38 projects, totaling $51.5 million, in 23 countries were approved this year; 19 of which focused on gender ($25.7 mil) and 19 on youth ($25.7 mil).  

    Group of Friends meeting

    The fourth quarter PBF Group of Friends meeting was held on 16 December, hosted by the United Kingdom (Group co-chair) with over thirty Member States in attendance. Brian Williams, Chief of Peacebuilding Support Office’s Financing for Peacebuilding Branch, briefed on the Fund’s status, noting how PBF was close to reaching its $200 million approval target for 2021, including a record $51.5 million for this year’s Gender and Youth Promotion Initiatives. Recent new donor commitments have enabled the Fund to reach over $590 million in contributions and pledges for its five-year Strategy; over a third of the $1.5 billion target two years into the Strategy. PBSO further briefed on UN-World Bank partnership and key insights from the recently published PBF Thematic Review on Gender-Responsive Peacebuilding. Member States commended the Fund’s thematic review practice. Switzerland and Canada shared how their recent contribution increases and shifts to multi-year commitments were achieved and encouraged sharing of financing practices among donors in the run-up to the General Assembly High-Level event on financing for peacebuilding in 2022. The Group will reconvene in the next quarter at the Ambassador-level Group of Friends meeting.

    Next Week

    Special Envoy Geir O. Pedersen will brief the Security Council on Syria on Monday, 20 December. Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Tor Wennesland will brief on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian Question, on Tuesday, 21 December.


    Subscribe to This Week in DPPA by clicking here

    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org

  • 17 дек 2021

    Elections next year will be key to a better future for Lebanon, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Friday ahead of an official visit to the country later this weekend.  

  • 17 дек 2021

    New York, 18 December 2021

    On this International Migrants Day, we recognize the contributions of migrants across the world in the face of many struggles including the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Migrants continue to face widespread stigmatization, inequalities, xenophobia, and racism. Migrant women and girls face heightened risk of gender-based violence and have fewer options to seek support...