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Reports and Policy Documents


  • 4 Apr 2021

    Mogadishu – The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Somalia, James Swan, condemned yesterday’s attacks against the Somali National Army bases in Barire and Awdhegle towns in Lower Shabelle region...

  • 4 Apr 2021

    Read here the latest UNSOM Quarterly Newsletter.

  • 4 Apr 2021

    United Nations Office to the African Union...

  • 4 Apr 2021

    United Nations Office to the African Union

    Statement by SRSG...

  • 4 Apr 2021

    Thanks to the bravery and hard work of deminers such as Fezeh Rezaye, the Afghan province of Bamyan has been declared free from mines. On International Mine Awareness Day, she shares her story.

  • 3 Apr 2021



  • 2 Apr 2021

    A deadly attack on Friday against peacekeepers serving with the UN mission in Mali, MINUSMA, has been condemned in the strongest terms by the UN Secretary-General.

  • 2 Apr 2021

    The United Nations Secretary-General has called on the international community to recommit to the target of a mine-free world, urging efforts to “make this the last decade when we need to devote ourselves to this task”. 

  • 2 Apr 2021

    COVID-19 Response | UNICEF supports COVID-19 vaccines arrival in...

  • 2 Apr 2021

    Senior United Nations officials on Thursday strongly condemned the ongoing violence by Myanmar’s security forces against civilians, including children, as the members of the Security Council expressed alarm at the rapidly deteriorating situation in the country. 

  • 2 Apr 2021

    Video Credit: United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS) - Established in 1997, the UNMAS leads, coordinates and implements activities to mitigate the threat posed by mines, explosive remnants of war and...

  • 1 Apr 2021

    The perseverance, painstaking patience, concentration and stamina of the men and women who clear land mines and other explosive remnants of war around the world is being recognized in a new photo exhibition launched by the UN.

  • 1 Apr 2021

    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 

    Security Council

    Schraner Burgener: “Significant action” needed by the Security Council on Myanmar

    Christine Schraner Burgener, Special Envoy on Myanmar, appealed to the Security Council on 31 March to “consider all available tools to take collective action and do what is right, what the people of Myanmar deserve.” She asked Council members to overcome “caution and disagreement” while there is “still time to avoid the worst outcome.”

    Read more here


    Secretary-General appoints Joanna Wronecka as Special Coordinator

    The Secretary-General has appointed Joanna Wronecka of Poland as his new Special Coordinator for Lebanon and Head of UNSCOL. She brings to the position over 25 years of experience in diplomacy, international security, and Middle East affairs, serving since 2017 as the Permanent Representative of Poland to the United Nations. 


    Special Envoy visits Tripoli

    Ján Kubiš, Special Envoy for Libya and Head of UNSMIL, visited Tripoli this week. He met with various stakeholders to discuss ways to expedite the process of finding a constitutional and legal framework to ensure the holding of the national elections on 24 December 2021. Among others, he held talks with House of Representative Speaker Agila Saleh, Chief Justice Mohamed Al-Qamoudi Alhafi, Head of High National Election Commission Emad Al-Sayah, and Minister of Interior Khaled al Tijani Maazen. He also met with the Head of the High Council (HCS) of State, Khaled Al-Meshri.


    Special Representative meets the President of Kyrgyzstan

    Natalia Gherman, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Central Asia and Head of UNRCCA, met Sadyr Japarov, President of the Kyrgyz Republic, on 30 March to discuss the political and socioeconomic reform process in the context of the upcoming constitutional referendum and elections. The Special Representative said the UN is closely following developments in the country. She also underlined the importance of conducting reforms in an inclusive and transparent manner and proposed to establish a UN-Kyrgyzstan human rights dialogue.

    Read more here


    Special Representative attends the Heart of Asia - Istanbul Process Ministerial Conference

    Special Representative Natalia Gherman took part on 30 March in the 9th Heart of Asia-Istanbul Process Ministerial Conference “Strengthening Consensus for Peace and Development”, organized by the Governments of Tajikistan and Afghanistan. In her address, she indicated that the Central Asian states have a common understanding regarding the future of Afghanistan and support the ongoing peace process.

    Read more here    


    UNSOM celebrates the start of COVAX vaccination campaign in Galmudug

    Adam Abdelmoula, Deputy Special Representative and the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia, visited on 29 March the Hanano Hospital in Dhushamareb, Galmudug State of Somalia, to officially hand over three solar-powered oxygen plants to the Galmudug Ministry of Health. “Oxygen is a smart investment and is essential for saving lives for all emergency medical conditions,” said Abdelmoula during the handover ceremony. “The right investment now will help in the future not only for COVID-19 treatment but also all the diseases that warrant supplemental oxygenation therapy, such as pneumonia,” he added.

    Read more here


    Community-based reintegration advances in the Catatumbo region

    Former combatants and local communities from the Catatumbo sub-region in the North Santander department inaugurated a buffalo cattle-raising project in the reintegration area of Caño Indio on 27 March. With the support of the United Nations Multi-Donor Fund and bringing together the international community and local authorities, the project aims at rebuilding the social fabric of the region. 

    Next Week

    Special Envoy Huang Xia will update The Security Council on the Great Lakes region on Wednesday, 7 April. The Council will hold an open debate on mine action on Thursday, 8 April. 



    Subscribe to This Week in DPPA by clicking here

    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org

  • 1 Apr 2021

    Secretary-General appoints Ms. Joanna Wronecka of Poland

  • 1 Apr 2021

    Secretary-General appoints Ms. Joanna Wronecka of Poland

  • 1 Apr 2021

    “With the conclusion of the candidate submissions to the Central Elections Commission, I am encouraged by the completion of this important step of the nomination process for the upcoming Palestinian Legislative Council elections. This is welcome progress.

    I call on all actors to respect the electoral process and resolve any disputes in a peaceful manner through official legal mechanisms. All must work towards...

  • 1 Apr 2021

    Michael Hands is the Mine Action Officer at the United Nations Office to the African Union. Ahead of International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action, Mr....

  • 1 Apr 2021

    Michael Hands is the Mine Action Officer at the United Nations Office to the African Union. Ahead of International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine...

  • 1 Apr 2021

    The United Nations human rights office (OHCHR) and the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) have called on Myanmar’s neighbouring countries to offer refuge and protection to all those fleeing violence and persecution as the crisis in Myanmar enters its third month.

  • 1 Apr 2021

    The United Nations human rights office (OHCHR) and the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) have called on Myanmar’s neighbouring countries to offer refuge and protection to all those fleeing violence and persecution, as the crisis in Myanmar enters its third month.

  • 31 Mar 2021

    Widespread, systemic attacks on civilians in Myanmar orchestrated by leaders of the military coup, demand a “firm, unified and resolute international response”, UN Special Envoy Christine Schraner Burgener said on Wednesday. 

  • 31 Mar 2021

    UN-appointed independent rights experts on Wednesday raised concerns over the recruitment and use of private military and foreign security contractors by the Government of the Central African Republic, and their apparent close contacts with UN peacekeepers there.

  • 31 Mar 2021

    Transcript of the Special Envoy’s Interview with BBC 

    27 March 2021 - Tripoli


    BBC Reporter: Thank you very much for...

  • 31 Mar 2021

    Dear Partners and Friends,

    It is an honour to present the first edition of UNOAU’s Quarterly Newsletter for 2021, featuring several highlights and UNOAU initiatives, such as the launch of the book” She Stands for Peace,” the “She Stands for Peace”podcast series, the election of a new AU Commission and commemoration of International Women’s Day.

    The last few months have certainly...

  • 31 Mar 2021

    DUSHANBE, Tajikistan

    On 30 March, Special Representative of...

  • 31 Mar 2021

    KABUL – Calls for the increased protection of women’s rights, access to education and women’s inclusion in peace talks dominated discussions in the latest series of UN-backed...

  • 30 Mar 2021

    The 2023 electoral process in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) will mark “a new critical stage” in the country’s journey to democratic transition and stabilization, UN Special Representative Bintou Keita said on Tuesday in her first briefing to the Security Council. 

  • 30 Mar 2021

    In a statement released on Tuesday, the UN peacekeeping mission in Mali (MINUSMA) has concluded that a 3 January French military airstrike on the central Malian village of Bounty, hit a group largely made up of civilians, killing several of them.

  • 30 Mar 2021

    SE Kubis meeting with HoR Speaker Agila Salehin al-Qubba - 30 March 2021

  • 30 Mar 2021

    Dhusamareb, Galmudug – The Deputy Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General and the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia, Adam Abdelmoula, and...

  • 30 Mar 2021

    Dhusamareb - Galmudug State initiated yesterday the COVAX vaccination campaign with the State Vice-President, Ali Dahir Eid, the Speaker of...

  • 30 Mar 2021

    BISHKEK, Kyrgyzstan

    On March 30, Natalia Gherman, Special Representative...

  • 30 Mar 2021

    ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan

    On 29 March 2021, the United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia took part in the International Youth Forum for...

  • 29 Mar 2021

    Now is not the moment to reduce humanitarian aid to Syria, the UN Emergency Relief Coordinator told the Security Council on Monday, stressing that after 10 years of conflict, more support was needed to avoid further “dramatic and widespread” deterioration. 

  • 29 Mar 2021

    Three years since the UN Secretary-General launched his Action for Peacekeeping (A4P) initiative to strengthening peacekeeping operations worldwide, “significant progress” has been made “but our work is far from done”, the peacekeeping chief said on Monday. 

  • 29 Mar 2021

    TRIPOLI, 29 March 2021 - Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Libya, and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (...

  • 29 Mar 2021

    BISHKEK, Kyrgyzstan

    On 27 March 2021, SRSG Natalia Gherman and the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr...

  • 28 Mar 2021

    Two senior UN officials denounced on Sunday, “systematic” attacks on peaceful demonstrators in Myanmar and flagged that the international community has a responsibility to protect the people from atrocities. 

  • 28 Mar 2021

    At the request of the African Union Commission (AUC), UNOAU continued to provide technical support and advice to the ongoing Training of Trainers (TOT) Generic Police Pre-Deployment Training (PPDT) course for the ECOWAS at the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Center in Accra, Ghana.

    The training course, which was scheduled for 14-28 March and funded by the British Peace Support Team-Africa (BPST-A),...

  • 27 Mar 2021

    The UN chief condemned in the strongest terms, the killing of dozens of civilians, including children and young people, by security forces in Myanmar on Saturday. 

  • 27 Mar 2021

    TRIPOLI, 27 March 2021 – The UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), Ján Kubiš, held yesterday a virtual meeting of the...

  • 27 Mar 2021

    TRIPOLI, 27 March 2021 -The Special Envoy Special Envoy and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), Ján Kubiš held yesterday a meeting with a...

  • 27 Mar 2021

    26 March 2021

    Esteemed Members of the LPDF,

    Many thanks that you...

  • 27 Mar 2021

    New York, 27 March 2021

    We need to make peace with nature.

    Without nature’s help, we cannot thrive or even survive on this planet Earth.

    Climate disruption, biodiversity loss and pollution threaten lives, jobs and health.

    It’s time to re-...

  • 26 Mar 2021

    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world.

    Security Council

    Lyons: “Any peace settlement must take into account the views and the concerns of all Afghans”

    Deborah Lyons, Special Representative for Afghanistan and Head of UNAMA, briefed the Security Council on 23 March on the situation in Afghanistan and the UN’s support for the Afghan peace process. “Afghans are not just ready for peace, they are demanding it,” she said. “And all sides need to stop the violence and need the violence to stop”, she added “Any peace settlement must take into account the views and the concerns of all Afghans.”

    Full statement to the Council here

    Kubiš: “It is up to the Libyan leaders to demonstrate the will to honor the pledges and commitments under the LPDF Roadmap”

    Ján Kubiš, Special Envoy on Libya and Head of UNSMIL, reported to the Security Council on 24 March on Libya for the first time since his appointment in January. “Moving forward, we all need to assist and encourage the new executive authority, the House of Representative and the High Council of State to pursue an inclusive political process, to fulfill the objectives set by the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF) and to maintain momentum on all intra-Libyan tracks, which need to continue working in a mutually-reinforcing manner,” he said.

    Full statement to the Council here

    Wennesland: “in pursuit of achieving the vision of two States”

    Tor Wennesland, Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, briefed the Security Council on 25 March on continued Israeli settlement activity in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and other developments between Israel and Palestine. “I am deeply concerned by continued Israeli settlement expansion, particularly into highly sensitive areas, which entrench the Israeli occupation, erode the possibility of a contiguous, independent and viable Palestinian State and further threaten the prospect of achieving a two-State solution,” he said.

    Full statement to the Council here

    West Africa and the Sahel

    Secretary-General appoints Annadif Khatir Mahamat Saleh as Special Representative 

    The Secretary-General has appointed Annadif Khatir Mahamat Saleh of Chad as his new Special Representative for West Africa and the Sahel and Head of UNOWAS. He brings to the position extensive national and international experience having taken part in several peace processes in Africa, including Niger, the Central African Republic, and Sudan.


    Special Envoy visits Oman

    Martin Griffiths, Special Envoy on Yemen, is visiting Oman from 25-29 March. On 26 March, he met with Abdusalam Salah, Official Spokesperson for Ansar Allah. They discussed the urgency to agree on opening Sana'a airport and easing restrictions on Hudaydah ports, entering a nationwide ceasefire, and resuming the political dialogue under a UN framework to pave the way for sustainable peace.


    Special Envoy arrives in Tripoli

    Ján Kubiš, Special Envoy for Libya, arrived in Tripoli on 23 March to conduct a series of meetings with various Libyan stakeholders this week. He met, among others, with the leadership of the Presidency Council, the Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He affirmed the unified support of the UN and the international community to the Libyan people as well as to the new leadership to meet their commitments within the timeframe defined by the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF). He will work to expedite the implementation of the LPDF Roadmap, including mobilizing the required support and resources to hold national elections on the 24th of December 2021.

    Read more here


    UN Mission supports a truth encounter between former combatants and victims of the conflict in Cauca

    On 20 March, the UN Mission in Colombia assisted the Truth Commission in organizing an event titled, “Encounter for the Truth: Recognition for Life: Caldono tells the Truth” in Caldono municipality, Cauca, southwestern Colombia. Former FARC-EP combatants voluntarily acknowledged their responsibility to victims in this region. The Governor's Office of Cauca, the Mayor's Office of Caldono, the Special Unit for the Search for Persons Deemed as Missing, representatives of the peasant, Nasa, and Misak indigenous victims, and members of religious communities participated in the event.  

    Read more here


    Special Representative meets federal member state leaders

    James Swan, Special Representative for Somalia, continued meetings in the past week with federal member state leaders of Galmudug, Jubaland Hirshabelle, and Puntland in preparation for the Mogadishu summit. He spoke with Southwest leaders and the opposition representatives as part of wide consultation to urge necessary compromises to reach an agreement on electoral process implementation for the upcoming elections. 


    Radio campaign by UNAMA field offices to encourage dialogue and discussion

    UNAMA field offices in Herat, Jalalabad, Kandahar, Kunduz, and Mazar-e Sharif organized a radio campaign this week as part of a countrywide outreach programme to create platforms - using radio, television and social media - where Afghans can engage in dialogue and discuss critical issues affecting their communities. In the series of discussions on civilians’ plight in Afghanistan’s decades-long conflict, participants said the increase in attacks on public places frequented by civilians is a reality and a ceasefire is the most direct way to protect civilians from harm. “Protecting civilian life from the conflict and, ultimately, ending the war must be priorities for groups and communities in Afghanistan”, said one participant in the radio campaign.

    Read more here


    UNAMI hosts a virtual event featuring short films on human rights

    UNAMI Human Rights, the Iraqi Prime Minister’s Office and the Racial Discrimination Commissioner from the Iraqi High Commission for Human Rights co-facilitated a virtual event to mark the International Day on Elimination of Racial Discrimination. The event featured four short films by young Iraqi filmmakers in keeping with this year’s theme “Youth standing up against racism and discrimination.” Participants emphasized the simplicity and power of the films in demonstrating how discrimination occurs and can be challenged, and the need for TV networks to broadcast such content and the importance of a state-sponsored awareness-raising campaign. 

    Read more here  

    Deputy Special Representative speaks at NATO workshop on gender and civilian protection  

    Irena Vojáčková-Sollorano, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq and Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq (DSRSG/RC/HC), and Danielle Bell, Chief of the UNAMI Human Rights Office (HRO), participated in a virtual workshop on gender and protection of civilians organized by the Allied Joint Force Command Naples of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) on 22 March. “Participation of women in reconstruction and peacebuilding is a key element to reconciliation and to the national action plan on 1325. The United Nations in Iraq is supporting the Government in implementing the commitments under the Women, Peace, and Security agenda which is intimately connected to Sustainable Development Goal 5 on women and girls’ empowerment”, said DSRSG/RC/HC.

    UNAMI HRO Chief discusses conditions of detention in Nasiriyah Central Prison with Minister of Justice 

    UNAMI HRO Danielle Bell met Judge Salar Abdul Sattar Mohamed, Minister of Justice, on 23 March to discuss cooperation in promoting human rights in the administration of justice and conditions of detention, including in the Nasiriyah Central Prison.


    UNRCCA announces Youth Contest “Preventive Diplomacy Ambassador”

    For the third consecutive year, UNRCCA is sponsoring an international youth contest, “Preventive Diplomacy Ambassador”, to build capacity in preventive diplomacy among young people aged between 18-29 residing in the border areas of the Central Asian states and Afghanistan. The project flows from the 2030 Youth Strategy and the UN Security Council Resolution on Youth, Peace, and Security. The contest offers the candidates selected a unique opportunity to take part in online training on preventive diplomacy, conflict prevention strategy, intercultural communication, leadership skills and public speaking skills. The application deadline is 30 April 2021.

    For more information


    PBC participation in the WTO Trade for Peace Network

    At the invitation of the World Trade Organization (WTO), the Chair of the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC), Mohamed Edrees, participated in the Inaugural Meeting of the Trade for Peace (T4P) Network on 25 March. The T4P was launched at the 11th WTO Ministerial Conference in Buenos Aires in December 2017 to promote a multilateral trading system as a pathway to development and sustainable peace. The Network would serve as a dedicated platform for policymakers and experts to explore the nexus between the multilateral trading system, peace and security, including by identifying areas of collaboration and actions by its members. In his intervention, the Chair explained the role of the PBC and presented recent results, while also noting numerous opportunities for collaboration between WTO and the PBC in support of countries under the consideration of the Commission which also seek accession to the WTO.

    Next week

    Special Envoy Geir O. Pedersen will update the Security Council on Syria on Monday, 29 March. Also on Syria, the General Assembly will hold an informal meeting on 30 March to hear a briefing from the Secretary-General. On 1 April, Vietnam will take over the presidency of the Security Council for the month. 



    Subscribe to This Week in DPPA by clicking here

    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org

  • 26 Mar 2021

    The 52nd round of the Geneva International Discussions (GID) took place in the Palais des Nations on 25 and 26 March 2021. The meeting was held in person, with all requisite pandemic mitigation measures in place.

    All participants reiterated the importance of, and their commitment to, the GID process. Two separate working groups focused on security and humanitarian issues. The security situation on the ground was assessed as relatively calm and stable. Participants reviewed a number of issues including detention cases, missing persons, freedom of movement, and the security situation in certain areas.

    Particular focus was given to the core agenda item of non-use of force and international security arrangements. Participants had a frank and open exchange of views on the matter.

    As the global COVID-19 pandemic continues, the GID Co-Chairs and participants focused on the needs and concerns of conflict-affected people. Participants also discussed possibilities for joint efforts to address the pandemic and mitigate its impact on the humanitarian and socio-economic situations, and threats to livelihoods.

    Since some participants walked out, a discussion on the core issue of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and refugees could not take place.

    The Co-Chairs welcomed the continued utilisation of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM) in Ergneti and emphasised the need to resume regular meetings of the Gali IPRM as soon as possible.

    While concerns remain about freedom of movement, the Co-Chairs welcomed some steps taken to facilitate crossings in order to give vulnerable people access to social benefits, pensions and medical care.

    Aspects of the “Women, Peace and Security” framework were also discussed. In this context, the Co-Chairs underscored that conflict has a different impact on women and men.

    The Co-Chairs again called on all participants to increase efforts to build trust and confidence among them, to address all elements of comprehensive security, and to ensure constructive co-operation with international humanitarian and human rights organisations.

    The participants agreed to hold their next meeting in Geneva on 29 and 30 June 2021.

  • 26 Mar 2021

    TRIPOLI, 26 March 2021 - The UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), Ján Kubiš accompanied...

  • 26 Mar 2021

    Bogotá, 26 March 2021. The United Nations Verification Mission in Colombia condemns the car bomb attack outside the Mayor's offices in Corinto, Cauca, which left dozens of people injured, including municipal officials and community members.

    The Mission rejects this and all of the recent violence which has taken place in Cauca department and other regions of the country.

    The Mission calls for the implementation of concrete measures for the comprehensive...

  • 26 Mar 2021

    The military in Myanmar has turned on citizens and is putting the nation’s future at risk, the UN Special Envoy for the country warned on Friday in a statement issued on the eve of the annual celebration of Armed Forces Day. 

  • 25 Mar 2021

    The report contains summary findings and recommendations drawn from four lessons-learned studies and two evaluations on a wide range of themes such as boundary dispute between Equatorial Guinea and Gabon; UN support to local mediation; UN transition in mission settings; Value-for-Money assessment of the MYA etc.

    To strengthen the Department’s accountability and organizational learning, DPPA commissions several evaluative exercises every year. Such exercises are confidential and cannot be shared in their entirety, but DPPA is committed to widely disseminate the executive summaries.