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  • 22 Feb 2020

    More than 10,000 civilians in Afghanistan were killed and injured last year, according to a new United Nations report that details record-high levels of civilian harm in the ongoing conflict.

  • 22 Feb 2020

    KABUL - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) is extremely concerned by the events that are ongoing to replace government officials.

    Resorting to force or any other...

  • 22 Feb 2020

    KABUL/GENEVA - Parties to the conflict in Afghanistan killed and injured more than 10,000 civilians in 2019, according to a new United Nations report that describes continuing record-high levels of civilian harm in...

  • 21 Feb 2020

    NEW YORK - The Secretary-General welcomes the announced nationwide reduction of violence in Afghanistan, which is the result of talks between the United States and the Taliban, as well as...

  • 21 Feb 2020

    Cheap and easily accessible small arms are increasingly becoming the “weapon of choice” for many terrorist groups, the UN counter-terrorism chief told an event on Friday aimed to raise awareness of the nexus between terrorism, organized crime and illicit small arms trafficking.

  • 21 Feb 2020

    Four senior UN officials issued a joint statement on Friday deploring the continued human rights abuses committed against civilians, including women and children, in the south-west and north-west regions of Cameroon.

  • 21 Feb 2020

    In a tersely delivered statement on Friday, the UN Secretary-General appealed for an end to the “man-made humanitarian nightmare” currently unfolding in Syria, where ongoing military operations in the north-west have displaced hundreds of thousands amid bitter winter temperatures. 

  • 21 Feb 2020

    15 - 21 February 2020

    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world.

    Security Council

    Peace in Yemen cannot be taken for granted  
    Yemen Envoy Martin Griffiths briefed the UN Security Council on 18 February. He warned about an escalation in fighting between the parties and told Council members that he was distressed by “reports of the dozens and possibly hundreds of civilian casualties, displacement of families and damage to schools and hospitals.“ “The parties have reassured me many times of their belief in a peaceful, political solution to this conflict,” he said. “But peace cannot be taken for granted. It requires continuous commitment and the nurturing of a political process to make it happen. The escalation…directly contradicts the parties’ desire to move in that direction.”  
    Read his full remarks here 
    Read more in UN News 

    Ceasefire violations in Ukraine deeply concerning  
    Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo  updated the Council on the situation Eastern Ukraine on 18 February. " Today’s disturbing reports of major ceasefire violations across the contact line near Zolote, including alleged use of heavy weapons, are deeply disturbing and a stark reminder that in the absence of sustained political will, there is a very real risk of backsliding and further violence," Ms. DiCarlo said.  "This conflict continues to exact an unacceptable humanitarian toll on the Ukrainian population, " the Under-Secretary-General concluded.  
    Read her full remarks here 
    Read more in UN News  


    Critical situation in northwestern Syria  
    Syria Envoy Geir O. Pedersen briefed the Council on 19 February, highlighting the situation in and around Idlib. "I appeal once again for full respect for international humanitarian law and for an immediate ceasefire in Idlib, ultimately towards a nationwide ceasefire,” Mr. Pedersen said. The rapidly deteriorating situation in northwestern Syria was the backdrop for the briefing. More than 900,000 people being displaced since December due to an ongoing military offensive. “I urge all members of this Council to put their weight firmly behind the search for a political way forward,” he told Council members.  
    Read his full remarks here 
    Read more in UN News


    La Lime: “Haitian leaders need to rise to the occasion“ 
    Helen La Lime, Special Representative and Head of BINUH, briefed the Council on 20 February. “Haiti is about to enter in its second year with a caretaker government, its economy is forecast to sink deeper into recession, and 4.6 million of its citizens are now estimated to require humanitarian assistance,” Ms. La Lime said.  “To avoid a greater deterioration, Haitian leaders need to rise to the occasion and commit to a way out of this impasse that will best serve the interests of their people.”  
    Read the latest report of the Secretary-General on the work of BINUH here
    Watch the briefing here


    New York

    C-24 kicks off its 2020 session
    “Decolonization is one of the most significant chapters in the UN’s history,” said Secretary-General António Guterres at the opening of the latest session of the Special Committee on Decolonization (C-24) on 21 February. “In 1946,” he continued, “72 Territories were placed on the original list of Non-Self-Governing Territories. Today, this number stands at 17. We can all be proud of this achievement. We must not forget, however, that the peoples in those 17 Territories are still waiting for the promise of self-government to be fulfilled.” This year marks the final year of the Third International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism.
    or more information, visit: https://www.un.org/dppa/decolonization/en


    Peacebuilding Commission discusses Central African Republic and review of peacebuilding architecture

    The Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) met on 20 February to discuss the 2020 review of the peacebuilding architecture, focusing on effective support in UN transition contexts. Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed, Deputy Joint Special Representative for the African Union-United Nations hybrid operation in Darfur (UNAMID) Anita Kokui Gbeho and Karin Landgren, Executive Director of the organization Security Council Report, briefed the Commission. Member States stressed that nationally-owned and field-driven peacebuilding is at the heart of effective transition processes. They emphasized the unique role of the PBC in bringing different UN actors together to ensure timely and effective system-wide support to national transition strategies.

    On 19 February, the Chair of the PBC Central African Republic (CAR) Configuration, Permanent Representative of Morocco Omar Hilale, debriefed PBC members on his recent trips to Washington D.C. and to Bangui, CAR. Assistant Secretary-General for Africa Bintou Keita briefed on latest political developments and preparations for upcoming elections. Member States called for support to CAR authorities to help ensure inclusive implementation of the peace agreement, restoration of state authority, strengthening the rule of law and transitional justice, and protection of civilians. They also called for contributions to the UN Development Programme-managed electoral basket fund in support of timely and peaceful elections in the country.






    Launch of gender sensitive socio-economic impact assessment of a settlement to the Cyprus issue 
    The UN Office of the Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Cyprus (OSASG), together with the World Bank, launched a gender sensitive socio-economic impact assessment of a settlement to the Cyprus issue on 17 February.  “The assessment concludes that a comprehensive settlement accompanied by appropriate gender responsive policies and institutions will be an opportunity for greater economic growth to the island that can benefit women and men in both communities,” Elizabeth Spehar, Deputy to the Secretary-General’s Special Adviser on Cyprus and Head of UNFICYP, said. 
    Read more on OSASG’s website



    Massieu: It is a priority to continue working for the security of communities and ex-combatants
    The commitment of the national and local authorities, the FARC and the community to address the security and protection situation in the Santa Lucía Reintegration Area was one of the areas highlighted by the Special Representative and Head of the UN Verification Mission in Colombia, Carlos Ruiz Massieu, during his statement at the Inter-institutional Coordination Table for the Stabilization and Consolidation and Security of FARC Ex-Combatants, held on 19 February in the north of Antioquia, Colombia. "I want to reiterate the need to continue working for the security of the communities and the ex-combatants, both those who leave and those who stay in the Reintegration Area of Santa Lucía, Ituango," said Ruiz Massieu. The event, organized by the Presidential Advisor for Stabilization and Consolidation Emilio Archila, was attended by members of the public force, the Director of the Special Investigation Unit of the Prosecutor's Office, Martha Mancera; the Deputy Ombudsman, Jorge Calero; the Director of the Reintegration and Normalization Agency, Andrés Stapper; the Peace Delegate of the Government of Antioquia, Rafael Blanco; officials of the Protection Unit, local authorities, FARC members, and the local community.
    For more information, contact us



    Special Coordinator visits Egypt
    Ján Kubiš, Special Coordinator for Lebanon, visited the Egyptian capital Cairo on 18 February. He held meetings with the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States Ahmad Aboul Gheit and Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry. Both meetings focused on the current situation in Lebanon and the broader region.
    Read more on UNSCOL’s website



    Public consultations on new constitution
    A three-day public consultation meeting, held as part of Somalia's constitutional review process, ended in Baidoa in Somalia’s South West State on 19 February. More than 100 people attended the meeting, organized by the federal Ministry of Constitutional Affairs (MoCA), with the support of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM). Participants exchanged views on issues pertinent to power- and resource-sharing, federalism, elections, the justice system and national security.
    Read more on UNSOM’s website 



    Special Envoy visits Uganda
    Huang Xia, Special Envoy for the Great Lakes, met with President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda at the State House in Entebbe on 18 February. They discussed strategies to further boost development and cooperation among the countries of the Great Lakes region.
    For more information, contact us
























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    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org

  • 21 Feb 2020

    KABUL - The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) welcomes the announced start of a seven-day period of reduced violence, which represents an unparalleled opportunity that can lead toward a durable and...

  • 20 Feb 2020

    In Our Common Agenda, the Secretary-General has called for enhanced investment in prevention and peacebuilding, this reflects the recognition that investment in conflict resolution, prevention and peacebuilding is cost-effective.

    The year 2023 marked a new beginning for the Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) with the launch of the Strategic Plan for 2023-2026.

    Global developments have a direct impact on our work. They have increased prevention, peacemaking, and peacebuilding risks, while curtailing our resources.  This places a renewed obligation on DPPA to seek further donor support for voluntary contributions, which have become critical in augmenting DPPA’s regular budget resources.

    Voluntary donor funding through DPPA’s Multi-Year Appeal (MYA), our main fundraising tool, will be vital in supporting the full implementation of the Strategic Plan. The MYA supports the breadth of DPPA’s global mandate, including our “core” capacity in conflict prevention, peacemaking and peacebuilding. It enables strengthened support for Special Envoys and Special Representatives of the Secretary-General greater engagement with partners including regional organizations, and continued investments in thematic priorities including women, peace and security; technology and innovation; and climate, peace and security. The MYA also enables DPPA to expand its reach, and stay operational and field-focused. It allows us to maintain vital liaison presences, as well as deploy mediation and electoral assistance support, as requested.

    Without the MYA, our ability to engage with partners on the ground would be significantly hampered.

    Extrabudgetary funding is the lifeline that allows us to make a meaningful impact.

    For more information, please contact the DPPA Donor Relations Team at dppa-donorrelations@un.org.


    DPPA's Multi-Year Appeal (MYA) is calling for $170 million for 2023-2026, to make the Strategic Plan a reality.

    In the peace and security pillar, the MYA has demonstrated its comparative advantage by nimbly complementing other funding instruments such as the Peacebuilding Fund and the UNDP-DPPA Joint Programme on Conflict Prevention.

    Flexibility of the MYA

    On average, approximately 70 per cent of MYA funds received are unearmarked. This is invaluable for the MYA and a prerequisite for its success. Unearmarked funding provides DPPA with the flexibility to respond to emerging needs, including to provide timely responses to requests from Member States, regional and sub-regional organizations, and other UN partners. This agility is crucial to maximizing the impact of every dollar contributed.

    Transparency of the MYA

    Every spring, the Department issues a results-focused MYA Annual Report to ensure accountability and enhance transparency. The report includes both financial and substantive reporting on the use of MYA contributions and its main results. In addition, DPPA also produces a midyear update each summer. DPPA also produces thematic factsheets on its work. 

    Electoral Assistance

    Mediation Support

    Women, Peace and Security

    Climate, Peace and Security


    Previous MYA reports can be found here.

    MYA Resources

    For 2024, DPPA is calling for $42 million to support the implementation of the Strategic Plan.

    We are deeply grateful to our donors who have made pledges and contributions. For historic information on past donor contributions, please visit the MYA page on the UN Peace and Security Data Hub.

    *as of 10 June 2024

    Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation

    Accompanying the Strategic Plan is a new Results Framework, that measures our contribution to conflict prevention and sustaining peace through key performance indicators. Through mid-year and annual reviews, DPPA will track progress against qualitative and quantitative indicators, which will enable any necessary corrections. In addition, the lower level “theories of action” will allow us to articulate more clearly how/why MYA projects are designed and what they will do to affect positive change.

    DPPA continues to make use of the UN secretariat-wide Enterprise Risk Management approach in project planning, implementation and to monitor risks, finances and results and will continue to demonstrate its strategic and operational value building on the Value-for-Money assessment undertaken in 2020.

    Risk Management

    Developing a risk register helps minimize the exposure and impact to risks. Using the DPPA-DPO risk register, all MYA projects conduct a mandatory assessment to identify risk areas and mitigation measures.

    For further information on the Multi-Year Appeal, please contact the DPPA Donor Relations Team at dppa-donorrelations@un.org.

  • 20 Feb 2020

    Leaders in Haiti must step up and end the political impasse between President Jovenel Moïse and a surging opposition movement that has paralyzed the island nation since July 2018, the top UN official there said on Thursday in a briefing to the UN Security Council in New York.

  • 20 Feb 2020

    One year after the signing of a peace deal in the Central African Republic (CAR), State authority is being extended throughout the country, violence against civilians has decreased, and an inclusive Government remains in place, the UN Security Council heard on Thursday. 

  • 20 Feb 2020

    As the already dire situation in north-west Syria dramatically continues to worsen in Idlib province, the head of the United Nations refugee agency called on Thursday for an end to the hostilities and appealed for urgent action to allow the people trapped there to move to places of safety.

  • 19 Feb 2020

    Malnutrition, disease, floods, droughts and displacement in Niger have put nearly three million people, more than half of them children, in need of humanitarian assistance, UNICEF said on Wednesday, calling for increased attention to their plight.

  • 19 Feb 2020

    Thank you, Mr. President,

    1. Since my briefing two weeks ago, I cannot report any progress in ending the current violence in the northwest or in reconvening the political process.

    2. Yesterday, the Secretary-General called for an immediate ceasefire in northwest Syria and for international humanitarian law to be upheld, and I repeat that call here today. However, I regret to report to this Council that hostilities, including heavy strikes from both air and ground, continue.

    3. As the Secretary-General has stressed, and as Mark will brief you in more detail today, we are alarmed by the rapid deterioration of the humanitarian situation in northwest Syria and the tragic suffering of civilians. The ongoing offensive has displaced nearly 900,000 civilians since 1 December 2019, often multiple times. Hundreds have been killed during the same period.

    4. Hostilities are now approaching densely populated areas - such as Idlib city and Bab al-Hawa border crossing, which has among the highest concentration of displaced civilians in north-west Syria and also serves as a humanitarian lifeline. People are on the move in freezing temperatures in search of safety which has become ever more difficult. More than four of every five of the newly displaced civilians are women and children, and they face specific vulnerabilities and threats to their security. Young children are dying from cold. The potential for further mass displacement and even more catastrophic human suffering is apparent, as an increasing number of people are hemmed into an ever-shrinking space.

    5. Syrian Government forces and their allies have now regained control of the entire eastern side of the M5 highway and several territories west of the highway, including western rural Aleppo. Residential areas of Aleppo that previously had been subject of attacks from the de-escalation area, appear no longer to be in firing range.

    6. The Turkish Ministry of Defense has announced that further reinforcements were deployed inside Syrian territory in the Idlib de-escalation zone. These forces have reportedly deployed close to front-lines, in armored vehicles and tanks. We have witnessed repeated, violent confrontations between Turkish and Syrian Government forces. For its part, the Russian Federation is actively engaged in support of the Syrian Government’s military operations.

    7. HTS and other proscribed terrorist groups remain a major presence inside Idlib. Resolutions such as 2253 and 2254 called for Member States to prevent and suppress terrorist acts committed by such groups and to eradicate safe havens they have established. However, military operations of all parties, including actions against and by designated terrorist groups, must respect the rules and obligations of international humanitarian law, which include the protection of civilians and civilian objects. The principles of proportionality must be respected.

    8. I stressed this in high-level contacts with senior officials of Russia and Turkey at the Munich Security Conference last weekend, as well as with senior Iranian officials in Tehran. Turkey and Russia, as sponsors of the Idlib de-escalation arrangements, can and must play a key role in finding a way to de-escalate the situation now. Russian and Turkish delegations have met intensively in recent days – in Ankara, Munich and Moscow – and there have been presidential contacts too. But no understanding has yet emerged. To the contrary public statements from different quarters, Syrian and international, suggest an imminent danger of further escalation.

    9. I also believe, as I stated in my last briefing, that through serious international cooperation, building on and enhancing previous agreements and in the spirit of Security Council resolutions and respect for international law and Syria’s sovereignty, it would be possible to find a solution for Idlib that addresses the serious, ongoing threat posed by internationallyproscribed terrorist groups, without causing unacceptable humanitarian suffering. For this to be possible the combined resources of the international community need to come together.

    Mr. President,

    10. There are worrying developments elsewhere on the ground as well. The situation in southern Syria remains of concern. Northern rural Aleppo has seen renewed hostilities, in particular, in and around Afrin, Tell Rifaat and Nubul and al-Zahra, with reports of civilian casualties.

    11. ISIL resurgence is very worrying - with frequent attacks registered in the northeast, the desert region and around Homs and other areas.

    12. Last week, a Syrian military statement reported that Syrian Government air defenses responded to “enemy missiles”, coming from the occupied Syrian Golan.

    13. In the northeast, there are unresolved tensions with the presence of multiple actors. A US-led coalition spokesperson stated that a US patrol came under small-arms fire from “local militiamembers” and killed a combatant. Syrian state media says the person was a Syrian civilian. This episode stands as a stark reminder of the need for a sustainable arrangement for the northeast, inclusive of all actors, that respects and ultimately restores Syria’s sovereignty, unity, independence and territorial integrity, in line with resolution 2254.

    14. The devastating scale of humanitarian suffering is primarily caused by violent conflict. More broadly, the Syrian economy continues to face serious challenges, the result of a variety of factors, developments and measures.

    Mr. President,

    15. All of these developments, across the country, remind us that Syria’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence remains seriously compromised by the continuing conflict, and also that we are a long way from finding a way to ensure that the legitimate aspirations of the Syrian people for peace, security and a better future are realized. And that is a reminder that there is no military solution to the conflict and that a political process is required to move towards a political solution.

    Mr. President,

    16. I had hoped that the launch of the Constitutional Committee on the basis of a composition and the Terms of Reference and Core Rules of Procedure formally agreed with the Syrian Government and the Syrian opposition, could be a door opener to building some trust and confidence and to a wider positive dynamic for such a process. So far, this has not been the case. But as I continue to press all with influence to work for an immediate calm, I also remain fully engaged in the effort to try to unlock progress on the political track.

    17. I have continued to engage the Syrian parties to narrow differences on the agenda for a third session of the Constitutional Committee, based on a strict observance of the agreed Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure something that Foreign Minister Muallem and I confirmed was vital when we met in Damascus late last month. I have continued to communicate with the Co-Chairs nominated by the Government of Syria and the Syrian Negotiations Commission who have been submitting and reacting to proposals from the other on a possible agenda. The Co-Chair nominated by the Opposition was in Geneva for further consultations, and Deputy Special Envoy Matar met with the Government-nominated Co-Chair in Damascus last week. Differences remain but I hope that we will soon be in a position to reconvene the Constitutional Committee in Geneva.

    Mr. President,

    18. My team hosted the Working Group on the Release of Detainees, Abductees, the Handover of Bodies and the Identification of Missing Persons in Geneva as part of a rotation between locations chosen by its members – Iran, Russia, Turkey and the United Nations. ICRC also participates as observers. This file is immensely important on humanitarian grounds. Progress would also be essential to build trust and confidence. The discussions were constructive, particularly on processes related to the core issue of missing persons. However, efforts on this file have not yet produced meaningful progress in a scale or pace with regards to releasing detainees and clarifying the fate of tens of thousands of Syrians unaccounted for. I reiterate my plea for unilateral releases, particularly of women and children. I also urge the parties, to improve access to information for families about their detained or missing relatives.

    Mr. President,

    19. Ultimately, a lasting political settlement, in line with resolution 2254, needs a broader process. This needs to build trust and confidence, and one way of pursuing this is through a step-by-step process. With the levels of violence on the ground, human suffering and heightened international tensions in Syria, an immediate priority is to reverse a set of dynamics that could further undermine trust, entrench divisions and render any political process even more difficult. But beyond that, a way forward should be explored based on reciprocal and mutually reinforcing actions, undertaken by Syrians and international partners. I intend to continue to pursue discussion with the Syrian Government and the Syrian opposition and all international stakeholders – and I believe that the profound instability and suffering that Syrians experience today reminds us that such a political approach is the only sustainable way forward.

    Mr. President,

    20. Much more needs to be done to advance such a broader process in line with Security Council resolution 2254. But today my first concern is for the Syrian civilians caught in the fighting, who continue to relay the urgency of their situation and their desperate need for safety. They feel they are not being heard. I appeal once again for full respect for international humanitarian law and for an immediate ceasefire in Idlib, ultimately towards a nationwide ceasefire. I urge key international players to continue and intensify their contacts to restore calm. I urge all members of this Council to put their weight firmly behind the search for a political way forward. As the Secretary-General reminded us yesterday, only in this way can we truly serve the interests of the Syrian people.

    Thank you, Mr. President.

  • 19 Feb 2020

    Baidoa, 19 February 2020 – “I would like to see changes that address our interests,” Nurta Mohamed, a resident of the Qasab 2 camp for internally displaced persons (IDPs), said today at a gathering in...

  • 19 Feb 2020

    With progress stalled on both the peace and political fronts in Syria, UN Special Envoy Geir Pedersen urged ambassadors in the Security Council on Wednesday to “put their weight” into finding a solution to end nearly nine years of conflict. 

  • 19 Feb 2020

    KABUL - The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) takes note of the announcement of the final results for Afghanistan’s presidential election and the work of the country’s...

  • 19 Feb 2020

    The UN Special Envoy for the Great Lakes Region, Mr Huang Xia, (second from right) holding a meeting with Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni (in white shirt) at the State House in Entebbe, Uganda, on...

  • 19 Feb 2020

    United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon Jan Kubis Visits Cairo


    The United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon Jan Kubis visited Cairo yesterday and...

  • 18 Feb 2020

    Marking the fifth anniversary of the 2015 Minsk II agreement, the UN political chief told the Security Council on Tuesday, that along with the Minsk Protocol and the Minsk memorandum, it remains “the only agreed framework” for a negotiated, peaceful settlement of the conflict in eastern Ukraine.

  • 18 Feb 2020

    Talks to end fighting in Libya have resumed in Geneva, where UN negotiator Ghassan Salamé said that ongoing clashes must end for there to be a chance for progress. 

  • 18 Feb 2020

    Thank you, Madame President,

    On 17 February, five years ago, this Council endorsed, in resolution 2202, the “Package of Measures for the Implementation of the Minsk Agreements”.

    Today, the “Package of Measures”, together with the “Minsk Protocol” and the “Minsk Memorandum”, remain the only agreed framework for a negotiated, peaceful settlement of the conflict in eastern Ukraine.

    The Secretary-General has consistently expressed the strong backing of the United Nations for the lead role of the Normandy Four, the Trilateral Contact Group, and the OSCE to find a peaceful settlement of the conflict in eastern Ukraine and called for a revitalisation of these efforts.

    Madame President,

    I last briefed this Council on Ukraine on 16 July 2019.

    A number of important developments since then have given rise to hope for long-elusive progress in implementation of the Minsk provisions, including its key security and political aspects.

    Most notably, on 9 December, and after a three-year hiatus, the leaders of France, Germany, Russia and Ukraine met in Paris under the so-called Normandy Format. The Normandy Four meeting called for “immediate measures to stabilize the situation in the conflict area; measures to implement the political provisions of the Minsk agreements; and follow up steps”.

    The leaders committed to “a full and comprehensive implementation of the ceasefire,” strengthened by the implementation of all necessary ceasefire support measures. They also committed to supporting the development and implementation of “an updated demining plan” and to support an agreement within the Trilateral Contact Group on three additional disengagement areas, with the aim of disengaging forces and equipment.

    They encouraged the Trilateral Contact Group to facilitate the release and exchange of conflict-related detainees and committed to supporting an agreement within the Group, on new crossing points along the line of contact, based primarily on humanitarian criteria.

    Critically, the participants recalled that the OSCE’s Special Monitoring Mission should have safe and secure access throughout Ukraine in order to fully implement its mandate.

    The leaders in Paris further referred to the so-called “special status” for Certain Areas of Donetsk and Luhansk Regions, as well as the so-called “Steinmeier formula”, which was accepted by the sides earlier.

    The Secretary-General publicly welcomed the outcomes of the meeting and called on all concerned to redouble their efforts to build on recent progress towards a resolution of the conflict. He also reiterated his full support for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.

    I used the opportunity of my first visit to Ukraine from 12 to 13 December 2019 to reiterate the Secretary-General’s support for the ongoing peace efforts and for the critical reforms in Ukraine. My interlocutors were clear in their desire to see tangible progress in the negotiations.

    Many of those I met stressed the need for greater involvement of women in the ongoing peace efforts.  I also heard about the need to improve the humanitarian situation for ordinary people living along the contact line and to invest greater attention and political will in strengthening, enabling and supporting various dialogue initiatives that could contribute to ensuring sustainable peace.

    Madame President,

    We are pleased that the Paris summit was followed by a large-scale exchange of prisoners and progress on discussions on additional disengagement areas. However, these initial encouraging signs remain limited and easily reversible.  

    Today’s disturbing reports of major ceasefire violations across the contact line near Zolote, including alleged use of heavy weapons, are deeply disturbing and a stark reminder that in the absence of sustained political will, there is a very real risk of backsliding and further violence.

    You will hear shortly from the newly appointed Special Representative of the OSCE’s Chairperson-in-Office in Ukraine, Ambassador Heidi Grau, on the latest discussions in the Trilateral Contact Group, as well as from the Chief Monitor of the OSCE’s Special Monitoring Mission, Ambassador Halit Cevik, on the overall security situation on the ground. It is critical that we support their important efforts. 

    At this pivotal time, I hope this Council will encourage all stakeholders to do their utmost to ensure sustained positive momentum in the negotiations and display the political will and flexibility to reach agreement on the key steps forward and focus on the implementation of agreed commitments, including first and foremost commitment to a durable ceasefire.

    Despite some steps taken to mitigate its impact on civilians, the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine continues to claim lives, cause injuries, severely restrict freedom of movement, and negatively impact basic human rights, including the rights to housing, health, education and an adequate standard of living.

    The UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine has regularly reported on the human rights situation and on violations. The Mission’s latest quarterly report is dated 12 December 2019.

    In 2019, OHCHR recorded 167 civilian casualties (27 killed and 140 injured): 63% caused by shelling and small arms and light weapons fire, and 35% by mines and explosive remnants of war. This reflects a 40% decrease compared with 2018 and the lowest annual civilian casualty figures for the entire conflict period. While this decrease is a welcome development, we note that a permanent and comprehensive silencing of weapons, the best way to eliminate civilian casualties, is still not within reach.

    The United Nations is particularly concerned about people living along the contact line, who remain the most vulnerable. Civilians are paying the highest price in this crisis. 3.4 million people - including the elderly, the disabled and children - require humanitarian assistance and protection services.

    The conflict has transformed many families into single-headed households.  As reported by UN agencies, women, who lead nearly 70 per cent of households on both sides of the contact line, face particularly daunting challenges as a result of continued hostilities and volatility along the contact line.  Many of them lack a social network, income, access to housing, and opportunities for employment and professional development.  Female-headed households often have no access to social benefits or psychological support. 

    Humanitarian access, the protection of civilians and civilian assets are everyday challenges. Water, education and health infrastructure continued to be severely impacted by the conflict, reducing access to those facilities for civilians living there. In 2019, there were 50 incidents damaging education facilities – a 200 per-cent increase from 2018.  Eighty-eight incidents targeted water infrastructure located near or on the contact line.

    Attacks on civilian infrastructure must stop.

    Madame President,

    The United Nations and its partners provide assistance in accordance with the universally recognized principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality and independence. As they seek to reach the most vulnerable civilians, humanitarian organizations require unimpeded and sustained access.

    Since 2014, the United Nations and its partners have been able to reach an estimated one million people annually with life-saving aid due to the generous contributions of donors.  However, this constitutes less than one-third of the total people in need.

    With the 2019 Humanitarian Response Plan severely underfunded, the 2020 Humanitarian Response Plan will require $158 million, aiming to reach two million people.

    Madame President,

    As I heard first-hand during my December visit to Ukraine, this conflict continues to exact an unacceptable humanitarian toll on the Ukrainian population. It destabilizes overall peace and security in Ukraine, but also potentially in the region as a whole.  The recent positive momentum and stated commitment by the Normandy Four and the Trilateral Contact Group participants to address the conflict with renewed impetus and sense of urgency need our encouragement and full support.

    This must be followed by action in order to restore trust and enable tangible improvements in the precarious humanitarian situation along the contact line.  The much-need and long-awaited peace in eastern Ukraine can be achieved, if there is sufficient political will, good faith negotiations and concrete support for efforts to silence the guns.

    Thank you, Madame President.

  • 18 Feb 2020

    A recent escalation in fighting between warring parties in Yemen contradicts their stated desire to peacefully end nearly five years of conflict, UN Special Envoy Martin Griffiths said in a briefing to the Security Council on Tuesday. 

  • 18 Feb 2020

    The United Nations Secretary-General has extended his deepest condolences to the families of those killed in an attack on a village in north-west Cameroon.

  • 18 Feb 2020


    (Download the full video and photos of the press stakeout on this link: ...

  • 17 Feb 2020

    More than two years after the defeat of ISIL in Iraq, some children in areas formerly controlled by the terrorist group still cannot access school or get the necessary documentation required for enrollment, a UN report published on Monday finds. 

  • 17 Feb 2020

    The crisis in north-west Syria has reached a “horrifying new level”, the UN Humanitarian Affairs chief warned on Monday.

  • 17 Feb 2020

    2023-2026 Strategic Plan  

    DPPA issued its 2023-2026 Strategic Plan, which comes at a challenging moment, as multiple threats to global peace and security are converging. The Plan provides a framework to guide the Department’s work for the next four years in conflict resolution, prevention, management, peacebuilding and sustaining peace. Together with the New Agenda for Peace, the Strategic Plan will guide us in the years ahead.

    The goals and strategic objectives of the Plan reflect the progress made by the Department in recent years. We will continue to balance crisis response and diplomacy with longer-term prevention and peacebuilding engagement, prioritizing our impact in the field.



    The new Plan further articulates our lead role in devising and coordinating political strategy across the UN system.

    The Plan retains a risk-reduction model that refuses the binary approach of “success” and “failure” and instead examines the extent to which DPPA has contributed to a diminishment in the risks of violence across a wide range of settings and timeframes, and in conjunction with other actors.


    Theory of Change

    DPPA’s Strategic Plan is based on the following Theory of Change: 

    If DPPA deploys the full range of its resources based on cross-cutting analysis, in collaboration with others within the UN system and in partnerships with regional, national, and local stakeholders, drawing on an internal culture shaped by a commitment to learning and innovation, it will contribute to the prevention and resolution of violent conflict and to sustainable peace.


    Implementation of the Strategic Plan

    Divisional work plans bring the Strategic Plan to life. Divisions use the work plans to translate the medium-term objectives of the Plan into annual priorities. As a key management tool, divisional work plans are used as a basis for regular reporting on how the Department is performing against the goals set out in the Strategic Plan. 

    The implementation of the Plan will also be contingent on extra-budgetary resources. The DPPA Strategic Plan 2023-2026 is accompanied by a new Multi-Year Appeal, calling for $170 million over the next four years


    Monitoring and reporting 

    DPPA’s Strategic Plan is accompanied by a Results Framework to assist in the monitoring and evaluation of the Department’s performance in the period 2023-2026. The Results Framework not only allows tracking of results but also supports horizontal coherent planning across all DPPA divisions. 

    In addition to internal monitoring, DPPA also tracks recommendations stemming from evaluations and audits from several external oversight bodies such as the UN Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS), Joint Inspection Unit (JIU), and the UN Board of Auditors. 



    Central to the Secretary-General’s reforms is enhanced effectiveness of mandate delivery, improved transparency and strengthened accountability for results. The reform places emphasis on senior management leadership to strengthen the UN’s accountability mechanisms, support results-based management and build a strong culture of self-evaluation. To that end, DPPA is committed to ensure that results-based management and self-evaluations are embedded in our work. 

    For accountability and learning purposes, the Department conducts several evaluative exercises such as After-Action Reviews, Lessons Learned studies and self-evaluations. All evaluations and lessons learned studies are conducted as per the Department’s annual Learning and Evaluation Plan.

    We provide timely responses to queries and contribute to audits and evaluations from internal and external oversight bodies, such as the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) and the UN Board of Auditors. 

    As a member of the UN Evaluation Group (UNEG), the Department adheres to its norms and standards. In spirit of transparency, the Department will be systematically disseminating executive summaries of its self-evaluations and lessons learned studies, if sharing of full reports is not feasible. The Department also commits to tracking the implementation of all of the recommendations stemming from its self-evaluations. 

    A DPPA-DPO joint Peace and Security Pillar Guidance Development and Learning Steering Committee (GLDSC) serves as the governing mechanism to implement DPPA’s evaluation policies, review priorities for evaluation exercises and monitor implementation of recommendations emanating from self-evaluations in DPPA.

  • 17 Feb 2020

    NEW YORK - The Secretary-General has been following closely the talks between the United States and the Taliban about a significant reduction of violence in Afghanistan aimed at opening the way for intra-Afghan...

  • 16 Feb 2020

    Delegates representing the parties to the conflict in Yemen agreed on a detailed plan to complete the first official large-scale exchange of prisoners since the beginning of the conflict. This is a step towards the fulfillment of the parties’ commitment to the phased release of all conflict-related detainees according to the Stockholm Agreement. At the conclusion of a seven-day meeting today, Sunday, the parties decided to immediately begin with...

  • 14 Feb 2020

    8 - 14 February 2020

    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world.

    East Africa

    DPPA Chief  attends  African  Union  Summit  and  visits  Sudan
    Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo accompanied Secretary-General António Guterres to the 2020 African Union Summit in the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa.  Ms. DiCarlo also had bilateral meetings in Ethiopia, including with President Sahle-Work Zewde, the only female Head of State in Africa, on 10 February. The Under-Secretary-General applauded the ambitious reform agenda of the Ethiopian government led by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, which exemplifies gender parity. On 11 February, she met Minister of Peace Muferiat Kamil to discuss  peacebuilding  initiatives on intercommunal dialogue of youth and women, who are called to play critical role in consolidation of peace and democracy. Ms. DiCarlo pledged UN backing and encouraged partners to also support.  
    Also on 11 February, the United Nations-African Union (AU) Joint Task Force on Peace and Security held its 18th consultative meeting at the African Union Headquarters. The Joint Task Force (JTF) reviewed the status of the partnership between the UN and the AU with an update on the implementation of the Joint Framework for Enhanced Partnership in Peace and Security. The AU Commission and the UN Secretariat were represented respectively by Commissioners  Minata  Samaté-Cessouma  and Smaïl  Chergui; and the Under-Secretaries-General Rosemary DiCarlo, Jean-Pierre Lacroix (Peace Operations) and Hanna Tetteh, Special Representative to the African Union and Head of UNOAU. 
    Read more on UNOAU’s website 


    Ms. DiCarlo continued on to Khartoum, Sudan, for meetings to discuss the Sudanese transition to democracy. She met with Prime Minister  Abdalla  Hamdok  on 12 February, and with women and youth groups that were instrumental in triggering the Sudanese transition. “The economic and social challenges at hand are enormous. Sudan requires urgent international support,” Ms. DiCarlo said via Twitter after the visit.  
    For more information, contact us 


    Security Council

    Guterres: ”This is a time for dialogue, for reconciliation, for reason”  
    An open briefing on the Israel–Palestine conflict was held on 11 February, following US President Donald Trump’s announcement of a controversial peace plan for the region.  ”This is a time for dialogue, for reconciliation, for reason,” Secretary-General António Guterres said in his introductory remarks. “I urge Israeli and Palestinian leaders to demonstrate the necessary will required to advance the goal of a just and lasting peace, which the international community must support.” Nickolay Mladenov, Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, briefed the Security Council on  the  latest developments. “Today it is not enough to reaffirm our positions,” Mr. Mladenov said. “Today is the time to hear proposals on how to move the process forward and to find our way back to a mutually agreed mediation framework that ensures meaningful negotiations can restart.”  
    Read Nickolay Mladenov’s full remarks here 
    Read more in UN News  

    Children have “no role in conflict” 
    Secretary-General António Guterres spoke at the high-level Security Council briefing on child protection in peace processes on 12 February. He called for greater protection of children caught in armed conflict, and unveiled Practical guidance for mediators to protect children in situations of armed conflict. Children have “no role in conflict,” the Secretary-General said. The Policy and Mediation Division of DPPA have contributed to the writing of the guidance.  
    Read more in UN News  

    Open debate on transitional justice  
    The Security Council held an open debate on transitional justice on 13 February. One of the briefers  was  Father  Francisco de Roux, President of the Colombian Truth Commission. “Truth has become the gateway for transitional justice and the foundation for the collective construction of a shared future in countries that have been divided by war,” he said to the Council. Before his briefing, Father de Roux met with Miroslav Jenča, Assistant Secretary-General for Europe, Central Asia and Americas. Mr. Jenča said that Father de Roux’s work “deserves our full admiration and support”, and emphasized that the UN remains committed to the promotion of peace and reconciliation in Colombia.  
    Read more in UN News 





    “The people of Guinea-Bissau deserve a clear and positive closure” 
    Rosine Sori-Coulibaly, Special Representative and Head of UNIOGBIS, briefed the Security Council on 14 February on the situation in Guinea-Bissau and the activities of UNIOGBIS in the country (S/2020/105). Guinea-Bissau held Presidential elections last year, but a new President has not been sworn in yet due to controversies about the result. “The people of Guinea-Bissau deserve a clear and positive closure of this process so that they can see the light of hope for the future of their children,” Ms. Souri-Coulibaly said.    
    Watch her briefing here 
    Read more in UN News  


    New York

    Meeting on youth, peace and security  
    The Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) held an Ambassadorial-level meeting on youth, peace and security to explore ways of further contributing to the implementation of Security Council resolution 2250 (2015). Jayathma Wickramanayake, the UN Envoy on Youth, briefed the meeting. Youth representatives from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kyrgyzstan and Sierra Leone shared their experiences in peacebuilding, and representatives of the respective Missions in New York presented national strategies and plans in support of youth, peace and security. The European Union delegation was accompanied by a group of youth representatives who are actively advancing the youth, peace and security agenda in Europe.  
    For more information, contact us 



    Somalia and the UN sign accord to strengthen efforts to preserve culture and improve education 
    Somalia and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) signed an agreement aimed at strengthening efforts to preserve the country’s cultural heritage and improve its educational sector. “Culture and education are vital for the country’s future. After years of conflict, they are vital to the human dimension of recovery, of peacebuilding, of sustainability,” UNESCO Director-General Audreu Azouly said. James Swan, Special Representative and Head of UNSOM, witnessed the signing of the memorandum together with Somali Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire.   
    Read more on UNSOM’s website 


    West Africa

    Workshop on the resolution of farmer-herder conflicts in Abuja  
    The United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), in partnership with the Institute for Security Studies, organized a workshop on best practices towards the resolution and prevention of farmer-herder conflicts in West Africa and the Sahel, in Abuja, Nigeria, on 10 – 11 February. The workshop is part of ECOWAS and UNOWAS efforts to work jointly towards supporting peaceful coexistence between farming and herding communities in the region, where farmer-herder conflicts have become a major concern. With more than 60 per cent of the population dependent on agriculture or livestock breeding, a large share of the population is affected by this trend. UNOWAS has published a study on this phenomenon.   
    For more information, contact us 






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    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org

  • 14 Feb 2020

    Political discord in Guinea-Bissau could hamper the first-ever peaceful transfer of power to a democratically elected leader, the top UN official in the West African country told the Security Council on Friday. 

  • 14 Feb 2020

    Urgently-needed aid deliveries to embattled civilians in north-west Syria have started again after a day-long break in distributions caused by escalating hostilities, the World Food Programme (WFP) said on Friday. 

  • 13 Feb 2020

    Following a visit to the Central African Republic, a UN independent expert said that everyone must take all measures necessary to effectively implement the peace agreement that was signed in Bangui a year ago.

  • 13 Feb 2020

    For countries to move forward after conflict or mass atrocities, suffering must be acknowledged and justice served, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights told the Security Council on Thursday. 

  • 13 Feb 2020

    The United Nations-African Union Joint Task Force on Peace and Security held its 18th consultative meeting at the African Union Headquarters in Addis-Ababa...

  • 13 Feb 2020

    UN Photo/Manuel Elias: A wide view of the UN Security Council chamber as members vote to adopt resolution 2510 on Libya.

  • 12 Feb 2020

    In an era of rapid media evolution, radio still has the power to bring people together and provide communities with vital news and information, the UN Secretary-General has said. 

  • 12 Feb 2020

    After what has reportedly been weeks of diplomatic negotiation, the UN Security Council passed a resolution on Wednesday aimed at stemming rising violence across Libya, demanding the warring parties commit to “a lasting ceasefire” according to terms agreed by military representatives from both sides at recent talks in Geneva.

  • 12 Feb 2020

    Over the past few years, ISIL and Al-Qaida terrorist fighters have posed an “unprecedented threat to international peace and security”, the UN counter-terrorism chief said on Wednesday in Vienna, at the close of a joint UN- Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) regional conference on addressing challenges posed by terrorists who have gone to fight overseas. 

  • 12 Feb 2020

    The Ebola virus disease outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) remains an international public health concern, experts meeting in Geneva concluded on Wednesday. 

  • 12 Feb 2020

    Ongoing hostilities in Libya have left numerous cities severely “re-contaminated” with unexploded ordnance, threatening schools, universities and hospitals, the UN Mine Action Service (UNMAS) said on Wednesday.

  • 12 Feb 2020

    On the International Day against the Use of Child Soldiers, UN Secretary-General António Guterres emphasized the need to integrate child protection into peace processes during a high-level Security Council briefing on Wednesday.

  • 12 Feb 2020

    VIENNA, Austria

    On 11-12 February 2020, SRSG Natalia Gherman took part in the high-level conference “Foreign...

  • 12 Feb 2020

    TRIPOLI - The United Nations in Libya regrets that its regular flights, which transport its staff to and from Libya, are not granted permission by the LNA to land in Libya. This...

  • 11 Feb 2020

    Rising tensions and instability across the globe, particularly in the Middle East, underscore the need to resolve the decades-long conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, the UN Secretary-General told the Security Council on Tuesday.

  • 11 Feb 2020

    Mogadishu, 11 February 2020 – Somalia and the United Nations culture and education agency today signed an agreement aimed at strengthening efforts to...

  • 11 Feb 2020

    Thank you, Mr. Secretary-General.

    Your Excellency, Foreign Minister Goffin, President of the Security Council,

    Your Excellency, President Mahmoud Abbas,

    Members of the Security Council,

    On 28 January, the United States presented its vision for peace between Israelis and Palestinians, which it proposed as a basis...

  • 11 Feb 2020
    TRIPOLI, 11 February -  On 9 and 10 February, 28 Libyan economic experts gathered in Cairo for the second round of talks of the Libyan Economic and Financial Track, one of the three intra-Libyan...