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Reports and Policy Documents


  • 22 Aug 2019

    Thursday’s Daily Brief: New international day honouring victims of religious-based violence; Kashmir shutdown must be reversed; Relentless sequence of disasters in Asia-Pacific; Giraffes fare well for protection, elephants not so much; UN chief condemns Burkina Faso violence

  • 22 Aug 2019

    The African Women Leaders Network (AWLN) held its first intergenerational retreat in Nairobi, Kenya, from 16-18 August 2019. This intergenerational retreat was organized as part of AWLN’s pledge to move forward the African Union’s “One...

  • 22 Aug 2019

    The recently constituted Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA), which brings together the former Department of Political Affairs and the Peacebuilding Support Office, is funded primarily through the United Nations Regular Budget. The Department also relies on extra-budgetary resources, which help it respond flexibly and rapidly to increasing demand around the world for its expertise in conflict prevention, mediation and sustaining peace. Today, more than 45 per cent of DPPA’s work is funded through voluntary contributions.


    Contributions Received


    Unearmarked/Earmarked Percentages


    MYA Priorities Total Programmed in 2018

  • 22 Aug 2019

    End the crackdown on freedom of expression, was the strong call to the Government by India from five United Nations independent rights expert on Thursday.

  • 22 Aug 2019

    UN chief António Guterres called for an end to the persecution of religious groups on Thursday, the first ever International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion and Belief.

  • 22 Aug 2019

    PUl-E-KHUMRI - Government officials, civil society members, teachers, activists and other community leaders gathered in Afghanistan’s northeast to discuss recent efforts to improve protections for women’s...

  • 21 Aug 2019

    Today’s stories: aid money promised for Yemen fails to materialize, prospects of new Idlib conflict put millions at risk, new Sudanese transitional government welcomed by UN chief, insecurity threatens Somalia progress.

  • 21 Aug 2019

    The United Nations announced on Wednesday that it is being forced to close down several humanitarian programmes in Yemen because money pledged by Member States to pay for them has “failed to materialize”. 

  • 21 Aug 2019

    The scars of terrorism “run deep”, and while they may fade with time, “they never disappear”, the United Nations chief said on Wednesday, in his message for the second International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism. 

  • 21 Aug 2019

    Mogadishu – With a view to promoting stability and preserving unity among the communities of Jubaland, Somalia’s international partners (Canada, Ethiopia, European Union, Finland,...

  • 21 Aug 2019

    Despite “encouraging” developments, insecurity across Somalia remains a serious concern, James Swan, head of the UN Mission in Somalia (UNSOM), warned the Security Council, in his first briefing to the world body since taking office.

  • 21 Aug 2019

    New York – In his first briefing to the Security Council, the United Nations envoy to Somalia highlighted the progress the country has made in many areas, while flagging that the window...

  • 21 Aug 2019

    JALALABAD - Religious scholars and other community leaders gathered at a UN-backed symposium in eastern Afghanistan to strategize on ways to promote social cohesion, both locally and nationally, in the interest of...

  • 20 Aug 2019

    Briefing the Security Council on the situation in the Middle East, the Chef de Cabinet of the Secretary-General, Maria Luiza Viotti, said on Tuesday that “restraint and genuine dialogue are urgently needed”, in order to avoid a major confrontation, which would have disastrous consequences, even well beyond the region. 

  • 20 Aug 2019

    This Tuesday, we cover: new report on water quality worldwide; Yemen envoy briefs the Security Council on Aden; intensifying clashes in southern Libya; UNICEF appeals for increased aid for Venezuela youngsters; and UN negotiations continue over a new ocean protection agreement.  

  • 20 Aug 2019

    This Tuesday, we cover: new report on water quality worldwide; Yemen envoy briefs the Security Council on Aden; intensifying clashes in southern Libya; UNICEF appeals for increased aid for Venezuela youngsters; and UN negotiations continue over a new ocean protection agreement.  

  • 20 Aug 2019

    One month ago, the United Nations top Yemen envoy told the Security Council the country was facing “a crucial moment” in the course of its long and bloody conflict, and on Tuesday, he again urged members to acknowledge that recent infighting around the Government stronghold of Aden were “a clear sign” that the conflict must be brought to a swift, peaceful end.

  • 20 Aug 2019

    The Human Rights Section of the United Nations Integrated Office for Peacebuilding in Guinea-Bissau (UNIOGBIS), in partnership with the National Defense Institute (...

  • 20 Aug 2019

    @UN Photo/Loey Felipe

    Thank you very much, Madam President, thank you for this opportunity

    Madam President,

    One month ago, I stated to this Council...

  • 20 Aug 2019

    Intensifying clashes in the southern Libyan town of Murzuq involving air and drone strikes in recent days have left at least 90 people dead and displaced thousands of “terrified” civilians, the UN said on Tuesday.

  • 20 Aug 2019

    Mogadishu, 20 August 2019 – Greater alignment and coordination of communications efforts in Somalia, and the benefits of such cooperation, were among the main points of...

  • 19 Aug 2019

    NEW YORK - The members of the Security Council condemned in the strongest terms the heinous and cowardly terrorist attack on a wedding hall in Kabul, Afghanistan, on 17 August 2019, which resulted in more...

  • 19 Aug 2019

    “If I ever come face-to-face with a Boko Haram fighter and if I have strength and a knife in my hand, I will cut his throat and spill his blood! Because, it makes me sick whenever I remember the suffering I went through.”

  • 19 Aug 2019
  • 19 Aug 2019

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres on Saturday congratulated the people of Sudan after the military council and civilian opposition alliance agreed earlier in the day on a power-sharing accord.

  • 19 Aug 2019

    A summary of evaluations and lessons-learned studies related to the work of the Department carried out in 2017 and 2018. In the spirit of transparency, the Department has decided to systematically disseminate summaries of all its self-evaluations and lessons-learned studies, if sharing of full reports is not feasible.

  • 19 Aug 2019

    Our main stories today: Women celebrated on World Humanitarian Day; Afghanistan bloodshed mars 100 years of independence; Brazil’s ‘exemplary’ response to Venezuelans; UN urges Yemen’s warring parties to down weapons; and UN expert calls for Mali reconciliation efforts.

  • 19 Aug 2019

    The appointment of Sri Lankan Lieutenant-General Shavendra Silva as Commander of the country’s army is deeply troubling, UN human rights chief Michelle Bachelet said in a statement released on Monday, adding that the military leader had been given the role despite “serious allegations of gross violations of international human rights and humanitarian law against him and his troops during the war”.

  • 19 Aug 2019

    Reconciliation initiatives in central Mali, to bring together local leaders and end ongoing violence, have been welcomed by the UN Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in Mali, Alioune Tine, who said on Monday that they should be supported “in whatever way possible.”

  • 19 Aug 2019

    Afghanistan is at a “crucial moment” in its history as it marks 100 years of independence, the head of the UN Mission there said on Monday, following a series of terror attacks in recent days.

  • 19 Aug 2019
  • 19 Aug 2019

    World Humanitarian Day honors aid workers around the world who risk their own lives to help save and improve the lives of others.

    This year, we pay special tribute to women humanitarians and the huge difference they make...

  • 18 Aug 2019

    KABUL - On behalf of the United Nations in Afghanistan, I wish to congratulate all Afghans as they celebrate 100 years of their country’s independence.

    The United...

  • 18 Aug 2019

    The work of women humanitarians makes a “huge difference” to the lives of millions of women, men and children in urgent need, the United Nations chief said in his message for World Humanitarian Day.

  • 18 Aug 2019

    NEW YORK - The Secretary-General strongly condemns the horrific 17 August terrorist attack on a wedding ceremony in Kabul, claiming the lives of 63 people and injuring over 180.

    The Secretary-General expresses his...

  • 18 Aug 2019

    KABUL - The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) condemns last night’s Kabul attack that initial reports indicate killed scores of civilians and injured many more, among them women and...

  • 17 Aug 2019

    Following two consecutive LNA-claimed airstrikes on Zuwara Airport in Western Libya, on 15 and 16 August, the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) today dispatched an assessment mission to the airport. After...

  • 17 Aug 2019

    To mark the International Day of Remembrance of and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism this coming Wednesday, UN News travelled to Chad and the Far North region of Cameroon in West Africa to interview people who have personal stories to tell about how terrorism has shattered their lives.

  • 16 Aug 2019

    The Security Council met to consider the volatile situation surrounding Kashmir on Friday, addressing the issue directly within the UN body dedicated to resolving matters of international peace and security, for the first time since 1965. 

  • 16 Aug 2019

    Two months since hundreds of thousands of people fled violence in north-eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), UN humanitarians warned on Friday that armed militia continue to make their safe return impossible. 

  • 15 Aug 2019

    The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) deplores the ever-increasing and systemic attacks on airports in western Libya, including Zuwara and Mitiga.  These attacks have...

  • 15 Aug 2019

    Mogadishu - Senior representatives of the African Union (AU), the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and the United Nations (UN) travelled to Kismayo today to engage with...

  • 15 Aug 2019

    Mogadishu - Senior representatives of the African Union (AU), the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and the United Nations (UN) travelled to Kismayo today to engage with...

  • 15 Aug 2019

    An attack in the south of Syria’s restive Idlib province that led to the deaths of a paramedic, an ambulance driver and a rescue worker, were added to the grim total on Thursday of more than 500 civilian fatalities documented in the country by the United Nations, over the past three and a half months alone.

  • 15 Aug 2019

    To mark next week’s International Day of Remembrance of and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism, UN News travelled to Chad and the Far North region of Cameroon in West Africa earlier in the year, to interview people who have personal stories to tell about how terrorism has shattered their lives.

  • 15 Aug 2019

    Since the beginning of the offensive on Tripoli in early April, more than 37 attacks have been registered against health workers and facilities, including hospitals, field hospitals and civilian and military ambulances. These deplorable attacks which impacted at least 19 ambulances and 19 hospitals, have resulted in 11 deaths, and injuries to more than 33 persons, although the actual number may be significantly higher.


    In late July, airstrikes conducted by the...

  • 15 Aug 2019

    the United Nations Integrated Office for Peacebuilding in Guinea-Bissau, UNIOGBIS, through its Combatting Drug Trafficking and Organized Crime component (CDTOC), conducted a criminal investigation...

  • 14 Aug 2019

    Our main stories today cover: Scaled-up assistance for Venezuelans; Ebola vaccinations for Burundi health workers; reports of civilian deaths following an Afghan-sponsored security operation; agrochemical spray probe urged in Paraguay; Libya violence abates during truce, and disarmament conference’s first woman chief urges Governments to “overcome their differences”.  

  • 14 Aug 2019

    A UN call for a humanitarian truce over this week’s Eid al-Adha religious holiday led to a “palpable reduction” of violence around the embattled capital of Tripoli, the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) said in a statement released on Wednesday.

  • 14 Aug 2019

    What is the difference between a migrant and a refugee? What are the reasons that motivate a person to leave his/her country? Journalists and journalism students participated on Tuesday 13 August in a seminar on Media and...