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Reports and Policy Documents


  • 8 Apr 2015

    Office of the Under-Secretary-General


    Rosemary A. DiCarlo

    Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs
    United States of America (Western European and Others Group)

    Rosemary A. DiCarlo of the United States assumed the post of Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs on 1 May 2018. She was appointed by Secretary-General António Guterres and succeeded Mr. Jeffrey Feltman.

    As Under-Secretary-General and head of the Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA), Ms. DiCarlo advises the Secretary-General on peace and security issues globally, while overseeing "good offices" initiatives and field-based political missions carrying out peacemaking, preventive diplomacy and peace-building activities in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Central and Southeast Asia and the Americas. She also oversees the United Nations electoral assistance provided to dozens of its member states each year.

    Ms. DiCarlo brings more than 35 years of experience in public service and academia. During her distinguished career with the United States Department of State, she served, among other functions, as Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations with the rank and status of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.  In that capacity, she represented the United States at the Security Council, General Assembly and other United Nations bodies. Prior assignments included Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, and Director for United Nations Affairs at the National Security Council in Washington, D.C. Her overseas tours took her to the United States Embassies in Moscow and Oslo.

    She also served as President of the National Committee on American Foreign Policy from August 2015 to May 2018 and was concurrently appointed a Senior Fellow and Lecturer at Yale University’s Jackson Institute for Global Affairs.

    Ms. DiCarlo graduated from Brown University with a B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. in comparative literature, as well as Slavic languages and literature. She speaks French and Russian.

    Born in Providence, Rhode Island, Ms. DiCarlo is married.


    Office of the Assistant Secretary-General for Africa


    Martha Ama Akyaa Pobee

    Assistant Secretary-General for Africa
    Ghana (African Group)

    United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres announced on 21 May 2021 the appointment of Martha Ama Akyaa Pobee of Ghana as Assistant Secretary-General for Africa in the Departments of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs and Peace Operations (DPPA-DPO). 

    Ms. Pobee succeeds Bintou Keita of Guinea, who took up a new assignment as the Secretary-General’s Special Representative in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Head of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO).  The Secretary-General is deeply grateful for her service and contributions as the first Assistant Secretary-General for Africa in DPPA-DPO. 

    A career diplomat, Ms. Pobee brings more than 30 years of experience in international affairs and diplomacy with her Foreign Ministry.  Currently Chief Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, she was previously Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Ghana to the United Nations from 2015 until 2020. In that position, she performed various special assignments, including as the Chair of the African Group of Ambassadors in New York, Vice-President of the 71st Session of the United Nations General Assembly, Chair of the New York Group of Friends of the African - Women Leaders Network, Co-Facilitator of the High-level meeting on Financing for Development 2019, and Co-Chair of the Group of Friends on Gender Parity at the United Nations, among others. 

    Ms. Pobee previously served as Deputy Head of Mission and Chargé d’affaires at the Ghana High Commission in Pretoria (2012 to 2015), Director of the Information and Public Affairs Bureau at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (2010 to 2012) and Head of Chancery at the Ghanaian Embassy in Washington, D.C. (2006 to 2010). She was Acting Director of the Bureaux for Human Resources and Administration (2006) and for Information, Culture and Linguistics (2004 to 2006). Posted to the Ghanaian Embassy in Tel Aviv in 2000, she served as Minister-Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission (2002 to 2004), and as Chargé d’affaires (2000 to 2002). Ms. Pobee also served as Acting Director of the Personnel and Training Bureau (1998 to 2000), having been posted to Ghana’s Permanent Mission to the Office of the United Nations in Geneva (1995 to 1998) and to the Embassy in Moscow, where she was First Secretary (1994 to 1995). 

    A graduate of the University of Ghana, Ms. Pobee also holds a master’s degree in Development Studies with a specialization in Women and Development from the Institute of Social Studies in the Hague.  She also has diplomas in Public Administration and Multilateral Diplomacy from the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration and the Geneva Institute of International Studies.


    Office of the Assistant Secretary-General for Europe, Central Asia and the Americas


    Miroslav Jenča

    Assistant Secretary-General for Europe, Central Asia and the Americas
    Slovakia (Eastern Europe Group)

    On 12 March 2015, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today announced the appointment of Miroslav Jenča of Slovakia as Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs.

    Mr. Jenča succeeds Jens Toyberg-Frandzen of Denmark who was appointed Assistant Secretary-General ad interim for Political Affairs in November 2014. The Secretary-General is grateful to Mr. Toyberg-Frandzen for his leadership and acumen in the position.

    As Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs, Mr. Jenča will be responsible, inter alia, for overseeing the divisions in the Department of Political Affairs dealing with the Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Europe and the Middle East and West Asia, as well as the Decolonization Unit and the Division for Palestinian Rights.

    Mr. Jenča has served as the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, since 2008.  He was previously Director of the Office of the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Slovakia, as well as Ambassador and Head of Mission to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Centre in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.  He served as Ambassador and Representative of Slovakia to the Political and Security Committee of the European Union and Ambassador of Slovakia to Mexico, Venezuela and Colombia, including positions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovakia and diplomatic missions in Ireland and Mexico.

    Mr. Jenča holds a Doctor of Law degree from Comenius University in Bratislava.  He studied foreign trade at the University of Economics in Bratislava, diplomacy and international relations at Moscow State Institute of International Relations, and diplomacy at Stanford University.

    Born in 1965, he is married and has two children.


    Office of the Assistant Secretary-General for Middle East, Asia and the Pacific


    Mohamed Khaled Khiari

    Assistant Secretary-General for Middle East, Asia and the Pacific
    Tunisia (African Group)

    United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres announced on 28 May 2019 the appointment of Khaled Mohamed Khiari of Tunisia, as Assistant Secretary-General for Middle East, Asia and the Pacific in the Departments of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs and Peace Operations.

    Currently Director General of Americas, Asia and Oceania in the Tunisian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Khiari brings over 35 years of experience in diplomacy and foreign affairs alternating between his Foreign Ministry headquarters and overseas postings.  He served inter alia as Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Tunisia to the United Nations in New York (2012-2018), Director of Human Rights within the Department of International Organizations and Conferences at the Tunisian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2011-2012), Chargé de Mission in the Ministry of Youth and Sports (2009-2010), Deputy Director, Euromed, within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Europe Directorate (2007-2009), Deputy Head of Mission (2003–2006) and Secretary of Foreign Affairs with the Permanent Mission of Tunisia to the United Nations Office in Geneva (1987-1993) and the Ministry’s Department of Maghreb Countries (1984).

    Mr. Khiari participated in numerous multilateral and regional activities during his career with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, notably as Co-Chair of the Intergovernmental Negotiations on Security Council Reform, President of the Executive Board of UN-WOMEN, Vice-President of the United Nations General Assembly, Non-Aligned Movement Coordinator of the Peacebuilding Commission in New York, President of the African Group of experts to the World Summit on Information Society in Geneva and Coordinator of the Arab group on European Parliament issues in Brussels. 

    He is a graduate of the Higher Institute of Management of Tunis, where he earned a master’s degree in Management, specializing in marketing.

    Born in 1960, Mr. Khiari is married and has two children.


    Office of the Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support


    Elizabeth Mary Spehar

    Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support
    Canada (Western European and Others Group)

    United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres announced on 18 January 2022 the appointment of Elizabeth Spehar of Canada as Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support in the Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA). Ms. Spehar succeeds Oscar Fernandez-Taranco of Argentina to whom the Secretary-General is deeply grateful for his dedication and contribution. 

    With 35 years of experience in international and political affairs, Ms. Spehar has worked in United Nations headquarters and in the field, leading political, development, peacebuilding and conflict prevention initiatives.  Most recently, since 2016, she was the Secretary-General’s Special Representative and Head of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP), also serving as Deputy to the Secretary-General’s Special Adviser on Cyprus. 

    Previously, Ms. Spehar was Director of the Policy and Mediation Division in the former Department of Political Affairs (DPA), where she worked on policy and operational matters related to conflict prevention, mediation, peacebuilding and gender mainstreaming.  Prior to this, she was the Director for the Americas and Europe Division and Director of the Europe Division in DPA, engaging extensively on key political issues facing the region.  She also served briefly as Interim Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNFICYP in 2008. 

    Before joining the United Nations, Ms. Spehar was a senior official with the Organization of American States for more than 12 years, working to promote democracy and develop the Organization’s dialogue and conflict resolution instruments. 

    Ms. Spehar holds a Bachelor of Arts with honours from Queen’s University in Canada, a master’s degree in international affairs from Carleton University’s Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, also in Canada, and a Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures from the University of Pau in France.  She speaks English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Croatian.


    Office of the Director for Coordination and Shared Services

    Security Council Affairs Division

    Policy and Mediation Division

    Electoral Assistance Division

    Division for Palestinian Rights

    Decolonization Unit


    For more information about the UN global leadership team, including senior officials in the field, visit: https://www.un.org/sg/en/global-leadership/home

  • 8 Apr 2015
  • 8 Apr 2015
  • 8 Apr 2015
  • 8 Apr 2015
  • 8 Apr 2015
  • 8 Apr 2015
  • 8 Apr 2015

    The United Nations Security Council today faces increasingly complex challenges to international peace and security. The Security Council Affairs Division (SCAD) of the Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) provides substantive and secretariat support to the 15-member Security Council in carrying out its critical responsibilities in maintaining international peace and security through its three branches: the Security Council Secretariat Branch, the Security Council Subsidiary Organs Branch, and the Security Council Practices and Charter Research Branch. Each of the branches functions as the secretariat of the Council's thematic and ad-hoc working groups: 

    - Working Group on Peacekeeping Operations
    - Ad Hoc Working Group on Conflict Prevention and Resolution in Africa
    - Informal Working Group on International Tribunals
    - Working Group established pursuant to resolution 1566 (2004)
    - Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict
    Informal Working Group on Documentation and Other Procedural Questions

    The Division also serves as the secretariat to the Military Staff Committee.


    General Substantive and Logistical Support

    The Security Council Secretariat Branch directly supports the daily work of the Council, especially its rotating monthly presidency, to help plan and manage the schedule of formal and informal meetings and other activities. Among other functions in this area, the Branch is responsible for the preparation of key planning documents including the Monthly Forecast, the monthly Provisional Programme of Work, the Daily Programme and Agenda, and the Reporting/Mandate cycles. The Branch also contributes to the drafting of key official documents including the Security Council’s Annual Report to the General Assembly, the Volumes of Resolutions and Decisions and the list of matters of which the Council is seized. In addition, the Branch arranges the publication of official Security Council documents, including letters received and sent by the Council President and reports of the Secretary-General. The Branch ensures that draft decisions (e.g. resolutions and presidential statements) are ready for adoption in all official languages, and their subsequent publication and dissemination following adoption. The Branch also supports field missions by Council members to countries and regions of concern.


    Support to the Subsidiary Organs

    The Security Council Subsidiary Organs Branch provides logistical and administrative support as well as substantive advice and guidance to the subsidiary organs of the Security Council, including sanctions and other committees and thematic working groups. The Subsidiary Organs Branch assists Committee Chairpersons in developing a strategic programme of work, planning effective meetings, preparing documentation, drafting corresponding, committee guidelines and periodic reports, and liaising with Member states and regional and non-governmental organizations.


    Advisory Support and Research

    TThe Security Council Practices and Charter Research Branch is the advisory and research arm of the Security Council Affairs Division and provides guidance to Member States and the Secretariat on the substantive and procedural practice of the Security Council. In accordance with General Assembly resolution 686 (VII) of 5 December 1952, the Charter Research Branch is responsible for the preparation of the Repertoire of the Practice of the Security Council, a publication which provides an authoritative overview of the Council’s interpretation and application of the United Nations Charter and its Provisional Rules of Procedure since 1946. Using new technologies, the Branch also develops and maintains a series of visual and analytical online research tools on select aspects of the practice of the Council.



    In addition to the five permanent members of the Council, the Security Council is composed of ten non-permanent members of the Council, five of which are elected every year by the General Assembly for two-year terms. The Security Council Affairs Division organizes the following workshops and information sessions to familiarize the incoming members with the work of the Council and to outline the Division’s role in assisting the Council and its subsidiary organs:

    - SCAD annual induction workshop
    annual joint SCAD-Security Council Report workshop on sanctions
    sanctions regime/committee-specific information sessions

    In addition, to enable permanent and outgoing non-permanent members to share their experience with incoming Council members, SCAD assists the Government of Finland in conducting an annual workshop on the practices, procedures, working methods and political dynamics of the Council and its subsidiary organs entitled “Hitting the Ground Running”. The Division is also responsible for maintaining a register of available training opportunities for incoming members.


    Military Staff Committee Secretariat

    The Military Staff Committee was established by Security Council resolution. 1 (1946) under article 47 of the UN Charter and consists of the Chiefs of Staff of the Permanent Members of the Security Council or their representatives. Its function is to advise and assist the Security Council on all questions relating to the Security Council's military requirements for the maintenance of international peace and security.  Since 2010, the Committee has routinely invited military representatives of the elected members of the Security Council to participate in its informal sessions, and since January 2017, to its formal meetings. The Committee also regularly invites representatives from various departments and offices of the UN Secretariat and UN Missions to its meetings to hold briefings and discuss current issues. The Security Council Affairs Division’s Military Staff Committee Secretariat acts as the liaison between the Committee, the Security Council and all UN entities. It supports the Committee by providing them with the most relevant information on the activities of UN military components, and organizes the Committee’s meetings and field trips.

  • 8 Apr 2015

    United Nations and Decolonization: Past to Present
    This animation video, produced in accordance with the mandate for dissemination of information on decolonization, highlights the UN’s path of decolonization since 1945, especially its commitment in eradicating colonialism towards our common future.

    When the United Nations was established in 1945, 750 million people - almost a third of the world's population - lived in Territories that were non-self-governing, dependent on colonial Powers. Since then, more than 80 former colonies have gained their independence. Among them, all 11 Trust Territories have achieved self-determination through independence or free association with an independent State. Former Non-Self-Governing Territories ceased to be on the list of Non-Self-Governing Territories due to their change in status or as a result of their choice of independence, free association or integration with an independent State. Today, there are 17 Non-Self-Governing Territories remaining and fewer than 2 million people live in such Territories.

    The Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) substantively supports  the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence of Colonial Countries and Peoples (also known as the “Special Committee on Decolonization” or “C-24”), whose role is to monitor implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV)) and to make recommendations to the General Assembly on its application.

    Among its functions, DPPA's Decolonization Unit:

    • Monitors political, economic and social developments in each of the 17 remaining territories inscribed on the UN list of Non-Self-Governing Territories, and prepares annual working papers on each Territory;
    • Supports substantively the C-24 and the Special Political and Decolonization Committee (Fourth Committee) of the ​General Assembly, where representatives and petitioners from the Territories express their views;
    • Supports substantively the C-24 for its visiting missions to Territories, as well as for its annual regional seminars held alternately in the Pacific and the Caribbean, bringing together representatives of the Territories, members of the C-24, administering Powers and other stakeholders;
    • Maintains the website entitled “The United Nations and Decolonization” in the 6 official UN languages; and
    • Works with the Department of Global Communications in the dissemination of information on decolonization in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the United Nations on decolonization.
  • 8 Apr 2015

    History and Evolution
    Types of Assistance
    Requesting Assistance
    UN Entities Providing Electoral Assistance
    Electoral Resources



    Elections are a vital part of democratic processes, including political transitions, implementation of peace agreements and consolidation of democracy. The United Nations plays a major role in providing international assistance to these important processes of change.

    United Nations electoral assistance is provided only at the specific request of the Member State concerned or based on a mandate from the Security Council or General Assembly. Before assistance is agreed and provided, the United Nations assesses the needs of the Member State to ensure that the assistance is tailored to the specific needs of the country or situation. As the General Assembly has reaffirmed on many occasions, United Nations assistance should be carried out in an objective, impartial, neutral and independent manner, with due respect for sovereignty, while recognizing that the responsibility for organizing elections lies with Member States. More than 115 countries have requested and have received United Nations electoral assistance since 1991, the year in which the Secretary-General designated the Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs as focal point for electoral assistance matters, with the endorsement of the General Assembly. The institutional arrangements for United Nations electoral assistance and the entities involved have grown and evolved since 1991. 

    Today, a range of United Nations entities have mandates that refer to electoral events and support or otherwise engage in electoral support activities. In this field of diverse actors, the General Assembly has repeatedly highlighted the importance of system-wide coherence and consistency and has reaffirmed the leadership role of the focal point in that respect. Accordingly, the focal point is responsible for setting electoral assistance policies, for deciding on the parameters for United Nations electoral assistance in a particular requesting country and for maintaining the single electoral roster of experts who can be rapidly deployed when required for any United Nations assistance activity.

    The focal point is supported by the Electoral Assistance Division of the Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA). The Division recommends to the focal point the parameters for all United Nations electoral assistance, pursuant to the request of Member States, and following an electoral needs assessment. The Division also advises on the design of electoral mission components or assistance projects and maintains the institutional memory of the Organization and the single roster of experts. It is also responsible for policy development. On behalf of the focal point, the Division provides political and technical guidance to all United Nations entities involved in electoral assistance, including on electoral policies and good practices. When required, the Division provides support to the Secretary-General and his envoys, and to United Nations political and peacekeeping missions in the prevention and mediation of electoral crises. The Electoral Assistance Division also maintains electoral partnerships with, and provides capacity development support to, other regional and intergovernmental organizations involved in elections.



    Download the latest report of the Secretary-General on 'Strengthening the role of the United Nations in enhancing periodic and genuine elections and the promotion of democratization" (A/78/260).



    History and Evolution

    The history of the United Nations is interwoven with elections. During the era of trusteeship and decolonization, the United Nations supervised and observed numerous plebiscites, referenda and elections worldwide.

    During the 1990s, the United Nations observed, supervised or conducted landmark elections and popular consultations in Timor-Leste, South Africa, Mozambique, El Salvador and Cambodia. More recently, the Organization has provided crucial technical and logistical assistance in milestone elections in many countries, including in Afghanistan, Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iraq, Nepal, Sierra Leone and Sudan.

    Demand for United Nations electoral assistance is growing, as is the duration and complexity of operations. Electoral observation, once a core activity in early United Nations support, is now rare, and technical assistance has grown exponentially. Assistance is closely regulated by the UN General Assembly, and its evolution is reflected in a series of resolutions since 1991 (please refer to the latest resolutions in this regard including A/RES/78/208 of 2023 and A/RES/76/176 of 2021).

    Even as the United Nations electoral assistance evolves to adapt to the changing needs and circumstances of Member States, it continues to be based on the principle established in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – that the will of the people, as expressed through periodic and genuine elections, shall be the basis of government authority.


    Types of Assistance

    United Nations electoral assistance is provided based on the principle that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. UN electoral support programs are tailored according to the specific needs of each requesting Member State. Although considerable international attention has been given to elections conducted in the context of United Nations peacekeeping missions or other post-conflict settings, most electoral assistance activities take the form of technical assistance in non-mission settings. The following are examples of some of the various types of electoral assistance provided by the United Nations. These are drawn from a number of UN electoral policy documents:

    Technical Assistance: Technical assistance is by far the most frequent form of United Nations electoral assistance. It can be defined as the legal, operational and logistic assistance provided to develop or improve electoral laws, processes and institutions. It can cover all, or some, aspects of the electoral process. It can focus on one electoral event or can be long term covering a number of electoral events depending on the mandate or request and the needs assessment. While UN technical assistance focuses primarily on election administration and institutions it may also include assistance to a number of other stakeholders and institutions. Technical assistance may be provided on the basis of a request from a Member State, or following a mandate by the Security Council or General Assembly.

    Support to creating a conducive environment: The mandate of UN peace operations often includes provisions related to creating a conducive environment for the implementation of various tasks usually listed in their mandate. In countries where they have such a mandate, they may use their good offices and political role to contribute to creating a conducive environment for the holding of elections. Through their military, police and civilian presences, the DPO missions may also help stabilize the security situation, which is essential for a conducive environment for elections. As per their mandates, OHCHR and UN Women may also decide to monitor the human rights or the situation regarding women’s participation in a country, before, during and/or after an election in order to foster an environment conducive to credible elections and ensure respect for relevant international standards. In specific circumstances such as countries in transition or at risk of violence, DPPA as the UN system lead for peacemaking and preventive diplomacy may also assist with mediation, conflict prevention and good offices.

    Organization and conduct of an electoral process: If the United Nations is mandated to organize and conduct an election or referendum, the organization assumes the role normally fulfilled by national electoral authorities. In such cases the UN has full authority over the process. Due to the primacy of the principle of national ownership this type of assistance is very rarely mandated and is unlikely to be undertaken except in special post-conflict or decolonization situations characterized by insufficient national institutional capacity. This type of mandate is only possible via a Security Council or General Assembly resolution.

    Certification/Verification: The term “certification” is widely understood in electoral practice as the legal process by which a national authority approves or ‘certifies’ the final results of its own national election.  However, on rare occasions, the Security Council or General Assembly may ask the Secretary-General to play a “certification” role. In such cases the United Nations is requested to certify the credibility of all or specific aspects of an electoral process conducted by the national election authority. The United Nations is required to produce a final statement attesting to the election’s credibility. The modalities will vary according to context. UN electoral certification requires a mandate from the General Assembly or the Security Council.

    Electoral Observation: Electoral observation consists of systematic collection of information on an electoral process by direct observation on the basis of established methodologies, often analyzing both qualitative and quantitative data. The process of observation usually leads to an evaluative public statement on the overall conduct of the electoral process. UN election observation entails the deployment of a mission to observe each phase of an electoral process and report back to the Secretary-General, who will issue a public statement on the conduct of the election. UN electoral observation, which is very rare, requires a mandate from the General Assembly or the Security Council.

    Supervision of elections: Supervision of elections requires the UN to endorse and approve each phase of an electoral process in order to attest to the overall credibility of the election. It can require direct involvement in establishing the mechanisms of the election, such as the date, the issuing of regulations, wording of the ballot, monitoring polling stations, counting the ballots, and assisting in the resolution of disputes. Where the UN is not satisfied with the electoral procedures or their implementation in a particular phase, the electoral management body conducting the process is required to act upon UN recommendations and make any necessary adjustments. The progress of the election is contingent upon the UN’s endorsement of each phase. Supervision of elections by the UN is also rare and requires a mandate from the General Assembly or the Security Council.

    Panels of Political and/or Electoral Experts: UN panels entail the deployment of a small team to follow and report on an electoral process. A panel can be an electoral expert monitoring team, composed of experts in such areas as electoral processes or mediation, or a high-level panel composed of eminent persons of political, electoral or mediation profile. Relying on its own observations as well as those of other international and national stakeholders, the panel will provide an independent assessment of the overall political and technical conduct of elections. The assessment is generally provided to the Secretary-General or the UN Focal Point for Electoral Assistance. Unlike observation missions, panels are not necessarily present in the country throughout a process (limiting their visits to strategically important periods) and may not make their findings public. A mandate for such a panel may be provided by the Secretary-General or the UN Focal Point for Electoral Assistance.

    Coordination of Electoral Observers: United Nations support to international observers is of two types: (i) Operational Support, and (ii) Coordination of International Observers. Coordination of international observers involves a wide range of activities that can include the provision of logistics and administrative support to the election observation effort and other additional activities such as briefing and facilitation of the deployment of observers, debriefing, etc.  This type of support is usually provided to a number of observer groups. This type of support can be provided on the basis of a request from Member States.



    Requesting Assistance

    While most assistance originates with a Member State request, United Nations electoral assistance may also be provided based on a mandate from the Security Council or the General Assembly, as is often the case when peacekeeping or special political missions are established with electoral components. 

    The guidelines for United Nations electoral assistance are described in the Secretary-General's report A/49/675, under Annex III. The principal guidelines and procedures are described below:

    Requests for electoral assistance can be made by the head of government or the minister of foreign affairs of the UN Member State.  In some circumstances, requests from other entities such as a ministry involved in the planning and implementation of the election or the electoral commission may also be considered as acceptable. Requests for electoral assistance made by groups within the legislature, political parties, civil society or other entities cannot be accepted.  Requests for electoral assistance must be made by an organ of the Member State authorized to bind the state in agreements with the UN. National electoral management bodies do not normally have this authority, but their requests may be acceptable if we have Member State consent. 

    The requesting Member State is required to send a formal written request for electoral assistance.  Requests have to be sent to the relevant United Nations Representative at the national or global level (the Secretary-General, her/his Special or Resident Representative, or the Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs). All requests will be forwarded to the Focal Point for Electoral Assistance, who is the Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs.

    Because many aspects of electoral preparation (e.g., voter registration) take place months or even years before the election event, requests for electoral assistance should be submitted in sufficient time. Requests for assistance should be made early in advance to ensure there is adequate time to assess the request and potentially provide such assistance.

    Once the request has been submitted, an assessment by the United Nations takes place. The assessment can take the form of a needs assessment mission (NAM) to the country or a desk review, both conducted by the Electoral Assistance Division. Based on the NAM report, the Focal Point for Electoral Assistance decides whether the UN should provide support and if support is to be provided, what type of support to provide.

    Following approval by the Focal Point, design and implementation of the proposed assistance is carried out by the relevant United Nations entity or entities, in accordance with the NAM recommendations and with advice from the Electoral Assistance Division.


    UN Entities Providing Electoral Assistance

    United Nations electoral assistance is a system-wide endeavor, tapping the complementary expertise and capacities of many parts of the United Nations family. These include:

    The Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA)

    The Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs head of DPPA serves as the United Nations Focal Point for electoral assistance matters, and is supported in that function by DPPA’s Electoral Assistance Division. All requests for United Nations electoral assistance must be forwarded to the Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, whose role is mainly two-fold: advising the Secretary-General on requests from Member States; and ensuring consistency in the delivery of United Nations electoral assistance. In addition to its broad coordination role in electoral assistance, DPPA oversees field-based special political missions that in many cases engage in electoral assistance activities as part of their conflict prevention or peace-building mandates.

    The Department of Peace Operations (DPO)

    In peacekeeping and many post-conflict environments, assistance is generally provided through electoral components of field missions under the aegis of the Department of Peace Operations. In those cases, the Electoral Assistance Division works closely with DPO in planning and managing electoral support aspects of peacekeeping operations.

    The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

    UNDP is the major implementing body of the Organization for support to developing electoral institutions, legal frameworks and processes and support to elections outside the peacekeeping or post-conflict context.

    It manages some 40 to 50 electoral projects per year. UNDP also engages with Member States on long-term capacity development, including the strengthening of electoral management bodies between elections. At the local level in non-mission settings, the UNDP Country Offices play a key role in the coordination of electoral assistance. In addition to its field-based activities, UNDP produces important analysis and knowledge products on election-related issues.

    The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)

    The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights provides training and advice on human rights monitoring in the context of elections, supports and organizes campaigns for violence-free elections, engages in advocacy for human rights-compliant electoral laws and institutions, monitors and reports on human rights violations during electoral processes.

    United Nations Volunteers (UNV)

    The UNV programme provides critical substantive and operational support for United Nations electoral operations, complementing the staffing of such operations with experienced professionals, often in large numbers, and in short deployment time frames. The Electoral Assistance Division works closely with the UNV programme, in selecting personnel for volunteer posts in electoral field missions. Persons registered with UNV are eligible for a variety of volunteer positions in electoral field projects and operations.

    The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)

    UNOPS is a service provider to the United Nations system and its Member States. UNOPS has provided operational, logistical and other support to electoral assistance in a number of countries and often works in close cooperation with UNDP on electoral assistance activities. UNOPS’ flexibility and responsiveness are great assets for the UN system in implementing electoral assistance activities.

    The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

    UNESCO is the United Nations specialized agency tasked with promoting and supporting freedom of expression, press freedom and freedom of information. Free, independent media, online as well as offline, are essential to the transition towards democracy. To this end, UNESCO aims to strengthen the capacity of the media to provide fair and balanced coverage of electoral activities. Through its field offices around the world, UNESCO works with local journalists and media workers, training and building capacity on elections reporting.

    The United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women)

    UN-Women is mandated to provide, through its normative support functions and operational activities, guidance and technical support to all Member States, at their request, on gender equality, the empowerment and rights of women and gender mainstreaming. It promotes gender equality and women’s participation in political processes. UN-Women is also mandated to lead, coordinate and promote the accountability of the United Nations system in its work on gender equality and the empowerment of women. It provides training and advice on promoting gender equality and women’s participation in electoral processes.

    The International Organization for Migration (IOM)

    IOM which joined the United Nations system in 2016, is the leading intergovernmental organization in the field of migration and often implements out-of-country voting programmes for refugees, asylum seekers and migrants. 


    Electoral Resources

    The United Nations in collaboration with other governmental and non-governmental partners have developed several tools to provide elections practitioners with useful resources.

      UN Electoral Policy Directives and Guidelines

      • Principles and Types of UN Electoral Assistance (FP/01/2012 Policy Directive as revised , effective 3 March 2021, eng)
      • United Nations Electoral Needs Assessments (FP/02/2012 Guideline, ar/eng/fr)
      • UN Support to International Election Observers (FP/03/2012 Policy Directive as revised, effective 1 February 2024, eng)
      • Promoting the Electoral Rights of Persons with Disabilities through UN Electoral Assistance (FP/04/2012 Guideline, ar/eng/fr)
      • UN Electoral Assistance. Supervision, Observation, Panels and Certification (FP/01/2013 Policy Directive as revised, effective 1 February 2022, eng)
      • UN support to electoral system design and reform (FP/02/2013 Policy Directive, ar/eng/fr)
      • Promoting women's electoral and political participation through UN electoral assistance (FP/03/2013 Policy Directive, ar/eng/fr)
      • UN Support to the Design or Reform of Electoral Management Bodies (FP/01/2014 Policy Directive, ar/eng/fr)
      • United Nations statements and public comment around elections (FP/02/2014 Policy Directive, ar/eng/fr)
      • Conduct of UN personnel in and around electoral sites (FP/01/2015 Policy Directive, ar/eng/fr)
      • Operation and Management of the United Nations Single Electoral Roster (FP/01/2016 Policy Directive, ar/eng/fr)
      • Preventing and Mitigating Election-related Violence (FP/01/2016 Policy Directive, ar/eng/fr)

      Reference Material

      • Arabic Electoral Dictionary (ar) and Leaflet on the Arabic Electoral Dictionary (ar, eng, fr)


      ACE Electoral Knowledge Network

      The ACE Electoral Knowledge Network provides comprehensive information on elections, promotes networking among election-related professionals and offers capacity development services.

      The ACE Electoral Knowledge Network was developed in 2006 by eight partner organizations which provide targeted technical assistance in elections management; namely: Elections Canada, the Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa (EISA), the National Electoral Institute of Mexico (INE), the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), the International Institute  for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (I-IDEA), the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Electoral Assistance Division (EAD).

      • ACE offers election practitioners with online services such as an encyclopedia on elections, comparative data on election practices worldwide, and a wide collection of electoral materials from all over the world.
      • ACE Practitioners’ Network brings together election professionals and practitioners from different countries and with diverse and complementary experience and specialization into the first ever global electoral knowledge network established in the field of elections. The Network is also supported by 10 Regional Electoral Resource Centres worldwide.
      • The ACE Capacity Development Facility focuses on electoral knowledge and experience-sharing; and promotes peer learning and peer support as key principles to build the skills of election managers.


      BRIDGE Project -Building Resources in Democracy, Governance & Elections

      Since its creation in 1999, the BRIDGE Project has become the most comprehensive professional development course in election administration. Born from a partnership between the United Nations (EAD and UNDP) and the International Institute  for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, the Australian Electoral Commission, and the International Foundation for Electoral Systems, the project has been developed by electoral administrators themselves and people with wide experience  on elections in many different countries and contexts.

      To date, BRIDGE courses have been conducted by skilled professionals in more than 100 countries for over 15,000 participants. Each training aims to improve the skills, knowledge, and confidence of election professionals and key stakeholders in the electoral process, including members of the media, political parties, electoral observers and the donor community.

      BRIDGE workshops are included in many electoral assistance projects and missions to develop the capacity of electoral authorities and other stakeholders.

    • 30 Mar 2015

      Mr. President,

      Thank you for the opportunity to brief the Council on Boko Haram.
      As Council members are aware, over the last few years, the violence and brutality of Boko Haram attacks in north-eastern Nigeria, as well as in neighbouring countries, has intensified. Today, as we meet, though weakened, the group continues to commit horrendous acts against civilians, including against women and children. We have received reports that children in particular have been abducted, abused, recruited, maimed and killed. Schools in north-east Nigeria are no longer safe places of learning, as many of them continue to be attacked, looted, and destroyed. Several schools in the areas targeted by Boko Haram in Cameroon and Niger also remain closed. In 2014, the group also commenced using young girls as suicide bombers for attacks in populated urban areas. We have also observed an alarming trend of children being used by the group as human shields. Boko Haram’s recent allegiance to the Islamic State for Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), whether for publicity reasons or to tap into ISIL’s support, is also of concern as it is gives a clear signal that Boko Haram’s agenda goes well beyond Nigeria.
      Mr. President,
      The impact of Boko Haram attacks has been manifold. Overlapping with the regional impact of other crises, notably the one in the Central African Republic, countries such as Cameroon, Chad and Niger are now facing serious humanitarian and human rights consequences as a result of the group’s activities. Significant numbers of refugees and internally displaced people are adding pressure on host communities which are already food insecure. I will defer to the Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs who will delve further into the impact of Boko Haram activities on the humanitarian situation across the Lake Chad Basin region and the challenges therein. However, allow me to raise a number of human rights concerns.
      A recent OHCHR evaluation mission to the Far North Region of Cameroon confirmed that Boko Haram has committed numerous human rights abuses, including indiscriminate and targeted killings, abductions of women and girls, use of children in military operations, widespread destruction of property and systematic shooting or slaughtering of captured men who refuse to join their ranks.
      In Niger, a similar human rights evaluation was conducted to assess the situation in the Diffa region, following a Boko Haram attack in February. The mission reported that Boko Haram had indiscriminately targeted the civilian population - either killing or forcibly turning captured civilians into combatants. Children had also been recruited either for combat roles or as suicide bombers. Since the attack in February, schools in the Diffa region have remained closed, depriving children of the right to be educated. The local economy in the Diffa region is also being negatively affected by a continuing State of Emergency. In response to these and other concerns, the United Nations is in the process of scaling up its presence and operations in Nigeria, Niger and Cameroon. In this regard, we appeal to the international community to support humanitarian efforts in the Lake Chad Basin region.
      Mr. President,
      The response of the Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC) countries to the threat of Boko Haram has been commendable. The joint regional offensive involving Nigerian, Chadian, Cameroonian and Nigerien troops, has led to the recapture of several key towns in northeast Nigeria. At the beginning of the year, Boko Haram controlled some 20 local governmental districts in the three north-eastern states in Nigeria. Today, Boko Haram holds only a few areas in Borno State. Moreover, according to reports by the Nigerian Army, on 27 March, Boko Haram’s headquarters in Gwoza was captured.
      The United Nations is supportive of national and regional efforts to prevent and combat terrorism, and to ensure that the perpetrators of terrorism are brought to justice. However, in view of alleged human rights violations related to the on-going counter-insurgency operations against Boko Haram, we would like to stress that counter-terrorist operations that are perceived by the affected populations to be disproportionate and brutal violates the very norms that we seek to defend. It is therefore essential that the Multi-National Joint Task Force – the MNJTF - and other counter-insurgency operations uphold the rule of law and abide by international human rights standards. This is not only an absolutely vital principle, but also an effective strategy, as communities which believe that their Government seeks to protect them are far more likely to cooperate with the authorities, and far less likely to support insurgent groups. In this regard, we welcome the commitment made by the LCBC countries that their operations will be in full compliance with international humanitarian, human rights and refugee law. We are also urging that adequate procedures be put in place to ensure that children, being used by Boko Haram, are treated as victims and dealt with in accordance with international standards for juvenile justice.
      We welcome the decision of leaders of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) to better coordinate efforts in the fight against Boko Haram and to hold a joint Summit with the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to adopt a common strategy. We also salute the sacrifices that the countries of the region have made and the solidarity they have shown by uniting to stop the advance of Boko Haram.
      We welcome the efforts of the LCBC and the African Union towards the operationalisation of the Multi-National Joint Task Force (MNJTF). While we acknowledge that this force is already engaging Boko Haram, we are ready to support regional efforts as necessary in line with the United Nations Human Rights Due Diligence Policy.
      Mr. President,
      I would like to reiterate the Secretary-General’s message that a military approach alone will not suffice to contain the Boko Haram threat.
      The international community can and should play an important role in helping the countries of the region address the social, economic and political challenges associated with Boko Haram. In doing so, we have a responsibility to look at the problem and its consequences in a way that puts respect for human life and dignity first. It will therefore be critical to follow the current military operations carried out by the LCBC countries with stabilization measures and restoration of state authority. During this phase, attention would be focused on creating conducive conditions for the provision of needs-based and principled humanitarian assistance to the displaced populations and returnees.
      As the Lake Chad Basin countries come together to address the menace of Boko Haram, the international community must also support them to eliminate not only the threat, but also the conditions that allow for Boko Haram to thrive. In this regard, it will be important for the United Nations to reiterate its commitment to working with regional countries to bring an end to the ongoing violence and to alleviate the suffering of civilians. The Special Representatives for West and Central Africa are both already fully engaged in this regard. We are also working on deploying more resources to the sub-regions to help provide a hands-on approach to assisting the affected governments.
      Mr. President,
      I cannot conclude without referring to an important development in West Africa, namely the recent general elections in Nigeria that took place over the weekend. In the preliminary statement of its election observation mission, ECOWAS noted that, despite pockets of incidents and logistical challenges, the general elections of 28 March meet the criteria of being free and transparent. The mission commended the enthusiasm, maturity, patience and sense of civic responsibility demonstrated by the electorate and expressed hope that the same spirit of respect for order and discipline will characterize the rest of the electoral process.
      On 29 March, for the 2nd day of elections, voting took place in 330 polling stations. There were reports of Boko Haram activity outside Bauchi, but just as the day before, they did not have any impact of the voting process. (TBU)
      The legitimacy of the next government will be an important prerequisite to ensuring global support for an effective response against the insurgency and for Nigeria’s long-term stability and prosperity. It is our sincere hope that the next Government will remain committed to the sub-regional fight against Boko Haram.
      Thank you.
    • 26 Mar 2015

      Monsieur le Président,

      Je vous remercie chaleureusement pour vos aimables mots. Ces sept dernières années ont été pour moi une expérience extraordinaire qui restera avec moi pendant toute ma vie. Je reconnais avec humilité et gratitude l'opportunité unique qui m'a été offerte.
      I brief today against the backdrop of another month plagued by the brutality that continues to cause immense human suffering across the region. As this will be my last briefing, I intend to focus on my own mandate while, of course, recognizing that the Arab-Israeli conflict is affected by the dramatic events in the region. In any peace agreement Israeli security concerns will need to be seriously addressed. However, losing sight of reaching peace between Israel, Palestine and the wider Arab world altogether – I have repeatedly warned the Council that we may be heading in this direction- would be tantamount to pouring more oil on the regional flames. Conversely, real progress in achieving a two-state solution and ending the longest occupation in modern history would go a long way towards improving regional security and strengthening moderate forces in the region. In this regard, the Arab Peace Initiative still holds out the prospect of Israel normalizing its relations with the Arab and wider Muslim world, rather than isolating itself.
      Let me first briefly update you on significant events during this reporting period before sharing with you some parting thoughts based on my seven years of experience, which the Council may wish to consider. On 17 March, general elections were held in Israel. We congratulate Prime Minister Netanyahu and the Likud party on winning the highest number of seats and note that President Rivlin has invited him to form the next government, a process that may take several weeks. However, I am frankly concerned by many of the hardline statements put forward in the final days of campaigning, in particular remarks by the Prime Minister raising serious doubts about Israel’s commitment to the two-state solution. I urge the incoming Israeli government to seize the opportunity of a fresh mandate to quickly demonstrate in words and, more importantly by actions, this commitment.
      Earlier this month the Palestine Liberation Organization’s (PLO) Central Council adopted a series of decisions, including “to suspend all forms of security coordination given Israel’s systematic and ongoing noncompliance with its obligations under signed agreements.” While noting that in three months’ time the PLO Executive Committee will report back on the implementation of this decision, to date security coordination is continuing. This move may have far-reaching consequences and, along with the Palestinian accession to the International Criminal Court effective 1 April, it is yet another powerful sign of Palestinian determination not to return to the status quo.
      We cannot run from reality. There is a genuine possibility that ending Palestinian security coordination with Israel may be the final nail in the coffin of the Oslo Accords. However, there is still time for parties to end the cycle of counterproductive action and counteraction.
      With the third month of Israel’s withholding of Palestinian tax revenues, now amounting to over $400 million dollars, the Palestinian Authority’s financial crisis is deepening. We are deeply concerned that despite the announcement of an austerity budget for 2015, this temporary bandaid may not allow the Palestinian Authority to survive. Israel’s action is in violation of the Paris Protocol of the Oslo Accords. We, again, call on Israel to immediately reverse this decision.
      In Gaza, an equally destructive financial crisis, related to the lack of progress on civil service reform, continues to ratchet up tensions. It has been nearly five months since the UN facilitated a humanitarian payment to Gaza civil servants. I cannot help but feel that such a gesture may be needed yet again to sustain minimum conditions for stability until the parties have addressed the underlying issue.
      In this regard, I welcome Prime Minister Hamdallah’s second visit to Gaza this week and commend his continued efforts to find solutions for this and other critical issues, which will facilitate his Government’s assumption of its rightful responsibility in Gaza, which was developed with Palestinian and broad international support. I also welcome last week’s declaration of support by President Abbas and Hamas for the Swiss Roadmap pertaining to the reintegration and reform of the public sector in Gaza. I would like to thank Switzerland for their committed efforts on this issue and urge the Roadmap’s swift implementation.
      While the appalling situation in Gaza endures, there are some signs of progress. While not enough, the temporary Gaza Reconstruction Mechanism (GRM) is making a difference. As of 23 March, almost 80 per cent of damaged shelters have been processed through this mechanism, with over 61,000 individuals having procured construction materials to carry out their home repairs. In addition, the mechanism is ready to process large-scale reconstruction. Over 40 international and private sector projects have been approved and five are already underway – including Qatar’s first major housing project to construct 1,000 housing units. I appreciate Israel’s willingness to facilitate this process. I, therefore, encourage all international partners to take note that the mechanism is working and to fully engage on Gaza reconstruction, in line with their pledges in Cairo last October.
      Mr. President,
      The situation in the West Bank, including in East Jerusalem, remains tense. At practically every monthly briefing during the past seven years we have reported on negative developments. These include the loss of lives and injuries resulting from demonstrations, inter-communal violence often involving Israeli settlers and Israeli search-and-arrest operations. We have also reported on security incidents, including, increasingly, so-called “lone-wolf” attacks – and the Secretary General and I have firmly condemned acts of terror. I do not need to give the details to report that this month resembles the average from previous briefings, including on home demolitions, another disturbing trend. Numbers sometimes hide the grim reality of entrenched occupation leading to growing despair.
      We did not fail to report to you either some positive developments, in particular related to Palestinian state building and the easing of Israeli restrictive measures. After a longstanding dispute, Rawabi has finally been connected to water supply, allowing families to begin moving into this modern Palestinian township near Ramallah. I also welcome recent Israeli steps to ease some of its restrictions on the movement of people and goods in the West Bank and Gaza. I only wish that I could have reported such positive news on a regular basis, and I urge Israel to expand upon these important initiatives.
      Unsurprisingly, settlement planning and activity also continued this month, despite unanimous opposition from the international community. According to the Israeli NGO Peace Now, from January 2008 to January 2014 – that’s six of my seven years as Special Coordinator – the population in settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem steadily increased by an estimated 16 per cent to a total of 551,500 persons – over half a million people. Some 16,500 new residential units were constructed in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem during this period.
      Illegal settlement activity simply cannot be reconciled with the objective of a negotiated two-state solution and may kill the very possibility of reaching peace on the paradigm of two states for two peoples. I frankly do not know if it is already too late. The minimum conditions of trust cannot be restored without the new Israeli government taking credible steps to freeze settlement activity.
      Mr. President,
      Allow me, in this final briefing, to share my parting thoughts.
      Upon leaving this position, I cannot but express an overriding feeling that I have been part of a peace process in which a can is kicked down an endless road. During the past seven years, three US-led peace initiatives remained inconclusive and did not bring us any closer to the urgently needed political foundation for a Palestinian state as part of a two-state solution. This is why the remarkable progress achieved in Palestinian state building, pursued vigorously under the leadership of President Abbas and former Prime Minister Fayyad, has started to turn into a “failed success”. Moreover, all three stalled negotiations were followed by wars in Gaza, leaving the Strip devastated seven months after the last war, as I observed during my last visit.
      To seek to prevent yet another descent into conflict, I have publicly called for a new strategy prioritizing Gaza. By this, let me be clear, I do not mean “Gaza only.” Neither I nor the United Nations would ever support a strategy that would seek to divide Gaza from the West Bank. Focusing support to Gaza must be inextricably linked to addressing the wider peace process.
      “Prioritizing Gaza” means that we recognize that we cannot possibly hope to pick up the pieces of a shattered Israel-Palestinian peace strategy, leaving Gaza as it is. It means that we cannot possibly hope to again board the peace train in the West Bank and arrive in Gaza as a final stop. It means that we must fix Gaza – or at least stabilize it – so that we do not reconstruct it for a third time only to see it destroyed again and so that it does not halt peace efforts which aim to reach the long desired two-state vision: Israel living side-by-side in peace and security with one single, unified State of Palestine.
      “Prioritizing Gaza” means for me achieving four main objectives urgently.
      First, we need a more stable ceasefire under the umbrella of the Government of National Consensus. I have called for a “reconstruction hudna”: a freeze of all military activities above and below ground over at least a three-to-five-year timeframe. This would allow time and give donors confidence for the large-scale, accelerated reconstruction that Gaza desperately needs: major infrastructure projects, including housing; a gas pipeline to generate inexpensive energy; and a desalination plant to address the chronic water shortages. Once these immediate needs would be met, a next step would be to look into providing an opening to the world via a seaport.
      Second, such a “hudna” can only be sustainable if Palestinians move towards a real reconciliation – this has not happened yet. Clearly this will not be an easy task, but what is the alternative? Empowering the Government of National Consensus to take up its leadership role in Gaza is the only way forward. Bringing all the crossings in Gaza under the control of the consensus Government and civil service reform represent essential next steps.
      Third, all Gaza crossings need to be opened further to support the free movement of people and goods, including to reconnect the Strip and the West Bank and to enable exports.
      And fourth, the international community must be prepared to fully support the Government of National Consensus, both politically and financially. This includes acting on the commitments made at the Cairo Conference to support Gaza reconstruction. A new strategy for Gaza needs the engagement of all stakeholders. I very much hope that conditions will soon allow Egypt to continue playing its important role, including by resuming the stalled ceasefire talks and promoting Palestinian reconciliation.
      I can honestly state that Gaza has consistently been a top priority for the UN and for me, personally. During each crisis, the United Nations, including through the personal involvement of the Secretary-General, was in the forefront to stop the fighting. Let me here also thank the UN family on the ground, particularly UNRWA, for their indispensable role in picking up the pieces in the aftermath and doing the important development and humanitarian work. The stark truth is that, despite all the efforts, Gaza is our collective failure and the people of Gaza continue to suffer the consequences.
      Mr. President,
      Another lesson learned after seven years and three wars is that the Middle East Peace Process has mainly played out on three inter-connected and mutually conflicting tracks: Peace negotiations; Gaza; and the UN.
      The interplay of these three tracks has produced a dangerous outcome, I dare say the biggest crisis to date to our joint efforts to achieve a two-state solution. As I have noted in my briefings to you since May 2012, the parties are heading towards an outcome which I can only describe as a one-state reality.
      As the parties do not appear at this point ready to recommence negotiations, we should not rush them back to the table. If indeed we believe that they do continue to seek an outcome of two neighbouring states living in peace and security, but are unable themselves, at this juncture, to agree on a meaningful framework to resume negotiations, the international community should seriously consider presenting such a framework for negotiations, including parameters, to achieve this. This may be the only way to preserve the goal of a two-state solution, in the present circumstances.
      Peace is first and foremost the responsibility of the parties to the conflict. But that reality cannot absolve international institutions of their responsibilities. For its part, the Quartet has largely failed to live up to expectations – although recent efforts to reinvigorate it, including through an enhanced role for regional stakeholders, may have a positive impact.
      It remains the primary responsibility of this Council to play its role in developing a new peace architecture for resolving the conflict at long last. Security Council resolution 242 embodying the key principle of “land for peace” is nearly half a century old. During my tenure – in my first year, actually – the Council passed only two resolutions on Israel and Palestine and neither of these provided a strategy. Hasn’t the time come, Mr. President, for the Council to lead?
      Mr. President,
      In conclusion, let me express my appreciation for the dedicated work of the many UNSCO staff members without whose efforts I could not have done my job. And, further, I wish to convey my sincere gratitude to the Security Council and to the Secretary-General for all the support I have received over these eventful years. I could not have carried out my mission without your strong backing and, in particular, without your support for my maintaining contact – as the only peace Envoy permanently on the ground – with all parties concerned, including as appropriate with non-state actors, such as Hamas. Goal-oriented contact with such interlocutors is an essential element for any Envoy seeking peace in a complex, modern conflict.
      Finally, to my successor, Nickolay Mladenov, I wish every success in dealing with this infinitely challenging environment.
    • 23 Mar 2015

      Preventive Diplomacy

      The Secretary-General’s vision for centering the Organization’s work on peace and security around prevention and through a surge in diplomacy for peace reaffirms the United Nations founding mission. 

      Preventive diplomacy refers to diplomatic action taken to prevent disputes from escalating into conflicts and to limit the spread of conflicts when they occur. While it is conducted in different forms and fora, both public and private, the most common expression of preventive diplomacy is found in the work of envoys dispatched to crisis areas to encourage dialogue, compromise and the peaceful resolution of tensions. Preventive diplomacy can also encompass the involvement of the Security Council, the Secretary-General and other actors to discourage the use of violence at critical moments.

      The Secretary-General provides his "good offices" to parties in conflict both personally and through the diplomatic envoys he dispatches to areas of tension around the world. The Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) is the principal support structure for those efforts, providing conflict analysis, planning and support to the work of peace envoys and overseeing more than a dozen field-based political missions that serve as key platforms for preventive diplomacy. Of these missions, regional offices covering Central Africa, West Africa and Central Asia have explicit mandates for preventive diplomacy and strengthening the capacity of states and regional actors to manage sources of tension peacefully. Preventive diplomacy is also carried out frequently within the context of peacekeeping missions.

      The Security Council, as the UN organ with the primary responsibility for peace and security, also has a critical role to play in supporting preventive action. Recent years have seen increased Council engagement and flexibility in addressing emerging threats before they come on the Council’s formal agenda. Through its actions, the Council can send important signals that help discourage violence and open space for preventive action including by the Secretary-General.

      The work of the United Nations in conflict prevention extends well beyond traditional preventive diplomacy to involve a broad constellation of United Nations entities operating across a wide range of relevant disciplines — poverty-eradication and development, human rights and the rule of law, elections and the building of democratic institutions, the control of small arms, to name just a few.



      Since its inception, the United Nations has played a crucial role in helping to mediate inter- and intra-State conflicts at all stages: before they escalate into armed conflict, after the outbreak of violence, and during implementation of peace agreements. The Secretary-General and his representatives carry out good offices and mediation efforts at the request of parties to disputes, on the Secretary General’s initiative, or in response to a request from the Security Council or the General Assembly. The Department of Political Affairs (DPA) was established in 1992 to assist in this work and in 2019, DPA joined forces with the Peacebuilding Support Unit (PBSO) to form the new DPPA.

      Successful conflict mediation requires an adequate support system to provide envoys with the proper staff assistance and advice, and to ensure that talks have the needed logistical and financial resources. The United Nations, led by DPPA, has moved over the past several years to sharpen its ability to provide such support to its own mediation efforts as well as to those of partner organizations.

      DPPA's Mediation Support Unit (MSU), established in 2006, works closely with the Department's regional divisions to plan and support mediation efforts in the field. Among its functions, MSU provides advisory, financial and logistical support to peace processes; works to strengthen the mediation capacity of regional and sub-regional organizations; and serves as a repository of mediation knowledge, policy and guidance, lessons learned and best practices.

      The Department manages the United Nations Standby Team of Mediation Experts – an "on call" group of experts established in 2008 that can be deployed to assist mediators in the field. Team members have provided support in dozens of negotiations, and hold expertise on issues including power-sharing, natural resources and conflict, constitution-making, cease-fires and other security arrangements, and gender issues as they relate to conflict. In addition, all Standby Team experts are expected to mainstream gender considerations in all of their deployments. Standby team members have the flexibility to deploy on short notice to assist UN or non-UN mediators globally, or to provide analysis and advice remotely. Starting in 2020, the practice of remote or virtual deployments of the Standby Team was substantially expanded so as to meet the evolving needs of mediation actors. With support from donors, the Department has also established a rapid response fund to start up mediation processes at short notice. Advance planning and ready resources are a key to effective early mediation when crises are brewing.

      DPPA provides backing to the High-Level Advisory Board (HLAB) on Mediation, established by Secretary-General António Guterres in September 2017. The 18 members of the HLAB -- current and former global leaders, senior officials and renowned experts -- back specific mediation efforts around the world with their unparalleled range of experience, skills, knowledge and contacts.

      DPPA also developed and maintains the online mediation support tool UN Peacemaker. Intended for peacemaking professionals, it includes an extensive database of close to 800 peace agreements, guidance material and information on the UN’s mediation support services.



      UN peacemaking flourished in the decade following the end of the Cold War, as many longstanding armed conflicts were brought to an end through political negotiated settlements.

      The organization continues to play a preeminent role in peacemaking, working increasingly in partnership with regional organizations in order to bring ongoing conflicts to an end, and to prevent new crises from emerging or escalating.

      DPPA anchors the UN's peacemaking efforts, monitoring global political developments and advising the Secretary-General on the prevention and management of crises, including through the use of his diplomatic "good offices" to help parties in conflict settle disputes peacefully. The Department provides support to numerous envoys of the Secretary-General engaged in peace talks or crisis diplomacy, while overseeing field-based United Nations special political missions with mandates to help countries and regions resolve conflicts and tensions peacefully.


    • 19 Mar 2015
      Monsieur le Président,
      Distingués membres du Conseil,
      Mesdames et Messieurs,
      J’ai l'honneur de présenter le sixième rapport du Secrétaire général sur la mise en œuvre de l’Accord-cadre pour la paix, la sécurité et la coopération pour la République démocratique du Congo et la région. Je me réjouis de le faire sous la présidence de la France dont je salue le soutien et la contribution à la réalisation des objectifs de l'Accord-cadre aux cotés des autres pays membres du Conseil.
      Deux ans après la signature de l’Accord-cadre d’Addis Abeba qui a apporté une impulsion nouvelle aux efforts visant à stabiliser l’est de la RDC et à jeter les bases d'une coopération régionale, la région reste à la croisée des chemins. Les crises qui ont surgi en RCA et au Sud Soudan sont venues rappeler que la région, dans son ensemble, reste vulnérable à des facteurs d'instabilité. En dépit des progrès notables réalisés dans l’instauration d’un climat de paix et de sécurité, des défis importants restent à relever en vue d'atteindre les objectifs visés par l'Accord- cadre.
      Il s’agit, en premier lieu, de la neutralisation des groupes armés opérant dans l’est de la RDC. Ces forces négatives continuent de commettre des violences à l’égard des populations civiles, en particulier contre les femmes et les enfants, d’exploiter illégalement les ressources naturelles et d’alimenter un climat de méfiance entre les pays de la région.
      Dès ma prise de fonction, j'ai donné une priorité à la mobilisation des pays de la région et des autres parties prenantes autour de cet objectif. J’ai encouragé les opérations militaires menées par les forces armées de la RDC contre les ADF avec le soutien de la MONUSCO et je me suis rendu à Beni avec mon collègue Martin Kobler et le Représentant spécial de la Présidente de la Commission de l'Union Africaine, M. Boubacar Diarra, pour encourager cette collaboration. Mon Bureau s’est également investi, aux cotés des parties prenantes, pour la mise en œuvre des déclarations de Nairobi, y compris pour le rapatriement des membres des ex-M23 à partir du Rwanda et de l’Ouganda. A ce jour, un nombre réduit de ces membres ont accepté de retourner en RDC dans le cadre du plan de rapatriement arrêté avec l'Ouganda. Pour sa part, le processus de rapatriement reste encore à enclencher avec le Rwanda dans la foulée de la visite entreprise par la délégation de la RDC à Kigali en février dernier. Tout doit être fait pour clore définitivement le chapitre de la rébellion du M23 et déployer ainsi toutes les énergies sur les autres forces négatives.
      Dans le même temps, je me suis joins aux efforts visant à encourager le déclenchement de l'action militaire contre les FDLR à l’expiration du délai du 2 janvier 2015 et j'ai pris part à la série de consultations qui ont été organisées par la CIRGL et la SADC durant la dernière partie de l'année écoulée. Je me réjouis du consensus qui a fini par émerger sur cette question délicate et saisis cette occasion pour féliciter la RDC et ses forces armées pour les opérations militaires qu'ils ont lancées contre les FDLR. J'encourage à nouveau le gouvernement de la RDC et la MONUSCO à reprendre leur pleine collaboration dans le cadre des opérations contre les FDLR et à renforcer leur partenariat à travers un dialogue stratégique structuré. Lors de ma rencontre avec le Président Kabila, le 13 mars dernier, il m’a assuré de la disposition du gouvernement de la RDC en faveur d'un tel dialogue.
      Monsieur le Président,
      Mesdames et Messieurs les membres du Conseil,
      En deuxième lieu, dans mes divers engagements dans la région, j’ai encouragé les efforts et appelé à des initiatives visant à améliorer les relations entre les pays de la région en vue de lever les malentendus et les suspicions et bâtir un niveau de confiance nécessaire à la poursuite du processus de l'Accord-cadre. Je tiens à remercier le Président dos Santos en sa qualité de Président en exercice de la CIRGL et d'autres leaders de la région pour leur engagement dans ce sens. Je réitère ma disponibilité à soutenir ces efforts de rapprochement entre les Etats en vue de promouvoir un climat plus propice à la coopération. Dans ce contexte, je me félicite de l'intention du Président Kabila de convoquer un Sommet de la Conférence Economique des Pays de la Région des Grands Lacs (CEPGL).
      Enfin, notant que la région s'engageait dans un cycle électoral crucial pour le renforcement de la démocratie et de la stabilité, je me suis employé en liaison avec mes collègues des Nations Unies dans la région et le groupe des Envoyés Spéciaux à apporter ma contribution aux efforts visant à encourager la tenue d'élections inclusives, transparentes et apaisées. Nous continuerons à déployer des efforts pour aider les pays de la région à faire de ces rendez-vous électoraux des opportunités pour renforcer leur acquis démocratiques et leur stabilité conformément a l’esprit de l’Accord-cadre.
      Monsieur le Président,
      Mesdames et Messieurs,
      Au delà de ces impératifs, il convient de s'attaquer aux autres causes profondes de l'instabilité à l'est de la RDC et dans la région comme nous y engage l'Accord- cadre d'Addis Abeba. A cette fin, en liaison avec la CIRGL et toutes les parties prenantes, mon bureau apportera sa contribution aux initiatives déjà en cours ou envisagées en vue de créer les conditions favorables au retour des réfugiés, le rapprochement des communautés locales, ainsi que la recherche de solutions pérennes aux questions complexes de citoyenneté et du foncier. Ces domaines d'action et d'autres telles que la lutte contre l'exploitation illégale des ressources naturelles et la promotion de la coopération judiciaire régionale figurent parmi les actions prioritaires inscrites dans ma feuille de route.
      Au plan du développement économique, je me réjouis de relever les nombreuses initiatives de développement et de coopération qui ont vu le jour ces dernières années, en particulier les différents corridors régionaux de développement. Mon Bureau s'emploie à accompagner ces efforts louables à travers notamment l'organisation, en juillet prochain, conjointement avec la Banque Mondiale, l'Union européenne et l'Union africaine, d’une conférence des partenaires axée sur la problématique du développement régional. Par ailleurs, après l'organisation à Luanda en décembre 2014 des consultations régionales qui ont avalisé le Document sur les opportunités d'investissement, mon Bureau et la CIRGL avec l'appui d'autres partenaires se sont engagés dans le processus de préparation de la conférence sur les investissements du secteur privé dans la région des grands lacs dont la tenue est prévue à Kinshasa durant le dernier trimestre 2015. Cette conférence, la première du genre, vise à promouvoir les opportunités d'investissements et de création d'emplois, renforcer le partenariat public-privé et créer une plateforme d’échanges entre investisseurs. Il s’agit à travers la tenue de cette conférence, de renforcer les perspectives de paix par les opportunités d’investissements dans la région.
      Monsieur le Président,
      Mesdames et Messieurs les membres du Conseil,
      La participation des organisations de la société civile et des femmes aux efforts visant à mettre fin à l'instabilité et à faciliter la mise en œuvre de l’Accord-cadre demeure essentielle. À cet égard, des efforts sont en cours pour établir une coalition régionale de la société civile avec l'appui conjoint de mon Bureau et du Secrétariat exécutif de la CIRGL. De même, nous travaillons étroitement avec la CIRGL pour le renforcement d’initiatives en faveur des femmes contribuant à la paix dans la région des Grands Lacs. À cet égard, la Plateforme des Femmes pour l’Accord-cadre lancé par Mary Robinson continue, sous mes auspices, d'appuyer l'autonomisation politique et économique des femmes à travers notamment le financement d'activités socioéconomiques. Je suis heureux de vous informer que la première série de subventions issue d’un Fonds d'affectation spéciale mis en place par mon Bureau en appui à la Plateforme des Femmes, a été versée en novembre 2014 pour des associations de femmes venant du Burundi, de la RDC, du Rwanda et de l’Ouganda. Je tiens à remercier les gouvernements des Pays-Bas, de l’Irlande et la de la Norvège, qui ont contribué au Fonds d’affectation spéciale de mon Bureau.
      Mr. President,
      Distinguished members of the Council,
      Ladies and Gentlemen,
      In conclusion, let me say a few words on the governance structures and monitoring mechanisms of the PSC Framework. The current regional context calls for the strengthening of these structures and mechanisms in order to keep the momentum for the effective delivery of national, regional and international commitments through proactive engagement within the Regional Oversight Mechanism and an enhanced role of the Technical Support Committee. In the weeks ahead, I will consult with the leadership of the African Union and the other the co-guarantors of the Framework Agreement - ICGLR and SADC - on the best ways to improve the PSC Framework governance structures and monitoring mechanisms.
      Let me also put on record my appreciation for the cooperation I am receiving from the signatory countries and the excellent collaboration developed with my colleagues in the region especially SRSG Kobler with whom I work and coordinate closely and Special Envoy Uteem as well as the UN regional system. I wish to express my appreciation for the good cooperation we have forged with the AU as the co- promoter of the PSCF process and the other co-guarantors of the Agreement. I also thank my fellow Special Envoys including Russ Feingold -who recently left his position after 18 months of brilliant service-for their support and contribution.
      Sustaining the momentum of the Framework Agreement lies in the continued commitment of the signatory countries and concerned stakeholders. I wish, in this regard, to count on the continued engagement and support of your Council. The DRC and the Great Lakes Region have made considerable progress in overcoming the tragedies of the past but, they are yet to achieve irreversible progress for lasting peace. I reiterate my commitment to work tirelessly and join hands with regional and other stakeholders towards delivering the promises of the Framework Agreement and assisting the region fulfil its aspirations for shared peace and prosperity.
      I thank you for your attention.
    • 18 Mar 2015

      Today I completed a two-day visit to Nigeria, accompanied by the Secretary-General’s High-Level Representative to Nigeria, Mohamed Ibn Chambas. My meetings with key national political, electoral, and security officials, included the Presidential Candidate of the All Progressive Party (APC), Major General (Rtd.) Muhammadu Buhari; the Chair of the ruling People’s Democratic Party (PDP), Mr. Alhaji Ahmadu Adamu Mu’azu; the Permanent Secretary of the Presidency, Ambassador Hassan Tukur; the Chair of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Mr. Attahiru Jega; the Chief of Defense Staff, Air Chief Marshall Alex Sabundu Badeh; the Inspector General of the Police (IGP), Mr. Suleiman Abba; the Director-General of the National Intelligence Agency, Ambassador Ayodele Oke; and the Director-General of State Security Service, Mr. Ita Ekpeyong. The Executive Secretary of the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), Professor Bem Angwe, representatives of the National Peace Committee, members of the diplomatic community and civil society organizations also shared their views with me.

      I conveyed the Secretary-General’s solidarity and support to the people of Nigeria in the lead-up to the general elections scheduled to begin on 28 March. I look forward to conveying to the Secretary-General the assurances we received during my trip regarding the importance of holding the elections in accordance with the new electoral calendar issued by the INEC. I encouraged the political, electoral and security actors to continue working together to create an environment conducive for the holding of violence-free and credible elections, and ensure that all eligible Nigerians can freely exercise their constitutional right to vote, including those displaced by violence in the North East. I urged the political actors, particularly the candidates, to resolve any electoral disputes through existing legal and constitutional means. Especially commendable is the commitment by President Jonathan and General Buhari to implementing the Abuja Accord and encouraged them to work with the National Peace Committee (NPC), political parties and civil society to ensure its implementation at State and Federal levels. Especially given the important role Nigeria plays in the region and globally, the international community is closely watching the elections in Nigeria and that any persons responsible for violence will be held accountable.

      In the view of the UN, INEC has made noteworthy progress in the preparations for the elections, including the distribution of Permanent Voters Cards (PVCs) and the testing of card readers, despite the tight schedule and logistical challenges. We believe that that these efforts should help to build confidence in the electoral system among the Nigerian voters and pave the way for the holding of credible and inclusive elections.

      On discussing the situation in the north-east of Nigeria resulting from continuing indiscriminate and brutal attacks by Boko Haram against civilian populations, I reiterated the Secretary-General’s message that no cause or grievance can justify such crimes. The Secretary-General has expressed support for Nigeria and other countries of the Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC) and Benin as they fight the insurgency and welcomed the positive steps taken by them, with the support of the African Union, towards operationalizing the Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF) to counter the threat posed by Boko Haram in the sub-region, in line with international human rights, humanitarian and refugee law.

      I recalled the Secretary-General’s message that, while security measures are essential, an exclusive reliance on a military approach would not suffice to counter the Boko Haram insurgency. Countering Boko Haram effectively and permanently should be based on a multi-dimensional approach that addresses human rights concerns and promotes good governance and economic and social development.

      On behalf of the Secretary-General, I also expressed sincere appreciation to the people and government of Nigeria for the country’s leadership role in the United Nations itself. This is demonstrated by Nigeria’s current membership on the Security Council and by the many talented sons and daughters of Nigeria who are in key positions throughout the Organization. In addition, generations of Nigerians have served in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations, contributing in a tangible and direct way to global peace and security.

    • 16 Mar 2015

      Mr. President, members of the Council,

      Recent avalanches and floods across Afghanistan which caused over 250 fatalities have reminded us that the country is not only subject to the cost of human conflict but also vulnerable to the regular toll exacted by natural disasters. The United Nations offers its condolences to the affected families and commends the response of the government and humanitarian rescue workers who have worked in the harshest of conditions to assist survivors and reestablish basic services. As requested by the Government, the UN humanitarian system has provided emergency relief and stands ready to deliver further assistance towards longer-term reconstruction.
      Mr. President,
      Since my last briefing to this Council a number of significant developments have brought renewed hope for an active peace process in Afghanistan. In addition, the National Unity Government has started to take shape with the nomination and approval of a number of ministers. And, Afghanistan and Pakistan have conducted an increasingly constructive dialogue focused on peace, trade and security.
      These positive developments are a testament to the efforts of President Ashraf Ghani and Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah. Their collaborative leadership will remain essential for any peace talks to progress, for comprehensive electoral reforms to take hold, and for the implementation of the changes required to reinvigorate the economy.
      To this effect, UNAMA once again urges political leaders to conclude the appointment process of senior Government officials. In particular, the Mission highlights the need to appoint senior judicial officials to strengthen recent efforts to reinforce the rule of law and to fight against corruption. UNAMA continues to stress that a diverse and professional administration with strong female representation will be necessary to tackle the many challenges that lie ahead.
      Mr. President,
      In past weeks, reports on possible peace talks between the Government of Afghanistan and the Taliban have been prevalent. It is UNAMA’s assessment that there is currently an alignment of circumstances that could be conducive to fostering peace talks. Parties, however, need to be given sufficient space to build a level of trust that will allow them to establish common ground, to come to the realization that peace is the only viable option for Afghanistan, and that a military victory is neither likely, nor optimal for a lasting national social compact.
      Peace processes, as we know, are fragile and vulnerable to external destabilization. They require patient nurturing. International support should be coherent and coordinated. A sustainable peace will require that the process be inclusive and build upon the significant gains made by Afghanistan in the past decade. In close consultation with the Government, UNAMA will continue to engage all parties to this conflict in order to assist them find that common ground.
      I can also confirm that UNAMA continues a frank dialogue with the Taliban on humanitarian access and on human rights, notably on protection of civilians. In this regard, the Mission notes that as a result access for immunization teams in Helmand province has been restored.
      Mr. President,
      An integral component of the political agreement that led to the formation of the National Unity Government is the pledge made to establish an Electoral Reform Commission. Comprehensive Electoral reforms will be essential to restoring the faith of the Afghan people in the democratic process and strengthening political stability. UNAMA therefore welcomes President Ghani’s renewed commitment to establish this Commission shortly. We strongly encourage Afghan authorities to clarify the electoral calendar, improve fraud mitigation measures, enhance sustainability of elections, and engage the Afghan people in a transparent and consultative manner.
      Mr. President,
      In the past months, I have undertaken a number of visits to Afghanistan’s neighboring countries and met with senior officials inter alia from Iran, Pakistan, and Uzbekistan. I am pleased to report that in each of these meetings, many interlocutors have recognized the importance of enhancing regional collaboration. They affirmed their readiness to play a constructive role in Afghanistan and appreciate that stability and economic cooperation are ultimately a matter of mutual self-interest.
      In addition a proper intra Afghan peace dialogue will require strong regional backing, in full respect of Afghanistan’s sovereignty. In this regard, we note the positive initiatives taken by the leaders of Afghanistan and Pakistan in recent months.
      Mr. President,
      The state of the Afghan economy remains of significant concern. The Government’s Self-Reliance agenda presented at the last December London Conference was rightly lauded for its vision. It now needs to be implemented to allow for the Government to further mobilize its revenues, increase its capacity to deliver services and create employment opportunities.
      Although the rain and snowfalls of the past weeks have alleviated some of the concerns that Afghanistan could be affected by a drought this summer, preventive measures need to be put in place to assist the most vulnerable.
      Mr. President,
      UNAMA has publicly stated its persistent concerns about the continued increase in civilian casualties. UNAMA documented over 10,000 civilian casualties in 2014, the highest annual number of civilian casualties recorded since UNAMA began systematic monitoring in 2009. The rise in civilian casualties resulted mainly from increased ground engagements in which Afghan forces and insurgents used indirect fire in and on civilian populated areas. Parties to the conflict must understand the impact of their actions and take responsibility for them, uphold the values they claim to defend, and make protecting civilians their priority. We need to see concrete steps towards a real reduction in civilian casualties in 2015.
      UNAMA and the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights released, in late February, their third report on torture and ill-treatment of conflict-related detainees in Government detention facilities. The report found that one-third of all detainees interviewed were ill-treated or tortured. Although this shows a decrease from 49% in incidence of torture compared to the previous reporting period, more remains to be done to prevent torture, which is still pervasive and systemic. We welcome the new administration’s immediate commitment to end these practices including its announcement to bring forward a national plan on the elimination of torture. UNAMA calls on the Government to send a clear message of zero tolerance towards these practices by prosecuting perpetrators, and thereby putting an end to impunity.
      Mr. President,
      Recent military operations in Helmand and Kunar provinces are a demonstration that the Afghan Security Forces have improved their planning and operational capacity. They are now in a position to conduct large-scale operations without direct combat assistance from international military forces. This development is encouraging even though we expect to see an intensification of combat in the upcoming fighting season as insurgents seek to test the ANSF capacity to hold ground on their own.
      Recent reports have indicated that the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant has established a foothold in Afghanistan. It is UNAMA’s assessment that the group’s presence is of concern but that ISIL’s significance is not so much a function of its intrinsic capacities in the area but of its potential to offer an alternative flagpole to which otherwise isolated insurgent splinter groups can rally.
      Mr. President,
      Noting the continuation of the Mission’s core mandate, UNAMA will maintain its efforts, in a manner consistent with Afghan sovereignty, to provide good offices, promote human rights, as well as to promote coherent support by the international community to the priorities set by the Government of Afghanistan.
      Mr. President,
      In less than a week, Afghans will be celebrating Nawrooz, the day that marks in this region the beginning of the New Year and is widely recognized as an occasion signifying hope and renewal. I therefore take this opportunity to wish my colleague ambassador Tanin and all Afghans a peaceful 1395. It is my most sincere hope that this will be the year which brings tangible progress towards peace.
    • 9 Mar 2015

      Staff members from the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) thanked United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for his support in rebuilding the organization’s headquarters, an icon of modern Latin American architecture, after an earthquake that affected central and southern Chile in February 2010. Ban Ki-moon visited Santiago on an official mission from February 26 to March 1.

      During his third official visit to Chile, Mr. Ban participated in a high-level event organized by UN Women and Chile’s government, and his agenda included a town-hall meeting at ECLAC’s headquarters, which was attended by officials from the fifteen United Nations agencies, programs and funds that have offices in Chile.

      ECLAC’s Executive Secretary Alicia Bárcena unveiled an engraved plaque dedicated to the Secretary-General, in which all staff members thank his support after the 2010 earthquake in Chile.

    • 6 Mar 2015

      Mr. President, distinguished members of the Council,

      In the six weeks since my last briefing to this Council on 26 January, there have been a number of significant developments related to the conflict in eastern Ukraine.
      Most pivotal among them was the signing by the Trilateral Contact Group and rebel representatives of the “Package of Measures for the Implementation of the Minsk Agreements” on 12 February in Minsk. This agreement, the result of tireless diplomacy by Chancellor Merkel, President Hollande, President Poroshenko and President Putin, provides a roadmap for a lasting peace in eastern Ukraine.
      Recognising this fact, on 17 February, this Council unanimously adopted Resolution 2202, thereby providing the peace process in eastern Ukraine with a binding international framework to further engage all sides to find an urgent and lasting solution to the conflict.
      However, as we converged in this Chamber on that same day, the fight for Debaltseve reached its climax, with hundreds, if not thousands, of innocent civilians caught in the cross-fire. As Ambassador Tagliavini, a signatory to the 12 February Minsk agreement, remarked to this Council on 27 February, the rebels’ unabated attacks for control over this strategic area were in clear violation of the agreement they had signed only five days prior.
      Since 18 February, the situation appears to have calmed. However, as we are all well aware, the cease-fire remains fragile, not yet having taken hold firmly across the region. Sporadic violations are reported frequently, including south, near Mariupol, and once again near Donetsk airport.
      The OSCE Special Monitoring Mission has monitored some withdrawals of heavy military equipment from the line of contact, but, due to lack of access and freedom of movement of its monitors, the Mission remains unable to verify the true extent of this process. It is also yet to receive baseline information regarding the sides’ inventory, routes for withdrawal, and where the weapons will be stored. As per the commitments undertaken by the parties in Minsk, full and unfettered access must be given to the OSCE and withdrawal of heavy weaponry must commence urgently, transparently and comprehensively.
      We are aware that there will be no significant traction on the political track unless the prerequisite cease-fire and withdrawal of weapons are fully implemented. The history of this conflict has taught us that the window of opportunity to make these processes irreversible is limited.
      Mr. President, distinguished members of the Council,
      Eastern Ukraine still appears to be in limbo as we await full implementation of the Minsk package of measures. The road ahead will be difficult but it is critical that all concerned strictly adhere to and commence good-faith implementation of this agreement. We welcome the continued efforts of the leaders of Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany, as well as the crucial role played by the OSCE.
      Ladies and gentlemen,
      Let me also take this opportunity to touch briefly on President Poroshenko’s 17 February statement noting that Ukraine will be requesting a possible deployment of a UN-mandated peace mission to Ukraine. Subsequent to that, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Klimkin held discussions with the Secretary-General, USG Ladsous and myself on this issue. We informed the Foreign Minister that it was a decision for the members of this Council and that the Secretariat would be guided by its decision. To date, no formal request has been received from Ukraine.
      With reference to the OSCE briefings to this Council on 27 February and the call for the UN to do more, the Secretariat continues its close cooperation with the OSCE on what more could be done to support their difficult and complex mandates.
      Thank you, Mr. President.
    • 3 Mar 2015

      Over the past four days, I have had a series of positive, constructive discussions here in Sri Lanka. The Secretary-General of the United Nations asked me to visit at what he sees as a moment of historic opportunity for the people of this beautiful country: your democratic elections and peaceful transition have not only inspired the citizens of Sri Lanka but also captured the attention of Sri Lanka’s many friends in the international community. I want to thank the Government of Sri Lanka for its generous hospitality in helping to arrange my visit on relatively short notice.

      While here, I had the opportunity to meet President Maithripala Sirisena, Prime MinisterRanil Wickremesinghe, Acting Foreign Minister Ajith Perera, the leadership of the JHU, SLMC, TNA, and the diplomatic community. Yesterday in Jaffna, I met with the Governorand the Chief Minister of the Northern Provincial Council. In addition, I was able to listen to, and compare notes with, a divergent group of civil society representatives both here in Colombo and in Jaffna. Those I met over the past four days inspired me with their visions for a prosperous, democratic country, at peace internally and with positive, close, mutually beneficial relations regionally and internationally.


      Ladies and gentlemen,

      2015 marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations. We are also approaching the 60th anniversary of when Sri Lanka’s first Permanent Representative to the UN, Sir Senerat Gunawardene, presented his credentials. In the years since then, Sri Lanka has made many important contributions to the Organization. I am thinking of the leadership roles that prominent personalities from Sri Lanka have played in the UN – people such as Justice Christopher Weeramantry, Jayantha Dhanapala, Radhika Coomaraswamy, Andrew Joseph, and Shirely Amarasinghe. The current Governor of the Northern Provincial Council represented your country with distinction in New York during a particularly challenging time.

      Thousands of Sri Lankan citizens over the decades have contributed to UN peacekeeping efforts, including those currently deployed to important missions in Haiti, South Sudan, and the Central African Republic. The Secretary-General believes strongly that we now have the opportunity to build on this existing foundation to renew and strengthen the partnership between Sri Lanka and the United Nations and between Sri Lanka and the international community.

      We in the United Nations recognize that Sri Lankans from across the country suffered during a long conflict. No community was immune, and, despite the work of many commissions, the list of grievances and unresolved issues remains long. As demonstrated by the speech of The Honorable Minister of Foreign Affairs before the Human Rights Council in Geneva yesterday, we are encouraged by this government’s commitment to promote reconciliation, accountability and human rights. This is very much in line with the 2009 joint communiqué issued on the occasion of the UN Secretary-General’s visit to Sri Lanka soon after the end of the conflict. In our view, credible, tangible progress in these areas is a prerequisite to the achievement of sustainable peace and prosperity in Sri Lanka.

      In that spirit, I have urged government leaders to take steps in the short term to address issues regarding land, detentions, disappearances, and the military posture in civilian areas. Over the longer term, I have underscored in my meetings the expectation by the United Nations and by the international community that the government will – as it has promised -- develop in the coming months a strong framework for accountability that meets international standards and norms and that is seen as credible across Sri Lanka. These are not easy tasks, but we believe that they are essential tasks, expected by the international community and also – more importantly – by the citizens of this country themselves.

      Without question, there is still a wide trust deficit between communities in Sri Lanka, especially between the Tamil and the Sinhalese. We have thus encouraged the national leaders and political stakeholders to work on all of these issues in the spirit of inclusion and consultation. Inclusion requires that all communities be willing to participate in these processes. As requested by Sri Lanka, the United Nations is committed to assisting in the process of accountability and reconciliation, through the Peacebuilding Fund and other facilities, as appropriate. But it is first and foremost for Sri Lankans themselves to shape how to address issues of the past in order to find a common future.

      With regional allies and the world focused in a positive way on Sri Lanka, and with the citizens of Sri Lanka having drawn from Sri Lanka’s strong democratic history and traditions to promote a peaceful transition, this is a historic moment to seize. I know that the Secretary-General himself and the United Nations system more broadly will stand with the people and leaders of Sri Lanka, as they address credibly and thoroughly the accountability and reconciliation issues that, once resolved, will contribute to Sri Lanka’s long-term peace and prosperity. In this 70th anniversary of the UN’s founding and the 60th year of Sri Lanka’smembership in the UN, we welcome the promise of renewed partnership.


      Thank you.

    • 18 Feb 2015

      Mr. President,

      I brief you today after what has been another tumultuous and deadly month in the Middle East. Steadily increasing tensions and swelling violence have continued to affect the region.
      The conflict between Israel and the Palestinians continues to threaten further escalation. As we warned this Council last month, if this occurs it may have highly damaging, and potentially irreversible, consequences for both parties and for the two-state solution.
      The Palestinians are facing acute fiscal challenges that must be urgently addressed. On 4 February, the Israeli Government announced that, for a second month, it would withhold the transfer of the tax revenues it collects on behalf of the Palestinian Authority in retaliation for the Palestinian accession to the International Criminal Court. This brings the total withheld to over 200 million US dollars. As a stop gap measure, the Palestinian Authority has since borrowed funds from private banks to pay a portion of the salaries of its civil servants; this approach is neither sufficient nor sustainable.
      As reported by the International Monetary Fund on 29 January, Palestinian economic activity contracted in 2014 for the first time since 2006. Paralyzing the Palestinian Authority from conducting essential Government business – including functions related to health services and law and order – is in no one’s interest. Israel’s action is a violation of its obligations under the Paris Protocol of the Oslo Accords and we, again, call for an immediate reversal of this decision.
      The Secretary-General reiterates his call to both sides to refrain from taking unilateral steps or actions that may further aggravate the current divisions.
      Against a backdrop of growing disillusionment with the prospects for a return to dialogue, the Middle East Quartet met at the Principals’ level on 8 February in Munich to examine ways to reverse the current negative trend.
      The Quartet prioritized the urgent resumption of negotiations and a strengthening of its engagement to prepare for a revival of the peace process, including through regular and direct outreach to the Arab states. It also called for the acceleration of reconstruction in Gaza.
      This engagement is an important and timely development and should be supported. But we must be clear: absent concrete actions and a clear unity of purpose from the international community, the Quartet will not be able to play an effective role.
      Even more imperative, however, is the need to obtain a firm commitment from Israelis and Palestinians alike to put aside their deeply entrenched mistrust and demonstrate the courage and leadership that is required at this time.
      Mr. President,
      Turning to Gaza, the Secretary-General continues to be very concerned about the fragile security situation, the volatile political dynamics and the persistently slow pace of reconstruction.
      In a clear indication of mounting tensions on the ground, and the corresponding risks to UN personnel and operations in Gaza, violent demonstrators forced their way into UNSCO’s office in Gaza on 28 January, in protest of UNRWA’s suspension of its cash assistance programme, which supports repairs and provides rental subsidies to refugee families. While, fortunately, no one was injured in the incident, the Special Coordinator temporarily withdrew UN monitors in light of this unacceptable incident until assurances were received that such attacks would not be repeated. Pending the much-needed full transfer of security responsibilities to the Palestinian Authority, we continue to hold Hamas fully responsible for the security and safety of all United Nations personnel and operations in Gaza.
      The Secretary-General is also alarmed at the reported failed firing by Palestinian militants of a rocket at Israel on 19 January and 16 February, as well as their renewed test firing at sea, of some 37 rockets, during the reporting period. Reportedly, militants also attempted to smuggle material which could be used to produce weapons. These are extremely dangerous developments. Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) reportedly shot and injured two Palestinians who were approaching the Gaza border fence on 16 and 23 January; and another two Palestinians were injured on 21 January after the Israeli navy fired warning shots at their boats.
      Meanwhile, the often-repeated political challenges in Gaza endure and represent clear dangers for stability. They include the moribund effort to consolidate ceasefire arrangements and the absence of genuine intra-Palestinian reconciliation, including the outstanding issues of unpaid salaries to Gaza public sector employees and civil service reform.
      Absent the full re-opening of the crossing points within the framework of Security Council resolution 1860 (2009), the temporary Gaza Reconstruction Mechanism (GRM) continues to provide a measure of hope that genuine progress can be achieved in Gaza. Notwithstanding the difficulties, the mechanism is now functioning and delivering concrete results.
      As of today, over 67,000 individuals have been cleared to receive construction material for shelter repairs and over 47,000 have already procured construction material to date. The processing of some 50 construction projects through the Palestinian Authority is ongoing, including housing projects, water networks and schools. Of these, 18 projects have been approved to date.
      And yet, despite the GRM’s continued expansion, four months after the Cairo Conference, donors have yet to fulfill the vast majority of their pledges. This is frankly unacceptable, and cannot continue if we hope to avoid another escalation in Gaza.
      In this respect, both the Secretaries-General of the United Nations and the League of Arab States; the Foreign Ministers of Norway and Egypt through a joint letter; and the aforementioned Quartet, all made appeals to donors to honour their commitments to Gaza without further delay. UNRWA urgently needs 100 million US dollars for its cash assistance programme. Support is also needed for UN agencies providing vital humanitarian assistance to the non-refugee population. On 12 February, the United Nations, in partnership with the Government of Palestine, launched the Strategic Response Plan for 2015, which aims to address the humanitarian needs of 1.6 million Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. The Plan requests 705 million US dollars, 75 per cent of which is for Gaza.
      While acknowledging Egypt’s legitimate security concerns, I also reiterate the Secretary-General’s call for Egyptian authorities to re-open the Rafah crossing. The previously reported humanitarian concerns persist with some 1,400 patients currently awaiting hospital care referral to Egypt and with over 15,000 people otherwise registered and unable to exit Gaza.
      Mr. President,
      The Secretary-General is concerned about the continued clashes in the occupied West Bank during the reporting period. Israeli security forces conducted approximately 470 search-and-arrest operations, resulting in the arrest of some 535 Palestinians. Reportedly, one Palestinian man was shot and killed by Israeli security forces on 31 January, after throwing Molotov cocktails towards Israeli vehicles in the area.
      Some 156 Palestinians were injured, including 31 children and five women. Palestinians injured four members of the Israeli security forces, including one during a demonstration. On 21 January, a Palestinian man stabbed 12 passengers on a commuter bus in Tel Aviv, three were seriously injured. Clashes between Palestinians and Israeli settlers continued to take place on an almost daily basis, resulting in eight Palestinians injured, including four children, and nine Israeli settlers injured, including one child. The Secretary-General strongly condemns all these acts of violence.
      The Israeli authorities continued to demolish Palestinian structures in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem. A total of 62 structures, 33 of them residences, were demolished, leading to the displacement of some 88 Palestinians, including 49 children. I urge Israel to cease such demolitions and displacements of Palestinians in East Jerusalem and Area C, and to facilitate international assistance to vulnerable communities. Area C is fundamental to the contiguity of the West Bank and the viability of Palestine and its economy.
      We are deeply disappointed by Israeli authorities’ decision to issue on 30 January tenders for the construction of some 450 residential units in West Bank settlements, at a time when the situation is extremely volatile. As the Secretary-General has repeatedly expressed, settlement activity is illegal under international law and an obstacle to peace. It should be halted and reversed.
      Mr. President,
      The Council was briefed extensively on the situation in Syria by Special Envoy de Mistura yesterday. Allow me to turn to recent developments on the Golan and Lebanon.
      On 18 January, UNDOF personnel observed an air violation from the Alpha side across the ceasefire line which coincided with a reported Israeli airstrike that killed six Hezbollah elements and a high-ranking Iranian officer on the Golan in Syria. The Secretary-General expressed his concern about the violation of the 1974 Agreement on Disengagement between Israeli and Syrian forces and the potential consequences of the reported incident. He called on all concerned to refrain from any action that could undermine the stability of the area, in full respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries in the region and adherence to all relevant Security Council resolutions. On 27 January, rockets were fired from the Bravo side across the ceasefire line and the Israel Defense Forces responded with artillery fire and later an airstrike.
      On 28 January, a serious breach of the cessation of hostilities between Lebanon and Israel occurred when Hezbollah launched several anti-tank guided missiles from the UNIFIL area of operations towards an Israeli military convoy south of the Blue Line. Two Israeli soldiers were killed and several other soldiers and civilians were injured in the attack. During subsequent retaliatory fire by the Israel Defense Forces into Lebanon, a UNIFIL peacekeeper serving in the Spanish contingent was killed. Hezbollah claimed responsibility for the attack, which it said had been in retaliation for the alleged Israeli airstrike of 18 January on the Golan. UNIFIL is in the process of finalizing its investigation of the incident with the cooperation of both parties. The Secretary-General condemned all violence and expressed his deep concern over the deterioration of the security situation in Southern Lebanon and violations of the cessation of hostilities and resolution 1701 (2006). He deeply regrets the death of the UNIFIL peacekeeper, which the Security Council condemned in the strongest terms, and expressed his condolences to the Government and people of Spain.
      The immediate engagement by UNIFIL and the Special Coordinator for Lebanon helped prevent a further escalation and restore the cessation of hostilities. The Secretary-General addressed the developments of 28 January directly with both Prime Minister Tammam Salam and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, calling for a return to calm and for all concerned to act responsibly. Given the seriousness of this incident, we welcome the reaffirmation by Israel and Lebanon of their commitment to the implementation of resolution 1701 (2006) and to the stability of the Blue Line area. Neither country nor the region can afford another conflict.
      Elsewhere in Lebanon, the border with Syria remains impacted by security incidents and cross-border fighting. The Lebanese Armed Forces shelled positions of armed militants in the Bekaa outskirts of Arsal, Baalbeck and al-Qaa. Lebanon’s security authorities successfully carried out raids and arrests throughout the country to prevent terrorist attacks. Politically, the dialogue between the Future Movement and Hezbollah has so far led to consensus on security issues and steps to lower sectarian tensions. Meetings between the leaders of Lebanon’s major Christian parties continued but without success on the presidential stalemate. The prolonged vacuum in the highest office of the State is of serious concern for the stability of Lebanon. The Secretary-General looks to the continued unity of the Security Council to preserve Lebanon from the impact of conflicts in the region and help it to address the multiple challenges it faces.
      Mr. President,
      In conclusion, we see the circumstances in Gaza as becoming increasingly worrisome as we approach the six-month mark since the end of last summer’s conflict. The combination of the failure to rectify the persistent governance and security issues and the slow pace of reconstruction has created an increasingly toxic environment.
      While the primary obligation evidently lies with the parties, a key component of reversing these negative trends is implementation of the financial commitments made by donors at the Cairo conference. Failure to deliver the necessary support is putting an almost unbearable strain on an already highly fractious environment.
      Establishing a framework that could lead to a comprehensive peace must, once again, become a priority. We hope that the international community, possibly through a reinvigorated Quartet, can help the parties avoid a downward slide and support a return to negotiations. The Secretary-General is determined that the UN will continue to play an active role in supporting these efforts.
      However, international efforts cannot succeed in isolation. A genuine and lasting peace can only be reached by the commitment of the parties to overcome their mistrust and make the difficult compromises necessary to achieve a resolution to this conflict.
    • 12 Feb 2015

      Mr. President,

      The Security Council has made every effort to support a peaceful, negotiated transition in Yemen. Repeatedly over the last three years, I have been warning this Council about the dangers facing the transition. Today, I deeply regret to inform you that this transition, widely heralded as a model, is now in disarray. Over the past few weeks Yemen has witnessed dramatic events, and I have already briefed this Council twice in the last three weeks. I will not repeat myself. Thus, let me provide a factual account of events since my last briefing on 26 January.
      I have continued exercising the good offices of the Secretary-General by convening negotiations on a daily basis involving twelve political parties, including Ansarallah, in order to find a consensual solution to the current political impasse. As the mediator, we must maintain both our unique access to all sides and our principled position as framed by the UN Charter and international law. We are navigating through many minefields. There had been ups and downs. Nevertheless, good progress had been made, with all sides cognisant of the need to quickly find a solution to restore public confidence.
      In parallel to the negotiations, Ansarallah had organised a large three-day gathering in Sana’a that concluded on 1 February. The gathering ended with an ultimatum to finish the UNfacilitated negotiations within three days, or else revolutionary committees would take action. The 4 February deadline passed without incident, and the negotiations moved ahead.
      The UN-facilitated negotiations in essence were adjourned late evening of 5 February with broad understanding amongst the parties on the general contours of an agreement. The parties decided to utilise the next day, 6 February, to resolve outstanding issues through bilateral consultations and to enable the UN to prepare a compromise text. The plan was then to reconvene on 7 February with the aim to conclude with an agreement.
      However, on 6 February in a surprising move, Ansarallah took unilateral action. They organised a gathering of their supporters at the Republican Palace, and announced a so-called “constitutional declaration.” This declaration pronounced that parliament is dissolved, that a five-member presidential council would be formed and that a Supreme Revolutionary Committee would run the country temporarily.
      Mr. President,
      The unilateral declaration has created strong backlash domestically and internationally. Major political parties have rejected it. The prevailing political uncertainty and heightened security risks have prompted key diplomatic missions to close and to withdraw temporarily.
      I made it clear that I deeply regretted the unilateral action taken by Ansarallah,
      particularly while good progress had been made in the negotiations. As a representative of the Secretary-General, I have also made it clear to all parties, including Ansarallah, that the current political impasse can only be solved through peaceful dialogue and negotiations based on the Implementation Mechanism of the GCC Initiative, National Dialogue Conference outcomes and Peace and National Partnership Agreement.
      I consulted with the political parties. I also had direct contact with Mr Abdelmalik Al-Houthi, who assured me that he welcomed a consensual negotiated solution through UN facilitation. I am pleased that all agreed to resume negotiations. Since the beginning of this week, we have been meeting daily and progress has been made. We are still in the middle of delicate negotiations. Under discussion are complex issues regarding governing arrangements during the transition, including both executive and legislative authorities. The parties are considering power-sharing measures in a new government of national unity, as well as mechanisms and arrangements for enabling state security institutions to re-assume their responsibility. In addition, the parties are debating means of preventing an outbreak of hostilities in Mareb, and undertakings to ensure the protection of fundamental human rights, such as the rights to peaceful assembly and freedom of expression, amongst others.
      Mr. President,
      The situation in the oil-rich province of Mareb is very tense. Many Yemenis fear that confrontation between the Houthis and tribesmen could break out at any time. In the South, the situation is volatile. Southerners, who have suffered from years of discrimination and marginalisation, have become more assertive, with many demanding separation.
      The current instability is creating conditions conducive for the re-emergence of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). Even more concerning is the prospect for AQAP to establish a foothold in parts of Abyan, Shabwa, Hadramawt and Mareb. Today, AQAP have seized control of the 19th Infantry Brigade camp, which houses a large arsenal of ammunition and heavy weapons, in Bayhan, Shabwa.
      Mr. President,
      The political uncertainty has created serious pressure on the local currency, the riyal. If no political settlement is secured in the coming days, a real possibility exists that the riyal may collapse. Serious concerns exist that the government may be unable to pay salaries in the next two to three months. This could prompt either a default on payments or an increase in money supply (i.e., money printing that would cause severe devaluation and hyper-inflation). Should this happen, the current poverty rate of 54 per cent would increase further and private sector activities would be severely affected. Many donors already have halted development aid, and others are considering such action. This in turn would cause most capital expenditures to cease, basic service delivery to be interrupted, and tens of thousands could lose their jobs. This could further impact the security situation with unemployed joining armed groups for monetary reasons, and also contribute to a worsening of Yemen’s humanitarian needs.
      An estimated 15.9 million people – or 61 per cent of the population – need humanitarian assistance. The Humanitarian Response Plan for 2015 is being finalised this week and will request some $748 million dollars to meet the needs of 8.2 million people. Of this requirement, $285 million are for urgent life-saving and protection assistance to the most vulnerable Yemenis. Humanitarian partners are concerned about possible expansion of conflict, and the impact that would have on the civilian population. The increased political instability and risk of conflict may also complicate humanitarian efforts to develop durable solutions and sustainable livelihoods, and to facilitate Yemen’s progress towards recovery.
      The transition has encountered serious obstacles in the past, yet time and again Yemenis have managed to push forward. Today, Yemen is at a crossroad: either the country will descend into civil war and disintegration, or the country will find a way to put the transition back on track. This largely depends on the political will of Yemeni leaders. They all bear responsibility for the current status of affairs, as well as responsibility for finding a way to pull the country from the brink.
      The political, humanitarian and security environments pose serious challenges for UN operations. Nevertheless, the UN will not leave. The UN reaffirms its commitment to Yemen as it seeks to complete its political transition. In this regard, we have been consulting and coordinating closely with the GCC and other international partners.
      Yesterday marked the fourth anniversary of the start of the peaceful demonstrations demanding change. It was the courage of the youth demonstrators that opened the way for Yemenis to start a path to democratic transformation. Despite all the setbacks this dream is still alive. The Yemenis can still make it. The Security Council and the international community have a responsibility to support them in these difficult times.
      Thank you, Mr. President.
    • 12 Feb 2015

      The guide aims to inform mediators and stakeholders addressing conflicts over natural resources - whether those disagreements are violent, have the potential to turn violent, or are part of a larger political struggle, including within a peace process. It draws on the field experiences of mediators and mediation experts.

    • 4 Feb 2015

      At the request of United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon I visited Burkina Faso with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for West Africa, Mohamed Ibn Chambas.

      We met with the transitional authorities and representatives of political parties. I commended Michel Kafando, Transitional President of Burkina Faso, and transitional authorities for their determination to put in place a transitional process and organize elections in accordance with the timeline set out in the Transition Charter.

      I underscored that the United Nations are committed to provide Burkina Faso with the necessary support to organize free, transparent and democratic elections.

      I emphasized that it is essential that transitional institutions continue to respect the aspirations of the Burkinabe people and ensure full respect for human rights and the physical integrity of all citizens.

      I encouraged the transitional authorities to do everything possible to implement the Transition Charter in an inclusive manner and in a spirit of national cohesion/unity.

      We all know that transitions are difficult; all transitions are fragile; there is no transition without difficulties. However, the international community will not tolerate any obstacle to the transition. Those who threaten the transition should be aware that the international community is watching and will hold them accountable.

      The United Nations, through the good offices of its representative for West Africa, Mohammed Ibn Chambas, will continue to support, in close cooperation with regional and international partners, the efforts of national authorities during the transition.


      04 février 2015, Déclaration à la presse à Ouagadougou, de Mr. Jeffrey Feltman, Secrétaire général adjoint de l’ONU chargé des Affaires politiques, à la sortie de l’audience avec M. Kafando, Président de la Transition du Burkina Faso  

      A la demande du Secrétaire général de l’ONU, M. Ban Ki-moon, j’ai entrepris une visite au Burkina Faso avec le Représentant Spécial du Secrétaire général pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest M. Mohamed Ibn Chambas.

      Nous avons rencontré les autorités de la transition et les représentants des partis politiques. J’ai félicité M. Kafando, Président de la Transition du Burkina Faso, et les autorités de la transition de leur détermination à mettre en œuvre le processus de transition et à organiser des élections selon le chronogramme prévu dans la Charte de la Transition.

      J’ai souligné que les Nations Unies sont engagées à fournir au Burkina Faso le soutien requis pour l’organisation d’élections libres, transparentes et démocratiques.

      J’ai relevé qu’il est essentiel que les institutions de la transition continuent à respecter les aspirations du peuple burkinabè et qu’elles assurent le plein respect des droits humains, de l’intégrité physique de tous les citoyens.

      J’ai encouragé les autorités de la transition à tout faire pour mettre en œuvre la Charte de la Transition de façon inclusive et dans un esprit de cohésion nationale.

      Vous savez que toutes les transitions sont difficiles ; toutes les transitions sont fragiles ; Il n’ya pas de transition sans problèmes.

      Mais en même temps, la communauté internationale ne tolèrera aucune entrave à la transition. Ceux qui menacent la transition doivent savoir que la communauté internationale les observe et les tiendra responsables.

      Les Nations Unies à travers les bons offices de notre Représentant Spécial pour l’Afrique de l’Ouest, M. Mohammed Ibn Chambas, continueront à soutenir, en étroite collaboration avec les partenaires régionaux et internationaux, les efforts des autorités nationales pendant la période de transition.

    • 26 Jan 2015

      Mr. President, distinguished members of the Council,

      Throughout the conflict in Ukraine, and repeatedly in recent weeks, the Secretary-General has called for de-escalation, restraint, and protection of civilians. We deeply regret that these calls appear to have fallen on deaf ears.
      In just five days since we last met on 21 January, close to fifty civilians have been killed and nearly 150 have been seriously wounded.
      On 22 January, over a dozen civilians died when rockets hit their trolleybus in Donetsk city. The same day, at least ten civilians were killed amidst heavy fighting in the city of Horlivka.
      On Saturday, 24 January, a barrage of attacks with multi-launch rocket systems hit the city of Mariupol, destroying buildings and impacting a market filled with civilians. Dozens of people lost their lives, including women and children, and over one hundred were wounded. The OSCE Special Monitoring Mission reported, based on crater analysis, that the rockets originated from territory controlled by the so-called “Donetsk People’s Republic”.
      Mr. President, distinguished members of the Council,
      Mariupol lies outside of the immediate conflict zone. The conclusion can thus be drawn that the entity which fired these rockets knowingly targeted a civilian population. This would constitute a violation of international humanitarian law. We must all send an unequivocal message: The perpetrators must be held accountable and brought to justice.
      On 23 January, the leader of the so-called “Donetsk People's Republic” announced a boycott of future “consultations” with the Trilateral Contact Group, a unilateral withdrawal from the cease-fire and threatened to seize further territory, with a plan that includes pushing the front line all the way to the borders of Donetsk oblast. As the Secretary-General stated on 24 January, this constitutes a violation of their commitments under the Minsk accords. We call directly on the rebels to immediately cease their provocative and violent actions, to abide by international law and to make good on their commitments.
      We also urge the leadership of the Russian Federation to use their influence to call on the rebels to cease hostilities immediately. This will be a critical step in stopping the bloodshed.
      The Ukrainian leadership has been vocal about their commitment to the Minsk accords and has asserted that they remain in a defensive position. However, we note the recent emergency measures adopted by the National Security and Defense Council, particularly those in relation to “strengthening counter-terrorism measures”, and appeal for the application of maximum restraint.
      In light of the just declared state of emergency in Donbas, it has never been more important to guarantee humanitarian workers and goods full and unhindered access. Bureaucratic hurdles on both sides of the conflict line are impeding humanitarian access and must be eased. We also call on the Government of Ukraine to ensure that humanitarian operations are free from taxation.
      Mr. President, distinguished members of the Council,
      We recognize the difficulty of diplomatic discussions aimed at finding a peaceful resolution to this conflict given entrenched positions. Nonetheless, efforts to find a political solution must urgently be redoubled. President Poroshenko’s announcement that an agreement has been reached on the necessity of holding negotiations in the Geneva Format, with the participation of the EU, US, Ukraine and Russia, is welcome.
      Before I close, let me share our assessment of the way forward, with an emphasis on reviving the Minsk accords:
      As agreed at Minsk, all sides must immediately cease hostilities, with the onus particularly on the rebels to recommit to the cease-fire and back down from their offensive. We sincerely hope that the Trilateral Contact Group reconvene in “consultations” with rebel leadership -- as envisaged this week -- to work towards a sustainable cease-fire and implementation of the broader Minsk accords. Most importantly, all sides must commit to the protection of civilians and letting assistance reach those in need.
      Finally, there must be full political re-commitment to a peaceful and lasting solution to this conflict at the highest levels. ‎I reiterate our encouragement of a convening of the Geneva Format at the earliest opportunity. The United Nations also remains ready to support the consolidation of a sustainable and lasting peace process as may be required.
      Over 5,000 lives have already been lost in this conflict. We must find a way to stop it, and we must do so now.
      Thank you, Mr. President.
    • 21 Jan 2015
      Mr. President and distinguished members of the Council,
      Today, I will briefly update the Council on developments related to the conflict in eastern Ukraine, as well as on my own recent visit to the country, from 15-17 December 2014, in continuation of the Secretary-General's good offices.

      The conflict in eastern Ukraine

      Let me begin by stating clearly our alarm: Following weeks of relative calm, the Council meets today amidst the worst hostilities in eastern Ukraine since the cease-fire and Minsk Protocol were agreed on 5 September. Encouraging signs of progress, such as the exchange of hundreds of prisoners, are quickly being overshadowed by renewed fighting and a deepening political stalemate. Ukraine, as well as its neighbours and the broader region, cannot afford the current, violent status quo. The escalation of fighting threatens to unravel the Minsk Protocols.

      Ladies and gentlemen,
      While the heavy fighting of the past few days was initially concentrated around Donetsk airport, the numbers of dead and injured, including innocent civilians, are quickly rising elsewhere as violence spreads throughout the regions of Donetsk and Luhansk, including to heavily populated civilian areas such as Donetsk city. The conflict is also reportedly inching dangerously close to cities such as Mariupol and Debaltseve, and endangering areas that have been, until recently, relatively quiet.
      As another sign of escalation, reinforcements of fighters are reported on both sides, with the deployment of more sophisticated and heavier weaponry.
      Today in Davos, President Poroshenko stated that there were over 9,000 Russia regular troops in Ukraine, an accusation that Moscow refutes.
      As a direct result of the renewal of fighting, on 13 January, 12 civilians lost their lives and seventeen were seriously wounded in Volnovakha when their bus was hit. The UN has no means of verifying the facts independently. After having visited the site three times and crater analysis, the OSCE Monitoring Mission concluded that “the rockets that caused Craters 1 and 2 had been fired from a north-north-eastern direction” and that “the rockets may have been fired approximately 20 kilometres from the point of impact. The SMM is not able to independently verify the point of origin of the rockets or to identify the entity that fired them.”
      As the Secretary-General stated, this incident, which must be thoroughly investigated and those responsible brought to justice, is a stark reminder of the urgent need to halt the violence.
      Mr. President and distinguished members of the Council,
      Let me also say a few words on the humanitarian situation, which has deteriorated further as conflict has again intensified. A country which until a year ago had no displaced people now has at least 850,000 citizens displaced within its borders and over 600,000 in neighbouring states, according to Ukrainian sources.
      Humanitarian actors must have access to do their life-saving work. All parties to the conflict have an obligation to guarantee free and unhindered humanitarian access to all people in need, irrespective of where they are located. And they also have to fully respect international humanitarian law. A recent directive with respect to crossing the contact line from government-held to rebel-held areas could make it exceedingly difficult for humanitarian actors to move aid into areas beyond government control.
      It is critical that resources be made available to meet life-saving needs on the ground. The 2015 Strategic Response Plan requests USD189 million, and few commitments have been made as yet.
      Mr. President and distinguished members of the Council,
      Regrettably, the upsurge in fighting has been accompanied by mutual recriminations between Kiev and Russia, and a continued impasse on the diplomatic and political front. As the Secretary-General has repeatedly insisted, there is no substitute for direct and constructive dialogue to move peace forward.
      The enforcement of a sustainable cease-fire, which presently exists in name only, is both urgent and of primary concern. The line of contact should be observed, and the other elements of the broader Minsk peace plan require expeditious implementation as well.
      We hope that today’s Normandy Format meeting in Berlin at the Foreign Minister level will achieve the progress required to return to the implementation of Minsk and to allow to bring together the Normandy Heads of State. Diplomacy has to succeed.
      The Minsk agreements offer a solid base for a resolution of the conflict in the Donbas. There cannot be any unilateral attempts to change their provisions, nor should any party selectively interpret the accords’ stipulations.
      It is our understanding that the apparent differences in interpretation of the Minsk accords are small but the implications of addressing them in any other way but through dialogue are immense.

      Visit to Ukraine

      Mr. President and distinguished members of the Council,

      In continuation of the Secretary-General’s good offices, I returned to Kiev on 15-17 December 2014 to exchange views with President Poroshenko, Prime Minister Yatsenyuk, Foreign Minister Klimkin, Speaker of Parliament Groisman, as well as international and bilateral partners.
      With the new Ukrainian Government formed under Prime Minister Yatsenyuk, all interlocutors expressed their conviction that there was no more scope for delay and that deep and overdue economic, legislative, judicial and political reforms had to be tackled immediately.
      I assured my interlocutors that the United Nations would never waver in its solidarity with the country. We remain ready to support all efforts to end the fighting for a durable and lasting peace to prevail. And we will continue to assist the Ukrainian authorities and citizens of Ukraine to usher in the changes that will be vital for a democratic, secure, independent and prosperous future.
      In contrast to the present situation, Donbas was relatively calm during my visit. Nonetheless, all of my interlocutors shared the assessment that even if there is progress on the Minsk process, there is no quick resolution of the numerous challenges facing Ukraine, given the deep economic and geopolitical rifts that have been caused by and remain intrinsically linked to the conflict.
      All of us -- especially the parties to the conflict -- have a responsibility to concertedly, and on a most urgent basis, assist in moving from a narrative of confrontation to a narrative of cooperation, from a logic of war to a logic of peace.
      Thank you.
    • 21 Jan 2015

      Mr President,

      I am pleased to brief the Security Council on the final report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Office in Burundi (BNUB).
      As members of the Council know, the report before the Council reviews progress made in implementing the mandate of BNUB, since 31 July 2014. It also takes stock of the overall mandate implementation of UN peacekeeping and political missions in Burundi since 2004. Further, it presents an assessment of the remaining challenges facing Burundi, after the closure of BNUB on 31 December.
      In accordance with Security Council resolution 2137 (2014), BNUB ended its drawdown and its mandate on 31 December. I joined SRSG Onanga-Anyanga in Bujumbura to mark the symbolic closure of the Office on 12 December during my visit to Burundi, and had the pleasure to co-chair a warm flag-lowering ceremony with the Minister of External Affairs and International Cooperation.
      As the Council is aware, Burundi has made substantial progress, overcoming formidable challenges since the end of the civil war. Burundi adopted power-sharing as a system of governance, established ethnically-balanced institutions, held regular elections and remains committed to the promise of national reconciliation.
      Burundi today is much safer and secure than a decade ago.
      These achievements, and the spirit of the Arusha Accord on which they were built, are first and foremost attributable to the determination of Burundians to break with the past and work towards a peaceful, democratic and prosperous nation. It is also the result of a remarkable level of steady engagement by regional countries, the United Nations and international partners, demonstrating that concerted international action can yield positive results.
      Mr. President, let me emphasize some of the key challenges that Burundi still faces.
      The spirit of Arusha with its principles of dialogue, consensus and democracy has eroded since the 2010 elections as political polarization continues to hamper efforts to consolidate peace, democracy and development. Concerns remain about shrinking political space, restrictions of the right to free assembly and expression, and the challenges of building an independent justice system which is a critical element of a functioning democracy. Much greater efforts are also required to strengthen pro-poor economic growth and to create employment opportunities, especially for the country’s youth.
      Organising peaceful and credible elections is one of the most pressing challenges facing Burundi this year. As in previous elections, the 2015 elections present Burundians with the opportunity to further strengthen peace consolidation efforts undertaken since the Arusha Accord. For that to happen it would be desirable for the following requirements to be met: First, it is critical that the CENI – the Independent National Electoral Commission – manages the electoral process in an inclusive manner, with integrity, impartiality and independence. Second, Burundians regardless of party affiliation must be free to exercise their civil and political rights, including their rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly. Moreover, it behoves the Government to ensure that opposition parties and their leaders are able to fully participate in the electoral process. Conversely, opposition parties must play their part and remain engaged throughout the electoral process and use peaceful and democratic means to address all electoral disputes. Third, it is the responsibility of the Government to prevent violence without impinging on the people’s rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, by ensuring that state officials and security forces act impartially and in line with the law. Finally, individuals committing unlawful acts of political violence must be prosecuted without delay.
      As requested by the Council, the United Nations Electoral Observation Mission in Burundi, known by its French acronym MENUB, started operations on 1 January with the mandate to follow and report on the electoral process in Burundi before, during and after the 2015 elections. Special Envoy Uteem undertook his first visit to Burundi from 3 to 17 January, during which he held fruitful meetings with Government officials as well as members of the diplomatic corp in Bujumbura. He also inaugurated MENUB in the presence of political party leaders, CSO representatives and the diplomatic corp. Regrettably, Government officials and the president of the CENI and representatives of the ruling CNDD-FDD did not attend the ceremony on account that the Status of Mission Agreement (SOMA) had not been signed. We signed the SOMA yesterday and expect the Government to do so soon.
      Clashes at the border with the Democratic Republic of the Congo between the Burundian army and armed groups have reduced sharply since July last year. However, on 30 December, the Burundian army reported clashing with an unidentified armed group of approximately 100-200 members entering from neighbouring Democratic Republic of the Congo into Burundi’s Cibitoke Province. Over the course of several days, the Burundian army reportedly defeated the group, killing between 95 and 105 of its members. The Government did not formally identify the attackers and no one has claimed responsibility for the clash. In another incident, on 4 January, five unidentified gunmen dressed in military fatigues executed three members of the ruling CNDD-FDD in a bar in Ruyigi Province, some 250 km east of Bujumbura. If not managed carefully, incidents such as these, at a time of elections, could heighten political tensions.
      Mr. President,
      Beyond the elections, Burundi faces challenges no less critical. Improvements in health, education, employment, and infrastructure need to be at the heart of the political debate, if the country’s leaders are committed to placing the national interest above all others. The Government will need to broaden political space, allow democratic institutions to provide the checks and balances essential for a functioning democracy, especially if it wants to forge broader consensus in policy formulation. Security and justice sector institutions will require sustained professionalization and capacity-building, especially if they are to retain the public trust.
      Addressing the remaining challenges will require the efforts of all Burundians and sustained support from Burundi’s development partners. The joint communiqué of the Burundi Partners Conference of 12 December re-emphasised the mutual commitments of the Government and its partners adopted at the 2012 Geneva Partners Conference. As part of its commitments, the Government guaranteed a credible, inclusive and peaceful electoral process while international and regional partners pledged to continue to support the country’s peace consolidation and socio-economic development efforts. In that regard, I am pleased to note that the United Nations will continue to provide support through the Peacebuilding Fund to enhance political dialogue and social cohesion; youth participation in political and socio-economic life; human rights; and resolution of land disputes.
      I would like to underscore the importance of the Security Council’s support for regional peace and security efforts. The Council’s support for the implementation of the Peace, Security and Development Framework for the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the region presents an opportunity in that respect. The African Union, the East African Community and the International Conference of the Great Lakes all have important roles to play in that regard.
      Mr. President,
      In concluding, I would take this opportunity to thank the people and Government of Burundi for the cooperation extended to BNUB, including the seamless and timely completion of the Mission’s drawdown and exit. I would like to thank the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Parfait Onanga-Anyanga, for his outstanding leadership and to all BNUB staff for their contribution to the United Nations efforts in Burundi. I would also like to reiterate our appreciation to the Peacebuilding Commission, the Peacebuilding Fund and all bilateral donors for the fruitful partnership for peacebuilding in Burundi.
      Finally, I thank the Council for its continued commitment to Burundi through the deployment of United Nations field presences in the country during the past 10 years.
    • 15 Jan 2015
      Mr. President,
      I brief today, as we commence a new year, with a mounting sense of apprehension at the direction in which events are transpiring in the region.
      Regrettably, since last month’s briefing, neither the Palestinians nor the Israelis have taken the challenging steps, or made the bold decisions, required to begin the process of reversing the ever-widening trust deficit between the two sides. Instead, we have witnessed developments which may unfortunately further reduce the likelihood of talks resuming in the future.
      On 30 December, a draft resolution was submitted to the Security Council seeking to reach a final status agreement and an end to the occupation by the end of 2017. The Secretary-General took note that the resolution failed to pass. However, as stressed by many Council members during their explanation of vote, he also believes that the status quo remains unacceptable and unsustainable.
      On the following day, President Abbas signed instruments of accession to 18 international treaties, including the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC). On 2 January, 16 instruments of accession were submitted to the Secretary-General who accepted them in deposit after having ascertained that the instruments received were in due and proper form. On 3 January, Israel decided to freeze approximately US$127 million in tax revenues collected on behalf of the Palestinian Authority for the month of December, contrary to Israel’s obligations under the Paris Protocol of the Oslo Accords. We call on Israel to immediately resume the transfer of tax revenues. I also note that the League of Arab States has been meeting today in Cairo to discuss the latest developments on the Palestinian issue.
      The Secretary-General is alarmed that the parties are now engaged in a downward spiral of actions and counter-actions and calls on both sides to refrain from any actions that would exacerbate existing divisions. And while the parties are ultimately responsible, the international community must uphold its responsibility to play an active role in shepherding an effective way forward towards the two-State solution and lasting peace.
      Mr. President,
      Let me turn to the situation in Gaza, where the security situation is showing signs of serious deterioration. During the reporting period, Palestinian militants fired three rockets at Israel, two of which landed within Gaza while one landed in an open area of Israel without resulting in injuries or damage. In response, Israel conducted its first air strike into Gaza since the 26 August ceasefire. No casualties were reported. Militants also test fired some 22 rockets at the sea. On 24 December, an exchange of fire across the border resulted in one Hamas militant killed, three Palestinian civilians injured and one IDF personnel injured.
      As we have consistently warned, the Strip is balancing on a tightrope that will continue to fray unless a number of critical issues, many of which are political, are tackled with both determination and a heightened sense of urgency. One of the most critical issues is the still outstanding payment of salaries to Gaza employees. In late October, the United Nations facilitated a one-time humanitarian payment to help temporarily address the matter. However, there has worryingly been no progress on this issue which is once again threatening stability in Gaza. On 14 January, tens of former Gaza employees disrupted the Government of National Consensus’ weekly cabinet meeting demanding their salaries.
      In addition to the salaries payment issue, since the Special Coordinator’s last briefing, a number of other grave issues remain unaddressed and the status quo is very much in place. Reconstruction is not happening at the required scale and will not be achievable without some tangible progress on a number of key issues.
      After almost five months, the ceasefire agreement between Israel and the Palestinians of Gaza remains perilously fragile, and there are no indications that a return to talks under Egyptian auspices is on the immediate horizon. The Palestinian factions have unfortunately failed to overcome their divisions and agree on a united path for the Palestinian people. Further, the Government of National Consensus has not yet taken control over the civil and security institutions as well as border crossings in Gaza, and there has still been no progress on civil service reform. In addition, once again, Gaza is facing critical energy shortages, the severity of which is being compounded by the harsh winter conditions.
      As has been repeatedly emphasized, the Gaza Reconstruction Mechanism is temporary and is not a substitute for the lifting of all closures on Gaza as laid out in Security Council resolution 1860 (2009). While the mechanism has started to provide some much-needed relief to the people of Gaza, its ongoing implementation is being made increasingly difficult by the failure to address the critical issues I have just outlined.
      Despite these unfavourable circumstances, I can report some positive news with regard to the implementation of the mechanism. Operations have scaled up significantly since mid-December. As of 11 January, over 38,000 individuals requiring construction material for shelter repairs have been cleared to purchase materials under the mechanism, well beyond the 25,000 figure predicted for the end of December in our last briefing. Furthermore, over 23,000 individuals have procured construction materials. Ultimately, over 100,000 individuals are expected to access construction materials for shelter repairs through the mechanism. Large-scale projects are also now being initiated.
      These developments, while positive, must be viewed in the broader, more troubling, context of Gaza’s overall reconstruction process. Up to 100,000 families are living in houses that have sustained varying degrees of damage while eighteen UNRWA school buildings continue to serve as collective centres for some 15,500 internally displaced persons. Obtaining the necessary financial resources to allow Palestinians in Gaza to procure materials continues to be a monumental challenge for the majority of those in need.
      Most pressingly, donors have largely failed to fulfil their pledges, three months after the Cairo conference. This has severely handicapped the ability of the Government of Palestine, the United Nations and other development actors on the ground to make significant progress on recovery and reconstruction work. The importance of donors urgently meeting their pledges cannot be overstated.
      Inflammatory criticism against the United Nations for its role in facilitating a temporary agreement between the Palestinian Government of National Consensus and Israel to open crossings for the import at the required scale of construction material, while also taking account of Israel’s legitimate security concerns, is unhelpful. It could affect the United Nations’ ability to continue supporting the mechanism. The United Nations remains committed to doing all that it can to facilitate resolutions of the problems, but parties with the responsibilities for the delays need to be fully engaged as well. The stark reality of the situation demands a resolute approach by all those engaged in Gaza’s reconstruction, a daunting task under any circumstances.
      I also encourage the Egyptian authorities to re-open the Rafah crossing while taking into account Egypt’s legitimate security concerns. Humanitarian concerns are growing with around 17,000 registered people, including patients, waiting to exit Gaza, in addition to 37,000 others who wish to exit Gaza.
      Meanwhile, violence is continuing in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem. As of 12 January, Israeli security forces conducted some390 search-and-arrest operations during the reporting period, resulting in the arrest of at least 500 Palestinians. Two Palestinians, including a teenager, were shot and killed by Israeli security forces and 145 Palestinians were injured, including 60 children and four women, during security operations. Palestinians injured three Israeli security personnel, including one during violent protests. Overall for 2014, Israeli forces killed 54 Palestinians and injured some 5,800 in the West Bank, the largest number of injuries recorded in a single year since 2005 and the largest number of fatalities since 2007. During the same period, Palestinian attacks resulted in 15 Israeli fatalities and some 270 Israeli injuries in the West Bank and Israel, the largest number of injuries recorded in a single year since 2006 and the largest number of fatalities since 2008.
      Daily clashes continued to take place between Palestinians and Israeli settlers during the reporting period, resulting in two Palestinians injured, including one child. Settlers also reportedly damaged some 5,000 Palestinian olive tree saplings, while Palestinians injured nine Israelis in the West Bank, including three children and two women.
      The demolition of Palestinian structures in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, has continued during the reporting period. A total of 60 structures, including 17 residences, were demolished, leading to the displacement of some 47 Palestinians, including 16 children.
      We are encouraged by the Israeli Supreme Court’s decision of 25 December ordering the evacuation and demolition of the largest settlement outpost in the West Bank, Amona, within two years, and look forward to the swift execution of this judgment. The United Nations reiterates its call for the Israeli authorities to freeze and reverse all settlement activities in the occupied territory.
      Mr. President,
      Before closing, let me say a few words about Syria and Lebanon.
      On Syria, separate consultations continued with the Syrian parties and a wide range of interlocutors inside and outside Syria on the parameters of the freeze starting with Aleppo City. The Special Envoy and his Deputy intend to return to Syria in the coming days to pursue the discussions that were launched in mid-December with the Government of Syria on implementation before being ableto brief this Council on progress achieved. In the meantime, the Office of the Special Envoy is closely following developments relating to the Cairo and Moscow Forum meetings as well as related developments with the opposition.
      In Lebanon, the dialogue between the Future Movement and Hizbullah, facilitated by Speaker Berri, started on 23 December. Two rounds of talks have now taken place aimed at calming sectarian tensions and helping to resolve the deadlock over the election of a new President. Efforts are also ongoing to initiate talks between the leaders of the two largest Christian parties, Samir Geagea and Michel Aoun. We welcome and encourage dialogue between the parties in Lebanon aimed at easing tensions, addressing security threats and contributing to stability. We hope that these processes will facilitate at the earliest the election of a new President, which is long overdue.
      The Lebanese Armed Forces continue efforts to secure the border with Syria. On 26 December they killed three gunmen attempting to infiltrate near Arsal. Twenty five Lebanese Army and security personnel remain in the captivity of the Nusra Front and ISIL. On 10 January, the Nusra Front claimed responsibility for the double suicide bombing in the Alawite neighbourhood of Jabal Mohsen in Tripoli which killed nine people and injured over 35 others. Council members have condemned in the strongest terms this new terrorist attack.
      There are now over 1.1 million Syrian refugees registered in Lebanon. On 5 January, new procedures were formally introduced at entry points on the Lebanese border with Syria, a consequence of which is a restriction on the entry of refugees except for extreme humanitarian cases.
      UNIFIL’s area of operations remained generally calm, as both Lebanon and Israel continued to cooperate with UNIFIL through its liaison and coordination arrangements, and demonstrated their continued commitment to the cessation of hostilities and to the stability along the Blue Line in accordance with Security Council resolution 1701 (2006). In a letter dated 12 December, Israel communicated to the Council concerns at media reports about Hizbullah’s military capability. It is worth recalling that resolution 1701 calls for the disarmament of all Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias. Israeli violations of Lebanese airspace continued on an almost daily basis, as also regularly reported by Lebanon to the Council. In accordance with resolution 1701, it is also worth reiterating the calls on Israel to cease its overflights of Lebanese airspace.
      Mr. President,
      In conclusion, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is now entering unchartered territory, which, lamentably, seems to have dashed any immediate hope for a return to peace talks. We should be under no illusions about the perils that this new chapter may entail. The increasingly antagonistic and virulent nature of the discourse between the two sides should be cause for serious concern among those seeking to foster an environment conducive to a return to constructive dialogue.
      The failure of the parties to take the steps necessary to overcome their mutual distrust has contributed to bringing us to this precarious phase - it is now up to both sides to determine their respective courses of action moving forward. I urge Palestinians and Israelis to plot a course that ultimately leads to a negotiated resolution of the conflict on the basis of a two-state solution in which Israel and Palestine live side by side in peace and security. The alternative is fraught with unknown hazards that may be irreversible.
    • 14 Jan 2015

      I am concluding a two-day visit in Nepal. I came here at the request of the Secretary-General, who is personally committed to Nepal’s peace and prosperity, including the successful completion of the constitution-making process. The Secretary-General asked me to meet with Nepal’s leaders and to convey several messages:

      The first message was to stress the strong and long-term commitment of the United Nations to Nepal’s development and democratic stability. Nepal has given so much to the causes of the United Nations, including through significant contributions to peacekeeping. The United Nations is equally committed to support Nepal in its political and socio-economic development.

      The second message was to express our firm belief that only Nepalese can take the important political decisions that are needed for the full implementation of the 2006 Comprehensive Peace Agreement. It is not for the United Nations to decide on the substance of the constitution or the timeline for its adoption. Nepali political leaders have already shown great courage and vision in 2006 when the Comprehensive Peace Agreement was signed. Much progress has been achieved. It is in that same spirit that we look to the Constituent Assembly members to demonstrate leadership and complete the constitution-making process in a timely and inclusive manner. It is important that the constitution contain no discriminatory provisions.

      Our third message was to encourage political leaders to put aside narrow interests and exercise flexibility in reaching an agreement in the interest of all the Nepali people. The adoption of the Constitution is a historic event that will mark the culmination of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, laying the foundation for Nepal’s future political stability and economic development. This is not a routine piece of legislation; this is a foundational document that should enjoy the widest possible support. It is from that wide support of the Nepali people that the legitimacy of the constitution derives. That is why on behalf of the Secretary-General, I strongly encouraged the leaders to neither threaten a walk out nor force a vote, but rather to conclude the process through compromise, flexibility, and inclusivity.

      Political leaders assured me that they have already made great progress, and that only a few issues remained outstanding. I was encouraged to hear that they were committed to finding a solution in time. But time, according to the calendar set by the leaders themselves, is running out. We believe it is essential for political leaders to seize the moment and carry out the mandate entrusted to them by the Nepali people. We appeal to all leaders to rise above their party ambitions and move forward in the national interest of the country – as they did in 2006. This is a historic opportunity for the future of Nepal.

      Nepal has a great, yet unrealized, potential. The stability the constitution can provide is the key for prosperity. The adoption of the Constitution will be the culmination of Nepal’s historic peace process. I am convinced that Nepal can rise to its full potential as a peaceful, democratic, and prosperous country. The international community and the United Nations remain committed to supporting your efforts.


    • 22 Dec 2014
      Mr. President,
      Members of the Security Council,
      Ladies and Gentlemen,
      The Security Council meets at a time when the situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) is attracting increased world attention and concern.
      The report of the Secretary-General to the General Assembly on the “Situation of human rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea” was issued earlier this month. The General Assembly adopted the resolution on the human rights situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on 18 December, and, on 19 December, the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the United States (FBI) issued a report alleging that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea was responsible for the recent cyber-attack targeting Sony Pictures Entertainment.
      The Secretary-General is aware of the FBI’s report. He is also aware that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has denied any involvement. The United Nations is not privy to the information on which the FBI’s conclusions are based. However, the rise in the incidence and severity of cyber-attacks is of increasing concern.
      Mr. President,
      The Commission of Inquiry established by the Human Rights Council gave voice to the many victims of grave human rights violations and provided a roadmap for the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to adhere to universal human rights standards. The Commission concluded that [And I quote]: “The gravity, scale and nature of the violations reveal a State that does not have any parallel in the contemporary world”. [End of quote].
      The Commission also reframed and changed the tone of the discussion on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. It is not just the nuclear issue that deserves international attention and action. The discussion in the Security Council today allows for a more comprehensive assessment and action when addressing security and stability concerns in the Korean Peninsula.
      In keeping with its obligations under international law, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has a responsibility to protect its population from the most serious international crimes. The international community also has a collective responsibility to protect the population of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, and to consider the wider implications of the reported grave human rights situation for the stability of the region.
      Mr. President,
      For the first time in 15 years, Foreign Minister Ri Su Yung of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea attended the General Assembly Debate in September 2014 and met with the Secretary-General, confirming the commitment of his country to sustaining and continuing the dialogue. The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has also undertaken active diplomatic activities around the world, including in Europe, East Africa and Northeast Asia, and engaged more substantively with the United Nations human rights system, such as the Universal Periodic Review.
      These signals of engagement offer an important opportunity for the United Nations and the wider international community to redouble efforts towards building trust, dialogue and cooperation on all tracks. It is also an opportunity for the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to work with the international community to improve the human rights situation and the living conditions of the people of the country.
      Mr. President,
      The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has issued official statements making clear its objection to the General Assembly resolution on the human rights situation in the country and, on 9 December, the Spokesperson of the Foreign Ministry gave a strong reaction to the meeting of the Security Council today. While the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea had raised the possibility of conducting a fourth nuclear test in its statements immediately before and after the Third Committee vote, its recent statements have refrained from such references.
      The Secretary-General notes that the international community is firm and united in affirming that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea cannot have the status of a nuclear-weapon State in accordance with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. There is strong international consensus on the need for the verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. In this context, the Six-Party Talks remains a viable mechanism to achieve irreversible denuclearization and to maintain peace and security in the Korean Peninsula. The 2005 Joint Statement remains a solid framework for addressing these issues through dialogue and negotiations.
      While the non-proliferation, political, human rights, economic and security challenges are interrelated and mutually reinforcing, the United Nations urges Member States to increase humanitarian assistance for those in need in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. The United Nations-led humanitarian response in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is of high quality and life-saving, with a measurable impact on the lives of the most vulnerable. The response, however, is hampered by a funding deficit, which has been exacerbated by sanctions.
      Mr. President,
      Next year will mark the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II, the founding of the United Nations, as well as the division of the Korean Peninsula. The Korean question has remained unresolved for so long and the situation on the Peninsula remains fragile and volatile. Inter-Korean relations have remained deadlocked, and family members separated for far too long.
      Restarting credible dialogue and meaningful engagement would be an important step to overcome the current standoff regarding the situation on the Korean Peninsula, and should go hand-in-hand with efforts to ensure accountability. The United Nations will continue its engagement on both fronts and counts on the active support of the international community, especially the countries in the region. Sustained international efforts would be important in supporting these efforts. All concerned parties should work to make 2015 a pivotal year to improve the human rights situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and to move toward a denuclearized and peaceful Korean Peninsula.
      Thank you, Mr. President.

      A full transcript of the meeting is available at http://www.un.org/en/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=S/PV.7353.

    • 19 Dec 2014
      On behalf of the Secretary-General and as Chairman of the Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force, I thank Chad for convening this timely debate.
      Chad is playing a leadership role in the Sahel to address terrorism and cross-border crime. We sincerely appreciate President Déby’s vision and commitment to see the United Nations mission in Northern Mali succeed, and deeply regret the loss of the Chadian peacekeepers in recent months.
      This week, we were reminded yet again why we must not tire in our efforts to counter terrorism: the despicable attack on a school in Pakistan by the Taliban. Let us mourn and honour the 132 children by countering rhetoric and acts of hatred with concerted international efforts.
      Terrorism represents today a core threat to international peace and security. Transnational crime is fuelling terrorism with money, arms and support to move across borders and destabilise States, particularly the most challenged.
      In the Secretary-General’s recent visits to Africa he was constantly reminded that terrorism and cross-border crime cannot be addressed separately.
      The Secretary-General stressed earlier this year in his Report to this Council on terrorism in Africa (S/2014/9) that terrorists increasingly rely on cross-border criminality to further their agenda and that these linkages “pose a major threat to peace and stability.”
      Drug-trafficking, organising abduction rings, extracting natural resources, conducting joint financial operations—the ways in which terrorists and organised criminals work together seem boundless.
      Cross-border crime weakens the authority of the State as it questions the government’s ability to maintain security and provide a peaceful context for economic development. It also creates the conditions that foster corruption and human rights violations, thereby undermining the State’s legitimacy.
      Our efforts will not bear fruit unless we combine law enforcement actions with measures to strengthen good governance, rule of law and human rights. We will not uproot the ideologies that lead to violence if we do not win over hearts and minds.
      The United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy takes precisely that comprehensive approach, particularly its Pillar I, which focuses on addressing the political and socio-economic conditions conducive to terrorism.
      The Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force supports Member States' efforts in implementing the Strategy. CTITF articulates the United Nations response to terrorism and cross-border crime by: (i) monitoring and analysing the threat, and assessing the needs of Member States; (ii) implementing tailored capacity-building projects; and (iii) delivering this assistance in a coordinated and coherent manner to multiply impact.
      First, in the area of monitoring and assessment, the Al-Qaida/Taliban Monitoring Team, one of CTITF’s 35 entities, plays a key role in analysing the evolving terrorist phenomenon and reporting on it. Recently it submitted to this Council a report on specific cases of cooperation between crime syndicates and the Taliban and associated terrorist groups.
      The Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate, also a CTITF entity, consistently warns in its country assessments against the strategic spaces that transnational crime opens to terrorists, and has developed valuable initiatives to promote regional cooperation in challenged areas such as the Maghreb, the Sahel, as well as West and East Africa.
      Second, in the area of capacity building, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, is implementing a vast array of projects in Africa to strengthen legal regimes, criminal justice cooperation and border controls. The Sahel Judicial Cooperation Platform, the West African Coast Initiative to create transnational organized crime units, and the Firearms Programme are good examples of the valuable work of UNODC in the region.
      The United Nations Counter-Terrorism Centre has stepped up capacity-building efforts to address terrorist threats at the national, regional and global levels. The Centre is supporting Southern and Central African countries to develop regional counter-terrorism strategies to significantly strengthen their ability to jointly combat terrorism and transnational organised crime.
      These efforts build on the UNCCT-supported development of a Joint Plan of Action for the Central Asian region adopted in 2011, which recognised linkages between terrorism and organised crime.
      Third, in the area of coordination, CTITF's 10 Inter-Agency Working Groups devote considerable attention to the transnational linkages of terrorism, including organised crime, and how the United Nations can more systematically address them at the national, regional and global levels.
      From a global project on assets freezing, to a regional one on border controls in the Sahel and North Africa, and a national project in Nigeria on countering violent extremism, the Task Force and its Working Groups decisively contribute to strengthening the capacities of challenged countries and regions.
      In the same spirit of developing comprehensive responses to current security challenges, the Secretary-General also established an inter-agency Task Force on drug trafficking and transnational organised crime, co-chaired by UNODC and the Department of Political Affairs.
      Another coordination tool, the United Nations Matrix of CTITF Projects and Activities, which includes more than 220 projects around the world, serves as a useful tool to better map gaps and needs, efficiently allocate resources, and increase transparency and accountability in all areas of our activities.
      As a way to strengthen system-wide coordination and emphasise that terrorism and crime affect the development, human rights and rule of law sides of our work, the UN has also developed a number of broader initiatives.
      The United Nations Development Program and the Department of Peacekeeping Operations are strengthening the rule of law in settings that are at risk of being used by terrorists or criminals to conduct their operations.
      In one of those settings, the Sahel, the United Nations is implementing an Integrated Strategy that relates governance, security and resilience to development.
      These are just some examples of how the United Nations is confronting terrorism and cross-border crime.
      Going forward, we need to better understand the implications of terrorist and criminal collaboration, systematise our responses and focus on impact in affected countries and regions.
      Just as recent peace operations have incorporated cross-border crime analysis into their mission planning, terrorism should be part of the mainstream of the work of the United Nations, particularly through our Special Political Missions, Peacekeeping Operations, and Country Teams in the field.
      The need for urgent action to address terrorism and its transnational linkages is regrettably well illustrated, for example by the intensification of Boko Haram activities throughout the Lake Chad Basin region of Central Africa. Over the past few months, Boko Haram has started to take over and control territories in parts of Northeast Nigeria, further compounding the threat to regional peace and security. This situation is expected to worsen as cross-border tension and violence persist.
      All efforts should be made to ensure the swift operationalisation of regional and international initiatives to address the cross-border threat posed by Boko Haram following the security summits in Paris, London and Abuja.
      As instructed by the Security Council (S/PRST/2014/25), UNOCA and UNOWA will continue to work together, in the spirit of their recent joint mission to Chad and Cameroon. They will assist the countries of the Lake Chad Basin Commission to address the transnational impact of Boko Haram activities on the political, socio-economic and humanitarian situation in the region. This will include transnational linkages to organised crime.
      Boko Haram, Al Qaida, the Taliban, Da-esh and their sinister peers make it abundantly clear that the pervasive synergies between terrorism and cross-border crimes foster conflicts, prevent their resolution and increase the chance of relapse. Ensuring that the tools that we have at our disposal are relevant and effective against the new face of international terrorism will be essential to protect innocents, resolve conflicts and promote the principles and values of the United Nations.
      While I can assure you that the Secretary-General and the UN family will continue to use but also to adapt its expertise and tools to address the multidimensional and interrelated security challenges of terrorism and its transnational linkages, including organised crime, we also count on all members of this Council—and all members of the international community—to unite in advancing our capacities and coherence not only to counter but to prevent terrorism.
      Thank you.
    • 15 Dec 2014
      Mr. President,
      Let me congratulate you with your stewardship of the Council this month and also express a few words of gratitude for the support I received over the last two years from the Permanent Representatives of Argentina, Australia, Luxembourg, the Republic of Korea and Rwanda. Your presence in the Security Council will be missed.
      I brief today against the backdrop of a dramatic year, during which we witnessed a serious effort at a negotiated settlement stalling yet again, another devastating 51-day war in Gaza, and increased violence and tension throughout the West Bank, including in East Jerusalem.
      Israel is heading to the polls. The recent collapse of the ruling coalition, less than twoyears into its tenure, has paved the way for early general elections scheduled for 17 March 2015. As the country begins this new chapter, the deadly diplomatic vacuum canbe no excuse for either side to let the present situation get even worse.
      Now is the time to deescalate and refrain from provocative steps, re-build trust and setconditions for a return to negotiations that will resolve this conflict. As the SecretaryGeneraland I have consistently warned, hope for a lasting solution to the conflict must berestored before it is too late. Israelis and Palestinians still demand an end to the conflictdespite their strong malaise on the peace process itself.
      Making headway in at least salvaging prospects for resolving the conflict will require theactive role of the international community. We cannot walk away from our responsibilityto advocate for a meaningful framework for peace.
      In a continuation of an ongoing trend in Europe, parliaments in France, Spain and Portugal adopted non-binding resolutions that call upon their respective governments to recognize a Palestinian state. These are significant developments that serve to highlight growing impatience at the continued lack of real progress in achieving a two-state solution and that Governments are under increased public pressure to promote an end to the conflict once and for all.
      I note the recent League of Arab States’ meeting in Cairo where it was agreed to present to the Security Council a draft resolution setting a timeframe for the creation of a Palestinian State. I understand consultations are also ongoing among Council members to present a resolution outlining the parameters of an Israeli-Palestinian final-status agreement.
      While important, we must recognize that these actions are not a substitute for a genuinepeace process that will need to be negotiated between both parties. The Secretary-General hopes that Security Council action will generate constructive momentum towards the creation of a meaningful and effective framework for renewed negotiations. Such a move by the Security Council would constitute a major step on this conflict since the adoptionof Security Council resolution 242, almost 50 years ago.
      In the meantime, the situation on the ground remains explosive.
      I am deeply troubled by the recent escalation of tensions in Jerusalem and the West Bank as daily clashes continue to take place between Palestinians and Israelis. While the conflict has consistently had religious underpinnings, what is increasingly worrying is that it is now becoming more religiously inspired.
      On 18 November, two Palestinians killed five Israelis and injured several others at a West Jerusalem synagogue, before being shot dead by Israeli police. The Secretary-General strongly condemned the attack, for which there can be no justification whatsoever. He rejects any attempts to honor those who carried out such crimes.
      On 29 November, a Jewish-Arab school in Jerusalem was set on fire and vandalized with anti-Arab graffiti. Several Israelis were arrested in connection with the crime which was strongly condemned by Prime Minister Netanyahu. Overall, a total of 633 Palestinians, including 73 children, were injured and another 406 were arrested by Israeli security forces during the past month. Nine Israeli soldiers and 20 Israeli settlers were also injured in clashes with Palestinians. On 10 December, Palestinian Minister Ziad Abu Ein died after protest activity near the village of Turmus Ayya that resulted in a confrontation with Israeli security forces. This Council encouraged the parties to ensure that a swift and transparent investigation into the circumstances of his death is undertaken.
      I would also like to acknowledge that constructive steps have been taken by parties concerned to deescalate the tensions surrounding the holy sites as per the understandings reached in Amman last month in the presence of US Secretary of State Kerry. The Secretary-General and I hope that these commitments to maintain the status quo regarding the holy sites will continue to be implemented. We note that there has been a decrease in the numbers of Jewish activists visiting the holy compound and the lifting of access restrictions on Muslim worshippers. For the first time since 2007, Palestinians from Gaza were permitted to worship at the Al-Aqsa mosque. These are encouraging developments that should be continued. President Abbas’ calls for calm have also been welcome.
      In contrast, I am concerned that Israel has reinstated its practice of punitive demolitions, after almost a complete halt for nearly a decade. During the reporting period, six structures were demolished in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, resulting in the displacement of 21 Palestinians, including 11 children. One of these demolitions was of punitive nature, when the IDF on 19 November demolished the family house of the Palestinian who, on 22 October, drove his car into a light train station, killing two. These acts, targeting family homes of perpetrators of attacks against Israeli citizens, are a form
      of collective penalty that contravenes international law and risk undermining the already fragile situation. They are wrong and counterproductive.
      Mr. President,
      I will now turn to the situation in Gaza where despite some initial setbacks, the delivery of construction material via the temporary Gaza Reconstruction Mechanism continues and in fact has been scaled up significantly over the past two weeks. As of 10 December, more than 17,000 individuals requiring construction material for shelter repairs have been cleared to purchase materials under the temporary mechanism. Of those, close to 8,000 home owners have been notified and procured materials as of last night. The Ministry of Public Works will now notify a further 10,000 individuals over the course of this week and around 25,000 home owners are expected to have access to construction materials by the end of December.
      Construction materials are entering Gaza in quantities ensuring sufficient stocks for vendors. On 7 December, 44 trucks loaded with close to 1,800 tons of cement for reconstruction entered Gaza via the Kerem Shalom crossing. It was the largest quantity shipped in one day in years. In total over 22,000 tons of construction material have been imported by private sector vendors to date, of which over 17,000 tons has already been procured by individuals. I must reemphasize though that this temporary mechanism is not a substitute for the lifting of all closures on Gaza as laid out in Security Council resolution 1860 (2009).
      Trade between Gaza and the West Bank has been re-established, yet remains much below the potential. Transfers of fish and vegetables from Gaza to the West Bank have risen from one truck per day to 11 trucks per day in November.
      Despite these positive developments the situation remains very fragile. Up to 80,000families are living in houses that have sustained varying degrees of damage while eighteen UNRWA school buildings continue to serve as collective centres for some19,000 internally displaced persons. The urgency to address these needs is compounded by the extreme weather Gaza has experienced in recent weeks with the early arrival of the rainy winter season.
      As the mechanism begins operating at scale, forging a clear and realistic plan for Gaza is vital, if we want to give Gazans hope. I envisage the following three priorities to be achieved in the next three years:
      We must bring affordable energy, sufficient water and the physical reconstruction of Gaza. The Strip’s chronic electricity shortages cannot be met by endless and costly interim measures, however necessary in the short term. Gaza needs access to natural gas for its only power plant to create affordable energy as well as a desalinization plant that will meet its pressing water needs. I believe it is possible to address these pressing needs, if we can be assured that crossings will be open for all required materials to enter the Strip in predictable and transparent flows, while addressing reasonable Israeli security concerns. The temporary mechanism is an important tool only in this regard.
      Let me be clear, these ambitious goals cannot be reached without urgent and consistent international engagement, but any vision for Gaza’s future cannot escape the current reality on the ground. Acceleration of Gaza’s reconstruction process is being held back by several factors, many of which are political: the ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinians in Gaza has still not been solidified; the Government of National Consensus in Gaza has still not taken up its rightful governance and security functions and has no control over the crossings; civil service reform is urgently required and thousands of government staff are still not being paid. And perhaps most urgently, the reconstruction effort still requires funds. Firm donor commitments to fulfill pledges made at the October Cairo Conference is crucial. Lack of progress on these fronts can fatally undermine our capacity to face the challenges ahead and bring back hope to the people of Gaza.
      I also hope that challenging security considerations will soon be overcome for Egypt to re-open the Rafah crossing, which remains crucial as a terminal for people to leave or enter.
      If these and other challenging issues are not addressed, the atmosphere in an already devastated Gaza will only worsen and we are beginning to see the security implications of these persistent pressures on Gazan society. Recent incidents include one Palestinian civilian being shot and killed by Israeli security forces on 23 November - for the first time since the ceasefire - and militants reportedly test fired a total of 20 rockets towards the sea. Reports are also increasing that extremist elements are seeking to gain a foothold in Gaza. On 12 December an explosion took place on the perimeter of the French
      Cultural Centre compound in Gaza, injuring two guards. This is the second time theFrench Cultural Centre has been targeted. We note Hamas’ condemnation of the attack. Pending transfer of the security responsibilities to the Government of National Consensus, we continue to hold Hamas responsible for the safety of UN and all international staff in Gaza.
      I must warn that Gaza can now go both ways. We have the opportunity to make advances, but if critical issues remain unresolved, I fear we may be heading towards another implosion with dire consequences.
      Mr. President,
      Let me now say a few words about Syria, the Golan and Lebanon before closing. The Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Syria, Mr. de Mistura, is continuing consultations on his proposed action plan for conflict, including operationalising a “freeze” in the city of Aleppo. The precise parameters of the freeze plus arrangements are now being negotiated separately with the Syrian parties and on the basis of wide consultations inside and outside of Syria. The Special Envoy completed a visit to Istanbul and Gaziantep last week and will visit Riyadh later this week. His Deputy recently visited
      Tehran and arrived in Damascus on 12 December.
      The proposed Aleppo freeze is distinct from previous local ceasefires and is intended as a building block towards an inclusive national political process without preconditions based on the framework of the Geneva Communiqué.
      On the Golan, the situation remains volatile with intermittent heavy clashes between the Syrian armed forces and armed groups occurring in the areas of separation and limitation. On 7 December, UNDOF observed two aircraft from the Alpha side flying north-east over the area of separation and entering the area of limitation on the Bravo side. This is a violation of the 1974 Disengagement of Forces Agreement. These events jeopardise the ceasefire between Israel and Syria. On 17 December, the Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations will brief the Council on the situation.
      Turning to Lebanon, the Deputy Secretary-General is currently in Beirut for a two-day visit on the occasion of the launch of the new Lebanon Crisis Response Plan to address the refugee presence in the country. The visit is an opportunity to reaffirm the solidarity and commitment of the United Nations, consistent with the Security Council’s support for Lebanon’s stability and security, which remains fragile.
      On 8 December, three Syrians in Arsal were killed by a Syrian airstrike. On 5 December, a member of the Lebanese security forces was executed by his captors, while 25 other Lebanese soldiers and security personnel are still held hostage by Al-Nusra and ISIL. On 2 December, six Lebanese soldiers were killed in an attack on an Army patrol by militants near Ras Baalbek by the Syrian border. We strongly condemn all attacks on the Lebanese Armed Forces.
      On the political front, Speaker Berri has announced that preparations are underway for dialogue between Hizbullah and the Future Movement and that a first session may be expected before the end of the year. We encourage such efforts which may ease tensionsand help address outstanding concerns, the most pressing of which remains the resolutionof the seven month-long vacuum in the Presidency.
      Mr. President,
      In conclusion, we have reached a dramatic moment in the quest for peace between Israel and the Palestinians, particularly if that peace - as we have consistently advocated - is to be based on a two-state solution. I feel 2014 changed the course of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and that the future is more uncertain than ever. As I have alerted this Council, I am deeply concerned that a one-state reality is on the parties’ doorstep if they fail to address the present deadlock.
      The people of Israel and Palestine deserve better, they are in need of hope, hope that their future will see peace and end of conflict at last. Reversing the trust deficit must now take precedence - prolonging the status quo is a sure fire route to failure. The international community, including this Council, has a responsibility and important role to play in shaping a way ahead. Yet ultimately, it is for Palestinians and Israelis and their leaderships to take the courageous steps, now more necessary than ever, to salvage a peaceful and secure future for their people.
    • 12 Dec 2014

      C’est un honneur d’avoir été reçu par le Président de la République. Je lui ai transmis les salutations chaleureuses du Secrétaire général des Nations Unies, Ban Ki-Moon. J’étais accompagné du Représentant Spécial du Secrétaire général au Burundi Parfait Onanga-Anyanga.

      Je félicité le Président de la République pour la réussite de la Table Ronde, qui s’est tenue hier et aujourd’hui avec les partenaires du Burundi. Cela a été l’occasion pour les partenaires du Burundi de poser les bases d’une coopération renforcée après la tenue d’élections crédibles et pacifiques.

      J’ai profité de ma présence au Burundi pour symboliquement célébrer la fin du mandat du Bureau des Nations Unies au Burundi (BNUB). Je voudrais ici, au nom du Secrétaire général, exprimer notre appréciation pour le travail remarquable accompli par le personnel du BNUB sous la direction avisée de Parfait Onanga-Anyanga.

      J’ai dit au Président combien le Secrétaire général apprécie la longue et fructueuse collaboration entre l’ONU et le Burundi. A ce sujet, j’ai salué l’engagement du Burundi dans la paix et la sécurité en Afrique, notamment le sacrifice des troupes burundaises en Somalie et en République Centrafricaine.

      Nous avons parlé des questions de paix et sécurité dans la région des Grands Lacs, notamment du rôle du Burundi dans l’Accord cadre pour la paix, la sécurité et la coopération en République démocratique de Congo et la région.

      Nous avons également évoqué la nécessité d’organiser des élections paisibles, crédibles et inclusives, en accord avec les aspirations du peuple burundais. Je profite donc de cette occasion pour exhorter toutes les parties prenantes à résoudre tous les griefs électoraux par le dialogue et en accord avec les procédures établies.

      Enfin, j’ai confirmé au Président de la République le déploiement au premier janvier, à la demande du Gouvernement, de la Mission d’observation électorale des Nations Unies. Cette Mission sera dirigée par l’Envoyé spécial du Secrétaire général Cassam Uteem, ancien Président de l’Île Maurice.

      Je vous remercie.

    • 11 Dec 2014
      Monsieur le Président,
      Chers membres du Conseil de sécurité,
      Je suis heureuse de vous informer de nouveau sur les derniers développements dans le Sahel. L’attention particulière et soutenue que le Conseil de sécurité porte au Sahel en tant que région avec ses particularités, permet une approche qui intègre les dimensions régionales des défis, sans laquelle les conflits et les crises seraient résolus dans un pays juste pour réapparaitre dans un autre.
      Dans le domaine de la gouvernance, la région du Sahel continue de souffrir d’un manqué de services essentiels, de l’exclusion sociale, et d’obstacles au commerce et à l’investissement. La récente apparition de l’épidémie Ebola au Mali risque d’être le choc de trop pour la région. Ce nouveau défi mérite toute notre attention, et il est important que les pays du Sahel acquièrent les capacités nécessaires pour prévenir la propagation de l’épidémie.
      Mr. Chair, Members of the Council,
      The crisis in Burkina Faso and the persistent conflict in Mali attest to the fact that our efforts in the Sahel will not be productive unless the countries of the region commit to some standards of governance.
      The security situation in the Sahel continues to be impacted by the crises in Libya, northern Nigeria, northern Mali and the Central African Republic.
      The persistent allegations that the Islamic State has set up training camps in Libya are particularly worrisome. If the situation in Libya is not quickly brought under control, many states in the region could be destabilised in the near future.
      In Mali, despite progress achieved in the inter-Malian talks in Algiers, the security situation in the north has deteriorated, with the intensification of deadly attacks targeting peacekeepers and communities along the border with Niger. It is encouraging that the recent meeting of MINUSMA African Troop-Contributing Countries, hosted by Niger, concluded that there was a need to strengthen regional security cooperation mechanisms. I am also pleased that this Council has held a brainstorming session to consider options to address these challenges, including through the United Nations Integrated Strategy for the Sahel.
      The unspeakable Boko Haram atrocities in northern Nigeria have become a major threat to some Sahel communities and countries. An estimated 100,000 have fled to the Diffa region of Niger and some 10,000 are in Chad and Cameroun. Perhaps more alarming are the recent allegations that Boko Haram is recruiting rebels amongst the refugee populations.
      The interconnections between terrorist and criminal networks in Libya, Mali and northern Nigeria are becoming clearer. These networks provide the markets for the exchange of weapons, fighters and other forms of illicit trade, including drug trafficking. It is estimated that close to 20,000 firearms from Libya have crossed into the Sahel, and the greater part of the 18 tonnes of cocaine, worth 1.25 billion U.S. Dollars, dumped in West Africa transit through the Sahel region. It is worth noting that the profits from this illicit trafficking by far exceed the security budgets of most countries in the region. In view of the complexity and regionalization of threats, my Office intends to work more closely with MINUSMA, UNSMIL and other relevant UN entities in order to enhance regional analysis and programming.
      Furthermore, particular attention needs to be paid to the thousands of migrants who cross the Sahel and the Sahara en route towards Europe and the Middle East. Unfortunately, this practice of migration will only increase under the prevailing security and humanitarian conditions and can only lead to increased loss of lives and recruitment of desperate migrants into armed groups. More disturbing is the fact that 60 percent of the human trafficking victims detected in the region are children.
      Humanitarian indicators across the Sahel remained disquieting. Five million more people have become food insecure since the last reporting period. The number of children affected by acute malnutrition in the Sahel also increased from 5 million in January to 6.4 million today. Of these, 1.6 million require treatment for severe malnutrition. In addition, spiralling insecurity and conflicts have displaced 3.3 million people, a two-fold increase from 1.6 million in January.
      With just over 1.1 billion U.S. Dollars provided by donors to date, against a 1.9 billion U.S. Dollars appeal, humanitarian interventions in the Sahel remain underfunded.
      Mr. Chair, Members of the Council,
      Since assuming office in May, I have focussed on engaging with key stakeholders with a view to gaining an understanding of their perspectives, taking stock of the progress made and identifying existing challenges. I have urged leaders and Heads of State in Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, and Niger to address challenges affecting the Sahel through a regional approach and pledged the support of the United Nations to implement initiatives in the Sahel.
      I have been engaging with major partners working on the Sahel to emphasize the importance of coordination and coherence. Building on these consultations, and following up on the visit of the Secretary-General to the Sahel last year, I convened a meeting of major partners in November which resulted in the establishment of an International Contact Group on the Sahel.
      In order to enhance regional ownership of the United Nations Integrated Strategy for the Sahel, I have been engaging with governments in the Sahel and regional organisations to seek convergence with their priorities.
      Mr. Chair, Members of the Council,
      Since my last briefing, progress has been achieved in terms of mainstreaming the priorities of the strategy into existing programmatic frameworks. Allow me to highlight a few examples:
      Under the Resilience pillar, the EU-led AGIR partnership with a pledged contribution of 1.5 billion Euros from the EU for 2014-2020 continued to provide a critical framework for regional cooperation on resilience. The Country Resilience Priority (PRP) plans for Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger and Chad will be reviewed in mid-December. Meanwhile, a World Bank-UNFPA programme of 207 million U.S. Dollars to manage population dynamics in the Sahel is being considered for approval.
      Under the Governance pillar, UNDP has been supporting Mali to mainstream social cohesion in the delivery of social services, and has trained 300 ‘community mediators. . It has been supporting Niger to promote durable development and inclusive growth. UNDP has been building the capacity of Government institutions in Mauritania and Niger on conflict prevention, protection of human rights and transparent electoral process. At the regional level, UNDP and the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED) have jointly embarked on a study to assess the perceptions of communities living in border areas on the drivers of radicalization, insecurity and violent extremism in eight (8) Sahel countries.
      Under the Security pillar, the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) has been supporting the development of accessible, efficient and accountable criminal justice systems in the Sahel to combat illicit trafficking, organised crime, terrorism and corruption in the region. The UN Office for West Africa (UNOWA) also supported the Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC) in the development of a regional counter-terrorism strategy.
      Mr. Chair, Members of the Council,
      I am also glad to report that several non-UN partners continue to implement initiatives in the Sahel, which complement the broad objectives of the United Nations Integrated Strategy for the Sahel.
      In January, the World Bank launched a new multi-donor Sahel Adaptive Social Protection Trust Fund. With initial grant funding of 75 million U.S. Dollars, the programme will assist more than 1.5 million people in Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Senegal.
      In October, the Board of the African Development Bank approved a 240 million US Dollars programme to enhance the productivity of agro-silvo-pastoral and fishery sectors, including through investments in rural infrastructure, in Burkina Faso, Chad, The Gambia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, and Senegal.
      I am pleased to report that a regional approach to addressing security threats in the Sahel is also being promoted by the African Union through the Nouakchott Process for the operationalization of the African Peace and Security Architecture (APSA) in the Sahel.
      Mr. Chair, Members of the Council,
      Given the deterioration of the political and security situation in the region and the adverse impact on humanitarian and development gains, the need for sustaining Security Council attention on the Sahel is greater than ever. Since my appointment, my Office has made great strides in terms of helping put together the necessary structures and coordination mechanisms to ensure a more coherent approach of the United Nations system and the international community at large in the Sahel region.
      Despite these important and necessary steps, the Sahel region continues to face multifaceted challenges to peace and development. The situation calls for stronger commitment by governments of the region to improve governance, including the promotion and protection of human rights, and undertake changes that are required for the achievement of the objectives of the strategy, including by working towards greater regional cooperation and economic integration.
      Monsieur le Président, chers membres du Conseil de sécurité,
      De ce qui précède, mes priorités pour les mois à venir consisteront à, premièrement, soutenir la mise en œuvre accélérée des projets tant nationaux que régionaux, en étroite collaboration avec les partenaires régionaux ; deuxièmement, contribuer au renforcement de la coordination des interventions de la communauté internationale au Sahel, y compris par le biais du Groupe international de contact sur le Sahel ; finalement, promouvoir l’appropriation régionale en renforçant la coopération avec la Communauté économique des Etats de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (CEDEAO), la Communauté économique des Etats de l’Afrique centrale (CEEAC), ainsi que la Plateforme ministérielle de coordination et le G5 Sahel.
      Je voudrais conclure en vous remerciant de votre soutien.
    • 11 Dec 2014

      Excellence, Monsieur le Président de la République

      Excellence, Monsieur le Premier Vice Président de la République

      Excellence, Monsieur le Deuxième Vice Président de la République

      Mesdames et Messieurs les Ministres,

      Monsieur le maire de Bujumbura,

      Monsieur le Président de la formation Burundi à la Commission

      de consolidation de la paix,

      Monsieur le Réprésentant Spécial du Secretaire general,

      Mesdames et Messieurs les Ambassadeurs et chefs de missions diplomatiques,

      Distingués invités, Mesdames et Messieurs

      Chers collègues,


      Il y a deux ans, la Conférence des partenaires de développement à Genève a été l’occasion de présenter un « nouveau Burundi » et son succès a montré que les partenaires internationaux avaient la volonté d’investir dans cette vision.

      Depuis, le Burundi a continué à progresser sur la voie de la consolidation de la paix et de la stabilité. La situation du pays s’est améliorée. Le retour au Burundi des figures politiques jusqu’alors en exil a marqué la normalisation de la vie politique depuis le boycottage des élections de 2010. Plusieurs institutions créées par la Constitution du Burundi se sont consolidées. Il ne restait que la Commission Vérité et Réconciliation, dont la récente nomination vient parachever le chantier de l’Accord d’Arusha.

      Les fondations du « nouveau Burundi » ont été posées. Il ne manque que la volonté politique de construire l’avenir avec toutes les forces vives de la Nation. Pour cela, il faut dépasser les clivages partisans et concentrer les débats et les énergies sur les véritables défis que le Burundi doit relever. La lutte contre la pauvreté, le déficit énergétique : le chantier est vaste.

      Alors que le pays se prépare pour les élections de deux-mille quinze, les Burundais ont posé les bases de ce scrutin en adoptant le Code électoral de façon consensuelle. La Commission électorale indépendante est à pied d’œuvre. Tous les acteurs clés ont adhéré au Code de bonne conduite pour les élections de deux-mille quinze. C’est un signal fort de la volonté des Burundais à créer un environnement propice à des élections crédibles, inclusives et apaisées.

      Toutefois, nombreux sont les observateurs à avoir noté une réduction croissante de l’espace politique. Il revient à toutes les parties prenantes de démontrer que ces observateurs se trompent. Que ces signaux préoccupants ne sont que des écarts. Récemment, il y a eu des développements encourageants. Les dernières consultations sur le processus électoral, auxquelles ont pris part toutes les parties prenantes, sont très prometteuses. Nous encourageons le Gouvernement à poursuivre ces efforts pour garantir des élections crédibles, inclusives et apaisées.

      L’ONU reste déterminée à soutenir le Burundi face aux nombreux défis qui restent à relever. Nous serons aux côtés des Burundais pendant toute la période électorale avec la mission d’observation électorale qui sera déployée le premier janvier deux-mille quinze (1er janvier 2015). Sur le plus long terme, les agences de développement des Nations Unies continueront à soutenir le Burundi dans ces efforts pour la consolidation de la paix et le développement.

      Travaillons ensemble pour que les importants progrès de ces dernières années deviennent vraiment irréversibles.


      Je vous remercie.

    • 4 Dec 2014

      Distinguished Ministers and Representatives,


      Ladies and Gentlemen,

      I thank the government of the United Kingdom for hosting this important meeting, and extend my thanks to all present here, for reaffirming their commitment to supporting a strong, independent and forward-looking Afghanistan.


      I warmly welcome President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani, CEO Abdullah and the Afghan delegation to this meeting, recognising the central role that reform has played in the President’s first months in office.

      While it is true that many challenges lay ahead for Afghanistan on its road to stability and peace, we should first recognise the peaceful transfer of political power from one democratically elected leader to another in Afghanistan in September which marked a key milestone in the political rebirth of the nation.

      However, the economic situation in Afghanistan remains fragile. Endemic poverty, hunger and malnutrition, faltering growth, diminishing revenue and a burgeoning illicit economy continue to diminish opportunities for Afghan communities, and inherently leave open space for those who seek to exploit such fragility for their own ends. Similarly, corruption, weak rule of law and lack of respect for human rights including women’s rights remain widespread, exercising a deeply corrosive influence on both the capacity of government to deliver results and the faith that Afghans and the international community can place in government itself.

      These are issues of which President Ghani and CEO Abdullah are keenly aware and engaged, and I commend the National Unity Government on its ambitious and focused proposal for reform and renewal outlined in the conference paper “Realising Self-Reliance”. I also note the Government’s commitment to develop detailed action plans once this meeting has concluded, and the United Nations recommits itself to supporting our Afghan partners in this work.


      Ladies and gentlemen, it is apt, at this historic moment of political and security transition that the international community reconvene to review, update, assess and renew the commitments made two years ago in Tokyo, together with its Afghan partners. This is, above all a meeting about partnership.

      This is an opportunity to forge a strong, sustainable and accountable partnership between the nations and organisations present here today, and through that union, lay the foundation for a more secure and more prosperous Afghanistan. The United Nations remains a committed partner with Afghanistan and the rest of the international community in building that foundation.

      Building sustainable economic growth and development cannot be the realm of government alone – either domestic or foreign. Improved governance, revitalised markets and strengthened institutions can only take place with the assistance, commitment and input of the community, civil society, the private sector and regional partners. Only through such broad engagement can the conditions in which greater stability, increased peace and growth in opportunity prosper.

      I commend the Afghan Government’s direct commitment to address the impacts of economic fragility in conjunction with bolstering the rule of law framework. A commitment on all sides to accountability and transparency is the clearest path toward renewed and sustainable governance and institutional capacity. The United Nations remains engaged closely in these issues as the next tranche of reform commences.

      The continued empowerment of women in all aspects of Afghan life and further strengthening of safeguards in the protection of women remain important issues. No community, no economy and no country can be truly prosperous and genuinely strong if half of its citizens do not enjoy the same protections, respect and economic and educational opportunities as the other.

      The scope of the humanitarian crisis effecting Afghanistan should also not be underestimated, and is a United Nations priority. There remains an acute need for humanitarian support and funding to protect communities at risk and assist effected communities recover. Similarly, the human cost of the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan remains deeply concerning. Rising civilian casualties, conflict-related displaced persons and acute societal disruption all adversely affect the capacity of communities and government to function and provide the basic necessities as a direct result of conflict.


      Ladies and gentlemen, the security situation in Afghanistan is deeply troubling. The horrific attack in Paktika which killed at least 62 individuals – mostly civilians – and injured more than 100 others, is a clear but sadly not isolated example of the terrible toll this conflict continues to take upon the Afghan people. Despite the drawdown in international military forces, the international community must remain engaged in combating the devastating effects on civilians of this conflict.

      It is timely as well to acknowledge that “business as usual”, including for the United Nations, is not enough. The Afghan government has already indicated that it is seeking to refresh the form and function of aid and partnership with the United Nations and international community, and I see this is a clear opportunity for us all. Genuine partnership requires both honesty and commitment on both sides, and I acknowledge that rethinking our approach to development in this context is an opportune discussion, and one rich in potential rewards for how we all progress a sustainable reform agenda.

      Our commitment to Afghan partnership must remain unshakeably linked to the principles of international aid effectiveness, focus on the priorities identified by Afghanistan, and must recognise the primacy of Afghan leadership in shaping the development agenda and implementation. This is a grave responsibility for all present, and I reaffirm the United Nation’s ongoing assurance of support and action.


      Thank you.

    • 25 Nov 2014

      Mr. President,

      Thank you for the opportunity to address the Security Council on the issue of UN sanctions -- an indispensable Charter-based instrument for the maintenance of international peace and security.
      Today's discussion is set against a backdrop of unprecedented challenges for the international community, including this Council. As the Secretary-General stated in this year's General Debate: it may seem as if the world is falling apart, and turbulence is testing the multilateral system.
      Overcoming our common peace and security challenges requires a Council united in purpose and action; Member States fulfilling their international obligations; an effective UN system delivering as one; and a full range of supportive partnerships.
      This is certainly the requirement when we speak about the effective implementation of United Nations sanctions.
      Mr. President,
      The Security Council has a long history of employing sanctions. The Council has established 25 sanctions regimes in total; the first dating back to 1966, when the Council imposed sanctions on Southern Rhodesia, and the most recent in Yemen this year.
      UN sanctions have been used to support conflict resolution efforts, prevent the proliferation of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction, and counter terrorism.
      Security Council sanctions, together with UN peacekeeping and political efforts, have made a critical difference in Afghanistan, Angola, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Former Yugoslavia, Haiti, Liberia, Libya, and Sierra Leone, amongst others.
      UN sanctions, in short, work.
      In fact, the regularity with which the Council has turned to this instrument is testimony to its efficacy. Today, we have 15 sanctions regimes -- the highest number in the history of the Organization.
      Moreover, UN sanctions are also fairly economical. The total cost of supporting the 15 sanctions regimes is a comparatively modest cost of under $30 million a year.
      Mr. President,
      This Council has also shown its ability to continuously innovate and adjust its sanctions regimes.
      The most significant transformation was the shift from comprehensive to targeted sanctions. Since 1994, all new sanctions regimes have been targeted, comprising travel bans; asset freezes; arms embargoes; bans on the trade of commodities (diamonds, coal, wildlife products, charcoal); restrictions on items, material, equipment, goods and technology related to nuclear ballistic missiles and other weapons of mass destruction programmes, as well as bans on the export of certain luxury goods.
      In 1999, the Council introduced another important innovation, with the establishment of its sanctions monitoring group on Angola. Today, 11 monitoring groups, teams and panels with a total of 66 experts work world-wide in support of the Security Council and its sanctions committees.
      At the direction of the Council and its sanctions committees, expert panels regularly cooperate with international organizations, such as INTERPOL, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) on issues related to travel bans; and with national authorities and the private sector on asset freezes.
      I would like to thank INTERPOL Secretary-General Jürgen Stock, who is here with us today, and his predecessor Ronald Noble, for the excellent cooperation we received from INTERPOL. We look forward to building on this partnership to further enhance sanctions implementation.
      Over the last decades, Mr. President, the Security Council has calibrated the designation criteria of its sanctions regimes, to clearly identify the kind of behavior or actions it seeks to modify.
      Designation criteria have evolved to include human rights violations, targeting of civilians, hate speech, sexual violence in conflict and even wildlife poaching.
      To ensure that sanctions designations meet human rights standards, the Council established the Focal Point for De-listing in the Secretariat, and the Office of the Ombudsperson for the Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee -- both are important parts of this Council’s sanctions history.
      The Council has also mandated some UN field missions to monitor certain aspects of sanctions regimes, cooperate with expert panels, and provide assistance to national governments.
      Mr. President,
      The Council's achievements on UN sanctions thus far allow us to see clearly what more needs to be done.
      Work is required to raise the awareness of all Member States that UN sanctions are supportive not punitive. They are not meant to cripple states but to help them overcome instability, address massive human rights violations, curb illegal smuggling, and counter terrorism.
      Some Member States already do understand this and have requested the Security Council to adopt, fine-tune or strengthen targeted measures, to support their fragile political transitions and national reconciliation efforts. Many others request the Council to strengthen targeted measures to help protect against terrorism and other illicit activities. These governments offer valuable information on listed individuals and entities, and in a few cases even put forward listing requests for consideration.
      More work is also needed to provide assistance to Member States implementing UN sanctions. This will clearly take effort and resources.
      And some more work is needed to take into greater account the rights of individuals, entities and Member States designated for targeted measures.
      Mr. President,
      Everyday, DPA's Security Council Affairs Division provides substantive and administrative support to the sanctions committees and expert panels; as well as engage the wider UN system in support of UN sanctions.
      This effort is central to the work of my department, and I would like to take a few minutes to brief you on steps taken to properly perform this important responsibility.
      Just in this last year you would have noticed several changes, these included: standardizing the methods and formats of communication among sanctions committees, the Secretariat, and expert panels; re-launching DPA's roster of experts on sanctions; revamping the expert recruitment process; and establishing induction programmes for Chairs, delegates and experts.
      In December 2013, DPA conducted the first Inter-Panel Coordination Workshop. The aim of the workshop was to fulfill the call, in many Council resolutions, for expert panels to work closely together and exchange best practices. At last year’s workshop, we focused on enhancing cooperation amongst arms and finance experts working on sanction regimes in Africa. This year, we intend to focus on enhancing the engagement between experts and the UN system.
      This year, DPA also led two assessment missions on sanctions issues, one on the partial lifting of the arms embargo on Somalia and another on the termination of sanctions in Liberia. These assessment missions strengthened the understanding of the two Member States on what is expected of them by the Council on sanctions issues, as well as enhanced coordination within the UN system to support sanctions implementation in these countries.
      On 31 October this year, DPA completed the harmonization of the format of all committee sanctions lists and officially launched the Consolidated United Nations Security Council Sanctions List. The list is being translated into all six official UN languages, and along with a redesigned subsidiary organs website, will be launched by April 2015.
      All these initiatives are intended to support your efforts to effectively design, implement and evaluate UN sanctions. DPA is your committed partner in this effort, as is the UN system as a whole.
      Mr. President,
      This year, the UN system conducted its own internal review of UN sanctions, alongside the State-led High Level Review of UN Sanctions.
      An internal interagency working group, chaired by me, brought together 20 UN departments and offices, agencies, funds and programmes working on peace and security, humanitarian, human rights, legal, protection and development issues.
      It is clear from our internal review process that the UN Secretariat needs to develop clear and coherent system-wide policy and guidance to support UN sanctions implementation. This should be done within existing mandates and resources, and with due regard for principles applicable to humanitarian actors.
      Regular briefings, trainings, and the sharing of expertise on sanctions issues with UN entities in Headquarters and the field is also needed. This is especially important at the outset of a new sanctions regime, and particularly when it coincides with the establishment of a new UN field mission.
      We also concluded that the UN system possesses the technical capacity in several key areas to assist Member States in implementing UN sanctions.
      These capacities, however, need to be better coordinated in-house, better leveraged by the sanctions committees and better utilized by the Member States. In some cases, additional financial resources may be required.
      Our internal review process also generated several proposals for the consideration of the Security Council.
      First, the Security Council may wish to consider increasing the use of assessment missions to take stock of the impact and effectiveness of UN sanctions. Periodic assessments should also be undertaken to evaluate the continued relevance of sanctions measures.
      Second, where appropriate, the Security Council should consider expanding the relevant designation criteria to address specific human rights violations such as the use of children for extremist agendas, the role of mid-level commanders in facilitating human rights violations, gross violations of women’s rights committed by extremist groups, sexual violence, other forms of gender-based crimes and targeted attacks against women, and failure to comply with the responsibility to protect.
      Third, all UN sanctions resolutions should have a clear and standardized "listing/de-listing framework". Such a framework should include clear designation criteria and the requirement for detailed statements of case. In addition, narrative summaries should be publicly available, bio-metric information should be sought (to reduce false positives); and a clear reference should be made to the relevant de-listing mechanism.
      Fourth, the Council should continue its efforts to further strengthen due process when considering the designation of individuals and entities.
      In 2006, the Secretary-General outlined four elements: the right to be informed; the right to be heard; the right to be reviewed by an effective review mechanism; and the need for periodic reviews, especially regarding the freezing of assets. These elements are consistent with the Security Council’s continuing efforts to improve the fairness and transparency of the sanctions procedures.
      Finally, given that expert panels have been in use for a considerable amount of time, the concept and practice of expert panels (including the Office of the Ombudsperson) should be subject to a comprehensive review with the aim of enhancing this important tool of the Council.
      Likewise, the Focal Point for Delisting, established in the Security Council Affairs Division, should also be carefully reviewed and optimized.
      Mr. President,
      UN sanctions have proved to be an effective complement to other Security Council instruments and actions.
      We know it is not perfect, but there is also no doubt that it works.
      It has to be continuously improved, and the UN system stands ready to support the Security Council in its effort to do so.
    • 19 Nov 2014

      Your Excellency, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, President of the Federal Government of Somalia,

      Your Excellency, Helle Thorning-Schmidt, Prime Minister of Denmark,


      Ladies and Gentlemen,

      I am honored to be with you today. I thank our generous hosts, the Government of Denmark, and all of you for your commitment to Somalia.

      I bring you the greetings of the Secretary-General, who visited Mogadishu last month together with the President of the World Bank and many of the regional partners here – another sign of our broadening and deepening international engagement in Somalia.



      In my career of over 30 years in international affairs, I have never known a year like 2014. In the Middle East, in Ukraine, in West Africa, we have seen relentless crises, conflict and human suffering.

      Somalia has stood out as different - a bright spot, a positive narrative in the making.

      Of course this does not mean plain sailing. In speaking to the Security Council last month, our Special Representative Nick Kay called it a country “waking from a terrible nightmare”. Some of Somalia’s old shadows still haunt us. And the waking world has its own challenges.

      But in this forum, together, we can face the challenges frankly as partners - with our eyes open, and focused on the way ahead.



      As the Danish Prime Minister and President noted, so much has been achieved since we met in Brussels just over a year ago.

      First, Somalia has made strides towards building regional administrations that will be the foundation of a federal state. I want to congratulate our Somali partners on this ongoing effort, which takes great courage and compromise from all sides.

      I am glad to see representatives of Somalia’s regions with us today, particularly those from Puntland and the Interim Jubba Administration. Your common work in building inclusive, representative governance will be key to Somalia’s future and to delivering on our Compact. I want to take this opportunity to pledge our support, and to encourage you especially to include women at all levels in your work.

      Second, the campaign against Al-Shabaab has advanced. I salute the courage and sacrifice of Somali security forces and AMISOM. Their courage and sacrifice have denied Al-Shabaab their last strongholds, and we rely on them to consolidate security and enable access to these areas in the months ahead.

      We must continue to support Somalia in stabilization and building sustainable security, under the leadership of the Federal Government. That must include a comprehensive approach to counter-terrorism.

      Third, we have seen progress in our partnership for transparent finance through the Financial Governance Committee. This is critical to build confidence in Somalia’s economy at home and abroad. Much more needs to be done. But international economic investment is already significant and growing.



      Overall Somalia is in a better state than it has been in a generation. These gains have been the result of a strategic, effective partnership among Somalia’s federal leadership, that gave Somalis and those of us in the international community faith and confidence.

      That is why I feel great sadness at the current political situation.

      The news and scenes of the past few weeks in Mogadishu are unfortunately not new. Somalia has often been haunted by political instability and disunity.

      Somalia cannot afford to repeat the pattern of division and paralysis that has led to ten Prime Ministers in a dozen years. This is not what Somalis have asked of their leaders. It is not for this that Somalis and AMISOM have laid down their lives. As Somalia’s friends and partners, the lack of unity, stability and delivery shakes our confidence.

      I urge His Excellency the President and all our Somali colleagues to ensure that the current crisis is resolved rapidly, and in a way that ensures political stability through to 2016. I welcome the role of IGAD, of which Somalia is a founding member, in facilitating the search for a lasting solution.

      In turn, we as international partners must ourselves must live up to the partnership principles we have pledged, and fulfil the commitments of this Compact.

      Together, we all need to do better to ensure that our investment and commitment in Somalia is matched by results on the ground. We also must redouble our efforts to improve the lives of ordinary Somalis, remembering that some 3.2 million remain in need of humanitarian assistance. Failure to address their needs could undermine progress on all fronts.

      The Compact we will renew today remains the right tool to marshal our efforts for long-term peace and development.

      I look forward to our discussions today as partners. Let us especially remember that the purpose of the New Deal is to bring tangible benefits to the people of Somalia.

      It is for us to help them forge the foundation of democracy, stability and prosperity on which they will rebuild their lives.

      I wish you a productive conference.

    • 19 Nov 2014


      Ladies and Gentlemen,


      This has been a rich day of discussions.

      I will not attempt to summarize all our deliberations, but let me review the salient points.

      First, I welcome the agreement we have heard on the need for an arrangement to ensure political unity, continuity and stability.

      We welcome the process initiated by IGAD to facilitate dialogue to this end.

      We have agreed to come together within 6 months, to evaluate progress on the political process, implementation of Vision 2016, and security.

      Recognizing the recent military gains, we have reaffirmed our commitment to the conclusions of the London Security Event.

      We have also reaffirmed the importance of stabilization activities, both governance and peace dividends; and highlighted the need to link the process of establishing local administrations to the state formation process.

      We have agreed on the need to redouble our respective efforts on financial accountability and transparency, and to implement together the principles of the New Deal.

      We have renewed our partnership and revalidated the Compact as the path and process whereby we work jointly for a peaceful, united and prosperous Somalia.

      Finally, we finish our work today conscious of the urgency of delivering for the citizens of Somalia - on political unity, on stability, on security, on prosperity.

      The past year has seen advances in our partnership, but activities in all areas need to be stepped up. Now is the time to show results. We cannot afford delays. Ultimately, the people of Somalia will be our judge; we must be ready to stand before them.

    • 18 Nov 2014

      Thank you, Mr. President,

      Let me begin by presenting the Secretary-General’s report pursuant to paragraph 6 of resolu-tion 2169 (2014) on the activities of UNAMI and the most recent developments in Iraq.
      I am honoured to be joined today by Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs Ms Valerie Amos and the High Commissioner for Human Rights Mr. Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein.
      Mr. President,
      Twelve months ago the city of Fallujah fell into the hands of the terrorist organisation, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). This set off the displacement of more than two million people — currently one of the largest such populations worldwide.
      ISIL’s strategy is obvious — to insert themselves in the ethnic and religious fault lines of Iraq, to undermine legitimate authorities and to spread fear among the communities. Their goals are also clear from the beginning — to destroy the Iraqi state and replace it with a State of Terror that is built on genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. To this end, they continue using parts of Iraq and neighbouring Syria to advance on the rest of the region and threaten global peace and security.
      The crisis in Iraq has been further aggravated by the unresolved political, social and economic problems of the country’s difficult transition to democracy; by the lack of agreement on the full implementation of the Constitution; by stalled reforms, sectarian differences; and the country’s exposure to the broader regional and global rifts. This explosive combination has consistently undermined public trust in the new Iraqi state for years and it has driven com-munities apart, and ultimately created fertile ground for violence.
      As the crisis unfolded, Iraq almost collapsed. Its western provinces were overrun by ISIL; the Kurdistan Region openly spoke of seceding; the southern Governorates struggling with poverty produced the country’s riches; Baghdad was threatened on a daily basis by a barrage of suicide bombers and improvised explosive devices; and Iraq’s minorities have been subjected to unspeakable horrors.
      Faced with a common threat, the political, community and religious leaders across Iraq focused on the pulling back from the brink and saving Iraq. A strategy emerged, one which I am honoured to report, was supported and facilitated by the United Nations mission in Iraq. Iraqi leaders agreed that the response to ISIL should be based on the Constitution, on national unity and reconciliation.
      First came the election of a new Speaker, a new President and a new Prime Minister. Despite the odds this process was completed within the constitutional timeline. The focus shifted on ensuring a peaceful transition between the outgoing and incoming administrations — a rare occurrence in Iraq’s turbulent history. And, finally, an inclusive Government of national unity was formed, based on a national political agreement and a new ministerial programme.
      In the last few days the Prime Minister has issued instructions preventing the armed forces from hoisting banners or flags, other than the Iraqi national symbols, and discontinuing the use of logos and insignia of parties or political organisations. In a separate move the Government has decided to allow displaced students to attend schools and universities in their current areas of displacement. These are just a few examples of the first steps in a broader initiate to restore confidence among Iraq’s communities.
      I encourage, today, the Iraqi Government to continue moving forward with consolidating its political, security and economic efforts in an inclusive and comprehensive manner to kick-start national reconciliation and dialogue, and restore stability and economic growth to the country. This also entails re-engaging all disaffected groups, particularly those currently located in the area of conflict, as part of the democratic process.
      Mr. President,
      The Iraqi Government’s security strategy to counter ISIL, is predicated upon organising, sup-porting and integrating local communities into a national system that allows them to keep their homes safe from terrorism; on restructuring and empowering the armed forces to fight ISIL; on strengthening cooperation with the Peshmerga; and on working with the International Coalition, Iraq’s allies and neighbours.
      I particularly welcome the Government’s efforts to improve its cooperation with local tribes and other residents who are committed to protecting their communities from ISIL. In this process the payment of salaries, the provision of weapons and training as well as legal guarantees to the volunteers should be treated as a priority.
      Spurred by the growing brutality of ISIL, illustrated most recently by the massacre of 322 members of the Albu Nimr tribe, communities across the country are beginning to push back. Most recently the Anbar and Ninewa Provincial Councils reached agreement with the Government to form local forces. It is this cooperation between the Iraqi Army, local volunteers and outside support that has made the liberation of towns like Amerli, Jurf al-Sakhar and Zumar possible. Most recently, this morning, the oil refinery at Beiji and surrounding areas have been brought back under control of the Government.
      Nevertheless, the presence of militia groups, operating outside State structures, remains a challenge. To deal with this, the Government is putting in place measures that should prevent non-state groups from bearing arms in public.
      I use this opportunity to also urge all armed groups outside of ISIL, to seek the resolution of their grievances through serious dialogue with the Government in order to achieve genuine political reconciliation, stand united against the danger of terrorism and violence for the future of all Iraqis.
      UNAMI remains committed to assisting the Government of Iraq in these processes in accordance with its mandate.
      Mr. President,
      The process of working with local fighters should also go hand in hand with restructuring, re-training and re-equipping the Iraqi Army. I am pleased to report that important initial steps have been taken, including the appointment of a number of new commanders.
      Moreover, the Government’s programme provides for the creation of the Iraqi National Guard. This force would allow people to volunteer and defend their homes, with legal guarantees that the Government would provide support in line with the standards of other branches of the Iraqi security services.
      The UN Mission in Iraq has been asked to provide advice and technical assistance in the legal drafting process for the National Guard Law and we look forward to working with our national partners to conclude this process as soon as possible.
      Mr. President,
      I am further happy to report some important positive developments in the relationship between Erbil and
      Baghdad. Four days ago, with the support of the UN Mission in Iraq and the United States, an interim agreement was reached that allows public sector employees in the Kurdistan Region to begin receiving their salaries. The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) will also resume partially its oil contribution to the Federal budget at a time of nation-al crisis. This important step breaks a deadlock of almost which was at the core of the most serious deterioration of relations between Baghdad and the Kurdistan region to date. It also reflects a newfound willingness for dialogue and cooperation to tackle difficult issues.
      On behalf of the Secretary-General I want to commend Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi and KRG Prime Minister Nechervan Barzani for reaching this agreement, which is to the benefit of all Iraqis.
      I would like to encourage both leaders to seize the momentum and swiftly move forward on a comprehensive, fair and constitutional solution to all outstanding issues including the agreement of oil and gas and revenue sharing laws.
      UNAMI, as always, stands ready to continue providing its good offices, as well as legal and technical support to this process.
      Mr. President,
      The Iraqi Government’s efforts are being reinforced by the support of the international com-munity. I would like to thank those of Iraq’s neighbouring states, who have been responding with generous pledges and delivery of vital humanitarian and security assistance in response to the crisis.
      I have recently visited some of Iraq’s regional partners who expressed readiness to establish a strategic relationship with Baghdad. This coincides with the Government’s ongoing efforts to engage its neighbours as part of a comprehensive effort to promote stability in Iraq and the region.
      I strongly welcome the Government’s efforts to explore the elements of a common political and regional security approach to combat ISIL. This has been a key feature in the discussions that Iraq’s political leaders have pursued with Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, UAE and others.
      Mr. President,
      From the beginning of 2014 and until the end of October, at least 10,000 people have been killed, and almost 20,000 have been injured. These are devastating times for the country. My esteemed colleagues, Ms Amos and Mr. al-Hussein, will brief you on humanitarian and human rights developments.
      I take this opportunity to call on the Government of Iraq to begin the process of reforming the criminal justice system in order to promote accountability, strengthen the rule of law and the protection of human rights.
      In line with its programme, I also urge Iraq to move swiftly forward an amnesty law that is in line with the
      While attention remains focused on the critical humanitarian situation, we should not over-look the need to support Iraq in its development agenda. The new Government has inherited a dire fiscal situation. It is in need of international support not only to confront the menace of terrorism through military action but also to implement vital fiscal, economic and social reforms.
      Mr. President,
      Before concluding, I wish to briefly present the fourth report of the Secretary-General, pursuant to paragraph 4 of resolution 2107 (2013) on the issue of missing Kuwaiti and third-party persons and property.
      I wish I could report to the Council significant progress on the missing Kuwaitis and the Kuwaiti national archives since our last report.
      The lack of immediate results however should not be the only yardstick by which we measure success. First, Iraq-Kuwait relations today are at their peak.
      UNAMI’s endeavours and Iraq’s persistence, especially in relation to the missing, have also been noteworthy.
      In the last four months, as in the previous 13 months before that, Iraqis have shown their unwavering commitment to the search for the missing Kuwaitis. Exploring leads, debriefing witnesses and informants, and digging trenches have taken place in a purposeful manner de-spite the debilitating security situation. This has been recognized and appreciated by Kuwait.
      A witness travelled to Kuwait in September — only the second witness to come forward since 2004 —demonstrating Iraqi willingness and confidence. Sadly, the visit and the identification of the site did not yield immediate results. The second witness, who had approached UNAMI volunteering to help, is going to travel to Kuwait in the coming days, and our team is also working on the case of a third potential witness who may hold the key to a site containing a number of remains.
      These are sensitive discussions on the subject. We can continue engaging with the families of the missing persons.
      Last but not least, UNAMI has been unanimously welcomed into the Tripartite Mechanism as an ‘observer’, which I read as a vote of confidence in our impartiality, trustworthiness and work.
      Mr. President,
      I assure this Council and the families of the missing that UNAMI will continue to do all that it can to live up to this trust.
      And finally, Mr. President,
      Just two days ago, on 16 November, an explosion targeted a UN convoy in Baghdad. Thanks to the professionalism of the UN security teams all our colleagues are safe. This incident reminds us of the conditions of hardship under which our staff must operate. As such, I would like to express my appreciation for their daily sacrifice, and to express appreciation to the Security Council and the Secretary-General for their support to our work.
      I wish to express my appreciation and gratitude to my political Deputy, Mr. Gyorgy Busztin, for having borne this responsibility with passion and commitment, just as my other Deputy, my humanitarian Deputy Ms. Jacqueline Badcock, for her committed service and for overseeing the humanitarian and development operations at a crucial time for both the Mission and Iraq.
      I wish both of them the very best in their new endeavours as they leave UNAMI.
      I express my deep and sincere appreciation to the Government and people of Iraq for their continued cooperation and assistance during these difficult times.
      Thank you.
    • 17 Nov 2014
      Mr. President,
      The Secretary-General is alarmed by the escalation of tensions in Jerusalem that has continued since the Security Council emergency session of 29 October. Clashes between Palestinian youths and Israeli security forces in many parts of East Jerusalem and the West Bank have been taking place on an almost daily basis. Of particular concern are attacks against religious sites, also given how such violence can resonate regionally and beyond.  
      Escalating tensions surrounding access to the holy sites have contributed significantly to the spike in violence. The shooting of a prominent campaigner for Jewish prayer rights on the Haram Ash-Sharif/Temple Mount on 29 October was followed by the brutal attack on 5 November at a light rail station in East Jerusalem in which two Israelis were killed and another 12 Israelis were injured when a Palestinian man rammed his car into passengers dismounting the train. Both Palestinian perpetrators of the two attacks were shot and killed by the Israeli security forces. On the Palestinian side, clashes at Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount between Palestinian youth and Israeli security forces have resulted in multiple injuries, a number of them serious.
      We are also deeply concerned that violence has spread elsewhere in Israel and the West Bank. Serious incidents have included Israeli police shooting and killing an Israeli Arab man in the village of Kafr Kanna in northern Israel on 8 November, alleging that he had threatened them with a knife. On the same day, thousands of people reportedly protested the killing, leading to clashes with the police in the village. On 10 November an Israeli soldier in Tel Aviv and an Israeli woman in the West Bank were stabbed to death. On 11 November, a Palestinian man was reportedly shot to death by Israeli security forces during clashes at a refugee camp near Hebron. On 12 November, suspected Jewish settlers allegedly torched a mosque near Ramallah in the West Bank. On the same day, a Molotov cocktail was reportedly thrown at the ancient synagogue of Shfaram. Over the weekend, a Jewish man was stabbed in Jerusalem serving as another indication that the violence continues unabated. The circumstances of the incident are still under investigation. During the reporting period, a total of 494 Palestinians, including 60 children and eight women, were injured by the Israel Defense Forces in the West Bank; eight IDF soldiers were also injured.
      The Secretary-General has expressed his deep concern about the upsurge in violence and calls on all sides to do everything possible to avoid further exacerbating an already tense environment.
      Preventing a further escalation of tensions makes it essential that all sides demonstrate responsible leadership, avoid taking provocative unilateral actions and refrain from inciting their supporters through inflammatory rhetoric.
      The Secretary-General welcomes the renewed assurances by Prime Minister Netanyahu that there will be no changes made to the status quo regarding the holy sites. He expects Israel to continue to ensure the protection of the holy sites and the safety of all worshippers as per its agreement with Jordan. We note the recent separate meetings President Abbas and Prime Minister Netanyahu had with King Abdullah of Jordan and US Secretary of State Kerry in Amman on 13 November. We hope that the announced confidence-building measures and firm commitments to maintain the status quo regarding the holy sites will translate immediately into a de-escalation of tensions. In this regard, we are encouraged by the lifting on 14 November of age restrictions for access to the Haram Ash-Sharif/Temple Mount, where Friday prayers reportedly went without incident.
      Mr. President,
      Another worrying development is the increase in demolitions of Palestinian buildings, which is also contributing to rising animosity in Jerusalem. Since 21 October, a total of 82 structures, of which 47 are residential, were demolished in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. The demolitions displaced 169 Palestinians, including 80 children.
      We are also concerned about the risk of forcible transfer of the Um al-Kheir Bedouin refugee community after the recent demolition of five dwellings next to an Israeli settlement near Hebron. Demolitions and forcible transfer contravene international humanitarian law and international human rights law.
      Meanwhile, Israel’s ongoing settlement activity continues to undermine efforts to calm the tensions in Jerusalem. In defiance of the unanimous opposition to increased settlement activity expressed in the recent Security Council session on Jerusalem, plans have since been advanced to build some 500 residential units in the settlement of Ramat Shlomo. In addition, 28 new building permits and 200 new residential units were approved in the settlement of Ramot, in East Jerusalem.
      Settlement activity constitutes a violation of international law, fuels further polarization and heightens the levels of mistrust between both sides. As the Secretary-General has consistently repeated, such unilateral actions will only further impede the chances for long-term stability and a durable peace and should therefore be reversed.
      Returning to negotiations has never been more important. The absence of a credible political framework is further hardening positions on both sides and is providing greater political space to those seeking to exploit the lack of trust between the two parties for personal or political gain.
      The Secretary-General urges the parties to return to peace talks. He notes the recent meeting on the peace process held in Washington and the call for the resumption of peace talks by the European Union’s High Representative during her important visit to the region this month. Without a genuine commitment from the parties, and an overall improvement in the lives of Palestinians, we should anticipate further deterioration of the security situation and an expansion of the current violence.
      Mr. President,
      Two months ago, Special Coordinator Serry warned in this Chamber that averting a possible implosion of Gaza - or another tragic conflict with Israel - requires urgent changes to the fundamental dynamics in Gaza.
      While some signs of progress have gradually started to emerge, the overall state of affairs in Gaza remains volatile and fraught with potential pitfalls.
      On the positive side, the temporary Gaza reconstruction mechanism began its operations earlier this month. Led by the Palestinian Government of National Consensus and working through the private sector, the mechanism’s priority is the provision of reconstruction material for urgent shelter repairs. By 13 November, 1,086 Gazans had been able to purchase much needed construction material, including some 10,146 bags of cement—approximately 558 metric tons of the 1,298 metric tons of cement imported through the mechanism for shelter repair -- to start the rehabilitation of their homes. A list of 1,926 Gazans cleared for import has been published by the Ministry of Public Works and Housing to date. Nine vendors have been cleared to import to date, of which four are actively importing and selling materials. A further 115 interested vendors are being processed to enable their imports as well. This is relative to the approximately 60,000 shelters in need of repair as soon as possible which the mechanism aims to reach. To date, an estimated 80,000 people remain without shelter, including about 30,000 in UNRWA facilities. Meeting these pressing needs is a monumental challenge. There are currently $62 million worth of UN construction projects awaiting approval by the Israeli authorities for an average of 24 months. Timely approval of these projects would be an important step towards accelerating the much needed recovery and reconstruction efforts in the Gaza Strip.
      The United Nations is actively assisting in facilitating the implementation of the mechanism. But in order for it to be successful we need a conducive environment and the cooperation of all the parties concerned. Homes continue to be surveyed and resources are being raised to provide assistance to those in need. Special Coordinator Serry has been leading efforts to accelerate this work. Now that the mechanism has become operational, it is critically important that donors honour their pledges made at the Cairo Conference on 12 October. Urgent funding is particularly required to support critical infrastructure projects and address Gaza’s acute electricity and water needs.
      It is encouraging that Israel reportedly plans to increase the number of truckloads of construction materials entering the Gaza Strip, up to 800 trucks daily, instead of the current 350 trucks. The United Nations also views the temporary reconstruction mechanism not only as an important confidence-building step but also as a means to lift all closures on Gaza. We call on the Palestinian factions to uphold their responsibilities to ensure that the reconstruction material is not diverted to support illegal activities. We also encourage both Israel and Egypt to accelerate efforts to devise sustainable solutions that will address their legitimate security concerns while progressively easing border restrictions.
      These efforts notwithstanding, the reconstruction of Gaza is doomed to fail without a long-term ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinians.
      In this regard, we note Egypt’s intention to host vital talks during the second half of November after their postponement last month. The importance of urgently continuing the negotiations cannot be overstated.
      We strongly encourage the parties to use the opportunity of the talks to reach agreement on concrete arrangements that will sustain the ceasefire and reinforce reconstruction efforts.
      This should involve serious discussion of tangible steps leading to the lifting of the closures that continue to perpetuate Gaza’s socio-economic despair and embolden the proponents of extremism and violence.
      In this regard, we are troubled by reports that a number of rockets have been tested within Gaza. An additional rocket reportedly landed in southern Israel on 31 October, prompting the Israeli authorities to close Erez and Kerem Shalom crossings for the subsequent three days. Hamas reportedly arrested the group suspected of launching the rocket. We are also concerned that six Palestinians were reportedly shot and injured by the IDF in Gaza – three near the border fence, including a Palestinian boy on 16 November, and three fishermen at sea.
      We strongly condemn the use of rockets by militants in Gaza. If continued, these actions would have seriously damaging consequences. Every rocket launched from Gaza cripples reconstruction efforts and risks renewing conflict with Israel.
      Mr. President,
      There has been little or no progress on implementing the agreement that established the Palestinian Government of National Consensus. The bombings that recently targeted Gaza-based members and facilities of Fatah underline the fragility of the reconciliation agreement. We strongly encourage the Palestinian factions to urgently undertake the necessary work to implement the agreement and refrain from any action that could undermine such efforts.
      In particular, the Government of National Consensus must be empowered to assume its rightful security and governance responsibilities in Gaza. This is also necessary for reconstruction to be implemented at the required pace. The Secretary-General has underscored the support of the United Nations in this regard.
      All parties concerned need to cooperate and urgently address important issues, such as the transfer of full control over the crossings to the Government and conducting urgent civil service reform, including importantly in the security sector.
      The recent humanitarian payment to some 24,000 civil servants hired under the former de-facto authorities, facilitated by the United Nations, must now be used as a stepping stone towards civil service integration.
      Mr. President,
      The Council was briefed in detail on Lebanon and the Blue Line last week, but I would like to say a few words about Syria and the Golan before closing.
      Last month, the Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Syria, Mr. de Mistura briefed you on his proposed action plan, including the idea of incremental “freezes”, beginning with the city of Aleppo. Such freezes are first and foremost intended to lead to a de-escalation of violence, starting from specific areas with a national impact. They could also serve as building blocks to arrive to a national inclusive political process. Mr de Mistura pursued his regional consultations and has just concluded his second visit to Damascus. He held constructive discussions with President Assad and Government officials on the proposals he presented to the Council, which addressed the implementation of all relevant Security Council resolutions, including resolutions 2170 and 2178. As immediate next steps, Mr. de Mistura and his team will begin work on the modalities of the proposed freeze in Aleppo. We count on your continued support for the role and efforts of the Special Envoy.
      On the Golan, the situation remains volatile. Following the offensive of 12 September and subsequent advances by armed members of the opposition and other groups in the area of separation, as a precautionary measure, UNDOF temporarily re-located from additional positions in the area of separation and Camp Faouar to the Alpha side, diminishing the Mission’s activities on the Bravo side. UNDOF continued to observe heavy clashes between the Syrian armed forces and armed members of the opposition, as well as airstrikes by Syrian armed forces, inside the area of separation and area of limitation. These incidents are of serious concern as they jeopardise the ceasefire between Israel and Syria.
      Mr. President,
      In conclusion, we would like to stress that Gaza’s reconstruction will not be possible without efforts to build trust between Israelis and Palestinians. This requires a strengthening of the ceasefire, including a lifting of the closures, in the framework of Security Council resolution 1860, and the full and swift implementation of the temporary reconstruction mechanism in good faith. At the same time, the success of Gaza’s reconstruction also relies on Palestinian willingness to truly unite and do what is necessary to facilitate the entry of the Government of National Consensus into Gaza. Addressing these challenges will not be easy but there is no alternative.
      Elsewhere in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel, the upsurge in violence may have been triggered by the culmination of several recent developments. However, the continued reality of the close to 50-year long occupation and the lack of progress towards the two-State solution ensure that the next round of violence is never too far below the surface. The time has come for leaders on both sides to make the difficult compromises that will promote stability and ensure long-term security for both Israelis and Palestinians.
      Thank you, Mr. President.
    • 12 Nov 2014

      Mr. President and distinguished members of the Council,

      My briefing today will focus on two specific issues. Political developments in Ukraine and the latest developments related to the conflict in the east of the country. I will also provide a brief update on UN activity in relation to Ukraine.

      Political update

      On 26 October, Ukraine held its early parliamentary elections. Although there was no voting in Crimea and parts of Donbas under rebel control, the elections were held throughout the rest of Ukraine, in a manner which OSCE observers welcomed as “largely upholding democratic commitments.”
      Yesterday, 11 November, the Central Electoral Commission announced the official results of the elections.
      Ladies and gentlemen,
      Discussions are underway for the formation of Government and we are hopeful that the leading coalition will be committed to the rapid implementation of the comprehensive political, legal and economic reforms to which the Ukrainian authorities have committed themselves. Clearly, the ability of the leading coalition to work constructively alongside the Opposition Bloc will also be key for the unity and stability of Ukraine. We also hope to see the urgent start of a comprehensive national dialogue to rebuild cohesion and address all outstanding critical national issues.

      Conflict in the east

      Ladies and gentlemen,
      On 2 November, rebels in Donetsk and Lugansk held their own “elections” in defiance of the Ukrainian Government and which were deplored by many in the international community, including the Secretary-General. These “elections” have been condemned by the Ukrainian authorities as being outside of the framework of the Ukrainian constitution and law.
      Following the “elections,” the rebels have engaged in inflammatory rhetoric, declaring themselves as de-facto independent from Ukraine and threating to expand the territory under their control. A “full mobilisation”, including the creation of local armies and security forces was also announced.
      In response, President Poroshenko has proposed that parliament revoke the law providing for three years of greater autonomy or “special status” for the rebel controlled areas that had been offered as fulfilment of a key tenet of the Minsk Protocol. Also, on 5 November, Prime Minister Yatsenyuk announced that pensions and subsidies would be halted to areas under rebel control.
      Ladies and gentlemen,
      As of 3 November, hostilities in the east reignited with the potential to further undermine the Minsk agreements. Currently, the security situation in Donetsk and Lugansk almost rivals the period immediately preceding the cease-fire agreement of 5 September. Citing credible threats from the rebel leadership that they would launch a new offensive, on 4 November, President Poroshenko ordered army reinforcements to key cities in southern and eastern Ukraine. Reaffirming that Kiev sees no military solution to the conflict and that it would not attempt to retake rebel held areas by force, the President’s stated objective is to protect Ukrainian territory from any further incursions.
      This past weekend, particularly on the night of 9 November, hostilities were reported to be at their worst in months, with a heavy exchange of artillery shelling in and around Donetsk. A similar level of fighting was reported today. Lives continue to be lost daily, including of two school children as a result of shelling in Donetsk on 5 November.
      The upsurge in fighting comes amidst regular reports from the OSCE of an influx of large convoys of heavy weapons, tanks and troops flowing into rebel-held areas. In this connection, there is no doubt that a failure to secure the Russian-Ukrainian border is a factor that continues to impede the path to peace.
      Meanwhile, the humanitarian situation continues to deteriorate in parts of Donbas. With the onset of harsh winter conditions, the number of IDPs is expected to increase. If there is a return to full-scale fighting, the numbers could grow exponentially.
      While Ambassador Apakan will brief you in more detail as to the situation on the ground, one thing is clear: the cease-fire of 5 September is under continuous and serious strain.
      Ladies and gentlemen,
      If the prevailing hostilities continue, the Minsk agreements could undoubtedly be in jeopardy. Further consultations of the Trilateral Contact Group with rebel representatives have not been scheduled, while the self-proclaimed leaders of the Donetsk and Lugansk “People’s Republics” have reportedly signalled that they would not participate in future consultations, appointing persons of less authority in their place. Ambassador Tagliavini will be providing further details on this issue.
      Yet, while these agreements have been breached in various respects and are fragile, it is critical to note that no side has unilaterally abrogated them. In recent days, there have also been some small, albeit positive steps toward implementation, such as a meeting between the general staff of the Russian and Ukrainian military on a line of delimitation. Although no agreement was reached at that time, subsequent meetings are reported to soon take place.
      What my predecessor Assistant Secretary-General Fernández-Taranco said in his last briefing to this Council on 24 October remains valid today: It is incumbent on all actors to fulfil their responsibilities and refocus their efforts towards full implementation of the Minsk agreements. And it is incumbent on all of us to assist them.

      UN activity

      The Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine has continued its work providing objective and regular reporting on the human rights situation throughout the country, and on factors that could negatively affect the social, political and security situation and efforts towards the solution of a crisis. The UN HRMMU's seventh monthly report will be published on 20 November. In the meantime, the mission is seeking an extension of its presence in the country beyond 15 December.
      With nearly a million people now displaced by this conflict, both within Ukraine and to neighbouring countries, UN humanitarian agencies continue to scale-up their presence to respond to the growing needs.
      The UN is leading also a comprehensive Recovery and Peacebuilding Assessment (RPA) to conflict-affected, government held areas of eastern Ukraine that also includes EU and World Bank.
      Finally, in continuation of the Secretary-General’s good offices, Under Secretary-General Feltman is slated to travel back to Ukraine in the near future, pending the formation of the new Government.


      Ladies and gentlemen,
      In conclusion, the promise of renewal, and of renewed energy towards solving Ukraine’s problems embodied in the recent parliamentary elections threatens to be overshadowed by the worsening security situation in the east of the country. Nonetheless, the prospect that a new, reform-oriented ruling coalition will be formed, empowering it to move the country closer to a path of peace and stability, provides the avenue for all to support Ukraine out of this debilitating conflict.
      With the Minsk agreements in question, and uncertainty over how much strain the cease-fire can withstand, we are deeply concerned over the possibility of a return to full-scale fighting. Alternatively, the conflict may simmer this way for months, with sporadic, low-level battles, marked by periods of increased hostilities and further casualties. While either scenario would be catastrophic for Ukraine, a third, concerning prospect is that of a “frozen” or protracted conflict, that would entrench the current status quo in south-eastern Ukraine for years or even decades to come.
      It is our collective responsibility to ensure that none of these scenarios take hold. The only alternative is for the fighting to end so that all Ukrainians can rebuild their lives in a stable and secure country, with Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity preserved.
      The road to this solution is renewed commitment by all concerned parties to the Minsk agreements and shared responsibility for their full and urgent implementation. The United Nations also stands ready to support this process in any way deemed appropriate.
      I thank you for your attention.
    • 5 Nov 2014
      Monsieur le Président,
      Excellences, Mesdames et Messieurs les membres du Conseil de Sécurité,
      Monsieur l’Ambassadeur Gahutu, Représentant le Gouvernement du Burundi,
      Monsieur l’Ambassadeur Seger, Représentant permanent de la Suisse,
      Mesdames et Messieurs,
      J’aimerais avant tout vous féliciter, Monsieur le Président, pour votre présidence du Conseil tout au long de ce mois de novembre et pour la contribution de votre pays aux efforts en vue d’un monde plus stable et paisible.
      La prochaine fois que j’aurais l’honneur de m’adresser au Conseil de sécurité, c’est-à-dire au mois de janvier 2015, le mandat du BNUB aura déjà expiré depuis au moins une quinzaine de jours. Je serais en mesure, au nom du Secrétaire général, de dresser un bilan plus exhaustif de la situation au Burundi. Pour l’heure, je me contenterais de vous faire un résumé des plus récents faits ayant marqué la vie du pays depuis mon dernier briefing en août.
      Le fait dominant reste de loin l’entrée dans la période électorale pour les scrutins de 2015, une question qui nous a préoccupé au cours des deux dernières années. Consciente de l’impact négatif du boycott des élections de 2010, toute la classe politique nationale avait manifesté sa volonté de transformer les futurs scrutins en une occasion non seulement de parfaire la mécanique électorale mais aussi et surtout de garantir une participation inclusive, dans un environnement plus tolérant et apaisé qui contribue à consolider la paix et la réconciliation nationale.
      C’est le Président de la République qui a le mieux souligné le lien entre les prochaines élections et la consolidation de la paix au Burundi, lorsqu’il déclarait le 1er juillet dernier, je cite : « Comme nous l’avons déjà annoncé aux Burundais et à la Communauté internationale, notre souhait est que les élections de 2015 se déroulent mieux que toutes celles que nous avons organisées jusqu'à ce jour…[et d’ajouter, je cite encore] Ce sont les élections qui dotent le pays des institutions et des dirigeants qui ont la confiance de la population ; ce sont les élections qui amènent la paix et consolident la démocratie et l’indépendance dans le pays », fin de citation. Nous partageons cette aspiration et ce constat fort juste du Chef de l’Etat.
      Il faudra donc, de part et d’autre, redoubler d’efforts. Car, à près de six mois de ces importantes échéances électorales, les progrès vers cet objectif restent mitigés. Les avancées remarquables que nous avions amorcées ensemble sur le plan du dialogue politique sont aujourd’hui soumises à rude épreuve.
      Alors que l’ensemble du cadre législatif est en place, avec l’adoption par consensus puis la promulgation du Code électoral, le 3 juin dernier par le Président de la République, suivie de l’annonce par le Président de la Commission Electorale Nationale Indépendante (CENI) du calendrier électoral, le 18 juillet dernier, la constitution des démembrements de la CENI aux niveaux provincial et communal a soulevé une controverse et ravivé les accusations de partialité contre la CENI par l’opposition.
      Le Président de la CENI s’est engagé à corriger les déséquilibres identifiés, même s’il a averti qu’il serait impossible de satisfaire toutes les revendications. Qu’elles soient fondées ou non, ces accusations reflètent la méfiance d’une partie importante de la classe politique à l’endroit de l’institution chargée d’organiser les élections de 2015, avant même leur début.
      Le retrait et les menaces de retrait annoncés de certains partis de l’opposition et associations de la société civile des démembrements de la CENI pourraient accroître le risque de contestations pré-électorales et dresser la scène de contestations postélectorales génératrices d’instabilité. Nous déplorons fortement cette situation qui dénote de l’absence de confiance entre la majorité et l’opposition ainsi que de l’opposition envers la CENI.
      Cette tension du climat politique se trouve également présente dans les différents procès où comparaissent des personnalités majeures de l’opposition. Ces poursuites judiciaires, à quelques mois des élections, font dire à l’opposition que la justice serait instrumentalisée et peu libre, une accusation que le Gouvernement rejette, affirmant ne pas interférer avec le cours de la justice. Il n’est pas trop tard pour transformer ces malentendus en une opportunité de renforcer la confiance dans l’ensemble du processus électoral.
      La troisième évaluation de la Feuille de route qui s’est tenue le 23 octobre à Gitega, à l’invitation du Gouvernement et du BNUB, dans le cadre du dialogue politique inclusif initié en mars 2013, a permis à toute la classe politique burundaise d’échanger des vues sur la situation politique du pays.
      Même si aucun accord n’a pu être trouvé sur la mise en œuvre effective du Code de bonne conduite, les assises de Gitega ont favorisé une clarification du jeu politique, tout en réaffirmant le principe d’inclusion sans lequel la crédibilité du processus électoral serait battue en brèche.
      Certes, le gouvernement a préféré réaffirmer la primauté du droit sur les recommandations plus politiques préalablement agrées, en récusant l’opérationnalisation de la notion d’acteur politique et en invitant l’opposition à inscrire son action dans le strict respect des lois en vigueur. Il faut, toutefois, se féliciter de l’engagement pris par le Gouvernement de poursuivre le dialogue politique. Nous saluons aussi la réaffirmation par l’opposition de sa détermination à participer aux futures élections jusqu'à leur terme, quelles qu’en soient les contraintes.
      Il importe désormais de mettre l’accent sur les questions essentielles consignées dans le Code de bonne conduite pour, notamment, créer un espace politique plus ouvert et un environnement sécuritaire fiable permettant d’assurer la protection de toutes les parties prenantes au processus électoral; garantir la liberté et l’équité des scrutins; mais aussi condamner et bannir la violence politique, sous toutes ses formes, particulièrement celle impliquant les ligues de jeunes affiliés aux partis politiques.
      L’existence d’un cadre juridique et de mécanismes opérationnels de la CENI ne suffiront pas à eux seuls à restaurer la confiance dans le processus électoral. La CENI devra rassurer davantage en renforçant son image d’autorité indépendante et impartiale, surtout par l’inclusion de toutes les parties-prenantes dans les phases-clé pré- et postélectoral du processus, telles que l’enrôlement des électeurs dont le lancement est prévu le 24 novembre prochain ou encore dans la gestion du contentieux électoral.
      Mr. President,
      Council Members,
      While the upcoming elections are by far the most pressing and multifaceted political challenge facing the country, other significant developments are worth mentioning. Overall, Burundi has continued to enjoy a rather stable security situation throughout its territory. On a positive note, most of the reporting period witnessed a significant drop in acts of political violence or intolerance perpetrated by youth affiliated to political parties; as well as a marked decrease in the number of violations of the rights to life and physical integrity.
      From a monthly average of 10 between January and July, the number of incidents associated with the youth of the ruling party documented by BNUB dropped to 7 in August and 3 in September. Regular calls by the President of the ruling party warning perpetrators of individual consequences seem to have been heeded. These incidents include the banning or disruption of public meetings, or threats against and/or physical assault on members of opposition parties. Civil Society organizations and journalists were also affected. In a positive development, on 29 September human rights defender Mr. Pierre Claver Mbonimpa was released on health grounds. However, his case is still pending at the court.
      Disturbing trends have surfaced since October with a sharp increase in criminality in a number of provinces, including in Bujumbura Mairie. Rumors of attacks perpetrated by unidentified armed groups and sometimes dressed in military uniforms is creating panic amongst the population.
      It should also be noted that no significant progress has been seen in the fight against impunity, including the cases of extrajudicial killings that BNUB has documented since 2011, considering that only a small number of cases have been tried in a court of law. In a related development, Justice reform has been slow, especially concerning the key issues of the independence of the judiciary. It is however worth mentioning that further to the adoption and promulgation of the law on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, the process to select the Commissioners has been initiated. Various national and international stakeholders have made calls for a credible and inclusive Commission.
      Mr. President,
      On 26 August, during an address to the nation, President Nkurunziza acknowledged that corruption remained amongst the government’s major challenges. He reaffirmed his commitment to a policy of zero tolerance for corruption. In this regard, the work of the OBR, the Burundian tax collection authority, must be hailed and encouraged. Exemplary action will indeed be needed to advance this important objective.
      Mr. President,
      Council Members,
      Ladies and Gentlemen,
      I am pleased to report that, on transition, progress towards BNUB’s end of activities proceeded as per the Joint Transition Plan. Symbolically, BNUB’s activities will end on 12 December with the lowering of the UN flag from its HQ.
      Progressive reduction of BNUB staff has continued as part of the staff drawdown plan, balancing staff departure with the conduct of BNUB substantive activities until the end of its mandate. The UNCT has continued to beef up its capacity in the areas in which BNUB will cease its activities, notably in governance and rule of law, bearing in mind the need to avoid gaps.
      The approval by the government on 11 August of a continued presence of an OHCHR stand-alone office, based on the 1995 agreement, paved the way for ensuring continued UN engagement in human rights in Burundi, including capacity building programmes with relevant government institutions, the Independent National Human Rights Commission and civil society organizations. We call on the Council and Member States to ensure that sufficient resources are allocated for this new office.
      Moving forward, Burundi will continue to need strong support from all its partners to overcome outstanding challenges and implement its national poverty alleviation and development strategy (the CSLPII). I commend Ambassador Paul Seger for his leadership and unflagging commitment to peace consolidation and development efforts in Burundi. BNUB and the entire UN family are mobilized to actively participate in the Roundtable scheduled to take place in Bujumbura on 11-12 December.
      In conclusion, Mr. President, and this cannot be overemphasized, the government should continue to do everything in its power to preserve peace and stability and to consolidate democracy. It should avoid any posture that could lead to a reversal of the gains achieved so far. I have all confidence they will.
      As the country prepares itself for the upcoming 2015 elections, there is no better way to achieve this goal than to proactively implement inclusive and transparent policies to ensure the credibility of the electoral process, which will represent a critical test Burundi can’t afford to fail, in its march towards greater peace and prosperity for its entire people.
      I thank you.
    • 29 Oct 2014
      Madam President,
      We meet today in light of worrisome developments in Jerusalem, including growing violence and renewed settlement activities. On 27 October, the Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine to the United Nations submitted two identical letters to the Secretary-General and to the Security Council “to demand that Israel rescind its plans and cease forthwith all of its illegal settlement activities and all other provocations and incitement throughout the Palestinian land including in occupied East Jerusalem.”
      Most recently, in his 21 October briefing to the Council, the Secretary-General stressed his deep concerns about continued Israeli settlement activity, particularly plans to construct residential housing units in occupied East Jerusalem. He also urged the Israeli Government to reverse these activities. Regrettably, since then there have been troubling new reports of settlement activity taking place in East Jerusalem.
      The Secretary-General is alarmed by new reports about the advancement of planning for some 1,000 Israeli settlement units in occupied East Jerusalem. These include approximately 400 units in Har Homa and 600 in Ramat Shlomo. This latest development follows on the heels of Israel’s decision at the end of September to accelerate the process of constructing some 2,600 residential units in Givat Hamatos, also in East Jerusalem.
      If pursued, these plans would once again raise grave doubts about Israel’s commitment to achieving durable peace with the Palestinians as the new settlements threaten the very viability of the future State of Palestine.
      As affirmed by the Council and determined by the International Court of Justice , Israel's policy and practices of settling parts of its population and new immigrants in the occupied Palestinian territory, including occupied East Jerusalem, are in violation of international law. As the Secretary-General has consistently reiterated, it also runs contrary to the two-state solution.
      Once again, the Secretary-General calls on Israel to reverse these activities, heed the calls of the international community to freeze settlement activity and abide by its commitments under international law and the Quartet Road map.
      Madam President,
      Heightened tensions over unilateral actions, provocations and access restrictions at the holy sites in Jerusalem are continuing and the situation remains volatile. In the past week, some 13 Palestinians have reportedly been arrested at the Haram Al-Sharif/Temple Mount Compound, including one Palestinian on 22 October for allegedly throwing stones at Jewish visitors. Israeli police officers have also been injured as a result of clashes. We note that, in the aftermath of these clashes, Prime Minister Hamdallah visited Haram Al-Sharif/Temple Mount on 27 October.
      The Secretary-General has reiterated the importance of respect for the religious freedom of all, and for worshippers of all faiths to have access to their holy sites, while noting that religious and other leaders should also refrain from inflammatory statements. In this regard, the Government of Israel’s reassurances to the Secretary-General, and reportedly to Jordan, that it has no plans to change long standing policies governing the Holy Sites are noted. We also note that Israel, as per its agreement with the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, has committed to work to ensure the protection of the Muslim and Christian holy sites in the Old City and the safety of the worshippers. Incitement of violence from any quarter must cease and the sanctity of holy sites of all faiths must be respected.
      The Secretary-General will be closely following developments at these sacred places that have such significance to millions around the world.
      The situation in the rest of East Jerusalem has grown more tense since 21 October. On 22 October a Palestinian man drove his car into a light rail station near Ammunition Hill and ran over passengers disembarking from the train, killing a three-month-old baby and injuring six other people, one of whom succumbed to her injuries later. The driver was shot dead by Israeli police as he tried to flee the scene. It is our understanding that Israeli authorities are investigating this incident as what they describe as a potential terrorist attack. Regrettably, some on the Palestinian side have praised this attack.
      Clashes took place during the burial of the Palestinian man on 26 October. On the same day Prime Minister Netanyahu stated at a cabinet meeting that Israel would not allow the stone and firebomb throwing to continue and that an additional 1,000 security forces would be deployed in East Jerusalem. The Prime Minister also reportedly requested legislation to raise the terms of punishment for stone throwing, including criteria for the possible imposition of economic sanctions on the parents of minors who throw stones.
      Tensions have also escalated in the rest of the West Bank as well, where Israeli forces shot and killed a Palestinian-American teenager on 24 October in Silwad village near Ramallah, reportedly following stone and Molotov cocktail throwing during a demonstration. On 27 October, Israeli forces detained 14 Palestinians for alleged stone throwing. On 28 October, four Palestinians were reportedly shot and injured by Israeli security forces in Jenin, including one who is in critical condition.
      Tensions also rose from the reported demolition in the past week of five Palestinian homes in the East Jerusalem neighbourhoods of Al-Tur and Silwan as well as in Salah Eddine Street and following news that a Palestinian held under administrative detention in Israel and on hunger strike for 37 days was moved to hospital on 27 October after his health deteriorated.
      Madam President,
      I would like to underscore the criticality of immediately defusing the escalating tensions in East Jerusalem without delay. The wounds from the devastating conflict in Gaza are only just beginning to heal - with the tripartite temporary mechanism for the delivery of reconstruction materials into Gaza brokered by the United Nations only starting to take effect. The parties can ill afford to, once more, take unilateral actions that serve only to inflame tensions and further entrench the suspicion and hostility that have been the tragic narrative of this conflict for decades. The reality is that continued settlement activity in occupied Palestinian territory is doing significant damage to any possibility of a lasting peace between the two sides and is moving the situation ever closer to a one-state reality.
      Ongoing tensions in East Jerusalem and the West Bank cannot be separated from the larger reality that remains unresolved. As the Secretary-General has frequently conveyed, any enduring peace will require starting dialogue to address the root causes of the conflict, including an end to the occupation that has lasted close to 50 years and also effectively addressing Israel’s legitimate security concerns.
      I wish to recall that on 26 September 2008, during the High Level meeting of the Security Council on settlements, the then Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, Mr. Amr Moussa, recalled that, two years earlier, the Security Council had “recorded a consensus on the need of reviving the peace process with the express goal of establishing a viable Palestinian State in the West Bank and Gaza, with, of course, East Jerusalem as its capital”. Such consensus was echoed in the Arab Peace Initiative and the understanding that there would be an immediate and complete halt to settlement activities as per the road map. Eight years later, we must ask ourselves why there has been so little progress and how to move the peace process forward.
      Madame President, we have heard that some Members of this Council have started again discussing the possibility of adopting a new resolution on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. For our part, we wonder if the current paradigm, almost 50 years into the conflict, does not require revisiting our engagement thus far, consistent with the decisions of the Security Council and the relentless efforts of the international community. Palestinian and Israeli leaders and people should make no mistake: there will never be a substitute to their own responsibility in bringing the necessary change and achieving peace. The United Nations stands ready to lend its full support to such collective efforts.
      In conclusion, Madam President, the status quo is not a viable option. Further delay in the pursuit of peace will only exacerbate the conflict further and deepen divisions. Now is the time for bold leadership, for both sides to fully commit to meaningful negotiations that will allow the establishment of two states, living side by side in peace and security. Ignoring the calls from the international community for such negotiations for whatever reason will only breed more violence in the region that has already seen too much of it.
      Thank you, Madam President.
    • 28 Oct 2014

      I am pleased to convey my greetings to this meeting of the International Support Group for Lebanon. I thank the German government for hosting and recognize Prime Minister Salam for his leadership.

      Last month in New York, this Group expressed concern about the severe and growing challenges facing Lebanon as a result of the conflict in Syria. Continuing pressure on Lebanon’s eastern border and the weekend’s attacks on the Lebanese army in Tripoli have further highlighted the threat.

      The unity of this Group – and indeed of the Security Council- in support of Lebanon’s stability and leaders has sent a strong signal. This complements the progress reflected in the present government. I hope that unity will soon be reinforced by the election of a new President.

      This Group has consistently highlighted Lebanon’s need for international assistance for the Lebanese Armed Forces; for Syrian refugees and the communities hosting them; and for affected government programmes.

      I welcome this meeting’s focus on the refugee presence in Lebanon. I understand certain anxieties about the scale of the Syrian refugee presence, and note the tensions in some communities. I also note recent policy decisions announced by the Government. I stress the continuing importance of close cooperation between the Government and UNHCR in managing the refugee presence effectively and in accordance with international humanitarian standards and human rights.

      I look forward to the outcome of your discussions. I am very concerned at the shortfall in funding and hope your conclusions and those of the conference will encourage more stable and predictable funding from humanitarian and development sources. I also hope for further support to initiatives for resettlement of Syrian refugees. Lebanon is a beacon of tolerance and co-existence in the region. Easing the situation imposed by a crisis now in its fourth year is essential to Lebanon’s continued stability.

      I extend my best wishes for a successful meeting.


      Statements on 28 October 2014

    • 28 Oct 2014

      The International Support Group for Lebanon met on Tuesday in Berlin to discuss the impact of millions of Syrian refugees in the country and the region. The Group includes representatives from the UN and its specialized agencies, the Arab League, the European Union (EU) and the five permanent members of the Security Council. It was established in 2013 to mobilize support for Lebanon's stability and state institutions in the wake of the crisis in Syria.


      Chairman's Summary

      At the invitation of German Foreign Minister Dr. Frank-Walter Steinmeier a meeting of the International Support Group for Lebanon was held in the presence of Prime Minister Tammam Salam preceding the ministerial “Conference on the Syrian refugee situation – supporting stability in the region”, on 28 October 2014 in Berlin.

      Participants recalled their previous statements, including that issued after the last meeting of the Group which was convened by the Secretary-General of the United Nations on 26 September 2014 in New York.

      Participants recognized with respect and grave concern the tremendous burden Lebanon continues to bear in hosting nearly 1.2 million refugees from Syria registered or awaiting registration, equivalent to a 30 per cent increase in Lebanon’s population, following the massive influx of Syrians into Lebanon since March 2011. They paid tribute to the response of its people and government. They recalled that mobilizing assistance to refugees and vulnerable communities affected by the crisis had been among the core objectives set at the inaugural meeting of the International Support Group for Lebanon on 25 September 2013 (SG/2198), and that this requires a coordinated humanitarian and development response and greater burden-sharing.

      Participants noted the recent decision of the Government of Lebanon concerning its Syrian refugee policy. They encouraged the Government and UNHCR, with other UN agencies and partners, to cooperate closely to promote the effective management of the refugee presence.Participants will strive to support efforts leading towards durable solutions, namely repatriation in safety, abiding by the principle of non-refoulement, and resettlement. They reaffirmed their commitment to efforts under the auspices of the UN to achieve a political solution to the conflict in Syria which will create the conditions for refugees to return in safety, while recognizing that conditions for safe return could precede such a solution. In the absence of these conditions, participants reaffirmed their support to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees in his efforts to identify alternative options, including through increased resettlement, admission based on humanitarian needs, admission schemes based on private sponsorship, facilitation of family reunification or the use of programs such as student or employment visas to third countries. Participants welcomed efforts already undertaken by UN Member States in this regard and called for their enhancement.

      Participants recalled that Lebanon has the highest per capita ratio of refugees worldwide, and that the pressure on Lebanese infrastructure and services is proportionately greater than in any other country. Reaffirming their call for expedited donor assistance, participants recognized the commitment of the Government of Lebanon to address the socio-economic impact of the Syrian crisis in an integrated Lebanon Crisis Response Plan to ensure that the needs of the vulnerable are adequately met, and stabilization requirements addressed. They welcomed the programs developed by the Lebanese government aimed at strengthening the public sector in response to the Syrian crisis, for example in the field of education. They acknowledged that competition over access to public services can exacerbate communal tensions and thus negatively affects stability. Participants called for the provision of support targeting the needs of refugees and Lebanese communities and affected Government programs, as will be outlined in the Lebanon Crisis Response Plan and the Government’s Roadmap for Stabilization and reflected in the “Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan” (3RP). They noted that a range of instruments has been developed to enable the provision of support based on the Government’s stabilization priority projects, including the World Bank Multi-Donor Trust Fund. They stressed the need for the Lebanese authorities to have in place arrangements to ensure speedy approval for international assistance programs and swift project implementation.

      Participants recognized the security related implications of the crisis that threaten the safety of host communities and refugees alike and the efforts of the Government of Lebanon to mitigate them. They pledged to closely cooperate in countering all forms of extremism. They welcomed ongoing international assistance to address Lebanon’s security concerns and underlined the continuing urgent need for international support to the Lebanese Army and the security forces, as elaborated at the last meeting of the International Support Group.

      Participants again emphasized the crucial importance of national unity for stability and security and expressed support for the efforts of Prime Minister Salam and his Government in confronting the many challenges facing the country. They expressed deep concern however at the continued vacancy in the office of the President and its impact on the functioning of State institutions. They affirmed that, while the presidential election must remain a Lebanese process, free from foreign interference, it is vital that Lebanon’s political leaders act to resolve the issue in the interest of all in Lebanon without further delay.

    • 27 Oct 2014

      Madame la Présidente, Distingués membres du Conseil, Excellences, Mesdames et Messieurs,

      Je suis heureux de m’adresser au Conseil pour la première fois en ma qualité d'Envoyé spécial du Secrétaire général pour la région des Grands Lacs. Je saisis cette occasion pour remercier le Conseil de son soutien à mon mandat ainsi que pour l’opportunité qui m’est offerte de présenter le rapport du Secrétaire général sur la mise en œuvre de l’Accord-cadre pour la paix, la sécurité et la coopération pour la RDC et la région. Je suis ravi de le faire en compagnie de mon collègue et ami Martin Kobler, le Représentant spécial du Secrétaire général en RDC et chef de la MONUSCO. Je tiens à témoigner, ici, du soutien total qu'il m'apporte avec ses collaborateurs depuis ma nomination. Je n’ai aucun doute que notre collaboration forte et étroite se poursuivra et contribuera à renforcer nos efforts complémentaires visant à assurer la mise œuvre effective de l’Accord-cadre.
      Madame la Présidente,
      Distingués membres du Conseil,
      Dès ma prise de fonction, j’ai entrepris de visiter les pays de la région pour écouter et échanger avec les hautes autorités des pays signataires, les garants de l’Accord-cadre, ainsi qu’avec les partenaires internationaux.
      Les dirigeants des pays signataires se disent déterminés à mettre fin au cycle de la violence et à conduire la région sur la voie du développement et de la stabilité durables. Ils voient en l’Accord-cadre un instrument utile qui permettra d'accélérer et de soutenir cette transformation. Mais pour que la région sorte définitivement du cercle vicieux de la violence et de l'instabilité et aille résolument vers son destin solidaire et prospère, elle devra se débarrasser définitivement des problèmes qui la retiennent dans son passé douloureux en perpétuant la suspicion et la méfiance entre les pays et les peuples. Il est, dès lors, évident qu'il faudra s’attaquer, en priorité, aux questions sensibles de sécurité héritées de l'histoire tourmentée de la région et s'atteler à restaurer patiemment la confiance entre les pays. Dans le même temps, il conviendra de soutenir les efforts et les initiatives en cours visant à mobiliser les énergies et les ressources en vue de la transformation socio-économique rapide de la région et de son intégration.
      Madam President,
      I deliver these remarks a month after the Regional Oversight Mechanism (ROM) endorsed the First Progress Report of the implementation of the PSC Framework. The findings and recommendations are clear. Overall, there is a need to accelerate progress particularly with respect to the complete neutralization of negative forces operating in the eastern DRC, including the FDLR and the ADF as well as the implementation of the Nairobi Declarations on the M23 process.
      I am pleased to note that the signatories and guarantors have taken steps towards addressing these issues. As regards FDLR, I wish to recall the conclusions and recommendations of the recent joint ICGLR/SADC ministerial meeting on the mid-term review of the voluntary disarmament of the FDLR by the agreed deadline of 2 January 2015. I call upon all the signatories, the Guarantors as well as the international partners, to ensure that these are effectively and timely executed. We should, on the one hand, continue to facilitate the conditions for a full voluntary disarmament of the FDLR, while on the other hand, set in motion a credible process for military pressure to be exerted at the end of the agreed deadline against those not willing to surrender.
      We must act now. Failure to bring the process of neutralization of the FDLR to a successful conclusion in line with the resolutions of the Security Council and the decisions of the leaders of the region will potentially exacerbate tensions, undermine our collective credibility and put the PSC Framework under serious stress.  
      Madam President,
      Distinguished Members of the Council,
      Another concern relates to the slow pace in the implementation of the Nairobi Declarations. I welcome the recent impetus given to the process at the initiative of the Government of DRC. I also extend our appreciation to the Government of Uganda and Rwanda for their cooperation.
      A few weeks ago, my Office participated in a joint mission with the DRC National Oversight Mechanism (NOM) and ICGLR Secretariat in Kampala to explore ways of revitalizing the process. I am pleased to inform you that further to consultations, a high level follow up meeting to which I have been invited, will be convened in Kinshasa on 7-8 November. On that occasion, I will strongly encourage the concerned parties to seek solutions to existing bottlenecks and take urgent political and operational actions required to fast track the amnesty and the repatriation process.
      Madam President,
      Distinguished Members of the Council,
      The twin process of dealing with the FDLR and M23 should continue to receive our full attention. But so should the resurgent threat posed by the ADF, whose horrendous acts perpetrated recently against the populations of Beni, come as a sad reminder that the security situation remains fragile and that the hard won gains against negative forces can be reversed.
      I am just back from my first visit to eastern DRC where I have held very useful consultations in Goma with a variety of stakeholders. Last Thursday, I visited Beni together with SRSG Martin Kobler and Ambassador Boubacar Diarra, the Special Representative of the AU to the Great Lakes region, to show our solidarity with the Government and people of DRC as well as our sympathy for the innocent victims of the ADF. We took this opportunity to commend the FARDC for their successful military campaign against ADF with the effective support of MONUSCO and its FIB. We also encouraged the FARDC and Monusco to further enhance their cooperation and initiate decisive joint actions towards fully neutralizing ADF with the full support of the populations.
      Madam President,
      Distinguished Members of the Council,
      While I am expected to devote serious attention to supporting efforts at neutralizing negative forces and promoting conducive environment for the expeditious implementation of the PSC Framework, I am fully committed to strengthening the foundation laid by my predecessor, Mary Robinson, in support of women, the youth, displaced populations, and civil society as well as encourage economic cooperation, promotion of justice, human rights and the fight against impunity.
      In this regard, I am pleased to report that following the launch of the Women's Platform, small grants have already been availed to the Global Fund for Women to support initial activities designed to enhance women's ability to advocate for and monitor the implementation of the commitments of the PSC Framework. These grants also provide seed money for improving women's access to clean energy. With respect to UNSCR 1325, I plan to step up my advocacy efforts for a wider adoption of the Regional Plan of Action building on the experiences of Burundi, DRC, Rwanda and Uganda whom I commend for commencing the implementation of their national plans. Regarding the youth, my Office provided support to the organization of the ICGLR Youth Summit and going forward plans to work with other partners to support small scale youth projects, and bulding young entrepreneurs.
      Initiatives aimed at promoting the emergence of a strong regional coalition of civil society are ongoing. My Office will closely work with ICGLR and other stakeholders to convene, before the end of this year, a regional workshop in Bujumbura bringing together civil society organizations from DRC, Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda. Such gathering will lay the foundation for a wider civil society constituency whose task will be to increase awareness of the PSC Framework in cooperation with Governments as well as promote solidarity, a culture of peace and tolerance between the communities in the region.
      We are also working closely with all stakeholders to address obstacles that impede safe and dignified returns of displaced populations as well as provide options for those who may decide to settle in other parts of the region. In this regard, I would like to commend the Government and people of Tanzania for granting rights of citizenship to about 200,000 Burundian nationals including their dependants who took refuge in Tanzania decades ago. I also encourage all countries which are host to displaced populations as well as countries of origin to step up efforts to provide durable solutions. I intend, together with my fellow Envoys, to support all concerned parties to promote the propitious political and security conditions for lasting solutions.
      Madam President, Distinguished Members of the Council,
      Leveraging the strength of various development partners such as the UNDP, WB, EU and others, my Office has launched or supported various initiatives aimed at rebuilding livelihoods, create jobs and bring about peace dividends. In this respect, my Office is supporting the preparation of a Development Partners Conference to mobilize resources for development initiatives identified by signatories of the PSC Framework. In the same vein, we are working closely with the UNCTs in signatory countries as well relevant regional UN Offices to develop and align strategies and programmes in support of the PSC Framework. We are also strongly promoting jointly with ICGLR the convening in Luanda in early December of a Regional Ministerial Consultation on Private Sector Investment to consider and validate a substantial portfolio of projects that have been compiled. During my tour in the region, I have encouraged the PSCF countries to be adequately represented at this meeting that would pave the way to the convening of a greater Private Sector Investment Forum next year to signal a new era in the Great Lakes Region towards shared stability and prosperity.
      Madam President, Distinguished Members of the Council,
      The signatories of the PSC Framework are members of various regional economic communities. We must support these various organisations to unlock the vast potential of the region. I wish, in this regard, to encourage the ongoing efforts aimed at convening the Summit of the Economic Community of the Great Lakes Countries (CEPGL) as part of the revitalisation of this Organisation called for by the PSC framework. In this context, I held a fruitful meeting last week with the Executive Secretary of CEPGL and his team and we discussed possible areas of cooperation including promoting transborder security and development programmes with the involvement of women.
      Madam President,
      Distinguished Members of the Council,
      As I stated in the beginning, I see my role as that of a catalyst and facilitator. I am committed to work closely with the signatory countries, the co-guarantors, my fellow special envoys as well as the international partners committed to the PSC Framework. I am confident that together, we can help the region put an end to the recurring cycle of conflicts and instability, build mutual confidence and trust, and set in motion an irreversible process towards realizing its full potential, in peace and stability.
      I thank you for your attention.
    • 24 Oct 2014
      Madam President and distinguished members of the Council,
      Since the last time we met to discuss Ukraine, the results of efforts to end the conflict remain mixed. On 5 September 2014, under the auspices of the Trilateral Contact Group, the Minsk Protocol was signed to halt the violent conflict in eastern Ukraine. It outlined specific steps that, if fully implemented, would help the people of Ukraine emerge from the national nightmare that they have endured for much of this year. As a follow up, on 19 September, the Minsk Memorandum was signed, which clarified the implementation of the cease-fire agreement. The Secretary-General joined many other leaders in welcoming these agreements and urging their full implementation.
      However, despite these important agreements, we are here today because much more work needs to be done to ensure that lasting and durable peace prevails in Ukraine.
      The situation on the ground
      Initial, important steps have been undertaken by various stakeholders to implement the Minsk Protocol and Memorandum, including, notably, the implementation of the cease-fire, the exchange of a number of detained persons, and the Ukrainian Government’s steps toward decentralisation, including by the adoption of a “special status,” or interim self-governance for certain areas in Donetsk and Luhansk.
      However, continued violation of the cease-fire agreement is a daily occurrence, with the regular loss of life. We must all, collectively, make every possible effort to support the urgent implementation of the Minsk Protocol and Memorandum, which is at present, very slow.
      While fighting has decreased since 5 September, sporadic fighting in Donbas continues, largely concentrated around Donestk airport, and areas around the strategic towns of Luhansk and Mariupol. In his upcoming statement, the Assistant-Secretary-General for Human Rights Simonovic will provide us with the latest information on the human rights situation
      The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe’s (OSCE) Special Monitoring Mission, charged with the responsibility of monitoring and verifying the ceasefire and other provisions of the Minsk Protocol, is doing its outmost to carry out its crucial mandate, even in the face of logistical challenges. The United Nations has engaged continuously with the Mission and the OSCE Secretariat to identify specific areas where UN expertise and resources can be of assistance. The international community should fully support the OSCE’s efforts to ensure that it has full capacity as well as access to monitor and verify the cease-fire and to observe that the Russian-Ukrainian border is fully secure.
      Alleged use of cluster bombs
      Madam President, ladies and gentlemen,
      In recent days we have seen deeply disturbing reports on the alleged widespread use of the internationally banned cluster munitions, including references to 12 documented incidents in eastern Ukraine, in which at least six people were killed and dozens of others wounded.
      On 22 October, in his meeting with the Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, Mr. Jeffrey Feltman, the
      Such heinous practices, if confirmed, are utterly unacceptable. The reports should be urgently and fully investigated and those found to be responsible should be held accountable. These serious allegations serve as a stark reminder of the necessity to urgently implement all twelve parts of the Minsk Protocol as well as the Memorandum, to lay the ground for sustainable peace, recovery and accountability.
      Humanitarian situation
      The humanitarian situation in eastern Ukraine, particularly with the onset of winter, remains of utmost concern. Despite the cease-fire, there are continuing security challenges which hamper relief efforts. The UN continues to work to ensure humanitarian access to all people in need, including in the more volatile areas of eastern Ukraine.
      We need to urgently redouble our efforts to assist the internally displaced and refugees to cope with the effects of the conflict and prepare for the coming winter. We also need to ensure that the current humanitarian situation in south-eastern Ukraine does not further deteriorate. These efforts require the ongoing support of the international community, and a high level of coordination with the Government of Ukraine.
      Parliamentary elections
      Madam President, -ladies and gentlemen,
      We are meeting today only two days before polls officially open for the early parliamentary elections in Ukraine. Given the still fragile situation in parts of the country, it is more important than ever that the extraordinary legislative elections and the local elections scheduled for 26 October and 7 December, respectively, can peacefully take place throughout Ukraine and serve as important milestones in the efforts to help stabilise the country and refocus national energies on achieving reform, rebuilding and reconciliation for all Ukrainians.
      Reports of alleged violence against several parliamentary candidates and representatives of various parties in the upcoming legislative elections are deplorable. Similarly, inflammatory statements by armed rebel groups threatening to disrupt voting in areas of eastern Ukraine and hold their own elections on 2 November, in breach of the constitution and national law, should be condemned by all.
      All national and international stakeholders should make every effort to support the successful holding of peaceful parliamentary elections. International election monitoring efforts led by the OSCE’s Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), with an estimated 600 observers, as well as an additional 1,700 international observers and 37 domestic NGOs registered by the Central Election Commission (CEC), will be critical. The United Nations also welcomes efforts by the Ukrainian authorities to ensure that all Ukrainian citizens have the right to exercise their franchise under the Ukrainian Constitution.
      While the upcoming elections are an important step forward for Ukraine, they will need to be followed by the rapid implementation of the comprehensive political, legal and economic reforms announced by the Ukrainian government and by the urgent start of a comprehensive national dialogue to rebuild cohesion and address all outstanding critical national issues.
      Madam President, ladies and gentlemen,
      We must all work together toward the peaceful resolution of this conflict, in a manner upholding Ukraine’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity. We cannot and should not allow eastern Ukraine to become just the latest in a string of “frozen conflicts” in Europe.
      Recent discussions on the conflict in Ukraine on the margins of the 10th Asia-Europe Meeting held on 16-17 October in Milan, Italy are welcome. Continuing bilateral discussions between the Ukrainian and Russian Presidents on the means to fully implement the Minsk Protocol and Memorandum remain critical.
      The Secretary-General remains committed to using his Good Offices to help resolve this violent conflict, and we will continue to keep the Council informed of the collective efforts of this Organization to help the Ukrainian people and government restore peace and stability to their country.
      It has become clear in the past weeks that, despite the critical agreements reached in Minsk, we are still far from their full implementation, and thus, also, still far from a sustainable peace in Ukraine. It is incumbent on all actors to fulfil their responsibilities and refocus their efforts in this direction. And it is incumbent on all of us to assist them.
      Thank you.
    • 22 Oct 2014
      Madam President,
      I thank you for this opportunity to introduce the report of the Secretary-General on piracy and armed robbery off the coast of Somalia, which was submitted pursuant to Security Council resolution 2125 of 18 November 2013, and to brief the Security Council on this subject.
      The Secretary-General welcomes the substantial gains made by Somalia and the international community in addressing piracy off the coast of Somalia. However he recognizes that without the continued deterrence support provided by the international naval presence, the self-protection measures adopted by the shipping industry and until such time as capacity-building efforts ashore have sufficient effect, large scale piracy may potentially return.
      Since the adoption of the first Security Council resolution on piracy off the coast of Somalia in June 2008, some of our most urgent responses have revolved around the twin axis of deterring pirate attacks and prosecuting and sanctioning of pirates. Thanks to coordinated efforts by Member States, organizations and maritime industry, the incidents of piracy reported off the coast of Somalia are at their lowest levels in recent years. Indeed, the last time a large commercial vessel was hijacked, was more than two years ago.
      But this progress is fragile and reversible. We still see pirates attempting to attack vessels and capture them for ransom. We still have to do more to ensure that commercial vessels can navigate the waters off the coast of Somalia without incidents and that the international community can benefit from the uninterrupted global trade in the 21st century.
      The decline in pirate attacks provides an opportunity to review current international efforts and to take a long-term perspective on how best to contain Somali piracy. We should not only ask what more needs to be done to ensure that the scourge does not return, but also what kind of support could be provided to Somalia so that the country is able to respond to the threat of piracy without depending on the continuous support of international navies. We should address the underlying conditions conducive to the continuation of piracy, including political instability and the lack of alternative livelihoods.
      Madam President,
      Piracy off the coast of Somalia is also one of the manifestations of a political problem requiring a political solution. State collapse in Somalia and other political challenges lie at the root of the problem. This was as much acknowledged by the Security Council in relevant resolutions, including the most recent resolution 2125 (2013), in which the Council recognized that the on-going instability in Somalia is one of the underlying causes of the problem of piracy.
      Security efforts can momentarily mitigate the impact of piracy but they do not address the underlying causes. A sustainable response to piracy requires the presence of effective governance in Somalia that will provide basic services to its people and guarantee their rights. This is a daunting, but unavoidable task, for it will enable Somalia to effectively address, and ultimately defeat, piracy.
      This leads to the second point that I wish to emphasize. State-building and inclusive governance efforts in Somalia must be led and owned by Somalis themselves. While counter-piracy measures continue to prove effective, the international community must continue to support the Somali Government in its efforts to deliver on its commitments outlined in Vision 2016 and the Somali Compact. This will require concentrated and coordinated assistance to Somalia to build its institutional capacity to undertake effective law enforcement and promote inclusive and sustainable development.
      As the United Nations helps strengthen the capacity of Somalia and other States in the region to prosecute individuals suspected of piracy and to sanction those convicted, in accordance with international standards, it is imperative that more nations criminalise piracy on the basis of international law as reflected in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. They must also take steps to deter and suppress the financing of piracy and the laundering of ransom money.
      We should not forget that actions by any one State to apprehend and prosecute pirates will benefit all States whose vessels, trade and seafarers are at risk. If the burden of prosecuting pirates is shouldered only by States that apprehend them, then countries may be reluctant to act, especially if pirates do not target the apprehending country’s vessels.
      In this regard, we welcome the increased willingness of many of Somalia’s neighbours to prosecute individuals suspected of piracy. It is equally critical that the international community continues to support Somalia and its neighbours in their efforts of sharing the burden of piracy prosecutions.
      We strongly encourage the international community to support regional efforts to implement the 2050 Africa’s Integrated Maritime Strategy (2050 AIM Strategy), adopted by the African Union, the Djibouti Code of Conduct, the maritime initiatives of the Intergovernmental Authority for Development, and the Maritime Security Strategy of the Southern African Development Community, so that countries in the region (bordering the Gulf of Aden and western Indian Ocean) develop their capacity to address piracy and develop their maritime domain.
      Somali pirates are still holding 37 seafarers, which is a matter of serious international concern. It is crucial that all efforts are made to secure the safe and prompt release of all hostages. Of equal importance is the need to have post-release measures in place to guarantee their health and well-being.
      Our successful efforts to combat piracy off the coast of Somalia show that hard work and effective collaboration with a solution-oriented approach can yield results. Let me conclude by reiterating that counter-piracy efforts should be an integral part of Somalia’s state-building process. The international community should continue to address piracy across broader fronts, addressing institutional failures, and building capacity.
      Thank you.
    • 6 Aug 2014

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    • 24 Jun 2014

      Mr. President,

      Members of the Security Council,
      Thank you, Mr. President for this opportunity to brief the Security Council on recent developments in Ukraine.
      Due in large part to the initiative taken by President Petro Poroshenko since his inauguration on 7 June to find a peaceful, lasting resolution to the crisis in Ukraine, as well as to the unrelenting efforts of the international community, there are encouraging signs towards de-escalation of the conflict in Ukraine, and political and diplomatic steps are beginning to emerge towards the resolution of the crisis.
      On 20 June, Ambassador Yuriy Sergeyev of Ukraine presented the Secretary-General with an official copy of President Poroshenko’s multi-faceted peace-plan, which included de-escalatory measures such as amnesty for those who did not participate in “serious crimes”; disarmament; decentralisation of power and early local and parliamentary elections; and a program for creation of jobs in the region.
      Simultaneously, upon the advice of his military commanders that the border with the Russian Federation has been secured,President Poroshenko, on 20 June, announced the start of a one week long unilateral cease-fire aimed at giving armed militia a window of opportunity to disarm. Government forces were ordered to withdraw from their engagements, allowing rebels a chance to lay down their weapons. All rebels who surrender peacefully, and who have not committed “grave crimes” would be granted amnesty.
      Also, with a view to engage with Ukraine’s eastern regions, the President on 19 June travelled to Donbass region where he met with civil society, business and political leaders. The following day, he travelled to conflict areas in Donetsk and Lugansk.
      On 21 June, the Secretary-General spoke to President Poroshenko over the phone, expressing his encouragement over the peace-plan and in particular the start of a unilateral cease-fire. At the same time, the Secretary-General voiced concern that it may be difficult to halt the violence without the engagement of the armed groups
      The Secretary-General has since been pleased to see that peace-talks have reportedly started with representatives of armed groups in eastern Ukraine, led by former Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma and with the participation of the Russian Ambassador to Ukraine and European officials. The Secretary-General has stressed that such talks are indispensable in efforts to help defuse tensions.
      The Secretary-General has also taken note that the armed militia groups have agreed to reciprocate the cease-fire, despite previously rejecting the President’s offer and continuing their offensive. Overall, the cease-fire is holding. The Secretary-General expects all sides to live up to the ceasefire and to leave the door open for effective negotiation and mediation toward a peaceful resolution of the crisis.
      Today, in a welcome development and one that will not only help reduce tensions but also improve the chances for a negotiated settlement, President Putin asked the Russian parliament to revoke the authorization to send troops to Ukraine. President Poroshenko’s office welcomed the move as “the first practical step” after President Putin expressed support for the former’s plan for a peaceful settlement of the situation in eastern Ukraine.
      Mr. President,
      While le these are important steps, with the potential to de-escalate the situation, the Secretary-General remains deeply concerned that the realities on the ground are still grave and deeply worrying.
      Until these recent positive developments, fierce fighting particularly in eastern Ukraine had raged on, claiming hundreds of lives and injuring many more, including civilians. Arms, weapons and fighters have crossed Ukraine’s border, making the situation more complex and more violent. Various rebel groups have sprung up uncoordinated, and are reportedly not fighting for any particular cause.
      Even after President Poroshenko announced the cease-fire, the armed groups had publicly rejected the offer and continued their assault on Ukrainian forces on the night of 20-21 June, reportedly injuring six servicemen. During that same period, other reports indicate that Ukrainian forces also continued their “security operation”, although it was unclear if they were merely defending themselves against attacks. The Russian Federation has reported that shells from these exchanges had crossed its border, causing material damage.
      On 14 June, A Ukrainian Ilyushin-76 military transport plane was shot down while approaching an airport in Lugansk. The plane was targeted by armed militia on approach to the Lugansk airport and crashed at 12:50 A.M. local time. All 49 people on board, including 40 paratroopers, were killed.
      The OSCE monitors abducted almost a month ago on 26 and 29 May are still being held captive. The Secretary-General reiterates his call for their immediate and unconditional release.
      The fighting has resulted in loss of lives and caused much suffering to innocent people. It is as much in the interest of these innocent people that effort must be made to urgently capitalise on the progress which has been made in the political and diplomatic areas.
      The Secretary General has been stressing all along that the international community cannot afford to fail Ukraine and its people. He has reiterated the pressing need for the international community to work together to stop the hostilities and help achieve lasting peace.
      President Poroshenko’s peace-plan has received support from key parties in the country, the region and beyond. However, there is still more hard work to be done. The international community needs to support Ukraine in surmounting the current crisis and finding a peaceful and lasting resolution to the challenges facing the country.
      The United Nations stands ready to support all efforts to that end.
      Thank you.