Bienvenidos a las Naciones Unidas

Reports and Policy Documents


  • 28 Abr 2021

    Child displacement in the Central African Republic (CAR) has now reached its highest level since 2014, according to the latest estimates from the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), warning of the mounting risks children face.

  • 28 Abr 2021

    UN Clarifies UN Recruitment Channels

    28 April 2021

    Beirut, Lebanon


    It has come to the attention of the United Nations (UN) that some individuals in Lebanon may be impersonating UN staff members and...

  • 28 Abr 2021

    Fresh clashes between Myanmar security forces and regional armed groups have displaced thousands across the country, the UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said on Tuesday.

  • 28 Abr 2021

    Emergency | FAO in Somalia continues to find innovative ways to...

  • 27 Abr 2021

    Tuesday, 27 April 2021 - With the aim to advance the implementation of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF) Roadmap leading up to the holding of national elections on 24 December 2021, and the full implementation of the Ceasefire Agreement Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General for Libya and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya Ján Kubiš, accompanied by Assistant Secretary-General/UNSMIL Coordinator Raisedon Zenenga,  held a...

  • 27 Abr 2021

    Ensuring warring parties respect international humanitarian law is the first step towards protecting civilians and critical infrastructure during conflict, the UN’s top aid official told the Security Council on Tuesday. 

  • 27 Abr 2021

    The leader of Myanmar’s ‘Tatmadaw’ military has been urged to publicly commit to honoring the fundamental right to freedom of expression for those protesting the generals’ February coup. 

  • 27 Abr 2021

    The UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) issued a statement on Tuesday, alongside international partners, strongly condemning an outbreak of violence in the capital Mogadishu and urging all sides to “exercise maximum restraint, resume dialogue, and avoid unilateral actions that may lead to a further escalation”.  

  • 27 Abr 2021

    A fresh United Nations-led bid to seek to resolve decades of tensions in Cyprus began in Geneva on Tuesday, with Secretary-General António Guterres “realistic” about the chances of making progress, his Spokesperson said.

  • 27 Abr 2021

    In spite of the challenges due to the coronavirus pandemic, the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Abyei with other agencies, continue to provide vital protection, humanitarian and recovery assistance to vulnerable populations, senior UN officials told the Security Council on Monday.

  • 27 Abr 2021

    Courtesy of Egypt's Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Amman, 27 April 2021 - The UN Special Envoy for Yemen, Martin Griffiths, concluded yesterday, 26 April, a two-day visit to Egypt, during...

  • 27 Abr 2021

    Mogadishu – International partners* strongly condemn the outbreak of violence in Mogadishu on 25 April. We have repeatedly warned that the extension of mandates would lead to a political crisis and undermine peace,...

  • 27 Abr 2021

    ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan

    On 27 April, UNRCCA moderated the international conference “Ensuring peace, stability and security...

  • 26 Abr 2021

    A recent spike in inter-community violence in the eastern province of Ituri in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is worsening the plight of children there, the UN Children’s Fund, UNICEF, said on Monday, urging greater international support. 

  • 26 Abr 2021

    New York - The Secretary-General is deeply concerned about the recent armed clashes in Mogadishu. He reiterates his call for all Somali stakeholders to refrain from...

  • 26 Abr 2021

    New York, 26 April 2021

    Today we mark the thirty fifth anniversary of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant on 26 April 1986 – one of the most serious nuclear accidents in history.

    Hundreds of thousands of people were affected by radiation. Some 350,000 people were forced to leave their homes in severely contaminated areas, with a deeply traumatic and lasting impact on...

  • 26 Abr 2021

    New York - The Secretary-General is deeply concerned about the recent armed clashes in Mogadishu. He reiterates his call for all Somali stakeholders to refrain from...

  • 24 Abr 2021

    24 April 2021 - Special Envoy of Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) Ján Kubiš visited France on 23- 24 April.

    The situation in Libya, also in light of latest development in the region were the focus of discussions between the Special Envoy and with the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs Jean-Yves Le Drian. They both stressed the importance to expedite the implementation of the ceasefire agreement and the full withdrawal...

  • 24 Abr 2021



  • 24 Abr 2021

    New York, 24 April 2021

    The COVID-19 pandemic is a tragic reminder of how deeply connected we are.

    There is a clear and urgent need for concrete multilateral solutions, based on common action across borders for the good of all humanity, starting with the equitable distribution of vaccines as a global public good.

  • 24 Abr 2021

    I am alarmed by the recent escalations in Jerusalem and around Gaza. Over the last 48 hours there was a spike of violent clashes between Israelis and Palestinians in Jerusalem and the launching of rockets by militants in Gaza.

    The provocative acts across Jerusalem must cease. The indiscriminate launching of rockets towards Israeli population centers violates international law and must stop immediately.

  • 23 Abr 2021

    Underscoring that the COVID-19 pandemic has been a “tragic reminder” of how deeply connected the world is today, the UN chief upheld in a message released for Saturday, the “clear and urgent need for concrete multilateral solutions”. 

  • 23 Abr 2021
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 

    Security Council

    Massieu briefs Council on transitional justice and reintegration of former combatants in Colombia

    The Special Representative for Colombia and Head of the UN Verification Mission in the country, Carlos Ruiz Massieu, told the Security Council on 21 April of the progress made by the three components of the transitional justice system created by the Colombia Peace Agreement. "The Special Jurisdiction for Peace (SJP) continues to make key decisions to deliver justice for crimes committed during the conflict,” he said, and added: "[T]he Truth Commission is holding important acts of reconciliation while preparing its report; and the Unit for the Search of Persons Deemed as Missing is moving forward with its noble task.” Regarding the reintegration of former FARC-EP members, the Special Representative recalled that their participation during the negotiation phase of the peace accord was crucial to ensure that their perspectives were taken into account, “and today they are a fundamental pillar of peacebuilding and the pursuit of reconciliation.”

    Full briefing to the Council here

    Wennesland: Successful Palestinian elections are critical for renewing the democratic legitimacy of the Palestinian Government

    Tor Wennesland, Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, briefed the Security Council on 22 April on the situation in the region, including the Palestinian question. “These elections should also pave the way to uniting Gaza and the West Bank under a single, legitimate national authority, which would be an important step towards reconciliation and could advance Middle East peace… We remain focused on the goal of advancing a two-State solution – an independent, viable and sovereign Palestinian State living side-by-side with Israel in peace and security – in line with UN resolutions, international law and previous agreements.” he reiterated.

    Full briefing to the Council here


    Special Envoy continues engagement to advance the peace process

    Ján Kubiš, Special Envoy and Head of UNSMIL, continued his engagement this week with Libyan actors as well as with international stakeholders to advance the peace process in Libya. Locally, he had separate conversations with Chairman of High Council State Khaled Mishri and Chairman of Ihya Libya Aref Ali Nayed over the phone. Internationally, he concluded his travel to Bern and started his consultations in Geneva on 22 April. He has also attended the sixth Summit meeting of the Libya Quartet on 20 April and co-chaired a meeting on the International Follow-up Committee on 21 April.

    Read more here


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    Human Rights Office attends Disability Inclusion Conference

    On 16 April, UNAMI Human Rights Office and the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Gerard Quinn, participated in the conference organized by Al Meezan Centre for the Rule of Law. Thirty-eight participants, including the Advisor to the President on Persons with Disabilities, Amany Aljzaary, as well as representatives from civil society, the National Institute of Deaf and Blind Persons, met virtually to discuss measures to strengthen the protection and full inclusion of all persons with disabilities in all aspects of political, social, economic, educational, and cultural life in Iraq. At the conclusion of the event, participants have agreed to support the development of a human rights-based national disability inclusion strategy.

    Read more here


    UN personnel receive first batch of COVID-19 vaccine

    The first batch of 15,000 doses of Oxford-AstraZeneca (AZ) vaccine arrived on 21 April. They will be used in the soon-to-be launched vaccination programme intended for UN personnel and recognized dependents in Lebanon.

    Read more here

    Next Week

    Special Representative Volker Perthes will update the Security Council on Sudan on Monday, 26 April in the morning. The Council will hold an open debate on the protection of civilians in armed conflict on 27 April. Special Envoy Geir Pedersen will deliver a briefing on Syria on Wednesday on 28 April.

    Podcast “She Stands for Peace” to launch Season 2

    The podcast series “She Stands for Peace”, launched last month by the United Nations Office to the African Union (UNOAU) in partnership with Sweden in Ethiopia, aims to explore the state of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in Africa through a series of dialogues with key actors. Season 2 is set to begin on 28 April with interviews and discussions on forward-looking strategies for the implementation of Security Council Resolution 1325, post-2020.

    Listen to Season 1 here

    USG DiCarlo to attend Cyprus talks in Geneva

    Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo will be joining Secretary-General António Guterres in Geneva for the informal 5+1 meeting on the Cyprus issue set for 27 to 29 April. The purpose of the meeting will be to determine whether common ground exists for the parties to negotiate a lasting solution to the Cyprus problem within a foreseeable horizon.

  • 23 Abr 2021

    Twenty-three tonnes of urgently needed aid items have reached the eastern Ukrainian province around Donetsk, after a humanitarian convoy crossed the contact line into non-Government-controlled territory, the UN said on Friday. 

  • 23 Abr 2021


    Yesterday, the Special Envoy Ján Kubiš had a telephone call with Khaled Mishri, Chairman of...

  • 22 Abr 2021

    Expectations are high for the first Palestinian elections in 15 years, UN Middle East envoy Tor Wennesland told a virtual meeting of the Security Council on Thursday, urging international support for the process. 

  • 22 Abr 2021


    GENEVA, 22 April 2021 - Special Envoy of Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya...

  • 22 Abr 2021

    The United Nations Support Mission in Libya expresses its concern regarding the recent shutdown in oil production at Marsa al-Hariga and indications that other shutdowns may be imminent. The uninterrupted production of oil...

  • 22 Abr 2021

    New York, 22 April 2021

    As we mark International Mother Earth Day, our planet is at a tipping point.

    Humanity continues to abuse the natural world.

    We heedlessly plunder the Earth’s resources, deplete its wildlife and treat air, land and seas as dumping grounds.

    Crucial ecosystems and food chains are being pushed to the brink of...

  • 22 Abr 2021

    New York, 22 April 2021

    Information and communication technologies have been invaluable during the COVID-19 pandemic. They help us to stay connected, and to keep vital services and businesses going.

    Yet almost half the world is still offline – and most of those who lack access to digital technology are women and girls in developing countries. Latest figures from the...

  • 22 Abr 2021

    Two million people facing growing food insecurity linked to the ongoing political crisis in Myanmar are to receive nutrition assistance, amid rising “hunger and desperation”, the World Food Programme (WFP) said on Thursday. 

  • 22 Abr 2021

    20 years after the United Nation Security Council Resolution 1325 was passed, how far have we come? The podcast series She Stands For Peace explores the state of the Women, Peace and...

  • 21 Abr 2021

    United Nations Special Envoy Ján Kubiš and Co-chair Ambassador Christian Buck of Germany warmly welcome the participation of Prime Minister Adbulhamid Dbeiba and Foreign Minister Heiko Maas at the Senior Officials Meeting of the International Follow-up Committee on Libya on 21 April 2021.

    Participants welcomed the adoption of Security Council resolutions 2570 (2021) and 2571 (2021) that reflect their shared...

  • 21 Abr 2021

    Reuters Photo

    UN Deputy Special Coordinator, Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Lebanon, Ms. Najat Rochdi, announced...

  • 21 Abr 2021

    By António Guterres...

  • 21 Abr 2021

    KABUL - Turkey, Qatar and the United Nations had planned to co-convene a high-level conference in Istanbul, from 24 April to 4 May 2021, with the participation of the representatives of the Islamic...

  • 20 Abr 2021

    The UN and international partners have welcomed significant progress towards advancing an inclusive and comprehensive political solution in Libya .

  • 20 Abr 2021

    Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has underlined the UN’s solidarity with Chad following the death of the country’s leader, announced on Tuesday. 

  • 20 Abr 2021

    Disturbing reports have continued to emerge of widespread abuse of civilians in Ethiopia’s Tigray region, nearly six months since conflict erupted, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said on Tuesday.

  • 19 Abr 2021

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres called on Monday for leaders in Asia to bolster efforts towards finding a peaceful solution to the bloody crisis in Myanmar, sparked by the military coup in February. 

  • 19 Abr 2021

    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 

    Security Council

    Xia: "Need relentless support" for peace, stability and sustainable development of Africa’s Great Lakes region

    The Special Envoy for the Great Lakes region of Africa, Huang Xia, told the Security Council on 12 April that the region appears to be “firmly on the right track” to tackle its security, political and economic challenges, particularly regarding diplomatic relations. In his briefing, Xia commended the region’s “resilience and determination” in the fight against COVID-19 and urged Council members to continue their mobilization “to foster more equitable and affordable access to the vaccine, including in areas affected by armed conflict.”

    Read more here

    Griffiths: “The urgency of progress towards a peaceful settlement makes the continued violence on the ground all the more concerning”

    Martin Griffiths, Special Envoy for Yemen, told the Security Council on 15 April of a continued deterioration of the conflict in the country, with dangerous signs of escalation of the fighting in Marib and Taiz. He expressed appreciation for the Security Council’s consensus on prioritizing Yemen and the urgent need for a political settlement as the only way to end the conflict. “There's a reason for hope: the way to end the war is known and its main elements frequently discussed with the parties,” he said. “All we need now is for the parties to agree to this deal.”

    Full briefing to the Council here


    Security Council holds annual open debate on conflict-related sexual violence

    Pramila Patten, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict, briefed the Security Council on 14 April. She presented the findings of her office’s 2020 annual report, which covers 18 country situations and documents over 2,500 UN-verified cases of conflict-related sexual violence. She called for concerted efforts to ensure that survivors of sexual violence are not obscured beneath the long shadow cast by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Council also heard civil society appeals for proactive measures to combat sexual violence in conflict and assistance to victims.

    Read more here


    UNAMA releases quarterly report on civilian casualties in Afghanistan 

    The latest Afghanistan Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict 2021 First Quarterly Report, released on 14 April, documents 1,783 civilian casualties, with 573 people killed and 1,210 people injured in the first three months of the year. This represents a 29 percent increase compared with the same period in 2020. There was a 37 percent increase in the number of women killed and injured, and a 23 percent increase in child casualties. “The number of Afghan civilians killed and maimed, especially women and children, is deeply disturbing,” Deborah Lyons, Special Representative for Afghanistan and head of UNAMA, wrote in the report. “I implore the parties to urgently find a way to stop this violence.”.

    Read more here

    Full report here


    Special Envoy visits Germany and United Arab Emirates

    Special Envoy Martin Griffiths met in Berlin on 12 April with German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas and senior officials from the permanent members of the Security Council, as well as the European Union, Germany, Kuwait and Sweden. He reiterated his call to the parties to seize this opportunity to negotiate in good faith and without preconditions and stressed this is a moment for decisions and responsible leadership. Griffiths then went on to the United Arab Emirates, where he met in Abu Dhabi on 14 April with the president of Yemen’s Southern Transitional Council, Aidaroos Al-Zubaidi. They discussed the current negotiation efforts to agree on a nationwide ceasefire, urgent humanitarian measures and the resumption of the political process. 


    Special Envoy visits United Arab Emirates, Ehiopia and Egypt

    Ján Kubiš, Special Envoy for Libya and Head of UNSMIL, concluded on 10 April a three-day visit to Dubai. He met with Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, State Minister of Foreign Affairs Khalifa Shaheen al-Marar, and Diplomatic Advisor to the President Anwar Gargash. They discussed the situation in Libya, including the need to support the newly elected interim authority in Libya to achieve unity, stability, and prosperity.

    Kubiš then traveled to Ethiopia, where he concluded on 13 April his first visit to the African Union in Addis Ababa. He held discussions with Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security Bankole Adeoye, and Commissioner for Social Affairs Amira El Fadil on ways to strengthen the UN-AU cooperation in support of Libya and the region under the Berlin process framework.

    In Egypt on 14-15 April, Kubiš held discussions with Minister of Foreign Affairs Sameh Shokry and other senior officials. He also met Secretary-General of the League of Arab State Ahmed Aboul Gheit.


    Special Representative discusses Baghdad-Erbil relations

    Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, Special Representative for Iraq and Head of UNAMI, met in Baghdad on 10 April with the President of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani. They discussed the latest political developments in Iraq, in particular the situation in the Kurdistan Region as well as Baghdad-Erbil relations. Later in the week on 15 April, she met with National Security Advisor Qassem Al Arajiv to discuss the current security situation in the country, including the implementation of the Sinjar Agreement.


    Iraq’s Electoral Preparations and Processes for April is published

    UNAMI issued on 10 April the latest Electoral Preparations and Processes. Through the monthly report, mandated under Security Council Resolution 2522 (2020), the Mission provides electoral assistance and advice to the Government of Iraq and the Independent High Electoral Commission.  

    Learn more


    Children from communities of conflict receive music lessons

    The UN Verification Mission in Colombia delivered on 15 April musical instruments to the children and adolescents from the Tierra Grata community in Manaure, Cesar and San José de Oriente as part of the reincorporation of the youth group “Son de Paz”. The project will allow children and adolescents to access free music classes focused on rights and peacebuilding and reconciliation through art. The instruments were donated as part of the national campaign ‘Let’s sing another story’, led by the UN Mission. 

    Next Week

    Special Representative Carlos Ruiz Massieu will update the Security Council on Colombia on Wednesday, 21 April, in the afternoon. The Council will hold an open debate on the Middle East on Thursday, 22 April, in the morning. 


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  • 19 Abr 2021

    The international community has a responsibility to protect the people of Myanmar, under attack from their own military, the UN independent human rights expert on the country argues, in the second part of our in-depth interview, calling also for refuge to be given to those who have fled for their lives to neighbouring countries.

  • 16 Abr 2021

    More than 31 million people across West and Central Africa may not have enough to eat in the coming months as hunger rises due to an “explosive mix” of skyrocketing food prices, conflict and fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Food Programme (WFP) said on Friday. 

  • 16 Abr 2021

    The UN Security Council has unanimously passed a resolution which calls for all foreign forces and mercenaries to leave Libya and gives the green light for a UN team to monitor last October’s historic ceasefire agreement.

  • 16 Abr 2021

    The crackdown on journalists, cutting off the Internet and disrupting the flow of information across Myanmar, is “not working”, and the world is not buying the military leadership’s “propaganda” that it is exercising restraint against protesters, the UN independent human rights expert on the country has said, in an in-depth interview with UN News. 

  • 16 Abr 2021

    A spate of clashes involving Government security forces and insurgent groups in northeast Nigeria has caused mass displacement and threatened humanitarian assistance, as armed groups go “house-to-house” hunting for aid workers, the UN said on Friday.

  • 16 Abr 2021

    In this pivotal year for humanity, now is the time for bold climate action.

    The science is irrefutable and globally agreed: to stop the climate crisis from becoming a permanent catastrophe, we must limit global heating to 1.5 degrees Celsius. 

    To do this, we must get to net zero emissions of greenhouse gases by mid-century.  Countries making up about two-thirds of the global...

  • 15 Abr 2021

    The UN Special Envoy for Yemen appealed on Thursday for warring parties to implement a nationwide ceasefire and agree a date for peace talks, in line with a plan to end their conflict. 

  • 15 Abr 2021

    CAIRO, 15 April 2021 –Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) Ján Kubiš concluded today a two-day...

  • 14 Abr 2021

    Mogadishu – The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), Canada, Denmark, European Union (EU), Finland, France, Germany, Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway,...