Bienvenidos a las Naciones Unidas

Reports and Policy Documents


  • 18 Dic 2021

    Dakar, 17 December 2021- The United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), organized on 16 and 17 December 2021, a...

  • 18 Dic 2021

    Secretary-General António Guterres received the Lamp of Peace award on Saturday, a major honour from the Catholic Church, which he said recognizes the work of UN personnel “striving for peace around the world”.

  • 17 Dic 2021
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 

    Security Council

    DiCarlo: No viable alternative to the full and effective implementation of the JCPOA 

    Under-Secretary-General (USG) Rosemary DiCarlo briefed the Security Council on 14 December on Iran and the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). She reiterated the Secretary-General’s message that there is simply no viable alternative to the full and effective implementation of the JCPOA. In this regard, together with the Secretary-General, USG DiCarlo appealed to the United States to lift or waive its sanctions as outlined in the Plan and extend the waivers regarding the oil trade with Iran. She also called on Iran to reverse the steps it has taken that are not consistent with its nuclear-related commitments under the Plan.

    Read more here

    Full remarks at the Security Council here

    Yemen envoy Grundberg: “Restraint, de-escalation and dialogue are urgently needed now”

    Briefing the Security Council on 14 December, Special Envoy for Yemen Hans Grundberg reported on the “considerable” escalation of the conflict following the evacuation of the Joint Forces from large parts of Hudaydah governorate. The Special Envoy said he remains concerned about the possibility of urban warfare in Ma’rib and stressed that military options will not result in sustainable solutions. He reiterated that a comprehensive inclusive political approach was needed and called on the parties to grant him unconditional and regular access.

    Full remarks at the Security Council here

    ‘An opportune moment’ to intensify cooperation to defeat violent extremism in Central Africa

    François Louncény Fall, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Regional Office for Central Africa (UNOCA), briefed the Security Council on 15 December on the situation in the subregion and the activities of UNOCA. On the Boko Haram and Islamic State in West Africa Province (ISWAP) threats in the Lake Chad Basin, he said it is the right moment to increase international support to national and regional efforts to defeat these groups as their activities seem to have been weakened by military operations. On climate change, he noted that UNOCA will continue to dedicate attention to this global priority and its potential linkages to peace and security, in partnership with other actors in the subregion.

    Watch the briefing highlights here


    Special Representative meets former President Karzai

    Deborah Lyons, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) met on 13 December the former President of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai in Kabul. They exchanged views on the humanitarian and economic situation. The Special Representative reaffirmed the UN's continued on-the-ground support to the Afghan people.


    Special Representative discusses political situation post-elections

    This week, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert continued discussions on Iraq’s stability. In Amman, she met with Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi. The following day on 13 December, she met with Iraqi Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein in Baghdad. On 14 December, she met with the leader of the Azm Alliance, Khamis al-Khanjar, and discussed the political situation including the result of the recently held parliamentary elections. In Baghdad on 15 December, she met with the leader of the Taqadoum Alliance, Mohammed al-Halbousi. 

    Capacity building workshop for youth on strengthening political engagement 

    On 11 December, a closing session of the capacity building workshops on youth political engagement took place in Baghdad. UNAMI, in coordination with the Committee for Dialogue and Societal Peace (CDSP) in the Prime Minister’s Office, had organized ten thematic participatory workshops between August and December 2021 to build the capacities of 50 youth from across Iraq on political participation. In his opening remarks, Director of the UNAMI Office of Political Affairs Mohammed Al-Najjar affirmed the important role of Iraqi youth as catalysts for change. “UNAMI will continue to support the Iraqi people for real reform and sustainable development,” said the Director.

    Read more here

    Human rights training for law enforcement

    The UN Office of Counter-Terrorism and the UNAMI Human Rights Office held a human rights training for Iraqi law enforcement officials from 12-13 December. The event focused on the promotion and protection of human rights standards during investigative interviewing, procedural safeguards to prevent torture and ill-treatment as well as best practices regarding the treatment of women and children.

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    UNAMI discusses rights of persons with disabilities

    The UNAMI Kirkuk office met on 15 December with the representatives of People with Disabilities. The representatives shared the challenges experienced in the sectors of employment, education, health and access to social services and made recommendations to address them. They further asked UNAMI to advocate for the full implementation of Law 38 (2013) on the Care of Persons with Disabilities and Special Needs, and the Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) for the protection of their rights. 

    Central Asia

    Central Asian Parliamentarians discusses action plans for addressing terrorism 

    On 14-15 December, UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA) convened the roundtable, “The Role of Parliamentarians in the Implementation of National Action Plans for Addressing Terrorism and Violent Extremism Conducive to Terrorism”, in partnership with the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) and its Programme Office in Doha. The hybrid meeting, participated by more than 60 officials, aimed to empower the Central Asian parliamentarians in elaborating and implementing national strategies and plans for addressing violent extremism through knowledge-sharing and establishing regional contacts. Opening the meeting, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNRCCA Natalia Gherman underlined that prevention of violent extremism and countering terrorism are among top priority areas of UNRCCA engagement in the region.

    Read more here


    Special Adviser Stephanie Williams arrives in Tripoli

    Stephanie Williams, Special Adviser for Libya, arrived in Tripoli on 12 December to lead the good offices and mediation efforts in close coordination with the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL). Over the past few days, she has met a broad range of Libyan interlocutors – including political, security and civil society representatives - throughout the country. She will work to help Libyans sustain the momentum created for national elections in support of the holding of presidential and parliamentary elections.

    Read more here

    West Africa and the Sahel

    Regional seminar on peacebuilding and conflict resolution

    The UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) organized a regional seminar on the "Contribution of religious and traditional actors to peacebuilding, conflict prevention and resolution in West Africa and the Sahel" from 16 to 17 December. The regional seminar aimed to promote the involvement of religious and traditional leaders in peacebuilding efforts. A network between religious actors, civil society and decision-makers is to be launched after the meeting.

    Read more here


    Special Representative discusses ongoing electoral process

    James Swan, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) met on 16 December with Somali civil society representatives to hear their views on the ongoing electoral process. They discussed points to improve to ensure credible, free and fair elections, including better access for independent observers throughout the process. On 14 December, the Special Representative held a meeting with international donors as well as federal and state electoral implementations teams where they underscored the need for ensuring credible and widely accepted elections process. 

    Great Lakes region

    Special Envoy Xia takes part in discussion on non-military measures against negative forces in DRC

    Huang Xia, Special Envoy for the Great Lakes region, took part of the multi-stakeholder expert discussion in Goma on 14 December. The meeting marked the start of the Operational Cell of the Contact and Coordination Group where the experts met to define a ‘modus operandi’ of the Group to coordinate non-military activities against negative forces in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. 


    Former combatants participate in reconciliation fair in Icononzo

    On 15 December, in Icononzo, Tolima, the UN Verification Mission supported the municipality's first "Reconciliation Fair." The second collection of the "Avanza" brand, a clothing workshop made up of former combatants, was launched at the event, with several companies from the municipality also present. Currently, more than 200 former combatants of the FARC-EP carry out their reintegration process in Icononzo. It is the closest to the Colombian capital, Bogotá, after a three-hour journey on a narrow road. The UN Development Programme as well as the Mayor's Office, Colombian Government Agency for Reintegration, and the National Council for Reintegration also participated in the event.

    DPPA Donor Group Meeting 

    DPPA met with its member State donors on 15 December to discuss the latest Multi-Year Appeal. During a virtual session hosted by the Permanent Mission of Norway, our colleagues presented a year-end update on its activities and funding. Donors also heard an overview of the UN’s mediation support in 2021, including the deployments of the Standby Team of mediation experts.


    ECOSOC-PBC meeting on COVID-19 pandemic, peacebuilding and sustainable development

    Addressing the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) Ambassadors on 15 December, Deputy Secretary-General Amina J. Mohammed stressed that the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, rising poverty and hunger, and persistent conflicts are threatening our ability to deliver on the promise of a better life for people and a healthy planet as set out in Agenda 2030. This year’s annual ECOSOC-PBC meeting heard from IMF Deputy Managing Director Antoinette Sayeh; World Bank Managing Director of Operations Axel van Trotsenburg; and private sector representatives from Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Mali. The ECOSOC and PBC members affirmed their commitment to working together in promoting coherence among UN development, humanitarian, human rights, and political actors, with women and girls at the center. They called for more action to promote vaccine equity and stressed the role of South-South cooperation (SSC) and advance long-term goals of economic recovery and peacebuilding. Recognizing the need to ensure adequate funding, especially for the Peacebuilding Fund, the Joint Sustainable Development Goals Fund, and UN Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), they also echoed the DSG’s call for a shift to a funding architecture that incentivizes collaboration and impact at scale. They welcomed ongoing United Nations efforts to enhance partnerships with civil society organizations, particularly women peacebuilders, and encouraged continuation of efforts for shared risk analysis.


    Watch full remarks by the DSG here

    Gender and Youth Promotion Initiative: Record number projects and sum approved  

    The annual PBF Gender and Youth Promotion Initiative (GYPI), launched in May, calls for proposals promoting the positive engagement of women and youth in peacebuilding. The GYPI focuses on promoting meaningful participation of women and youth in local peacebuilding, prioritizing the promotion and protection of civic spaces (notably regarding land, indigenous peoples and environmental issues) and promotion and strengthening of mental health and psychosocial well-being for women and youth as part of local peacebuilding processes. The PBF received a total of 275 applications, totaling USD 309 million, from UN agencies and CSOs in the 25 eligible countries. A record number of 38 projects, totaling $51.5 million, in 23 countries were approved this year; 19 of which focused on gender ($25.7 mil) and 19 on youth ($25.7 mil).  

    Group of Friends meeting

    The fourth quarter PBF Group of Friends meeting was held on 16 December, hosted by the United Kingdom (Group co-chair) with over thirty Member States in attendance. Brian Williams, Chief of Peacebuilding Support Office’s Financing for Peacebuilding Branch, briefed on the Fund’s status, noting how PBF was close to reaching its $200 million approval target for 2021, including a record $51.5 million for this year’s Gender and Youth Promotion Initiatives. Recent new donor commitments have enabled the Fund to reach over $590 million in contributions and pledges for its five-year Strategy; over a third of the $1.5 billion target two years into the Strategy. PBSO further briefed on UN-World Bank partnership and key insights from the recently published PBF Thematic Review on Gender-Responsive Peacebuilding. Member States commended the Fund’s thematic review practice. Switzerland and Canada shared how their recent contribution increases and shifts to multi-year commitments were achieved and encouraged sharing of financing practices among donors in the run-up to the General Assembly High-Level event on financing for peacebuilding in 2022. The Group will reconvene in the next quarter at the Ambassador-level Group of Friends meeting.

    Next Week

    Special Envoy Geir O. Pedersen will brief the Security Council on Syria on Monday, 20 December. Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Tor Wennesland will brief on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian Question, on Tuesday, 21 December.


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  • 17 Dic 2021

    Elections next year will be key to a better future for Lebanon, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Friday ahead of an official visit to the country later this weekend.  

  • 17 Dic 2021

    New York, 18 December 2021

    On this International Migrants Day, we recognize the contributions of migrants across the world in the face of many struggles including the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Migrants continue to face widespread stigmatization, inequalities, xenophobia, and racism. Migrant women and girls face heightened risk of gender-based violence and have fewer options to seek support...

  • 17 Dic 2021

    Intercommunal clashes that erupted in Cameroon’s Far North region over the past two weeks have driven at least 100,000 people from their homes, although the actual number may be much higher, UNHCR, the UN refugee agency, said on Friday. 

  • 17 Dic 2021

    Serious concerns over alleged severe human rights violations and abuses in Ethiopia should be investigated by an international rights probe, the Human Rights Council agreed in a vote on Friday.

  • 17 Dic 2021

    I am alarmed by the escalating violence in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, which is claiming the lives of Israelis and Palestinians.

    Last night, Palestinian assailants opened fire towards an Israeli vehicle near Nablus, in which one Israeli was killed and two others injured. Since this morning, there have been several retaliatory attacks by Israeli settlers against Palestinians in villages near...

  • 17 Dic 2021

    Participants at the security experts’ meeting on the implementation of the Action Plan of the Contact and Coordination Group. Goma, eastern DRC, 13 December 2021. UN Photo/Elisa Lux

  • 17 Dic 2021

    Ambassadors of Egypt, the EU and the US, joined by the Special Adviser to the United Nations Secretary General on Libya, Ms. Stephanie Williams, as co-chairs of the Economic Working Group of the Berlin Process, convened a plenary meeting on 15 December to discuss the progress of reunifying the Central Bank of Libya with Governor Saddek ElKabir and Deputy Governor Ali ElHebri. Governor ElKabir and Deputy Governor ElHebri summarized recent progress in their efforts to advance the...

  • 16 Dic 2021

    On Sunday afternoon, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Mr. Antonio Guterres, will arrive in Lebanon for a state visit.

    At this challenging time for Lebanon, this will be a visit of solidarity during which the...

  • 15 Dic 2021

    The UN Special Representative in South Sudan, Nicholas Haysom, issued a warning to the Security Council on Wednesday that new “headwinds” could threaten the country’s fragile peace accord, following years of brutal civil conflict. 

  • 15 Dic 2021

    The United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) is organizing on 16 and 17 December 2021 a regional seminar on the "Contribution of...

  • 15 Dic 2021

    DOHA, Qatar

    On 14-15 December, UNRCCA in partnership with the United Nations...

  • 14 Dic 2021

    Ongoing talks to get the Iran nuclear deal back on track indicate “additional effort and patience” are required for its full restoration, the UN political affairs chief told the UN Security Council in New York on Tuesday.

  • 14 Dic 2021

    Thank you, Mr. President for the invitation to brief the Council on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action and resolution 2231 (2015).


    On 29 November, diplomatic efforts on the JCPOA resumed in Vienna. The status of the negotiations indicate that the full restoration of the Plan and the resolution will require additional effort and patience.


    I recall that the JCPOA itself was the result of more than a decade of determined diplomacy. The endeavor, however, was worth it. The Plan, together with resolution 2231 (2015), is widely regarded as a cornerstone of nuclear non-proliferation, and an example of what dialogue and diplomacy can achieve.


    The Secretary-General hopes that in their current negotiations, the United States and the Islamic Republic of Iran will mobilize the same spirit and commitment that resulted in the JCPOA. There is simply no viable alternative to the full and effective implementation of the Plan and the resolution.


    In this regard, together with the Secretary-General, I appeal to the United States to lift or waive its sanctions as outlined in the Plan and extend the waivers regarding the trade in oil with the Islamic Republic of Iran. Also important is the extension of US waivers regarding certain civilian nuclear-related activities taking place at the Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant, the Fordow Facility, and the Arak reactor. Waiver extensions are also required for the transfer of enriched uranium out of Iran in exchange for natural uranium.


    We also call on the Islamic Republic of Iran to reverse the steps it has taken that are not consistent with its nuclear-related commitments under the Plan. In this reporting period, the International Atomic Energy Agency indicated that Iran has continued its research and development activities related to uranium metal production.


    While the Agency has not been able verify the stockpile of enriched uranium in the Islamic Republic of Iran, it estimates a total enriched uranium stockpile of 2489.7 kg, including 113.8 kg enriched up to 20% and 17.7 kg enriched up to 60% uranium-235 respectively.


    These exceed the limits agreed to in the JCPOA, which is a total enriched uranium stockpile of 202.8kg, enriched up to 3.67 per cent Uranium-235.  Moreover, on 1 December, the Agency reported that the Islamic Republic of Iran had also begun uranium enrichment using advanced centrifuges at the Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant.


    Furthermore, the Agency has reported that its “verification and monitoring activities have been seriously undermined as a result Iran’s decision to stop the implementation of its nuclear-related commitments under the JCPOA, including the Additional Protocol”.  


    Most recently, the Agency stressed that in the absence of regular access to its verification and monitoring equipment, as agreed to under the Plan, it is now becoming a significant challenge for the Agency to restore its “continuity of knowledge” concerning Iran’s nuclear activities.


    Mr. President,


    The Plan and resolution 2231 (2015) support our common objectives of nuclear non-proliferation and regional and international security. In this regard, the bilateral and multilateral initiatives to improve relationships with the Islamic Republic Iran are positive developments.


    It is important for the Islamic Republic of Iran to address concerns raised by participants in the Plan and by other Member States in relation to resolution 2231 (2015).


    We also call upon Member States and the private sector to engage in trade with the Islamic Republic of Iran and to utilize available arrangements, such as the International Support of Trade Exchanges (INSTEX), the procurement channel provided for in resolution 2231(2015) and the Swiss Humanitarian Trade Agreement, as appropriate.


    Mr. President,


    I will now turn to the measures set out in annex B to the resolution, as outlined in the Secretary-General’s twelfth report on the implementation of resolution 2231 (S/2021/995).


    First, on the nuclear-related provisions, no new proposals were submitted in the last six months to the procurement channel.  The Council, however, received eight notifications, submitted pursuant to paragraph 2 of annex B, for certain nuclear-related activities consistent with the Plan.


    During this reporting period, the Secretariat received information regarding the possible transfer of nuclear-related dual-use items to the Islamic Republic of Iran.


    In one instance, the Secretariat confirmed that the items exported from Germany were not on the list of dual-use items contained in resolution 2231, and hence did not require Council approval before transfer.


    In another instance, an individual was charged in Norway for providing technical assistance to four researchers from the Islamic Republic of Iran regarding an item on the dual-use items list contained in resolution 2231. This case is pending trial scheduled for 2022.    


    Second, regarding the ballistic missile-related provisions, France, Germany, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Israel, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, and the United States provided information to the Secretary-General and the Security Council concerning a ballistic missile launch in May 2021 and two space launch vehicle tests by the Islamic Republic of Iran in June 2021. The information provided reflects divergent views among those Member States as to whether those launches are inconsistent with paragraph 3 of the resolution.


    Third, the Secretariat received information, from Saudi Arabia and Israel, related to paragraph 4 of annex B to resolution 2231 (2015). This paragraph pertains to the supply, sale or transfer to or from the Islamic Republic of Iran of all items, materials, equipment, goods and technology as set out in Council document S/2015/546. This document includes ballistic missiles and UAV systems with a range of 300 km or more, including target and reconnaissance drones, and cruise missiles.


    The Secretariat examined the debris of six ballistic missiles, one cruise missile and several UAVs used in various attacks against Saudi Arabia. Saudi authorities believed that these weapons systems had been transferred to the Houthi fighters in a manner inconsistent with resolution 2231.


    The Secretariat also had the opportunity to examine the debris of an alleged Iranian UAV, intercepted by the Israel Defense Forces as the UAV entered Israeli airspace via the Jordanian border. Israeli authorities believe that this UAV was launched from either Iraq or Syria. The Secretariat is still analysing the information collected and will report back to the Council on these issues in due course, as appropriate.


    Finally, on the assets freeze provisions, the Secretariat received information from a Member State regarding financial and commercial activities of two individuals and one entity on the 2231 list, which may be inconsistent with the asset freeze. The Secretariat is currently analysing the information received, and will report back to the Council, as appropriate.


    Mr. President,


    In recent days, both Iran and the United States have again affirmed their seriousness in seeking to return to full implementation of the JCPOA. The Secretary-General is encouraged by these pledges and calls on both countries to expeditiously translate these commitments into a mutually acceptable agreement. He is grateful to the other Joint Commission participants for their continued diplomatic efforts and urges them to maintain a conducive environment for the continuation and completion of the talks in Vienna.


    In closing, I would like to thank the Facilitator for the implementation of resolution 2231 (2015), Her Excellency Ms. Geraldine Byrne Nason, as well as the Coordinator of the Procurement Working Group of the Joint Commission for our continued cooperation.


    Thank you, Mr. President.

  • 14 Dic 2021

    Yemen is teetering on a new “fragmented and bloody” chapter of war as military escalation and conflict escalates, Special Envoy Hans Grundberg told the Security Council on Tuesday, calling for “restraint, de-escalation and dialogue”.

  • 14 Dic 2021

    Respect for fundamental rights and freedoms by the de facto authorities in Afghanistan is critical to ensuring stability in the country, the UN Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights said on Tuesday in Geneva. 

  • 14 Dic 2021


    Thank you Mr. President.

    Mr. President, as...

  • 12 Dic 2021

    TRIPOLI, 12 December 2021 - The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) welcomes the arrival of Special Adviser to the United Nations Secretary-General (SASG) for Libya, Ms. Stephanie Williams in Tripoli on 12 December...

  • 11 Dic 2021

    Abuja, 10 December, 2021 - The United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), in collaboration with...

  • 11 Dic 2021

    New York, 12 December 2021

    As we enter the third year of the COVID-19 pandemic, we must urgently strengthen our health systems to ensure they are equitable, resilient and capable of meeting everyone’s needs, including for their mental health.

    COVID-19 has reached nearly every part of the world, but health coverage still has not.  The shockwaves of this health emergency are hitting...

  • 10 Dic 2021
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 


    Under-Secretary-General DiCarlo reaffirms UN support for Afghan people

    Under-Secretary-General (USG) Rosemary DiCarlo visited Afghanistan this week and reaffirmed the UN’s commitment to stay and deliver for the Afghan people. In Kabul from 7 to 9 December, Ms. DiCarlo held talks with senior Taliban representatives Mawlavi Abdul Kabir and Amir Khan Muttaqi, emphasizing the paramount importance of ensuring that all Afghans can take part in governance and public life. She also noted serious concerns about the situation of women and girls in the country. The Under-Secretary-General commended the work of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) and UN staff in the country, who continue to support the Afghan people at this critical time. “The UN has been in Afghanistan since 1949 and, as demonstrated during the recent crisis, we do not intend to abandon the Afghan people,” she said.

    Read more here

    Security Council

    Special Representative for Sudan: “This crisis is not over yet”

    Volker Perthes, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of United Nations Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS), briefed the Security Council on 10 December. He said in the last six weeks, Sudan’s political transition has been undergoing its greatest crisis to date. He noted that this crisis is not over yet, but discussions on the way forward have begun. He cautiously welcomed the 21 November political agreement between Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok and Lt. General Bu Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, which came following weeks of domestic and international efforts to find a way out of the crisis. He added that many feel betrayed by the coup, and now reject any negotiations or partnership with the military. On women’s participation in the political process, he reported that he and his team are in regular contact with women’s groups from across Sudan to hear their concerns. 


    Special Representative discusses political situation post-elections

    On 7 December, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI), Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, met with the leader of the Sadrist Movement, Sayyed Muqtada Al-Sadr, in Najaf. They discussed the current political situation in the country in light of the recently held general elections in Iraq.

    Human Rights and Diversity in Iraq

    Marking this year’s International Human Rights Day, the UNAMI Human Rights Office launched an art exhibit on 8 December in Baghdad celebrating Iraq’s rich linguistic, ethnic and religious diversity. Participants at the launch event had the opportunity to speak to artists and representatives of participating Iraqi components about the art and human rights issues in line with this year’s theme.  

    Read more here

    UNAMI discusses gender-based violence with women rights activists 

    As part of the global campaign of 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, UNAMI’s Human Rights Office and Iraqi Al Amal Association brought together on 7 December women rights activists to reaffirm their collective commitment to ending violence against women and girls in Iraq. In her opening remarks, Chief of the UNAMI Human Rights Office and OHCHR Representative in Iraq Danielle Bell emphasized the “urgent need for Iraqi law to protect the most vulnerable, especially at home”, noting that the current COVID-19 pandemic has vividly highlighted all the risk factors for violence against women and girls.

    Read more here

    Central Asia

    Central Asian states reaffirm commitment to the principles of preventive diplomacy 

    The eleventh annual meeting of the Deputy Foreign Ministers of the Central Asian states, convened by the United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA), took place in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, on 8 December 2021. Participants exchanged information on the latest developments and trends affecting peace and security in the region and discussed cooperation between UNRCCA and regional governments to address existing and emerging challenges. Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNRCCA Natalia Gherman underlined the continued efforts of the Central Asian countries to improve and strengthen regional interaction. High-level participants pointed to the crucial role of UNRCCA in supporting cooperation among Central Asian states and reaffirmed their commitment to the principles of preventive diplomacy.

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    West Africa and the Sahel

    Annual West Africa and Sahel Youth Forum

    The United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), in collaboration with the Economic Commission of West African States (ECOWAS) and the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, organized on 9 and 10 December the Annual West Africa and Sahel Youth Forum in Abuja. Participants discussed democracy, gender and peace, youth action, migration and the building of an innovation ecosystem. Young leaders also explored opportunities for African and diaspora youth. 


    New episode of “She Stands for Peace”

    This week’s episode of the UN Office to the African Union (UNOAU)'s podcast series on women in peace and political processes features UN Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights Ilze Brands Kehris. In this episode, she discusses the range of mechanisms to respect, protect, and promote women's rights before, during and post-conflict. She offers her insights on how to keep rights defenders safe in their interactions with the UN for human rights.

    Listen to the episode

    For more information on the podcast series, click here

    Developing New Technologies for Peace

    DPPA’s Innovation Cell, together with the Qatar Computing Research Institute (QCRI) of the Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU), convened a design lab, titled E-Analytics on innovative solutions for peace from 6 to 8 December in Doha, Qatar. In its fifth year, the lab brought together an unlikely group of collaborators, including UN political analysts, computer scientists, designers, and others. Exploring topics such as social media analysis, open-source investigations, natural language processing, and geospatial analysis, the course aimed at enhancing core analytical skills. Participants focused on re-purposing new technologies for preventing conflicts and building sustainable peace processes and resilient societies. 

    For more information

    New Appointment

    Secretary-General appoints Stephanie Williams as Special Adviser on Libya

    The Secretary-General has appointed Stephanie Williams of the United States as his Special Adviser on Libya. She will lead good offices and mediation efforts and engagements with Libyan regional and international stakeholders to pursue implementation of the three intra-Libyan dialogue tracks — political, security and economic — as well as support the holding of presidential and parliamentary elections in Libya.  



    Virtual visit to Democratic Republic of the Congo

    The Secretary General’s Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) took its donors on a virtual visit to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) on 6 December. The visit gave donors the opportunity to witness the positive impact of PBF support to community reintegration, social cohesion, inclusive local governance, and durable solutions in the context of the UN Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO) transition, particularly in the Kasai, Kasai Central and Tanganyika provinces. The visit also included interventions from recipient entities as well as local beneficiaries in Kasai Central, who highlighted the importance of linking peacebuilding efforts to inclusive development. Donors present in Kinshasa (and virtually) welcomed the PBF’s engagement and its efforts to create synergies across the Humanitarian-Development-Peace nexus. The visit was co-hosted by DRC Minister of Plan Christian Mwando Nsimba and David McLachlan Karr, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General, UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for the DRC (DSRSG/RC/HC).  

    Watch the Voices from the Field produced for this visit here

    Peacebuilding Commission discusses Post-Conflict Stabilization

    On 7 December, the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) discussed the contributions of Security Sector Reform (SSR) and Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) to peacebuilding and sustaining peace. Alexandre Zouev, Assistant Secretary-General for Rule of Law and Security Institutions of the Department of Peace Operations (DPO), gave an overview of related UN assistance, stressing the need for stronger political engagement, coordination, and partnerships. The Cabinet Director of the Office of the President in Côte d’Ivoire and the National DDR Coordinator . also took part in the meeting. The PBC expressed support for efforts to ensure adequate, predictable and sustained financing for DDR and SSR processes, so that these can effectively contribute to peacebuilding. The PBC welcomed the DPO-UNDP-World Bank SSR programme, and encouraged continuous action to strengthen partnerships. PBC members expressed interest in discussing the recommendations of two forthcoming reports of the Secretary-General to the Security Council on DDR and SSR. 

    Watch the video recording of the meeting

    UNODC report on the cost of piracy in the Gulf of Guinea

    As a follow-up to the PBC’s meeting on Piracy at the Gulf of Guinea in June, PBC Chair Mohamed Fathi Ahmed Edrees delivered remarks at the launching of the Stable Seas/UNODC report on the cost of piracy in the Gulf of Guinea on 7 December. In his remarks, the Chair acknowledged the importance of cross-regional initiatives between West and Central Africa to curb piracy in their respective maritime domains. He also recognized that capacity-building efforts must be owned by coastal countries and regional organizations and acknowledged that national authorities should be assisted in providing standardized and sustainable anti-piracy training to their own officials and to those of neighboring countries when possible. The Chair noted that the Stable Seas/UNODC report offers useful recommendations on how to focus even more on coherence and impact, and he encouraged stronger coordination among all concerned actors for the implementation of the Yaoundé Code of Conduct.

    Read more here

    PBC meeting on Sierra Leone 

    On 9 December, Sierra Leone’s government, civil society and private sector representatives updated the PBC on their roadmap for a more flexible engagement with the Commission, seeking additional support for their youth and women empowerment efforts. Following briefings by Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs Mamadi Gobeh Kamara, Minister of Planning and Economic Development Francis Kai-Kai, Minister of Youth Mohamed Orman Bangura, UN Deputy Special Representative for West Africa and the Sahel Giovanie Biha as well as civil society and private sector representatives, PBC members expressed support for national reconciliation efforts and underscored the role of the Independent Commission for Peace and National Unity, building on lessons from the truth and reconciliation process. They were concerned about increasing political polarization and called for peaceful and transparent elections in 2023. The PBC welcomed progress regarding the rights of women and girls and encouraged further measures to fight sexual and gender-based violence. They noted the country’s vulnerability to climate change and related pressures to natural resources that cause instability and stressed the need to empower youth green entrepreneurs. PBC members expressed appreciation and encouraged continuous Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) support to mitigate risks of renewed conflict.

    Watch the video recording of the meeting

    High-level dialogue on operationalizing burden and responsibility sharing

    Speaking at the high-level dialogue on operationalizing burden and responsibility sharing, organized by the Group of Friends on Burden and Responsibility Sharing in Geneva on 9 December, the PBC Chair said the PBC has focused on supporting efforts to address the root causes of forced displacement through its country and regional engagements, even if it has not held any dedicated meetings on displacement issues. He referred to recent PBC discussions on the Sahel and the Lake Chad Basin, during which the Commission expressed concern about inter-communal violence, the farmer-herder conflict and forced displacement and committed to supporting efforts that aim to address these challenges. He stressed the need to tackle the transboundary aspects of forced displacement through regional approaches, and presented the PBC as a platform where concerned Member States and sub-regional organizations can share their experiences and seek further support in addressing challenges related to forced displacement and peacebuilding. 

    Next Week

    On 14 December, Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo will brief the Security Council on Non-proliferation and Special Envoy Hans Grundberg on the situation in Yemen. The same day, at 4:30 pm EDT, the Peacebuilding Commission will hold a virtual meeting on Papua New Guinea.


    On 15 December, Special Representative François Louncény Fall will brief the Security Council on Central Africa, and the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and the Peacebuilding Commission will hold a joint meeting.

    Using New Technologies for Inclusive Peace

    DPPA’s Innovation Cell is organizing an event on 11 December at 4pm EDT on the future of Peace Tech at the Expo 2020 Dubai to discuss how new technologies can promote inclusive peace solutions. The event will be held in a hybrid format and open to public virtually.

    Join the discussion here

  • 10 Dic 2021

    In the wake of the 25 October military takeover in Sudan, discussions on the way forward are underway but restoring trust will be a challenge, the top UN official in the country, Volker Perthes, told the Security Council on Friday. 

  • 10 Dic 2021


    New York, 10 December 2021

    Our world is at a crossroads.

    The COVID-19 pandemic, the climate crisis and the expansion of digital technology into all areas of our lives have created new threats to human rights.

    Exclusion and discrimination are rampant.


  • 10 Dic 2021

    ‘Free and Safe Participation of Libyans in Public Life Is Essential for Success of the Political Process’

  • 10 Dic 2021

    Mogadishu – In marking this year’s Human Rights Day, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Somalia calls on...

  • 10 Dic 2021

    Mogadishu – In marking this year’s Human Rights Day, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Somalia calls on...

  • 9 Dic 2021

    KABUL - Marking International Human Rights Day, the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) underscores the significance of the Universal Declaration...

  • 9 Dic 2021

    The UN’s Political and Peacebuilding Affairs chief, Rosemary DiCarlo, concluded a three-day visit to Afghanistan on Thursday in which she met with senior Taliban representatives, urging them not to “erase” gains made by women and girls across the country in recent years.  

  • 9 Dic 2021

    Environmental degradation enables armed groups to extend their influence and manipulate resources to their advantage, the UN chief told the Security Council on Thursday, highlighting that conflict-prevention initiatives need to factor in climate risks.

  • 9 Dic 2021

    KABUL - The United Nations remains committed to the people of Afghanistan and will continue to support their efforts to build an inclusive, just and peaceful society, said Under-Secretary-General for...

  • 9 Dic 2021

    Mogadishu – Marking International Anti-Corruption Day, the United Nations’ Secretary-General’s Deputy Special Representative for Somalia today praised the Federal...

  • 9 Dic 2021

    Mogadishu– On the occasion of International Anti-Corruption Day, the Special Representative of the Secretary-...

  • 8 Dic 2021

    Abuja, 8 December, 2021 - The United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) in collaboration with the Economic Commission of West African States (ECOWAS), and with the...

  • 8 Dic 2021

    The UN refugee agency (UNHCR) on Wednesday expressed outrage over an attack on a convoy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in which one of its vehicles was hit, wounding three staff members

  • 8 Dic 2021

    A meeting to boost support for UN Peacekeeping ended on Wednesday with 62 countries making new pledges, and advancing existing commitments, to help enhance the performance and impact of these operations worldwide. 

  • 8 Dic 2021

    The 55th round of the Geneva International Discussions (GID) took place in the Palais des Nations on 7 and 8 December 2021, with requisite COVID-19 pandemic mitigation measures in place. As mandated by the six-point agreement of 2008, the GID process continues to serve as the primary venue in which the consequences of conflict are addressed and other important issues are discussed.

    The 55th round began with meetings to address issues of importance to conflict affected populations, including freedom of movement and related issues, as well as an expert exchange between medical professionals focused on the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Over the course of two days, participants met in the GID’s two parallel working groups focused on security and humanitarian issues, respectively. The overall security situation on the ground was assessed as relatively stable. Discussions once again addressed the GID’s core agenda item of non-use of force and international security arrangements. Participants engaged in frank exchanges on outstanding issues such as freedom of movement, documentation, and travel abroad, detentions, unresolved missing persons cases, and specific security concerns in localised areas.

    However, despite constructive engagement on a variety of humanitarian issues, a discussion on the core issue of internally displaced persons and refugees could not take place due to a walkout by some participants.

    The Co-Chairs welcomed the continued function of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM) in Ergneti, and took note of positive signals on the potential resumption of the Gali IPRM.

    The Co-Chairs again called on all participants to increase efforts to build trust and confidence and to address all elements of comprehensive and human security, including by engaging constructively in technical-level discussions, as well as with international humanitarian and human rights organisations.

    The participants agreed to hold their next meeting in Geneva on 29 and 30 March 2022.

  • 8 Dic 2021


    Dear Libyans, dear UN colleagues,

    As the last day of my tenure as the...

  • 8 Dic 2021

    TRIPOLI, December 8, 2021 – Officials from Libya with representatives from the European Union, the United Nations and the World Bank today launched a Recovery and...

  • 8 Dic 2021

    Eleventh Annual Meeting of Deputy Foreign Ministers of Central Asian States (Dushanbe, 8 December 2021)


  • 7 Dic 2021

    With the world now facing the highest number of violent conflicts since 1945, Secretary-General António Guterres on Tuesday urged countries to step up support for UN peacekeeping operations across the globe, and the thousands who serve within them. 

  • 7 Dic 2021

    New York, 07 December 2021

    On International Civil Aviation Day, we recognize the many contributions of air travel to our world – from connecting societies and delivering vital goods to supporting millions of livelihoods and contributing billions to the global economy.

    COVID-19 continues to put deep stresses on international aviation, even as...

  • 6 Dic 2021

    The Special Representative of the Secretary-General in the Democratic Republic of the Congo told the Security Council on Monday that “a lasting solution” to the violence “requires a broader political commitment to address the root causes of conflict.” 

  • 6 Dic 2021

    Millions of people in Ethiopia could be pushed deeper into hunger as the World Food Programme (WFP) faces a major funding shortfall that threatens its operations there over the coming six months, the UN agency warned on Monday. 

  • 6 Dic 2021

    Out now! Season 2 | Episode 17 | She Stands For Peace | Click here:

  • 6 Dic 2021

    Mogadishu - Mr. Abdulkadir Mohamed Abdullahi was born in the rural area of the Mudug region, Puntland, in Somalia, in 1992, with...

  • 4 Dic 2021

    The Special Representative for West Africa and the Sahel, Mahamat Saleh ANNADIF, congratulates the Gambian people on the successful holding of...

  • 4 Dic 2021

    New York, 05 December 2021

    On International Volunteer Day, we recognize the contribution of volunteers to peace and development worldwide.

    This year’s theme – ‘Volunteer now for our common future’ – highlights the myriad ways in which volunteers are helping to get us back on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals....

  • 3 Dic 2021
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 
    “We need to ensure adequate, predictable, and sustained financing for peacebuilding”

    Addressing the Peacebuilding Commission on 29 November, Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo stressed that scaled-up preventive action could prevent loss of human life and incalculable suffering. Pointing to the Secretary-General’s Our Common Agenda report, she reiterated the importance of building on the current momentum to ensure adequate, predictable, and sustained financing for peacebuilding. Participants, including the President of the General Assembly and representatives of the African Development Bank, the World Bank and the private sector, engaged in an interactive dialogue and agreed that it was time to abandon business as usual and to turn Our Common Agenda into action by putting financial, political and human resources to work for a more stable and environmentally sound future. 

    Security Council

    Wronecka: “Commitments must translate into actions if Lebanon’s leadership intends to overcome the country’s deep crisis”

    Joanna Wronecka, Special Coordinator of the Secretary-General for Lebanon, briefed on 29 November on the implementation of Security Council Resolution 1701 (2006) and the situation in Lebanon. Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations Jean-Pierre Lacroix and UNIFIL Force Commander Major General Stefano del Col also provided briefings. Special Coordinator Wronecka recognized the recent formation of a Government as a positive development while regretting that it had not resulted in progress in the implementation of a reform agenda since her last briefing to the Security Council in July. Noting the deteriorating socio-economic conditions in Lebanon and their acute impact on people’s daily lives, she hoped the Lebanese Cabinet would resume its meetings, suspended since 12 October, and take urgent measures in the interest of the country and the people.  

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    Middle East Special Coordinator warns risk of 'deadly escalation' in violence 

    Tor Wennesland, Special Coordinator of the Secretary-General for the Middle East Peace Process, briefed the Security Council on 30 November. He said that settler violence against Palestinians is alarmingly high. While he welcomed the recent decision to allow plans for thousands of new homes for Palestinians, he also criticized Israeli settlement expansion and demolitions, saying they lead the sides further away from peace talks. “It is essential that the parties avoid unilateral steps, reduce flashpoints and violence across the Occupied Palestine Territory, solidify the cessation of hostilities,”  the Special Coordinator ,said, noting the need for concerted efforts towards meaningful negotiations to resolve the conflict. 

    Full remarks at the Security Council here

    Press briefing here

    Central Asia

    UNRCCA co-organizes training course on cross-border cooperation

    The United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA) and the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Office (UNOCT) conducted from 30 November to 3 December a training course focused on good practices to expand cross-border cooperation and information sharing to counter terrorism. Held in partnership with the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS) of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) in Istanbul with more than 70 officials from all Central Asian states participating, the discussion included legal and operational issues, challenges related to foreign terrorist fighters, responsive use and sharing of biometric data, institutional integrity and anti-corruption as well as human rights issues. Participants also raised the challenges related to the recent developments in Afghanistan and how they affect security and operational issues at the border with Central Asia. 

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    Special Representative Gherman inaugurates Discussion Club of Women Entrepreneurs

    Natalia Gherman, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNRCCA addressed on 3 December the Inaugural Meeting of the Discussion Club of Women Entrepreneurs of Central Asia. The meeting, “Enhancing the Contribution of Women Entrepreneurs to the Economic Growth and Prosperity in Central Asia”, was organized under the aegis of the Central Asia Women Leaders’ Caucus, a platform launched in December 2020 with the support of UNRCCA and UNDP to enhance the political, economic and social participation of women in the region. In her remarks, the Special Representative noted the importance of the continuous efforts of the Caucus towards supporting women's economic potential and economic initiatives in Central Asia. She also stressed the need to explore creative ways of engaging with Afghan women in the work of both the Discussion Club and the Caucus. 

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    UNAMI organizes a strategy discussion on gender-based violence

    As part of the global campaign of 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, the Human Rights Office of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) facilitated a strategy discussion in Basra on improving response to gender-based violence in the southern governorates of Iraq. Participants emphasized that the adoption of the draft anti-domestic violence law by Parliament was a crucial and a long-awaited step to support survivors of domestic violence and must be part of the process of recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. 

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    Head of UNAMI Erbil office discusses political developments in the Kurdistan region 

    On 29 November, Head of the UNAMI Regional Office in Erbil Ricardo Rodriguez met with President of the Kurdistan Region's Parliament Rewaz Faiq. The discussion focused on the current political developments in the Kurdistan Region. 


    Special Envoy hears about progress achieved on preparations for upcoming elections

    Ján Kubiš, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), met on 1 December with Chairman Imad al-Sayeh of Libya’s High National Elections Commission. The Special Envoy was briefed about the progress made so far by the Elections Commission in the preparation for holding parliamentary and presidential elections on 24 December. He praised the High National Elections Commission’s extraordinary efforts to implement the election, despite technical challenges in a short timeframe, amid a heavily polarized political climate. He echoed the Security Council’s call on all stakeholders and candidates to respect their commitments towards the holding of elections.

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    Great Lakes region

    Launch of the Great Lakes Women Entrepreneurs’ Network

    On 2 December, the Great Lakes Women Entrepreneurs’ Network was launched in Nairobi, officiated by Special Envoy for the Great Lakes region Huang Xia and President of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) Private Sector Forum Richard Ngatia. This initiative is a follow-up to the regional workshop for women business leaders held in December 2019 in Nairobi. The Network is in line with the UN Strategy for Peace Consolidation, Conflict Prevention and Conflict Resolution for the region, as it places a strong emphasis on gender equality and women’s empowerment. Women entrepreneurs in the Great Lakes region account for about 70% of cross-border traders, and their role as catalysts for the region’s economic growth is recognized as contributing to the consolidation of peace and security in the Great Lakes region. 

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    African Union

    "The partnership between our organizations is stronger than ever"

    The fifth United Nations-African Union Annual Conference was held on 1 December in New York. The meeting discussed several areas of UN cooperation with the African Union, including the pandemic’s impact on the African continent, climate, the situation in the Horn of Africa, Libya, the Sahel and other areas of concern, including the COVID pandemic and the issues of vaccines. Secretary-General António Guterres and Chairperson of the African Union Commission Moussa Faki Mahamat held a joint press conference after the annual meeting. A joint Communiqué was issued, welcoming the continued‑ strong cooperation between the two organizations. 

    Read the Joint Communiqué 

    West Africa and the Sahel

    High-level visit to The Gambia ahead of elections

    Mahamat Saleh Annadif, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), began on 3 December a three-day visit to The Gambia. The Special Representative is accompanied by Assistant Secretary-General Martha Ama Akyaa Pobee, who is on a familiarization visit after taking office as Assistant Secretary-General for Africa of the Departments of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs and Peace Operations. During the visit, they will meet with election observation missions deployed to The Gambia, civil society organizations and the UN country team to support the Gambia in its efforts to organize a peaceful, inclusive and transparent presidential election, scheduled for 4 December 2021.

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    UN in Somalia and government launches a new joint programme on women empowerment

    Somalia now benefits from a new Women, Peace and Protection Joint Programme launched on 30 November and funded by the Peacebuilding Fund and the Somalia Multi Partner Trust Fund. The Programme is the result of inclusive consultations, collective planning, and prioritization in the area of women, peace and security. It will be implemented by UNDP and UN Women, in partnership with the Ministry of Women and Human Rights Development and the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM). The programme aims to promote women’s meaningful participation in peacebuilding processes in Somalia, particularly in decision-making and leadership roles, and to sustain peace at national and community levels. “If sustained peace and stability were to be achieved, we need to address the rise in incidents of violence and misogyny; the exclusion of Somali women from decision-making; and a myriad of challenges they are facing,” said Adam Abdelmoula, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General, UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia, opening the event.

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    Childcare center opens in Tolima for children of former combatants 

    On 30 November, the childcare center “Huellitas Marquetalianas” was inaugurated in El Oso, a small village in Gaitania, south of the department of Tolima. The center will host about 25 children of former combatants and of surrounding communities, serving as a safe play space for learning. During half a century of armed conflict, the FARC prohibited female fighters from becoming pregnant. Since the FARC laid down their weapons, there has been a baby boom, and childcare needs have ballooned. The United Nations Verification Mission supported this initiative by taking part in the painting of the façade of the Centre.

    Youth, Peace, and Security

    Assistant Secretary-General Khiari reaffirms UN’s support to ASEAN’s efforts on YPS Agenda

    The first ASEAN Regional Forum Workshop on Youth, Peace, and Security (YPS) was held on 1-2 December, co-hosted by ASEAN Chair Brunei Darussalam and the United States. In his address, Assistant Secretary-General for Middle East, Asia and the Pacific Khaled Khiari stressed that YPS is premised on the voices and active involvement of youth being integral to all our efforts in building long-lasting peace and reaffirmed the UN’s support to ASEAN's efforts on promoting the YPS Agenda. 

    UNSMIL Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator amplifies youth role in peace processes 

    Georgette Gagnon, Assistant Secretary-General and Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), participated in the National Youth Conference held on 27 November in Tripoli. In her remarks, she recalled Security Council resolution 2250 (2015) on Youth, Peace, and Security and stressed the critical importance of young peoples’ participation and leadership in peace and security efforts. “Your engagement in political life as a critical catalyst and force of change can transform the political environment and culture and contribute to putting Libya further on the path of democracy, stability, unity, and prosperity,” she said. 

    Read her full remarks



    Chad’s transition roadmap presented to the Peacebuilding Commission

    The Peacebuilding Commission convened on 2 December to receive a high-level Chadian delegation, led by Prime Minister Albert Pahimi Padacké, to discuss the transitional roadmap and challenges in mobilizing international assistance for Chad. Speaking on behalf of Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Regional Office for Central Africa François Louncény Fall on 2 December, DPPA Regional Director Michael Kingsley emphasized the urgency of the international community to come together to support Chad, and ensured full and integrated support by the UN system during the delicate transition process. The meeting featured high-level representatives of the Peacebuilding Commission and other partners, including the Lake Chad Basin Commission. The participants highlighted the multidimensional regional security challenges affecting Chad during its national transition process and expressed willingness to accompany the Chadian authorities in promoting an inclusive implementation of the transition process. A joint statement was issued after the meeting. 

    Innovation Cell supports first digital citizen dialogue in Bolivia

    The Resident Coordinator's Office in Bolivia, in partnership with the Vice-Presidency of the Plurinational State, conducted on 2 December two digital dialogues to explore trust-building and reconciliation and discuss the 2019 and 2020 events as well as the hopes for the country’s future. DPPA’s Innovation Cell supported the dialogues, which saw the participation online of over 200 women and men from various parts of the country. Part of the Innovation Cell’s Artificial Intelligence-enabled digital dialogues portfolio, the Bolivia Dialogues were designed in collaboration with DPPA’s regional and mediation experts. 

    New episode of “She Stands for Peace”

    This week’s episode of UNOAU's podcast series on women in peace and political processes features Candice Mama, an author and activist from South Africa whose work has centered on trauma, reconciliation, and forgiveness. In this episode, she talks about her experience meeting and forgiving the man who murdered her father during Apartheid. Candice shares her thoughts on how we might approach reconciliation differently, how to support survivors of trauma, and the importance of accurate historical education for peacebuilding.

    Listen to the episode

    For more information on the podcast series, click here

    Next Week

    Under Niger's presidency, the Security Council will hold an open debate on the maintenance of international peace and security: Security in the context of terrorism and climate change, on 9 December. Special Representative Volker Perthes will brief on the situation in Sudan on 10 December. 


    The Peacebuilding Commission will host Virtual Ambassadorial-level meetings on Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration/Security Sector Reform on 7 December, and on Sierra Leone on 9 December.

    Global Call for Nominations 

    Secretary-General’s Global Call for Nominations to identify Heads and Deputy Heads for United Nations Field Missions will close on 10 December. The Global Call aims to expand the pool of candidates for the leadership positions of Special Representative and Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General. 

    For more information


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