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Reports and Policy Documents


  • 14 апр 2023

    At a time of terrible divisions in the world, leaders from multiple faiths joined together at UN Headquarters in New York on Friday to observe a moment of prayer for peace. 

  • 14 апр 2023

    Hate speech is an alarm bell – the louder it rings, the greater the threat of genocide, the UN chief said on Friday as the General Assembly commemorated the International Day of Reflection on the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda.

  • 14 апр 2023

    Nearly a decade after Boko Haram militants abducted 276 schoolgirls from their dormitory in Chibok, northeast Nigeria, 96 remain in captivity, the UN children’s agency UNICEF said on Friday. 

  • 14 апр 2023

    Photo by ICRC

    Nearly 900 conflict-related detainees are being released by the parties in Yemen starting today, Friday, and over the course of three days. This comes under implementation...

  • 13 апр 2023
    Briefing by Carlos Ruiz Massieu, SRSG and Head of the UN Verification Mission in Colombia Security Council Meeting April 2023

    Thank you, Mr...

  • 13 апр 2023

    The international community must take immediate action to stop Israel’s forced evictions and displacement of Palestinians in East Jerusalem as part of Israel’s annexation and “de-Palestinianization” of the city, UN-appointed independent rights experts said on Thursday.

  • 13 апр 2023

    Fully implementing the agreement that ended five decades of conflict in Colombia and promoting dialogue with armed groups to reduce violence are critical to consolidate peace in the country, UN Special Representative Carlos Ruiz Massieu told the Security Council on Thursday. 

  • 12 апр 2023

    UN chief António Guterres on Wednesday reaffirmed the world body’s commitment to supporting the Horn of Africa country as it continues on its path to establishing lasting peace and stability.

  • 12 апр 2023

    The security situation in Mali remains quite volatile, marked by pockets of terrorist violence, with devastating consequences for civilians, the top UN official there said on Wednesday. 

  • 12 апр 2023

    Mogadishu – Wrapping up his solidarity visit to Somalia, the United Nations chief today reaffirmed the world body’s commitment to supporting the Horn...

  • 12 апр 2023

    Ladies and gentlemen of the press, 

    I wish to thank President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and the people of Somalia for their warm welcome.

    I am happy to be back here during the Holy Month of...

  • 11 апр 2023

    Mogadishu – Continuing his tradition of carrying out solidarity visits to Muslim countries during the Holy Month of...

  • 11 апр 2023

    Your Excellency Mr. President,

    Dear members of the press,

    I am happy to be back in Somalia, six years after my first visit as Secretary-General, not to mention the many...

  • 11 апр 2023

    Your Excellency Mr. President,

    Dear members of the press,

    I am happy to be back in Somalia, six years after my first visit as Secretary-General, not to mention the many visits as High Commissioner for...

  • 11 апр 2023

    Continuing his tradition of carrying out solidarity visits to Muslim countries during the Holy Month of Ramadan, the United Nations chief today landed in Somalia, where he underlined the need for international engagement to alleviate the country’s dire humanitarian situation and aid with state-building efforts.

  • 11 апр 2023

    The United Nations has denounced deadly airstrikes carried out by the Myanmar Armed Forces which reportedly killed at least 100 people in an opposition stronghold in the northwest on Tuesday. 

  • 11 апр 2023

    KABUL -  The United Nations in Afghanistan reiterates its...

  • 10 апр 2023

    On 11 April, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General to the AU and Head of UNOAU, Parfait Onanga-Ayanga met with the Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Ethiopia, Yevgeny...

  • 10 апр 2023



  • 10 апр 2023

    Secretary-General António Guterres has underscored the importance of implementing the Peace Agreement in Colombia, and advancing dialogue, in his latest quarterly report on the UN Mission in the country, published on Monday. 

  • 10 апр 2023

    Talks between Saudi and Omani delegations with officials from the Houthi rebel movement in Yemen’s capital Sana’a over the weekend, were described as “a welcome step towards the de-escalation in tensions”, by the UN Spokesperson on Monday.

  • 10 апр 2023

    Implementing the many global tools aimed at controlling the trade and transfer of weapons – ranging from tracing instruments, to export rules, to safe storage guidelines and beyond – is crucial to prevent arms from falling into the wrong hands, the UN’s senior disarmament official told the Security Council on Monday.

  • 8 апр 2023

     07 April 2023

    In presence of the Special Representative of the Secretary General in Libya,...

  • 7 апр 2023

    Benghazi - 07 April 2023

    First, I would like to thank the 5+5 JMC and the leaders of the security...

  • 6 апр 2023


    Secretary-General condemns Taliban’s decision to ban Afghan women from working with the United Nations

    The United Nations strongly condemned a Taliban decision banning Afghan women from working for the Organization. The Secretary-General stressed that the ban also violates Afghanistan’s obligations under international human rights law, and infringes on the principle of non-discrimination, which is a core tenet underpinning the United Nations Charter. The Secretary-General emphasizes that female staff members are essential to the UN operations, including in the delivery of life-saving assistance, and that the enforcement of this decision will harm the Afghan people, millions of whom need assistance. 


    Special Coordinator Wronecka discusses importance of presidential election

    Special Coordinator of the Secretary-General for Lebanon Joanna Wronecka held meetings in Beirut this week to follow up on key constitutional milestones for Lebanon and political developments as well as the security situation in the country. In her separate meetings with Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri and caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati, the Special Coordinator reiterated the importance of holding the election of a new President after five months of vacuum, the formation of a new government and the implementation of urgent reforms. She also discussed with the caretaker Minister of Finance, Ghazi Wazni, the urgent need to adopt the 2023 budget. She also welcomed the announcement for municipal elections in May. She hoped that all stakeholders will take the steps needed to ensure a smooth, inclusive and transparent electoral process and enable the Lebanese to exercise their political rights.


    UN envoy Grundberg calls for inclusive political process to end Yemen conflict

    On the one-year anniversary of the truce agreement on 2 April, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen Hans Grundberg called for an inclusive political process to comprehensively and sustainably end the conflict in Yemen. A Truce agreement is broadly holding even though it expired in October 2020, he wrote, but there are still significant risks. Grundberg has been engaging with the parties and other Yemeni actors, as well as regional and international stakeholders, to build consensus around launching an inclusive political process.

    Read the Special Envoy’s full message here


    DSRSG Cordone visits Kirkuk Governorate to discuss the participation of women and minorities in upcoming elections

    On a visit to Kirkuk Governorate on 4 April, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq for Political Affairs and Electoral Assistance Claudio Cordone held separate meetings with the Acting Governor, Rakan Al-Jouburi, Head of the Iraq Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) office, Loay Arkan Ali Rostem, representatives of Kirkuk's components and civil society. Discussions focused on the forthcoming Provincial Council’s elections including the participation of women and minorities as well as the overall situation in the governorate. 


    Special Representative Bathily visits Sudan, Chad and Niger to discuss restoring peace and stability in Libya

    On 5 April, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Libya Abdoulaye Bathily completed his first official visit to Sudan, Chad and Niger. During the visit, he discussed restoring peace and stability in Libya, including through the withdrawal of foreign fighters, foreign forces and mercenaries from the country. The visit was in support of the 5+5 Joint Military Committee (JMC) Action Plan that established the Liaison Committees of Sudan, Chad and Niger and supported the full implementation of the ceasefire agreement brokered by the UN and signed by Libyan parties in October 2020.

    Read more here

    West Africa and the Sahel

    UNOWAS commends Liberian political parties for pledging peaceful elections

    The Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General (DSRSG) and Officer in Charge of the UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), Giovanie Biha, has commended political parties in Liberia for signing the Revised Farmington River Declaration 2023, pledging their commitment to peaceful, transparent, and credible elections in October 2023. DSRSG Biha visited Liberia to participate in the signing ceremony and discuss ways of reinforcing UN-Liberia partnership ahead of the presidential and parliamentary elections. She met with President George Manneh Weah and other authorities, civil society organizations, and the UN Country Team to renew the UN's support for consolidating peace and democracy in Liberia.

    Read more here


    Newly appointed UN Special Representative for Haiti takes up her functions

    This week, the new Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH), María Isabel Salvador, took up her official functions. On 3 April, she met the Secretary-General and discussed support efforts for Haitians to restore democratically elected institutions.

    Policy and Mediation

    DPPA Policy and Mediation Division releases Arabic translation of its guidance on ceasefire mediation for conflict resolution

    This week, DPPA released the Arabic translation of its Guidance on the Mediation of Ceasefires. Drawing on the UN's decades of experience supporting ceasefires, the document provides a comprehensive overview of the various types of ceasefires, alongside illustrative examples from around the world. The Guidance offers a reference for stakeholders seeking a path out of conflict, including planning considerations for mediators and parties for ceasefire negotiations and the implementation of ceasefire agreements. It also offers innovative options to strengthen the inclusion and meaningful participation of women.

    Read more here  

    Access the report in Arabic here

    Security Council

    Security Council Affairs Division publishes monthly roundup 

    DPPA’s Security Council Affairs Division (SCAD) circulated its "United Nations Security Council in Review" for March 2023. The monthly newsletter offers an overview of the activity of the Security Council under the presidency of Mozambique, which included 28 formal meetings, 11 consultations, seven decisions, one press statement, and four Arria-formula meetings. Its signature events included a high-level open debate on Women, Peace and Security.

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    Peacebuilding Commission

    Members of the Peacebuilding Commission attend a strategic capacity-building workshop on youth, peace and security

    On 4 April, DPPA and the Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA) organized the first ever expert-level strategic capacity-building workshop on youth, peace and security (YPS) for the members of the Peacebuilding Commission. The workshop provided a platform for participants to discuss ways to strengthen the role of the Commission in advancing the YPS agenda, with a focus on promoting full, effective and meaningful participation of youth and mainstreaming a youth perspective. The participants expressed their commitment to continuing to advance the agenda through the work of the Commission and strengthen the implementation of the Commission’s strategic action on youth and peacebuilding.


    UN and World Bank review “Pathways for Peace” report legacy

    The UN and World Bank are coordinating a policy initiative to assess the legacy and relevance of the "Pathways for Peace" report, which was published five years ago. Two consultations took place this week, gathering reflections from academics, policy makers and practitioners. On 4 April, the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) organized a consultation that brought together European researchers, practitioner and policymakers. On 6 April, UNDP hosted a consultation in the framework of the International Dialogue on Peacebuilding and Statebuilding, which brought together Sierra Leone and Canada from the g7+ and INCAF constituencies, as well as the Civil Society Platform for Peacebuilding and Statebuilding (CSPPS). The outcome of the consultations may serve as inputs to various processes, including the ongoing work on the Secretary-General's New Agenda for Peace, deliberations of the Peacebuilding Commission and the mid-term review of the World Bank’s five-year Fragility, Conflict and Violence strategy.   

    Mine Action

    Head of UNMHA delivers message on International Day for Mine Awareness

    The head of the UN Mission to support the Hudaydah Agreement (UNMHA), Major General (retired) Michael Beary, delivered a special message to the people of Hudaydah and to Yemen on the International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action on 4 April. Beary reaffirmed UNMHA’s readiness to provide all necessary support, technical advice and coordination on mine removal in Hudaydah.  The Mission also released a video featuring Mine Action Advisor Leon Visagie Louw.

    Watch the videos here

    UNITAMS holds mine awareness event

    The UN Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS) commemorated International Day for Mine Awareness on 5 April with an event in Khartoum with the National Mine Action Authority. As of April 2023, 2,572 people have fallen victim to landmines and other explosive remnants of war in Sudan. The Mission emphasized the urgency of clearing Sudanese land of all explosive hazards to enable the full recovery of concerned communities

    Read more here

    UN Office to the African Union participates in event on global efforts to achieve a mine-free world

    Ahead of the International Day for Mine Awareness, the UN Office to the African Union (UNOAU) participated in an event held by the African Union (AU) Peace and Security Council. In his remarks, Special Representative of the Secretary-General Parfait Onanga-Anyanga underscored the AU’s role in the fight to achieve a mine-free world. He further emphasized that the United Nations has been helping states to free themselves from the threat of mines, explosive remnants of war, and improvised explosive devices for more than 25 years.

    Read more here

    Next Week

    On Monday, the Security Council will hold an open debate on threats to international peace and security: Risks stemming from violations of the agreements regulating the export of weapons and military equipment. On Thursday, Special Representative of the Secretary-General Carlos Ruiz Massieu will brief the Council on the situation in Colombia. 

    Subscribe to This Week in DPPA here

    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org


  • 6 апр 2023

    The Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Officer in Charge of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS),...

  • 6 апр 2023
    In the Department of Guainía, Indigenous Female  Leaders gathered to strengthen their skills to consolidate political participation

    Female Indigenous leaders...

  • 6 апр 2023

    As the world marks the grim anniversary of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, during which Hutu and others who opposed the massacre were also killed, the UN Secretary-General has said that a generation since those horrific events, “we must never forget what happened – and ensure future generations always remember.”

  • 6 апр 2023

    The UN on Thursday condemned the multiple rockets fired into Israel from across its northern border with Lebanon, urging “all actors to exercise maximum restraint”, following several days of rising tension and violence, centred around Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa mosque.

  • 5 апр 2023

    Visit the virtual exhibition from 6 April - 15 June 2023 that reveals the lives of those impacted by war, trauma, displacement and exile through the Holocaust, genocide and...

  • 5 апр 2023

    The 57th round of the Geneva International Discussions (GID) took place on 4-5 April 2023 in two working groups meeting in parallel, in line with the Six-Point Agreement of 12 August 2008 and the Implementing Measures of 8 September 2008.

    The participants reviewed security and humanitarian developments since the previous GID round held in October 2022.

    Against the backdrop of the highly challenging geopolitical environment, the participants reiterated their commitment to the process and interest in ensuring continuity of the GID as the only platform where the conflict consequences are addressed. The Co-Chairs and participants underlined the key role played by the GID as a platform for predictability and dialogue, for the benefit of security and stability, as well as the well being of conflict-affected populations.

    Following intense exchanges on non-use of force and international security arrangements, the participants could not reach a common understanding on this core item on the agenda. Unfortunately, the issue of IDPs and refugees could not be fully covered either due a walkout by some participants.

    The Co-Chairs informed the participants about their intention to hold the next GID round in mid-July 2023, pending confirmation by all participants.

  • 5 апр 2023
  • 5 апр 2023

    KABUL – The United Nations in Afghanistan condemns in the strongest terms a decision by the Taliban de facto...

  • 5 апр 2023

    Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General on the Taliban’s decision to ban Afghan women from working with...

  • 5 апр 2023

    President of the Republic of Niger, Mohamed Bazoum, commended UN’s efforts to stabilize Libya at this critical time

    TRIPOLI, 05 ...

  • 5 апр 2023
  • 5 апр 2023

    The UN chief has called for people of faith worldwide to “join their voices in a common prayer for peace”, as the holy festivals of Ramadan, Easter and Passover coincide this week.

  • 5 апр 2023

    UN Middle East envoy Tor Wennesland on Wednesday appealed for Israeli and Palestinian leaders to exercise restraint following the latest violence surrounding a holy site in Jerusalem.  

  • 4 апр 2023
  • 4 апр 2023
  • 4 апр 2023

    It is estimated that up to one million people in Iraq have disappeared over the past five decades – a crisis that continues today, UN independent human rights experts said on Tuesday, calling for investigation and legislation to eradicate “this heinous crime.” 

  • 4 апр 2023

    TRIPOLI - 04 April 2023 – On International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action today, the United Nations Support...

  • 4 апр 2023

    Mogadishu – Marking the International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action, the United Nations today reaffirmed its commitment to supporting efforts to rid...

  • 3 апр 2023

    The AU Peace Support Operations Division (PSOD) of the AUC held  a back-to-back-workshop on the re-conceptualization of the ASF Concept and Validation of...

  • 3 апр 2023

    On 4 April, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General to the AU and Head of UNOAU, Parfait Onanga-Ayanga met the African Union Commission (AUC) Chairperson H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat. They discussed the upcoming report of the...

  • 3 апр 2023

    The UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon, Joanna Wronecka, welcomes today’s announcement by Lebanon’s caretaker Minister of Interior and Municipalities calling for municipal elections during 7 May through 28 May 2023. Conducting the municipal elections is important for adhering to Lebanon’s constitutional timelines and democratic practices, at a time when the country is already facing a presidential vacancy and widespread institutional paralysis.

  • 3 апр 2023

    Tackling impunity will be critical to end pervasive violence and horrific human rights violations and abuses in South Sudan, a UN inquiry said on Monday, presenting its latest report, which names individuals warranting investigation. 

  • 3 апр 2023

    Child casualties in Ukraine have hit a “tragic milestone”, the head of the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said on Monday, as the UN human rights office (OHCHR) released its latest report on rising numbers of deaths and injuries in the country since Russia launched a full-scale invasion in February 2022.

  • 3 апр 2023

    Global efforts are key to saving lives from the ‘terrifying legacy’ of unexploded ordnance, as it wreaks daily havoc in war-torn and post-conflict communities alike, UN officials said, as Mine Action Week kicked off on Monday.

  • 3 апр 2023

    New tools must be deployed to keep the global spotlight on ongoing gross violations and crimes against humanity in Libya and serve justice to its victims, the UN rights chief said on Monday at the Human Rights Council’s latest session.