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  • 25 апр 2023

    The on-going power struggle between Sudan’s top generals not only puts the future of the country at risk, but threatens to “detonate across borders”, fuelling widespread suffering that could go on for years, warned the UN chief on Tuesday.

  • 25 апр 2023

    The current trajectory of escalating unrest between Israelis and Palestinians is neither sustainable nor inevitable, UN Middle East envoy Tor Wennesland told the Security Council on Tuesday, delivering his latest report. 

  • 25 апр 2023

    The United Nations will continue to deliver desperately needed relief for the Sudanese people, amid soaring needs, acute shortages of essentials and fast-rising prices, UN humanitarians pledged on Tuesday.

  • 25 апр 2023

    Authorities in Burkina Faso must conduct a full and independent investigation into the recent killing of scores of civilians in a village near the border with Mali, the UN human rights office, OHCHR, said on Tuesday. 

  • 25 апр 2023

    NEW YORK - United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres announced today the appointment of Feridun Sinirlioğlu of Türkiye as the Special Coordinator, Independent Assessment Mandated by...

  • 24 апр 2023

    On 18-24 April, UNOAU in collaboration with the Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Center (KAIPTC), supported the AU Commission in the design and...

  • 24 апр 2023

    On 25 April, the Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the UN and incoming President of the UNSC for the month of May, Pascale Baeriswyl, and the Ambassador of Uganda to...

  • 24 апр 2023

    The world’s multilateral system is under greater strain than at any time since the creation of the United Nations, requiring swift action to “do better, faster” in using the UN Charter and existing tools to forge greater security and prosperity for all, the Secretary-General told the Security Council on Monday, which marks the International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace.

  • 24 апр 2023

    The UN Secretary-General on Monday welcomed the temporary relocation of hundreds of staff members and their families from the Sudanese capital Khartoum, amid the continuing intense fighting between rival military factions which has now entered its second week.

  • 23 апр 2023

    On 24 April, UNOAU participated in a briefing of the Group of Friends of the AU-UN Partnership held at the African Union Commission. The meeting was co-chaired by...

  • 21 апр 2023


    New York, 22 April 2023

    On International Mother Earth Day, we reflect on humanity’s most important relationship — our relationship with the natural world.

    From the air we breathe to the water we drink to the soil that grows our food – humanity’s health depends on the health of Mother Earth.

    Yet we seem hellbent on destruction.

    Our actions are laying waste to forests,...

  • 21 апр 2023

    The UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Sudan issued a strong statement on Friday calling on both sides in the military power struggle to “implement humanitarian pauses” allowing civilians and aid workers to access essential supplies.

  • 20 апр 2023
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 


    Secretary-General strongly condemns outbreak of fighting in Sudan

    On 20 April, the Secretary-General, speaking to reporters following a meeting convened by the African Union on Sudan, strongly condemned the outbreak of fighting between the Rapid Support Forces and the Sudanese Armed Forces. He appealed for a ceasefire marking the Eid Al Fitr celebrations, to allow civilians trapped in conflict zones to escape and to seek medical treatment, food and other essential supplies. “This must be the first step in providing respite from the fighting and paving the way for a permanent ceasefire,” he said.

    Earlier in the week on 15 April, the Secretary-General released a statement strongly condemning the outbreak of fighting between the Rapid Support Forces and the Sudanese Armed Forces in Sudan. He further noted that further escalation of the fighting would have a devastating impact on civilians and aggravate the already precarious humanitarian situation. On 16 April, he issued a statement strongly condemning the deaths and injuries of civilians, including the deaths of three staff members of the World Food Programme in North Darfur, with a further two seriously injured. On 17 April, Special Representative Volker Perthes briefed at a press conference in New York via VTC. He also issued a statement expressing his disappointment that the humanitarian cessation of hostilities agreed to was only partially honored. On 19 April, the Trilateral Mechanism issued a statement welcoming the announcement of a ceasefire between the Rapid Support Forces and the Sudanese Armed Forces.

    Security Council

    Grundberg: “We need to see a Yemeni-owned ceasefire that durably stops the violence, ensures the safety and security of Yemenis, and builds trust for a political process”

    On 17 April, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General Hans Grundberg briefed the Security Council on the situation in Yemen. In his remarks, he noted that the truce continued to deliver beyond its expiration six months ago and that there had not been “such a serious opportunity for making progress towards ending the conflict in eight years.” He went on to underscore that “We need to see a Yemeni-owned ceasefire that durably stops the violence, ensures the safety and security of Yemenis, and builds trust for a political process.” The same day, the Head of the UN Mission to Support the Hudaydah Agreement (UNMHA) and Co-chair of the Redeployment Coordination Committee Major General (retired) Michael Beary briefed the Security Council in closed consultations on the situation in Hudaydah.

    Assistant Secretary-General Khiari urges the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to comply with international obligations

    Assistant Secretary-General (ASG) for Middle East, Asia and the Pacific Khaled Khiari briefed the Security Council on 17 April on non-proliferation and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. He said that the lack of unity and action in the Security Council had done little to impact the negative trajectory on the Korean Peninsula. ASG Khiari also reiterated calls made by the Secretary-General to Pyongyang to desist from taking any further destabilizing actions, to fully comply with its international obligations, and to resume dialogue that will lead to the complete and verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

    Special Representative Bathily meets with key political leaders on elections in Libya

    Briefing the Security Council on 18 April, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Libya Abdoulaye Bathily said he has engaged key political leaders through shuttle diplomacy to seek common ground and encourage them to make compromises that will clear the path to elections. He also noted that his interlocutors all expressed their readiness to discuss the organization of elections. Additionally, the meetings between military units and security formations from the east, west and south represented a breakthrough, and were of great symbolic value on the path to reconciling and unifying the country, he said.


    UN Envoy for the Great Lakes region warns that armed groups continue to “sow terror”

    On 19 April, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the Great Lakes Region Huang Xia briefed the Security Council. He said the region was enjoying “a fragile lull” following months of fighting between the M23 rebel movement and the Democratic Republic of Congo armed forces, a deteriorating humanitarian situation, and rising diplomatic tensions between the DRC and Rwanda. Special Envoy Xia underscored that the presence of armed groups that continue to “sow terror” remains one of the greatest challenges to peace in the region. He also pointed out that escalation of diplomatic tensions between Rwanda and DRC earlier in the year, following border incidents and charges of Rwanda’s backing of M23, had threatened the fragile peace in the region. 

    Under-Secretary-General DiCarlo meets with senior Korean officials in Seoul

    The Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, Rosemary DiCarlo, concluded her visit to northeast Asia on 18 April with a stop in Seoul, Republic of Korea. She met with senior Korean officials to discuss the role of multilateral diplomacy in fostering regional stability, as well as the latest developments on the Peninsula. She met with Minister of Foreign Affairs Park Jin, Minister of Unification Kwon Young-se, and Deputy Minister for Multilateral and Global Affairs Park Yong-min, among other officials.

    Central Asia

    Assistant Secretary-General Jenča visits Kazakhstan, discusses cooperation and regional challenges

    On 17 April, Assistant Secretary-General for Europe, Central Asia and the Americas Miroslav Jenča visited Kazakhstan. During his trip, he met separately with President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, Chairperson of Majilis Yerlan Koshanov, Deputy Chairperson of Majilis Dania Espaeva, and First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Kairat Umarov. Discussions focused on cooperation between the United Nations and Kazakhstan, global and regional challenges, and the country's reform process.

    Read more here


    New “Peace Clubs” established in Mozambique to promote non-violence and reconciliation

    This week, three new Peace Clubs were established in Nampula Province in northern Mozambique. Peace Clubs play an important role in the peace process and help to build sustainable ties between disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) beneficiaries and receiving communities. Through a network of interfaith religious and social leaders, the Clubs promote non-violence, peace and reconciliation using existing community structures in seven provinces. Supported by the Office of the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General for Mozambique, Mirko Manzoni, Peace Clubs engagement with DDR beneficiaries, their family members and broader communities helps enhance reintegration and reconciliation across the country.

    Watch a video on Peace Clubs in Mozambique here


    Special Representative Salvador meets with Haitian officials, discusses political situation

    On 17 April, the new Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Haiti, María Isabel Salvador, met Prime Minister Ariel Henry in Port-au-Prince, where they discussed the situation in the country. On 18 April, she also met Minister of Foreign Affairs and Religious Affairs Jean Victor Geneus to discuss the relationship between Haiti and the United Nations. 


    Implementing restorative Initiatives to foster reconciliation in Fusagasugá

    To build trust and forge reconciliation, a group of former combatants, community leaders, and victims worked on a rural road improvement in the municipality of Fusagasugá, inaugurated on 15 April during an event accompanied by the UN Verification Mission in Colombia. Regional authorities showcased this process as an example of a restorative initiative that can contribute to the transitional justice system. The Special Jurisdiction for Peace has certified similar activities in Cundinamarca to be considered as part of the upcoming sentences.


    UNAMI releases For Iraq magazine reflecting on 2022

    This week, the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) published For Iraq magazine that looks back 2022.

    The magazine can be viewed here

    Next Week

    On 24 April, the Secuity Council will hold an open debate on “Maintenance of international peace and security: Effective multilateralism through the defense of the principles of the UN Charter.” The Secretary-General is set to address the meeting. On 25 April, Special Coordinator Tor Wennesland will brief on the Middle East Peace Process. On 26 April, Special Representative for Haiti María Isabel Salvador will make her first Security Council briefing. On 27 April, Special Envoy Geir O. Pedersen will brief on Syria. 

    The 2023 Thematic Review on Climate Security and Peacebuilding will be launched on 25 April. The Review was commissioned by the Peacebuilding Support Office, in partnership with FAOUNICEFClimate Security Mechanism and the United Kingdom, and led by the UN University’s Centre for Policy Research. Watch a video featuring its key findings and recommendations here, and register for the virtual launch event on 25 April 9:30-11:00 am EDT here.

    Also on 25 April, the Peacebuilding Commission will hold an Ambassadorial-Level Meeting on Liberia in Conference Room 11 of the UN Secretariat. On 28 April, the Commission will discuss transitional justice in Colombia, The Gambia and Timor-Leste in Conference Room 3. 

    Subscribe to This Week in DPPA here

    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org

  • 20 апр 2023

    The study draws on a review of publicly available literature and over 20 interviews conducted with UNAMI, members of the UN Country Team, researchers, and civil society organizations. To situate the effects of climate change in the Iraqi context, the study analyzes factors determining the exposure and vulnerability of the State and communities, including conflict history, capacity and resources of public institutions, patterns of human mobility, and levels of gender equality.

  • 20 апр 2023

    Mogadishu – The United Nations family in Somalia extends warm greetings and congratulations to all Somalis on the occasion of Eid-al-Fitr.

    “As we come to the end of the holy month of Ramadan, the United Nations...

  • 20 апр 2023

    On the advent of Eid al-Fitr, I would like to extend my heartfelt wishes to the Libyan people inside and outside the country

    I hope that the joy of Eid, after the blessed month of Ramadan, will strengthen solidarity for...

  • 20 апр 2023

    Special Envoy Huang Xia briefing the Security Council on 19 April 2023. UN Photo, Eskinder Debebe

    Speaking at the 9307th meeting of...

  • 20 апр 2023

    Ahead of the presidential and general election scheduled to take place in October 2023, Liberian political parties and stakeholders committed themselves on April 4 in Farmington to ensure peaceful, transparent, and credible...

  • 20 апр 2023

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres on Thursday appealed for warring parties in Sudan to observe a ceasefire for at least three days so that civilians trapped in conflict zones can seek medical treatment, food and other essential supplies. His call to silence the guns during the Eid al-Fitr celebrations, marking the end of Ramadan, followed a virtual meeting on the crisis, convened by the African Union (AU).

  • 19 апр 2023

    Ashgabat, TURKMENISTAN

    On 19-20 April, Miroslav Jenča, Assistant Secretary-General for Europe, Central Asia and the Americas in the...

  • 19 апр 2023

    After months of fighting and rising tensions across the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the region is enjoying “a fragile lull”, including an improvement in relations between the DRC and neighbouring Rwanda, the Security Council heard on Wednesday.

  • 19 апр 2023

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres continues efforts towards ensuring an end to the hostilities in Sudan, his Spokesperson said on Wednesday, amid reports of a new ceasefire between warring military factions and refugees fleeing the country across the border into Chad. 

  • 19 апр 2023

    UN humanitarians have reached nearly two million Ukrainians whose lives have been impacted by Russia’s ongoing invasion with multi-purpose cash assistance in just the first three months of 2023, the UN Spokesperson said on Wednesday.

  • 18 апр 2023

  • 18 апр 2023

    ASTANA, Kazakhstan

  • 18 апр 2023

    (As delivered)

    Mr. President,

  • 18 апр 2023

    SRSG Abdoulaye Bathily updates the United Nations Security Council on the situation in Libya on 18 April 2023.

    The SRSG’s work to...

  • 18 апр 2023

    The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, on Tuesday called for an immediate end to the hostilities in Sudan and pleaded for the opposing sides in the military power struggle to return to the negotiating table, as reports emerged of a proposed 24-hour pause in the fighting, due to start at 1800 local time.

  • 18 апр 2023

    Against the backdrop of a fragile human rights landscape, a “new dynamic” of cooperation among Libyan leaders provides much-needed momentum as the country prepares for elections later this year, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative told the Security Council on Tuesday.

  • 18 апр 2023

    Food insecurity and malnutrition in West and Central Africa are on track to reach a 10-year high by June as the crisis expands to coastal countries, UN agencies warned on Tuesday, citing latest data. 

  • 18 апр 2023

    (As delivered)


    Mr. President,

  • 18 апр 2023

    As the UN marks 75 years of its special political missions, Politically Speaking talks with the Secretary-General’s Representatives and Envoys about their current work and how they view the future of diplomacy for peace.

    Ahead of his latest briefing to the Security Council, Special Envoy Hans Grundberg discussed the importance of coherent...

  • 17 апр 2023

    On 18 April, the African Union (AU) Peace and Security Council (PSC) convened its 1149th session virtually at the Ministerial level to discuss the Libya national reconciliation...

  • 17 апр 2023




    New York, 17 April 2023


    Mr. President,

    According to its official news agency, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) launched what it described as a new type of intercontinental ballistic missile on 13 April.  The DPRK said that it test-fired the ballistic missile – which it designated as Hwasong-18 – to confirm quote “the performance of the high-thrust solid-fuel engines for multi-stage missiles” end quote. 

    It is the DPRK’s first launch of a long-range solid-fuel ballistic missile.  Solid-propellant missiles do not need to undergo fuelling prior to launch. They can thus be launched more quickly than liquid-propellant missiles. This also means that it may be more difficult to detect the preparation of a launch in a timely manner.

    Mr. President,

    The Secretary-General strongly condemns the launch of yet another long-range ballistic missile by the DPRK. 

    The Secretary-General reiterates his calls on the DPRK to immediately desist from taking any further destabilising actions, to fully comply with its international obligations under all relevant Security Council resolutions, and to resume dialogue leading to sustainable peace and the complete and verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

    Mr. President,

    The DPRK Foreign Ministry and Central Military Commission, the latter on 10 April, have warned of so-called “countermeasures” in response to military exercises in the region.  Earlier today, the Marshal of the Korean People's Army issued a statement opposing today’s meeting of the Council.

    The DPRK continues to implement its five-year military development plan unveiled during the 8th Party Congress in January 2021. That plan provided for the development of specific capabilities, many involving the DPRK pursuing its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programmes, in violation of the relevant Security Council resolutions. 

    The DPRK claims to be hitting significant milestones on its five-year plan, including since our last briefing on 20 March.

    For example, the plan included developing a new solid propellant intercontinental-range ballistic missile. The DPRK reportedly achieved this with the launch on 13 April.

    That plan also provided for the development of multiple warheads; tactical nuclear weapons; a military reconnaissance satellite; new unmanned aerial systems; and a “hypersonic gliding flight warhead”.

    In line with its five-year plan, the DPRK greatly increased its missile launch activities in 2022 and 2023, including more than 80 launches using ballistic missile technology. The DPRK characterised these launches as involving systems with nuclear weapon roles, including so-called “tactical” nuclear weapons. Most of the systems it tested are capable of striking countries in the immediate region. The systems it tested on 13 April, 16 March and 18 February, as well as on two occasions last year, are capable of reaching most points on the Earth.

    The DPRK did not issue airspace or maritime safety notifications for any of these launches. Despite the DPRK claiming otherwise, unannounced launches represent a serious risk to international civil aviation and maritime traffic.

    Mr. President,

    Key peace and security issues, such as the Korean Peninsula, must be an area for cooperation. We welcome the Security Council’s commitment, as expressed in resolution 2397 (2017), to a peaceful, comprehensive, diplomatic, and political solution to the situation on the Korean Peninsula, as well as the importance the Council has placed on working to reduce tensions. Diplomacy – not isolation - is the only way forward. 

    The lack of unity and action in the Security Council does little to slow the negative trajectory on the Korean Peninsula. The DPRK is unconstrained, and other parties are compelled to focus on military deterrence.

    As the Council considers its options, there are several practical steps that could reduce tensions, reverse the dangerous dynamic, and create space to explore diplomatic avenues.

    First, the DPRK needs to take immediate steps to resume dialogue leading to sustainable peace and the complete and verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. This should include the DPRK refraining from carrying out further launches using ballistic missile technology or nuclear tests. 

    Second, the DPRK to resume communication channels, including military to military.  The DPRK has been unresponsive to daily routine calls via inter-Korean communication lines since 7 April. It is critical to avoid an unintended escalation.

    Third, reducing confrontational rhetoric will help to lower political tensions and create space to explore diplomatic avenues.

    Mr. President,


    Separately, I wish to highlight once more our concerns regarding the humanitarian situation in the DPRK. The United Nations is ready to assist the DPRK in addressing medical and other basic needs of vulnerable populations. We welcome the return of diplomats from one Member State to Pyongyang on 27 March. We reiterate our call on the DPRK to allow the unimpeded entry of international staff, including the Resident Coordinator, and of humanitarian supplies, to enable a timely and effective response.

    Mr. President, let me close by stressing again that the unity of the Security Council on the DPRK is essential to ease tensions and overcome the diplomatic impasse.  The primary responsibility for international peace and security rests with this Council.

    The Secretariat is your partner in this effort.  We remain in close contact with all key parties, including the DPRK, and are ready to seize opportunities whenever the conditions are right to make a difference.  As we speak, the Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, Rosemary DiCarlo, is on a visit to Northeast Asia. The Secretary-General’s good offices and our convening power are always available. 

    Thank you, Mr. President. 

  • 17 апр 2023


    Security Council Press Statement on Colombia - SC/15259

    The following Security Council press statement was issued today by...

  • 17 апр 2023


    Question: Thanks, Special Envoy. Michelle Nichols from Reuters on behalf of...

  • 17 апр 2023

    Unity of the Security Council is “essential” to ease tensions and overcome the diplomatic impasse on the Korean Peninsula, Assistant Secretary-General Khaled Khiari said on Monday, briefing on the latest developments following Pyongyang’s first-ever launch of a solid-fuel ballistic missile days ago.

  • 17 апр 2023

    Clashes intensified across Sudan on Monday, as top UN officials urged rival military factions to protect civilians and respect the country’s international obligations.

  • 17 апр 2023

    An expired truce still delivering positive results, and a recent mass prisoner exchange, are signs of hope in Yemen, but more work remains to end the war between the Saudi coalition-backed Government and Houthi rebels, UN Special Envoy Hans Grundberg told the Security Council on Monday. 

  • 16 апр 2023

    Haiti’s population is being held hostage to brutality and gang violence, according to a report from the UN humanitarian office (OCHA), which contains harrowing testimony from a country seemingly in freefall.

  • 16 апр 2023

    The World Food Programme (WFP) has temporarily halted all operations, as a result of the fighting between rival military groups in Sudan, which led to the deaths of three WFP employees on Saturday. The UN Secretary-General has called for those responsible to be brought to justice.

  • 15 апр 2023

    The AUPSC issued a communiqué adopted at its 1149th meeting, held on 16 April, on the situation in Sudan. The communiqué notes with grave concern and alarm the deadly clashes...

  • 15 апр 2023

    Following an outbreak of armed fighting in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum, on Saturday, the head of the UN Mission in the country has issued a statement strongly condemning the violence, and other senior officials are voicing concern.

  • 15 апр 2023

    Immaculée Songa survived the 1994 genocide against the Tutsis in Rwanda, but her husband and two daughters, as well as many relatives and friends, were killed. At the launch of a UN exhibition commemorating the horrific event and other notorious mass killings, she shared her story with UN News.

  • 15 апр 2023

    Following reports of armed fighting in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum, on Saturday, UN Secretary-General António Guterres and the head of the UN Mission in the country, issued statements on Saturday strongly condemning the violence, as other senior officials voiced concerns.

  • 15 апр 2023

    Immaculée Songa survived the 1994 genocide against the Tutsis in Rwanda, but her husband and two daughters, as well as many relatives and friends, were killed. At the launch of a UN exhibition commemorating the horrific event and other notorious mass killings, she shared her story with UN News.

  • 14 апр 2023
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 

    USG DiCarlo begins trip to northeast Asia, meets with senior officials in China and Japan

    The Under-Secretary-General for Peacebuilding and Political Affairs, Rosemary DiCarlo, began her visit to northeast Asia this week. On 10 April in Beijing, she met separately with State Councillor and Minister for Foreign Affairs Qin Gang and Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu to discuss UN engagement and cooperation efforts with China, as well as various regional developments. 

    On 12 April, DiCarlo met in Tokyo with the Foreign Minister, Hayashi Yoshimasa, to discuss UN-Japan cooperation, among other matters. She also discussed regional issues with Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Keiichi Ichikawa and the upcoming G7 Summit in Hiroshima with Senior Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs Shigeo Yamada. Continuing her visit, she will be in Seoul, Republic of Korea from 16 April.

    Security Council

    Colombia Special Representative calls for full implementation of the Peace Agreement 

    On 13 April, Carlos Ruiz Massieu, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Verification Mission in Colombia, presented the Secretary-General's latest report on the Mission to the UN Security Council. He appealed for the full implementation of the Peace Agreement and the de-escalation of violence through dialogue. "After six decades of armed conflict, it is not with more bloodshed among Colombians that an environment conducive to peace is created, quite the contrary," said Ruiz Massieu. The Colombian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Álvaro Leyva Durán. also attended the session. The Special Representative urged all the illegal armed actors "not to waste the opportunity presented by the audacious search for peace through dialogue".

    Peacebuilding Commission

    Chair of Peacebuilding Commission briefs Security Council 

    On 13 April, the Chair of the Peacebuilding Commission H.E. Mr. Ivan Šimonović briefed the Security Council on Colombia. He called for broad international support, including via the Verification Mission, the UN Country Team, the Multi-Partner Trust Fund and the Peacebuilding Fund, for the Government of Colombia’s commitment to implement all chapters of the Final Peace Agreement. He also encouraged full and timely implementation of provisions in the Peace Agreement as they relate to Indigenous and Afro Colombian populations, and reiterated the importance of the role of Colombian women and the centrality of their full equal and meaningful participation in peacebuilding. The PBC also expressed the need to follow up on the protection of young community members and leaders to ensure their full and effective participation in political processes and continue to support their peacebuilding efforts. 


    Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General for Mozambique connects DDR beneficiaries with coffee producers

    This week, the office of the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General for Mozambique, Mirko Manzoni, held reintegration information sessions to link Disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) beneficiaries with coffee producers. The beneficiaries will be part of an outgrowing smallholder farmer scheme that will provide them with coffee seedlings, technical training, and guaranteed purchase at harvesting. This innovative approach allows farmers to continue growing their staple crops while also growing coffee plants at the same time, providing them with additional income. In Mozambique, over 1,300 DDR beneficiaries and family members have been connected with reintegration opportunities in 50 out of 154 districts of the country.

    Great Lakes region

    Technical Support Committee meeting held for Great Lakes region

    From 12-13 April, the 33rd meeting of the Technical Support Committee of the Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework agreement for the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Great Lakes region was held in Nairobi, Kenya. Representatives from signatory countries including Angola, Burundi, the Republic of Congo, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa, the Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia attended the meeting. Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the Great Lakes region Huang Xia called for the intensification of efforts to prioritize dialogue and de-escalate tensions. The meeting provided an avenue to build up to the 11th high-level meeting of the Regional Oversight Mechanism of the PSC Framework, which will be held in Bujumbura on 6 May. 

    Central Africa

    Special Representative Abarry visits the Central African Republic to discuss support to peace and stability

    Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Regional Office for Central Africa (UNOCA) Abdou Abarry visited the Central African Republic (CAR) from 12 to 14 April. He met with the Special Representative for the Central African Republic and Head of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) Valentine Rugwabiza, the UN Country Team, ECCAS, international financial institutions and the members of the diplomatic community. The exchanges focused on the ongoing, multi-layered and coordinated support for peace, stability and development in Central African Republic. On 12 April, Abarry was received by President Faustin A.Touadera and the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Sylvie Baïpo-Temon. Discussions highlighted the need for enhanced co-ordination and partnership between MINUSCA and UNOCA in support of ongoing initiatives towards the country’s stability and development.


    Hundreds of detainees released in Yemen

    Nearly 900 conflict-related detainees are being released in Yemen over a three-day period, starting on 14 April. The release is part of a plan agreed by the parties in Switzerland in March, and will be managed by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). The Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, welcomed the start of the release and thanked the parties for their collaboration. “This release operation comes at a time of hope for Yemen as a reminder that constructive dialogue and mutual compromises are powerful tools capable of achieving great outcomes,” he said. He also urged the parties to immediately and unconditionally release all arbitrarily detained individuals.

    Read more here


    UNAMI DSRSG Cordone visits Ninewa Governorate

    On 9 April, Claudio Cordone, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General (DSRSG) for Iraq, visited Mosul to inspect the ongoing reconstruction of the al-Nouri mosque and the nearby al-Sa'a church, which were devastated during the conflict with Dae'sh. He also met with Mayor Amin al-Memari to discuss the situation, including security, electoral developments, and reconstruction plans. In Ninewa Plain's Hamdaniya district, DSRSG Cordone visited Christian spiritual leaders to listen to the views and concerns of their community. 

    On 10 April, Cordone met with West Ninewa Operations Commander Maj-Gen. Akram Saddam Mednef to discuss the overall security situation in the area, including the Sinjar district. He also met in Sinjar with representatives and elders of the Yezidi, Arab and Turkmen communities from the town and surrounding areas. DSRSG Cordone emphasized the importance of accountability for crimes committed by Da'esh and the urgent implementation of the Sinjar Agreement.

    UNAMI organizes human rights briefing with Salahaddin University

    On 13 April, the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) Human Rights Office, in coordination with Salahaddin University (SU) College of Law in Erbil, organized a briefing session with a particular focus on the human rights aspects of the Mission’s work. Eighty-five students and three professors from the College participated in the session. The students were briefed on UNAMI’s human rights monitoring and reporting, focusing on priority areas of work in the Kurdistan Region, including civic space, women's rights, and the administration of justice, among other topics. 


    “Pathways for Peace” meetings held on the prevention agenda 

    This week, the World Bank and the UN organized a joint event on “Pathways for Peace: Progress on Preventing Conflict”, as part of the 2023 Spring Meetings in Washington DC. Panelists from the United Nations, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, and Save the children, together with member state representatives from Benin, Denmark, and Mozambique, discussed the prevention agenda. They reflected on the progress made since the launch of the joint UN-WB landmark report, “Pathways for Peace: Inclusive approaches to preventing violent conflict” and the way forward in light of the evolving global conflict landscape.  Deputy Secretary-General Amina J. Mohammed underscored that to sustain peace, institutions that are fit for purpose are needed to address more diverse conflicts. 

    Next Week

    On Monday, Special Envoy Hans Grundberg and Head of the UN Mission to support the Hudaydah Agreement Major General (retired) Michael Beary will brief the Security Council on Yemen. On Tuesday, Special Representative Bathily will provide an update on Libya. On Wednesday, Special Envoy Huang Xia will brief on the situation in the Great Lakes region. 



    Subscribe to This Week in DPPA here

    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org


  • 14 апр 2023

    Photo: Penangnini Toure / OSESG-GL

    Nairobi, 13 April 2023 - The 33rd meeting of the Technical Support Committee of the Peace, Security and Cooperation (PSC) Framework...

  • 14 апр 2023

    Hate speech is an alarm bell – the louder it rings, the greater the threat of genocide, the UN chief said on Friday as the General Assembly commemorated the International Day of Reflection on the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda.

  • 14 апр 2023

    The UN and partners are appealing for $720 million to support more than three million people in Haiti, where gangs, hunger, and cholera have plunged nearly half the population into humanitarian need.