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Reports and Policy Documents


  • 16 мая 2023

    New York, 17 May 2023

    On this World Telecommunication and Information Society Day, we highlight the power of technology to advance sustainable development in Least Developed Countries.

    The digital revolution is a defining force of our era.

    The opportunities are tremendous: from...

  • 16 мая 2023




    New York, 16 May 2023



    Madam President, distinguished Members of the Security Council,

    Thank you for giving me the opportunity to address the Council.

    Since I last briefed the Security Council on the Group of Five for the Sahel, the security situation in the region has remained very worrying. Non-state armed groups continue to carry out large-scale attacks against civilian and military targets, and to engage in confrontations over access to resources, territorial control, and influence. Terrorism and violent extremist groups frequently target border areas, in particular the tri-border area of Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger – the Liptako-Gourma. In this regard, earlier this year, we also observed an upsurge in clashes between the Islamic State in the Greater Sahara (ISGS) and Jamāʿat Nuṣrat al-Islām wal-Muslimīn (JNIM).

    The security crisis is exacerbating an already dire humanitarian situation. In Burkina Faso, there are increasing humanitarian challenges as a result of the violence, with roughly 4.7 million people in need of humanitarian assistance this year and more than 2 million people displaced internally. This compared to 3.5 million people who needed humanitarian assistance in 2022. In Mali, a staggering 8.8 million people will need humanitarian assistance this year, compared to 7.5 million people who required such assistance in 2022. Women and children still bear the brunt of violence and food insecurity.

    Madam President, distinguished members of the Security Council,

    The G5 Sahel Joint Force has made steady progress in its operationalization. Joint Force units have gained practical experience and developed enhanced efficiency in their operations, particularly in coordination and responsiveness. Against the background of the strategic and operational shifts in the Sahel, including the reconfiguration of European and French Forces, and in the context of Mali’s withdrawal from the G5 Sahel and the intensification of threats in the border area, the Joint Force is restructuring to reflect these new realities. Although the reconfiguration of the Joint Force has resulted in the cessation of major military operations since January, G5 Sahel member States seem determined to strengthen intra-regional cooperation, including by establishing bilateral and multilateral cooperation mechanisms with the Malian Armed Forces in the fight against terrorism, as demonstrated by the recent strengthening of bilateral military cooperation between Mali and Burkina Faso, and Mali and Niger. However, despite these efforts, insecurity in the tri-border area continues to grow.

    The Tripartite Agreement between the European Union, the G5 Sahel and the United Nations is expected to end in June. I wish to warmly thank the European Union for its invaluable support, under the Agreement, which provided funding for MINUSMA to deliver life support consumables to the Joint Force. With the expiration of the Tripartite Agreement, MINUSMA’s logistical and operational support to the Joint Force, as part of its mandate, would cease to be in effect.

    MINUSMA has spared no effort in providing operational and logistic support to the Joint Force whenever it was requested, in accordance with its mandate to support the Joint Force. This included fuel, rations, medical evacuation and engineering support such as building camps. In total, MINUSMA has provided over 275,000 individual ration packs, over 83,000 litres of lubricants and 6 million litres of fuel. This support contributed to filling critical gaps that hindered the mobility and operational tempo of the Joint Force. Unfortunately, the international community’s efforts have fallen short of what is required to render the Joint Force fully operational and autonomous with the capacity to help stabilize the Sahel region. Lack of consensus among partners and donors on the most effective support mechanism for the Joint Force has proven to be a significant obstacle to its operationalization. Support provided by MINUSMA to the Joint Force, albeit limited, did not fundamentally change this situation. Be that as it may, the end of the tripartite agreement between the European Union, the G5 Sahel and the United Nations presents an opportunity to reflect on how the international community should renew its approaches to support for the regional security mechanisms. The upcoming Security Council deliberations on the report of the Secretary-General on the “Implementation of Security Council resolutions 2320 (2016) and 2378 (2017) and considerations related to the financing of African Union peace support operations mandated by the Security Council” later this month will no doubt offer a timely chance for the Council to consider the issue. 

    Madam President, distinguished Members of the Security Council,

    Through the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations pursued its support to the Joint Force in operationalizing its international human rights and humanitarian law compliance framework. Important institutional, legal and behavioral progress and changes have been registered. Notably, the Joint Force now has an internal mechanism which allows it to attribute responsibility for incidents, analyze patterns, take necessary remedial action and adapt its operational conduct. Looking ahead, continued human rights work with regional and national security actors in the Sahel will remain critical in the context of the deteriorating security situation. Indeed, G5 Sahel countries must ensure that their military strategies to counter terrorism and violent extremism are fully anchored on human rights and place the protection of all the populations at their core. This is necessary to achieve the desired results.

    Madam President, distinguished Members of the Security Council,

    In this context, the political and operational support of partners remains essential for the stabilization of Mali and the Sahel. It is urgent to address the challenges faced by the Sahel in a sustainable and effective manner and to support national actors in their efforts to implement the initiatives that they have devised themselves. Multifaceted support will prevent the crisis in the Sahel from upsetting the fragile political balances in the region. Such support will also help prevent a further spillover of insecurity into the coastal countries. For its part, the United Nations stands ready to further support the efforts of the G5 Sahel, including through capacity-building support in areas such as prevention of violent extremism and radicalization, rule of law and border security management.

    Notwithstanding the support extended to the G5 Sahel, stabilizing the region hinges on aligning our policies and approaches, and on putting the Sahelian people at the forefront of our efforts. The United Nations is committed to working with all partners to ensure that governance structures are more democratic and open, and that the people of the Sahel have more confidence in their institutions. To achieve durable peace, we must address the underlying governance, development, human rights and humanitarian challenges. It is in this spirit that the African Union, the Economic Community of West African States, the G5 Sahel and the United Nations established the Independent High-Level Panel on Security and Development in the Sahel. Under the leadership of the former President of Niger, Mahamadou Issoufou, the Panel is actively working to help us reshape our approaches in the region and maximize our collective impact through innovative, coherent and coordinated action.

    Resolute advances in the fight against terrorism, violent extremism and organized crime in the Sahel desperately need to be made. Without significant gains, it will become increasingly difficult to reverse the security trajectory in the Sahel, and the further expansion of insecurity towards coastal West African countries. Recent instability east of the Sahel, in the Sudan, is yet one additional cause for concern. The devastating effects of the continuing destabilization of the Sahel would be felt far beyond the region and the African continent.

    I thank you for your attention.

  • 16 мая 2023

    Statement by Ms. Rosemary DiCarlo,

    Under-Secretary General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs

    High-Level Special Meeting on the 75th Commemoration of the Nakba  

    New York, 15 May 2023 


    Thank you, Mr. Chair.

    Your Excellency, President Abbas, thank you for your presence here today, honouring this date important to Palestinians all around the world.

    Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

    On 30 November of last year, the UN General Assembly passed a resolution, calling for the commemoration of the seventy-fifth anniversary of the Nakba. The legacy of that event lives on, spurring us to continue our unflagging efforts to find a peaceful and lasting solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    These efforts have been central to the work of the United Nations since its earliest days. On this day of commemoration, I address you with deep concern, as we see the prospects for restarting a political process towards a two-State solution based on UN resolutions, international law, and previous agreements, continue to diminish.

    Across the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, the rapid expansion of settlements – illegal under international law – is dramatically altering the land envisioned for a future Palestinian State.

    Violence, including settler-related violence, remains pervasive; while evictions, demolitions and seizures of Palestinian-owned property continue unabated.

    Such actions undermine the prospects for the establishment of a viable, contiguous Palestinian State.

    According to the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, last year saw the highest number of Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank since OCHA started recording data on casualties in 2005.  Last year also saw the highest number of Israeli civilians killed since 2015. This year is on track to match, or even surpass, that sobering record.

    Over the past weeks, incidents of violence taking place inside or near al-Aqsa Mosque were deeply concerning. We reiterate our calls for respect of the historic status quo at the Holy Sites in Jerusalem, in line with the special role of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

    In Gaza, despite some steps to improve movement and access, debilitating closures and the militant build-up continue to exacerbate the humanitarian situation. Recurrent violent escalations between Israel and armed factions – including the launching of indiscriminate rockets towards Israel – continue to take a staggering toll on civilians.

    Only last week, in yet another dangerous escalation in Gaza, Israeli airstrikes led to the loss of 33 Palestinian lives, including women and children. One Israeli civilian, a woman, was also killed by Palestinian rocket fire.

    I echo the Secretary-General’s words in his 14 May statement, welcoming the ceasefire and calling on all sides to observe it.

    The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has led to the world’s longest refugee crisis, prompting the creation of UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency.

    UNRWA continues to deliver vital services to some six million Palestine refugees in the Middle East. UNRWA’s work is crucial to maintaining stability throughout the region. We appeal to Member States to ensure sufficient and predictable funding for the Agency as it struggles with an unprecedented financial crisis.


    The question of Palestine is intimately linked to the history and to the Charter of the United Nations. Respect for international law and human rights, self-determination and peaceful resolution of conflicts constitute the raison d’être of our Organization. Palestinians deserve a life of justice and dignity and the realization of their right to self-determination and independence.

    The UN position is clear. The occupation must end. A two-State solution that will bring lasting peace and security for Israelis and Palestinians alike must be achieved in line with international law, UN resolutions and previous agreements. We want to see an independent State of Palestine living side-by-side with Israel in peace and security, with Jerusalem as the capital of both States.

    On this occasion, we reaffirm the UN commitment to supporting the Palestinian people achieve their inalienable rights and self-determination, as well as to advancing a just, comprehensive and lasting peace in the region.  

    Thank you.

  • 16 мая 2023

    The security situation in the Sahel remains very worrying and the spiralling crisis in Sudan is an additional source of concern, a senior UN official warned the Security Council on Tuesday.

  • 16 мая 2023

    The UN and humanitarian partners continue to scale up the aid response for the millions in need across Sudan on Tuesday, as news reports described heavy fighting in the capital Khartoum and neighbouring areas between the national army and rival RSF militia

  • 15 мая 2023

    Civilians who are caught up in the crossfire in Ukraine need and deserve humanitarian relief, “wherever the are”, said the UN Humanitarian Affairs chief on Monday, briefing the Security Council, calling for aid workers to be allowed full access, in line with international law.

  • 15 мая 2023

    The world must make every effort to eliminate chemical weapons, the UN chief said on Monday, raising grave concerns about their continued use.

  • 15 мая 2023

  • 14 мая 2023

    Special Coordinator Meetings with the Civic Influence hub

    The UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Joanna Wronecka explored this week with representatives...

  • 14 мая 2023

    AUC convenes follow-up meeting of the Expanded Mechanism for Sudan

    2 May 2023 | The AU Commission (AUC) convened a follow-up meeting of the Expanded Mechanism for Sudan...

  • 14 мая 2023

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres has welcomed last night’s ceasefire agreement in Israel and Gaza and reiterated that only a negotiated political solution will lead to lasting peace and end the devastating cycles of violence “once and for all.”

  • 12 мая 2023
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 

    Security Council

    Security Council issues press statement on situation in Haiti

    On 8 May, the members of the Security Council “expressed deep concern over the deteriorating security and humanitarian situation in Haiti” and also “condemned in the strongest terms the increasing violence, criminal activities, and human rights abuses and violations which undermine the peace, stability and security of Haiti and the region, including kidnappings, sexual and gender-based violence, trafficking in persons and the smuggling of migrants, homicides, extrajudicial killings and recruitment of children by armed groups and criminal networks.” In a press statement, Council members went on to call on the perpetrators of these acts to be brought to justice, and emphasized the Council’s role in placing sanctions on individuals and entities responsible for actions that threaten the peace and security of Haiti. It also stressed the importance of restoring efficient judicial institutions in order to strengthen the fight against impunity.  


    Read here 


    Personal Envoy’s Office organizes training for DDR beneficiaries 

    This week, the Office of the Secretary-General's Personal Envoy for Mozambique, Mirko Manzoni, organized training opportunities for family members of Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) beneficiaries in Inhambane province. As the focus of the peace process shifts to long-term sustainability, reintegration and reconciliation activities assume increasing importance. In Mozambique, over 1,300 DDR beneficiaries and family members have been connected with reintegration opportunities in 50 out of 154 districts of the country. 


    Members of ACABQ visit Colombia to learn about peacebuilding efforts 

    On 10 May, the UN Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ) arrived in Colombia for a three-day visit to meet with the United Nations Verification Mission and learn about peacebuilding efforts in Colombia. The Commission held meetings in Bogotá with SRSG Carlos Ruiz Massieu, the Colombian Foreign Ministry and the United Nations System in Colombia. It will also visit the department of Cauca and other territories to meet with former combatants, to learn first-hand about the progress of the reintegration process in these regions as well as the improvements of their productive projects and peacebuilding efforts. 


    UNAMI top officials meet with Iraqi PM and interlocutors

    On 7 May 2023, the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, met with the Prime Minister of Iraq, Mohammed Shiaa al-Sudani. They discussed the political and security situation in Iraq as well as cooperation between the Government of Iraq and the Unites Nations. On 8 May, the SRSG met with the Head of the Hikma National Movement, Mr. Ammar Al-Hakim. They discussed the political situation in the country and the region. Speaking at opening of the 3rd Baghdad International Water Conference on 6 May 2023, Deputy SRSG Ghulam Mohammad Isaczai emphasized the importance of transparent and collaborative efforts to tackle Iraq's water challenges. On 8 May, at the Inter-ministerial Committee meeting on the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Water Resources, DSRSG Isaczai underlined that “The Convention provides an opportunity for boosting Iraq’s domestic water management and governance frameworks, as well as a solid basis for strengthening cooperation with Iraq’s riparian countries”. On 9 May, DSRSG Isaczai visited Salah Al-Din, where he met with Governor Ismail Khudair Al-Halloub to discuss the transition from humanitarian response towards sustainable durable solutions and development and the remaining needs of the people of Salah al-Din.

    UNAMI’s Human Rights Office helps convene Arts Festival; Office of Electoral Assistance holds workshop on monitoring and evaluation 

    On 7 May, Chief of UNAMI’s Human Rights Office, Danielle Bell, met in Baghdad with the Head of the Parliamentary Human Rights Committee, Representative Arshad Rashad Al-Salihi and members of the Committee. Issues discussed included the ongoing process concerning the appointment of Iraq's High Commission for Human Rights (IHCHR) Board of Commissioners. From 4-7 May, the UNAMI Human Rights Office, in collaboration with the TARKIB Arts Organization, held the 9th Annual Arts Festival at Muntada Al Masrah heritage house in Al Rasheed Street, Baghdad. Speaking to artists at the event, Bell emphasized the crucial role of the Art Festival in provoking discussion around important human rights issues, as well as showcasing the work of emerging artists who utilize their talent to promote social change. On 9 May, the Human Rights Office held a roundtable discussion with a diverse group of 15 women artists and writers, to examine how art can be used to foster women’s rights and gender equality. Participants explored ways in which art can be used as a tool in promoting and protecting women’s rights. On 8 May, the Human Rights Office, alongside the Iraqi High Commission on Human Rights, held a roundtable in Mosul, with NGOs, academic professionals, representatives of the judiciary and the administration of Mosul to discuss accountability for gender-based violence (GBV). It was noted that despite legislative reforms geared towards the protection of women, more needs to be done towards holding perpetrators accountable. On 8-9 May, the UNAMI Office of Electoral Assistance organized a workshop with the Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) on the Fundamentals of Monitoring and Evaluations as a tool for measuring progress in the implementation of its strategic plan. Twenty-two staff members from various IHEC departments participated in the workshop, where they were provided practical knowledge and exercises in designing a monitoring and evaluation system for the Commission.  

    Next Week

    On Wednesday 17 May, Special Envoy Hans Grundberg will brief the Security Council on the situation in Yemen. On 18 May, Special Representative Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert will brief the Council on Iraq.  

    Subscribe to This Week in DPPA here

    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org




  • 12 мая 2023

    A declaration by Sudan’s warring parties committing to protect civilians is an “important first step”, after more than three weeks of heavy fighting, the UN’s top official in the African nation said on Friday.

  • 11 мая 2023

    From 9 to 12 May, UNOAU participated in the 15th Ordinary Meeting of the Specialized Technical Committees on Defence, Safety and Security (STCDSS). The 15th Ordinary...

  • 11 мая 2023

    Sudan’s descent into violent conflict and humanitarian catastrophe came under the scrutiny of the UN Human Rights Council on Thursday, as Member States called an emergency session of the body in Geneva. Member States adopted a resolution including a request for detailed monitoring and reporting of all alleged rights abuses, to be carried out by the designated expert for the country, including the current upsurge in violence. 

  • 11 мая 2023

    New technology and strategies are helping to deliver justice to victims of grave violations of human rights in Libya, including fresh arrest warrants, but “we can do better”, the chief prosecutor of the UN-backed International Criminal Court (ICC) told the Security Council on Thursday.

  • 11 мая 2023

    Grave funding shortages could cut assistance to more than 200,000 Palestinians, the UN food agency warned on Thursday.Grave funding shortages could cut assistance to more than 200,000 Palestinians, the UN food agency warned on Thursday.

  • 10 мая 2023

    The AUPSC took note of the extension of the transition period in Chad for 24 months and in this regard, rejected any further extension of the transition. The Council also called upon the Transition...

  • 10 мая 2023

    The UN Secretary-General said on Wednesday he was following the latest exchanges of fire between Israeli forces and militants in the Gaza Strip with “deep concern” over the escalating conflict, and “risk of further loss of life.”

  • 10 мая 2023

    The grim prospect of record hunger levels in Sudan is becoming more likely by the day, as heavy fighting continues, UN humanitarians warned on Wednesday.

  • 10 мая 2023

    The UN Secretary-General on Wednesday, called for an end to the violence that has continued across parts of Pakistan, following the arrest a day earlier of former Prime Minister, Imran Khan.

  • 9 мая 2023

    On 10 May, UNOAU and Amani Africa convened a Policy Dialogue 'Towards a Renewed AU-UN Partnership: Financing of African Union-led Peace Support...

  • 9 мая 2023

    On 10 May, Special Representative of the Secretary-General to the AU and Head of UNOAU, Parfait Onanga-Ayanga paid a courtesy call on the Ambassador of Zimbabwe to Ethiopia and Permanent...

  • 9 мая 2023

    On 10 May, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General to the AU (SRSG) and Head of UNOAU, Parfait Onanga-Ayanga met with the Ambassador of Brazil and Permanent Representative to...

  • 9 мая 2023

    Recalling the proclamation in 1993 by the United Nations General Assembly that established 03 May as World Press Freedom Day, the Deputy Special Representative of the United...

  • 9 мая 2023

    The impact of ongoing violence among rival military parties in Sudan is threatening to derail bilateral political progress with neighbouring South Sudan, worsen the fragile humanitarian situation, and pose fresh risks, top UN officials warned the Security Council on Tuesday.

  • 9 мая 2023

    Haiti needs “urgent” support from the international community to stop the suffering of people at the hands of violent gangs who have been shooting people at random and burning them alive, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, warned on Tuesday.

  • 9 мая 2023

    The top UN official involved in the Middle East peace process raised the alarm on Tuesday following an Israeli military operation which reportedly killed more than a dozen Palestinians, including three commanders from the militant group, Islamic Jihad.

  • 9 мая 2023

    The values of human dignity and freedom, enshrined in the UN’s founding Charter in 1945, have never been so under threat, warned the Secretary-General on Tuesday, delivering a wide-ranging speech in Spain after receiving the Carlos V European Award.

  • 8 мая 2023

    I am deeply disturbed by the 7 May demolition by Israeli authorities of a European Union-funded Palestinian primary school for the children of Jubbet adh Dhib village, east of Bethlehem, in Area C of the occupied West Bank, directly affecting the education of at least 40 children.

    The demolition followed an Israeli court order citing safety concerns in response to a petition by a...

  • 8 мая 2023

    The UN Secretary-General has strongly condemned the looting of the World Food Programme’s (WFP) main offices in the Sudanese capital Khartoum, over the weekend, describing it as “violation” of humanitarian facilities.

  • 8 мая 2023

    Amid the ongoing deadly power struggle between the top military leaders of Sudan, evacuations have begun, including as part of India’s Operation Kaveri, which has helped more than 3,500 Indian citizens living in the country. Raghuveer Sharma is one of them. He gave UN News a first-hand account of the tragic situation unfolding in Sudan.

  • 7 мая 2023

    UN OSESG-GL / Penangnini Toure: Secretary-General António Guterres addressing the 11th high-level meeting of the Regional Oversight Mechanism of the Peace, Security and Cooperation...

  • 6 мая 2023

    At a time when more than 100 armed groups are plaguing communities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) with grave human rights violations and sexual violence, the UN chief said on Saturday that swift, bolstered efforts must end the chronic cycle of conflict in the natural resources-rich Great Lakes region of Africa.

  • 5 мая 2023
  • 5 мая 2023
  • 5 мая 2023
  • 5 мая 2023
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 


    SRSG Perthes continues his work in Port Sudan as violence continues

    This week, Special Representative of the Secretary-General Volker Perthes, working out of Port Sudan, continued his efforts to seek an immediate halt to the violence, with a view to reaching an agreement on a durable cessation of hostilities in Sudan. Working alongside partners in the Trilateral Mechanism (the African Union (AU), Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and United Nations), as well as key Member States, Perthes stayed in close contact with the warring parties.  SRSG Perthes is also engaging with the conflict parties on the facilitation of humanitarian access and provision of assistance.  

    Security Council

    Switzerland announces Security Council programme of work for May 

    Switzerland assumed the presidency for the month of May. Briefings from the heads of the following special political missions are scheduled: Yemen, UNAMI, UNITAMS, Middle East Peace Process, and Syria. 


    ASG Elizabeth Spehar's Nairobi visit advances peacebuilding efforts  

    Earlier this week in Nairobi, on the sidelines of the UN Sustainable Development Group principals meeting, the Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support, Elizabeth Spehar, interacted with UN and national actors working in peacebuilding in Kenya. ASG Spehar, together with the Resident Coordinator, met with the National Steering Committee on Peacebuilding and Conflict Management to discuss the review of Kenya’s Peacebuilding Architecture. The ASG joined a reflection session with Kenyan state and non-state peacebuilding actors that have received support from the Peacebuilding Fund to contribute to peaceful elections.   


    Discussion on Integrating Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) into Peacebuilding Highlights Need for Awareness and Collaboration

    On 4 May, the countries of the Group of Friends of Integrating Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) into Peacebuilding (Bahrain, Belgium, Canada and Ecuador) convented an event to discuss the issue, together with DPPA and UNDP. Awa Dabo, Deputy Head of DPPA/PBSO, underlined the need, in opening remarks, for increased awareness and advocacy, funding, as well as sharing of lessons learned and good practices on the topic from recent meetings of the Peacebuilding Commission and projects funded through the Peacebuilding Fund. Participants from The Gambia, South Sudan and Iraq, among others, explained that MHPSS and peacebuilding projects need to be context-driven and designed collaboratively to localize formal concepts. This would enhance sustainability of interventions to cope with everyday psychosocial stressors and the mental load of conflict. Over 100 people attended the event held at the Permanent Mission of Canada and online.

    Watch here

    Peacebuilding Commission

    “Futureproofing Trust for Sustaining Peace” 

    The Peacebuilding Commission submitted written advice to the Council for its 3 May open debate “Futureproofing Trust for Sustaining Peace.” In its advice, the Commission called for a comprehensive approach to peacebuilding, placing greater emphasis on actions that have an impact on the ground. The Commission also encouraged the Council to emphasize inclusivity as the key to advancing national peacebuilding priorities to ensure full, equal and meaningful participation of women and the inclusion of youth.  

    Read here 

    Great Lakes

    Paving the way for a regional summit on peace and security in the Great Lakes region 

    Heads of State and Government from the signatory countries of the Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework for the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and the region will meet in Bujumbura, Burundi, on 6 May 2023 for the 11th Regional Oversight Mechanism of the Framework. The meeting will review progress and challenges in the implementation of the commitments under the Framework signed in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 24 February 2013. In preparation for this high-level summit, a technical meeting was held on 2 May 2023 followed by a meeting of ministers of Foreign Affairs on 4 May. Both meetings were attended by representatives of the Guarantor institutions of the Framework agreement: the African Union, the UN, the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region, and the Southern African Development Community. Other participants included representatives of the signatory countries of the Framework agreement, as well as youth organizations and the Advisory Board for Women, Peace and Security in the Great Lakes region. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is among the high officials to attend the regional summit in Bujumbura. 



    UN top officials meet with Iraqi politicians; UNAMI celebrates World Press Freedom Day; Office of Electoral Assistance holds workshops; Human Rights Office hosts roundtable on due process  

    On 2 May, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, and her two deputies, Claudio Cordone and Ghulam Isaczai, met in Baghdad with the Iraqi Minister of Environment, Nizar Amedi. The meeting focused on the many environmental challenges facing Iraq, including water security. On 1 May, the SRSG met with National Security Adviser, Qassem Al-Araji. They discussed the political and security situation. On 3 May, UNAMI celebrated the 30th annual World Press Freedom Day at an event at the Iraqi Journalist Syndicate in Baghdad, recognizing the critical role of a free and independent media in promoting democracy, accountability, and human rights. In his remarks, DSRSG Cordone called on all attendees to stand in solidarity with journalists and to hold those who seek to silence them accountable for their actions. From 2-3 May, the UNAMI Office of Electoral Assistance, with operational support from UNOPS, organized a workshop with civil society organizations, to review measures to enhance electoral participation in the Kurdistan Region. On 3 May, the UNAMI Human Rights Office held a roundtable discussion with the Iraqi Ministry of Interior personnel in Maysan on the due process rights of defendants under Iraqi and international law. Participants discussed the Iraqi and international human rights law framework protecting the right to legal counsel, the right to remain silent and the right to an adequate defense. 


    UN Special Coordinator Consults with Lebanese and Foreign Stakeholders 

    This week, UN Special Coordinator Joanna Wronecka met with Lebanese representatives to stress the need for solutions to end the presidential vacuum. She met with caretaker Minister of Interior Bassam Mawlawi and underlined the importance of ensuring continuity in the work of state institutions and the delivery of services to citizens. In meetings with Members of Parliament, Wronecka said that all sides have a common responsibility to expedite the fulfilment of the crucial milestones lying ahead and to push forward the reform roadmap. The security situation was the focus of the Special Coordinator’s discussions with the LAF Commander Gen. Joseph Aoun and the Acting head of General Security B. Gen. Elias Baissari. Most of the Special Coordinator’s meetings addressed the issue of Syrian refugees and the importance of adhering to international law.   

    UNSCOL Joins Commemoration of World Press Freedom Day 

    On 3 May, the UN, Lebanon’s Ministry of Information, the media as well civil society activities, academics and students marked World Press Freedom Day at a conference organized by UNESCO-Beirut. Focusing on the global theme of “Shaping a Future of Rights: Freedom of expression as a driver for all other human rights,” the conference elaborated on press freedom as an underpinning of all other human rights. UN Special Coordinator Joanna Wronecka paid tribute to the critical work and sacrifices of journalists in Lebanon and around the world and underlined how the media in Lebanon needs a safe and conducive environment, reinforced by a modern and progressive media law and media ethics, to inform and empower society. She hoped the Lebanese Parliament would expedite the discussion and adoption of a recently proposed enhanced media law.  

    New top officials for Somalia and West Africa and the Sahel 

    On 3 May, Secretary General Antonio Guterres announced the appointment of Catriona Laing of the United Kingdom as his new Special Representative for Somalia and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia. On 2 May, the Secretary-General announced the appointment of Leonardo Santos Simão of Mozambique as his new Special Representative for West Africa and the Sahel, Head of the UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS).  

    Read more here

    Latest newsletter from the Security Council Affairs Division  

    This week, the Security Council Affairs Division of DPPA published the April edition of “Security Council in Review” this week. The newsletter features the highlights of the Council’s work under the presidency of Russia. It outlines the key topics covered, including briefings on The Middle East, including the Palestinian question (6 and 25 April), Afghanistan (6 and 27 April), Sudan (17 and 25 April) and the Middle East (17 and 27 April) were the most frequently considered country- or region-specific items in open and closed discussions. Other country or region-specific items considered by the Council included: Colombia, Great Lakes region, Haiti,Kosovo, Libya, Mali, Nonproliferation/Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and Western Sahara. Under other matters (AOB), Council members discussed Myanmar and Sudan. 

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    Colombia holds third round of peace talks with ELN in Cuba 

    On 2 May, Colombia’s government and the National Liberation Army (ELN) began their third round of negotiations in Havana, Cuba, with the accompaniment of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General in Colombia, Carlos Ruiz Massieu. SRSG Ruiz Massieu welcomed the start of the third round of talks and expressed confidence that they would achieve progress, including on such questions as the ceasefire and the participation of society. He also thanked the Government of Cuba for its commitment to the peacebuilding process in Colombia, now as guarantor of the peace talks between the Government of Colombia and ELN, and for its generous hospitality in hosting this third cycle. 

  • 5 мая 2023

    Last month’s discriminatory decision by the Taliban de facto authorities to ban Afghan women from working for the United Nations...

  • 5 мая 2023

    Recurring attacks by armed groups in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) continue to drive forced displacement and extreme hardship for millions of Congolese, the UN refugee agency (UNHCR) said on Friday.

  • 5 мая 2023

    Armed groups – both local and foreign – must lay down their arms in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and efforts must be redoubled to advance a lasting, sustainable peace in the region, the UN chief said on Friday during his first visit to the African nation as Secretary-General.

  • 5 мая 2023

    The policy dialogue jointly convened by Amani Africa and the United Nations Office to the African Union (UNOAU) will take place in a hybrid...

  • 4 мая 2023

    In a round of meetings with Lebanese representatives, UN Special Coordinator Joanna Wronecka stressed the urgent need for solutions to...

  • 4 мая 2023

    From 3 to 5 May, UNOAU participated in a policy dialogue on ‘Advancing Youth Peacebuilding Agenda Through Knowledge’ organized...

  • 4 мая 2023

    Heads of State and Government from the signatory countries of the Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework for the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and the region will meet in Bujumbura, Burundi, on 6 May...

  • 4 мая 2023

    New York, 5 May 2023

    I send my warmest wishes to the millions around the world celebrating the Day of Vesak, which marks the birth, enlightenment, and passing of the Buddha.

    The ideals celebrated on this sacred day have a deep resonance with the goals of our United Nations: understanding among peoples, the pursuit of harmony, the...

  • 4 мая 2023

    The UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Ukraine issued a statement on Thursday saying he and colleagues were “appalled and saddened” at the series of airstrikes and attacks, which have killed and injured dozens of civilians there.

  • 4 мая 2023

    With 860,000 people projected to flee the fighting in Sudan for neighbouring countries, the UN refugee agency, UNHCR, and partners on Thursday appealed for $445 million to assist the displaced through October. 

  • 4 мая 2023

    The international community must provide greater protection to artists caught up in armed conflict, political instability, and natural disasters, the UN Educational, Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) said in a new report titled Defending Creative Voices, published on Thursday. 

  • 3 мая 2023

    Tripoli – 3 May 2023 – To recognize the critical work by Libyan partners to clear mines and explosive remnants of war across Libya, representatives of the...