
Reports and Policy Documents


  • 8 9月 2020

    Presentation au Conseil de Sécurité au sujet de la coopération entre l’Organisation des Nations Unies (ONU) et les organisations régionales et sous-régionales, et du rôle dans ce cadre de l’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OiF) par la Sous-Secretaire Générale pour l'Afrique Bintou Keita


    Monsieur le Président,
    Distingués membres du Conseil,

    Je vous remercie de l’opportunité de m’adresser au Conseil de sécurité au sujet de la coopération entre l’Organisation des Nations Unies (ONU) et les organisations régionales et sous-régionales, et du rôle dans ce cadre de l’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OiF).

    Le moment est particulièrement opportun pour se pencher sur le partenariat avec l’OiF puisque nos deux organisations célèbrent cette année des anniversaires importants : cinquante ans pour l’OiF, et soixante-quinze ans pour l’ONU.

    Aujourd’hui, nous travaillons, ensemble avec l’OiF, pour la promotion de la paix et de la sécurité internationales, notamment à travers l’alerte précoce et la prévention des conflits, et le maintien et la consolidation de la paix. Nous sommes aussi partenaires dans la promotion du développement durable, de la bonne gouvernance, de la démocratie, de l’Etat de droit, des droits humains et de l’inclusion des femmes et des jeunes.

    Notre partenariat est ancré au plus haut niveau, telle que le démontre la présente session du Conseil de Sécurité et l’adoption régulière par l’Assemblée générale de résolutions sur la coopération entre les Nations Unies et l’OiF, dont la dernière remonte au 15 avril 2019.  Enfin, les contacts entre le Secrétaire général des Nations Unies et la Secrétaire générale de l´OiF, Madame Louise Mushikiwabo sont réguliers. Les interactions du Secrétaire général et le Secrétariat avec le Groupe des ambassadeurs francophones sont tout aussi fréquentes.


    Monsieur le Président,
    Distingués membres du Conseil,

    Permettez-moi de mettre ici l’emphase sur les domaines de notre collaboration en matière de paix et sécurité. Notre coopération étant riche et multiforme, et le temps imparti pour cette présentation limité, les exemples que je citerai sont simplement illustratifs et non pas exhaustifs.

    En premier lieu, je tiens à saluer le travail conjoint des Nations Unies et de l’OiF dans les domaines de l’alerte précoce et de la prévention des conflits, ainsi que dans l’assistance électorale et l’observation des processus electoraux. Récemment, les Nations Unies et l´OiF ont coopéré dans ces domaines au Benin, au Burkina Faso, au Cameroun, aux Comores, au Gabon, en Guinée, au Madagascar, en République centrafricaine (RCA), en République démocratique du Congo (RDC). La réunion quadripartite sur le Cameroun entre le Secretariat des Nations Unies, l’OiF, le Commonwealth et l’Union africaine, tenue le 20 juillet dernier, est un exemple de coopération élargie en matière d’alerte précoce et de prévention. Toujours en matière de prévention, l’OiF un rôle important dans la mise en place du Réseau francophone de prévention de la radicalisation et de l’extrémisme violent pouvant conduire au terrorisme (FrancoPREV) pour mobiliser les compétences francophones sur cette question d’actualité internationale.  C’est un apport considérable, en particulier dans le Sahel.

    La prévention des conflits repose aussi sur la promotion de sociétés pleinement inclusives, notamment des femmes et des jeunes.  C’est un domaine essentiel de la collaboration entre les Nations Unies et l’OiF. En, effet, il nous faut redoubler nos efforts pour promouvoir l´implication des femmes et des jeunes dans la prévention, la gestion et le règlement des conflits, ainsi que dans les processus électoraux. Cet engagement s´inscrit dans la mise en œuvre de la résolution 1325, qui fête son vingtième anniversaire cette année.  Il s’inscrit aussi dans le sillon de la résolution 2250 sur la jeunesse, la paix et la sécurité.  La nécessité impérieuse de la juste inclusion des femmes et des jeunes dans tous les aspects de la vie de la société et de la communauté internationale est une évidence inéluctable.   En effet, ne serait-ce que dans le monde francophone, qui compte quelque 274 millions de locuteurs et locutrices à travers 54 Etats, les femmes représentent, bien évidemment, la moitié de la population, et jeunes de moins de 30 ans -- la majorité.  Notre partenariat avec l’OiF pour la mise en œuvre de la Stratégie pour la parité du personnel en uniforme des Nations Unies, adoptée en janvier 2019, visant au renforcement des effectifs féminins francophones en uniforme, est une modeste contribution dans cet effort. 

    Deuxièmement, je salue le soutien important que les États membres de l’OiF apportent aux opérations de maintien de la paix, dans l’esprit du partenariat ancré dans l’initiative « Action pour le maintien de la paix » (A4P). Dans le A4P, l’OiF coparraine (est championne) du thème de la Performance et Responsabilité.  Dans cet objectif, nous déployons des efforts conjoints avec l’OiF pour accroître le niveau d’effectifs francophones, civils et en uniforme, dans les opérations de maintien de la paix déployées dans des pays hôtes francophones, y compris à travers des formations en français. Nous encourageons les États membres de l’OiF à poursuivre leurs efforts de renforcement des capacités du personnel civil et en uniforme francophone, notamment pour leur permettre d’accéder à des postes de haut niveau dans les opérations de maintien de la paix, et au-delà.  Enfin, nous partageons avec l’OiF l’appui fort que nous apportons au G5-Sahel, notamment à travers notre soutien pour le Programme d’Investissement Prioritaire du G5-Sahel et à la Force conjointe du G5-Sahel.  La Force conjointe, en particulier, continue sa montée en puissance, et mérite de bénéficier d’un appui international renforcé.

    Enfin, il importe de souligner le rôle important de l’OiF dans le domaine de la consolidation de la paix, en coopération avec diverses organisations qui jouent chacune un rôle aussi unique qu’essentiel. Je salue notamment la participation de l’OiF aux travaux de la Commission de consolidation de la paix consacrés au Burundi, à la Guinée, à la Guinée-Bissau et à la République centrafricaine, ainsi que dans des réunions ad hoc de la Commission sur d´autres pays francophone affectés par les conflits.  

    Dans tous nos domaines de partenariat avec l’OiF en matière de paix et de sécurité, nous appuyons et promouvons ensemble le multilinguisme.  En effet, nous souscrivons à l’idée que la diversité, notamment linguistique, est l’une richesses du patrimoine culturel de l’Humanité. Par conséquent, nous œuvrons, ensemble, pour la célébrer et la protéger. 


    Monsieur le Président,
    Distingués membres du Conseil,

    La pandémie du COVID-19 a souligné la nécessité d'un multilatéralisme renforcé et renouvelé pour faire face aux défis de nos temps. La coopération au sein et entre organisations internationales est un des piliers du multilatéralisme.  Le partenariat étroit entre les Nations Unies et l’OiF s’inscrit pleinement dans cette logique.

    Dans ce cadre, permettez-moi de me réjouir de la présente visioconférence publique du Conseil de sécurité sur la coopération avec les organisations régionales et sous-régionales, et avec l’OiF en particulier.

    Je vous remercie.


  • 8 9月 2020

    Baidoa – Somalia has one the world’s biggest ‘youth bulges’ - that is, around 60 per cent of its estimated population of some 15.9 million people is under the...

  • 8 9月 2020

    Baidoa – Somalia has one the world’s biggest ‘youth bulges’ - that is, around 60 per cent of its estimated population of some 15.9 million people is under the age of...

  • 7 9月 2020

    The Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), Mohamed Ibn Chambas,...

  • 7 9月 2020

    New York, 7 September 2020

    Around the world, nine out of every ten people breathe unclean air.


  • 7 9月 2020

    NILI-JAGHORI - Participants of UN-backed radio programmes in Afghanistan’s central and southeast provinces highlighted strong connections between solidarity in communities and peace....

  • 4 9月 2020


    29 August - 4 September 2020

    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world.


    Interview with the Resident Coordinator in Guatemala
    Building peace in Guatemala is a long-term process, and integrating conflict prevention in the socio-economic response plan for COVID-19 is critical. In the new episode of the video series, “Building Peace during the Pandemic” Rebeca Arias, the UN Resident Coordinator in Guatemala spoke with Marc-André Franche, Chief, Financing for Peacebuilding, Peacebuilding Support Office. Ms. Arias mentioned how the pandemic had exacerbated the existing conflict factors and created new conflict issues for the short, medium and long term including the stigmatization of return migrants and the increase in violence against women. She highlighted how the UN is helping to protect health workers, facilitating the return of migrants and supporting civil society organizations to prevent violence against women. The UN team in Guatemala has also finalized the socio-economic response plan for COVID-19. Ms. Arias explained that the UN is holding several dialogues with representatives of indigenous populations to listen to their needs and proposals to address the COVID-19 crisis and is acting as a bridge between these communities and the government institutions.
    Watch here

    For up-to-date information on COVID-19 and its impact, please visit:   
    WHO website  
    UN coronavirus website 


    Security Council

    Williams: “Libya is indeed at a decisive turning point”
    Stephanie Williams, Acting Special Representative and Head of UNSMIL, on 2 September updated the Security Council on the situation in Libya.  "It is becoming a regrettable cliché to appear before you and warn that Libya is at a critical juncture but yet I am compelled to pronounce these same words again today. Libya is indeed at a decisive turning point," Ms. Williams said. On COVID-19, she stated that the situation appears to be spiraling out of control, and that the immiseration of the Libyan people is further compounded by the pandemic.
    Read her full remarks here
    Read more in UN News


    Women´s rights will be a central issue at intra-Afghan talks
    “After four decades of war, the people of Afghanistan have more reason than ever to hope that this devastating conflict, which has brought so much suffering, may finally come to an end,” Deborah Lyons, Special Representative and Head of UNAMA, said when she briefed the Council on 3 September. With intra-Afghan talks set to launch soon, Ms. Lyons highlighted the need to include women in the negotiations:  “The issue will be more central, this issue of women’s rights, will be more central in the Afghan peace process than we have ever seen in any other peace negotiation in recent memory,” she said.
    Read her full remarks here
    Read more in UN News


















    Verification Mission in Colombia calls for "100 Messages of Peace"  
    Under the framework of the 75th anniversary of the United Nations, the Verification Mission in Colombia invites the country to join the commemoration of the International Day of Peace on 21 September, by sharing in social media messages, photos, videos, thoughts, songs, or texts responding to the question: What does peace mean? "We want to invite all of Colombia to speak out and tell what peace means to each person, inspiring everyone to put an end to violence. It is time to remind the world that this country is an example of peace-building," Special Representative Carlos Ruiz Massieu said. With the hashtag: #100MensajesDePaz, the UN Mission wants to promote citizen participation, sending more than 100 messages from Colombia to the world and the UN Secretary-General.



    Special Representative visits Egypt 
    Acting Special Representative for Libya Stephanie Williams on 30 August met with Sameh Shoukry, Egypt´s Minister of Foreign Affairs, in Cairo. They discussed the rapid political and security developments in Libya. Ms. Williams expressed her gratitude for President Sisi's welcome of the ceasefire calls by the Head of the Presidential Council, Fayez Sarraj, and House of Representative Speaker Aguila Saleh. They both stressed the urgent need of resuming a comprehensive political process to avoid a renewed armed conflict in Libya.



    Pedersen: “Progress is happening”
    Syrian opponents meeting in Geneva as part of efforts to find a peaceful end to nearly a decade of conflict in their country have found common ground on which to pursue further discussions, UN Special Envoy Geir Pedersen said at a press conference on 29 August. “I am confident that we have been able to build a little bit of confidence, a little bit of trust, and that we can build on this and continue the work that we have started, we would see progress in the work of the committee. But as I have said, progress is happening, it’s of course up to the Syrians themselves within the Committee,” Mr. Pedersen told journalists.
    Read more in UN News


    Special Envoy visits Russia
    Special Envoy Geir Pedersen visited Russia on 3 September. In Moscow, he met with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, and they discussed UN-Russian cooperation on implementing Security Council resolution 2254, including advancing work of the Syrian Constitutional Committee.


    Meetings with Presidents of Iraq and Kurdistan
    In Baghdad on 1 September, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, Special Representative and Head of UNAMI, was received by the President of the Republic of Iraq, Barham Salih. They discussed the current political, health, security and humanitarian situation in the country, including preparations for the forthcoming early elections. On 2 September, Ms. Hennis-Plasschaert met with Nechirvan Barzani, President of the Kurdistan Region. They discussed the current situation in the Region, including Baghdad-Erbil relations.


    Subscribe to This Week in DPPA by clicking here: Sign Up Now

    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org

  • 4 9月 2020

    TRIPOLI - The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) congratulates the citizens of Misrata on a peaceful and successful electoral process conducted yesterday 03 September 2020. ...

  • 4 9月 2020

    We, the Co-Chairs of the Geneva International Discussions (GID), reiterate our call for cooperation and dialogue, especially across conflict lines, during this global pandemic.

    The GID format remains a crucial venue to address both security and humanitarian concerns, particularly for conflict-affected populations. We welcome the participants’ regular consultations with us during the pandemic, as well as the resumption of the regular meetings of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM) in Ergneti. We encourage the resumption of the Gali IPRM.

    However, at the same time, we are concerned that crossing points remain closed. While the pandemic situation requires due caution, some crossing points, such as the one at Odzisi, have been closed for over a year, predating COVID-19. Restrictions on freedom of movement complicate medical treatment, transportation, and communication, as well as access to livelihoods.

    We expect all sides to increase their efforts to build trust and confidence, and work constructively with the Co-Chairs, as well as with international humanitarian and human rights organisations.

    We look forward to making progress on core agenda items during the next GID round on 6-7 October 2020 in Geneva.

  • 3 9月 2020

    The UN’s top official in Afghanistan has warned that with the formal launch of direct peace negotiations imminent, near-record violence in the country is creating an atmosphere of mistrust that risks derailing long-sought talks between the Government and the Taliban. 

  • 3 9月 2020

    The allegation that Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was poisoned by a Cold War-era nerve agent is “a matter of grave concern”, the head of the UN-backed Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) said on Thursday. 


  • 3 9月 2020

    NEW YORK - The Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Afghanistan, Deborah Lyons, today briefed the Security Council on the situation in Afghanistan.

  • 3 9月 2020

    @UNICEF Yemen/Ansar

    A meeting between the Group of Nine, a coalition of Yemeni women’s organizations and networks supporting the implementation of UN...

  • 2 9月 2020

    The top UN official in Libya urged the Security Council on Wednesday to press for an immediate de-escalation of tensions and a return to negotiations, following the call from rival political leaders for a ceasefire on 21 August.

  • 2 9月 2020

    The world has “entered a volatile and unstable new phase” in terms of the impact of COVID-19 on peace and security, the UN chief told a virtual meeting with world leaders on Wednesday.

  • 2 9月 2020

    Mr. President (Ambassador Abdou Abarry of Niger), Excellencies,


    Allow me to congratulate Niger for assuming the...

  • 2 9月 2020

    The United Nations turns 75 this year. Somalia has been a proud member of the UN for 60 of those years. 

    The United Nations was created out of the ashes of World War II, with the aim...

  • 1 9月 2020

    The top UN official in the Middle East has hailed an agreement to reduce the latest tensions in and around Gaza amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. 

  • 1 9月 2020

    Independent UN human rights experts on Tuesday called on Belarus to stop torturing detainees and bring to justice police officers who have reportedly humiliated and beaten protestors in their custody, as mass demonstrations over the disputed 9 August presidential election continue for a fourth week. 

  • 31 8月 2020

    A peace agreement between Sudanese authorities and key armed movements from Darfur could provide a path to national unity, the head of the joint UN-African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) said on Monday. 

  • 31 8月 2020

    A peace agreement between Sudanese authorities and key armed movements from Darfur could provide a path to national unity, the head of the joint UN-African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) said on Monday. Secretary-General António Guterres later described it as an "historic achievement" towards lasting peace.

  • 30 8月 2020

    Floods | FAO provides early warning alerts to communities...

  • 30 8月 2020

    The ISG expresses its solidarity with the Lebanese people after the explosion that caused numerous victims and severe damages to residential and commercial infrastructures and sites of cultural and religious heritage in Beirut on 4 August and extends its most heartfelt condolences to the residents of Beirut.

    The ISG...

  • 29 8月 2020

    Syrian opponents meeting in Geneva as part of efforts to find a peaceful end to nearly a decade of conflict in their country have found common ground on which to pursue further discussions, UN Special Envoy for Syria Geir Pedersen said on Saturday.

  • 29 8月 2020

    New York, 30 August 2020

    The crime of enforced disappearance is rife across the world.  We see new cases almost daily, including the disappearance of defenders of the environment, who are often indigenous peoples.  Meanwhile, the excruciating pain of old cases is still acute, as the fate of thousands of disappeared people remains unknown, making the crime a continuous presence in the lives of the loved ones of the...

  • 29 8月 2020

    A group of 20 people from the La Plancha community, in Anorí Antioquia, who are preparing for reintegration, is carrying out a beekeeping project, with support from Paso Colombia, and Sena. The UN Verification Mission in Colombia is...

  • 29 8月 2020

    Since quarantine was decreed in Colombia, numbers of gender-based violence have increased. Just in Nariño, between January and May 2020, 584 cases of violence against women have been reported, according to...

  • 29 8月 2020

    The Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, Martin Griffiths, is deeply concerned by the major fuel shortages in...

  • 29 8月 2020

    TRIPOLI – Libya is witnessing a dramatic turn of events that underlines the urgent need to return to a full and inclusive political process that will meet the aspirations of the Libyan people for representative...

  • 28 8月 2020


    22 - 28 August 2020

    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world.


    Interview with the Resident Coordinator in Chad
    In the video series “Building Peace During the Pandemic”, Violet Kakyomya, UN Resident Coordinator in Chad, spoke with Marc-André Franche, Chief, Financing for Peacebuilding Branch, Peacebuilding Support Office, about peacebuilding dynamics in Chad and bordering countries. Ms. Kakyomya explained how the security situation in Chad has been adversely affected due to the COVID-19 pandemic and how it has led to the displacement of thousands of people. Many young women and men are in a vulnerable condition as their livelihoods have been impacted due to border closures. The UN Country Team is working closely with the government authorities to support Chad in its peacebuilding efforts. Ms. Kakyomya commended the efforts of some 200 ‘listening groups’ in the Niger-Chad border area who work with communities on the matters of mediation and peacebuilding and how rapidly these groups incorporated the Covid-19 prevention activities in their work. She also highlighted the role of the civil society organizations who mobilized efforts to sensitize the public on measures for protecting themselves against the corona virus by circulating information through various mediums.
    Watch here

    For up-to-date information on COVID-19 and its impact, please visit:   
    WHO website  
    UN coronavirus website 


    Security Council

    Mladenov: “There is a moral imperative to end all militant activity in Gaza”
    Special Coordinator Nickolay Mladenov on 25 August briefed the Security Council on the Middle East Peace Process. “Recently, the security situation in Gaza has also deteriorated; a trend which soon may become irreversible,” Mr. Mladenov said. “There is a moral imperative to end all militant activity in Gaza, restore Palestinian national unity and lift Israeli closures,” the Special Coordinator concluded.
    Read his full remarks here
    Read more in UN News



    Hennis-Plasschaert: "An electoral reset could open a new and important chapter for Iraq”
    Special Representative Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert on 26 August briefed the Council on the situation in Iraq and the work of UNAMI in the country. “Restoring public trust is hard work. And within that context, free and fair elections will prove crucial. An electoral reset’ could open a new and important chapter for Iraq. But for this to happen, the elections must be credible,” Ms. Hennis-Plasschaert said. On corruption, the Special Representative noted that: “it continues to steal desperately needed resources from the everyday Iraqi, eroding investor confidence. Crucially, this scourge of corruption also drives many of Iraq’s security issues.”
    Read her full remarks here
    Read more in UN News


    Women, Peace and Security

    New web page on inclusive mediation
    Our Gender, Peace and Security Unit launched a new web page dedicated to inclusive and gender responsive mediation this week. It offers resources and guidance on gender and inclusive mediation, and presents examples of the Department’s work to promote the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda, focusing, for example, on the valuable work carried out by DPPA’s gender advisers in the field. It also provides a comprehensive list of reading material and information on the normative background of the WPS agenda.









    Special Representative meets with the Foreign Minister
    François Louncény Fall, Special Representative and Head of UNOCA, on 25 August met with Foreign Minister Pacôme Moubelet Boubeya of Gabon. They discussed issues of common interest, including the sociopolitical and security situation in Central Africa and COVID-19.



    Accountability for human rights violations during peaceful protests is key
    Despite promising steps by the current Government of Iraq concerning human rights violations and abuses committed in the context of recent demonstrations, accountability remains elusive, according to a UN report released on 27 August. The report details actions and omissions in handling the massive protests that took place between October 2019 and April 2020, highlights the human rights violations and abuses, calls for immediate action to achieve justice, recommends protection measures for demonstrators and urges redress for victims.
    Read more here


    Press conference with the Special Envoy
    Special Envoy for Syria Geir Pedersen held a press conference in Geneva on 27 August. The topic was the third session of the Constitutional Committee Small Body, that gathered in Geneva this week. Four members of the Committee tested positive for COVID-19, and the meeting was therefore postponed for a couple of days. The meetings resumed on 27 August.
    Watch here



    Special Representative briefed 40 community radio stations on the Peace Agreement
    At the invitation of Colombia’s Association of Community Radio Broadcasters, Carlos Ruiz Massieu, Special Representative and Head of the UN Verification Mission in Colombia, took part on 26 August in a program broadcast by 40 municipal radio stations in the department of Antioquia, northwestern Colombia. The Special Representative gave an assessment of the implementation of the Peace Agreement. The radio stations reach nearly 1 million people in that part of the country, where there is no traditional or social media coverage. "For the United Nations, it is very important to be able to send our message to the communities living in remote areas about the advances and challenges in the implementation of the Peace Agreement," Ruiz Massieu said.






















    Subscribe to This Week in DPPA by clicking here: Sign Up Now

    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org

  • 28 8月 2020


  • 28 8月 2020

    New York – The UN Security Council unanimously adopted resolution 2540 extending the mandate of the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) until 31 August 2021. ...

  • 27 8月 2020

    A new UN report launched on Thursday highlights human rights violations and abuses that were committed during recent demonstrations in Iraq and calls for immediate action for justice.

  • 26 8月 2020

    The COVID-19 pandemic is aggravating deep-rooted economic, social and political challenges in Iraq, but elections in 2021 – if credible - could open a new chapter for the Middle East nation after years of conflict and strife, the UN’s top official in the country said Wednesday. 

  • 26 8月 2020

    Achieving a nuclear-free world is the best way to honour lives devastated by these weapons, the UN disarmament chief told a virtual meeting held on Wednesday to commemorate the International Day against Nuclear Tests, observed annually on 29 August. 

  • 26 8月 2020

    New York, 29 August 2020

    Commemorated annually since 2010 on the anniversary of the closure of the Semipalatinsk test site in Kazakhstan, the International Day Against Nuclear Tests takes on special meaning in 2020 in also marking 75 years since the first-ever nuclear test, code named Trinity,...

  • 25 8月 2020

    The recent agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates has the potential to change dynamics across the Middle East, the UN’s top envoy in the region told the Security Council on Tuesday, urging Palestinian and Israeli leaders to re-engage in efforts to resolve their protracted conflict.

  • 24 8月 2020

    UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay Visits Beirut to Mobilize the International Community and Make...

  • 24 8月 2020

    With Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/Da’esh) and other terrorist groups attempting to exploit the COVID-19 pandemic for their own ends, the international community must respond with stronger collective action and cooperation,  the top UN counter-terrorism official said on Monday. 

  • 24 8月 2020


    New York, 25 August 2020

    Tourism is one of the world’s most important economic sectors.

    It employs one in every ten people on Earth and provides livelihoods to hundreds of millions more.

    It boosts economies and enables countries to thrive.

    It allows...

  • 24 8月 2020

    The rights to peaceful assembly, protest and freedom of expression are fundamental human rights and fall within Libya’s obligations under international human rights law.  UNSMIL calls for an immediate and thorough investigation...

  • 22 8月 2020

    New York, 22 August 2020

    The right to freedom of religion or belief is firmly trenched in international human rights law and is a cornerstone for inclusive, prosperous and peaceful societies.  

    Yet across the world, we continue to witness deep-seated discrimination against religious minorities, attacks on people and religious sites, and hate crimes and atrocity crimes...

  • 22 8月 2020

    “Culture is the fountain of our progress and creativity and must be carefully nurtured to grow and develop,” according to the World Commission on Culture and Development – and it is a view ...

  • 22 8月 2020

    In a message published on the International Day Commemorating the Victims of Violence Based on Religious Belief, which falls on 22 August, UN Secretary-General António Guterres warned of a rise in racism since the spread of COVID-19 across the world.

  • 21 8月 2020


    15 - 21 August 2020

    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world.


    Peacebuilding -  Interview with the Resident Coordinator in The Gambia
    In the “Building Peace during the Pandemic” video series, Seraphine Wakana, UN Resident Coordinator in The Gambia, spoke with Marc-André Franche, Chief, Financing for Peacebuilding Branch, Peacebuilding Support Office, DPPA. The Gambia is currently in a democratic transition and has embarked on a strong reform process including transitional justice and a constitutional review process supported by the UN. Ms. Wakana highlights how the UN used new technology to help the people and communities impacted by the pandemic. The UN worked together with the government to keep the courts operational during COVID-19 through virtual courts. The UN also helped the returnees and migrants reintegrate peacefully within communities. These migrants are now working as actors of peace and raising awareness to help communities comply with COVID-19 measures. 
    Watch here

    For up-to-date information on COVID-19 and its impact, please visit:   
    WHO website  
    UN coronavirus website 


    Security Council

    Syria Envoy calls for immediate nationwide ceasefire to combat COVID-19
    Syria Envoy Geir O. Pedersen, speaking to the Security Council on 19 August, called for a complete, immediate nationwide ceasefire in the country to enable an all-out effort to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. “I remain acutely conscious of the deep suffering of the Syrian people, who in this decade experienced death, injury, displacement, destruction, detention, torture, terror, indignities, instability, de-development and destitution on a massive scale – and who are now also grappling with COVID-19 and economic collapse,” Mr. Pedersen said.
    Read his full briefing here
    Read more in UN News


    Swan: "Progress in Somalia requires a long-term commitment to governance, justice, respect for human rights"
    James Swan, Special Representative and Head of UNSOM, on 20 August briefed the Council on the situation in Somalia. “We hope the new Government and Prime Minister – once appointed – will continue and indeed accelerate Somalia’s reform agenda for national development,” he said. “We remain mindful that progress in Somalia requires a long-term commitment to governance, justice, respect for human rights, and inclusion of women, youth, and minorities to build the nation,” the Special Representative concluded.
    Read his full briefing here
    Read more in UN News

    Multi-Year Appeal

    New quarterly report 
    DPPA has released its second Quarterly Report under the Multi-Year Appeal (MYA) covering activities from 1 April to 30 June. The quarterly report reflects on the impact of COVID-19 on our operations at UN Headquarters and in the field. This new report is packed with examples and shows that DPPA has adapted its operations and tools in order to continue providing support to Member States and partners. Our Special Envoys and Representatives are engaging with conflict parties, including through virtual platforms, to encourage conflict actors to move towards ceasefires and amplify the Secretary-General’s appeal made on 23 March. While the priorities and commitments outlined in DPPA’s Strategic Plan remain unchanged, our activities under the Multi-Year Appeal are constantly re-assessed to respond to the changing needs on the ground. As the competition for resources continues to intensify, the MYA is indispensable in helping DPPA carry out its work.
    Read the report here




    World Humanitarian Day

    “With serious humanitarian needs having re-emerged in the country in recent years, I wish to give special recognition today to the humanitarian staff working across the country to assist the 4.1 million Iraqis currently in need of assistance. I thank them for their dedication and service, especially in the face of the operational difficulties imposed by COVID-19,” Irena Vojáčková-Sollorano, Deputy Special Representative and Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq, said in a statement on World Humanitarian Day on 19 August. This day was designated in memory of the 19 August 2003 bomb attack on the Canal Hotel in Baghdad, Iraq, which killed  22 people, including Special Representative Sergio Vieira de Mello.
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    African Union
    “Today, on World Humanitarian Day, let’s celebrate and support the work of our humanitarian heroes, medical professional, first responders and aid workers, many of whom have been in the frontline of the fights against the pandemic, saving lives and supporting others. Thank you so much,” Hanna Tetteh, Special Representative and Head of UNOAUtweeted on 19 August.


    Former combatants approve assessments for humanitarian demining 
    Seventeen former combatants of the civilian humanitarian demining organization HUMANICEMOS DH received certification to assist in the identification of the first areas to be the subject of humanitarian demining in Montañita, Caquetá, southern Colombia. The certification event took place on 15 August, an achievement that is part of the project "Reintegration of former combatants through mine action," financed in its second phase by the European Union through the European Trust Fund for Peace, with technical assistance from UN Mine Action Service (UNMAS) Colombia. This achievement shows concrete progress towards the reparation of victims, the reconstruction of territories, and peace contributions by former combatants. The UN Verification Mission in Colombia accompanies the reintegration process and the security guarantees for former FARC-EP combatants in the country.
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    Great Lakes

    Event to explore ways of ensuring women’s effective participation in peacebuilding
    The Office of the Special Envoy for the Great Lakes convened a virtual meeting on 20 August to explore ways of ensuring women’s effective participation in peacebuilding efforts in the region. The meeting was the third of its kind in a series of roundtable consultations on Women, Peace and Security that started in July of this year. In his statement at the meeting, Special Envoy Huang Xia noted that the year 2020 marks several significant anniversaries, including the 75th anniversary of the United Nations, the 20th anniversary of Security Council Resolution 1325, and the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action for gender equality. These events, he said, “should serve as a compass to reflect and act together to preserve and increase the gains in the promotion of women's rights.”
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  • 21 8月 2020

    The impact of terrorism on victims can “last a lifetime and reverberate across generations”, the UN chief said on Friday during a virtual commemoration for International Day of Remembrance of and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism.



  • 21 8月 2020

    New York, 21 August 2020

    Today, we remember and honour all victims of terrorism. We stand by those who grieve and those who continue to endure the physical and psychological wounds of terrorist atrocities.

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