
Reports and Policy Documents


  • 6 2月 2024
    UN Security Council visits Colombia at a turning point for peace

    Bogotá, 6 February 2024. The United Nations Security Council will visit...

  • 6 2月 2024

    The Embassy of Japan in Lebanon and UNOPS announced the signing of a project in support of the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF...

  • 6 2月 2024

    Attacks originating both within and outside Iraq have the potential to unravel hard-won stability and other achievements if they continue, the head of the UN Mission in the country, UNAMI, warned the Security Council on Tuesday. 

  • 6 2月 2024

    With the war in Ukraine about to enter its third year, the damage wrought by the conflict to the country and to global peace and security is becoming increasingly clear, the UN’s top political affairs official said on Tuesday.

  • 6 2月 2024

    Any move by Israel to extend its full-scale invasion of Gaza into the massively overcrowded southern city of Rafah could lead to war crimes which must be prevented at all costs, the UN aid coordination office, OCHA, said on Tuesday.

  • 5 2月 2024

    Under-Secretary-General Rosemary A. DiCarlo

    Briefing to the Security Council on the

    Threats to International Peace and Security

    New York, 5 February 2024


    Thank you, Madam President.

    As we are all too aware, the tensions that have engulfed multiple countries in the Middle East continue to rise. Tragically, this comes as no surprise. The Secretary-General has repeatedly warned about the risks of further escalation and miscalculation in the region since the horrific Hamas attacks on Israel on 7 October and the devastating Israeli counteroffensive in Gaza.  

    Since mid-October 2023, we have witnessed near daily incidents in the region. These include some 165 attacks on United States facilities in Syria and Iraq, prompting US strikes in the two countries.

    Then, on 28 January, a drone attack killed three US service members and injured 40 at a US base known as “Tower 22,” in northeast Jordan, near al-Tanf base in Syria. On 2 February, the US Central Command said it had carried out 85 airstrikes in Iraq and Syria against reported Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Quds Forces and affiliated groups.

    Syria and Iraq condemned the 2 February strikes, with both governments claiming they had resulted in deaths and injured civilians. The US said it had targeted command and control operations, intelligence centers and weapons facilities, among other sites, and that it was not seeking conflict in the Middle East or elsewhere.

    While the Iraqi Government has continued to repeat its commitment to protecting US and coalition forces inside Iraq, some armed factions linked to the “Islamic Resistance in Iraq” have pledged to continue their attacks against US and coalition forces in the region.

    Madam President,

    The wave of violence since early October involves a large swath of the Middle East. The Israel Defense Forces and Hezbollah, along with other non-State armed groups in Lebanon, have exchanged fire across the Blue Line on an almost daily basis since 8 October.

    There has been repeated rocket fire over the occupied Golan between Israel and militias reportedly linked to Iran, as well as airstrikes attributed to Israel by the Government of Syria on multiple locations in Syria.

    Ongoing Houthi drone and missile attacks and threats to navigation in the Red Sea are deeply worrying and risk both exacerbating the conflict and further impacting international trade, as companies divert ships away from critical maritime routes.

    A report on Houthi attacks on merchant and commercial vessels in the Red Sea will be shortly before the Council in accordance with resolution 2722 (2024).

    Since 11 January, the United States and the United Kingdom, with the backing of six other member states, have launched strikes on Houthi positions in Yemen.

    They have occurred consecutively over the last three days. More than 36 targets across 13 locations were reportedly struck on 3 February, including what was described as underground storage facilities, command and control sites, missile systems, UAV storage and operations sites, radars, and helicopters.

    An additional missile launch site was reportedly hit on 4 February. Today, sites in Hudaydah were also targeted, including some very close to United Nations offices on the ground.

    Madam President,

    I reiterate the Secretary-General’s call on all parties to step back from the brink and to consider the unbearable human and economic cost of a potential regional conflict.

    It has been nearly four months since more than 1,200 Israelis were killed in the attacks by Hamas, with over 250 people taken hostage.

    As the Secretary-General said, this has been a period of heartache and anguish for Israelis. I echo the Secretary-General’s call for the immediate and unconditional release of all the hostages.

    The past four months have also been heartbreaking and catastrophic for Palestinians civilians in Gaza, where hunger is rampant, disease is spreading and shelter is squalid at best for a vast number of people.

    The death toll in the Strip is reported to have surpassed 27,000, mostly women and children. Thousands more are reported missing. The civilian population of Gaza should not pay for the terror unleashed by Hamas.

    I reiterate the Secretary-General’s call for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza.

    The risk of escalation in the Middle East, and its potential consequences, was obvious from 7 October.

    A quick survey of the agenda of this Council explains why: The UN is supporting political and peace processes throughout the region, in countries emerging, or still suffering, from armed conflict.

    The Middle East remains highly volatile. Long-term regional stability demands the implementation of a clear political roadmap in each of these situations.

    The Secretary-General continues his extensive outreach to all key stakeholders to urge all parties to take concrete measures to de-escalate tensions, and to work towards sustainable political solutions that aim to resolve, rather than merely manage, longstanding conflicts.

    I appeal to the Council to continue to actively engage all concerned parties to prevent further escalation and the worsening of tensions that undermine regional peace and security.

    Thank you, Madam President.

  • 5 2月 2024

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres on Monday appointed an independent panel to conduct an assessment of the UN agency that assists Palestine refugees, UNRWA, following accusations that several staff were involved in the 7 October attacks against Israel.  

  • 5 2月 2024

    The UN Interim Security Force in Abyei (UNISFA) has heightened ground and aerial patrols to deter further violence, after brutal fighting in the oil-rich region claimed dozens of lives over the weekend.

  • 5 2月 2024

    The UN Security Council held an urgent meeting Monday afternoon at the request of Russia, as the war in Gaza continued to fan tensions across the Middle East, with potentially dramatic consequences for regional peace and security. The UN Political Affairs chief appealed for the Council to help prevent further escalation and ease tensions across the region.

  • 5 2月 2024

    UN humanitarians reported on Monday that a food convoy in Gaza had been hit by shelling after a deadly weekend of hostilities in Gaza in which at least 234 Palestinians were reportedly killed, stoking regional tensions in the Middle East. 

  • 4 2月 2024

    Photo by OSESGY/ Ai Odoriba

    The UN Special Envoy for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, visited Tehran and met with the Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and other senior officials and diplomats.

    In his meetings, the...

  • 3 2月 2024

    On 4 February, UNOAU met with a delegation of the Fifth Committee of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly during their visit to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. During the meeting with the delegation...

  • 2 2月 2024
    A brief roundup of United Nations-related political and peacebuilding events and developments around the world. 

    Peacebuilding Commission elects new Chair and Vice-Chairs

    On 2 February, the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) elected Brazil as the Chair, and Croatia and Kenya as the Vice-Chairs, of the Commission’s 18th session. In its inaugural statement, Brazil identified priorities for 2024, including the early preparation of the 2025 review of the peacebuilding architecture, stronger partnerships with International Financial Institutions (IFIs) and regional organizations, and adopting a pragmatic approach to increasing the visibility of the PBC. The Commission also adopted its annual report, which highlights significant achievements made by the Commission. In 2023, the PBC held a total of 20 meetings and engaged in support of 10 separate country and region-specific settings, broadening its geographic scope, including by holding meetings, for the first time, on Canada, Honduras, Nepal, Norway, and Mozambique. With these additions, the Commission has engaged with a total of 31 different countries and regions since its inception. The PBC also continued to provide advice to the Security Council. In 2023, the PBC undertook field visits to the African Union Commission in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to Mozambique, the Central African Republic and Guinea-Bissau. 

    Peacebuilding Commission holds meeting on Women, Peace and Security

    On 31 January, the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) convened an ambassadorial-level meeting on Women, Peace and Security. Civil society representatives from Afghanistan, Haiti and Niger took part. While recalling the progress made, and political commitments by the Commission in supporting women’s participation in prevention and peacebuilding, some Member States regretted the setbacks witnessed at the Commission on this issue, including with respect to its advisory role. The PBC was therefore encouraged by a number of participants to translate its own commitments into further concrete actions as agreed in the PBC Gender Strategy and Action Plan.

    Watch here

    Special Coordinator discusses Lebanon’s stability with Lebanese officials 

    This week, Special Coordinator of the Secretary-General Joanna Wronecka discussed with Lebanese officials and religious figures the importance of safeguarding the country’s stability. In a meeting with caretaker Minister of Information Ziad Makary, Wronecka highlighted the importance of sharing verified information. The Special Coordinator also underlined in separate meetings with the Maronite Patriarch Bechara Boutros El-Rahi and the Sunni Mufti Sheikh Abdel-Latif Derian the need to shield Lebanon from further instability. With the Papal Nuncio, the Special Coordinator emphasized the need for joint efforts to expedite the election of a president.

    Special Coordinator Wronecka meets Parliamentarians from south Lebanon

    This week, Special Coordinator Wronecka met with Members of Parliament Michel Moussa, Firas Hamdan, Elias Jaradeh and Said Asmar. They briefed her on the ongoing skirmishes along the Blue Line, noting how the clashes were impacting the towns and residents of south Lebanon, including with regard to education, health and other services. Since 8 October, over 80 thousand people had been displaced from their homes, while thousands others had chosen to remain, despite the instability. The Special Coordinator underlined the urgency of de-escalation and a return to a cessation of hostilities. 

    Special Representative Hennis-Plasschaert meets with Head of Al-Hikma National Movement

    On 1 February, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert met in Baghdad with the Head of Al-Hikma National Movement, Ammar Al-Hakim. They discussed the current political and security situation in the country and the region.

    UNAMI launches joint report on strengthening political participation and representation of Iraqi women

    On 29 January, at the launch of a joint report on Strengthening the Participation and Representation of Iraqi women in Political and Electoral Processes, the Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq for Political Affairs and Electoral Assistance, Claudio Cordone, encouraged Iraq to build on existing good practices to support women’s participation in politics. The report, jointly produced by UNAMI and the National Directorate for Iraqi Women, recommends providing training on political processes to women already in politics or aspiring to enter politics; encouraging media to avoid bias against the role of women in politics; and urging political parties to promote women in leadership positions.

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    Young people in Buenaventura promote peaceful coexistence through sport

    On 27 January, in Buenaventura, department of Valle del Cauca, the UN Verification Mission in Colombia took part the inauguration of the Football Tournament for Peace. The event was promoted by the Office of the High Commissioner for Peace with the support of the Family Compensation Fund "Comfenalco.” It took place within the framework of a Colombia government initiative to promote peaceful coexistence through sport, and to move towards "the eradication of the invisible borders that prevent young people from different neighborhoods to meet in social, cultural and sporting activities."

    DPPA Innovation Cell hosts annual E-analytics training course in Doha

    This week in Doha, Qatar, the Qatar Computing Research Institute at Hamad Bin Khalifa University and DPPA’s Innovation Cell hosted an annual E-Analytics training course on emerging technologies for advancing conflict analysis and peace initiatives. The event brought together UN advisers and analysts from special political missions, peacekeeping operations and UN Headquarters. Participants collaborated with academic leaders, private technology firms and public sector innovators to create innovative projects, including AI-driven early warning systems and big data analytics for election-related violence surveillance. The training aligns with the Secretary-General’s vision for UN 2.0, promoting innovation, data prowess, digital transformation, behavioral science, and strategic foresight to enhance the United Nations’ operational efficiency.

    Next Week

    Under Guyana's presidency, the Security Council will meet on the situation in Iraq on 6 February. Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert is expected to brief.

  • 2 2月 2024

    On 1-2 February 2024, Kaha Imnadze, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Central Asia, Head of UNRCCA, as part of his regular consultations with the Permanent...

  • 2 2月 2024
  • 2 2月 2024
  • 2 2月 2024

    The UN agency assisting Palestine refugees (UNRWA) plays a “critical role” in delivering aid to civilians in the Gaza Strip and it is vital to restore international confidence in the agency, the United States Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield said on Friday.

  • 2 2月 2024

    The UN and the Government of Ethiopia have appealed for urgent funding to respond to rising hunger in the northern highlands region, the UN humanitarian affairs office, OCHA, reported on Friday.

  • 2 2月 2024

    Thousands of Gazans have continued to flee intense hostilities in Khan Younis towards the massively overcrowded southern city of Rafah which UN humanitarians described as a “pressure cooker of despair” on Friday.

  • 2 2月 2024

    The number of hungry people in Sudan has doubled over the past year, the World Food Programme (WFP) said on Friday, adding that it is already receiving reports of people dying from starvation. 

  • 1 2月 2024

    UN human rights chief Volker Türk expressed his shock on Thursday at credible reports alleging that Malian armed forces and foreign military personnel executed at least 25 people last week.

  • 1 2月 2024

    Lifesaving aid operations in Gaza are “in peril” amid ongoing Israeli bombardment because of the funding crisis impacting the UN agency for Palestine refugees, UNRWA, top UN officials reiterated on Thursday.

  • 31 1月 2024

    Children in Gaza will likely lose at least a year of education, with the school year suspended and classrooms closed or turned into shelters. Ziad Taleb, a correspondent for UN News, has been talking to teachers and children at a school in the central Gaza city of Deir Al-Balah, which is overflowing with displaced people who have fled their homes in a desperate attempt to find safety.

  • 31 1月 2024

    It has been another day of intense activity across the UN as the crisis in the Middle East stemming from the war in Gaza continues, both in the region and at UN Headquarters in New York. The Security Council reviewed the world court’s (ICJ) provisional ruling on genocide allegations, and the UN chief briefed the top UN committee on Palestinian rights, stressing that the relief agency, UNRWA, is the "backbone" of humanitarian operations in Gaza.

  • 31 1月 2024

    The war in Gaza has resulted in an unprecedented level of destruction to its economy which will take tens of billions of dollars and decades to reverse, UN trade and development body UNCTAD said in a new report on Wednesday. 

  • 31 1月 2024

    Escalating armed violence in Haiti has triggered a profound humanitarian crisis, the UN Children’s Fund, UNICEF, warned on Wednesday. 

  • 31 1月 2024

    The International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled on Wednesday that Russia had violated global anti-terrorism and anti-racial discrimination treaties, but dismissed most of the charges Kyiv brought against Moscow stemming from its 2014 invasion of Ukraine.

  • 31 1月 2024

    On the third anniversary of the military coup in Myanmar, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres voiced grave concern over the deteriorating situation in the country.

  • 31 1月 2024

    Children in Gaza will likely lose at least a year of education, with the school year suspended, and classrooms closed or turned into shelters. Ziad Taleb, a correspondent for UN News, has been talking to teachers and children at a school in the central Gaza city of Deir al-Balah, which is overflowing with displaced people who have fled their homes in a desperate attempt to find safety.

  • 31 1月 2024

    Deadly clashes and shelling continued in Khan Younis in southern Gaza overnight into Wednesday as top UN humanitarians and NGO chiefs warned of the “catastrophic consequences” of defunding UNRWA, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees facing allegations of collusion with Hamas.

  • 31 1月 2024

    It’s another day of intense activity across the UN as the crisis in the Middle East stemming from the war in Gaza continues, both in the region and at UN Headquarters in New York. The Security Council is due to meet at the top of the hour to review the world court’s provisional ruling on genocide allegations, and the UN chief will brief the top UN committee on Palestinian rights with the latest on the struggle to stop the fighting and provide lifesaving humanitarian relief in Gaza. Follow lives updates here…

  • 31 1月 2024

    Youth  | UNFPA launches Somali Youth  ...

  • 30 1月 2024

    Three years after the military deposed the elected Government in Myanmar, the ever-deteriorating human rights crisis in the country is now in freefall, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights said on Tuesday, appealing for greater attention from the international community. 

  • 30 1月 2024

    Donor funding cuts stemming from Israel’s allegations against a dozen staff members at the UN agency for Palestine refugees, UNRWA, will be felt within weeks, the UN Spokesperson said on Tuesday, as fears grow that consequences on the ground could contradict recent International Court of Justice (ICJ) orders for temporary measures to prevent “genocidal acts” in Gaza.

  • 30 1月 2024

    As the UN chief prepares to meet representatives from countries who donate to the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) late on Tuesday following allegations of collusion with Hamas, the UN health agency, WHO, reiterated that now was not the time to abandon the people of Gaza.

  • 29 1月 2024

    Special Coordinator Wronecka Meets Lebanon's Caretaker minister of Information

    Amid a climate of...

  • 29 1月 2024

    Continuing intercommunal clashes in the disputed Abyei region between Sudan and South Sudan have left more than 50 people dead including two peacekeepers, the UN said on Monday. 

  • 29 1月 2024

    The international community’s failure to execute warrants issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) and subsequent lack of accountability are fuelling the violence stemming from the war between rival militaries in Sudan, ICC Prosecutor told the UN Security Council on Monday.

  • 29 1月 2024

    Five countries have been awarded for their efforts towards eliminating mass-produced trans fats in food, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced on Monday. 

  • 29 1月 2024

    Ongoing hostilities across the Gaza Strip have been “particularly intense” in the southern city of Khan Younis, UN humanitarians warned on Monday, as the UN agency for Palestinians, UNWRA, reported that its shelters were now four times over-capacity.

  • 28 1月 2024

    TRIPOLI, 28 January 2024 -

    As part of UNSMIL’s efforts to engage all stakeholders, including political...

  • 28 1月 2024

    A humanitarian worker in Gaza has been documenting her struggles after being displaced on numerous occasions as she and her family flee ongoing bombardments by Israeli forces.

  • 27 1月 2024

    New York – United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres announced today the appointment of Raisedon Zenenga of Zimbabwe as his new Deputy Special...

  • 27 1月 2024

    Galkayo – For many children in Somalia, going to school and receiving a good education is still a dream out of their reach.

    More than three million Somali children are out of school. In many...

  • 26 1月 2024
    A brief roundup of United Nations-related political and peacebuilding events and developments around the world. 

    Two-state solution ‘only way to avoid endless cycles of fear, hatred, violence’, Secretary-General tells Security Council debate on Middle East 

    The Security Council met on 23-24 January to discuss the situation in the Middle East. Opening the meeting, the Secretary-General once again demanded the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages, called for rapid, safe, unhindered, expanded and sustained humanitarian access throughout Gaza and renewed his appeal for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire. He told the Council that a lasting end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can only come through a two-State solution. “Any refusal to accept the two-State solution by any party must be firmly rejected,” he said.  

    Read full remarks

    Special Representative Salvador appeals to Member States for timely deployment of Multinational Security Support mission

    Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH) María Isabel Salvador briefed the Security Council on 25 January. She reported that the country remains plagued by escalating violence — with an unprecedented surge in kidnappings, rapes and other crimes committed by armed gangs, which she said increasingly affects the livelihoods of people and undermines our humanitarian activities. Salvador said she will continue to encourage all Haitian stakeholders to effectively prepare for the deployment of the Multinational Security Support mission (MSS) and renewed her appeal to Member States to contribute generously to the non-UN operation.

    Read full remarks

    USG DiCarlo warns of "dangerous trajectory of the war" as attacks against Ukraine intensify

    Rosemary A. DiCarlo, Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, briefed the Security Council on 25 January on the downing of a Russian military aircraft in the Belgorod region on 24 January. In recent weeks, she said the scale and intensity of attacks against Ukraine have only grown, highlighting the dangerous trajectory of the war. DiCarlo emphasized the United Nations' inability to verify the reports or circumstances surrounding the crash, noting that both Russia and Ukraine are conducting separate investigations into the incident. “What is clear is that the incident took place in the context of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and ongoing war,” she said, urging all concerned to refrain from actions, rhetoric, or allegations to avoid further escalation. 

    Read full remarks

    Arria Formula: Member States emphasize comprehensive approaches to peacebuilding and sustaining peace

    On 22 January, the Permanent Missions of Japan, Guyana and Mozambique jointly hosted an Arria formula meeting of the Security Council on “Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace through Comprehensive Approaches, Investment in People, including Empowerment of Women.” Assistant Secretary-General for the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific Khaled Khiari emphasized that the Secretary General’s “A New Agenda for Peace” provides recommendations for these comprehensive approaches. More than 50 Member States participated and reiterated the importance of national ownership and called for better coordination within the UN system. The implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda was deemed inseparable to conflict prevention and sustaining peace. Many Member States stressed the importance of stronger coordination between the Peacebuilding Commission and the Security Council, recognizing the Peacebuilding Fund as a crucial tool for peacebuilding and prevention.

    UNAMA releases update on human rights situation in Afghanistan 

    This week, the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) released an update on the human rights situation in the country, covering October to December 2023. Instances of officials of the de facto Department for the Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice impeding women from working or accessing services because they were unmarried or did not have a male escort were recorded by the UN. The update also noted that the de facto authorities continue to implement corporal punishment in public places, usually announcing the punishments, and the crimes for which they were implemented, on social media. 

    Read full update

    Nurturing the future through education in Icononzo, Tolima  

    On 20 January, the UN Verification Mission in Colombia accompanied the "Plowing for Education" graduation ceremony, an initiative of the Norwegian Refugee Council and the Minister of National Education. The event took place in the rural area of the municipality of Icononzo, Tolima, in central Colombia. Fifteen students, including nine former combatants, successfully graduated with a high school diploma. During the ceremony, participants in the reintegration process showcased their productive projects, illustrating their commitment to enhancing their skills and economic opportunities.

    Special Coordinator Wronecka holds consultations with diplomatic community in Lebanon

    Joanna Wronecka, the Special Coordinator of the Secretary-General for Lebanon, held a round of meetings this week with ambassadors of the five permanent members and non-permanent members of the Security Council in addition to ambassadors of regional stakeholders to Lebanon’s security and stability, including Saudi Arabia and Iran. Discussions focused on the importance of preserving Lebanon’s security and stability in this period of regional turbulence, by encouraging the implementation of resolution 1701 and facilitating solutions to Lebanon’s institutional vacuums, notably the presidency.

    In her meeting with caretaker Deputy Prime Minister Saadeh Al Shami, the Special Coordinator discussed fiscal reforms, emphasizing enhanced revenue generation and strengthened social protections. This discussion comes amid Lebanon Parliament’s consideration of the Cabinet’s 2024 budget proposal. Wronecka reiterated the importance of moving forward critical financial and monetary reforms, especially those required by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). They also exchanged views on the impact of the ongoing skirmishes between Israel and Hizbullah across the Blue Line on Lebanon’s fragile economy. They explored ways to protect Lebanon and prevent further escalation.

    Special Envoy Grundberg engages in discussions in Riyadh on Yemen

    Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen Hans Grundberg held discussions this week in Riyadh. Among others, the Special Envoy discussed on 24 January with the Yemeni Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ahmed Bin Mubarak, current challenges and ways to protect recent progress towards a nationwide ceasefire, measures to improve the lives of people living in Yemen, and the resumption of an inclusive political process under UN auspices. He also met with the Saudi and Emirati Ambassadors to Yemen and the Ambassadors to Yemen of the Security Council’s five permanent members. During these meetings, he stressed the need to maintain a conducive environment for continued dialogue in Yemen and to sustain concerted regional and international support for Yemen.

    Special Representative Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert warns Iraq of escalating risks in the Middle East conflict 

    On 20 January, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert issued a statement noting that the Middle East is at a critical juncture, with the conflict raging in Gaza and armed action elsewhere threatening a major conflagration. Despite the Government’s efforts to prevent the escalation of tensions, continued attacks - originating from within and outside of Iraq’s borders - stand to undo the hard-won stability of the country and the achievements it has made in recent years. Hennis-Plasschaert stressed that Iraq’s stability and security are front and centre in all UN engagements, reiterating the appeal to all sides to exercise maximum restraint. 

    UNAMI Human Rights Office organizes national conference on journalistic reporting in Iraq, showcasing impactful training for women in media

    On 20 January, UNAMI’s Human Rights Office and the Iraqi Women Journalists’ Forum (IWJF) jointly organized a national conference on journalistic reporting inclusive of human rights and women’s rights. The event featured presentations of six reportages/videos created during IWJF-run trainings held in 2023 across Iraq, which delved into topics such as employment challenges in Heet city (Anbar Governorate), pollution in the Kufa river (Baghdad), violence against journalists, women candidates' election challenges, the situation of women detainees, and difficulties faced by children with special needs. The conference marked the conclusion of activities led by IWJF, supported by UNAMI’s Human Rights Office. Between 2022 and 2023, a total of 283 women journalists, bloggers, writers, and human rights defenders benefited from the trainings. 

    UNAMI initiatives address climate change through roundtable discussion and clean energy transition

    The UNAMI’s Human Rights Office hosted a roundtable in Mosul on 21 January, focusing on "Human Rights and Climate Change." The event identified climate challenges in Nineveh Governorate, emphasizing the need for improved policies and resources. Participants proposed actionable steps for local authorities and civil society.

    As part of the broader UN initiative against climate change, UNAMI is also actively reducing its carbon footprint in Iraq. UNAMI's solar power project, initiated in 2019, progressed from 11% to a goal of 50% clean energy consumption. It aims to generate over 5 Gigawatts annually, easing strain on the national grid. This multifaceted approach includes local initiatives, marking a significant stride towards a cleaner, greener future, as aligned with the Secretary-General's call for a fair, just, and urgent transition to clean energy.

    Learn more about the climate action initiatives

    Secretary-General appoints new DSRSG in Somalia

    On 26 January, the Secretary-General announced the appointment of Raisedon Zenenga of Zimbabwe as his new Deputy Special Representative in the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM). He has over 30 years of experience in the United Nations, including with United Nations missions in Liberia, Libya, Iraq-Kuwait, Sierra Leone, Somalia and South Sudan, as well as at the UN Headquarters.

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    Next Week

    The Security Council will discuss the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA) behind closed doors on 30 January. The Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) will hold an ambassadorial-level meeting on Women, Peace and Security on 31 January at 10 a.m. (Trusteeship Council Chamber). On 2 February, the PBC will hold a Formal Meeting (Conclusion of 2023 Chairpersonship and Induction of 2024 Chair) at 3 p.m. (CR1).

  • 26 1月 2024

    The International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Friday declared that Palestinians had a right to be protected from acts of genocide, calling on Israel to “take all measures within its power” to prevent such actions and allow the entry of desperately needed humanitarian aid into the war-shattered enclave.

  • 26 1月 2024

    Mass evacuation orders issued by the Israeli military to the people of Gaza continue to push them “into ever smaller areas” amid “ever-intensifying violence” in likely violation of international humanitarian law, the UN human rights office, OHCHR, said on Friday.

  • 26 1月 2024

    The International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Friday declared that Palestinians had a right to be protected from acts of genocide, calling on Israel to “take all measures within its power” to prevent such actions and allow the entry of desperately needed humanitarian aid into the war-shattered enclave.

  • 26 1月 2024

    Secretary-General António Guterres has asked the head of the UN agency assisting Palestine refugees, UNRWA, to “swiftly” investigate “extremely serious allegations” that several agency staffers were involved in the 7 October terror attacks in southern Israel.

  • 26 1月 2024

    The UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, has warned of dramatic humanitarian suffering throughout Ukraine and worsening conditions as war-affected civilians suffer through the harsh winter.