
Reports and Policy Documents


  • 24 8月 2023

    The top UN political affairs official on Thursday highlighted “unimaginable” human suffering due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, as the war hit its somber 18-month mark.

  • 24 8月 2023

    @UNDP Yemen

    Amman, Jordan: 24 August 2023 – The European Union (EU) has recently announced its support of EUR 3 million to Phase II of the UN Peace Support Facility...

  • 23 8月 2023


    ASTANA, Kazakhstan

  • 23 8月 2023

    Russian strikes on at least 10 regions in Ukraine have left a path of death and destruction over the past 24 hours, the UN Humanitarian Coordinator in the country said on Wednesday. 

  • 23 8月 2023

    The only path out of the war in Syria is a political process, which would also help to address the many crises affecting the country, UN Special Envoy Geir Pedersen told the Security Council on Wednesday. 

  • 22 8月 2023

    (As delivered)

    Madam President,

  • 22 8月 2023

    Recent deadly clashes between two largest armed groups in the Libyan capital, Tripoli, underscore the dire security situation there and are undermining preparations for elections slated for later this year, the top UN envoy for the country said on Tuesday.

  • 22 8月 2023

    In Afghanistan, hundreds of former government officials and members of the armed forces have allegedly been killed despite assurances from the Taliban of an amnesty, the UN human rights office (OHCHR) said on Tuesday. 

  • 22 8月 2023

    Peace is the main priority of the Gabonese notables and of the UN as well as of the representatives of the associations met by the Head of UNOCA. Photo UNOCA/Norbert N. Ouendji

  • 22 8月 2023

    The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) has recorded credible reports of serious human rights violations by the de facto Taliban authorities...

  • 21 8月 2023

    On 22 August, the SRSG to the African Union and Head of UNOAU, Parfait Onanga-Anyanga met with the President of the National Democratic Institute (NDI), Ambassador...

  • 21 8月 2023

    SRSG Kaha Imnadze meets with Sirojiddin Muhriddin, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan (Dushanbe, August 2023)

    DUSHANBE, Tajikistan

  • 21 8月 2023

    Dakar, 21 August 2023 - Continuing his good offices efforts, the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for West Africa and the Sahel, Mr. Leonardo Santos Simão,...

  • 21 8月 2023
  • 21 8月 2023

    More than 200 Palestinians and nearly 30 Israelis have been killed so far this year in demonstrations, clashes, military operations, attacks and other incidents, which already surpasses last year’s death toll, UN Middle East envoy Tor Wennesland said in a briefing to the Security Council on Monday. 

  • 21 8月 2023

    Paying respect to the thousands lost or harmed through terrorist attacks around the world each year, the UN is launching a project to help survivors’ testimonies be heard, Secretary-General António Guterres said on Monday’s International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism.

  • 21 8月 2023

    Online hate is often a driver of violent physical attacks against religious minorities, said the UN chief on Tuesday, calling on governments, community and religious leaders, to “speak out against hate and incitement to violence.”

  • 20 8月 2023

    The United Nations Support Mission in Libya welcomes the announcement, on August 20, of the finalization of the reunification of the Central Bank of Libya.

    We commended the CBL Governor Saddek Omar...

  • 19 8月 2023

    From 13 to 20 August, UNOAU supported the African Union Commission (AUC) Formed Police Assessment Team (FPAT) in Abuja, Nigeria, to assess the Nigerian Formed Police...

  • 19 8月 2023

    The UN chief has condemned an assault on Friday by Turkish Cypriot security forces against ‘blue helmets’ serving with the peacekeeping force on the divided Mediterranean island.

  • 19 8月 2023

    With smartphones, editing apps, and innovative approaches, some UN peacekeeping operations across the world are building a “digital army” aimed at combating mis- and disinformation on social media networks and beyond.

  • 19 8月 2023

    A senior political affairs officer at the United Nations has described how the sacrifice of colleagues who died in the attack on the UN offices at the Canal Hotel in Baghdad, Iraq in 2003, has been acknowledged by the UN’s continued presence in the country.

  • 19 8月 2023

    Mogadishu – Walking down a dilapidated alley in Mogadishu’s Hamarweyne district, the first thing a passer-by notices is the faint sound of metal tapping and twisting emanating...

  • 18 8月 2023
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 

    Security Council

    SRSG Grundberg tells Security Council of need for the “resumption of an inclusive, Yemeni-owned political process under UN auspices”

    On 16 August, Special Envoy of Secretary-General for Yemen Hans Grundberg briefed Security Council members on recent developments in the country. He also spoke about his mediation efforts with the Government of Yemen and Ansar Allah, and his ongoing engagements with regional States, including Oman. The Special Envoy said the sides continued to display general willingness to seek solutions, but this still needed to be translated into concrete steps.

    Read more here

    West Africa and the Sahel

    UNOWAS SRSG continues regional engagement 

    On 18 August, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the
    UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) Leonardo Santos Simão traveled
    to Niger to meet with the CNSP (the National Committee for the Salvation of the People) leadership and other stakeholders. Also this week, the SRSG visited 
    Liberia and Mauritania as part of his regional familiarization tour. In Monrovia, he met with President Georges Weah, among others, where they discussed youth and women organizations, members of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the diplomatic corps, and the United Nations country team. He also participated in the stakeholder forum that took place on 15 August in preparation of the presidential elections to be held in October 2023. In Nouakchott, he met with President Mohamed Ould Cheikh El Ghazouani of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania and President of the Conference of Heads of State of the G5 Sahel, among others. During his discussions with the President, the Special Representative addressed national and regional humanitarian and security challenges, including the political and institutional crisis in Niger.  

    West and Central Africa

    Evaluation of the Yaoundé Code of Conduct for maritime security

    From 14 to 16 August, the UN Office for Central Africa (UNOCA), the UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) and the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) supported the organization of a Core Group meeting in Dakar, Senegal to develop Action Plans to evaluate the Yaoundé Code of Conduct and Architecture for maritime security in West and Central Africa. This meeting brought together a small group of representatives involved in the fight against maritime insecurity in the Gulf of Guinea. Participants developed action plans for a review of the Yaoundé Code of Conduct and the resulting regional architecture. The results of the work will be presented at the Annual Meeting of Senior Officials (RAHAR) of the Inter-Regional Coordination Centre, to be held in September 2023 in Abuja.

    Read more here


    Peace Clubs celebrate fourth anniversary of Maputo Accord

    This week, Peace Clubs across Mozambique commemorated the fourth anniversary of the Maputo Accord for Peace and National Reconciliation. In Chibabava district, the celebration included the painting of a peace-inspired mural and a community gathering of school children, community members and Disarmament, Demobilization and Rehabilitation (DDR) beneficiaries. Supported by the Office of the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General for Mozambique, Mirko Manzoni, Peace Clubs promote non-violence and reconciliation using existing community structures. Through a network of interfaith religious and social leaders, their engagement with DDR beneficiaries, family members and broader communities supports work on reintegration and reconciliation across the country.

    Central Asia

    SRSG Imnadze meets with Turkmenistan leadership 

    On 14 August, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA) met with the President of Turkmenistan, Serdar Berdimuhamedov. They discussed the UNRCCA priority areas of engagement and the role of the United Nations at the global and regional levels. The President of Turkmenistan expressed full support to the efforts of UNRCCA in building trust and promoting preventive diplomacy in Central Asia.

    Read more here


    George Conway appointed as Deputy Special Representative for Somalia

    George Conway of Canada has been appointed by the Secretary-General on 18 August as the new Deputy Special Representative for Somalia with the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) and Resident Coordinator in Somalia. He succeeds Adam Abdelmoula of Sudan. Conway brings over 20 years of experience in crisis prevention and peacebuilding.

    Read more here


    Subscribe to 'This Week in DPPA' here

    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org


    SRSG Hennis-Plasschaert meets with Iraqi civil society to discuss gender equality

    On 13 August, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and the Head of the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, accompanied by her Deputy for Political Affairs and Electoral Assistance Claudio Cordone, met with Iraqi civil society representatives to discuss the ongoing debate surrounding the use of the terms ‘gender’, ‘equality’ and ‘women’s empowerment’. “Disinformation or attempts to ban universally accepted terms are not helping Iraq to achieve stability and prosperity,” the SRSG said, adding that the rights and freedoms enshrined in the Iraqi Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, for which Iraq voted in the UN General Assembly 75 years ago, apply to all Iraqis. 

    DSRSG Cordone meets with Iraqi official to discuss search for missing Kuwaitis

    On 16 August, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General (DSRSG) for Political Affairs and Electoral Assistance Claudio Cordone met in Baghdad with the Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Multilateral and Legal Affairs Omar Al-Barzanji. They discussed issues relating to the search for the remains of missing Kuwaitis, and missing Kuwaiti property, including the national archives, and UNAMI’s facilitating role. The DSRSG welcomed the continuing cooperation between the Iraq Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence with Kuwait on this important humanitarian file.

    DSRSG Isaczai discusses Iraq’s work to achieve Sustainable Development Goals

    On 13 August, the DSRSG/RC/HC for Iraq, Ghulam Mohammad Isaczai, met in Baghdad with the Minister of Planning, Muhammad Ali Tamim. They discussed the close cooperation between the United Nations and the Government of Iraq on numerous development and humanitarian issues, including Iraq’s efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. 

    UNAMI holds roundtable with Karbala Police on due process rights of defendants

    On 15 August, UNAMI’s Human Rights Office, in coordination with the Iraqi High Commission for Human Rights (IHCHR) and Iraq Human Rights Watch Society (IHRWS), held a roundtable with Karbala Police Command on the due process rights of defendants under Iraqi and international law. Discussions focused on the Iraqi and international human rights law framework protecting the right to legal counsel, the right to remain silent and the right to prepare an adequate defence. The roundtable also covered the legal framework governing legitimate arrests and investigations as well as the prohibition of torture. UNAMI Human Rights Officers discussed the Iraqi Criminal Procedure Code, the International Covenant for Civil and Political Rights, the Convention against Torture and the International Convention for Protection from Enforced Disappearance.


    Verification Mission supports photography course for students in Tierra Grata

    This week marked the beginning of a photography workshop for the children of the former TATR of Tierra Grata in Manaure, in the department of Cesar. The initiative was supported by the UN Verification Mission in Colombia, and was designed by La Rotativa, a Communication Group formed by youth in the TATR of Tierra Grata. The course teaches storytelling through photography, and was guided by five instructors, including one of the Mission’s public information officers.

    Government of Colombia and ELN start fourth round of peace talks

    On 14 August, a fourth round of peace talks between the government of Colombia and the Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN) started in Caracas, Venezuela. Attending the talks, Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) and Head of the UN Verification Mission in Colombia Carlos Ruiz Massieu expressed confidence that the negotiations would lead to further agreements to aid the well-being of the communities affected by the conflict. The SRSG also reiterated the commitment of the United Nations to the process and its willingness to continue contributing to the peacebuilding efforts in Colombia.

    Western Balkans

    Youth creativity and activism celebrated on International Youth Day

    On 12 August, International Youth Day, as part of the Secretary-General’s Peacebuilding Fund’s-supported initiative “Youth 4 Inclusion, Equality & Trust,” youth in Mitrovica celebrated diversity through live music, discussions among young men and women, musicians, and artists. Exchanges centered around the role of music and artistic expression in the Western Balkans and to build connections and promote trust among people. In Skopje, an event was held in the city’s park, featuring the annual Youth Civic Engagement Awards that honored youth activism and creativity in addressing social challenges. In another location, near Prizren at a lakeside, approximately 20 young men and women attended a youth camp, where they gained knowledge on how to channel their creativity and design unique eco-art installations using waste materials.















  • 18 8月 2023

    New York, 19 August, 2023

    This year’s World Humanitarian Day marks the 20th anniversary of the deadly attack on the Canal Hotel in Baghdad.

    On that dark day, we lost 22 colleagues, including Special Representative Sergio Vieira de Mello.

    That tragedy marked a change in the way humanitarians operate.

    Because today...

  • 18 8月 2023

    ASG Miroslav Jenca and SRSG Kaha Imnadze meet with the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev

    TASHKENT, Uzbekistan

  • 18 8月 2023

    We are hiring a consultant experienced in developing virtual exhibit spaces/platform; designing creative methods to curate a web-based VR, and hosting/populating virtual exhibits to work on an...

  • 18 8月 2023

    Dakar, 18 August 2023 - The Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Office for West...

  • 18 8月 2023

    A former member of staff of the World Food Programme (WFP) has been talking about the “immense psychological injuries” he has suffered following the deadly terrorist attack on the UN offices at the Canal Hotel in Baghdad, Iraq in 2003.

  • 17 8月 2023

    Conflict and insecurity in countries such as South Sudan and its neighbour to the north are set to make 2023 another year of high death tolls and and injuries for aid workers in the field, the UN warned on Thursday. 

  • 17 8月 2023

    The widow of a UN staff member who died in the terrorist attack on the UN headquarters in Baghdad, Iraq has been describing how “a piece of me also died on that tragic day.”

  • 17 8月 2023

    Sudan’s continuing military showdown has had “massive humanitarian consequences” including allegations that some fighters from the powerful and long-standing RSF militia have been using rape systematically to terrorise communities they control, said a group of independent human rights experts on Thursday.

  • 17 8月 2023

    Arms and ammunition transfers to Ukraine have increased rapidly in recent months, alongside concerning reports of deliveries of banned cluster munitions, the UN’s top disarmament official told the Security Council on Thursday.

  • 17 8月 2023

    Conflict and insecurity in countries such as South Sudan and its neighbour to the north are set to make 2023 another year of high death tolls and and injuries for aid workers in the field, the UN warned on Thursday. 

  • 17 8月 2023

    The widow of a UN staff member who died in the terrorist attack on the UN headquarters in Baghdad, Iraq has been describing how “a piece of me also died on that tragic day.”

  • 17 8月 2023

    Continuing ‘severe, widespread and long-standing” violations against citizens of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) by their own Government, must not be viewed in isolation from wider peace and security issues on the Peninsula, said the UN human rights chief on Thursday.

  • 17 8月 2023

    Dakar, 16 August 2023 - The Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa and...

  • 16 8月 2023

    Dakar, 16 August 2023 – The United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), the United Nations Office for Central Africa (...

  • 16 8月 2023

    Two senior UN officials highlighted the need for progress towards peace in war-torn Yemen amid ongoing political, economic and humanitarian challenges, in briefings to the Security Council on Wednesday. 

  • 16 8月 2023

    This August marks twenty years of peace in Liberia following the end of the brutal civil war there, followed by a successful democratic transition. In this blog, the UN Resident Coordinator in the West African country, Christine N. Umutoni, reflects on the enormous progress Liberians have made.

  • 16 8月 2023

    There must be “rapid and unimpeded passage of humanitarian relief for all civilians in need” via the Lachin Corridor, the UN Security Council heard on Wednesday. 

  • 15 8月 2023

    The Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, visited Muscat and met the Undersecretary for Political Affairs at the Omani Foreign Ministry, Khalifa Al Harthy, and other senior Omani officials. Discussions focused on ways to provide concerted support to the parties in Yemen towards resuming an inclusive political process under United Nations auspices. Special Envoy Grundberg expressed gratitude to Oman’s...

  • 15 8月 2023

    After four months of war in Sudan, UN humanitarians on Tuesday called for action to be taken to end the conflict which is having a “devastating impact” on people's lives, health and well-being.

  • 15 8月 2023

    After four months of war in Sudan, UN humanitarians on Tuesday called for action to be taken to end the conflict which is having a “devastating impact” on people's lives, health and well-being.

  • 15 8月 2023

    The United Nations Support Mission in Libya is following with concern security incidents and developments in Tripoli since yesterday and their impact on the civilian population. The Mission reminds all parties involved...

  • 14 8月 2023
  • 14 8月 2023
  • 14 8月 2023

    More than 30 independent UN human rights experts have called for the international community to recommit to support the people of Afghanistan, in a statement issued on Monday marking two years since the Taliban took power. 

  • 14 8月 2023

    An escalation of Russian attacks against civilians in Ukraine has brought more death and injuries to southern regions while hampering aid operations, the UN’s top humanitarian official in the country said on Monday.

  • 13 8月 2023

    PSC/PR/COMM.1168 (2023)

    The Council Reiterated its deep concern over the resurgence of military coups d’état and unequivocally condemned the military coup d’état that took place on 26 July 2023 in Niger. Council welcomed the Final Communique of the Extraordinary Summit of the ECOWAS Authority of...