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Reports and Policy Documents


  • 20 Dec 2019

    Following a “thorough, independent and objective assessment”, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) announced on Friday that she plans to open a formal investigation into alleged war crimes in Palestine, but asked the Court for a further ruling over territorial jurisdiction.

  • 20 Dec 2019

    The second session of the Syrian Constitutional Committee, aiming to create a new post-war political road map for the country, failed to get off the ground due to lack of consensus over the agenda, the UN Special Envoy for the country told the Security Council on Friday. 

  • 20 Dec 2019
  • 20 Dec 2019

    Madame President 

    1. One year ago, many believed that the Syrian conflict was winding down. Yet the past 12
    months have seen a steady stream of violence, punctuated by escalations, that continue to
    this day, across many areas of Syria – such as the northwest, the northeast and the
    south. Proscribed terrorist groups have also not been defeated and continue to pose a
    major security threat. All of this serves as a constant, grim reminder that the need for a
    comprehensive political process, as mandated by this Council in resolution 2254, is more
    pressing than ever.

    2. Today, let me start by updating you on one aspect of that process – the Constitutional

    3. On 25 November, the Small Body of the Syrian-led and Syrian-owned Constitutional
    Committee convened for its second session. Before arriving in Geneva, I had asked each
    Co-Chair to put forward proposals for an agenda for the second session, in line with the
    Terms of Reference and Core Rules of Procedure.

    4. On 21 November, the Co-Chair designated by the opposition Syrian Negotiations
    Commission, sent me a proposed workplan with 10 constitutional headings and an agenda
    focusing on the preamble to the Constitution and basic principles of the Constitution. On
    25 November, the Co-Chair designated by the Syrian Government, proposed an agenda
    discussing “national pillars”, or national pillars of concern to the Syrian people.

    5. At the same time, the Co-Chair designated by the Government insisted that constitutional
    issues could not be discussed until these “national pillars” were discussed. For its part, the
    SNC Co-Chair stated that “national pillars” could be discussed, provided this occurs
    within the context of the agreed Terms of Reference and Core Rules of Procedure or
    within an agenda of basic constitutional principles.

    6. From 25 through 29 November I sought, in line with my mandate, and consistent with the
    Syrian leadership and ownership of the process, to facilitate consensus between the Co-
    Chairs and bring their viewpoints closer together. We had serious discussions in this
    regard. Different formulas were put forward that might have enabled both sides to table
    and discuss the issues of interest to them within the scope of the Constitutional
    Committee’s mandate. By the end of the week, however, it was clear that consensus
    would not be reached and that a meeting of the Small Body was not possible.

    7. During this recess, I remain focused on facilitating agreement on an agenda for the next
    session of the Small Body. I hope that I will soon be able to consult with the Syrian
    Government directly in Damascus to this end, as well as the Syrian Negotiations
    Commission. My team also remains in contact with the “Middle Third” civil society
    delegation and I stand ready to support them, along the lines I outlined in my last briefing.

    8. I have also met with international stakeholders, on this and all other aspects of the
    process. This past month, I met with the Foreign Ministers of Russia and Turkey, as well
    as those of Italy, Jordan, Algeria, and senior officials from the US, France, Iran, and
    Germany, who all expressed support for my mediation efforts.

    9. I hope agreement can be reached promptly on an agenda that falls in line with the Terms
    of Reference and Core Rules of Procedure of the Constitutional Committee. As things
    stand and absent an agreed agenda, I see no reason to convene another session of the
    Small Body.

    Madame President,

    10. When I last briefed this Council, we had just concluded a successful opening session of
    the Constitutional Committee. This second session was obviously very different, in both
    substance and tone. But disagreement on the agenda is typical for any political process.

    11. I do, however, believe there are several lessons we can draw from the experience of the
    second round.

    12. First, the Constitutional Committee is and will remain fragile. Progress depends on the
    two sides, whose agreement made its creation possible – the Syrian Government and the
    Syrian Negotiations Commission – allowing their members to work professionally on the
    constitutional issues, and without disassociating themselves from the work of those they
    nominated. The Constitutional Committee needs to be nurtured, and genuinely supported
    if it is to succeed. This is the responsibility of the Syrian parties. International
    stakeholders, too, have a supporting role to play. I know I can count on the support of this
    Council in that regard.

    13. Second, any proposed agenda must comply with the Terms of Reference and Core Rules
    of Procedure, agreed between the Government and opposition. This means that all issues
    are open for discussion within the Committee - without preconditions, and without
    making consideration of one issue dependent on resolution of another. And it also means
    that issues should be framed and fall under a constitutional heading. The Constitutional
    Committee is mandated by agreement to prepare and draft a constitutional reform as a
    contribution to the political settlement. If the Constitutional Committee is to deliver on
    this, it must focus on its constitutional mandate.

    14. Third, the second round only underscores the need for a broader and comprehensive
    political process. The Government and Opposition reaffirmed this when they agreed, in
    the Terms of Reference and Core Rules of Procedure, on the need for a ‘broader political
    process moving forward to build trust and confidence and implement Security Council
    resolution 2254 (2015).’ Indeed, I believe that, while a Constitutional Committee cannot
    solve the crisis, it can help foster the trust and confidence between the parties, that can
    open the door to a broader process– and, equally, such a broader process can feed
    positively into the work on the constitutional issues.

    Madame President,

    15. I believe a meaningful, wider political process would be one that delivers tangible
    actions, such as progress on the release of detainees/abductees and the clarification of the
    fate of missing persons. It remains a matter of great frustration for me that there has not
    been meaningful movement on this issue. My Deputy and I will continue engaging with
    the Syrian parties directly as well as with other relevant actors. We also remain
    committed to actively contribute to the efforts of the Working Group that was set up to
    deal with this issue. In this context, I met with senior officials from Russia, Turkey and
    Iran in Nur-Sultan last week and, along with discussion on other issues, I stressed the
    need to move beyond the “one-for-one” exchanges, and to see releases, at a meaningful
    scale, of children, women and the sick.

    16. De-escalating violence and a nationwide ceasefire should underpin a wider political
    process. Northwest Syria has seen a deeply troubling escalation of violence in recent
    days. ASG Muller briefed this Council in detail yesterday on the terrible suffering of
    civilians there. The devastating humanitarian cost of a full-scale military offensive for the
    3 million people living in northwest Syria is a price we simply cannot afford to pay. All
    sides must de-escalate urgently. Civilians also continue to suffer in northeast Syria, where
    the security situation remains volatile, even if it is calmer relative to the days and weeks
    after Turkey first launched its intervention. It is crucial that the various ceasefire
    understandings negotiated between actors there are respected and lead to a sustained deescalation
    in violence. The security situation in southern Syria also remains turbulent and
    should be addressed.

    17. Countering Security Council-listed terrorist groups is imperative too – through an
    approach that is cooperative, that ensures the protection of civilians, respects international
    humanitarian and human rights law.

    18. And as always, while the security situation is the most devastating threat, Syrians also
    face increasing economic hardship, including as a result of commodity shortages and
    entrenched poverty. A broader process must ultimately address this too.

    19. A broader process should respect and ultimately restore Syria’s sovereignty, unity,
    territorial integrity and independence.

    20. Such a process should achieve a long-lasting, real and genuine reconciliation.

    Madame President,

    21. A broader process must also be inclusive. We continue to consult with the Syrian
    Women’s Advisory Board on the concerns and priorities of diverse Syrian women and
    their perspectives on a sustainable and inclusive political solution.

    22. Syrian civil society should be fully included in any broader process.

    23. Ultimately, the process should help develop a safe, calm and neutral environment - an
    environment that sees safe, voluntary and dignified refugee returns, to their places of
    origin or of their choosing; an environment in which a new Constitution, adopted by
    popular approval, can be genuinely reflected in institutions and in practice; an
    environment in which inclusive, free and fair elections can take place, which include the
    diaspora and which are administered under the supervision of the United Nations in line
    with resolution 2254.

    24. Many of these issues touch upon constitution-making and some could be discussed under
    a constitutional rubric. But a constitution-making process itself is not likely to resolve
    them in a way that meets the urgent and legitimate concerns of the Syrian people. I
    remain convinced that a “steps for steps” model could help unlock practical progress –
    steps that build trust and confidence among Syrians, and between Syrians and the
    international community, undertaken in a reciprocal fashion.

    25. I continue to press on this in all of my engagements, with the Syrian parties and
    international stakeholders. I continue to offer my good offices in this regard. And I
    continue to support the convening of a new international format, to bring together the will
    of the key players.

    Madame President,

    26. This is my last briefing of my first year as Special Envoy. When I first briefed you, I said
    my priorities were a sustained dialogue with the Syrian Government and the opposition,
    the launch of the Constitutional Committee as a door opener, a wider dialogue with civil
    society, action on detainees, abductees and missing, and international discussions in
    support of a political solution.

    27. These remain my priorities. But it is time now to update them. The Committee is
    launched – but needs to work expeditiously and continuously, producing results and
    continued progress. I appreciate my open and direct dialogue with both Syrian parties –
    but if we are to take it to the next level, we need to address the full array of issues. We
    must enable de-escalation leading towards a nationwide ceasefire, as well as a
    cooperative, lawful approach to countering proscribed terrorist groups. As part of this
    dialogue, we must generate concrete action on detainees, abductees and missing persons.
    I think all of this could take shape for the benefit of all Syrians, like through a “steps for
    steps” approach. And I think a key part of this is for international discussions to deepen
    and for a new international format to take shape, to underpin the process. We know that
    none of this will be easy, and I will continue to count on the full engagement of the
    Syrian parties and the full support of this Council.

    Thank you, Madame President.

  • 20 Dec 2019

    The Network of Civil Society Organizations for monitoring stability-promoting reforms, through the political dialogue support project, organized a...

  • 20 Dec 2019

    In the midst of “turbulent and trying times”, all the world’s people must stand together in peace and harmony, the UN Secretary-General said on Friday. António Guterres was speaking following an audience with Pope Francis at the Vatican, who he thanked for his strong support for the global Organization. 

  • 19 Dec 2019

    Both Iran and the United States have been putting strain on the groundbreaking 2015 deal to monitor Iran’s nuclear programme, which remains a “cornerstone of international peace and security”, said the UN’s political affairs chief on Thursday.

  • 19 Dec 2019

    The head of the UN Counter-Terrorism Office (UNOCT) has highlighted the importance of tolerance in combating the “corrosive spread” of violent extremism. 

  • 19 Dec 2019

    Thank you, Madame President, for convening today’s meeting on non-proliferation, which remains a cornerstone of international peace and security and a top priority for the international community.

    In this regard, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on the Iranian nuclear issue, and resolution 2231 (2015), are crucial to nuclear non-proliferation as well as regional and international security. We are encouraged by the broad international support for the Plan and the resolution. Their full and effective implementation is key to ensuring the peaceful nature of Iran’s nuclear programme and to secure tangible economic benefit to the Iranian people.           

    We therefore regret the withdrawal of the United States from the JCPOA in May 2018 and the recent steps taken by Iran to reduce its nuclear-related commitments under the Plan.

    Certain actions taken by the United States, since its withdrawal from the Plan, are contrary to the goals of the Plan. The re-imposition of its national sanctions lifted under the Plan, as well as its decision not to extend waivers for the trade in oil with Iran and certain non-proliferation projects, may also impede the ability of Iran and other Member States to implement the Plan and 2231.

    Since July, under IAEA monitoring, Iran has surpassed JCPOA-stipulated limits on its uranium enrichment level, as well as limits on its stockpiles of  heavy water and low-enriched uranium. It has taken steps related to centrifuge research and development, and commenced injecting uranium hexafluoride gas into the centrifuges at the Fordow facility. Iran has stated that all these steps are reversible and that it intends to remain in the Plan.  It is important that Iran returns to full implementation of the Plan, and refrain from further steps to reduce its commitments.

    We welcome the initiatives of the other participants of the JCPOA, which should be given full effect as a matter of priority.  In this regard, the recent decisions by Belgium, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Sweden and Norway to also join the Instrument in Support of Trade Exchanges (INSTEX) are positive developments.

    These actions can contribute to the goals of facilitating legitimate business with Iran and the preservation of the Plan. The Secretary-General encourages Member States and others to work with JCPOA participants to achieve these important goals.

    At the same time, Iran should carefully consider and address the concerns expressed by Member States about its activities in relation to the restrictive measures contained in annex B to the resolution.

    Over the course of this year, tensions in the region have worryingly escalated. We witnessed attacks against oil tankers, strikes against a civilian airport, and a highly sophisticated and synchronized attack against oil facilities in Saudi Arabia. Combined with acrimonious rhetoric, these developments have dangerously brought the region closer to a serious confrontation. Such an eventuality would be devastating and must be prevented at all cost. The Secretary-General continues to call on Member States to exercise maximum restraint and prevent further escalation amid heightened tensions.

    Madam President, 
    I will now turn to the measures contained in annex B to the resolution, as outlined in the Secretary-General’s eighth report on the implementation of resolution 2231 and subsequent information obtained during the reporting period.

    First, on the implementation of the nuclear-related provisions, we have not received new reports on the supply, sale or transfer to Iran of nuclear and nuclear-related dual-use items contrary to paragraph 2 of annex B.  It is vital that the procurement channel works effectively and efficiently to promote increased international engagement with Iran. All Member States and the private sector are encouraged to fully utilize and support this channel. 

    In this connection, we recall the 3 May 2018 announcement by the United States that involvement in certain nuclear-related activities set forth in paragraph 2 of annex B may be exposed to its national sanctions. We also note the announcement by the United States that effective 15 December 2019 it “will terminate the sanctions waiver related to the nuclear facility at Fordow”.

    Exemption provisions in resolution 2231 allow for the transfer of such items, materials, equipment, goods and technology required for the nuclear activities of Iran under the Plan, subject to the relevant notification requirements. 

    Second, several Member States have provided divergent views  on Iran’s test-firing of ballistic missiles in the reporting period, as well as a reportedly failed launch of a space-launch vehicle in August. Paragraph 3 of annex B calls upon Iran not to undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including launches using such ballistic missile technology.

    France, Germany, Israel, the United Kingdom, and the United States viewed the missiles reportedly launched by Iran to be category I systems under the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), and are therefore designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons.  By contrast, Iran and the Russian Federation stressed the lack of any reference to the MTCR regime in paragraph 3 of annex B. They further stated that Iran’s ballistic missile activities were not inconsistent with paragraph 3, as these missiles were not designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons. 

    Related to ballistic missiles activities, the Secretariat also received information from the United States that several shipments of HTPB (hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene) – a substance that can be used in solid missile fuel – were transferred to Iran in July and August 2017. We are examining this information and will update the Council accordingly.

    Third, regarding arms-related restrictions, the Secretariat confirmed that 23 optical sights for RPG-7-type rocket propelled grenade launchers, part of a larger consignment seized in Aden (in December 2018), were delivered to end-users in Iran in 2016. This suggests that these optical sights may have been transferred from Iran to Yemen after 16 January 2016, which would be inconsistent with Iran’s obligations under resolution 2231. We had already indicated in our last report that the grenade launchers found in that seizure had characteristics similar to the Iranian-produced RPG-7-type launchers, such as markings and heat shields.

    Further on the arms restrictive measures, the Secretariat – at the invitation of Saudi authorities – examined the debris of the weapons systems used in the 14 May attack on the oil facility in Afif, the 12 June and 10 August attacks on the Abha International Airport and the 14 September attack on the Saudi Aramco oil facilities in Abqaiq and Khurais.  

    Though the Houthis claimed responsibility for the 14 September attacks on Abqaiq and Khurais, their announcements on the number and type of weapons systems used do not correspond to the information that we have seen. The Houthis claimed that the attacks involved 10 UAVs.

    However, the number of impact points observed by the Secretariat shows that the attacks involved a larger number, and different types, of weapons systems – which is consistent with the information provided by Saudi authorities. According to them, the attacks involved at least 18 UAVs, and 7 cruise missiles. In addition, since the publication of the report, United States has shared additional information with us regarding the debris of one of the UAVs, which indicated that this UAV traversed a location about 200km northwest of Abqaiq shortly before the strike.

    At this time, we are unable to independently corroborate that the cruise missiles, or the recovered components we inspected, are of Iranian origin.  I would like to stress, however, that this is our preliminary finding. We are still very much in the process of reviewing components and subcomponents recovered, as well as collecting and analysing additional information on these cruise missiles.

    For example, we have recently received confirmation that some of the cruise missile components were, in fact, not made by the identified manufacturers but could have been copies. The Secretary-General intends to report back to the Security Council on our further findings.

    Regarding the UAVs, the Houthis in Yemen are not known to be in possession of the specific delta wing type UAVs used in these attacks. The UAVs were found to be equipped with a type of vertical gyroscope that had been observed on an Iranian UAV reportedly recovered in Afghanistan in 2016. Parts of the UAVs were also produced and transferred between Member States, after 16 January 2016, and as recently as 2018.

    Based on our preliminary assessment, the Secretariat is unable to independently corroborate that the UAVs, or the recovered components we examined, are of Iranian origin. As with the cruise missiles, the Secretariat is still actively reviewing components and subcomponents recovered, as well as collecting and analysing additional information on these UAVs. The Secretary-General intends to report back on our further findings.

    In addition, I would like to bring to your attention arms-related information that had become available since the publication of the Secretary-General’s report.  At the invitation of the United States, the Secretariat travelled to examine arms and related materiel, alleged to be of Iranian origin, which the US seized in international waters off the coast of Yemen, on 25 November 2019. The seized items included anti-tank guided missiles, surface to air missiles, as well as parts of cruise missiles and anti-ship missiles. The anti-tank guided missiles that we saw had production dates as recent as 2018. Their container-launch units also had characteristics consistent with the Iranian-produced Dehlavieh anti-tank guided missile; we had made a similar observation of other ATGM container-launch units seized in Yemen in our sixth report to the Council. The Secretariat is still reviewing the information and will report back to the Council with additional details. 

    Finally, we were informed of additional travel allegedly untaken  by the Commander of the Al-Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, Major General Qasem Soleimani, to Iraq in October 2019. We also were informed of  alleged cooperation between a Member State’s academic institution with an entity on the 2231 list, as well as several ongoing cooperation agreements in the construction sector between foreign entities and other entities on the list.

    The Secretariat has requested clarification from relevant Member States and will report back to the Council.

    Madam President,
    The Secretary-General considers the full implementation of 2231 by all Member States as an integral component of our collective conflict prevention efforts. This has assumed greater importance in the context of current tensions in the Gulf. The Secretary-General, therefore, calls on Member States to avoid confrontational actions and explore avenues for dialogue and cooperation in the interest of international peace and security. 

    Let me conclude by acknowledging the leadership of His Excellency Mr. Marc Pecsteen de Buytswerve in his role as the Facilitator for the implementation of resolution 2231 and to assure him once again of our full support. I would also like to thank the Coordinator of the Procurement Working Group of the Joint Commission for our continued cooperation.



  • 19 Dec 2019

    The humanitarian situation facing civilians in many parts of Syria is “worse than when the year began”, the UN deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator told the Security Council on Thursday.

  • 19 Dec 2019

    Mogadishu – Somalia’s international partners* reaffirm the importance of timely and effective preparations of the 2020/21 federal elections.

    At the Somalia Partnership Forum on 2 October,...

  • 19 Dec 2019

    A women raises her hand to speak at a human rights event at the Provincial Governor's offices on 11 June 2019 in Kunduz, Afghanistan. Photo: UNAMA / Fardin Waezi


  • 19 Dec 2019

    Aways Ahmed Sardheye has served as a member of Puntland’s parliament for a year now, and in his time as a representative in Somalia’s north-eastern Federal Member State he has been a voice for the youth in Puntland. ...

  • 19 Dec 2019

    Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

    On 17-18 December 2019, the United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA)...

  • 18 Dec 2019

    Obstacles to any lasting deal between Israel and Palestine continue to mount, the UN’s Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process told Security Council members on Wednesday, and only “concrete action” towards a two-State solution will change that dynamic.

  • 18 Dec 2019

    Shifting balances of power are triggering “new and dangerous risks”, the UN chief told the Italian Senate in Rome on Wednesday, pointing to the need for more coordinated international responses, focused on solutions.

  • 18 Dec 2019
  • 18 Dec 2019

    Garowe – Closing a series of consultative meetings across Somalia’s Federal Member States, a senior delegation of representatives from some of the country’s international...

  • 18 Dec 2019

    Garowe – Representatives of the African Union, European Union, Intergovernmental Authority on Development, and United Nations visited Puntland today in the fourth...

  • 18 Dec 2019

    Huang Xia addressing a group of African diplomats and Chinese private investors in Beijing during a roadshow organized for the Great Lakes Investment and Trade Conference in Africa’s Great...

  • 17 Dec 2019

    Extending the deadline for the establishment of a unity government in South Sudan has helped maintain a ceasefire but also disillusioned many  citizens, the Security Council heard on Tuesday. 

  • 17 Dec 2019

    Kismayo – On the third stop of a series of consultations in Somalia’s Federal Member States, a senior delegation of some of the country’s international partners today visited Jubaland’s capital,...

  • 17 Dec 2019

    Kismayo – Representatives of the African Union, European Union, Intergovernmental Authority on Development, and United Nations visited Jubaland today in the third of...

  • 17 Dec 2019

    The Security Council held on 16 December 2019 an open meeting on the shared causes of intercommunal violence and preventing violent extremism in...

  • 17 Dec 2019

    TUNIS, 17 December 2019 –UNSMIL in collaboration with OHCHR completed a three-day training on the integration of gender into the Universal Periodic Review Process...

  • 17 Dec 2019

    An average of nine children have been killed or maimed every day in Afghanistan so far this year, according to a new report from the UN Children’s Fund, UNICEF, which describes the country as “the world’s most lethal warzone”.

  • 16 Dec 2019

    The search for peace will remain of “paramount importance” to Afghanistan as the country awaits the outcome of the recent presidential election, the top UN official in the country told the Security Council on Monday. 

  • 16 Dec 2019

    NEW YORK - The UN’s top envoy in Afghanistan said that when the 2019 presidential election is completed with credibility, it will become...

  • 16 Dec 2019

    The UN envoy for West Africa and the vast Sahel region, told the Security Council on Monday that in recent months, the region has been “shaken by unprecedented violence”.

  • 16 Dec 2019

    Tripoli, 16 December 2019 - Reda Fhelboom, a well-known human rights defender and journalist was arrested and detained at ...

  • 16 Dec 2019

    Special Envoy Huang Xia (center) addressing an audience of about 150 participants from the private sector

    Hangzhou (China), 16 December 2019 - The Special Envoy of the...

  • 15 Dec 2019

    Belet Weyne, 15 December 2019 – With flood-waters receding around Belet Weyne, residents are trying to return to normal life – but it is no easy task.


  • 15 Dec 2019

    BAMYAN - Youth activists in Afghanistan’s central highlands province of Bamyan gathered at a UN-backed symposium to strategize on ways to promote social cohesion in the interest of advancing peace, locally and...

  • 14 Dec 2019

    Ninth Annual Meeting of Deputy Foreign Ministers of Central Asian states (Tashkent, 14 December 2019)

    TASHKENT, Uzbekistan


  • 13 Dec 2019

    Our top stories for Friday include an exclusive UN News interview with Yemen Envoy Martin Griffiths; India’s new “discriminatory” citizenship law; a milestone smallpox eradication anniversary; helicopters deployed in DR Congo Ebola fight; Mediterranean migrant latest, and Chile’s deadly protests: UN report finds clear pattern of repression.

  • 13 Dec 2019


    7 - 13 December 2019

    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world.


    UN political chief visits Ukraine
    Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo is wrapping up a two-day visit to Ukraine, where she’s been reiterating  the UN’s support for ongoing peace and reform efforts. With government officials in Kyiv, she highlighted the need to sustain the momentum toward peace created by the recent meeting in Paris of the Normandy Four leaders and reaffirmed UN backing for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within internationally-recognized borders. She also met with young Ukrainian civil society leaders, with whom she discussed the important role of youth, women and internally displaced people in creating an enabling environment for peace through local dialogue initiatives and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.
    For more information, contact us


    Security Council

    UN Secretary-General urges DPRK and US to resume talks
    Assistant Secretary-General Khaled Khiari briefed the Security Council on 11 December on non-proliferation and troubling developments in recent months related to the nuclear weapon and ballistic missile programmes of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). He said that UN Secretary-General António Guterres was urging the DPRK and the United States to resume talks. “It will require perseverance, political courage and painstaking diplomacy. […] Diplomacy can continue to reduce tensions that could otherwise set events on an unpredictable trajectory,” he added.
    Read his full remarks here



    Aswan Forum for Sustainable Peace and Development in Africa
    The Aswan Forum for Sustainable Peace and Development in Africa, organized by the government of Egypt and the Cairo International Centre for Conflict Resolution Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding, took place from 10-11 December, with senior representation from across the UN system, African Member States and partners. The outcomes of the Forum will contribute to the 2020 Review of the Peacebuilding Architecture. Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed moderated the opening discussion with several African Heads of State (Egypt, Chad, Comoros, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal), the African Union, African Development Bank and the World Bank. Oscar Fernandez-Taranco, Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support, took part in panels on “sustaining peace in practice” and financing. Discussions also covered the “Silencing the Guns” initiative and conflict prevention in Africa.
    For more information, contact us



    Delegations of AU, EU, IGAD and UN hold consultations with stakeholders in Baidoa and Jowhar
    As 2019 draws to a close, senior officials from some of Somalia’s international partners visited Baidoa in the South West State (SWS) on 10 December for the start of a series of consultations with a range of stakeholders. While in Baidoa, the delegation met with SWS’ President Abdiaziz Hassan Mohamed ‘Laftagareen,’ local elders and representatives from civil society to help better understand the opportunities and challenges to implementation of the various national process set for 2020.
    Read more on UNSOM’s website

    The delegation continued to Jowhar, the capital of Hirshabelle state, on 11 December. Noting the country’s goals for 2020 are achievable with the strong collaboration among all stakeholders, the delegation encouraged “all Somali leaders, institutions and communities to engage in dialogue to agree a way forward, and to cooperate to realize the priorities for the year ahead.”
    Read more on UNSOM’s website



    Balkh leaders call for stronger measures to protect children in armed conflict
    At a UN-backed event in Mazar, the capital of Balkh province, on 8 December, participants underscored the pressing need for stronger measures to protect children from harm in Afghanistan’s armed conflict. During the day-long event, community leaders, human rights advocates, civil society representatives and provincial authorities discussed the reality of children being killed, maimed, abused or recruited in the ongoing conflict. They called for additional mechanisms to protect children from harm, not only in the northern province, but also across Afghanistan.
    Read more on UNAMA’s website






    Central Asia

    Turkmenistan creates national strategy on prevention of violent extremism and countering terrorism
    Special Representative for Central Asia and Head of UNRCCA Natalia Gherman, on 10 December in Ashgabat, took part in a roundtable with senior officials of the Turkmen government, dedicated to the adoption of the National Strategy on Prevention of Violent Extremism and Countering Terrorism for 2020-2024 and its implementation. The strategy was developed with the support of the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA) and the UN Counter-Terrorism Office (UNOCT) and reflects migration, border control, the Internet, terrorist financing, socio-economic and political aspects, as well as human rights and the rule of law.
    More on this on UNRCCA’s website



    International Support Group (ISG) for Lebanon meets in Paris
    In Paris on 11 December, Special Coordinator for Lebanon Jan Kubis co-chaired with France a special meeting of the International Support Group (ISG) for Lebanon and other international partners to discuss ways of supporting Lebanon through its current political, economic and financial crisis. The meeting identified “a road map of expected reforms that will trigger support from the international community,” Mr. Kubis said after the meeting. In its final statement, the ISG called for “the urgent formation of an effective and credible government capable to meet the aspirations expressed by all the Lebanese that will have the capacity and credibility to deliver the necessary substantive policy package of economic reforms.”
    For more information, contact us


    Northeast Asia

    Expert consultations on Women, Peace and Security in Beijing
    DPPA, in close cooperation with UN Women and the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), organized a regional expert discussion on Northeast Asian countries’ contributions to the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda. The event in Beijing on 10 December gathered more than 30 participants from China, Japan, Mongolia and the Republic of Korea to review the progress of the WPS implementation in the region in light of next year’s Beijing+25 process and the 20th anniversary of UN Security Council Resolution 1325. The meeting provided the space to exchange opinions on current status of WPS implementation in the region and to discuss ways forward for better progress in promoting the WPS agenda. At the event, SIPRI launched its background paper on emerging role of ROK and Japan in WPS. The participants also discussed the recently updated WPS Index 2019/2020 and the data relevant to Northeast Asia.
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    Women share their experiences in “building memory”
    The UN Mission in Colombia and the country's Truth Commission hosted an encounter of women in the Reintegration Area of Brisas in the Chocó Department on 7 and 8 December. More than 40 participants, including social leaders, EPL ex-combatants and former FARC-EP combatants from Urabá and Atrato, shared, for the first time, their life experiences in the post-conflict period. The women talked about security mechanisms, violence, and prevention.
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    National social dialogue and forum to defend social leaders in Cartagena city
    Carlos Ruiz-Massieu, Special Representative and Head of the UN Verification Mission in Colombia, participated in the fourth Summit of Social Dialogue on 9 December, a meeting led by Attorney General Fernando Carrillo and attended by President of Colombia Ivan Duque. At the summit, representatives of different social, political, business and institutional sectors to build a State Pact to promotes dialogue as mechanisms for dealing with conflicts. Moreover, the SRSG attended the forum "Defend the Defenders" held in the framework of the 71st anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In his statement, Ruiz-Massieu said that "the protection, guarantees, and legitimacy of those who defend human rights and of social leaders is a priority for the UN, because their work is fundamental to peacebuilding, to the implementation of the Peace Agreement, and to consolidate democracy.” Both events took place in Cartagena city.
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  • 13 Dec 2019

    Mogadishu - Somalia’s international partners* welcome the statements by the Federal Government of Somalia and the leadership of Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama’a (ASWJ) issued on 12 December. ...

  • 13 Dec 2019

    The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has seen an increase in the number of reported cases of the deadly haemorrhagic virus Ebola linked to ongoing violence by armed groups targeting remote communities, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Friday. 

  • 13 Dec 2019

    When warring parties in Yemen met in a renovated castle outside the Swedish capital last December for UN-brokered talks, they showed that perhaps there could be a way out of brutal conflict and the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, the UN Special Envoy for the country said this week.  

  • 12 Dec 2019

    Escalating violence and insecurity in Mali have sparked an unprecedented humanitarian crisis, rendering 3.9 million people in need of assistance and protection – an increase of 700,000 since the beginning of the year, the UN said on Thursday.

  • 12 Dec 2019

    Dakar, 12 December- The Special Representative of the Secretary-general and Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS...

  • 12 Dec 2019

    Dakar, 12 December- The Special Representative of the Secretary-general and Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS...

  • 11 Dec 2019

    Madam President,
    Members of the Security Council,

    There have been troubling developments related to the nuclear weapon and ballistic missile programmes of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea – DPRK – in recent months.

    The first relates to the resumed missile testing by the DPRK. 

    The launch of two missiles on 28 November marked the thirteenth time the DPRK has launched ballistic missiles or other projectiles this year. 

    More recently, on 7 December, the DPRK announced what it referred to as an important test at the Sohae Satellite Launching Ground situated on the west coast, that would help to change the “strategic position of the DPRK once again in the near future”.  Some experts believe that the word “strategic” refers to the DPRK’s nuclear weapons capability.  Analysts have reported signs of a rocket engine test at the site having been conducted within the past few days.

    The DPRK through its state media has announced the test of various new missile systems this year, including systems it has referred to as multiple-launch rocket systems as well as a new land-based short-range ballistic missile and a submarine-launched ballistic missile.

    As is well known, Security Council resolutions, most recently resolution 2397 of 22 December 2017, prohibit the DPRK from, inter alia, conducting any further launches that use ballistic missile technology.  Furthermore, according to the information available to the United Nations, the DPRK did not issue any airspace or maritime safety notifications. 

    The second development relates to the DPRK’s ongoing suspension of diplomatic engagements.  The DPRK has yet to resume working-level talks with the United States; inter-Korean contacts have stalled; and the DPRK is forgoing some international engagements.

    The third development relates to the DPRK’s warning of a “new path”. 

    The DPRK has set a new policy that it will not discuss denuclearization unless the United States’ so-called “hostile policy” is removed; it has set a year-end deadline for the United States to come up with a “bold” proposal agreeable to Pyongyang; and has warned that it would otherwise take a “new path”.

    While it is unclear what the “new path” may entail, the DPRK Foreign Ministry stated on 30 November that we may see what a “real ballistic missile is in the not distant future”.  In terms of timing, the Central Committee of the ruling Workers’ Party of Korea will hold a plenary meeting in “the latter half” of December, to “discuss and decide on crucial issues in line with the needs of the development of the Korean revolution and the changed situation at home and abroad”. Previous sessions of the Central Committee have seen the ruling party prepare for major announcements.

    The Secretary-General is very concerned by the latest developments on the Korean Peninsula.  The DPRK’s reference to launching ballistic missiles and its threat of potentially taking a so-called “new path” in the coming weeks is deeply troubling.  The Secretary-General is reiterating his call on the DPRK leadership to comply fully with its international obligations under relevant Security Council resolutions, resume working-level talks with the United States, and work for peace and stability.

    On 15 December 2017, the Secretary-General described the situation on the Korean Peninsula as the most tense and dangerous peace and security issue in the world.  Significant progress was made in 2018 towards building trust, reducing the risk of war and opening channels of communication.  The summits involving the leaders of the DPRK and the Republic of Korea and United States respectively gave rise to hope that it is possible to build an atmosphere conducive to advancing sustainable peace and complete and verifiable denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula.

    Today, however, and as mentioned, talks between the DPRK and the United States, as well as between the two Koreas, have stalled.

    The Secretary-General calls on the parties to continue what they have started.  It will require perseverance, political courage and painstaking diplomacy.  He urges the DPRK and the United States to resume talks.  Diplomacy can continue to reduce tensions that could otherwise set events on an unpredictable trajectory. 

    The Secretary-General calls for the international community to support the parties in their endeavours and to ensure the full implementation of the relevant Security Council resolutions.  The unity of the Security Council remains essential for achieving the goal of complete and verifiable denuclearization and creates the space for diplomatic initiatives to that end.

    I would like to close, Madam President, by noting that a breakdown in diplomacy will not help the human rights or humanitarian situation in the DPRK. 

    Meeting the population’s basic needs of food, access to essential health services as well as to clean water and adequate sanitation, are a humanitarian imperative but also a basic human right. 

    While the primary responsibility to meet these needs lies with the DPRK Government, as is the case for any government toward its people, the United Nations Secretariat has consistently stressed the humanitarian imperative to provide humanitarian assistance when the basic needs of the population are not being met.

    International humanitarian operations in the DPRK remain critical for over 10 million people – or around 40 per cent of the population. The United Nations Secretariat recalls that the measures imposed by the Security Council are not intended to negatively affect or restrict food aid and humanitarian assistance that is not prohibited by relevant Security Council resolutions.  The United Nations Secretariat is encouraged by the Security Council 1718 Sanctions Committee’s adoption of Implementation Assistance Notice Number 7 in August 2018, which provides guidelines for obtaining exemptions necessary to facilitate humanitarian assistance in the DPRK, as well as the improvements in rates and timeliness of exemption approvals.

    Addressing the humanitarian needs in the DPRK requires an integrated response – for example, addressing water, sanitation and hygiene to also improve health and nutrition - to be effective and to save lives and prevent more suffering.  I urge all Member States to fund life-saving humanitarian operations in the DPRK.  Some USD 120 million are required to address the critical humanitarian needs of the most vulnerable 3.8 million people in 2019.  A gap of USD 87 million remains.

    Thank you, Madam President.


  • 11 Dec 2019

    Recent developments concerning North Korea’s nuclear and ballistic missile programmes are “deeply troubling”, the UN’s Assistant Secretary-General for the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific said on Wednesday, briefed the Security Council.

  • 11 Dec 2019


    1. A meeting of the International Support Group for Lebanon (ISG), jointly chaired by France and the Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon, was held in Paris on December...

  • 11 Dec 2019

    The Geneva International Discussions (GID) held its 50th round on 10-11 December 2019.

    Over the past decade, engagement by participants contributed to relative stability, while core security and humanitarian issues have remained unresolved.

    We are now faced with a deteriorating situation on the ground and the participants’ diverging positions on key issues of the agenda have become further entrenched. Since August 2019, there are serious security challenges in the Chorchana-Tsnelisi area. People continue to suffer hardship. Restrictions to freedom of movement have been imposed on several occasions at crossing points with both Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Crossing points on the South Ossetian Administrative Boundary Line (ABL) have been closed for more than five months this year. This has caused an increased number of incidents, including detentions.

    Although the 50th round took place in a business-like atmosphere, it was overshadowed by the above-mentioned challenges leading to intense exchanges. As in previous rounds, it was not possible to address issues relating to internally displaced persons/refugees due to a walkout by some participants.

    We reiterated our calls for participants to reduce tensions on the South Ossetian ABL, for all crossing points to be reopened, for all detainees to be released, and for participants to engage constructively in dialogue — in Geneva, as well as in the Gali and Ergneti Incident Prevention and Response Mechanisms (IPRMs).

    The Co-Chairs commended the commitment of the participants to the GID process and reminded them of the need to reinvigorate it in order to achieve concrete results on key issues of the agenda in the coming year.

    The participants agreed to hold their next round on 31 March -1 April 2020.

  • 11 Dec 2019

    Jowhar – A delegation of some of Somalia’s key international partners today visited Jowhar, the capital of Hirshabelle state, as part of their series of...

  • 11 Dec 2019

    Jowhar – Representatives of the African Union, European Union, Intergovernmental Authority on Development and United Nations are pleased to be visiting Hirshabelle...

  • 11 Dec 2019

    KABUL - Calls to protect the rights of women, improve their education opportunities and end all violence against them framed discussions at UN-backed events across...

  • 10 Dec 2019

    On 10th December, International Human Rights Day, we commemorate the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), amidst serious violations of human rights in Libya. Human Rights Day...