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  • 3 Nov 2019

    Following is UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ message for the International Day to...

  • 3 Nov 2019

    Honorable Chairman, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

    First, I extend thanks to our Qatari hosts from their warm hospitality and excellent arrangements for this meeting.  I also want to express our solidarity with the Somali victims of the tragic flooding in Belet Weyne.  The United Nations family — including the Office of the Coordinator for Humanitarian Affairs and the World Food Program, among others —has responded swiftly to provide assistance, thanks to generous...

  • 3 Nov 2019

    KABUL - For the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, the United Nations and the Afghan Journalist...

  • 1 Nov 2019

    UN-brokered face-to-face talks between the Syrian Government and opposition – the first to take place in nearly nine years of fighting – to draft a new constitution for the country, will continue into next week, the UN’s Special Envoy for Syria, Geir Pedersen, said on Friday.

  • 1 Nov 2019

    “An inspiration to all of us” is how top Police Adviser Luis Carrilho, described this year’s winner of the UN Female Police Officer of the Year Award, which was announced on Friday.

  • 1 Nov 2019


    25 October - 1 November 2019

    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world.


    DPPA Chief in the Caucasus

    Continues visit in Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia
    Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo continued her visit to the South Caucasus this week. On 26 October, Ms. DiCarlo met Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev in Baku, and reaffirmed the UN’s full support for ongoing peace efforts on Nagorno-Karabakh led by OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs. They also discussed the important role of women, youth and civil society in contributing to peace and development.

    In Tbilisi, Georgia, on 28 October Ms. DiCarlo met President Salome Zourabichvili, and reaffirmed the UN’s strong commitment to assisting the participants in revitalizing the Geneva International Discussions, the process that addresses the consequences of the conflict in Georgia in 2008. She also discussed with representatives from civil society and internally displaced persons progress in constitutional and electoral reforms and the important role of NGO’s and women in advancing peace through dialogue.

    Continuing to Yerevan, Armenia, the Under-Secretary-General addressed the UN “Think Equal Forum on Women Empowerment” on 29 October, highlighting alongside Armenian women leaders the essential role of women in peace and security. She also met with Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan and again emphasized the UN’s full support for the ongoing peace efforts led by the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs.
    For more information, contact us


    Security Council

    ‘Multi-generational tragedy’ in Israel and Palestine demands political will for two-state solution, says Mladenov 
    Nickolay Mladenov, Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, briefed the Security Council on the situation in Israel and Palestine on 28 October. “The Occupation continues, and no progress has been made in realizing a negotiated two-state solution,” Mr. Mladenov told the Council in his quarterly update. “It is a multi-generational tragedy for the peoples of this land.”
    Read his full remarks here


    WPS agenda one of the top priorities of the UN, Secretary-General reaffirms 
    During a Security Council open debate on Women, Peace and Security (WPS) on 29 October, Secretary-General António Guterres reaffirmed that the WPS agenda is clearly one of the top priorities of the UN as a whole. UN departments are implementing a new, stronger policy on women, peace and security, Mr. Guterres noted, while special political missions and envoys have been instructed to report regularly on their efforts to promote women’s “direct participation” throughout all stages of peace processes.
    Read his full remarks here


    UN–African Union collaboration more ‘systematic and predictable’
    The UN’s cooperation with the African Union to tackle peace and security issues in the continent “is becoming more systematic and predictable,” Hanna Tetteh, Special Representative and Head of UNOAU told the Security Council on 30 October.
    Watch the Council briefing here


    Situation in Burundi remains tense, says outgoing Special Envoy
    During a Security Council briefing on the situation in Burundi on 30 October, Special Envoy Michel Kafando said the situation in the country remained tense, with a rise in political intolerance and violations of civil and political liberties. He expressed the hope that the 2020 electoral process would be transparent, because “badly organized and contested elections are always a source of conflict.” Mr. Kafando also announced his resignation as Special Envoy for Burundi and thanked Council members for their support during his two-and-a-half­-year tenure.
    Watch the Council briefing here


    New York

    Peacebuilding Commission briefed on The Gambia
    The Peacebuilding Commission met in New York on 28 October at the request of the Government of The Gambia. The Government updated the Commission on security sector reform and the transitional justice processes in the country, as well as the work of the Constitutional Review Commission. The meeting served as a platform for the Gambian Government to seek continued support for its peacebuilding priorities from the UN and the international community. Abubacarr M. Tambadou, Attorney General and Minister of Justice of The Gambia, participated in the meeting.
    For more information, contact us



    Former FARC combatants present a collection of hiking clothes
    With the idea of making a clothing line that represents their values, history and contribution to peace and reconciliation, 18 former combatants who work in a tailoring project in the territorial areas for training and reintegration of Pondores, La Guajira, and Tierra Grata, in Cesar department, created a sport/outdoors collections, launched in the city of Valledupar on 30 October. The former combatants were trained in tailoring and fashion by seven experts from La Factoría company. This project is part of the program to strengthen productive initiatives of ex-FARC combatants, which is led by the United Nations Verification Mission in Colombia with resources from DPPA.
    For more information, contact us


    More than 30 artists painted for reconciliation and peacebuilding
    The United Nations Verification Mission in Colombia is backing the ‘Agua Bonita Covered in Colors for Peace and Reconciliation’ festival, being held from 30 October to 3 November. More than 30 artists painted urban art at the houses of former combatants in the reintegration area of Agua Bonita, Caquetá. Former combatants, their families, and local communities will enjoy activities including academic forums about art, peacebuilding, climate change, communications and women's rights.
    For more information, contact us




    Protection of children’s rights in the spotlight at Kunduz symposium
    Participants at a UN-backed seminar on human rights, held at Kunduz University on 31 October, underscored the crucial need to strengthen measures to protect children in Afghanistan’s armed conflict. Those attending the seminar, which was facilitated by UNAMA’s Kunduz regional office, discussed international, national and Islamic principles related to protecting children during armed conflict, with a specific focus on Afghanistan.
    Read the full story here


    Central Asia

    Youth from Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan meet through UNRCCA initiative
    The third cross-border workshop of the UNRCCA Preventive Diplomacy Academy was held in Turkmenabad, Turkmenistan from 29 to 31 October. Young people from the Lebap Province of Turkmenistan and neighboring Bukhara Province of Uzbekistan participated in the workshop, organized by UNRCCA and the Youth Union of Turkmenistan. In her opening remarks, Special Representative Natalia Gherman highlighted the importance of investing in young people, particularly in border areas. Training in the tools of preventive diplomacy can help youth even in their daily lives, she emphasized.
    Read the full story here



    Special Representative meets protesters at Tahrir Square
    In an effort to promote dialogue between protestors and the Iraqi Government, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, Special Representative and Head of UNAMI, visited Tahrir Square in Baghdad on 30 October to engage with demonstrators. Ms. Hennis-Plasschaert called for a national dialogue to identify prompt, meaningful responses to stop the violence and to unite against the perils of division and inaction. Standing together, Iraqis can find the common ground needed to shape a better future for all, she said.
    For more information, contact us



    Special Coordinator calls for government that meets aspiration of the Lebanese people
    Special Coordinator for Lebanon Jan Kubis has been holding meetings with Lebanese Government and political leaders since the start of protests almost two weeks ago, stressing the importance of listening to and delivering on the legitimate demands of demonstrators. Mr. Kubis, together with Deputy Special Coordinator Philippe Lazzarini have also been meeting with representatives of civil society and members of the international community. Following the Prime Minister’s resignation on 29 October, Mr. Kubis urged the authorities “to preserve the stability of the state and its institutions and to ensure their smooth functioning.” The Special Coordinator urged the legitimate security forces to maintain law, order, and security, take action against those that instigate violence, regardless of their party affiliation, and protect demonstrating civilians, who need to maintain the peaceful character of their protests. He reminded the political parties that they bear the full responsibility for the behaviour and action of their supporters and for controlling them, especially if they provoke clashes with peaceful protesters or security forces.
    For more information, contact us



    Launch of the Syrian Constitutional Committee
    The 150 members of the Syrian Constitutional Committee came together for the first time in Geneva, Switzerland, on 30 October. Representatives from the Syrian Government and the opposition will now work together to draft a new foundational text for war-torn Syria.
    In his opening remarks, Special Envoy Geir O. Pedersen said that: "The future constitution belongs to Syrians, to the Syrian people and them alone,” adding: “Today could become the beginning of something new, something meaningful for Syria and for Syrians everywhere”.
    Read more in UN News



    Special Representative visits Puntland
    James Swan, Special Representative and Head of UNSOM, visited Garowe in Puntland state on 27 October. He met with Said Deni, President of Puntland, and discussed a range of local issues related to economic development, democratic reform, and security. “We congratulated Puntland’s leaders for the recent successful investment conference and the start of the Ethiopian Airlines flight over the summer. Both offer positive signals of economic revival in Puntland. We also learned about preparations for the new Puntland Development Plan and we look forward to collaborating on that initiative,” the Special Representative told the media after the meeting.
    Read the full statement on UNSOM’s website

    Somalia recommit to end the recruitment and use of child soldiers
    The Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, Virginia Gamba, announced the launch of a USD $2 million project on her visit to the southwestern city of Baidoa on 30 October.
    The project, funded by the UN Peacebuilding Fund, will support the prevention of child recruitment and reintegration of children formerly associated with armed forces and groups. Following a meeting with the South West State’s President Abdiaziz Hassan Mohamed Laftagareen, Ms. Gamba stressed the commitment of the UN and international partners to preventing all forms of violations against children.
    Read more on UNSOM’s website






























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    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org 

  • 1 Nov 2019

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday presented UN Secretary-General António Guterres with a plan for resettling hundreds-of-thousands of Syrian refugees, in the wake of the country’s offensive into northeastern Syria last month to remove Kurdish forces, aimed at creating a so-called “safe zone” along the border for returnees. 

  • 1 Nov 2019

    Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General in Guinea-Bissau (SRSG), Rosine Hadizatou Sori Coulibaly, first visited, on October 31 and November 1, the eastern regions...

  • 1 Nov 2019

    The UN Migration Agency appealed on Friday for the immediate liberation of a volunteer and child who’ve been missing since a gun battle in South Sudan at the weekend that claimed the lives of three agency workers.

  • 1 Nov 2019

    Expressing deep concern for the impact on human rights of ongoing political unrest in Haiti, the UN rights chief on Friday called on all actors to acknowledge the grievances of Haitians, many of whom have been demanding the president step down amidst violent demonstrations which ignited a sprawling emergency in recent weeks.

  • 1 Nov 2019

    Mogadishu – As Africa celebrates its youth, the United Nations envoy to Somalia today recognised the immense potential of young Somali women and men to contribute to peace and...

  • 31 Oct 2019

    Elections held earlier this month in Kosovo represent “the most significant change in the political landscape” there in a dozen years, the UN mission chief told the Security Council on Thursday.

  • 31 Oct 2019

    A recap of Thursday’s top stories: Guterres in Turkey underscores successes of mediation; 45 million lack food across Southern Africa; rights experts push to release Palestinian hunger striker; new UN health report targets causes of urban deaths; Climate change conference finds a new home; Iraq protests put country at ‘a crossroads’

  • 31 Oct 2019

    Mediation is “one of our most important tools to reduce and end conflict”, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres told the sixth Istanbul Mediation Conference, in the Turkish capital on Thursday.

  • 31 Oct 2019

    Turkmenabad, Turkmenistan

    Third cross-border workshop within the UNRCCA Preventive Diplomacy Academy was organized by UNRCCA in...

  • 31 Oct 2019

    A UN-backed seminar at Kunduz University drew more than 100 students and professors to discuss measures to protect children in armed conflict. Photo: Hamedulla Sahell...

  • 30 Oct 2019

    The Security Council highlighted the growing partnership on matters of peace and security between the United Nations and African Union (AU) on Wednesday amidst calls to bolster overall effectiveness.

  • 30 Oct 2019

    A recap of Wednesday’s stories: new Syria talks begin in Geneva; Chile pulls out as host of major climate conference; UN calls for national talks to break cycle of violence in Iraq; UN chief voices ‘serious concern’ over Guinea-Bissau political crisis; IOM suspends South Sudan Ebola screening; UN atomic watchdog appoints new leader.


  • 30 Oct 2019

    Madame la Présidente du Conseil,
    Mesdames et messieurs les membre du Conseil,
    Madame la Présidente,

    Je me réjouis de l'opportunité que vous m’offrez de briefer le Conseil, à l’occasion de l’examen du rapport du Secrétaire Général, portant sur la situation au Burundi. Mais auparavant, qu’on me permette de vous féliciter pour votre accession à la présidence du Conseil de Sécurité, pour ce mois d’octobre et de saluer par la même occasion les autres membres.

    Madame la Présidente,
    Distingués Membres du Conseil,

    Le présent briefing porte sur le document qui a été déjà soumis à votre appréciation et intitulé « Rapport du Secrétaire Général sur la situation au Burundi », publié le 24 octobre 2019. La première partie de mon exposé, concerne quelques observations tirées de ce rapport ; la deuxième partie fait le point de mes activités, relativement au dialogue inter-Burundais. Dans la troisième partie, je formule quelques recommandations sur la nécessité pour l’Organisation des Nations Unies de rester présente au Burundi.

    Dans l’ordre des observations, il faut tout d’abord noter qu’à maints égards, la situation au Burundi demeure tendue. Au cours de la période considérée, on a observé une montée de l’intolérance politique et des atteintes aux libertés civiques et politiques. Le gouvernement a heureusement réagi, en mettant en place un cadre de dialogue politique, regroupant les partis politiques, les administrateurs locaux, et les représentants des forces de sécurité. Cette initiative mérite d’être encouragée et soutenue. Tout comme la condamnation à perpétuité, de quatre auteurs de l’assassinat, à Muyinga, d’un membre du parti CNL, le 18 août dernier, ainsi que les discussions en cours entre le CNARED et le Gouvernement quant au retour des leaders politiques en exil.

    La deuxième observation porte sur le processus électoral, géré par la Commission Electorale Nationale Indépendante (CENI). Il faut espérer que ce processus sera transparent. Des élections mal organisées et contestées, on le sait, sont toujours sources de conflit.

    La troisième observation porte sur la situation socio-économique, laquelle continue de se détériorer.

    La quatrième observation est centrée sur la situation sécuritaire qui, il faut bien l’admettre, s’est améliorée sur toute l’étendue du territoire, même si, ici et là, des abus et autres violations des droits de l’Homme continuent à être rapportés.

    En tout état de cause, il convient d’encourager le gouvernement dans les obligations qui sont les siennes de garantir la sécurité de tous ses citoyens et de mettre fin à l’impunité. 

    La cinquième et dernière observation a trait à la situation humanitaire qui demeure aussi préoccupante. Toutefois, il faut saluer le retour volontaire de milliers de réfugiés au pays, tout en veillant à ce que leur insertion et réintégration se fassent dans la dignité.

    Madame la Présidente,

    Le dialogue inter-Burundais sous les auspices de la Communauté de l’Afrique de l’Est, n’a toujours pas eu lieu, quatre ans après son lancement, faute, sans doute, de volonté politique des uns et des autres et aussi, pourquoi ne pas le souligner, d’engagement ferme des Etats de la sous-région. Ce dialogue aurait cependant permis que le nouveau Burundi, en perspective, soit l’affaire de tous, pour éviter ainsi les remises en cause et les éternels recommencements, ce que l’on a vu par le passé.

    Et pourtant, le 20e sommet de la Communauté de l’Afrique de l’Est, tenu à Arusha le 1er février 2019, avait décidé que le Médiateur entreprendrait davantage de consultations pour l’organisation et l’aboutissement de ce dialogue.

    Hélas ! les choses n’ont malheureusement pas bougé.

    C’est dans cette incertitude que j’ai entrepris, une fois de plus, des concertations avec les leaders de la région, à commencer par le Médiateur, le Président Yoweri Museveni, qui m’a reçu le 23 août 2019. Au cours de nos entretiens, il m’a confirmé sans ambages sa volonté de poursuivre la médiation de concert avec le Président de la Communauté de l’Afrique de l’Est, M. Kagame, ainsi que les autres Chef d’Etats de la région. Mais aussi avec le concours des Nations Unies à qui il demande de continuer d’apporter leurs appuis.

    Madame la Présidente,
    Distingués Membres du Conseil,

    Ayant accompli ces dernières démarches, le temps est venu pour moi de conclure ma mission d’Envoyé Spécial au Burundi. A vrai dire, c’est depuis le mois de juin dernier que j’avais notifié ma volonté de partir à Monsieur le Secrétaire Général. Mais ma rencontre avec le Médiateur, programmée par lui, d’abord pour le 19 juillet mais qui eut lieu finalement en août, me dissuadait alors d’officialiser ma décision. Aujourd’hui, je le confirme.

    J’atteste que même si nous n’avons pas gagné la bataille du dialogue au Burundi, le rôle des Nations Unies est loin d’avoir été négligeable. Sans conteste, nous avons contribué à susciter chez les responsables de la Région, une prise de conscience plus aigüe de ce que la stabilité au Burundi est un impératif catégorique pour la paix globale dans l’ensemble de cette région.

    Madame la Présidente,
    Distingués Membres du Conseil,

    Avec cette précision importante que je viens de mentionner, à savoir l’engagement continu des Nations Unis en faveur du Burundi, permettez-moi de refaire brièvement le compte, ne serait-ce qu’à titre de redevabilité, des principales activités accomplies dans le cadre du mandat que vous m’avez confié.

    Depuis ma nomination par le Secrétaire Général, le 5 mai 2017, comme Envoyé Spécial pour le Burundi, je n’ai ménagé aucun effort, pour aider la Facilitation et la région, à mener à terme, le processus du dialogue inter-Burundais. A cet égard, et à plusieurs reprises, j’ai entrepris des visites dans la région et consulté ses principaux leaders, notamment le Médiateur et le Facilitateur, ainsi que les parties prenantes burundaises.

    J’ai aussi, en de nombreuses occasions, rencontré les autorités de l’Union Africaine, à l’effet de les sensibiliser et solliciter leur engagement dans la recherche d’une solution consensuelle au Burundi. De même, j’ai approché certains Chefs d’Etat africains, toujours dans le même objectif.

    En deux ans et demi de mission, j’ai été reçu une fois par le Président Pierre Nkurunziza. Plus précisément, c’était au lendemain de ma nomination, le 27 Juin 2017. Les espoirs nés de cette première rencontre avec le Chef de l’Etat du Burundi, notamment sur les questions liées au dialogue et à la coopération avec l’ONU, dont la signature du SOMA, n’ont malheureusement pas encore abouti.

    Durant mes régulières visites au Burundi, j’ai eu des séances de travail avec les principaux acteurs et leaders politiques, tant de l’opposition que du Parti au pouvoir; les représentants de la société civile ; ceux des confessions religieuses, des femmes et des jeunes et naturellement avec les diplomates accrédités dans ce pays. J’ai rencontré les responsables du CNARED, à Bruxelles pour les persuader d’aller au dialogue. Mon Bureau à Bujumbura a établi des rapports de coopération avec toutes les parties concernées et d’abord avec les représentants du Gouvernement ; ceux de la communauté internationale et les principaux acteurs politiques.

    Au sein du Groupe Conjoint de Travail (JTWG), mis en place pour soutenir les efforts du Facilitateur, mon Bureau a apporté un appui significatif sur le plan technique, logistique et financier, contribuant ainsi à la tenue de plusieurs réunions de consultations dont les sessions plénières du dialogue, à Arusha et à Entebbe.

    L’appui multiforme de mon Bureau et mon engagement personnel auprès du Facilitateur et du Médiateur, ont contribué souvent à lever certains blocages politiques et techniques et  rendu possible la poursuite du processus de recherche de la paix.

    Madame la Présidente,
    Distingués Membres du Conseil,

    Depuis ma prise de fonction, j’ai eu l’opportunité de rendre régulièrement compte à votre Conseil, de l’évolution de la situation au Burundi. J’ai apprécié vos remarques, vos conseils, et vos encouragements. Au moment de mettre fin à ma mission, je tiens à vous remercier pour tous ces égards et pour le soutien constant et multiforme que vous m’avez apporté.

    Je remercie Monsieur le Secrétaire General pour la confiance qu’il m’a faite tout au long de ma mission.

    Je remercie l’Ambassadeur Jürg Lauber, Président de la Configuration-Burundi de la Commission des Nations Unies pour la Consolidation de la Paix.

    Je remercie tous mes collaborateurs, et en premier lieu l’équipe du Bureau de L’Envoyé Spécial à Bujumbura et celle du Département des Affaires Politiques et de la Consolidation de la Paix.

    Je remercie les autorités et le peuple burundais.

    En un mot, j’exprime ma sincère gratitude à tous ceux qui ont facilité ma mission.

  • 30 Oct 2019

    Ten years ago, the UN Security Council established a mandate to prevent and address the scourge of conflict-related sexual violence. At a commemorative event on Wednesday, the UN deputy chief described that commitment as essential to “highlight, prevent and seek justice for this crime”.

  • 30 Oct 2019

    Mogadishu, 30 October 2019 – The Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) has renewed its commitment to end the recruitment and use of child soldiers by signing a roadmap detailing measures and practical actions...

  • 30 Oct 2019

    Work on drafting a new foundational text for war-torn Syria officially began at the UN in Geneva on Wednesday with representatives from the Syrian Government and opposition sitting face to face and preparing to discuss the country’s future for the first time in the nearly nine-year conflict.

  • 30 Oct 2019

    Mogadishu – The United Nations envoy to Somalia today voiced his concern over the flooding affecting thousands of people mainly in the southern parts of the country, and...

  • 30 Oct 2019

    The UN’s most senior official in Iraq, visited protesters in central Baghdad on Wednesday, calling for “a national dialogue to identify prompt, meaningful responses to break the vicious cycle of violence” which has roiled the country during the past five days.

  • 30 Oct 2019

    Cairo (Egypt), 27-29 October 2019 – Professional and business women leaders met in Cairo, Egypt, on 27 October for a two-day conference titled Africa Regional Conference of...

  • 29 Oct 2019

    A woman speaks at an event in Nili, the provincial capital of Daikundi in the central highlands region of Afghanistan. File photo: UNAMA / Jaffar Rahim

    NILI - Peace is the greatest need for...

  • 29 Oct 2019

    Becky Andersen: I have with me the UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Jan Kubis who is urging Lebanese authorities to act decisively and quickly to form a new...

  • 29 Oct 2019

    A recap of Tuesday’s top stories: ‘Real change’ too slow for women’s peace and security role; UN rights chief urges India to ‘unlock’ Kashmir restrictions; UN chief welcomes milestone Syria constitution meeting.

  • 29 Oct 2019


    In response to questions on Lebanon

    Following questions at the noon briefing on Lebanon, the...

  • 29 Oct 2019

    The UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Jan Kubis notes the announcement of Prime Minister Saad Hariri submitting his resignation.

    The Special Coordinator urges the authorities to act...

  • 29 Oct 2019

    The Women Peace and Security agenda must continue to be “one of the top priorities of the United Nations”, Secretary-General António Guterres told the Security Council on Tuesday, in an open debate on how best to accelerate change.

  • 29 Oct 2019

    United Nations Special Coordinator, Nickolay Mladenov meets with the Director of Jerusalem Waqf Department, Sheikh Azzam Al-Khatib (29 October 2019 - UNSCO Photo) 

  • 29 Oct 2019

    Defence Attache's Conference...

  • 29 Oct 2019

    The people of Indian-administered Kashmir continue to be deprived of numerous basic freedoms, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights said on Tuesday, before urging the Indian authorities “to unlock the situation”.

  • 29 Oct 2019

    The United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in Guinea-Bissau (UNIOGBIS) is saddened and concerned to learn about the death of a civilian and injury to several others, reportedly following a demonstration in Bissau on Saturday, 26 October 2019.

    UNIOGBIS calls on the population and political parties of Guinea-Bissau to remain calm and serene and expresses its deepest condolences to the family and loved ones of the deceased, wishing a speedy recovery to the injured....

  • 29 Oct 2019

    UNIOGBIS marked the 74th United Nations Day in the country’s capital, Bissau, with a series of events targeting both the local population and the Government.

    An event, scheduled to take place in the...

  • 29 Oct 2019

    Mogadishu – The Somalia Joint Police Programme (JPP) Executive Board met today to set out the next quarter of activities of the programme as it rolls out the new policing model throughout the five federal member states and Banadir region.

    by Somalia’s Federal Government, international partners and the United Nations, mapping the next stage of activities of the Joint Police Programme and New Policing Model roll-out at federal and state level throughout the country.

  • 29 Oct 2019

    Mogadishu – The Somalia Joint Police Programme (JPP) Executive Board met today to set out the next quarter of activities of the programme as it rolls out the new...

  • 29 Oct 2019

    Mogadishu – The importance of collaboration among Somalia’s national and state law enforcement agencies and their international partners was highlighted today as a key factor...

  • 28 Oct 2019

    A recap of Monday’s top stories: ‘Multi-generational tragedy’ in Israel and Palestine demands viable two-State solution; gender gap persists in Latin America’s workforce; Syria envoy urges prisoner release ahead of talks in Geneva; Egypt urged to end repression of protesters and rights defenders; future of digital communications discussed at  world conference. 

  • 28 Oct 2019

    Pervasive deteriorating facts on the ground in Israeli-Palestinian conflict, “are pushing us every further” from achieving a viable two-State solution, the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process told the Security Council on Monday.

  • 27 Oct 2019

    President Said Deni, Honourable Members of the Cabinet, Members of the Press,

    Good afternoon,

    It is a pleasure to be back in Garowe. I am here today on one of my regular visits to Federal Member States...

  • 27 Oct 2019

    President Said Deni, Honourable Members of the Cabinet, Members of the Press,

    Good afternoon,

    It is a pleasure to be back in Garowe. I am here today on one of my regular visits to Federal Member...

  • 27 Oct 2019

    Mogadishu – The United Nations envoy to Somalia today met with President Said Abdullahi Deni and members of his cabinet in Garowe, the...

  • 27 Oct 2019

    A local bread shop in Asadabad, the provincial capital of Kunar province in Afghanistan’s eastern region. File photo: UNAMA / Fardin Waezi

    ASADABAD - As the conflict in Afghanistan...

  • 25 Oct 2019

    A recap of Friday’s main stories: ‘Real people with real problems’ must be heard, Guterres tells world leaders; one-in-four pregnancies unplanned; Security Council on the situation in Central African Republic; displaced in northeast Nigeria; Libya, Colombia developments.  

  • 25 Oct 2019

    Bogotá, 25 October 2019. The UN Verification Mission in Colombia condemns the murder of Alexander Parra Uribe, known as Rodolfo Fierro, in the former Territorial Area for Training and Reintegration (TATR) in Mesetas, Meta, and expresses its condolences to his family and community members.

    The UN Verification Mission voices its profound rejection for this incident and for the increasing number of murders of former FARC combatants in the reintegration process; reaching 158...

  • 25 Oct 2019

    TRIPOLI, 25 October 2019 - The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) strongly condemns attacks on all civilian targets including health facilities and medical personnel...

  • 25 Oct 2019


    19 - 25 October 2019

    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world.


    DPPA Chief in the Caucasus

    Under-Secretary-General DiCarlo embarks on visit to Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia
    Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs Rosemary DiCarlo is visiting the South Caucasus region from 24 to 30 October. From 25 to 26 October, she is representing the Secretary-General at the 18th NAM Summit of Heads of State and Government in Baku. Ms. DiCarlo will also hold bilateral consultations with Azerbaijani government officials, representatives of UN agencies and partner civil society organizations based in Azerbaijan, including youth groups, before continuing to Georgia and Armenia.
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    New York

    “Indispensable role of women must be seen […] as a peace and security priority,” Under-Secretary-General DiCarlo stresses
    Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo spoke at a high-level panel on ‘Advancing Women’s Political Participation in Post-Conflict Reconstruction,’ hosted by the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security and the Permanent Missions of the United Arab Emirates and Germany on 21 October. “The indispensable role of women must be seen not only as a rights or equality issue, but as a peace and security priority,” Ms. DiCarlo said in her remarks. The event was held on the sidelines of the 2019 Open Debate on Women, Peace and Security.
    Full remarks here


    New Quarterly Progress Update of the Multi-Year Appeal launched
    DPPA launched its Third Quarterly Report of the Multi-Year Appeal this week, which includes examples of DPPA’s achievements during this period. As of 30 September, the MYA was 59 per cent funded, with $17.7 million in contributions received out of the $30 million requested for 2019. During this quarter, DPPA also embarked on a consultative process to develop its first Strategic Plan since the restructuring of the UN peace and security pillar and other reforms. The new Strategic Plan will reflect the Department’s priorities and will be used to evaluate DPPA’s performance.
    Read the report here


    Security Council

    Security Council Mission to Ethiopia and South Sudan
    South Sudanese President Salva Kiir welcomed the members of the UN Security Council to Juba on 20 October. The delegation acknowledged that progress has been made since the signing of a peace deal in September last year, with a ceasefire significantly improving the security situation in the country. Council members continued to the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa, for their annual consultative meeting with the African Union Peace and Security Council. 



    Bintou Keita urges mutual tolerance in build up to Burundi elections
    Bintou Keita, Assistant Secretary-General for Africa, spoke at the opening of the 2nd International Women Leaders’ Conference in Bujumbura on 24 October, with several African First Ladies and women delegates from Europe, the Americas, Asia and Oceania attending. Ms. Keita observed that the conference couldn’t be timelier, coming amid calls for Burundians to give peace a chance in the build-up to the country’s general elections coming up next year. Ms. Keita, who is visiting Burundi for the second time in as many months, is scheduled to hold discussions over the next three days with top government officials and members of the diplomatic community in Bujumbura.
    For more information, please contact us


    Central Africa

    54th edition of UNOCA quarterly newsletter available
    The 54th edition of INTERFACE (in French), the quarterly newsletter of UNOCA, is now available. It contains the main activities carried out by the Office in July, August and September 2019, including the good offices of the Special Representative in certain countries under his mandate as well as news from the Security Council, in particular the Presidential Statement issued after the strategic review of UNOCA, among others. The Newsletter also proposes a dossier on the celebration of the International Day of Peace, with several topics on the 6th edition of the Football Tournament of peace. 



    First meeting of Defense Attachés in Gabon
    UNOCA hosted, on 23 October, the first meeting of Accredited Defense Attachés in Gabon with Military Advisers of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS). François Louncény Fall, Special Representative and Head of UNOCA, underlined during the opening ceremony that collaboration and exchange of information are critical in efforts to find common and concerted solutions to the security challenges the region faces. Participants, including Defense Attachés of China, Nigeria and Senegal, agreed to continue exploring ways and means to work in synergy with Military Advisers of ECCAS as well as with other relevant stakeholders to promote peace and security in Central Africa.
    Read the full story (in French) here



    Peacebuilding Fund teams from 23 countries meet in Nairobi 
    UN Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) secretariats and focal points from 23 countries gathered in Nairobi, Kenya from 22 to 25 October to discuss the coordination, implementation, monitoring and visibility of PBF projects in over 40 countries around the globe. Around 50 participants -- including partners from the European Union, the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the UN Development Programme (UNDP) – reviewed best practices and lessons learned and discussed emerging conflict prevention and peacebuilding trends.
    For more information, please contact us



    Success in the Sahel relies on partnerships, Special Representative says 
    Mohamed Ibn Chambas, Special Representative and Head of UNOWAS, chaired the 9th meeting of the Steering Committee of the United Nations Integrated Strategy for the Sahel (UNISS) in Dakar, Senegal on 21 October. The objective of the meeting was to review ongoing UN initiatives and achievements in the region, and how the implementation of UNISS could be further strengthened to address the growing complexity of the situation in the Sahel. “The success of our intervention in the Sahel relies on the partnerships we build and the way we coordinate our efforts, internally and externally,” Mr. Ibn Chambas said.
    Read more on UNOWAS website












    On Somalia visit, UN Deputy Secretary-General calls for women’s integration in peace and development efforts 
    On a visit aiming to express solidarity with the women of Somalia, UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed, on 23 October, called for the full participation of women in the country’s peace, security and development efforts. “We urge everyone to come along on this new dawn to rightfully have the whole society to participate in a new era for Somalia,” she said. As part of a joint UN-African Union (AU) solidarity mission to the region, Ms. Mohammed visited Somalia together with Bineta Diop, the AU’s Special Envoy on Women, Peace and Security, and Parfait Onanga-Anyanga, UN Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa. During her visit, Ms. Mohammed met with the Prime Minister of Somalia, representatives and women leaders from civil society organizations; the Chairperson of the National Independent Electoral Commission and UN officials in the country.
    Read the full story here



    Electoral process in Afghanistan conducted very well so far, Special Representative says
    In a wide-ranging interview with TOLOnews, Tadamichi Yamamoto, Special Representative for Afghanistan and Head of UNAMA, stated that “This electoral process has been conducted very well so far.” He also stressed the importance of Afghan ownership and commended the work of the Independent Election Commission and the Electoral Complaints Commission in ensuring transparency and credibility. 
    Watch the interview here


    Meaningful participation of Afghan women in peace efforts focus of ‘open days’ events
    With a special focus in 2019 on the meaningful participation of women in peace efforts, this year’s nationwide ‘Global Open Days’ events commenced in Afghanistan with a UN-backed symposium in Kabul. The event, organized by UNAMA’s central regional office, is the first in a series of meetings scheduled to take place across the country in the coming weeks, bringing together hundreds of women with representatives from government offices, religious institutions, academia and civil society.
    Full story here


    Central Asia

    Second Preventive Diplomacy Academy Workshop organized with Tajik and Afghan youth
    The United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA) held its second cross-border workshop for young people, part of UNRCCA’s Preventive Diplomacy Academy, from 22 to 24 October in Khorog, Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast (GBOA), in Tajikistan. Youth from GBOA and other regions of Tajikistan and the neighboring Badakhshan Province of Afghanistan developed project ideas aimed at generating people-to-people contacts across the border. UNRCCA will support the implementation of two of these projects, one by Tajik and one by Afghan young people studying in Khorog.
    Read the full story here



    Special Representative visits refugee camp
    Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, Special Representative and Head of UNAMI, visited Bardarash camp in Dohuk on 23 October. The camp recently reopened to incoming refugees from Syria and currently hosts 7,038 people, with more and more refugees arriving daily. The Special Representative spoke with camp management about the services being provided, witnessed the registration process for incoming refugees, and listened to refugees’ concerns. Services in the camp are being provided by several humanitarian actors, including UNHCR.



    Urgency and opportunities ahead of Myanmar general elections in 2020
    The Special Envoy for Myanmar, Christine Schraner Burgener, addressed the UN General Assembly in New York on 23 October, highlighting the urgency and opportunities ahead of the 2020 general elections in the country. “It is high time for Myanmar’s affected communities to see from their government, concrete steps and genuine political will in building an inclusive and vibrant democracy,” Ms. Schraner Burgener said. 
    Read her full remarks here



    Social change and peacebuilding through film, reflection and memory
    In Villavicencio, Meta, 250 people – representatives of the security forces, people in the reintegration process, students and social leaders – participated, on 19 October, in "Cinema for Healing", an initiative led by journalist Natalia Orozco that aims, through film, reflection and memory, to generate social change and peacebuilding. The documentary "The Silence of the Weapons" was among the films screened. The event ended with a discussion about the challenges of reconciliation three years after the signing of the peace agreement. The activity was organized by the UN Verification Mission in Colombia in coordination with the Uniminuto University.
    For more information, please contact us


    Candidates for Governor of Huila and mayors sign non-aggression pact
    The UN Verification Mission in Colombia, on 21 October, accompanied the signing of the pact of non-aggression, political culture and coexistence between the candidates for Governor of Huila and the mayors of several municipalities in the department. The main objective of this agreement is to promote a political culture based on recognition and respect for the political opponent, promoting dialogue and moving away from language that promotes any form of discrimination, exclusion, persecution or stigmatization. Local elections in Colombia will be held on 27 October.
    For more information, please contact us




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  • 25 Oct 2019

    Updating the Security Council on the situation in the Central African Republic (CAR) on Friday, the head of the UN Mission in the country, MINUSCA, called on the country’s friends and partners, including the Council, to “transform the dreams of peace, prosperity and development of millions of Central Africans into a lasting reality”.