The 44th round of the Geneva International Discussions has just concluded.
In Working Group I, the participants reviewed the security situation on the ground, which they assessed as relatively calm and stable. The need to conduct a proper investigation into the tragic death of Archil Tatunashvili in February 2018 was reiterated, with the Co-Chairs emphasising the need to avoid any perception of impunity. The participants were encouraged to continue exchanging information on this and other cases, such as the killing of Giga Otkhozoria in May 2016, in the framework of the relevant Incident Prevention and Response Mechanisms.
Given the divergent positions expressed by the participants on a draft joint statement on non-use of force, the Co-Chairs proposed to continue working further on that matter.
In Working Group II, the participants discussed issues relating to missing persons, freedom of movement, healthcare, documentation, education, livelihoods and environmental concerns. It was again not possible to complete discussion of all agenda items given long-standing divergent approaches to the issue of IDPs/refugees.
In light of the exchanges among the participants during the session, the Co-Chairs and co-moderators reiterated their call for a constructive and result-oriented approach by all participants on all agenda items. The Co-Chairs informed the participants about their ongoing efforts aimed at making the Geneva format more effective and productive. They appreciated the views expressed by the participants in this regard.
The participants reiterated their commitment to this format as a unique dialogue platform and agreed to hold the next round on 9-10 October 2018.
Monsieur le Président, Distingués membres du Conseil,
Depuis la publication du rapport soumis à votre examen, la situation en Afrique centrale est restée difficile avec un certain nombre de menaces sérieuses qui pèsent sur la stabilité politique, sécuritaire et socio-économique, y compris dans les pays touchés par des conflits armés de longue date, comme la République centrafricaine (RCA) et la République démocratique du Congo (RDC). Tous les onze états membres de la Communauté économique des états de l’Afrique centrale (CEEAC) sont soit au milieu ou au début d’un cycle électoral et, par conséquent, connaissent des tensions liées aux processus électoraux. Partout, les populations continuent de réclamer de meilleures conditions socio-économiques.
La demande en matière d’engagement d’UNOCA, de bons offices, et de diplomatie préventive est demeurée forte. J’ai intensifié mon engagement auprès des pays de la sous-région et notre appui aux organisations sous-régionales, notamment en dirigeant ou déployant plus de missions pour renforcer nos efforts dans la prévention des conflits et la gestion des crises.
Monsieur le Président,
Permettez-moi de vous présenter quelques nouveaux développements dans la sous-région :
Le 4 mai, la nouvelle Constitution adoptée par l’Assemblée nationale du Tchad a été promulguée et le 10 mai, le nouveau gouvernement a prêté serment. Le 24 mai, le Président Idriss Déby Itno a présidé une cérémonie d’installation d’un nouveau cadre de dialogue politique, le Cadre national du dialogue politique (CNDP), qui comprend 15 membres de la majorité et 15 autres membres de l’opposition. En coordination avec nos partenaires, UNOCA est prêt à apporter un appui au CNDP au moment où il relève le défi de promouvoir un dialogue inclusif et de créer les conditions favorables à la tenue d’élections législatives crédibles et pacifiques en novembre 2018.
Au Gabon, l’organe électoral nouvellement établi, le Centre gabonais des élections (CGE), a entamé les préparatifs pour les prochaines élections législatives. Au cours de ma rencontre avec le Président du CGE, le 18 mai, j’ai réitéré la disponibilité des Nations Unies à appuyer le processus électoral. Dans le but d’améliorer la représentation des femmes et des jeunes dans les postes électifs et les instances de prise de décision, UNOCA et le PNUD ont appuyé le Réseau des femmes sénatrices du Gabon dans l’organisation d’un atelier de formation à Libreville, du 5 au 7 juin, ciblant des femmes et des jeunes, tous dirigeants politiques.
Le 7 juin, le Président Pierre Nkurunziza du Burundi a promulgué une nouvelle Constitution après la validation des résultats du référendum du 17 mai par la Cour constitutionnelle. Plusieurs acteurs et partenaires ont exprimé leurs préoccupations selon lesquelles la réforme pourrait réduire à néant les acquis de l’Accord d’Arusha, en termes de paix, stabilité, démocratie et participation politique inclusive. Il est important que ce Conseil continue d’appuyer le processus de médiation dirigé par la Communauté d’Afrique de l’Est. Je réitère l’appel de l’Envoyé spécial Michel Kafando au Gouvernement et à l’opposition afin qu’ils reprennent et concluent les pourparlers le plus tôt possible et qu’ils commencent à préparer le terrain pour la tenue d’élections inclusives et crédibles en 2020.
L’escalade de la violence et des tensions dans les régions du nord-ouest et sud-ouest du Cameroun, qui est également toujours affecté par les activités de Boko Haram et l’impact de la crise en RCA, est une source de préoccupation majeure. Plus de 20.000 réfugiés camerounais ont déjà été enregistrés de l’autre côté de la frontière avec le Nigéria et ont besoin d’assistance. Le 25 mai, sept activistes anglophones ont été condamnés à jusqu’à 15 ans de prison pour terrorisme et autres accusations.
Les Nations Unies ont systématiquement appelé au dialogue inclusif avec tous les acteurs, comme étant la meilleure manière de trouver une solution à la crise, répondre aux doléances des populations anglophones et garantir l’intégrité territoriale du pays et la stabilité régionale. Je félicite la Commission nationale pour la promotion du bilinguisme et du multiculturalisme pour ses efforts et l’encourage à poursuivre son travail et à tenir dûment compte des recommandations faites par les populations. Apaiser les tensions contribuera également à la bonne conduite des élections présidentielles, législatives et municipales prévues pour cette année. A cet égard, les Nations Unies continueront d’appeler tous les acteurs à s’abstenir de tout nouvel acte de violence.
La République du Congo a connu une série de procès de dirigeants politiques arrêtés à la suite de l’élection présidentielle de 2016, donnant lieu à des peines de prison longues pour plusieurs d’entre eux, y compris 20 ans pour le Général Jean-Marie Mokoko, l’ancien Chef d’état-major de l’armée et ancien candidat à la présidentielle. Alors que des progrès ont été enregistrés pour faire avancer le processus de paix dans la région du Pool, le processus de Désarmement, Démobilisation et Réintégration avance plus lentement que prévu. Les Nations Unies continueront d’appuyer ce processus avec d’autres partenaires.
A São Tomé-et-Principe, des tensions ont encore éclaté à la suite d’une décision, le 4 mai, de l’Assemblée nationale contrôlée par la majorité, de révoquer les juges de la Cour suprême de justice en raison de divergences sur la décision de la Cour suprême de restituer la brasserie du pays, Rosema, à un investisseur angolais. Le 23 mai, l’Assemblée nationale a approuvé une résolution sur la nomination des nouveaux juges de la Cour suprême, qui a été adoptée le 30 mai. Le 31 mai, les parties de l’opposition ont demandé à la Cour constitutionnelle de contrôler la constitutionalité de la loi.
La crise en RCA continue d’avoir un impact négatif sur la situation dans la sous-région, en particulier dans les pays voisins, provoquant un grand nombre de réfugiés. Cependant, je suis encouragé par les conclusions de la deuxième phase de consultations avec les groupes armés, menées par le Panel des Facilitateurs de l’Initiative africaine pour la paix et la réconciliation. J’ose espérer que les résultats de ces consultations permettront d’améliorer de façon tangible la situation sécuritaire. J’exhorte les pays de la région à participer plus activement à l’Initiative africaine, tant politiquement que financièrement. J’encourage aussi fortement les autorités centrafricaines et les pays voisins à accélérer le processus de mise en place des commissions mixtes de coopération, qui pourraient traiter des questions telles que le contrôle des frontières et la transhumance. Je continuerai de consacrer mes efforts sur la mobilisation de soutien à l’Initiative africaine.
Le 11 juin, le Président Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo de la Guinée équatoriale a invité tous les partis légalement enregistrés et non-enregistrés, la société civile et la Diaspora à participer à un dialogue politique national prévu pour le mois de juillet. Je félicite le Président pour son initiative et attends avec beaucoup d’intérêt les résultats de ce dialogue qui pourrait ouvrir davantage l’espace politique dans le pays.
Mr. President,
The scourge of terrorism and violent extremism continues to affect populations of the sub-region and divert Government resources from much needed development programmes to costly security operations. Boko Haram and the Lord’s Resistance Army have not stopped their deadly attacks on civilians, committing egregious human rights abuses and causing countless victims. UNOCA is engaging sub-regional organizations, including the ECCAS Secretariat, the Lake Chad Basin Commission, the Multinational Joint Task Force and other stakeholders to fight Boko Haram and address related issues and more broadly violent extremism in the sub-region, including to facilitate the implementation of the Regional Strategy against Boko Haram. I also continue liaising closely with the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for West Africa and the Sahel, Mohamed Ibn Chambas, for a coordinated support to regional efforts to address the Lake Chad Basin crisis.
On 8 and 9 May, the Lake Chad Basin Governors’ Forum for Regional Cooperation on Stabilization, Peacebuilding and Sustainable Development held its inaugural meeting in Maiduguri, Nigeria. The Governors established the Forum as a platform for regional cooperation on stabilization, peacebuilding and sustainable development in the regions affected by Boko Haram. The Forum, which is supported by UNOCA, UNOWAS and UNDP will convene at least once a year.
Violent extremism, as well as persisting cross-border insecurity and criminal activities are compounded by the flow of small arms and light weapons throughout the sub-region. In order to respond to this challenge, the first Conference of States Parties to the Central African Convention for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons, their Ammunition and all Parts and Components (the Kinshasa Convention) is taking place, as we speak, in Yaoundé, Cameroon with the participation of UNOCA. The Convention was developed through the UN Standing Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa (UNSAC), with the support of UNOCA.
Mr. President,
In its capacity as Secretariat of UNSAC, UNOCA supported the holding of the 46th ministerial meeting of the Committee in Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo, from 29 May to 1 June. The forum provides a unique and rare decision-making platform to discuss the overall political, security and socioeconomic situation in the sub-region. The Heads or representatives of UN peace operations present in the sub-region, including MINUSCA, MONUSCO, the Office of the Special Envoy for the Great Lakes Region, UNOAU, and UNOWAS also attended the meeting, in recognition of the need to promote cooperation and coherence among UN presences on the ground.
UNSAC recommended that ECCAS expedite the implementation of the regional strategy on counter-terrorism and the non-proliferation of small arms and light weapons in Central Africa, which was adopted at the 41st meeting of UNSAC in 2015.
Mr. President,
I welcome the validation on 24 May of the Regional Action Plan for the implementation of resolution 1325 (2000) on women, peace and security in Central Africa, following a two-day workshop co-organized by ECCAS and UNOCA in Brazzaville. Resource mobilization will be critical to ensure the successful implementation of the Plan.
I am convinced that the participation of women and youth will be crucial in ensuring a successful joint Summit of ECCAS and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), which is expected to take place in July 2018 under the theme, “Peace, Security, Radicalization and Violent Extremism within the ECCAS-ECOWAS space.” I call upon ECCAS and ECOWAS member States to ensure the involvement of women and youth in the development and implementation of strategies to prevent violent extremism and counter terrorism, in line with relevant Security Council resolutions. UNOCA and UNOWAS will continue supporting ECCAS and ECOWAS in a coordinated manner.
Mr. President,
Consistent with its mandate, UNOCA has remained actively engaged in support of member States in Central Africa and sub-regional organizations, particularly ECCAS. At their joint retreat on 11 and 12 May, ECCAS and UNOCA adopted a biennial programme for 2018-2019, which includes more joint visits to the sub-region and joint analyses to promote enhanced coordination in conflict prevention and management and peacebuilding.
I welcome ECCAS member States’ decision to accelerate the ECCAS institutional reform. I further appeal to ECCAS member States to remain committed towards the completion of this important process. Indeed, the reform is a good opportunity for the sub-regional organization to improve its functioning, including funding mechanisms to ensure implementation of key projects in peace, security, peacebuilding and governance. The UN, including through UNOCA, stands ready to provide assistance to ECCAS and member States in this critical endeavour.
Mr. President,
Since its mandate was last renewed in 2015, UNOCA has proved its effectiveness as a tool to advance the Secretary-General’s prevention agenda in Central Africa. The activities of the Office have also been crucial in strengthening the capacities of ECCAS and enhancing UN coordination in the sub-region. We look forward to the Security Council’s support to the renewal of UNOCA’s mandate for another three-year period, as recommended by the Secretary-General in his report.
Thank you for your attention.
UNICEF @ Anees Mahyoob
Sana’a International Airport, 5 June 2018 - I am pleased to have visited Sana’a again. I had very productive meetings with senior leaders of...
Thank you, Mr. President,
Your excellencies Minister Czaputowicz, Minister Blok and Minister Klimkin,
Members of the Council,
The conflict in eastern Ukraine is now in its fifth year. It may no longer make major international headlines, but it is neither dormant nor frozen. It is very much alive, and it requires our attention, particularly to alleviate the human cost of the conflict.
Repeated pledges to respect the cease-fire have not stopped the fighting; far from it. While there has been an overall reduction of violence and casualties since 2015, the killing, destruction and immense suffering continues. The civilian death toll of the conflict is over 2,700 according to OHCHR with up to 9,000 injured. An estimated 1.6 million people remain internally displaced – the largest uprooted population in Europe and among the ten largest in the world.
Today’s Council meeting is the first on the situation in Ukraine since 2 February 2017, when an upsurge in violence threatened to spiral out of control. In the intervening period, diplomatic talks have continued – in the Normandy Format, in the Trilateral Contact Group, and through bilateral processes.
Despite these commendable efforts, the security situation on the ground remains volatile, with the continued use of weapons proscribed by the Minsk Agreements. The relative calm that held in the early weeks of 2018 was followed in April and May by a sharp increase in the number of victims caused by shelling, small arms fire, mines and unexploded ordinance.
The United Nations is deeply concerned about the recent deterioration of the situation at the contact line, including in the area around the Donetsk Filtration Station. We join the calls by OSCE Chief Monitor Ambassador Ertugrul Apakan on 18 May and by the Special Representative of the Chairperson-in-Office in Ukraine Ambassador Martin Sajdik on 22 May for an immediate cessation of fighting.
The violence puts civilian lives at risk and causes destruction of infrastructure, on which people depend for their basic needs on both sides of the contact line.
In light of recent reports of increased military preparedness along the contact line, we highlight the need for utmost restraint.
Mr. President,
On 17 February 2015, this Council adopted resolution 2202 endorsing the “Package of Measures for the Implementation of the Minsk Agreements”. The Council called on all parties to fully implement the Package of Measures, including a comprehensive ceasefire. The Minsk Agreements remain the foundation for the international community’s commitment to restoring peace in eastern Ukraine.
Yet, over three years since the adoption of resolution 2202, the Minsk provisions remain largely unimplemented. Negotiations appear to have lost momentum, with the main stakeholders unable to reach agreement on key steps. Except for the exchange of detainees during the Christmas period last year – efforts to move the talks forward have achieved little so far.
Practical solutions are often identified, but not followed through.
Meanwhile, discussions on a potential international peace operation have so far been inconclusive.
Mr. President,
The United Nations continues to provide humanitarian assistance, human rights monitoring and development support, including in the framework of Ukraine’s reform efforts. But the scale and urgency of needs stemming from the conflict remain immense. There are over half a million civilians living within five kilometres of the Line of Contact, subjected night and day to shelling, gunfire, landmines and unexploded ordnance. Children miss out on vital education. Health problems are worsening, with an increase in cases of drug-resistant tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS.
The area around the Line of Contact is now the third most mine-contaminated area in the world. Residential areas, as well as critical infrastructure, are frequently shelled, deliberately or accidentally.
We call on all concerned to take the necessary measures to protect civilians and to uphold international human rights obligations.
The UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine continues to report on human rights violations and abuses carried out on both sides of the contact line. In accordance with relevant General Assembly resolutions, monitoring of the situation in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol is being carried out, but with great difficulty due to lack of access.
As a consequence of the conflict, eastern Ukraine is facing a serious humanitarian crisis. Restrictions and impediments on international humanitarian access to conflict-affected areas continue to limit aid delivery to those in need. With 3.4 million people in need of humanitarian assistance in conflict-affected areas, we urge all to facilitate humanitarian access, and encourage Member States to do more to support efforts to address this crisis.
Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, Ms. Ursula Mueller, will shortly report further on the humanitarian situation.
The conflict has also had a tragic impact on families from other nations. We are all aware of the recent update of the investigation into the MH17 downing. The Security Council in its resolution 2166 (2014) demanded that all states cooperate fully with efforts to establish accountability. As the Secretary-General has expressed, establishing the truth about this event is an important part of achieving justice for the victims and their families.
Mr. President,
The United Nations strongly supports the lead efforts on Ukraine of the Normandy Four, the Trilateral Contact Group, the OSCE and other key actors. The work of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission, which provides regular reporting on security incidents and which facilitates localized ceasefires and critical repair works in the conflict area, takes place under extremely difficult circumstances.
The OSCE Mission suffered its first fatality in April of last year. The United Nations calls for full respect for the OSCE Mission’s freedom of movement and for an immediate end to all use of force and threats against the Mission’s monitors.
I look forward to hearing an update from the Chief Monitor of the Mission, Ambassador Apakan.
Mr. President,
The Secretary-General travelled to Kiev early in his tenure to highlight the UN’s serious concern regarding the situation in Ukraine and the plight of the people affected by the conflict. The visit in July 2017 demonstrated support for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders, in accordance with relevant General Assembly resolutions.
The Secretary-General has consistently called for a demonstration of necessary political will to cease hostilities and to end the suffering of the civilian population – a call he reiterated in his statement of 23 December 2017, on the eve of the so-called Christmas ceasefire.
In his New Year message to the General Assembly this year, the Secretary-General also called for revitalizing relevant mediation initiatives in Europe, including the Normandy Format and the Trilateral Contact Group in Ukraine.
We hope the intensification of diplomatic engagements in recent weeks will generate the necessary political impetus for progress in implementing the Minsk Agreements and improving the prospects for a settlement of the conflict.
To overcome the status quo, it is imperative to inject efforts with new political energy.
Mr. President,
The Ukraine conflict is foremost a tragedy for the Ukrainian people. But it also takes place in a context of increasing challenges to the international peace and security framework. The conflict continues to test the credibility of international and regional organizations and erodes the trust Member States need to work together in the interest of Europe’s stability.
Despite the efforts to reach a settlement, a breakthrough remains elusive. Yet we cannot allow ourselves to give in to fatigue or complacency. We must continue to pursue peace with renewed vigour and see the implementation of resolution 2202 (2015). In this regard, we once again support the lead efforts of the OSCE and the Normandy format.
For its part, the United Nations remains committed to supporting the search for a peaceful resolution of the conflict, in a manner fully upholding Ukraine's sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence and in accordance with all relevant Security Council and General Assembly resolutions.
Thank you.
Since the popular uprisings in Yemen broke out in early 2011, the United Nations has been engaged, through the good offices of the Secretary-General, in helping Yemenis to find a peaceful solution. The United Nations provided support for the negotiations between the Government and the opposition, which resulted in the signing of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Initiative and its Implementation Mechanism in Riyadh on 23 November 2011. The United Nations has since remained actively engaged with all Yemeni political groupings to promote peace and stability through dialogue and negotiations in accordance with Security Council resolutions 2014 (2011), 2051 (2012), 2140 (2014) and 2216 (2015). Most recently, the Security Council addressed the role of the Special Envoy in its resolution 2691 (2023).
To ensure the full and effective implementation of Security Council resolutions 2014 (2011) and 2051 (2012), together with the political transition agreed in November 2011 under the GCC Initiative and its Implementation Mechanism, the Secretary-General established the Office of the Special Envoy to the Secretary-General on Yemen in 2012. Since then, the United Nations has provided support for the Yemeni-led political transition process and has promoted inclusive participation, including of previously marginalized groups, such as women, youth, the Houthis and Southern Hiraak. With the support and facilitation provided by the United Nations, Yemenis concluded a National Dialogue Conference in January 2014, which brought together 565 delegates from all the regions and political groupings of Yemen. The outcome document of the National Dialogue Conference established the foundations for a new federal and democratic Yemen, with support for good governance, the rule of law and human rights. A Constitution Drafting Commission was created to draft a new constitution based on the National Dialogue Conference outcomes.
Despite important progress in the political transition, conflicts between government forces, the Houthis and other armed groups after the finalization of the draft constitution and power-sharing arrangements led to an escalation of military violence in mid-2014. Notwithstanding agreements brokered by the then United Nations Special Adviser, the Houthis and allied units of the armed forces seized control of Sana’a and other parts of the country in September 2014 and the ensuing months.
The United Nations facilitated numerous rounds of negotiations to resolve the political impasse, but these efforts were ineffective in halting the military escalation that continued in early 2015. At the request of President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, a coalition of countries led by Saudi Arabia intervened militarily on 26 March 2015 in support of the Government of Yemen. More than six years of fighting between Coalition-backed forces and pro-Houthi forces on several fronts has led to thousands of civilian casualties, destruction of infrastructure and a large-scale humanitarian emergency.
In the second half of 2018, the Government of Yemen, supported by the Saudi-led Coalition, began a significant military offensive against the Houthis to seize control of Hudaydah and its ports, the main entry point for humanitarian assistance and commercial trade for the country. In an effort to avert a military attack on the area in December 2018, the Stockholm Agreement was reached by the Yemeni parties, including a ceasefire in Hudaydah governorate, leading to the establishment of the United Nations Mission to support the Hudaydah Agreement (UNMHA) in January 2019.
Political tensions between the Government and southern groups also increased, leading to deadly outbreaks of violence in Aden and elsewhere in the South. In November 2019, the Riyadh Agreement brokered by Saudi Arabia was signed by the Government and the Southern Transitional Council (STC) – a southern separatist group – in an attempt to bring to an end to the instability in southern Yemen, but its implementation was limited. The overall security situation remained highly volatile.
Secretary-General António Guterres has repeatedly reiterated that there is no military solution to the Yemeni crises and has called for a return to peaceful negotiations.
In its resolution 2216 (2015), the Security Council requested the Secretary-General to intensify his good offices role in order to enable the resumption of a peaceful, inclusive, orderly and Yemeni-led transition. Since then, the United Nations has facilitated successive rounds of consultations aimed at obtaining a negotiated settlement to end the conflict and resume the political transition process, including direct talks in Switzerland in June and December 2015, in Kuwait from April to August 2016, and in Sweden in December 2018.
A new Special Envoy was appointed by the Secretary-General on 6 August 2021 to continue exercising his good offices role. The overall aim of the Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen is to provide support to the Yemen peace process, and the implementation of any eventual agreements to enable the resumption of a peaceful, inclusive, orderly and Yemeni-led transition. In line with resolution 2216 (2015) and the letter from the Secretary-General to the Security Council dated 24 May 2016 (S/2016/488), the Special Envoy will mediate between the parties, with a view to ending the conflict.
In April 2022, the Yemeni parties agreed to a UN-brokered, renewable truce in Yemen, which led to a significant reduction in violence. Despite its formal expiration in October 2022, the overall military situation has remained relatively stable. In December 2023, the Yemeni parties agreed to commitments on the implementation of a nationwide ceasefire, payment of public sector salaries, resuming oil exports, opening of roads in Taiz and other parts of Yemen, and further easing of restrictions on Sana’a Airport and Hudaydah Port. As of early 2024, the Special Envoy continues to engage the parties to establish a roadmap for the implementation and operationalization of these commitments, whilst also attempting to ensure that regional tensions do not derail efforts to reach a political settlement in Yemen. Ongoing military activities by the Houthis in the Red Sea, and related international military responses in Yemen, further complicate this situation as of early 2024.
After more than eight years of armed conflict, a stalled transition process and a severe economic decline that has accelerated the collapse of essential basic services and institutions, Yemen remains in the grip of a protracted political, humanitarian and developmental crisis. The country is facing one of the world’s largest humanitarian crisis, with 18.2 million in need of humanitarian aid and protection, and 4.5 million people remain displaced. Approximately 17.6 million people are food-insecure while famine remains a serious threat. Yemen faces an alarmingly high malnutrition rate, with nearly half of all children under five suffering from moderate to severe stunting. Erratic payment of public sector salaries is contributing to the collapse of public institutions that provide healthcare, water, sanitation and education.
With the Syrian conflict in its 13th year, the Syrian people remain trapped in a profound political, military, security, economic, humanitarian, and human rights crisis of almost unimaginable scale.
The Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) has been closely monitoring the evolving situation in Syria and the multifaceted conflict dynamics since peaceful protests erupted in March 2011. The United Nations supports the full implementation of Security Council resolution 2254 (2015) and the 2012 Geneva Communiqué, through its facilitation of an inclusive, credible, sustainable, Syrian-led political solution to the Syrian conflict, that meets the legitimate aspirations of the Syrian people to dignity, freedom and justice based on the principles of equality and non-discrimination.
In February 2012, the General Assembly passed resolution 66/253 requesting the UN to partner with the League of Arab States in support of a peaceful solution to the Syrian conflict through a political transition. This led to former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan’s appointment as Joint Special Envoy. In April 2012, the Security Council adopted resolutions 2042 and 2043 endorsing Annan’s six-point plan and establishing the UN Supervision Mission in Syria (UNSMIS) to monitor and support its implementation. In June 2012, Annan convened a meeting where key international and regional stakeholders adopted the Geneva Communiqué, a document which aimed to strengthen the implementation of the six-point plan and chart a political way forward. To this day, the Communiqué continues to guide UN mediation efforts toward a political solution. The Geneva Communiqué was endorsed by the General Assembly in resolution 66/253-B in August 2012 and by the Security Council in resolution 2118 in September 2013.
In August 2012, following the departure of Kofi Annan, the Secretaries-General of the UN and the Arab League appointed Lakhdar Brahimi as their new Joint Special Representative. The Secretary-General convened an international conference (“Geneva II”) in January 2014, followed by intra-Syrian negotiations facilitated by Brahimi in Geneva. While the parties agreed on an agenda (transitional governing body; violence and terrorism; national institutions; reconciliation), they could not agree on the sequence for negotiating these issues. Brahimi suspended the negotiations and did not extend his assignment beyond May 2014.
The Secretary-General appointed Staffan de Mistura as Special Envoy for Syria in July 2014. Intense diplomatic engagement in 2015 between Russia and the US, and other key international stakeholders, resulted in the establishment of the International Syrian Support Group (ISSG) and the adoption of Security Council resolution 2254 (2015). Resolution 2254 (2015) reiterated the endorsement of the Geneva Communiqué and set the Special Envoy’s mandate. The resolution established a sequence and timeline for a political transition, including negotiations on the establishment of a credible, inclusive, non-sectarian governance and a process and timeline for drafting a new constitution. It also called for free and fair elections, including with the diaspora, pursuant to the new constitution and held under UN supervision.
In January 2019, Geir O. Pedersen succeeded de Mistura as Special Envoy for Syria. He currently leads the UN’s efforts to advance the full implementation of resolution 2254, including facilitation of the Syrian Constitutional Committee. Pedersen also continues to use his good offices in line with his mandate in resolution 2254 to engage the Syrian parties and all relevant regional and international players to discuss and advance his confidence-building step-for-step initiative focused on concrete, coordinated, reciprocal and verifiable measures that could offer Syrians tangible material benefits and protection guarantees, build some trust that will guide the conflict parties towards a political horizon and bring into being a real process to implement resolution 2254. Proposals in this regard are currently on the table but have yet to yield the needed engagement and mutual agreement to produce genuine progress.
Syrians have witnessed unprecedented devastation and displacement, compounded by gross and systematic violations and abuses of international law, humanitarian law and human rights law, including the use of internationally proscribed chemical weapons, mass incarceration and unlawful detention, forced disappearances, torture and other ill-treatment, extrajudicial killings, the indiscriminate bombing of civilians and civilian infrastructure such as hospitals and schools, sieges and severe access restrictions, and the use of starvation as a method of war. To this day, roughly half the pre-war population remains displaced inside or outside Syria—the largest displacement crisis in the world. Moreover, years of conflict, corruption and mismanagement, external economic shocks, large-scale illicit drug trafficking and sanctions have all collectively seen the Syrian economy go into a free fall. From a pre-war level of around 50 Syrian pounds to the US dollar in 2011, the official exchange rate has now increased more than two-hundred-fold to a record high of 13,000 per dollar, pushing more than 90 percent of the population below the poverty line. This situation is not only a source of tragedy for Syrians but a driver of instability across the region, with risks of greater conflagration compounded as a result of the Israel-Hamas war.
Impunity has been a hallmark of the Syrian conflict, has hindered conflict resolution efforts, and has challenged one of the UN’s core values—accountability. An important step to address accountability was made on 21 December 2016 when the General Assembly adopted resolution 71/248 to establish the International, Impartial, and Independent Mechanism (IIIM) to assist in the investigation and prosecution of the most serious crimes under international law, in particular the crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. Another important step was made on 29 June 2023 when the General Assembly adopted resolution 77/301 to create the Independent Institution on Missing Persons in the Syrian Arab Republic (IIMP), which aims to (1) to clarify the fate and whereabouts of missing persons in Syria and (2) provide adequate support to victims, survivors and the families of those missing—including through the set-up of a structural component that guarantees meaningful participation and representation of the victims, survivors, and families of missing persons.
Commission of Inquiry of the Human Rights Council (COI)
The United Nations cooperates with regional and international partners in efforts to defuse tensions, encourage improvements on the ground, and advance political negotiations toward a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as well as a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East based on all relevant Security Council resolutions, international law and previous agreements..
The Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) supports UN peacemaking efforts in various ways, including by advising and assisting the Secretary-General in his Middle East diplomacy and by overseeing UN political activities based in the region aimed at furthering peace efforts, preventing an escalation of the conflict, coordinating humanitarian aid and development assistance, and supporting Palestinian state-building efforts.
In addition to making his own diplomatic “good offices” available to the parties, the Secretary-General is a principal member of the Middle East Quartet (composed of the United States, the Russian Federation, the European Union, and the United Nations), established in 2003 to coordinate the international community's support to the peace process. The Secretary-General also works to ensure close cooperation in international peacemaking efforts with the League of Arab States, other regional stakeholders, and the broader international community.
DPPA also assists the Secretary-General’s crisis management activities, which include his direct involvement in efforts to prevent the recurrence of violence. Senior officials of the Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, particularly the Special Coordinator for the Middle East Process, provide regular briefings to the Security Council on the situation in the Middle East and the state of the peace process.
The Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process and the Secretary-General's Personal Representative to the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Palestinian Authority is the focal point on the ground for UN support in all political and diplomatic efforts related to the peace process – including as UN Envoy to the Middle East Quartet. The Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process (UNSCO), was established in June 1994 following the signing of the Oslo Accords. UNSCO is also responsible for coordinating the activities of more than twenty UN agencies, funds and programmes on humanitarian and development assistance to the Palestinian Authority and the Palestinian people. It is a field office of the Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs with presence in Jerusalem, Ramallah and Gaza.
Madame la Présidente,
Distingués Membres du Conseil,
Je vous remercie pour l’opportunité que vous me donnez de briefer à nouveau sur les récents développements au Burundi.
Le 17 mai, les Burundais ont voté en faveur d’une nouvelle Constitution. Selon la Commission électorale nationale indépendante (CENI) qui a annoncé les résultats provisoires le 21 mai, 73.25 pour cent des 4,768,142 votants se sont prononcés en faveur de la nouvelle constitution, contre 19.34 pour cent. Les votes blancs ont totalisé 4.11 et l’abstention 3.28 pour cent. Le taux de participation est de 96.24 pour cent.
Le référendum s’est dans l’ensemble déroulé dans le calme, en dépit des nombreuses irrégularités et incidents, rapportés par des représentants de l’opposition et de la société civile. La CENI a fait également état de quelques incidents qui, selon elle, n’étaient toutefois pas de nature à influencer les résultats définitifs du scrutin.
Lors de mon briefing du 25 février, j’avais fait miennes, les préoccupations du Secrétaire Général qui avait souligné dans son rapport la nécessité pour le gouvernement de rechercher le plus large consensus possible autour d’une question aussi primordiale pour l’avenir, voire le destin du Burundi, qu’est la modification de la Constitution. Il avait, en effet, mis en exergue l’esprit de consensus qui a prévalu aux négociations et à l’adoption de l’Accord d’Arusha et de la Constitution de 2005 qui en est issue.
Madame la Présidente,
Distingués membres du Conseil,
Maintenant que le pays s’achemine vers une autre phase importante de son histoire, nous attendons un signal fort des autorités, en faveur de la reprise du dialogue inter-burundais sous l’égide de la Communauté de l’Afrique de l’Est. Relancer ce dialogue, permettrait aux Burundais de discuter ensemble des défis auxquels ils se trouvent confrontés dans un climat de confiance mutuelle. Il est important de réitérer ici que ce n’est qu’à travers un dialogue inclusif que les Burundais apporteront des solutions durables à la crise actuelle.
Si tel n’était pas le cas, il est à craindre que la contestation des résultats du referendum par l’opposition, ne polarise davantage une situation politique déjà tendue, caractérisée par des violations des droits de l’homme et autres abus, ainsi que la détérioration de la situation socioéconomique et humanitaire.
En effet, je voudrais appeler l’attention des Membres du Conseil, sur l’expulsion des experts des droits de l’homme, déployés dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de la résolution 34 du Conseil des Droits de l’Homme, résolution parrainée le 29 septembre à Genève par le Groupe Africain. Leurs visas ont été annulés par le gouvernement, le 26 avril alors qu’ils étaient déjà au Burundi. Je lance un appel aux autorités burundaises pour qu’elles facilitent le retour de ces experts et renouent la coopération avec le Bureau du Haut-commissaire aux droits de l’homme.
Madame la Présidente,
La situation sécuritaire au Burundi est globalement calme même si on constate des jets de grenade isolés et que des rapports continuent de parvenir sur des découvertes de corps sans vie, y compris d’individus en tenue militaire. Le gouvernement doit être encouragé à poursuivre ses efforts de restauration de la sécurité sur l’ensemble du territoire national. Je salue, à cet égard, les mesures prises contre certaines formes de violence ayant été constatées avant et pendant la campagne électorale. Les évènements survenus le 11 mai dans la commune de Buganda, dans la province de Cibitoke que nous avons condamné, au cours desquels 26 personnes dont des femmes et des enfants, ont été assassinés par des hommes armés non-identifiés, nous rappellent que si le calme règne au plan sécuritaire, l’environnement reste volatile.
La situation humanitaire connait des développements importants mais e demeure toujours préoccupante. De nombreux Burundais continuent de vivre dans des camps de réfugiés, particulièrement en Tanzanie, au Rwanda, en Ouganda et en RDC. Je salue les efforts déployés par le Burundi, la Tanzanie avec l’appui remarquable du HCR dans le cadre de la Tripartite qui ont déjà permis à plus de 13, 000 Burundais de rentrer chez eux volontairement. Ces efforts doivent être poursuivis.
Madame la Présidente,
Distingués Membres du Conseil
La situation que je viens de décrire, met en exergue la pertinence de la poursuite du dialogue inclusif, sous les auspices de la Communauté d’Afrique de l’Est. Il vous souviendra que lors du 19e Sommet de la Communauté de l’Afrique de l’Est, tenu en Ouganda, le 23 février, les Chefs d’Etat de la sous- région avaient recommandé la poursuite du dialogue sous la facilitation de l’ancien Président Benjamin Mkapa et la médiation du Président Museveni. Le Sommet avait également demandé au Facilitateur de tout mettre en œuvre pour convoquer la 5e session du Dialogue, dans les meilleurs délais. En réponse à l’invitation du Facilitateur du 25 avril, le gouvernement avait indiqué qu’il ne prendrait part à aucune session du dialogue avant la fin du referendum constitutionnel du 17 mai. Dans ce contexte le CNARED, s’est interrogé sur l’inopportunité et la pertinence du dialogue après un referendum qui « enterrerait les Accords d’Arusha ».
Des consultations devraient se tenir dans les tous prochains jours en vue de la relance du dialogue.
Je demeure persuadé qu’un dialogue inclusif reste la seule voie pour le règlement politique durable des défis politiques, socioéconomiques et humanitaires auxquels le Burundi fait face depuis 2015. Parmi ces défis, figure en bonne place la préparation et la réussite des élections inclusives, crédibles et transparentes en 2020. A cet égard, le Conseil pourrait renouveler son plein soutien à la région, en particulier à la médiation conduite par le Président Ougandais Yoweri Museveni et au Facilitateur, l’ancien Président Tanzanien Benjamin Mkapa, avec le soutien de l’Union Africaine et des Nations Unies
Je vous remercie.
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The United Nations works on multiple fronts to assist Lebanon in forging a peaceful, stable and democratic future. The Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon (UNSCOL) provides leadership and coordination to UN efforts in the country. The Beirut-based political mission of the Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) is headed by UN Special Coordinator Joanna Wronecka. The Special Coordinator is the Secretary-General’s representative to the Lebanese Government, all political parties and the diplomatic community based in the country, and exercises good offices on behalf of the Secretary-General and in furtherance of the conflict prevention agenda.
The July 2006 conflict between Israel and Hizbullah brought a new set of political, peacekeeping, and development challenges to Lebanon. Subsequently, the Secretary-General established in February 2007 the Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon to represent him politically and to coordinate the work of the UN in the country. Among UNSCOL’s most important responsibilities is its assistance towards, and reporting on, implementation of Security Council Resolution 1701 (2006) under which the fighting was halted in August 2006. The resolution called for a permanent ceasefire between Israel and Lebanon and gave a framework for a long-term solution. The resolution also calls for extension of State authority throughout the territory of Lebanon, including in southern Lebanon. In particular, resolution 1701 calls for the Government of Lebanon to maintain a monopoly on the use of force and weapons within the country. UNSCOL works closely with the UN peacekeeping mission in southern Lebanon, UNIFIL, which seeks to maintain the cessation of hostilities in its area of operations and along and across the Blue Line, the line of withdrawal for Israeli forces, while assisting the Lebanese Armed Forces to enhance its presence and capacity in southern Lebanon. UNSCOL is in constant dialogue with actors across the political spectrum in Lebanon, as well as between the parties Israel and Lebanon, and with regional and international partners.
The Special Coordinator for Lebanon coordinates the activities of the UN Country Team, in partnership with the Government of Lebanon, donors and international financial institutions, in line with the overall objectives of the United Nations in Lebanon, particularly those relating to humanitarian, development and peacebuilding needs, including the impact of the crisis in the neighbouring Syrian Arab Republic. The Special Coordinator for Lebanon is assisted in this task by a Deputy Special Coordinator, who is Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator.
The United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) was established by Security Council resolution 1500 (2003) at the request of the Government of Iraq, revised under resolution 1770 (2007) and has since been extended on an annual basis.
The current mandate of UNAMI encompassesa number of key areas, including the provision of advice, support and assistance to the Government and the people of Iraq on advancing inclusive political dialogue and national and community-level reconciliation; electoral support; as well as facilitating regional dialogue and cooperation; promoting accountability and the protection of human rights and judicial and legal reform; gender mainstreaming; and promoting coordination and facilitating, in coordination with the Government of Iraq, delivery in the humanitarian and development areas. Furthermore, under Security Council resolution 2107 (2013) UNAMI is mandated to promote, support and facilitate efforts of the Government of Iraq regarding the repatriation or return of all Kuwaiti and third-country nationals, or their remains, and the return of Kuwaiti property, including the national archives.
The UN Country Team is working together to improve the lives of Iraqis across numerous sectors. Under the auspices of the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF, formerly UNDAF) for Iraq 2020-2024, in line with Iraq’s national priorities and in accordance with the National Development Plan and the Sustainable Development Goals, agencies, funds and programmes are working to assist the Iraqi Government towards achieving social cohesion, social protection, and social inclusion to create a fair and inclusive society for all Iraq; growing the economy for all Iraqis; promoting effective, inclusive, accountable and efficient institutions and services at all levels; promoting natural resource and disaster risk management, and climate change resilience to achieve a better, safer and more sustainable future for all; and achieving dignified, safe and voluntary durable solutions to displacement in Iraq.
UNAMI is supporting the government’s efforts to promote an inclusive dialogue among political actors, including through broad engagement with institutional stakeholders and civil society and the provision of advice and recommendations on key policy issues. UNAMI also promotes regional cooperation and dialogue between Iraq and neighbouring countries through its good offices mandate. Since 2021, UNAMI has increased its advisory and technical assistance role in countering adverse impacts of climate change, including on water scarcity, desertification and drought, together with the UN Country Team.
UNAMI played a key support role in the process by which Iraqis drafted and adopted a new constitution in 2005, and assisted the country in holding national elections as well as Iraq Governorate Council elections and parliamentary elections in the Kurdistan region of Iraq since 2009. Since the formation of the Independent High Electoral Commission in 2007, the United Nations has continued to provide technical support, policy advice and assistance to the institution. In 2021, in line with Security Council Resolution 2576 (2021), UNAMI implemented one of the United Nations’ largest electoral assistance projects worldwide, in support of the 10 October parliamentary elections, encompassing technical assistance and the deployment of 150 United Nations international electoral experts in advance of, and on, election day.
UNAMI assists the Government of Iraq in promoting accountability for human rights violations and protecting human rights in Iraq to build and strengthen trust among the Government, justice institutions, civil society and communities. UNAMI is also working in partnership with other United Nations, Government and civil society partners, to provide technical assistance, legal and expert advice on content and implementation of Iraq’s international human rights obligations, and on drafting legislation, regulations and policies that promote the respect and protection of human rights, and assist with building the capacity of state institutions, including relevant ministries, the Council of Representatives, the Iraqi High Commission for Human Rights, and law enforcement and the administration of justice.
Special Representative Imnadze participating in a Forum of the Women Leaders’ Caucus (WLC) convened in parallel with the 5th Consultative Meeting of the Heads of State of Central Asia in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, in September 2023.
The United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA) was established in December 2007 in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, to assist and support the five countries of Central Asia - Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan – in building their conflict prevention capacities through enhanced dialogue, confidence-building measures and genuine partnership so as to respond to existing threats and emerging challenges in the region. The Centre was established at the request of the five countries and is headed by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Kaha Imnadze.
UNRCCA's Program of Action for 2022-2025 was adopted in consultation with the five countries of the region, and includes five priority areas: (i) Promoting preventive diplomacy among the Governments of Central Asia; (ii) Monitoring and early warning in support of conflict prevention; (iii) Building partnerships for prevention, including with regional and sub-regional organizations; (iv) Strengthening United Nations preventive diplomacy in Central Asia; and (v) Encouraging cooperation and interaction between Central Asia and Afghanistan in close contact with UNAMA.
The United Nations has been present in Afghanistan since 1949. In recent years, the Organization’s activities have been focused on assisting Afghans lay the foundations for sustainable peace and development. The UN Security Council established the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) in March 2002 Resolution 1401. The Mission’s mandate, which extends until 17 September 2021, stresses the importance of a comprehensive and inclusive Afghan-led and Afghan-owned political process to achieve sustainable peace.
On May 22, 2018, the African Union Peace and Security Council convened an open session on the Principles of Protection of Civilians in Conflict Areas in Africa.
Following the non-extension of the mandate of the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia in June 2009, the United Nations has continued to support the Geneva international discussions on security and stability and the return of internally displaced persons and refugees, which commenced on 15 October 2008 in Geneva in accordance with the six-point agreement of 12 August 2008 and implementing measures of 8 September 2008, following the hostilities of August 2008 (see S/2009/254, para. 5). In resolution 1866 (2009), the Security Council welcomed the beginning of the discussions and requested the Secretary-General, through his Special Representative, to continue to fully support the process. The discussions are co-chaired by the European Union, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and the United Nations.
The United Nations Representative to the Geneva International Discussions serves as the UN Co-Chair of the Discussions and works in consultation with the other Co-Chairs, and with support from her team, to prepare and facilitate the sessions of the Geneva International Discussions. The United Nations Representative and her team are also responsible for preparing, convening and facilitating the periodic meetings of the Gali Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM) for Abkhazia. With regard to the latter, the UNRGID team maintains a hotline to facilitate timely communication and exchange of information among the parties on any issues of mutual concern.
To see all UNRGID communiqués, click here.
From 1993 to 2019, the Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) (then Department of Political Affairs) provided backstopping support and guidance to the Personal Envoy of the United Nations Secretary-General for talks aimed at resolving the name dispute between Greece and, at the time, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (fYROM). Since 1999, the negotiations were convened under the auspices of Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General Mr. Matthew Nimetz, who succeeded Mr. Cyrus Vance.
On 12 February 2019, the entry into force of the “Prespa Agreement”, which was signed on 17 June 2018 and ratified by the legislature of both countries in January 2019, settled the longstanding dispute between Athens and Skopje on the “name issue”. The historic text details, inter alia, the parties’ agreement to the name “Republic of North Macedonia”. The Secretary-General informed the Presidents of the Security Council and the General Assembly, in identical letters, of the entry into force of the Agreement on 12 February 2019. The Secretary-General underscored that this resolution of the dispute demonstrated that even seemingly intractable issues can be resolved through dialogue and political will.
Have a look at the timeline of the process:
The United Nations works through the good offices of the Secretary-General to assist the sides in the search for a comprehensive and mutually acceptable settlement to the Cyprus problem.
The Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) provides backstopping support and guidance to the Office of the Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Cyprus.
While the good offices efforts continue, UN peacekeepers exert a stabilizing presence. A United Nations peacekeeping mission, UNFICYP, has been deployed on the Island since 1964.
The mandate of the Special Envoy was established by the General Assembly in its resolution 72/248 in 2017, and renewed in its resolutions 73/264, 74/246 and 76/180. The Special Envoy works in close partnership with all stakeholders including local communities and civil society, and regional partners, notably the Government of Bangladesh and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), regional countries, and the broader membership of the United Nations.
Ms. Christine Schraner-Burgener served as the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General on Myanmar from April 2018 through October 2021, followed by Ms. Noeleen Heyzer from December 2021 through June 2023. On 5 April 2024, the Secretary-General appointed Ms. Julie Bishop of Australia as the Special Envoy on Myanmar.
NEW YORK, 16 March 2023 – Remarks by Special Envoy Noeleen Heyzer at the General Assembly informal meeting on Myanmar
NEW YORK, 13 June 2022 – Remarks by Special Envoy Noeleen Heyzer at the General Assembly informal meeting on Myanmar
GENEVA, 3 June 2023 – Special Envoy Heyzer focuses on will of the people in meeting with NUG Foreign Minister
NEW DELHI, 11 May 2023 – In first mission to India, Special Envoy Heyzer calls for regional unity for de-escalation of violence, release of political prisoners and return to civilian rule based on the will of the people
BEIJING, 3 May 2023 – Special Envoy Heyzer visits Beijing to strengthen regional unity to respond to crisis in Myanmar
JEDDAH, SAUDI ARABIA 23 February 2023 – OIC ASG for Political Affairs and UN Special Envoy on Myanmar discuss the possibility of holding joint international conference to upscale education for Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh and the region, reinforcing calls for urgent international support
BANGKOK, 31 January 2023 – As Myanmar crisis enters third year, Special Envoy Heyzer urgently calls for international unity on humanitarian aid, stance on elections and civilian protection
SINGAPORE, 11 June 2022 – UN Special Envoy Heyzer addresses Myanmar’s critical importance to the region at Shangri-La Dialogue
On 26 September 2017, the United Nations Mission in Colombia, in accordance with the Peace Agreement between the Government of Colombia and the FARC-EP, completed its Security Council mandate. The mission finalized activities related to the laying down of weapons from the FARC-EP, including the deactivation of the armament collected in the Transitional Local Zones for Normalization and Transitory Points, the ones extracted during the arms caches operations and the destruction of unstable material.
The United Nations continues to provide support to the peace process through the United Nations Verification Mission in Colombia, established by Security Council resolution 2377 (2017).