Bienvenidos a las Naciones Unidas

Reports and Policy Documents


  • 25 Oct 2021

    Out now! Season 2 | Episode 12 | She Stands For Peace | Click here:

  • 25 Oct 2021

    UN Secretary-General, António Guterres on Monday condemned the “ongoing military coup” in Sudan, saying Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok and all other officials, “must be released immediately.” In a statement, he called for the "immediate reconstitution" of the Government, which is due to guide Sudan through to democratic elections.

  • 25 Oct 2021

    UN, ECCAS and their partners mobilized against hate speech in Central Africa


    Douala, 25 October 2021 - From 26 to 29 October 2021, Douala, the economic capital of Cameroon, will host a regional forum to raise awareness and build the capacity of media practitioners to prevent and combat hate speech in Central Africa. The event is organized by the United...

  • 24 Oct 2021

    “Today, the Israeli authorities announced tenders for the construction of more than 1,300 housing units in the occupied West Bank.

    I am deeply concerned by continued Israeli settlement expansion in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem. I reiterate that all settlements are illegal under international law, remain a substantial obstacle to peace, and must cease immediately...

  • 24 Oct 2021

    TRIPOLI, 24 October 2021 - The Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya, Ján Kubiš,...

  • 24 Oct 2021

    Mr. François Louncény FALL, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Office for Central Africa (UNOCA) and Mr...

  • 24 Oct 2021

    New York, 24 October 2021

    Seventy-six years ago, the United Nations was created as a vehicle of hope for a world emerging from the shadow of catastrophic conflict.

    Today, the women and men of the UN carry this hope forward around the globe.

    COVID-19, conflicts, hunger, poverty and the climate emergency remind us that our world is...

  • 23 Oct 2021

    A UN humanitarian aid flight destined for the capital of the Tigray region in northern Ethiopia, was forced to return to Addis Ababa due to airstrikes on Friday, raising “serious concerns” for the safety of staff working on the ground, said the UN’s Emergency Relief Coordinator, in a statement.

  • 22 Oct 2021
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 
    DiCarlo in Libya and Tunisia

    Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo was in Libya for a five-day visit this week. In Tripoli on 18 October she met Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Debeibah and Interior Minister Khaled Mazen to discuss UN support to the political process and other issues, including the forthcoming elections. She also met on 19 October with Foreign Minister Najla Al-Mangoush on the stabilization initiative, and High State Council President Khalid Al-Mishri on upcoming elections. Meeting with the West Delegation of the Joint Military Commission in Tripoli and the East Delegation in Benghazi, she congratulated both on successes on the Joint Action Plan for the withdrawal of foreign forces, fighters and mercenaries, the reopening of the coastal road and exchange of detainees. On 21 October, she spoke at the Libya International Stabilization Conference before traveling to Tunisia. In Tunis on 22 October, the Under-Secretary-General met Foreign Minister Othman Jerandi and discussed regional developments and the situation in the country.

    In Bosnia and Herzegovina, Jenča underlines need to protect hard-won peace

    Assistant Secretary-General for Europe, Central Asia and the Americas Miroslav Jenča concluded on 22 October his four-day official visit to Bosnia and Herzegovina where he met with members of the Presidency Željko Komšić, Šefik Džaferović and Milorad Dodik, and Foreign Minister Bisera Turković among others. The meetings were focused on the peace, security and stability challenges and concerns in the country, regional developments as well as cooperation with the United Nations. He reiterated the Secretary-General’s message in calling for the need to redouble efforts towards strengthening reconciliation efforts, trust, mutual understanding and social cohesion both in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the region. He urged political leaders to refrain from unilateral actions that could undermine the achievements over the past almost 26 years since the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Annexes were signed, underscoring that the hard-won peace must be protected and further nurtured.

    Security Council

    Wennesland: Situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory continues to deteriorate

    Tor Wennesland, Special Coordinator of the Secretary-General for the Middle East Peace Process, briefed the Security Council on 19 October. He welcomed the ongoing engagement between senior Israeli and Palestinian officials, and strongly encouraged a further expansion of such efforts which could improve conditions on the ground and pave the way towards re-invigorating the peace process. He further warned that the security situation in Gaza continues to remain fragile, and the security dynamics in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, are deteriorating. "We can no longer lurch from crisis to crisis. Our approach cannot be to address the current situation piecemeal – incident by incident, on a short-term day-to-day basis as stand-alone issues”, the Special Coordinator said, calling for a broader package of parallel steps by the Government of Israel, the Palestinian Authority and the international community.

    Full remarks to the Security Council here

    Great Lakes region at a crossroads 

    Huang Xia, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the Great Lakes region, briefing the Security Council on 20 October, said that the region is at a crossroads. He reiterated that the main threat to peace and stability remains the persistence of armed groups. He added that bilateral and regional initiatives attest to the awareness of the added value of dialogue and cooperation. More than ever, he said, it is necessary to consolidate these gains. Assistant Secretary-General for Africa Martha Ama Akyaa Pobee also spoke to Council members, informing that the UN is reconfiguring its presence in the region to best address the challenges. She argued that “armed group activity is a symptom of insecurity in the region”, and therefore “the enabling conditions should be addressed upstream.”  

    Read more here

    Full remarks by the Special Envoy to the Security Council here


    High-Level Dialogue with Afghan Women’s Rights Advocates

    DPPA, together with Norway, Qatar and UN Women, co-hosted on 20 October a high-level dialogue between Afghan women leaders and several Member States. The women highlighted fears at the Taliban’s rapid deprivation of women and girls' rights, the urgent need for humanitarian aid, the criticality of international unity, and the need for advocacy and assurances to be put into action. Assistant Secretary-General for the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific Mohamed Khaled Khiari noted the UN’s commitment to stay and deliver in Afghanistan, its increased humanitarian action, and some recent successes in securing women’s participation in humanitarian aid delivery. He added that the UN continues to raise in all its engagements with the Taliban the need for women to be able to work.


    Special Envoy: “the power must be returned to the people in a democratic way”

    Christine Schraner Burgener, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General, briefed the press on 21 October on the situation in Myanmar. She warned that February’s military takeover has led to armed conflict and if power isn’t returned to the people in a democratic way the country “will go in the direction of a failed state.” She said that the movement against the military is now increasingly militarized. In the absence of international action, she feared that violence has been justified as the last resort. She stressed that the will of the people should be respected.

    Watch the press briefing here

    Central Asia

    UNRCCA co-organizes workshop on counter-terrorism efforts using biometrics

    From 19 to 21 October, the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA) in partnership with the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) and the UN Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (UNCTED), discussed enhancing the capacity of the Central Asian states in the responsible use and sharing of biometric data to detect, prevent, investigate and prosecute terrorist offences and other serious crimes at borders. Forty representatives of State Customs and Border Services, Ministries of Interior and other relevant state institutions learned about the latest UN efforts in the area of counter-terrorism and biometrics, with a particular focus on risk assessment procedures while observing basic human rights.

    Read more here

    Lake Chad

    Special Representatives begin a joint high-level visit to Cameroon and Chad

    Special Representatives of the Secretary-General for Central Africa François Louncény Fall and for West Africa and the Sahel Mahamat Saleh Annadif undertook from 18 to 22 October a joint high-level mission to Cameroon and Chad. This was the first leg on a tour of the Lake Chad Basin countries affected by Boko Haram to assess the situation in the region and examine how the United Nations and its international partners could better support national efforts and subregional mechanisms in response to the persistent security, humanitarian impact and human rights challenges caused by the insurgency.

    Read more here

    West Africa

    Deputy Special Representative concludes outreach mission to Guinea-Bissau 

    Giovanie Biha, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Deputy Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), concluded on 20 October a three-day visit to the Republic of Guinea-Bissau. The visit focused on familiarization and outreach as part of the ongoing partnership between the UN system in Guinea-Bissau and UNOWAS. During the visit, she met with Secretary of State for Communities Salome dos Santos Allouche and Minister for Public Administration Maria Celina Vieira Tavares, among others She reiterated the continued engagement of UNOWAS to support peace and development in Guinea-Bissau.

    Read more here


    Deputy Special Representative visits Kismayo

    Anita Kiki Gbeho, Deputy Special Representative for Somalia, met on 19 October with Jubaland President Ahmed Mohamed Islam Madobe to discuss women’s participation in the Upper House process. On her introductory visit to the Southern Federal Member state, she met with Jubaland’s leadership as well as electoral officials, including the chairperson of the State Electoral Implementation Team (SEIT), Siyad Mohamed Mursal, and civil society representatives. The country’s ongoing elections were a key topic on her agenda.

    Read more here


    Syrian Constitutional Committee session concludes without new constitutional text

    The Sixth Session of the Syrian Constitutional Committee Small Body began its work in Geneva this week. Speaking to the media on 22 October, Special Envoy of the Secretary General Geir Pedersen detailed the agreements reached over the course of the past five days. Expressing his disappointment that the parties did not manage to present any new constitutional text, he stressed again the need for political will to find the right way of dealing with this process in order to start minimizing differences and identifying areas of commonality.

    Watch full press stakeout here

    Full transcript of press stakeout here


    Short film festival to promote peace and reconciliation in Popayán, Cauca

    From 19 to 22 October, the Verification Mission supported the Short Film Festival in Popayán, Cauca, organized to promote peace and reconciliation through the audiovisual arts. At the event, young filmmakers, between 17 and 28 years of age from areas affected by violence in the departments of Argelia, Buenos Aires, Inza and Popayán, presented their projects and discussed the production of stories in the territories. The closing ceremony, which saw the participation of indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities, included short films related to the past five years of the Peace Agreement in Colombia as well as a documentary produced by the Verification Mission. 

    Former combatants in Tolima strengthen community relations

    The Verification Mission accompanied, from 18 to 20 October, a group of 20 former combatants who carried out cleaning and improvement work on the road leading to the village and the local school to foster reconciliation in San José de las Hermosas, a rural area of the municipality of Chaparral, Tolima, in south-central Colombia. The leaders of the former FARC-EP used this region as a hideout, and its high mountains were the scene of heavy fighting with the military between 2000 and 2010.


    Peacebuilding Commission meeting on Our Common Agenda

    Secretary-General António Guterres presented to the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) his report on Our Common Agenda. In his remarks, he highlighted the role of the Commission and the Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) in pursuing the Agenda, as well as on the direction of its proposed New Agenda for Peace. He encouraged Member States to dedicate more resources to the work of the Commission and to ensure additional contributions to the PBF to enable these two instruments to meet the increasing demand. Member States pledged support for a timely follow-up to the Secretary-General’s recommendations and stressed the importance of empowering the reformed UN development system’s peacebuilding and sustaining peace work. They reiterated their commitment to further strengthen the advisory and bridging role to continue empowering women and youth peacebuilders, and to keep serving as a platform for global solidarity in response to the complex global crises of the 21st century.

    Next Week

    On the morning of 27 October, Special Envoy Parfait Onanga-Anyanga will brief the Security Council on developments in Sudan/South Sudan. Special Envoy Pedersen will brief on the situation in Syria in the afternoon. On 28 October, the Security Council will hold a debate on Cooperation between the UN and the African Union. 

    Subscribe to This Week in DPPA

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  • 22 Oct 2021

    Thank you, Foreign Minister Mangoush, for the initiative of convening this international conference.  That it takes place in Libya’s capital is a testament to the progress that Libya has achieved. It is my pleasure to represent the Secretary-General at this meeting,


    The UN has actively worked towards facilitating the Libyan-led and Libyan-owned political, security and economic dialogues, with the support of the international community in the context of the Berlin process.

    These dialogues must continue in order to sustain the momentum and ensure the full implementation of the Political Roadmap adopted by the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF).  We urge all Libyan parties to exert every effort to hold parliamentary and presidential elections on 24 December 2021, as called for by the Roadmap and UN Security Council Resolutions 2570 and 2571.

    On the political front, dialogue is needed to promote unity and support for the electoral process among all political actors. There is a need for compromise on a way forward. We commend the Presidential Council for its efforts to promote such dialogue. We call on all Libyan parties and institutions to refrain from any action that could undermine the electoral process or acceptance of its results.

    The holding of timely, free and fair elections is critical to break the cycle of perennial political transitions, to return to political legitimacy and to put an end to foreign interference. The Libyan people want elections, and they want them now.

    I urge all Member States and regional organizations to consider sending observation teams, in coordination with relevant Libyan authorities and institutions, to help ensure the credibility of the electoral process and acceptability of the results.

    I also urge Libya’s leaders and institutions to ensure meaningful participation of women in the process and to ensure that women occupy at least 30 per cent of the seats in the new legislature.

    The United Nations will continue providing technical assistance for the holding of elections in accordance with its mandate.


    For a long time, Libya was governed by parallel institutions in the West and the East. Thanks to the work of the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum, reunification of the country’s institutions was started.

    We must not allow the approach of elections to reignite divisions.

    The UN will continue supporting all efforts aimed at consolidating the progress achieved to date, including a unified government and a reunified and functioning House of Representatives.

    Together with the African Union, we are also committed to supporting the Libyan authorities, including the High National Reconciliation Commission, in advancing rights-based reconciliation.


    I commend the 5+5 Joint Military Commission for their unity of purpose on the security track, the JMC serves as an example for other national actors and institutions. Their Action Plan for the gradual, balanced, sequenced and synchronized withdrawal of all mercenaries, foreign fighters, and foreign forces is but the latest achievement of the 5+5.

    The United Nations is ready to assist in consolidating international consensus to support the JMC in the implementation of the withdrawal plan.

    Close coordination with Libya’s neighbours will be paramount to ensure that the plan is successful and that the withdrawal does not negatively impact the security situation in the region and the Sahel.

    Disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration (DDR) programmes and Security Sector Reform (SSR) will be needed to accompany this process. These efforts must be supported by the international community.

    I am pleased to report that, in line with the request of the Libyan authorities and the mandate from the Security Council, the first group of UN monitors to support the Libyan-led ceasefire monitoring mechanism are arriving today. They will work in concert with the Libyan monitors assigned by the JMC.

    Finally, the UN is extremely concerned with the dire situation of thousands of migrants and asylum seekers in Tripoli who remain in arbitrary detention or are living on the streets as a result of forced evictions and destruction of their homes by security forces in early October.

    We welcome the Government’s announcement allowing the resumption of voluntary humanitarian evacuation and return flights from Libya for thousands of migrants and asylum seekers and call for the release from detention of the most vulnerable people and those with legal status.

    We again offer our support to work with Libyan authorities to strengthen migration governance and border control in line with international law and obligations and in cooperation with international partners, notably the AU, LAS and EU.

    Madame Minister,

    Let me reassure you of the full commitment and continued support of the Secretary-General and the United Nations to Libya at this critical stage.

    Thank you.

  • 22 Oct 2021

    The process of drafting a new constitution for Syria has been “a big disappointment” UN Special Envoy for Syria, Geir Pedersen concluded on Friday. Following the end of discussions in Geneva, a consensus on how to move forward was not achieved, he added.

  • 22 Oct 2021

    The Office of the Special Envoy of the United Nations Secretary-General for the Great Lakes region would like to refer to the article published by Jeune Afrique on 18 October...

  • 21 Oct 2021

    Libya MoFA Photo

    Thank you, Foreign Minister Mangoush, for the initiative of convening this international conference.  That it takes...

  • 21 Oct 2021

    We can no longer exclude half of humanity from international peace and security matters, the UN chief told the Security Council on Thursday, emphasizing the need to fully address the challenges and gaps that continue to prevent women having an equal say.

  • 21 Oct 2021

    Huang Xia, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the Great Lakes region, briefs the Security Council meeting on the situation in the Great Lakes region. New York, 20 October 2021. UN Photo/Eskinder...

  • 21 Oct 2021

    ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan

    On 19-21 October,...

  • 20 Oct 2021

    Speaking at a Security Council meeting on the situation in Africa’s Great Lakes region on Wednesday, the Secretary-General’s Special Envoy, Huang Xia, told ambassadors that the countries concerned now stand “at a crossroads”.  

  • 20 Oct 2021

    The Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Deputy Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa...

  • 20 Oct 2021

    Four children – three boys and a girl - were killed on Monday morning while travelling to school in northwest Syria, along with a teacher, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said on Wednesday.

  • 20 Oct 2021

    State security forces in South Sudan have been responsible for imposing new and potentially arbitrary restrictions against the country’s most prominent civil society leaders, issuing “credible” death threats that have undermined peace efforts, UN-appointed independent rights experts said on Wednesday. 

  • 19 Oct 2021

    The UN Country Team in Myanmar remains “deeply concerned over the humanitarian impact” of the country’s ongoing crises stemming largely from the military coup in February, the UN Spokesperson said on Tuesday.


  • 19 Oct 2021

    Political stagnation is “fuelling tensions, instability and a deepening sense of hopelessness”, the top UN official working towards peace in the Middle East warned the Security Council on Tuesday.

  • 19 Oct 2021

    Another “shameful milestone” has been reached in the conflict in Yemen with 10,000 children killed or maimed since fighting started in March 2015, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said on Tuesday. 

  • 19 Oct 2021

    The UN Secretary-General’s Deputy Special Representative for Somalia, Anita Kiki Gbeho, meeting with Jubaland’s President Ahmed Mohamed Islam ‘Madobe,’ in Kismayo, on 19...

  • 19 Oct 2021

    ISTANBUL, Turkey

    On 12 – 15 October 2021, UNRCCA Preventive Diplomacy Academy (PDA) and UNOCT co-organized the Central Asian...

  • 19 Oct 2021

    Statement of the UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon on Women’s Representation in Politics

    19 October 2021


    The UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Ms. Joanna Wronecka encourages the discussion in Parliament of a gender quota in the upcoming elections. Women’s representation in politics is critical for an...

  • 18 Oct 2021

    The United Nations has received alarming reports of aerial attacks in the residential areas of Tigray’s capital, Mekelle, on Monday morning local time.  

  • 18 Oct 2021

    The announcement last week of a unilateral ceasefire in the Central African Republic is among recent positive steps in the country, the top UN official there told the Security Council on Monday, urging continued support for peace and reconciliation efforts. 

  • 18 Oct 2021

    As part of the implementation of United Nations Security Council resolution 2349 (2017), the Special Representatives of the Secretary-General for Central and for Africa for West Africa and the Sahel, François Louncény FALL and Mahamat Saleh ANNADIF, will undertake from 18 to 22 October 2021, a joint high-level mission to Cameroon and Chad.

    This mission is the first leg on a tour of the Lake Chad Basin countries...

  • 18 Oct 2021



    Dakar - Libreville, 18 October 2021 - As part of the implementation of United Nations Security Council resolution 2349 (2017), the Special Representatives of the Secretary-General...

  • 17 Oct 2021

    The process of drafting a new constitution for Syria will begin this week, the UN Special Envoy for the country, Geir Pedersen, said on Sunday at a press conference in Geneva.

  • 16 Oct 2021

    New York, 17 October 2021

    Poverty is a moral indictment of our times.

    For the first time in two decades, extreme poverty is on the rise.

    Last year, around 120 million people fell into poverty as the COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc on economies and societies.

    A lopsided recovery is further deepening inequalities...

  • 16 Oct 2021

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres has welcomed the declaration of a unilateral ceasefire in the Central African Republic (CAR), his spokesperson said in a statement issued on Saturday.

  • 16 Oct 2021

    Mogadishu – Like so many young Somalis, Dr. Samia Mohamed Elmi is a passionate user of social media, especially Twitter.

    She has become a well-...

  • 15 Oct 2021
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 
    DiCarlo introduces our latest reports on elections and Special Political Missions

    Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo took part on 12 October in meetings of the General Assembly’s Third and Fourth Committees. At the Third Committee, she introduced the Secretary-General's biennial report on elections. The report highlights the electoral support provided to over 60 countries in the past two years, the impact of COVID-19, the role of political leaders and the use and misuse of social media. “Genuine elections give people a real say in governance. Democratic legitimacy and authority depend on credible, fair, transparent and participatory polls”, DiCarlo said in her remarks. At the Fourth Committee, she presented the Secretary-General's annual report on overall policy matters pertaining to Special Political Missions (SPMs) around three thematic issues: the women, peace and security agenda; promoting regional approaches to peace and security; and peacebuilding and sustaining peace.

    Read more here

    UN Field Leadership Workshop in Switzerland

    On 14-15 October, Peace and Development Advisers (PDAs), part of the Joint UN Development Programme (UNDP) - UN Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) Programme on Building National Capacities for Conflict Prevention, gathered in Montreux for a workshop to reflect on advancing the prevention and sustaining peace agenda. Participating in the workshop, Assistant Secretary-General (ASG) Miroslav Jenča welcomed the participants and acknowledged PDA’s efforts to promote inclusive dialogue processes and social cohesion in diverse contexts. “The value added of the PDAs was evidenced once again as they engaged in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic,” said ASG Jenča, noting the contributions made to the socio-economic impact assessments and response plans, monitoring of the impact of the pandemic on human rights and addressing misinformation. The Joint Programme now deploys 112 peace and development advisers, specialists and national officers based in 67 countries with 35 national PDAs and six regional programme specialists who undertake cross-regional analysis and provide surge support.  

    Learn more about the Joint Programme here

    Security Council

    Grundberg: “A durable solution can only be achieved through a comprehensive negotiated political settlement”

    Hans Grundberg, the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, briefed the Security Council on 14 October on his numerous consultations with Yemeni, regional and international actors. In all these discussions, he said he has focused on the question of how to move toward a sustainable political solution to end the conflict. He added that the Yemenis he spoke to have without exception stressed the necessity to end the war. “A comprehensive negotiated political settlement is needed to end the violence once and for all, restore state institutions, pave the way for economic recovery and development, provide for accountable governance and the rule of law, and protect Yemenis’ human rights,” stressed the Special Envoy.

    Full remarks to the Security Council

    Call for renewed commitment to persevere towards the consolidation of peace in Colombia   

    Carlos Ruiz Massieu, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Verification Mission in Colombia, in his briefing to the Security Council on 14 October, reiterated the Secretary‑General’s call to use the fifth anniversary of the adoption of Colombia’s Final Peace Agreement as an opportunity to take stock of what has been achieved in the peace process. He said that the collective effort to boost reintegration “had been crucial to instill hope among thousands of men and women who until this day continue to bet on peace.” He further called for greater efforts to integrate former combatants who are struggling with access to land and housing and finding sustainable incomes and security. He outlined what remains to be done, and to recommit collectively to the full implementation of this historic agreement.

    Full remarks to the Security Council


    Secretary-General holds press briefing 

    Speaking to reporters at UN headquarters on 11 October, Secretary-General António Guterres stressed that the Taliban should uphold the rights of women and girls, including allowing girls to attend school. "Broken promises lead to broken dreams for the women and girls of Afghanistan," he said, asserting there "is no way" to heal the economy if the Taliban continues barring women from working. He stressed that ensuring a lifeline of help to all Afghan people, avoiding a total meltdown of the country’s economy and constant commitment to help move things in the right direction need essential action. "Engagement is not proclamation. Engagement is daily work. We might have difficulties. We might fail here and there, but one thing I can promise, we will not give up", the Secretary-General said. 

    Watch his media stakeout

    Central Asia 

    Special Representative participates in Third Eurasian Women’s forum

    On 13-15 October 2021, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA) Natalia Gherman participated in the Third Eurasian Women’s Forum in Saint Petersburg, Russia. The forum discussed strengthening women’s participation in a variety of fields, including peace and security, ecology, health, digitalization, economy, industrial agriculture and social progress. In a video message to the Forum, Secretary-General Guterres welcomed the emphasis on coordinated global cooperation to strengthen women’s participation in the wide array of fields. The Special Representative spoke at the plenary session where she reiterated the critical importance for increased coordinated efforts between various actors in tackling international, regional and national challenges. “The time has come for decisive action, for global solidarity among women, for women to play a key role in post-pandemic recovery of our societies”, she noted.

    Read more here

    West Africa and the Sahel

    Special Representative calls for an inclusive dialogue in Sierra Leone

    Mahamat Saleh Annadif, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), was in Sierra Leone on 11 October, where he met with President Julius Maada Bio and former President Ernest Bai Koroma, among others. The discussions focused on the need to maintain an inclusive dialogue to ensure peaceful general elections in 2023. He commended the work accomplished in strengthening democratic institutions, human rights and development, including the enactment of the law on the abolition of the death penalty. He also renewed the United Nations commitment to support the government and people of Sierra Leone in their efforts for national reconciliation, democracy and development.

    Read more here


    Special Representative discuss political situation post elections

    Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), met on 14 October in Erbil with Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government Masrour Barzani. They discussed the political situation in Iraq following the early elections. On 13 October, she met with Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi to discuss the electoral process, including the ongoing tabulation of the results. Urging patience as the results are still coming in, the Special Representative reiterated the UN’s technical advice to Iraq's Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) and stressed the importance of ensuring a transparent and credible count that reflects the will of the Iraqi voters. On 10 October, Iraq held parliamentary elections where hundreds of UN staff were deployed in every governorate. 


    Peacebuilding Commission discusses women, peacebuilding and sustaining peace

    On 13 October, the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) held a meeting on the role of women in peacebuilding and sustaining peace, identifying areas in need of PBC support. Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo, as well as the new Executive Director of UN Women Sima Sami Bahous and representatives of women civil society and academia delivered remarks which were followed up by negotiations and submissions of advice to the Security Council open debate on Women, Peace and Security (WPS) next week. “There are no quick fixes to entrenched power politics, patriarchal attitudes and unequal social structures. Much more needs to be done, and we are committed to doing our part in enhancing women’s meaningful participation in public life”, said USG DiCarlo. The Commission recognized the importance of continuing to create space for women peacebuilders from around the world to share their experiences, and to following up on their recommendations made during the discussions.

    Full recording of the meeting here

    Full remarks of the USG here

    Role of multilateral and bilateral partnerships in peacebuilding and prevention discussed

    Assistant Secretary-General Oscar Fernandez-Taranco met on 13 October with United Kingdom Minister of Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office for Africa Vicky Ford and Director-General for Africa and Conflict Moazzam Malik. The discussion centered on the role of multilateral and bilateral partnerships and the “business case” for peacebuilding and prevention. The Minister agreed that a lot of important work was done by the UK with UN partners, but a perennial problem remained, exemplifying to taxpayers at home how and why this mattered. Fernandez-Taranco illustrated challenges and achievements especially in transition contexts in Africa and highlighted the importance of regional approaches to prevent spillover of conflicts across borders. He also underlined the UN’s efforts to address social cohesion dimensions of the pandemic and emphasized the Secretary-General’s priorities for a ‘New Agenda for Peace’ as articulated in “Our Common Agenda”.

    Peacebuilding Fund downgrades approval target for 2021

    The Peacebuilding Fund’s Group of Friends met on 14 October, hosted by Sweden with the majority of the Fund’s current 36 donors participating. Chief of Peacebuilding Support Office’s Financing for Peacebuilding branch Brian Williams provided the latest update on the Fund’s status, where he said the approval target for 2021 needs to be downgraded from $245 million to $200 million in view of uncertainty about contribution levels. After a comparatively strong start in contributions and pledges early in the year following the Secretary-General’s Replenishment Conference, additional contributions had stagnated since the summer and now stood at $130 million ($158 million including pledges), leaving a gap of US $90 million against the $220 million target for 2021. Williams reiterated key messages from the Secretary-General’s report on “Our Common Agenda” concerning the UN’s ‘new agenda for peace’ and the required resourcing. Member States underlined interest in thematic reviews on gender and local peacebuilding, and continued emphasis on results communication. Larger donors underlined the need for other Member States to step up more and underscored the importance of the forthcoming high-level General Assembly event on peacebuilding financing in 2022.

    Next Week

    Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Tor Wennesland will brief the Security Council on Tuesday, 19 October. Special Envoy Huang Xia will brief the Council on developments in the Great Lakes region on Wednesday, 20 October. The Security Council will hold an open debate on Thursday, 21 October to discuss Women, Peace and Security. 





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  • 15 Oct 2021

    The United Nations has condemned the deadly suicide bombing during Friday prayers at the largest Shia mosque in the city of Kandahar, in southern Afghanistan, which killed at least 30 people and wounded dozens more. 

  • 15 Oct 2021

    Tensions over vehicle licence plates and anti-smuggling operations, between authorities in Kosovo and Serbia, in recent weeks, may contribute to unravelling “steady but fragile progress made in rebuilding trust among communities” in Kosovo and Serbia.  

  • 15 Oct 2021

    SAINT PETERSBURG, Russian Federation

    On 13-15 October 2021, SRSG for Central Asia and Head UNRCCA, Natalia Gherman...

  • 15 Oct 2021

    NEW YORK - The Secretary-General strongly condemns the despicable attack today on the Imam Baragah mosque in Kandahar City, Afghanistan.


  • 14 Oct 2021

    Thank you, Mr. President,

    Thank you for the opportunity to present the latest report of the Secretary-...

  • 14 Oct 2021

    New York, 15 October 2021

    World Food Day is not only a reminder of the importance of food to every person on the planet — it is a call to action to achieve food security around the world. 

    Today, almost 40 per cent of humanity — three billion people — cannot afford a healthy diet.

    Hunger is on the rise.

    So too are undernourishment...

  • 14 Oct 2021

    UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Thursday called for an immediate end to violence in Lebanon following deadly sectarian violence in the capital, Beirut, surrounding the on-going investigation into the August 2020 blasts in the port area. 

  • 14 Oct 2021

    A comprehensive negotiated political settlement is needed to end the violence in Yemen “once and for all”, UN Special Envoy Hans Grundberg told the Security Council on Thursday.



  • 14 Oct 2021
  • 13 Oct 2021

    DPPA initiated an independent Mid-Term Review of its 2020-22 Strategic Plan to assess its progress towards achieving the goals outlined in the Plan and the extent to which the Plan has been central to its planning processes.  The review puts forth ten recommendations covering areas related to strategic planning, results framework and funding instruments associated with DPPA. These recommendations will inform both the implementation of the current Plan and the development of DPPA’s new Plan.  

  • 13 Oct 2021

    The 54th round of the Geneva International Discussions (GID) took place on 12 and 13 October 2021, with requisite COVID-19 pandemic measures in place. The GID process continues to serve as the primary venue in which the consequences of conflict are addressed as mandated by the six-point ceasefire agreement of 2008.

    The elements of “Comprehensive / human dimensions of security” were once again discussed at an information session in which participants exchanged views on the fears, wants and dignities of conflict-affected populations in a facilitated discussion.

    Participants met in the GID’s two working groups, focused on security and humanitarian issues. The overall security situation on the ground was assessed as relatively stable, although participants brought attention to a number of outstanding issues, including ongoing detentions, unresolved missing persons cases, restrictions on freedom of movement and travel abroad, response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and specific security concerns. Discussions once again paid particular attention to the core agenda item of non-use of force and international security arrangements.

    The Co-Chairs acknowledged the continued functioning of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM) in Ergneti, including co-operative efforts over the summer on issues of water use, and emphasized the need to resume regular meetings of the Gali IPRM without further delay. The Co-Chairs welcomed the lifting of restrictions at the Enguri bridge and Saberio-Pakhulani crossing points and called for freedom of movement to be fully restored, in particular at the Odzisi crossing point.

    Despite constructive engagement on a variety of humanitarian issues, a discussion on the core issue of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and refugees could not take place due to a walkout by some participants, which disrupted the round.

    The Co-Chairs again called on all participants to increase efforts to build trust and confidence among them and to address all elements of comprehensive security.

    The participants agreed to hold their next meeting in Geneva on 7 and 8 December 2021.

  • 13 Oct 2021

    Mr. Chairman,


    Ladies and gentlemen.

    It is a pleasure for me to address this special meeting of the Peacebuilding Commission. I am pleased to welcome Ms. Sima Bahous, newly appointed Executive Director of UN Women, and I am looking forward to working together in advancing the Women, Peace and Security Agenda.

    We last gathered a year ago to mark the 20th anniversary of Security Council resolution 1325. A growing number of Member States have taken positive steps towards the objectives of the women, peace and security agenda since then.  The work of women-led and women-focused organizations continues to inspire us. However, implementation gaps persist.

    Slow progress in enhancing women’s role in peacebuilding and sustaining peace represents a major barrier to realizing the promise of the agenda. We have witnessed many political and peace processes that produced poor results because women were excluded from the negotiating table. This must change. 

    At the Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA), we are determined to continue to seize opportunities to promote women’s full, equal and meaningful participation in peace and political processes and support gender-sensitive peacemaking and peacebuilding.  

    I would like to emphasize four areas of our work that are particularly relevant to today’s discussion.  

    First, we are constantly improving gender analysis to guide our work. Almost all special political missions included language highlighting gender issues and women’s role in their reports submitted to the Security Council. Eighty-eight per cent of them included recommendations on women, peace and security, a target that has been increasing gradually from 63 per cent in 2017.  We also track gender-sensitive analysis as part of DPPA’s Strategic Plan’s results framework.  Members of the Peacebuilding Commission have a role to play in further strengthening gender analysis in substantive discussions and outcome documents of the Commission.

    Second, we not only support efforts to expand special measures for women, such as quotas, but also focus on the quality of women’s participation in political and peace processes, and peacebuilding initiatives.  From Colombia to Syria and Yemen, we are exploring new pathways for participation through digital inclusion strategies and virtual consultations and engagement. In Sudan, the UN has supported women's participation in the peace talks between the Government of Sudan and SPLM-N in Juba, and secured the presence of gender experts inside the negotiation room. In Central Asia, our Regional Centre (UNRCCA) recently launched the first-ever caucus of women political leaders in the region. This informal coalition works towards promoting the role of women in supporting regional peace and security as well as  advancing sustainable development. In Niger, the Peacebuilding Fund has supported local peace structures across 60 villages, mostly led by women mediators, seeing the peaceful resolution of local conflicts between farmers and herders.

    In this regard, I am encouraged to see that PBC’s gender strategy and action plan led to creating space for women to share their experiences and make recommendations on the way forward. The presence today of civil society and academia representatives is a clear demonstration of that commitment.

    Third, we are doing more to connect the dots between women’s participation and protection needs. Conflict-related sexual violence is a major challenge that deserves our attention. Similarly, we must address other forms of widespread gender-based violence and discrimination that specifically target women political activists, peacebuilders, and human rights defenders, particularly in conflict-affected environments. This becomes even more crucial with the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbating the very issues the Women, Peace and Security agenda was designed to address.

    It is timely that the Peacebuilding Fund’s Gender and Youth Promotion Initiative (GYPI) has recently allocated a total of $19.2 million to protect women and youth peacebuilders and human rights defenders.  It is also aligned with the Secretary-General’s Call to Action for Human Rights.

    Fourth, we are advocating for adequate, predictable, sustained funding for women’s political participation. The Peacebuilding Fund sets a powerful example: For the third consecutive year the Fund allocated 40% of its annual investment towards gender equality and women’s empowerment.  DPPA’s Multi-Year Appeal also dedicates at least 17% of its funding to projects entirely devoted to the Women, Peace and Security Agenda. 

    Today, we will hear stories that demonstrate the urgent need to make long term, flexible funds available to women peacebuilders. These examples are crucial as we prepare for the High-Level General Assembly Meeting on financing for peacebuilding next year.

    Mr. Chairman,

    We are alarmed over a deteriorating situation in Afghanistan, especially for women and girls. The UN has been supporting Afghan institutions and civil society to enhance women’s meaningful participation in Afghanistan’s political life, including the peacebuilding agenda. In 2015, Afghanistan adopted its first National Action Plan to implement Security Council Resolution 1325.  UN colleagues in Afghanistan have been intensively engaged in supporting this process.

    We must protect these gains. Therefore, we will continue appealing to the de facto authorities to fulfill their obligations under international law, including human rights and humanitarian law. Women must be able to continue to move freely, work and study. Girls must have the right to effective access to all levels of education.

    Mr. Chairman,

    There are no quick fixes to entrenched power politics, patriarchal attitudes and unequal social structures. We know that much more needs to be done, and we are committed to doing our part in enhancing women’s meaningful participation in public life. 

    In doing so, we will be guided by the report of the Secretary-General on Our Common Agenda, which renews our commitment to placing women and girls at the center of UN activities.

    We need more women leaders to sustain peace. I encourage you to continue to amplify the voices of women peacebuilders, and to support their efforts.  I look forward to hearing from all of you how we can continue to work together to make that happen.

    Thank you.

  • 13 Oct 2021

    In 2020, an expanding cadre of 106 peace and development experts based in 64 countries, comprised of international and national Peace and Development Advisors (PDAs), UN Volunteers (UNVs) and secondees, as well as six Regional Programme Specialists, provide expertise to United Nations Country Teams (UNCTs) and national partners in reinforcing local capacities for conflict prevention, dialogue and sustaining peace.

  • 12 Oct 2021

    Madam Chair,
    Distinguished delegates,

    It is a pleasure for me to address this Committee and introduce the ninth report of the Secretary-General on “Overall policy matters pertaining to special political missions”. I am pleased to be joined by my colleague Atul Khare, Under-Secretary-General for Operational Support. His department plays a critical role in providing the operational support that special political missions require to discharge their mandates.

    At the outset, I would like to thank Finland and Mexico for their continued leadership and engagement as co-facilitators of this agenda item.

    I also want to express my appreciation to all Member States for their continued support to special political missions.


    Madam Chair,

    This year’s discussion comes at a critical juncture. As the Secretary-General noted in his report on Our Common Agenda, we are at an inflection point in history.

    We are facing multiple, overlapping crises: the climate emergency; technological disruption; the evolving conflict landscape; and renewed global and strategic competition. Each of them is a source of significant stress, domestically, regionally and at the international level.

    The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated many of these threats. It revealed our shared vulnerability, and serious limitations regarding global preparedness, cooperation and solidarity. The profound socio-economic implications of the pandemic remain a significant concern to us as a potential source of tension and instability.

    The convergence of these threats has implications for international peace and security and for the effectiveness of the global peace and security architecture. They are also creating new demands for special political missions to adapt in order to better respond to this changing landscape.


    Madam Chair,

    This year’s report illustrated how special political missions, or SPMs, continued to play a critical role in supporting Member States to prevent, manage and resolve conflicts, despite a deteriorating global environment. Through their sustained diplomatic engagement, our missions are constantly looking to open political spaces for compromise, encouraging conflict parties to negotiate and resolve their differences peacefully.

    Our work in Libya is a case in point. As a result of UNSMIL’s  mediation efforts, the Libyan parties agreed to a national ceasefire in October 2020. It’s a significant milestone and one of the landmark successes in the context of the Secretary-General’s call for a global ceasefire.

    UNSMIL subsequently facilitated the Libyan Political Dialogue Forum, which adopted a political road map in November 2020. Our mission continues to support Libyan stakeholders as they move towards the organization of presidential and parliamentary elections.

    Similarly, our regional office for West Africa – UNOWAS – continues to see high demand for preventive diplomacy in the region.

    It provides a platform that allows the United Nations to engage early with national authorities to prevent emerging crises from escalating and to address cross-border challenges.

    Working side-by-side with ECOWAS as well as the African Union, the political engagement of UNOWAS in Burkina Faso, Guinea and Guinea-Bissau, to cite just a few examples, points to the added value of our regional presences.

    In situations where significant challenges remain, such as Syria, Yemen and Myanmar, our Special Envoys are undeterred in the search for political solutions.


    Madam Chair,

    I would like to highlight three of the thematic issues addressed in this year’s report of the Secretary-General.


    First, the women, peace and security agenda.

    SPMs continue to play a vital role in promoting women’s meaningful participation in peace and political processes and in supporting gender responsive peacemaking and peacebuilding. This is not simply a moral commitment for us. It is smart.

    Inclusion of women and other marginalized communities broadens the ownership of peace and political processes. It helps remedy structural inequalities and address the root causes of conflict, thus making peace agreements and transitions more durable.

    In Lebanon, for example, the Office of the Special Coordinator is supporting the implementation of the country’s National Action Plan on Security Council resolution 1325 (2000) and promoting the greater political participation of women – both as voters and as candidates -- in the 2022 elections.

    In Central Asia, our Regional Centre (UNRCCA) recently launched the first caucus of women political leaders in the region. This informal coalition works towards promoting and fostering the role of women in supporting regional peace and security as well as in advancing sustainable development.

    In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, several SPMs found innovative ways to promote this agenda through strategies for digital inclusion and online engagement.

    In Iraq, Libya and Yemen, our missions organized digital consultations with significant participation from youth and women.  These dialogues helped us better understand their views and aspirations, and to reflect them in our work.

    New technologies lowered access barriers for groups that are traditionally excluded from decision-making. We see a great promise in them for our efforts to promote women’s meaningful participation in political processes, even post-Covid.


    Second, the promotion of regional approaches to peace and security.

    We know that many of the challenges our SPMs face are not confined to the borders of a single State. To address issues such as regionalized conflict, the proliferation of small arms, or the security implications of climate change, we must build truly regional responses.

    A number of special political missions have regional mandates. They have been at the forefront of designing and implementing regional, multidisciplinary responses to a range of peace and security issues. Strengthening the UN’s partnerships with regional and subregional organizations, which remain an important pillar of our work to maintain international peace and security.

    A recent example is the work of the Special Envoy for the Great Lakes, who is spearheading the implementation of the UN Strategy for Peace Consolidation, Conflict Prevention and Conflict Resolution in the region.

    The Strategy serves as an important vehicle to help Member States engage in dialogue, improve their relations, and enhance regional cooperation. The Strategy is organized around three broad areas of work: (i) peace, security and justice; (ii) sustainable development and shared prosperity; (iii) and resilience to longstanding and emerging challenges. These areas reflect the strategy’s multidimensional focus.

    Similarly, in the Horn of Africa, the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General is working to advance implementation of the comprehensive regional prevention strategy during a particularly challenging moment in the region. The Office of the Special Envoy has worked closely with IGAD to support ongoing mediation processes and enhance subregional capacities to address cross-border and cross-cutting issues.


    Third, peacebuilding and sustaining peace.

    In 2016, the twin resolutions of the General Assembly and the Security Council on sustaining peace ushered a new vision centered on prevention. They recognized that the human and financial cost of focusing primarily on crisis response was unsustainable and called on all of us to reorient our strategies towards a more holistic response, which links our peace and security work with the 2030 Agenda.

    Through their integrated work with UN Country Teams and Resident Coordinators, SPMs play an important role in operationalizing this commitment, in support of nationally-owned peacebuilding priorities. The Peacebuilding Fund has been instrumental in backing these efforts. In 2020, the Fund directed $25.3 million in new approvals to countries where special political missions are deployed. 

    In Guinea-Bissau, where the closure of our special political mission last year created significant funding gaps, the PBF approved $4 million to support transition priorities. They include support to the political reform agenda, inclusive dialogue and the fight against drug trafficking and organized crime.  

    In Somalia, where the Secretary-General renewed the country’s eligibility for PBF funding for another five years, we are now supporting reconciliation, justice, governance, and women’s empowerment.

    Ensuring sustainable financing for these activities remains a critical need, and I am looking forward to the General Assembly High-Level Meeting on Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace scheduled during its 76th session.

    I also want to express my gratitude for the engagement of the Peacebuilding Commission on the work of SPMs, particularly in bringing its perspectives and views as part of its advisory role to the Security Council.


    Madam Chair,

    I would like to take this opportunity to brief the Committee on some of the challenges faced by the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), our largest SPM, with roughly 4,000 staff members, 11 field offices and 2 liaison offices.

    Afghanistan has entered a new phase with the turn of events on 15 August. The country was already confronted with multiple challenges: political, security, economic, and, most urgently, humanitarian.

    Today, after decades of war and insecurity, the people of Afghanistan are facing perhaps their most perilous hour. They are looking to the international community to protect the gains made over the past two decades in education, health care and the participation of women in public life. They want their lives and livelihood, as well as basic rights and freedoms, to be protected. They want a life without fear. They want a future for their children.

    UNAMA’s mandate was extended until 17 March 2022. The Security Council requested the Secretary-General to brief the Council every other month and to submit operational and strategic recommendations by the end of January. We will be evaluating the new situation carefully and consulting closely with relevant stakeholders as we move forward. The United Nations is committed to continue to deliver for the Afghan people while upholding our values.


    Madam Chair,

    I hope that the report of the Secretary-General, and my remarks today, help illustrate how special political missions represent a central plank in the United Nations’ peace and security work. By working to detect crises early and defuse tensions, help conflict parties achieve negotiated solutions, and support Member States in building sustainable peace, special political missions remain indispensable.

    In closing, I would like to pay a special tribute to the United Nations personnel serving in special political missions, working often under very challenging conditions – particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic – to advance the promise of the Charter.

    Thank you.

  • 12 Oct 2021

    Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, distinguished delegates,

    On behalf of the Secretary-General, I have the honour to introduce the report: Strengthening the role of the United Nations in enhancing periodic and genuine elections and the promotion of democratization (A/76/266). In line with General Assembly resolution 74/158 of 18 December 2019, the report reviews developments in the field of elections and United Nations electoral assistance to Member States over the last two years.

    During this period, the United Nations assisted, at their request or based on a Security Council mandate, more than 60 Member States in conducting elections. In response to challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, we adjusted our work processes to the needs of Member States, as required.

    I am particularly pleased – and humbled – that so many Member States call upon us to support them in fulfilling such a fundamental responsibility. Genuine elections give people a real say in how their countries are run. Democratic legitimacy and authority depend on the conduct of credible, fair, transparent and participatory polls.

    As before, UN electoral assistance was provided to Member States as a system-wide endeavour involving the Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, the Department of Peace Operations, UN missions on the ground, and the United Nations Development Programme. Other UN partners include the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights; UN Women; UNESCO; and UNOPS. In non-mission settings, Resident Coordinators have provided strategic leadership and facilitated coherence of electoral assistance by UN country teams.

    The Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs is designated by the General Assembly as the UN focal point for electoral assistance.  In carrying out this mandate, I strive to ensure system-wide coordination and coherence among these partners. Beyond the UN, we strengthened partnerships with regional and subregional organizations, and promoted South-South and triangular cooperation during this period. For example:

    • We supported the League of Arab States to improve its electoral database and institutional memory. We also assisted it to conduct virtual training sessions on gender and elections.
    • The Organization assisted the Arab Organization of Electoral Management Bodies in responding to the pandemic and supported electoral management bodies in the Arab region to establish the Arab Network for Women in Elections.
    • The UN also works closely with the AU. We coordinate through the joint UN-AU Technical Working Group on Elections as well as on thematic issues such as gender and elections and preventing electoral violence. The UN deployed a senior expert to the UN Office to the African Union to support electoral processes, particularly in electoral crisis situations and to support the Democracy and Electoral Assistance Unit of the AU.


    Mr. Chairman,

    As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, Member States faced difficult choices in deciding whether and how to proceed with scheduled elections. This meant navigating complex legal, political, and public health considerations.

    Globally, the crisis drew attention to the fragility of the foundations on which credible elections are built. But this is an opportunity for Member States to reflect on what makes these foundations vulnerable and how to reinforce them. Future decisions that have a significant impact on an electoral process – such as a postponement in the face of a public health crisis – should involve broad consultation across the political spectrum, with the aim of reaching consensus.

    Online tools have enabled participation in elections on an unprecedented scale. But they have also been used to spread disinformation and hate speech and incite violence. Political leaders have a role to play in tackling these harmful uses of online platforms and social media during elections. Moreover, government may adopt regulatory responses to hate speech that are carefully balanced against fundamental freedoms and rights.

    Furthermore, social media companies can play a role in developing policies to monitor and address online harassment and hate speech, in line with international human rights law. Leaders are encouraged to mutually agree on, or voluntarily commit to, standards of responsible leadership during electoral processes, including with regard to online activities.


    Mr. Chairman,

    While the number of women elected or appointed to decision-making positions has risen, much more needs to be done.   According to data maintained by the Interparliamentary Union, women’s representation in lower or single houses of parliament worldwide is only just over 25%.

    Accelerating women’s full and effective participation in public life requires a renewed commitment. In certain contexts, temporary special measures, such as gender quotas, have been successful in increasing women’s representation to elected office. Moreover, concrete steps are needed to prevent and respond to violence against women in politics; new forms of harassment and violence against women, including online, continue to emerge, particularly so during elections.

    We actively engage in advocacy and advise on temporary special measures.

    • In Bolivia, Liberia, Mali and Somalia, for example, the UN supported adopting and implementing temporary special measures to increase women’s participation.
    • In Ethiopia, we supported integrating gender components in public outreach strategies and including gender considerations when assessing risks of electoral violence.
    • In Afghanistan, the Central African Republic and Côte d’Ivoire, the UN supported adopting gender strategies by electoral commissions.


    Mr. Chairman, distinguished delegates,

    Let me conclude by saying that United Nations experience reaffirms that electoral assistance works best when it is part of a coherent strategy combining technical support and political engagement and is able to draw on adequate donor support. Defusing tension around elections and encouraging dialogue and political consensus are part of comprehensive approaches to building conducive election environments.

    We look forward to working closely with you as we continue supporting Member States in conducting their electoral processes.

    Thank you, Mr. Chairman.