Bienvenidos a las Naciones Unidas

Reports and Policy Documents


  • 21 Feb 2021

    The UN-backed International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has reached a temporary deal with Iran so that monitoring of the country’s nuclear programme can continue, Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi  announced at a press conference in Vienna on Sunday.

  • 21 Feb 2021

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres has condemned the lethal use of force against peaceful protestors in Myanmar, where demonstrations against the military takeover of the Government have been growing.

  • 21 Feb 2021

    Amman, 21 February 2021 - The fifth meeting of the Supervisory Committee on the Implementation of the Prisoners and Detainees Exchange Agreement between the parties to the conflict in Yemen concluded today. The meeting was co-chaired by the Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen and the International Committee of the Red Cross. During the talks, the parties discussed strategies and possibilities to fulfill their commitments under the...

  • 21 Feb 2021

    Tripoli, 21 February 2021 - Yesterday evening, Special Envoy Ján Kubiš had a substantive telephone call with the President of the Presidency Council designate, Mr....

  • 21 Feb 2021

    Tripoli, 21 February 2021 - Yesterday evening, Special Envoy Ján Kubiš had a substantive telephone call with the President of the Presidency Council designate, Mr....

  • 20 Feb 2021

    TRIPOLI, 20 February 2021- UN Secretary-General Special Envoy for Libya and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) Ján Kubiš, continued his...

  • 19 Feb 2021

    The UN chief expressed grave concern on Friday over an outbreak of violence in the Somali capital of Mogadishu. 

  • 19 Feb 2021
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 

    Security Council

    Hennis-Plasschaert: "Transparency must rule" in Iraqi elections

    Special Representative Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert briefed the Security Council on 16 February. She said that the country has a responsibility to take back the more than 30,000 Iraqi citizens in the Al-Hol camp in Syria. “Al-Hol continues to be a ticking time bomb. And if it goes off, the impact will be immense,” the Special Representative warned. She also updated on the status on the upcoming elections, scheduled for 10 October. “For elections to be trusted, unfounded theories must be disproved, baseless accusations refuted, intimidation replaced with accountability. Transparency must rule and loyalties cannot be for sale,” Ms. Hennis-Plasschaert said.

    Read her full briefing here

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    Griffiths: Military situation in Yemen “extremely tense”

    Yemen Envoy Martin Griffiths briefed the Council on 18 February. “The military situation in the country is extremely tense. Indeed, I think it has not been this tense in the time I had the privilege to be engaged with Yemen. Civilians bear the brunt of the hostilities, as always; shocking violations of international humanitarian law takes place. In Hudaydah and Taiz governorates, worrying spikes of violence and hostilities continue, causing civilian deaths and injuries and damage to homes,” Mr. Griffiths said. 

    Read his full briefing here

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    Special Envoy visits Libya

    Ján Kubiš, Special Envoy and Head of UNSMIL, arrived in Tripoli on 15 February. This is his first visit to Libya since his appointment on 18 January. Mr, Kubiš, accompanied by UNSMIL Coordinator Raisedon Zenenga and Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator Georgette Gagnon, has held meetings with a range of stakeholders, including Fayez Serraj, President of the Presidency Council, and Mohamed Siyala, Minister of Foreign Affairs. The Special Envoy expressed his gratitude for the warm welcome and reiterated the UN’s full support to the Libyan people in their pursuit of peace, stability, prosperity and unity, especially through the holding of national elections on 24 December 2021.

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    UNITAMS head meets Sudan Prime Minister

    The new Special Representative and Head of UNITAMS, Volker Perthes, on 14 February met with Sudanese Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok in Khartoum. They discussed the new mission’s mandate and its four strategic and interrelated pillars, as outlined in Security Council resolution 2524 (2020). “I look forward to working in partnership with the Prime Minister, the Sovereignty Council, the Government, political parties, peace partners and all Sudanese stakeholders to advance Sudan’s political transition. This has to include those groups who are not signatories to the peace agreement. The overall aim is to support the country stay course on its journey to sustainable peace that responds to the concrete political and social-economic needs of its people,” Mr. Perthes said in a statement following the meeting.

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    West African and the Sahel

    Women groups assess implementation of resolution 1325 in West Africa

    The Special Representative and Head of UNOWAS, Mohamed Ibn Chambas, on 12 February chaired a Regional Open Day on the implementation of Security Council resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security. More than 100 women and young leaders from the region, including from rural areas, as well as actors from civil society organizations and representatives of regional organizations, participated in the virtual event. The aim of the meeting was to assess the level of awareness and implementation of resolution 1325 and to identify ways to accelerate action at the community level.

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    New report on killing of human rights defenders and media professionals

    The period following the start of Afghanistan Peace Negotiations in September 2020 has witnessed a sharp and chilling number of killings of human rights defenders and media professionals in Afghanistan. A new report issued by UNAMA on 15 February analyses data and trends connected to the killings from 1 January 2018 to 31 January 2021. It traces the changing patterns of attacks on these key sectors of civil society and provides recommendations. No fewer than 11 human rights defenders and media workers were killed in targeted attacks in Afghanistan from the 12 September 2020 start of peace negotiations through to 31 January 2021. This trend, combined with the absence of claims of responsibility, has generated a climate of fear among the population.

    Read more here


    Special Representative holds meetings in Erbil

    The Special Representative and Head of UNAMI, Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, on 14 February met separately with the President of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region, Masrour Barzani, and President of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Masoud Barzani. The meetings took place in Erbil, and discussions focused on the current political, economic and security situation in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region, including Baghdad-Erbil relations and the implementation of the Sinjar agreement.


    Reintegration process moves forward in Colombian Amazon

    In the municipality of Puerto Guzmán, Putumayo, in the southwest of Colombia, 90 former combatants take part in a cooperative to carry out their reintegration process with a fish farming project, the breeding of stingless beekeeping project, and a project of community nurseries for timber seedlings and Amazonian fruit trees. This week, the UN Verification Mission and UNDP participated in a follow-up visit with regional and national authorities to share, with the community, the progress and challenges of these projects.


    C-24 starts 2021 session

    “The specific challenges of sustainable development that the Non-Self-Governing Territories face have now been compounded by the health, social and economic consequences of COVID-19. Addressing these impacts requires improved global cooperation and solidarity,” Secretary-General António Guterres told Decolonization Committee at its opening session on 18 February in a message delivered by Under-Secretary-General Rosemary A. DiCarlo. The session marks the beginning of the Fourth International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism (2021-2030).

    Read more here

    Next week

    Special Representative James Swan will brief the Security Council on the situation in Somalia on Monday morning. In the afternoon, Special Representative Helen La Lime will update on Haiti and the work of BINUH. On Tuesday, there will be an open debate on climate and security. Special Coordinator Tor Wennesland will update on the Middle East peace process on Friday.

  • 19 Feb 2021

    Large allocations of vaccines to cover priority groups are expected in the Occupied Palestinian Territory in the next two months

    A newly published United Nations report describes 2020 as a year of setbacks for the Palestinians, their institutions, and their economy owing to the COVID-19 pandemic and an unprecedented fiscal crisis. The report highlights that during the first COVID-19 lockdown last spring, around 150,000 Palestinians lost their...

  • 19 Feb 2021

    The UN human rights office, OHCHR, appealed on Friday for a de-escalation in hostilities in Marib Governorate in northern Yemen as Houthi forces, also known as Ansar Allah, attempt to seize the area from Government control. 

  • 19 Feb 2021

    BENGHAZI, 19 February 2021 - As part of his first visit to Libya where he met with a large number of Libyan officials and interlocutors, Special Envoy...

  • 19 Feb 2021

    Extreme violence and attacks involving thousands of fighters at a time have engulfed more than three-quarters of South Sudan, UN human Rights Council-appointed investigators said on Friday, warning that the bloodshed faced by civilians are “the worst recorded” since the country’s civil war began in December 2013.

  • 19 Feb 2021

    New York – The Secretary-General is gravely concerned by the outbreak of violence in Mogadishu and calls on all parties to exercise restraint and calm.  The...

  • 18 Feb 2021

    Malnutrition rates in Yemen are at “record highs” as the country is “speeding towards the worst famine the world has seen in decades”, the UN Emergency Relief Coordinator told the Security Council on Thursday, citing newly released data. 

  • 18 Feb 2021

    18 February 2021 - Special Envoy Ján Kubiš, ASG/UNSMIL Coordinator Raisedon Zenenga and ASG/Humanitarian Coordinator Georgette Gagnon met today...

  • 18 Feb 2021

    Almost a year after taking office as mayor of Turbaco (Bolívar), Guillermo Torres (Julián Conrado) talked about political reintegration and the challenges he has faced as the first former combatant to win...

  • 18 Feb 2021

    Briefing to the United Nations Security Council

    UN Special Envoy for Yemen – Mr. Martin Griffiths

  • 18 Feb 2021

    Along with an end to the “instrumentalization” of humanitarian aid, victims of Syria’s decade-long civil war and their families need justice to help rebuild their lives, Human Rights Council-appointed investigators said on Thursday.  

  • 18 Feb 2021

    The United Nations Secretary-General has strongly condemned Wednesday’s attack on a boarding school in north-central Nigeria, in which one student was killed and several students, as well as relatives and staff, abducted. 

  • 17 Feb 2021

    The number of Syrians who lack access to sufficient food has reached a record 12.4 million, or nearly 60 per cent of the population, the World Food Programme (WFP) reported on Wednesday, citing “alarming” new national data. 

  • 17 Feb 2021

    UN Secretary-General Special Envoy for Libya and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) Ján Kubiš continued today his interactions with Libyan officials and stakeholders in...

  • 17 Feb 2021

    International partners working to achieve equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines appealed on Wednesday for the UN Security Council to ensure people caught in conflict have access to these lifesaving treatments.  

  • 17 Feb 2021

    Mogadishu – Somalia’s international partners* welcome the 16 February announcement that the Technical Committee representing the Federal Government and Federal Member States...

  • 17 Feb 2021

    The United Nations Secretary-General and the Chairperson of the African Union Commission called on Somali leaders, on Tuesday, to resume dialogue to resolve outstanding differences concerning elections in the country. 

  • 16 Feb 2021

    The UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar has warned of the potential for a sharp uptick in violence on Wednesday, as protests continue against the 1 February military takeover of the government. 

  • 16 Feb 2021

    UN Secretary-General Special Envoy for Libya and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) Ján Kubiš arrived yesterday in Tripoli, in...

  • 16 Feb 2021

    A deadly rocket attack on Monday night in Erbil drew condemnation from the UN envoy in Iraq, who told the Security Council on Tuesday that “such reckless attempts to inflame tensions pose grave threats” to the country’s security. 

  • 16 Feb 2021

    The UN Secretary-General has underlined his concern for Africa’s Sahel region, where deteriorating security and violence are aggravating an already difficult humanitarian situation that is unfolding amid the COVID-19 pandemic and climate emergency. 

  • 16 Feb 2021

    Mogadishu — The Government of Somalia and its international partners seek $1.09 billion to provide life-saving assistance to four million vulnerable people affected by a...

  • 16 Feb 2021

    The UN Special Envoy on Myanmar has called on the country’s military leadership to refrain from violence and fully respect human rights, fundamental freedoms and the rule of law, amid ongoing protests against the military takeover. 

  • 15 Feb 2021

    Science and gender equality are both vital for the achievement of the international development goals, and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.  Over...

  • 15 Feb 2021

    Sixty-five journalists, media professionals and human rights defenders were killed in Afghanistan between 1 January 2018 and 31 January 2021, with 11 losing their lives since the start of peace negotiations last September, the UN Mission in the country said on Monday. 

  • 15 Feb 2021

    KABUL - The period following the start of Afghanistan Peace Negotiations in September 2020 has witnessed a sharp and...

  • 14 Feb 2021

    An increased use of force and the reported deployment of armoured vehicles to major cities throughout Myanmar have sparked the deep concern of UN Secretary-General António Guterres. 

  • 14 Feb 2021

    Saeeda: I would like first of all to welcome Mister Martin Griffiths welcome to you. But before we start with the interview, I would like to express our thanks in my name and behalf also on the side, this is the first meeting for the media with you and this is one of the few meetings that you are with because you do not talk too much to the immediate soul we are very thankful for all of you for all the efforts, thank you.

  • 14 Feb 2021

    Transcript of the Interview carried out by Al Saeeda TV with Martin Griffiths,  and broadcast on 8 February 2021

    Saeeda: I would like first of all to welcome Mister Martin Griffiths welcome to you. But before we start with the interview, I would like to express our thanks in my name and behalf also on the side, this is the first meeting for the media with you and this is one of the few meetings that you are with...

  • 13 Feb 2021

     Secretary-General António Guterres condemned  on Saturday, a “complex attack” against the UN mission in the West African country of Mali 

  • 13 Feb 2021

    Six months after a massive explosion destroyed much of the centre of the Lebanese capital, Beirut, a mother has been talking about the “indescribable” grief she has experienced at losing her two-year-old son to injuries sustained in the blast.

  • 13 Feb 2021

    Mogadishu – International partners* welcome the announcement that Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) and Federal Member State (FMS) leaders will meet on 15 February to finalise...

  • 13 Feb 2021

    Kismayo – Abdisalam Mohamud Shire is a presenter and journalist with Radio Kismayo, in Somalia’s southern Federal Member State of Jubaland. 

    There, he...

  • 12 Feb 2021

    Women in West Africa and the Sahel assess the implementation level of UN RESOLUTIONS 1325 (2000) and subsequent on women, peace and...

  • 12 Feb 2021

    12 February 2021 - Over the past two days, Special Envoy for Libya and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSML) Ján Kubiš continued...

  • 12 Feb 2021
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 

    Security Council

    Pedersen: Fifth session of the Constitutional Committee “a missed opportunity”

    Special Envoy Geir Pedersen on 9 January updated the Security Council, in a closed session, on the challenges in the political process in Syria. “I shared with the Council the assessment that I shared with the Committee members themselves, that session five of the Constitutional Committee was a missed opportunity and a disappointment,” Mr. Pedersen told the press after the meeting. He also advocated for the need for a “constructive international diplomacy that bridges existing divides and focuses on mutual and reciprocal steps for steps.”

    Read more in UN News

    DiCarlo warns of risk of backsliding in Ukraine

    Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo on 11 February briefed the Council on the situation in Ukraine. “The fact that the ceasefire has largely held up and that discussions continue in the established formats is no reason for complacency. Nor is it a substitute for meaningful progress. The risk of backsliding is real if negotiations become deadlocked,” Ms. DiCarlo warned.

    Read her full remarks here

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    Pre-electoral mission to Benin

    The Special Representative and Head of UNOWAS, Mohammed Ibn Chambas, from 7 to 10 February carried out a pre-electoral mission to Benin ahead of the 11 April presidential election. He met with President Patrice Talon and held consultations with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, the Presidents of the Constitutional Court and the Commission Electorale Nationale Autonome (CENA,) leaders and representatives of pro-government and opposition political parties as well as civil society organizations. Among several issues discussed was the importance of democratic consolidation and to ensure that the upcoming presidential election is peaceful, inclusive, transparent and credible. Political actors were encouraged to prioritize dialogue in addressing any differences, to ensure a meaningful participation of women and youth and to promote the respect for human rights and the rule of law throughout the electoral process. During the visit, Mr. Chambas also held a meeting with the diplomatic community and colleagues of the UN system in Benin.

     Read more here


    Ján Kubiš takes up functions as Special Envoy for Libya

    The new Special Envoy and Head of UNSMIL, Ján Kubiš, started in his new position on 8 February. Mr. Kubiš has already spoken with President of the Presidency Council Fayez Serraj and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mohammed Siala. He stressed the UN’s commitment to a stable, prosperous, sovereign and unified Libya, building on the momentum generated by positive developments achieved in the past months in the political, security and economic files, including ceasefire agreement through Libyan-led and Libyan-owned efforts and processes.

    Read more here


    New report on Iraq’s electoral preparations and processes 

    Since September 2020, the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) has been issuing monthly reports on electoral preparations in Iraq, in conformity with its mandate under Security Council Resolution 2522 (2020) to provide electoral assistance and advice to the Government of Iraq and the Independent High Electoral Commission. The fifth report combining the months of December 2020 and January 2021 can be found here.


    Special Envoy visits Iran and Saudi Arabia

    This week, Special Envoy Martin Griffiths visited Iran and Saudi Arabia as part of his diplomatic efforts to support a negotiated political solution to the conflict in Yemen. In Iran, the Special Envoy met with Foreign Minister Javad Zarif and other officials. In Saudi Arabia, he met with Saudi Deputy Minister of Defense Prince Khalid bin Salman, Yemeni Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ahmed Bin Mubarak, the US Envoy to Yemen, Tim Lenderking, as well as other officials. “I will continue working with renewed urgency with the parties and regional and international actors to end the hostilities, alleviate humanitarian suffering and find a peaceful settlement to end the conflict in Yemen,” Mr. Griffiths said.

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    In Pasto, people dress in "Colors of Peace”

    In Pasto, the capital of Nariño, in southern Colombia, 24 former FARC EP combatants are moving forward with their reintegration process.  In the city, job opportunities are hard to come by, which is why Carlos Hugo Saavedra, who committed to the peace process after 12 years with the guerrillas, decided that the best thing to do was to have his own business and provide work for others. With the support of the National Learning Service, the Agency for Reintegration and Normalization, and the accompaniment of the UN Verification Mission, he created a clothing business called 'Colores de Paz,' which employs women victims of the conflict. This week he signed a contract to make the uniforms for a renowned soccer school in Pasto "CAR Nariño FC" and hopes that this will be the beginning of the economic recovery from the pandemic's ravages.

    In Mutatá, the construction of housing for former combatants makes progress

    In the community of La Fortuna in Mutatá, Antioquia department, where former FARC EP combatants relocated from the Reintegration Area of Ituango, the UN Mission advances in its verification tasks. This week the local team met with the former FARC EP combatants in the area. Housing construction continues there, and projects are being undertaken with the support of the Agency for Reincorporation and Normalization (ARN). The Colombian government acquired two 137-hectare plots of land for 63 former combatants and their families.


    2020 UN-World Bank Partnership Monitoring Report launched

    The UN and the World Bank on 9 February issued the yearly report on the implementation of the Partnership Framework for Crisis-Affected Situations. The report illustrates how the two organizations work together to confront compounding risks of conflict and the COVID-19 pandemic and its socioeconomic impact in almost 50 countries. Jointly prepared by the DPPA’s Peacebuilding Support Office (PBSO) and the World Bank Fragility, Violence and Conflict Group, and based on extensive inputs from across UN and World Bank, the report is testimony to an increasingly meaningful and operational partnership on the ground. 

    Read more here

    Induction training for Peacebuilding Commission members 

    PBSO and the UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) on 9 and 10 February hosted an induction course for new members of the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) at the expert- and Ambassadorial-levels respectively. The expert-level training, moderated by the UNITAR Head of Office, Marco Suazo, aimed to prepare delegations of incoming PBC members for their terms by orienting them in PBC functions and mandate; its relationship with the General Assembly, Security Council, ECOSOC and other UN organs; PBC’s role in building partnerships; and PBC working methods. At the Ambassadorial-level, after opening remarks by Under-Secretary-General DiCarlo and the UNITAR Executive Director, Assistant Secretary-General Seth, DPPA leadership and the Permanent Representatives of Burkina Faso, Canada, Egypt (PBC Chair), Japan, Papua New Guinea and Switzerland highlighted recent achievements of the PBC and areas that could be considered by the Commission in the current session (including financing, Women, Peace and Security, and institution building). Member States welcomed the training and called for stronger partnerships with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

    Next week

    Special Representative Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert will update the Security Council on the situation in Iraq and the work of UNAMI on 16 February. On 17 February, Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo will brief on the implementation of resolution 2532 (2020) regarding the impact of COVID-19 on peace and security. Yemen Envoy Martin Griffiths will update on the situation in the country on 18 February.

    Updated programme of work here

  • 12 Feb 2021

    Since the escalation of conflict in 2015, severe acute malnutrition is among its highest levels in Yemen, threating the lives of half of the country’s children under the age of five, four UN agencies warned on Friday.

  • 12 Feb 2021

    Humanitarians are learning more about the dire situation of children in Ethiopia’s Tigray region, where fighting continues between Government troops and regional forces of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF). 

  • 12 Feb 2021

    The UN deputy human rights chief and the independent expert on Myanmar have called for targeted sanctions against the leaders of what they both described as the coup that took place in the country last week, as the Human Rights Council met in special session on Friday to discuss the ongoing crisis. 

  • 12 Feb 2021

    “I welcome the recent meeting of the Palestinian national factions under the auspices of the Arab Republic of Egypt. The meeting marks an important advancement towards the holding of elections and Palestinian national unity. I acknowledge the leadership demonstrated by Egypt in helping to advance this step forward.

    I also take note of the statement issued by the League of Arab States in support of the two-State...

  • 12 Feb 2021

    More children could be pushed into the joining armed forces and armed groups due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, senior United Nations and European Union (EU) officials said on International Day against the Use of Child Soldiers, observed on Thursday. 

  • 12 Feb 2021

    New York, 12 February 2021

    Chun Jie Kuai Le! [春节快乐!Happy Lunar New Year!]

    I send my best wishes to everyone celebrating the Lunar New Year.

    This year is the Year of the Ox – the same sign as the year of my birth.

    The ox symbolizes energy, strength, and courage.

    These qualities are what the world...

  • 11 Feb 2021

    Although a ceasefire in Eastern Ukraine has led to a significant decrease in civilian casualties, the overall situation remains fragile unless progress is made on the security and political fronts, the UN’s political affairs chief told the Security Council on Thursday.