Bienvenidos a las Naciones Unidas

Reports and Policy Documents


  • 20 Jun 2019

    Ayisha Osori is the Executive Director of the Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA). She’s is the writer of the book “Love does not win elections”. A personal experience that talks about...

  • 19 Jun 2019

    The presidential election scheduled for 28 September will be a “key moment to reaffirm the legitimacy of Afghanistan’s democratic political structure”, the United Nations mission chief in the country told the Security Council on Wednesday. 

  • 19 Jun 2019

    NEW YORK - The UN’s top envoy in Afghanistan insisted on the need to start formal negotiations between the Government of Afghanistan and the Taliban to reach a peace agreement....

  • 19 Jun 2019


    On World Refugee Day, my thoughts are with the more than 70 million women, children and men – refugees and internally displaced persons -- who have been forced to flee war, conflict and...

  • 19 Jun 2019

    The UN Security Council must “seize this moment” presented by the current turmoil in Sudan, to provide justice at long last for the victims of violence in Darfur, and those who have suffered at the hands of the brutal military crackdown earlier this month.  

  • 19 Jun 2019

    Sexual violence in conflict is a “threat to our collective security” and a “stain on our common humanity”, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said in his message commemorating the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict, on Wednesday. 

  • 19 Jun 2019

    A roundtable was held today at the Grand Serail, under the patronage of the President of the Council of ministers Saad Hariri, to present the National Action Plan (NAP) on...

  • 19 Jun 2019

    Mogadishu - On a cloudy Saturday morning in Mogadishu, 28-year-old Warsan Said Mohamed (not her real name) quietly enters the Hawa Taako 1 Centre in the Zoobe area of the Somali capital. The...

  • 19 Jun 2019

    Given Nigeria’s strategic position in West Africa and in the continent, and...

  • 19 Jun 2019

    Mogadishu – The Officer-in-Charge of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) and Deputy Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Somalia, Raisedon Zenenga, paid...

  • 19 Jun 2019

    Catherine Samba-Panza (Dr.), former transitional head of state of the Central African Republic, and Chantal Safu Lopusa, Minister for Gender, Children and the Family

  • 18 Jun 2019

    Unabating violence, destruction and a downward sprial in overall conditions for the desperate people trapped in north-western Syria’s Idlib were in the spotlight as the United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator told the Security Council on Tuesday that “we are faced with a humanitarian disaster unfolding before our eyes”.

  • 18 Jun 2019

    Mr. President,

    Since I last briefed the Council a month ago, violence in Northwest Syria continues unabated as parties on the ground try to advance militarily.

    Our unflagging efforts to mediate a political solution that meets the legitimate aspirations of the Syrian people cannot move forward in an environment of open conflict. Our efforts will stall if Russia and Turkey cannot uphold their ceasefire agreement. Our efforts will suffer if this Security Council, as well as the Astana Group and the Small Group—many of whom sit around this table today—cannot find a way to work together in common support of the Special Envoy’s efforts to implement resolution 2254.

    The UN understands very well the positions of the guarantors of the Idlib Memorandum, an agreement which until a few months ago had delivered relative calm to the people of Idlib. For Russia, the presence of Security Council-designated Hayat Tahrir al Sham, or HTS, in the       de-escalation area is not tolerable. For Turkey, time is required to effectively isolate and address HTS’s most hardline fighters.

    As the Secretary-General said a few hours ago: “The situation in Idlib is especially dangerous” and “Yet again, civilians are paying a horrific price.”

    Airstrikes continue; barrel bomb use and cluster munitions, exchanges of mortar and artillery fire are ongoing, resulting in civilian casualties and massive displacement.  Population centers and civilian infrastructure including schools and medical facilities have been attacked, mostly inside the de-escalation area. 

    It is imperative that we address HTS without triggering the humanitarian catastrophe that we see unfolding before our eyes, with hundreds of thousands on the move, being pushed closer to Turkey’s border.


    Mr. President,

    Despite all this violence, the frontlines have hardly shifted, suggesting a stalemate. But if so, it is plainly turning out to be a bloody and quite pointless stalemate with devastating humanitarian consequences that far outstrip any damage done to HTS.

    Undoubtedly, the situation in Idlib is complex. But, as we have repeatedly said, counter-terrorism cannot overtake obligations under international law to protect civilians and the obligation to strictly observe the principles of distinction and proportionality. The problem posed by HTS will need to be dealt with in a more effective and sustainable way, one where civilians do not pay the price. That can only begin with the restoration of calm.

    The Secretary-General, the Special Envoy and I have been pressing for the need for a solution in Idlib in all of our engagements at all levels.

    We welcome Russia and Turkey’s continued efforts to contain the violence, most recently in their working group meeting on 16-17 June.  However, if a solution is not found, then the consequences will be unimaginable – and not just in humanitarian terms. Let us remember the international players involved and the potential for escalation.

    Over the weekend, Turkey announced that one of its observation posts had been shelled by government forces “intentionally” and that it “retaliated” with heavy weapons. This was the second such incident in less than a week that impacted a Turkish observation post—defensive positions meant to maintain the lines agreed in the September Memorandum. Today, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moallem assured that Syria did not want to see an armed confrontation between its forces and Turkey. These close military exchanges underscore how Idlib is not just a humanitarian issue—it also poses a grave risk to regional security.

    As we look to the upcoming G20 meeting where world leaders who can contain this conflict will be present, we stress the need for diplomacy to produce an outcome in Idlib that can create the necessary conditions for the political process to advance. We call on international stakeholders—in particular, the Russian Federation and Turkey, as guarantors of the September 2018 Memorandum of Understanding on Idlib—to exert the efforts needed to end the violence and restore calm. All that is required is the political will.

    As the Secretary-General stated today “there is no military solution to the Syrian crisis.  It was clear at the start and it remains clear more than eight years later:  the solution is political.”

    The Syrian people have paid a high price for the failures of the international community to end this war. More than half the population is displaced and in need, more than five million refugees are uncertain of when it will be safe to return, hundreds of thousands have paid with their lives, tens of thousands detained, missing, tortured. Are we really asking them to pay more? We must collectively work together to ensure the answer to that question is no.


    Thank you, Mr. President.



  • 18 Jun 2019

    This Tuesday, top stories include: the UN’s war on hate speech; a surge in ethnic violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; the ‘invisible pandemic’ of antimicrobial resistance; UN peacekeeping Commanders’ meeting at the Security Council; and a new campaign to encourage healthy and sustainable food choices.

  • 18 Jun 2019

    A young rape survivor at a safe house in Monrovia. Liberia. UN Photo/Staton Winter

    Sexual violence in conflict is a threat to our collective security and a stain on our common humanity.


  • 18 Jun 2019

    ALMATY, Kazakhstan 

    On June 18-19, 2019, representatives of relevant ministries and institutions from the countries of Central Asia and Afghanistan as well as national and international experts...

  • 18 Jun 2019

    Special Coordinator Kubis Visits Lebanese army watchtower at eastern Lebanon border

    Today, the UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Jan Kubis visited the 6th Lebanese...

  • 18 Jun 2019

    More than 300,000 people have been forced to flee resurgent inter-ethnic violence in north-east Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) just this month, the UN refugee agency, UNHCR, said on Tuesday.

  • 17 Jun 2019

    To start this week, we cover: food aid diversions in Yemen; 9.7 billion of people on earth by 2050; Law of the Sea Convention; World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought; triple suicide bombing in Nigeria; and a solar power plant for health care in Gaza.

  • 17 Jun 2019

    To start this week, we cover: food aid diversions in Yemen; 9.7 billion of people on earth by 2050; Law of the Sea Convention; World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought; triple suicide bombing in Nigeria; and a solar power plant for health care in Gaza.

  • 17 Jun 2019

    Food continues to be taken “from the mouths of hungry little boys and little girls” in many areas of Yemen controlled by Houthi rebels, warned the head of the UN World Food Programme (WFP) on Monday, who said the agency would be forced to suspend some food assistance within days, unless agreements are finally honoured.

  • 17 Jun 2019

    Mogadishu, 17 June 2019 - The federal Minister of Justice and Judiciary Affairs, Hassan Hussein Haji, reaffirmed his government’s commitment to strengthen child protection legislation during an...

  • 17 Jun 2019

    SUROBI - Community leaders in Kabul’s eastern Surobi district gathered at a UN-backed symposium to strategize on ways to promote social cohesion, both...

  • 17 Jun 2019

    @UN Photo/Loey Felipe


    Thank you very much Mr. President, and thank you to the members of this Council.

  • 17 Jun 2019
  • 17 Jun 2019

    Kismayo, 16 June 2019 -The United Nations Assistant Secretary-General (ASG) for Africa in the Departments of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs and Peace Operations, Bintou Keita, today concluded her five-day...

  • 16 Jun 2019

    The UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, condemned on Sunday the attack that took place on Saturday in Wajir County, Kenya, in which at least eight police officers were killed when their car struck an improvised explosive device (IED), and the car bomb attack in Mogadishu, Somalia, in which at least eight people were killed. 

  • 16 Jun 2019

    5th Summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA) in Dushanbe, Tajikistan



  • 16 Jun 2019

    The President of the Presidency Council of the Government of National Accord (GNA), Fayez Serraj, today announced a constructive proposal to advance the political...

  • 16 Jun 2019

    AYBAK - The active participation of youth in Afghanistan’s development agenda is of critical importance, said participants in a recent UN-backed symposium in the northern province of Samangan...

  • 14 Jun 2019

    Thank you, Mr. President,
    Mr. President,
    Distinguished members of the Security Council,

    I would like to thank you for the opportunity to inform the Security Council on the developments that have taken place in Burundi since February this year, when Special Envoy Michel Kafando latest briefed in this chamber. I will also be sharing some details on his last visit to the East African sub-region, as and to the African Union headquarters in Addis Ababa.

    I take this opportunity to recognize the important presence at this meeting of the Commissioner for Peace and Security H.E. Smaïl Chergui, the Permanent Representative of Burundi, H.E. Albert Shingiro and the Chair of the Peacebuilding Configuration for Burundi H.E. Jürg Lauber.

    Mr. President,

    The following are some notable developments in Burundi since February of this year.

    The Government’s attention is focused on the conduct of 2020 general elections and continues to mobilize its citizens to contribute towards their preparation;

    The Independent National Elections Commission (CENI) continues its efforts to sensitize the population on democratic values, in pursuit of peaceful and credible elections. The CENI’s meeting initially called on 14 June to announce the calendar of the general elections has been postponed;

    On 20 March, the Congrès National pour la Liberté (CNL) of Agathon Rwasa after much ado, was authorized to conduct its first ordinary congress which enabled the political party to designate its national representatives;

    On 17 April, the Electoral Code was adopted by a large majority of the National Assembly and unanimously endorsed by the Senate on 24 April. Some opposition members denounced the process surrounding the adoption of the Electoral Code. In their view, the process lacked the widespread consultation and consensus that is required for the legal framework for the organization and conduct of the elections in 2020.

    Against the backdrop of these developments, the human rights situation remains worrying in view of many violations of fundamental civic and political freedoms as reported by political actors, some media and civil society organizations. Increases in unemployment and the rise in prices of basic commodities and services have negatively affected the economic and socio-cultural rights.

    The humanitarian situation has remained largely unchanged since the last briefing of Special Envoy Kafando. Despite a relatively satisfactory agricultural production this year, nearly 1.8 million people remain at risk of food insecurity, due to recurrent and devastating climatic hazards.

    As at 30 April 2019, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees estimated the number of refugees hosted in the sub-region to be around 352,000. We encourage the Government of Burundi to work closely with its partners to ensure that assistance reaches those most in need in a timely fashion. We also encourage international partners to increase their contributions as the Humanitarian Response Plan, requiring US $ 106.4 million, is currently only 24 percent funded, while the Regional Refugee Response Plan, requiring US $ 296 million, is only 17 percent funded.

    Mr. President, 
    Distinguished members of the Security Council,

    You will recall that the 20th Ordinary Summit of the Heads of State of the East African community held on 1 February in Arusha renewed the mandate of the Mediator, the President of Uganda, H.E. Yoweri Museveni. The Summit also received the final report of the Facilitator, former President Benjamin Mkapa of the United Republic of Tanzania. The report is a synthesis of the five sessions of the inter-Burundian dialogue as well as the Facilitator’s Road Map to support Burundi ahead of the 2020 general elections. The Summit did agree to continue to consult on the way forward.

    It is in this context that from 10 to 22 May, Special Envoy Kafando traveled to the African Union Headquarters and to the countries of the East African subregion to consult with regional leaders.

    In Addis Ababa, Special Envoy Kafando held consultations with the Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union, H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat, and H.E. Smaïl Chergui; the African Union Commissioner for Peace and Security. In Dares-Salaam, Special Envoy Kafando held separate engagements with the former Facilitator of the inter-Burundian dialogue, former President Benjamin Mkapa, before meeting with H.E. Professor Palamagamba Kadugi the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tanzania. On 16 May, Special Envoy Kafando was received by H.E. John Pombe Magufuli, President of the United Republic of Tanzania.

    The Special Envoy then traveled to Bujumbura but did not meet with the Burundian authorities due to their busy schedules. Nonetheless, he used the opportunity to meet with some ambassadors accredited to Burundi as well as the United Nations country team. In Kigali, the Special Envoy met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Richard Sezibera, on 21 May.

    Mr. President,

    During Special Envoy Kafando’s interactions at the AU and in the sub-region, with a view to stimulating discussions, including on continued UN partnership with the EAC and the African Union in our collective efforts to support Burundi, he suggested three possible courses of action for the consideration of stakeholders. These were: (i) the possibility of convening a meeting of the guarantors of the Arusha Agreement with a view to reaffirm its centrality to Burundi’s political stability; (ii) support to the African Union and the subregion in the context of the elections in the subregion; and (iii) the continuation of the Joint Technical Working Group (which comprises the EAC-AU-UN) in support of region-led
    efforts on Burundi.

    Throughout the consultations, the Special Envoy’s interlocutors underscored the need to respect the sovereignty of Burundi. They also stressed the importance of continued cooperation between the United Nations, the East African Community and the African Union in support of the country, especially in the context of the upcoming 2020 elections. They thanked the Special Envoy for an opportunity to reflect on his suggestions to them.

    In this regard, Special Envoy Kafando will return to the region to engage with the Mediator on how best the African Union and the United Nations can support regional efforts.

    We would like to take this opportunity to thank the interlocutors of the Special Envoy for engaging constructively. The Secretariat encourages leaders of the region to continue consultations with the Special Envoy especially during his upcoming trip to the region. When the consultations of the Special Envoy are duly concluded, the outcomes will be the basis upon which the Secretary-General could define and recommend to the Security Council the way forward, including options in support of the EAC-led and AU-endorsed inter-Burundian dialogue ahead of 2020 elections, as indicated in his latest report to the Council.

    Mr. President,
    Distinguished Members of the Security Council,
    I thank you for your kind attention.

  • 14 Jun 2019

    A UN Security Council meeting on the security and political situation in Burundi was held on Friday, as the country continues to grapple with a four-year-long crisis and is gearing up for new elections in 2020.

  • 14 Jun 2019

    The joint African Union-UN Mission in Darfur (UNAMID), is suspending the handover of any more camps for displaced civilians to the Sudanese military, against a backdrop of worsening violence and insecurity across the country.

  • 13 Jun 2019

    Global problems require global solutions that rely on “essential” partnerships, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres told the Security Council on Thursday, stating that “our cooperation with the League of Arab States is pivotal”. 

  • 13 Jun 2019

    The Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Libya Ghassan Salame, leading a delegation of various UN agencies, visited today the city of Ghat - which was hit by devastating floods...

  • 13 Jun 2019


    8 - 14 June 2019

    This Week in DPPA aims to keep you abreast of developments and events on the agenda of the UN Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, at UN HQ and in the field, and especially those that sometimes "fly under the radar".

    Yemen/Regional Cooperation

    Under-Secretary-General DiCarlo visits Saudi Arabia and Kyrgyzstan
    This week, the Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, Rosemary A. DiCarlo, traveled to Riyadh, Saudi-Arabia, and Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. In Riyadh, she met H.E. Abdrabuh Mansour Hadi, President of the Republic of Yemen. They discussed the work of the Special Envoy for Yemen, Mr. Martin Griffiths and the way forward for implementing the Stockholm Agreement, as well as the prospects for returning to dialogue to reach a political solution to the wider conflict in Yemen.

    In Bishkek, the USG attended a retreat for UN Resident Coordinators convened by the Special Representative and Head of UNRCCA, Natalia Gherman. USG DiCarlo also met Shavkat Mirziyoyev, President of Uzbekistan, and Sooronbay Jeenbekov, President of Kyrgyzstan. She also attended the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit while in Bishkek.


    New York

    Conflict prevention and mediation among ‘most important tools’ to reduce human suffering, Secretary-General Guterres tells Security Council
    Speaking before the Security Council on 12 June, Secretary-General António Guterres said conflict prevention and mediation were two of the most important tools at the global community’s disposal to reduce human suffering. Mr. Guterres was joined by former Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and former Irish President Mary Robinson, both members of The Elders, a group of independent global leaders working for peace and human rights. When the Council can cooperate and speak with a strong common voice, its decisions can have a decisive impact, Mr. Ban said.
    Read the full story on UN News website

    Human rights situation in Burundi remains worrying, Security Council told
    Oscar Fernandez-Taranco, Assistant-Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support, briefed the Security Council on the situation in Burundi on 14 June. The human rights situation remains worrying in view of many violations of fundamental civic and political freedoms, he told the Council. Mr. Fernandez-Taranco also said that the Special Envoy for Burundi, Michel Kafando, would continue to engage with stakeholders in the region. Read the full statement here



    Civil society groups demand an end to parliamentary crisis
    David McLachlan-Karr, Deputy Special Representative and UN Resident Coordinator in Guinea-Bissau, met on 10 June with women activists calling for peaceful resolution to the parliamentary crisis in the country. Civil society groups in Guinea-Bissau are demanding the appointment of a Prime Minister and a date for presidential elections.


    Central Africa

    Strategic review of UNOCA’s mandate
    A team conducting a strategic review of UNOCA’s mandate and activities travelled to Brazzaville, Congo, from 8 - 11 June then to Yaoundé, Cameroon, from 11 - 14 June for consultations with national authorities and other stakeholders and partners. The mission was led by Mr. Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, former SRSG for West Africa. The strategic review was requested by the Security Council (presidential statement issued on 10 August 2018) with a view to evaluating areas of improvement, in particular concerning the coherence of UN activities in countries under UNOCA’s mandate, or new or refocused priorities. The Council expressed its intention to consider conclusions and recommendations of the review by 31 August 2019.


    Middle East

    Heads of political and peacebuilding missions meet in Jerusalem
    Heads of UN political and peacekeeping missions in the Middle East met in Jerusalem on 13 June to discuss common challenges and how to confront them. The meeting was convened by Nickolay Mladenov, Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, and Major General Kristin Lund, Force Commander of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus. Jan Kubiš, Special Coordinator for Lebanon, represented UNSCOL. The meeting focused on preventive diplomacy, de-escalation and seeking pathways to sustainable peace.  



    Civilian population in Afghanistan must be protected from harm – UNAMA
    Against the sobering backdrop of the ongoing intense conflict across Afghanistan, the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) issued a statement on Sunday indicating it remains troubled that civilians are being killed in high numbers and urged all parties to the conflict to meet their obligations to protect civilians from harm. UNAMA found that anti-government elements deliberately and knowingly targeted civilians throughout Ramadan. The attacks by anti-government elements mainly used improvised explosive devices and caused more than 100 civilian casualties in Kabul alone. Read the full statement on UNAMA’s website.


    Afghan women’s full participation essential to ongoing peace process, says UN envoy
    Women have a fundamental role to play in the ongoing peace process, which must be inclusive for the peace that emerges to be truly sustainable, said the UN’s top envoy to Afghanistan during a human rights symposium on 11 June in the country’s northeast province of Kunduz. The symposium, organized by Kunduz University and UNAMA’s regional office in the provincial capital, drew more than 300 participants. “Your presence here today symbolizes your interest and commitment in preventing further conflict, in building peace, and in ensuring that the rights of all, women and men, are respected, promoted and fulfilled,” said Tadamichi Yamamoto, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Afghanistan and head of UNAMA. Read the full story on UNAMA’s website.



    Young political party representatives visit reintegration area
    Youth representatives of six political parties (Partido Liberal, Centro Democrático, Partido Conservador, Alianza Verde, Colombia Humana, and FARC) visited the Reintegration Area of Monterredondo in Miranda, Cauca, last week. The young leaders spoke with former FARC combatants about their reintegration process and visited the area’s Rural Alternative School (ERA), where local community and ex-combatants carry out various agricultural projects. The UN Verification Mission in Colombia supported the visit within the framework of its Youth, Peace, and Security strategy.

















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  • 13 Jun 2019

    KUNDUZ - Afghan women have a fundamental role to play in the ongoing peace process, which must be inclusive for the peace that emerges to be truly sustainable, said the...

  • 12 Jun 2019

    Addressing the Security Council at UN Headquarters in New York on Wednesday, the head of the UN Mission in Mali, MINUSMA, said that amid ongoing violence, including scores of civilian deaths and deadly attacks on UN peacekeepers, a critical phase of the peace process had now been reached.

  • 12 Jun 2019

    This Wednesday’s top stories are: one-in-five conflict-affected people suffer from a mental illness; the Security Council holds a special session on conflict prevention; 5-year-old Congolese boy is first to die from Ebola in Uganda; Sudanese protestors' rights baffled; the decline of foreign investment; and tackling child labour.

  • 12 Jun 2019

    Conflict prevention and mediation are two of “the most important tools at our disposal to reduce human suffering” United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told the Security Council on Wednesday.  

  • 11 Jun 2019

    More than one-in-five people living in conflict-affected areas suffers from a mental illness, according to a new UN-backed report, prompting the World Health Organization (WHO) to call for increased, sustained investment in mental health services in those zones.

  • 11 Jun 2019

    More than one-in-five people living in conflict-affected areas suffers from a mental illness, according to a new report based on UN figures, prompting the World Health Organization (WHO) to call for increased, sustained investment in mental health services in those zones.

  • 11 Jun 2019

    At least 19 children have reportedly been killed in Sudan and another 49 injured since a military backlash against protesters began earlier this month, prompting the head of the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to express her grave concern “at the impact of the continuing violence and unrest in the country on children and young people”.

  • 11 Jun 2019


    ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan:

    On 11 June, UNRCCA hosted a Mini-Dublin Group (MDG) meeting in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan – an informal co-ordination...

  • 11 Jun 2019

    The 15 members of the United Nations Security Council adopted on Tuesday the very first ever resolution focused on the issue of missing persons in armed conflict. The aim is to encourage countries to fulfil their obligations, take action to step up prevention, and tackle the issue earlier, so that ultimately families separated by conflict can be reunited, or at least given answers as to the fate of their loved ones.

  • 11 Jun 2019

    Security Council members issued a statement on Monday offering “their full support” to the UN Special Envoy for Yemen, Martin Griffiths, after he had reportedly come in for criticism by the Government.

  • 10 Jun 2019

    Nearly 100 people were reportedly killed during an attack on a traditional Dogon hunters’ village in Mali on Sunday, prompting a call from UN chief António Guterres for authorities to act fast and “bring the perpetrators to justice”.

  • 10 Jun 2019

    The Territorial Area for Training and Reintegration -TATR- of Llano Grande, in the municipality of Dabeiba (Antioquia), was the meeting place for Llano Grande community, former FARC combatants, Public Force, local authorities...

  • 10 Jun 2019

    The United Nations has urged all parties to the “ongoing intense conflict” across Afghanistan to meet their obligations to protect civilians from harm, denouncing a spate of attacks by militants which killed more than 100 civilians in Kabul alone during  Ramadan.

  • 10 Jun 2019

    UN Photo / Manuel Elias

    The Members of the Security Council underlined their full support for Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen (the Special Envoy), Martin...