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Reports and Policy Documents


  • 16 июн 2023

    New York, 17 June 2023

    “Her Land. Her Rights: Advancing gender equality and land restoration goals”

    Excellencies, friends.

    We depend on land for our survival. Yet we treat it like dirt.

    Unsustainable farming is eroding soil 100 times faster than natural process can restore them....

  • 16 июн 2023

    TRIPOLI – After the 6+6 Committee of the House of Representatives and High Council of State announced the completion of its draft electoral laws on 6...

  • 16 июн 2023

    With the conflict between rival militaries in Sudan entering its third month, the people of Darfur are “trapped in a living nightmare”, the UN’s top aid official has said.

  • 16 июн 2023

    Words are not enough to alleviate the multiple crises afflicting Haiti, said the President of the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) on Friday, in an appeal for urgent international action.

  • 16 июн 2023

    The UN is providing “multifaceted support” to Mali ahead of this weekend’s constitutional referendum, the head of its peacekeeping mission in the country, MINUSMA, said in a briefing to the Security Council on Friday. 

  • 16 июн 2023

    Tripoli – DSRSG Raisedon Zenenga today met with representatives from 17 Libyan political parties and associations, representing the majority of parties across the geographic and...

  • 15 июн 2023

    Escalating violence in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has displaced nearly one million people since January, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) said on Thursday. 

  • 15 июн 2023

    The UN Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS) said on Thursday it was “appalled and deeply shocked” at the killing of the Governor of West Darfur, calling for a halt to the spiralling violence and for those responsible to be brought to justice.

  • 14 июн 2023
    United Nations Headquater

    On 14th June 2023, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres announced the appointment of Kaha Imnadze of Georgia as his Special Representative and Head of the United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA). Mr. Imnadze succeeds Ms. Natalia Gherman of Moldova who was appointed as Executive Director of the Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate and to whom the Secretary-General is grateful for her...

  • 14 июн 2023

    In the face of rising hatred worldwide, both on and offline, faith leaders are vital allies in the quest for global peace, UN Secretary-General António Guterres told the Security Council on Wednesday. 

  • 14 июн 2023

    Sabah El Kheir. It’s my pleasure to really to be here. I saw quite a number of you yesterday afternoon. I’m sorry I could not be...

  • 13 июн 2023

    The new Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) and Chairman of the Cameroon-Nigeria Mixed Commission, Mr. Leonardo Santos...

  • 13 июн 2023

    Baidoa – South West State was the latest stop for the recently-appointed top United Nations official for Somalia, who today met that Federal Member State’s (FMS)...

  • 13 июн 2023

    Disease outbreaks, a mental health crisis and lack of access to care are among the devastating health impacts of the destruction of the Kahkovka dam in southern Ukraine a week ago, the UN World Health Organization (WHO) said on Tuesday.

  • 13 июн 2023

    With an estimated 3.5 billion people living in “climate hot spots”, related peace and security risks are only set to heighten, UN Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations Jean-Pierre Lacroix told the Security Council on Tuesday, warning that action must be taken to avert ever-worsening effects.

  • 13 июн 2023

    The ongoing conflict in Sudan has raised the spectre of ethnic violence and crimes against humanity, senior UN officials warned on Tuesday. UN Secretary-General António Guterres said he was deeply concerned about the increasing ethnic dimension, and appalled at reports of large scale violence in Darfur.

  • 13 июн 2023

    As delivered

    Thank you so much, Mr. President. Let me begin by thanking you and your team for welcoming me to South West State, Baidoa. This is my second visit; I was...

  • 12 июн 2023

    The Council expressed deep concern over CAR stakeholders’ disagreement on the organisation of the Constitutional Referendum and called on all concerned stakeholders to peacefully resolve their political differences...

  • 12 июн 2023

    Greater efforts are needed to protect civilians in Somalia from unexploded weapons of war, the UN Mine Action Service (UNMAS) said on Monday in the wake of a recent deadly incident in the south of the country. 

  • 12 июн 2023

    Although the UN tribunal prosecuting decades-old war crimes in Rwanda and the Former Yugoslavia is moving closer to completion, much remains to be done, the Security Council heard on Monday. 

  • 11 июн 2023

    On 12 June, the SRSG to the AU and Head of UNOAU met with a delegation from the African Development Bank (AfDB) led by the AfDB Deputy Director-General for the East Africa Region, Dr. Abdul...

  • 11 июн 2023

    Fleeing armed conflict is frightening, forcing people to escape violent clashes and leave behind their homes, schools, and daily lives in a desperate search for safety.

  • 11 июн 2023

    The World Health Organization (WHO) on Sunday condemned in the strongest possible terms the deadly attack on the Pearl Beach Hotel and Restaurant in Mogadishu, Somalia, that left 16 dead, including a staff member.

  • 10 июн 2023

    Garowe – Continuing her visits to the country’s Federal Member States, the recently-appointed top United Nations official for Somalia today visited...

  • 10 июн 2023

    Shoppers in Mali’s Gao, Timbuktu, and Ménaka regions can snap up AK-pattern assault rifles for $750 and cartridges for 70 cents apiece, from locally handcrafted pistols to smuggled French and Turkish machine guns, as a dizzying array of illegal weaponry dots market stalls across the Sahel, a 6,000-kilometre-wide belt in the middle of Africa.

  • 10 июн 2023

    As delivered

    Thank you so much, Mr. President. Let me begin by thanking you and your team for welcoming me to South West State, Baidoa. This is my second visit; I was...

  • 9 июн 2023
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 

    Security Council

    UN-League of Arab States relationship remains robust in collective security efforts, USG DiCarlo tells Security Council 

    On 8 June, Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo addressed the Security Council at a meeting on the UN’s cooperation with the League of Arab States. She noted the collaboration between the two organizations on Sudan and said that the Jeddah Agreement had given rise to much hope. However, the parties had failed to implement it.  

    Read her full remarks here 

    Special Representative Abarry briefs Security Council on the situation in Central Africa  

    On 6 June, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Regional Office for Central Africa (UNOCA), Abdou Abarry, briefed the Security Council on the current situation in Central Africa. He underscored the need for provisions to ensure calm and security during political and electoral processes to be held by the end of the year in several countries falling within its mandate. “We will work to ensure […] that the episodes of violence, fueled in particular by hate speech, which have marked elections in the past, are avoided at all costs,” he pointed out.  

    Read more here

    Peacebuilding Commission

    PBC discusses Youth, Peace and Security 

    On 7 June, the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) convened an Ambassadorial-level meeting to discuss regional efforts in advancing Youth, Peace and Security and the linkages between regional, national and local efforts. The participants included Jayathma Wickramanayake, the United Nations Secretary-General’s Youth Envoy; Chido Cleopatra Mpemba, the African Union Youth Envoy; Khaled Mohamed Almanzlawi, the Assistant Secretary-General and Head of the International Political Affairs Sector of the League of Arab States; and Ahmad Afryan, representative of ASEAN Youth Organization, a youth-led civil society organization. The Commission members reiterated the important role of young people as agents of positive change and stressed the need to support their full, effective and meaningful participation in peacebuilding efforts. 

    Read more here 


    UN welcomes Colombia-ELN ceasefire agreement 

    On 9 June, the third cycle of peace talks took place in Havana, Cuba, where the Government of Colombia and the National Liberation Army (ELN) agreed on a six-month bilateral national ceasefire. President of Colombia Gustavo Petro and First Commander of the ELN Antonio Garcia took part in the signing ceremony. In a statement, Secretary-General António Guterres noted that such important steps send hope to the Colombian people, especially the communities who are most affected by conflict. He took note of the requested role for the UN Verification Mission in Colombia to monitor the agreement and added that he stood ready to accompany the dialogue process through his Special Representative, Carlos Ruiz Massieu.

    DPPA Donors visit Colombia 

    On 5-6 June, the UN Verification Mission in Colombia hosted representatives of 18 Member States in Bogota, Colombia. Participants were able to see first-hand how their support aids in fully implementing the 2016 Peace Agreement. The group met key figures in the negotiation and implementation of the Peace Agreement, civil society representatives, and transitional justice authorities. They continued their visit with trips to productive, or income-producing, projects for former combatants in the departments of Antioquía and César and listened to their hopes and concerns regarding reintegration.  

    Indigenous community experienced "Pathways Colombia" 

    On 8 June, the Verification Mission shared the virtual reality experience "Pathways Colombia" with the indigenous community of the Mesones village, in the rural area of Ortega, Tolima, in the southwest of Colombia. Through this experience, the community got closer to the mandate of the Mission of verifying the reintegration of FARC-EP into civilian life in economic, social and political matters and the security guarantees of former combatants, communities and organizations across the country, as well as the mandate related to the ethnic chapter, learning about the work of peace and reconciliation in other regions of the country. 


    New Special Representative arrives in Mogadishu 

    New Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) Catriona Laing arrived in Mogadishu on 5 June. She was welcomed by Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism Daud Aweis and other government officials. 

    Read more here 

    Great Lakes region

    Promoting the participation of women and youth in the mining sector in the Great Lakes Region 

    From 7-9 June, the Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the Great Lakes region, in collaboration with the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR), organized a meeting in Kampala, Uganda on strengthening women and youth ownership of the regional initiative against illegal exploitation of natural resources. The meeting brought together participants from 12 countries in the Great Lakes region. Speaking during the opening session, Serigne Bassirou, who represented the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for the Great Lakes region Huang Xia, highlighted the role of women and youth as agents of change and their inclusion in regional efforts aimed at promoting sustainable peace and development. During the meeting, participants discussed ways to enhance the knowledge of women and youth regarding national, regional, and international legal instruments governing the mining sector.  


    Special Coordinator Wronecka underlines need to end Presidential vacancy  

    Special Coordinator of the Secretary-General for Lebanon Joanna Wronecka held this week a round of meetings with Lebanese Members of Parliament from different sides of the political spectrum ahead of the presidential election session on 14 June. Noting the impact of the seven-month presidential vacuum on the work of the country’s state institutions and public services, the Special Coordinator encouraged the 128-member Parliament to complete the presidential election milestone in line with the country’s democratic practices and the aspirations of the Lebanese people and to pave the way for the formation of a government that can implement reforms. She also met with caretaker Finance Minister Youssef Khalil on 6 June to discuss the urgency of implementing fiscal reforms, the status of the 2023 and 2024 state budgets and the importance of strengthening revenue generation to preserve the public sector and public services.   

    Special Coordinator visits Jordan and discusses impact of regional developments  

    From 7-8 June, Special Coordinator Wronecka held consultations in Amman with Jordan’s Foreign Ministry Secretary General (FMSG) for Diplomatic and Expatriate Affairs, Ambassador Lina al-Hadid. She also met with the Director of the Center for Strategic Studies (DCSS) at the University of Jordan, Professor Zaid Eyadat. The meetings focused on recent regional developments and their implications for Lebanon and Jordan, as well as Jordanian Lebanese bilateral relations. Interlocutors emphasized the importance of keeping the issue of Syrian refugees a priority on the international agenda. 


    UNAMI Human Rights Office in Kirkuk organizes training for young lawyers on human rights principles 

    On 7 June, the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) Human Rights Office in Kirkuk organized a training for young lawyers on basic human rights principles. This training was scheduled as part of the Human Rights 75 initiative, commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, with activities planned throughout the year. A group of young lawyers were introduced to the fundamental rights inscribed in the Universal Declaration via interactive exercises.   

    UNAMI delegation visits IHEC Office in Baghdad, discusses climate change and role of civil society 

    On 5 June, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General (DSRSG) for Political Affairs and Electoral Assistance of UNAMI Claudio Cordone visited the Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) office in Baghdad, accompanied by Chief of the Office of Electoral Assistance Dr. Aamir Arain. The UNAMI delegation met the new IHEC Chair, Judge Omar Ahmad Muhammad, the Board of Commissioners and staff, and discussed the preparation for the forthcoming provincial elections.  

    DSRSG Cordone also participated in a panel discussion on climate change and the role of civil society organized by the Hikma national movement in Baghdad. He emphasized the importance of joint action by the government, non-governmental and international organizations in implementing adaptation and mitigation measures and highlighted the UN technical and diplomatic role in support of Iraq. 

    Central Asia

    UNRCCA organizes workshop on water governance  

    On 5 June, the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA) organized a thematic workshop on “Hydropower and Gender Equality for Effective Water Governance in view of Climate Change: Challenges and opportunities for Central Asia”. The workshop was devoted to gender mainstreaming related to transboundary water governance and climate change in Central Asia. It was the only event within the Conference addressing the gender topic at the regional level. Representatives of the Central Asian states had an opportunity to discuss ways to strengthen gender responsiveness in water governance, and exchange relevant experience in this field. 

    Read more here 


    Next Week

    The Annual Strategic Dialogue with the Peacebuilding Fund’s top twelve donors is scheduled to take place next week on 13 June, hosted by the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs in Dublin. 


    On Monday, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General Hans Grundberg and the Head of the UN Mission to Support the Huadaydah Agreement, Major General (retired) Michael Beary, will brief the Security Council on the situation in Yemen. On Wednesday, the Council will discuss the Maintenance of international peace and security: The values of human fraternity in promoting and sustaining peace.  




    Subscribe to This Week in DPPA here

    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org

  • 9 июн 2023
  • 9 июн 2023

    The humanitarian situation following the destruction of the Kakhovka dam in Ukraine is still a “moving target”, immediate needs are “huge”, and concerns are rising for what the future holds, according to the UN’s top official in the country, Denise Brown.

  • 9 июн 2023

    The UN has strongly condemned an attack on a peacekeeping patrol in Mali which left one ‘blue helmet’ from Burkina Faso dead and eight others with serious injuries.

  • 9 июн 2023

    The UN on Friday announced that following serious allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse, an entire unit of 60 peacekeepers from Tanzania formerly based in the western part of the Central African Republic (CAR), is to be repatriated.

  • 9 июн 2023

    Plans to help the people of Ukraine following the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam are centred on saving people “right now”, UN Emergency Relief Coordinator Martin Griffiths told UN News in an interview on Friday.

  • 9 июн 2023

    Participants pose for a group photo following the official opening of the regional workshop on promoting women and youth participation in the mining sector in the Great Lakes region. (Photo: Michael Wangusa,...

  • 8 июн 2023


    New York, 8 June 2023


    Thank you, Mr. President [H.E. Mr. Khalifa Shaheen, Minister of State and Foreign Affairs]

    I am pleased to have the opportunity to address the Security Council on our cooperation with the League of Arab States. And I am honored to be speaking alongside His Excellency, Mr. Aboul Gheit, Secretary-General of the League.

    In recent years, multilateralism has come under great strain. Trust in institutions and processes has been sorely tested, most recently by the uneven response to the Covid crisis. Defiance of international law and the norms that bind us is making international and regional cooperation to maintain peace and security ever more difficult.

    In such a fraught context, it is heartening that the relationship between the United Nations and the League remains robust.

    As the Secretary-General reminds us in the report before you, cooperation with the League of Arab States, consistent with Chapter VIII of the Charter, serves to enhance collective security.  

    In that report, the Secretary-General reviews the areas of cooperation and engagement of our two organizations across the region.

    Today, I would like to highlight issues of common concern and some additional developments since the report was prepared. 

    On Sudan, where fighting is devastating the lives of civilians and destroying the future of the country, the Jeddah Agreement —- brokered by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United States on 20 May — gave rise to much hope.

    Unfortunately, the parties have failed to implement the Agreement. Furthermore, the Sudanese Armed Forces announced the suspension of their participation in the talks, citing the Rapid Support Forces’ violations of the ceasefire.

    It is critical that the parties remain committed to the ceasefire agreement. But this will not be enough. We need a permanent cessation of hostilities and, eventually, a resumption of the political process.

    In that regard, we commend the League, as well as the African Union, the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), and Sudan’s other partners, for their efforts to support peace in Sudan. 

    Coordination of our various efforts is essential to maximize our impact in support of the Sudanese people. The role of the region will be key to end the conflict.

    The situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory keeps deteriorating. Last month, we witnessed yet another devastating escalation in Gaza, with tragic loss of life on both sides and further damage to fragile infrastructure.

    Tensions also continue to simmer, and regularly boil over, in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

    Unilateral actions, including settlement expansion and violence against Israeli and Palestinian civilians, continue to undermine our collective efforts to realize a two-State solution.

    The acute financial and institutional challenges facing the Palestinian Authority, and lack of progress on advancing intra-Palestinian unity and the holding of general elections, must all be addressed.

    I echo the Secretary-General’s call to ensure full funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA).

    The Agency plays a critical role for Palestine refugees and regional stability. The World Food Programme also needs immediate financial support to continue vital assistance to Palestinians.

    We share a common goal with the League: the two-State solution that realizes the legitimate national aspirations of Palestinians and Israelis, in line with international law and UN resolutions. This is the only path to sustainable peace between the two peoples.

    Mr. President,

    We followed the outcomes of the 19 May Summit of the League of Arab States closely, taking note that many of the adopted resolutions highlighted issues of mutual interest, as well as our ongoing cooperation in numerous areas.

    We welcome, among others, the Summit’s resolution [824] on developments in Libya. This is a demonstration of the League’s engagement on this issue, including as a member of the Libya Quartet along with the UN.

    We commend, in particular, the League’s expression of support for ongoing UN efforts to find a political solution for Libya.

    In the coming weeks and months, the international community will need to remain united behind elections in Libya by the end of 2023.

    Libyans want to elect their leaders, restore legitimacy to their institutions and end the cycle of endless political transitions. They have already had to wait too long to do so.

    Regarding Syria, we take note of Arab meetings in Amman and Jeddah, and the resolution adopted at the Jeddah Summit, which reflected the importance of Security Council resolution 2254 (2015), the only internationally agreed roadmap to resolve the Syrian conflict.

    If the renewed regional attention on Syria is translated into action, we could see momentum build towards a negotiated political settlement of the conflict.

    Addressing the fate of the detained, the disappeared and the missing is essential to move closer towards sustainable peace.  We call on all parties to take meaningful steps to this end.  We urge Member States to support the establishment of an institution dedicated to the missing.

    Regarding refugees, protection concerns need to be addressed more visibly, transparently and systematically.

    We will continue to work with all, as the United Nations facilitates a Syrian-led, Syrian-owned political process.

    We cannot do this alone. We need the support of all key actors, in particular the Member States of the League.

    Mr. President,

    The Arab region faces a range of urgent challenges related to peace and security, development, and climate change.

    But the region also possesses immense potential, particularly in its young men and women. 60 percent of the population is under 30 years old.

    Together, we continue to encourage Member States to engage with and invest in Arab youth. That is not only the right thing to do; it is also the sensible thing to do for the region’s future.

    Earlier this year, we supported the League in the development of an Arab regional youth, peace and security strategy.

    This involved a consultative process that enabled the voices of over 300 young people from 13 countries to be heard, achieving a level of outreach and public engagement unimaginable not so long ago.

    We are now looking at ways the UN can support the implementation of this strategy.

    We encourage the League’s Member States to use it to guide regional, subregional and national implementation of Security Council resolution 2250 (2015) and other relevant aspects of the Youth, Peace and Security agenda.

    As highlighted in the Secretary-General’s report, we also continue supporting, through the UN Liaison Office and in close cooperation with UN Women, the League’s efforts to implement Security Council resolution 1325 (2000) as well as the Arab Women Mediators Network and the Action Plan for Women Peace and Security in the Arab region.

    Mr. President,

    These are but a few examples of how our ongoing cooperation deepens and expands to address new and emerging priorities, including through the UN Liaison Office to the League of Arab States.

    The Office continues to strengthen our communication and cooperation, while facilitating regular contacts between UN Special Envoys and the League. 

    And, as always, we stand ready to work closely together with the League on various mediation efforts in the region, through joint, coordinated and focused action. 

    Next year, we will organize our sixteenth United Nations – League of Arab States General Cooperation Meeting to review our biennial framework, take stock of our accomplishments and open new avenues for cooperation.

    This meeting will bring together all the departments, agencies, funds and programmes of our two systems, acknowledging the significance of the peace-humanitarian-development nexus.

    We are committed to meeting our common challenges – and seize the opportunities before us – in the Arab world and beyond.

    Together, we can achieve what neither organization could achieve on its own.

    Thank you.


  • 8 июн 2023

    Jowhar – Kicking off her initial round of meetings with the leaders of Somalia’s Federal Member States, the new top United Nations official in the country visited...

  • 8 июн 2023

    The UN’s top official in Ukraine reassured the country’s Foreign Minister on Thursday that the Organization has been working to provide support and aid to civilians affected by the destruction of the Kakhovka Dam since the first hours of the disaster.

  • 8 июн 2023

    From settling the conflict in Sudan to realizing a two-State solution in Israel and Palestine, cooperation with the League of Arab States is key to stabilizing the region, Rosemary DiCarlo, Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, told the Security Council on Thursday.

  • 8 июн 2023

    During their nearly four-year reign of terror in Iraq, ISIL extremists developed at least eight chemical agents, tested them on humans, and carried out at least 13 attacks, UN experts reported on Thursday. 

  • 8 июн 2023

    New York, 8 June 2023

    The ocean is the foundation of life.

    It supplies the air we breathe and food we eat.

    It regulates our climate and weather.

    The ocean is our planet’s greatest reservoir of biodiversity.

    Its resources sustain communities, prosperity and human...

  • 7 июн 2023

    UNSMIL takes note of the outcome of the work of the 6+6 HoR-HCS Committee which met in Bouzniqa, Kingdom of Morocco, from 22 May to 6 June 2023 to develop draft electoral laws for...

  • 7 июн 2023
    UN and partners review former combatant's projects in the southwest of Colombia.


  • 6 июн 2023

    DPPA’s Strategic Plan is accompanied by a Results Framework to assist in the monitoring and evaluation of the Department’s performance in the period 2023-2026. The Results Framework not only allows tracking of results but also supports horizontal coherent planning across all DPPA divisions. It articulates the core work of the Department in 21 Outcomes. The Department will report on a six-monthly basis against the 51 quantitative indicators of the Framework. These indicators monitor the performance of the Department vis-à-vis targets which will be updated on a yearly basis.

  • 6 июн 2023

    On 7 June, the AU Youth Envoy, Chido Cleopatra Mpemba, participated in an Ambassadorial-level meeting of the UN Peacebuilding Commission on the Youth,...

  • 6 июн 2023
  • 6 июн 2023
  • 6 июн 2023

    The Special Representative and Head of UNOCA, Abdou Abarry, noted that the support of Security Council members was "precious" to guarantee peace and stability during upcoming major...

  • 6 июн 2023

    Five countries have been elected as non-permanent members of the UN Security Council following a vote in the General Assembly on Tuesday. 

  • 6 июн 2023

    Tens of thousands of civilians in Ukraine are in danger on the frontline, after the apparent destruction of a huge dam on Tuesday, which the UN chief described as a “monumental humanitarian, economic and environmental catastrophe” resulting directly from Russia’s invasion of the country. 

  • 6 июн 2023

    Thousands of civilians in Ukraine are in danger on the frontline, after the apparent destruction of a huge dam whose reservoir is used to cool the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant (ZNPP), UN humanitarians said on Tuesday.

  • 6 июн 2023

    DUSHANBE, Tajikistan

    On 5 June 2023, in Dushanbe (Tajikistan), UNRCCA organized a thematic workshop on “Hydropower and Gender...