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Reports and Policy Documents


  • 6 июн 2023

    DUSHANBE, Tajikistan

    On 5 June 2023, in Dushanbe (Tajikistan), UNRCCA organized a thematic workshop on “Hydropower and Gender...

  • 5 июн 2023
    Former combatants of the Mesetas TATR receive land in Acacías, Meta. 

  • 5 июн 2023

    This is the second time that Mr. Abarry will brief the UN Security Council since taking office in September 2022. His first briefing took place 8 December 2022. UN...

  • 5 июн 2023

    Despite critical gains by Central African nations in advancing stability and cooperation, the region faces multiple crises, and the coming months mark “an important turning point”, the top UN official there told the Security Council on Monday.

  • 4 июн 2023

    A staggering 315,000 grave violations against children in conflict took place between 2005 and 2022, said UN Children’s Fund UNICEF on Monday, describing it as a “stark illustration of the devastating impact of war” on the young.

  • 3 июн 2023

    Dhusamareb – Efforts by the United Nations in Somalia to better serve the people of Galmudug took another step forward today with the groundbreaking ceremony for the...

  • 3 июн 2023

    As delivered 

    Mr. President, ministers, senior government officials, colleagues from the UN – what a great day today is!

    It has been such a long road to get to this...

  • 3 июн 2023

    As delivered 

    Mr. President, ministers, senior government officials, colleagues from the UN – what a great day today is!

    It has been such a long road to get to this...

  • 3 июн 2023

    Kourou/Koualou, a tiny village in a neutral zone straddling Benin and Burkina Faso, was the centre of a one-million-litre-a-year cross-border illicit fuel trade, a snapshot of a phenomenon that spreads far across the 6,000-kilometre-wide African Sahel region.

  • 3 июн 2023
  • 3 июн 2023

    Dakar, Saturday 03 June 2023 - The United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), deplores the loss of human lives following the violence that has erupted since Thursday in Dakar,...

  • 2 июн 2023
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 

    Security Council

    Pedersen: “It is vital that the recent diplomatic moves are matched with real action”

    Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Syria Geir O. Pedersen briefed the Security Council on 30 May. He reported that the past month has seen diplomatic activity in the region quicken, welcoming intensified regional consultations on Syria. He said that these moves must be matched with real action, as the Syrian people continue to suffer on a massive scale and yet seen any improvement in the reality of their lives.

    Read his full remarks here

    Under-Secretary-General DiCarlo calls for unity and action in the Security Council to slow the negative trajectory on the Korean Peninsula

    In her briefing to the Security Council on 2 June, Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs Rosemary DiCarlo reported on the recent satellite launch using ballistic missile technology by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. She conveyed the Secretary-General's strong condemnation of the launch and call to swiftly resume dialogue to achieve the goal of sustainable peace and the complete and verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula. “Key peace and security issues, such as the situation on the Korean Peninsula, must be an area for cooperation,” she said, noting that the lack of unity and action in the Security Council does little to slow the negative trajectory on the Korean Peninsula. 

    Read her full remarks here

    Security Council extends UNAMI mandate for one year

    On 30 May, the Security Council renewed the mandate of the UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), adopting resolution 2682 (2023) unanimously. By the terms of that text, the Council requested that the Secretary–General’s Special Representative for Iraq and UNAMI prioritize the provision of advice, support, and assistance to the Government and people of Iraq on advancing inclusive, political dialogue and national and community-level reconciliation. It also requested that they advise and assist the Government in strengthening electoral preparation and processes to ensure free and fair elections.

    Council renews authorization to inspect vessels suspected of violating Libya arms embargo

    On 1 June, the Security Council adopted resolution 2684 (2023), renewing for one-year measures authorizing Member States to inspect vessels on the high seas off Libya’s coast believed to be in violation of the arms embargo imposed on that country. The resolution was adopted by a vote of 14 in favour to none against, with the Russian Federation abstaining. 

    2022 Repertoire of the Practice of the Security Council is now online

    On 31 May, DPPA’s Security Council Assistance Division released the latest Repertoire of the Practice of the Security Council, which lays out the Council decisions and discussions relating to its functions and powers based on Articles 24, 25, and 26 of the Charter that took place in 2022.

    Learn more here


    Former combatants of the Mesetas TATR receive land in Acacías, Meta

    On 1 June, The UN Verification Mission in Colombia accompanied the official handover of land in the municipality of Acacías. "This is a significant moment of fulfillment of the Peace Agreement in its integral aspect; not only is it in compliance with the social and economic reintegration, but it is also a sign of progress in rural reform and integral security for the communities and the former combatants," said Alessandro Preti, director of reintegration of the Verification Mission. Former combatants from the Former Territorial Training and Reincorporation Area - TATR Buenavista, located in the municipality of Mesetas, Meta department, received the land that would help their reintegration process from the government of President Gustavo Petro. "On this land, we will be able to develop our productive projects and family life; we will not be afraid that they are going to force us to leave, the president made a promise, and he kept it,” said the leader of the TATR of Mesetas, Yulis Cabana.


    UN and partners review former combatants' projects in southwest Colombia

    On 30 May, the UN Verification Mission visited, together with national and local entities as well as with WeEffect, productive projects led by COOAGROPAZ, a cooperative in which more than 830 former combatants, victims of the conflict and peasant population jointly work with communities in the department of Huila. Initiatives such as plantain, banana, beans, seasonal crops and livestock projects reflect the continued commitment to building peace despite security risks in these areas.

    Central Asia

    UNRCCA Preventive Diplomacy Academy discusses “Diplomacy for Peace” training session

    On 30 May, the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA) organized a training session for the 45 graduates of the UNRCCA Preventive Diplomacy Academy on the topic “Diplomacy for Peace.” The training session was devoted to the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations Special Political Missions, and raised awareness of the role and impact of special political missions in conflict prevention, peacebuilding and peacemaking, as a vital part of the United Nations diplomacy for peace.

    Read more here



    Wronecka engages with Lebanese youth

    This week, Special Coordinator of the Secretary-General Joanna Wronecka met with two groups of students as part of her commitment to promote the participation of Lebanese youth. On 28 May, the Special Coordinator was the keynote speaker at the opening of a two-day Model United Nations, participated by more than 350 high-school students from across Lebanon at the Brumana High School. Students shared their views about the future and their enthusiasm for career paths that would enable them to play a constructive role in rebuilding their country. On 31 May, the Special Coordinator discussed the role of the UN in Lebanon with a group of students from the Lebanese University faculty of law and political sciences in Sidon, south Lebanon. The debate covered some of the political challenges facing Lebanon, the opportunities that are available for steering the country towards a path of recovery and the balance between international support and national ownership.  


    Government of Iraq and UN convene meeting on the Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework

    On 28 May, the first Joint Steering Committee meeting of the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework 2020-2024 (UNSDCF) took place at the Iraq Ministry of Planning. It brought together more than 30 UN and senior government officials to discuss the progress of the UNSDCF and foster close collaboration for the remaining two years of UNSDCF. Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator Ghulam Isaczai of the UN Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) emphasized that the Joint Steering Committee serves as the “high-level accountability forum” for the Cooperation Framework.

    Learn more here

    UNAMI roundtable focuses on challenges faced by defense lawyers in Iraq

    UNAMI’s Human Rights Office held on 1 June a roundtable discussion with the Iraqi Bar Association. Participants, 25 lawyers from the Bar Association and civil society representatives, discussed key challenges faced by court-appointed defence lawyers as well as solutions and possible best practices, including how to enhance international human rights standards and norms from the moment of arrest and throughout the investigation and trial hearings. The roundtable also provided an overview of the UN report,"Human Rights in the Administration of Justice in Iraq: Trials under the anti‐terrorism laws and implications for justice, accountability and social cohesion in the aftermath of ISIL". 

    UNAMI holds meetings on political and economic issues affecting Kurdish women

    On 23 May, members of the Women Advisory Group (WAG)–Kurdistan Region met in Erbil to discuss current and emerging political, economic and security issues that affect Kurdish women. UNAMI Senior Gender Advisor Idah Muema facilitated the discussion.

    Learn more here

    UNAMI’s Office of Electoral Assistance holds workshops with civil society on election monitoring, evaluation and participation 

    From 28-29 May, the UNAMI Office of Electoral Assistance, with operational support from UNOPS, held a workshop in Baghdad for civil society organizations on the fundamentals of monitoring and evaluation. Participants discussed the main concepts of the results-based management system, monitoring and evaluation tool, and exchanged practical knowledge on improving the system in the context of electoral support activities. 

    From 30-31 May, the Office organized a workshop in Sulaymania with civil society to review measures to enhance electoral participation in the Kurdistan Region. The workshop focused on the importance of election integrity and the collective responsibility of all stakeholders in ensuring that elections are fair, credible and transparent. 

    From 29-30 May, the Office held a workshop with representatives of civil society organizations (CSOs) and 20 participants from Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) headquarters and governorate offices of Ninewa, Kirkuk and Salahadin. The workshop aimed to enhance coordination between IHEC and CSOs, as well as to promote effective voter education, civic awareness, increase voter turnout, and combat electoral misinformation. 

    African Union

    UNOAU participates in meeting on Sudan conflict

    On 31 May, the UN Office to the Africa Union (UNOAU) participated in the third meeting of the Expanded Mechanism for the Resolution of the Conflict in Sudan convened in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. UNOAU Deputy Head of Office/Director of Political Affairs Gerald Mitchell, representing the Special Representative to the AU and Head of UNOAU Parfait Onanga-Anyanga, noted the importance of the forum and joining all the multilateral, regional, and international actors, as well as the neighbouring countries for a unified approach towards peace and stability in Sudan.

    Read more here

    Next Week



    On 5 June, the Security Council will discuss Central Africa/the Lord’s Resistance Army. On 8 June, it will hold a briefing on cooperation between the UN and the League of Arab States.

    On 7 June, the Peacebuilding Commission will convene an ambassadorial-level meeting on regional efforts towards the mainstreaming of the Youth, Peace and Security Agenda, building on the Commission’s Strategic Action Plan on Youth and Peacebuilding. The meeting will emphasize the role of regional actors and organizations. UN Youth Envoy Jayathma Wickramanayake, AU Youth Envoy Chido Mpemba, Assistant Secretary-General and Head of the International Political Affairs Sector of the League of Arab States Khaled Mohamed Almanzlawi, as well as a young peacebuilder, are expected to brief.


    Subscribe to This Week in DPPA here

    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org


  • 2 июн 2023

    From 30 May to 2 June, UNOAU participated in the 2nd AU workshop on the review of the AU Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development (PCRD) policy in Cairo, Egypt. Participants included officials from the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Africa Development Bank (AfDB) and the AU Commission (AUC), represented by the AU Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security (PAPS), Ambassador Bankole Adeoye, and the AU High Representative for...

  • 2 июн 2023




    New York, 2 June 2023

    Madam President,

    At 6:37 am local time on 31 May, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) launched what it described as a military reconnaissance satellite from the Sohae Satellite Launching Station. 

    The rocket crashed off the Korean Peninsula’s western coast after losing thrust following the separation of its first and second stages.  

    The DPRK attributed the failure of the launch to the low reliability of an unspecified “new-type engine system and fuel.” Official media said the country would conduct a second launch as soon as possible. 

    On 30 May, the DPRK sent a pre-launch notification to the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Other international organisations, including the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), and the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) were not notified. 

    Madam President,

    As the DPRK affirms, it is the right of a sovereign state to launch a satellite and to benefit from space activities. However, Council resolutions expressly prohibit the DPRK from conducting any launches using ballistic missile technology.

    On 30 May, the Secretary-General strongly condemned the DPRK’s satellite launch using ballistic missile technology. 

    He called on the DPRK to refrain from conducting further satellite launches using such technology and to swiftly resume dialogue to achieve the goal of sustainable peace and the complete and verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

    Madam President,

    The last time the DPRK conducted a similar launch was on 7 February 2016.  In its resolution 2270 (2016), the Security Council condemned that launch, in which ballistic missile technology was used, in violation of relevant resolutions. 

    On 29 May, the Vice-Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Workers' Party of Korea justified the need for the DPRK to launch a military reconnaissance satellite as a response to ongoing military exercises in the region. 

    It should be recalled that developing a military reconnaissance satellite was part of the DPRK’s five-year military development plan.  That plan was unveiled during the 8th Party Congress in January 2021, well before the resumption of military exercises in the region. 

    In line with its five-year plan, the DPRK greatly increased its missile launch activities in 2022 and 2023, including more than 80 launches using ballistic missile technology. 

    Pyongyang characterised these launches as involving systems with nuclear weapon roles, including so-called “tactical” nuclear weapons. 

    Further, the DPRK has continued to make references to the possible use of nuclear weapons since our last briefing. 

    Separately, we have been following reports that illicit cyber activities attributed to DPRK-affiliated actors continue. 

    According to the final report of the Panel of Experts submitted pursuant to resolution 2627 (2022), DPRK-affiliated actors stole more in cryptocurrency in 2022 than ever before. 

    Madam President,

    Key peace and security issues, such as the situation on the Korean Peninsula, must be an area for cooperation. 

    We welcome the Security Council’s commitment, as expressed in resolution 2397 (2017), to a peaceful, comprehensive, diplomatic, and political solution to the situation on the Korean Peninsula. 

    Diplomacy – not isolation - is the only way forward. 

    However, the lack of unity and action in the Security Council does little to slow the negative trajectory on the Korean Peninsula.  The DPRK is unconstrained, and other parties are compelled to focus on military deterrence.

    Madam President,

    I would like to highlight once more our concerns regarding the humanitarian situation in the DPRK.  The United Nations is ready to assist the DPRK in addressing basic needs of vulnerable populations. 

    We welcome the return of diplomats from one Member State to Pyongyang on 27 March. 

    We reiterate our call on the DPRK to allow the unimpeded entry of international staff, including the United Nations Resident Coordinator, and of humanitarian supplies, to enable a timely and effective response.

    Let me close by stressing that the Secretary-General remains firmly committed to achieving the goal of a world free of nuclear weapons. 

    He welcomes the recent re-affirmation by the Republic of Korea of its commitment to its obligations under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.

    Thank you, Madam President.


  • 2 июн 2023
  • 2 июн 2023
  • 2 июн 2023
  • 2 июн 2023
  • 2 июн 2023
  • 2 июн 2023
  • 2 июн 2023
  • 2 июн 2023
  • 2 июн 2023
  • 2 июн 2023
  • 2 июн 2023
  • 2 июн 2023
  • 2 июн 2023
  • 2 июн 2023
  • 2 июн 2023
  • 2 июн 2023

    The “lack of unity and action” in the Security Council “does little to slow the negative trajectory on the Korean Peninsula”, Rosemary DiCarlo, Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, said on Friday, following Pyongyang’s failed military satellite launch earlier this week.

  • 2 июн 2023

    As the crisis in Sudan enters its second month, UN agencies and partners warned on Friday that the conflict between rival military groups since mid-April is fuelling an increasingly “desperate” situation for civilians, especially in the nation’s capital.

  • 2 июн 2023

    As the crisis in Sudan enters its second month, UN agencies and partners warned on Friday that the conflict between rival military groups since mid-April is fuelling an increasingly “desperate” situation for civilians, especially in the nation’s capital.

  • 2 июн 2023

    On 3 May, the UNRCCA Preventive Diplomacy Academy and the Delegation of the European Union to Turkmenistan conducted a hybrid training for youth activists from Central Asia and...

  • 1 июн 2023
  • 1 июн 2023
  • 1 июн 2023

    With Ukraine’s Children’s Day celebrations on Thursday marred by the death of a girl alongside other civilians in a Russian missile attack in the capital Kyiv, the UN’s top humanitarian official in the country, Denise Brown, said she was “shocked and saddened” by the incident.

  • 1 июн 2023

    Climate change | FAO...

  • 31 мая 2023
  • 31 мая 2023

    The CNMC is continuing its activities despite security concerns. Pillar emplacement process along the Cameroon-Nigeria border, and pillar construction in Lot 7 in the Beka region are...

  • 31 мая 2023
  • 31 мая 2023

    Mogadishu – Somalia’s economic potential has been under the spotlight for the past two days at a gathering of Somali government, international partners, local entrepreneurs and foreign...

  • 31 мая 2023

    ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan

    On 30 May 2023, UNRCCA organized a training session for the 45 graduates of the UNRCCA Preventive Diplomacy Academy on the topic “...

  • 31 мая 2023

    Effective governance of outer space is necessary to propel innovation and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), UN Secretary-General António Guterres said in a new policy brief published on Wednesday. 

  • 31 мая 2023

    Soaring debt levels compounded by high inflation and rising interest rates have dashed job-seekers’ hopes in developing countries, the International Labour Organization (ILO) warned on Wednesday.

  • 31 мая 2023

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres has strongly condemned the latest satellite launch by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), his spokesperson said in a statement on Wednesday. 

  • 30 мая 2023

    Mr. Leonardo Santos Simão took office as the new Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS...

  • 30 мая 2023
  • 30 мая 2023

    On May 31, the Expanded Mechanism for the Resolution of the Conflict in Sudan convened its third meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The...

  • 30 мая 2023

    UN delegation visits Sebha. © UNSMIL

    Sebha – Deputy Special Representative, Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator Georgette Gagnon led a UN inter-agency...

  • 30 мая 2023

    Action on the ground must match diplomacy’s steadily advancing gains towards ending the 12-year-old war in Syria, where violence is once again, killing a growing numbers of civilians, the top UN official in the country said on Tuesday.