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Reports and Policy Documents


  • 30 мая 2023

    Global warming’s devastating effects on the world’s sea ice, icebergs and glaciers – part of what is known as the cryosphere – need to be better understood and mitigated, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).

  • 30 мая 2023

    A total of 4.9 million people in Haiti – nearly half of the country's population – are experiencing high levels of acute food insecurity, according to a new UN-supported report.

  • 30 мая 2023

    Action on the ground must match diplomacy’s steadily advancing gains towards ending the 12-year-old war in Syria, where violence is once again, killing a growing numbers of civilians, the top UN official in the country said on Tuesday.

  • 30 мая 2023

    Racism is a global problem, and every country must take a stance against it, General Assembly President Csaba Kőrösi said on Monday, addressing the latest meeting of a UN platform to improve the safety and quality of life of people of African descent worldwide. 

  • 30 мая 2023

    A large group of UN-appointed independent human rights experts on Tuesday called on the Belarusian authorities to immediately release all those being held on “spurious charges”, simply for exercising their fundamental rights to peaceful assembly, association and expression, to be released without delay.

  • 30 мая 2023

    The head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on Tuesday urged the UN Security Council to unambiguously support five principles aimed at preventing a nuclear accident amid the war in Ukraine, now in its 15th month.

  • 29 мая 2023

    During a visit to Tokyo, the UN Special Envoy for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, met with the Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs, Kei Takagi, and other senior government officials. The discussions tackled ongoing efforts to support the parties in reaching an agreement on a nationwide ceasefire and the resumption of an inclusive, comprehensive political process under UN-auspices.Grundberg thanked Japan for its steadfast support of the...

  • 29 мая 2023

    Hunger is set to worsen in 18 “hotspots” worldwide including Sudan, where fighting is putting people at risk of starvation, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP) warned in a report published on Monday.

  • 29 мая 2023

    Since 1948, more than two million uniformed and civilian personnel have served at UN field missions across the world.  Their contributions are being highlighted on the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers, observed on Monday.

  • 28 мая 2023

    With deep concern, the Council strongly condemned the senseless and unjustified conflict between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), and demanded the warring parties to immediately...

  • 28 мая 2023
    Secretary-General's message on the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers [scroll down for French version]

    United Nations peacekeepers are the beating heart of our commitment to a more peaceful world...

  • 28 мая 2023

    New York, 29 May 2023

    United Nations peacekeepers are the beating heart of our commitment to a more peaceful world. For 75 years, they have supported people and communities rocked by conflict and upheaval across the globe.   

    Today, on the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers, we honour their extraordinary contributions to international peace and security.  

  • 28 мая 2023

    Every recipe has a story, from Pakistan’s signature chicken korma to kaldu kokot cooked on Indonesia’s Madura Island. The UN Human Rights Office (OHCHR) has set the table for an innovative campaign that brings seven recipes to life, tackling a wave of hate speech against migrants and refugees by serving up the rich diversity of food and culture they bring with them to Malaysia.

  • 28 мая 2023

    Fatoumatta Fatty’s commute on an old, malfunctioning wheelchair takes up to two hours during rainy season in The Gambia, but she is happy joining her co-workers at a sanitary pad production centre, where she takes pride in making products that help women overcome “period poverty” across the country.

  • 27 мая 2023

    Garowe  - Located in northern Somalia, Garowe is home to close to an estimated half a million residents.

    Of these, nearly 75,000 people are internally displaced due to climate change and conflict.


  • 27 мая 2023

    In the summer of 2022, 70 Gambian babies and young children died from kidney failure after ingesting cough syrup spooned out by their caregivers. The World Health Organization (WHO) issued a global alert that four tainted paediatric products had originated in India, as local health authorities continue to investigate how this tragedy unfolded.

  • 27 мая 2023

    The Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, concluded today a visit to China where he met Shen Bo and Sun Lei, Director-General and Deputy Director-...

  • 26 мая 2023
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 

    Security Council

    "The responsibility for the fighting rests with those who are waging it daily” in Sudan, SRSG Perthes tells Security Council  

    On 22 May, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Integrated Transition Assistance Mission in Sudan (UNITAMS) Volker Perthes briefed the Security Council. He reported that, despite repeated earlier declarations of ceasefires by both sides, that there had been no day without fighting. He called on both parties to end the fighting and to return to dialogue, in the interest of Sudan and its people. “I will also continue to engage the leadership of the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces, to ensure the protection of civilians and civilian infrastructure while pushing for an end to this war,” he said.

    Read his full remarks here

    Wennesland, briefing Council, says “all settlements are illegal under international law” and must stop 

    In his briefing on 24 May, Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Tor Wennesland reported that, while the ceasefire between Israel and the Palestinians is holding, conflict mitigation efforts must also be met with steps by both sides to reset a trajectory out of the cycle of violence. He reiterated that all settlements “are illegal under international law and that they are a substantial obstacle to peace and must stop.” He called on all parties to stop unilateral and inflammatory actions that undermine prospects for peace, and to address the acute financial and institutional challenges faced by the Palestinian Authority.

    Read his full remarks here

    Under-Secretary-General DiCarlo calls for increased support for African Union peace operations

    On 25 May, Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo briefed the Security Council on United Nations support for African Union peace operations. She told the Council that AU peace operations should be considered as part of the range of responses to crises in Africa, alongside established UN mechanisms. “The case for adequately financing AU-led peace support operations is beyond solid,” she said, seeking for the Security Council’ agreement to provide its backing, including allowing access to UN assessed contributions.

    Read her full remarks here


    UN Committee on Decolonization holds regional seminar in Indonesia

    The 2023 Pacific Regional Seminar on Decolonization opened on 24 May in Bali, Indonesia. The seminar is focused on advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Non-Self-Governing Territories. In a video message, Secretary-General António Guterres emphasized the importance of giving greater priority to the decolonization agenda and spurring accelerated action. Participating speakers stressed the need for more inclusive decision-making, cooperation and a greater United Nations role in decolonization to ensure the world’s remaining 17 Non-Self-Governing Territories are not left behind.   

    Read more here

    Central Africa

    55th UNSAC ministerial meeting focuses on climate change, refugees and hate speech 

    From 15 to 19 May, São Tomé and Príncipe hosted the 55th meeting of the United Nations Standing Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa (UNSAC). Santomean Prime Minister Patrice Emery Trovoada chaired the ministerial segment’s official opening ceremony. The Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) Commission, Mangaral Bante; the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Central Africa, Abdou Abarry; and the Congolese Minister of Foreign Affairs and outgoing President of the UNSAC Bureau, Jean-Claude Gakosso, also addressed the meeting. Discussions focused on the geopolitical and security situation, ongoing peace processes, cross-border crises, human rights, climate change and forced displacements, as well as the issue of refugees.

    Read more here


    UNOCA supports high-level conference on the advancement and empowerment of women

    From 25 to 27 May, Gabon hosted the Conference of Ministers in charge of Gender and the Advancement of Women of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS). The three-day event was organized by ECCAS and Gabon in partnership with the United Nations Regional Office for Central Africa (UNOCA), UN Women and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). At the opening ceremony, Special Representative Abdou Abarry said “I am pleased to see that undeniable progress has been made in this sub-region in terms of gender equality. UNOCA stands ready to support these efforts, in close coordination with UN Women, ECCAS and its Member States, in particular for the implementation of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) on Women, Peace and Security.”

    Read more here


    Marketing for peace initiatives in Guaviare 

    "A picture is worth a thousand words" was the central theme of the workshop on visual identity and the use of social media held on 19 and 20 May in the department of Guaviare and aimed at former combatants and their families involved in productive projects. Representatives of women's and youth associations talked about challenges in selling their products and services and the importance of taking advantage of social networks to promote projects that are committed to peace. The former combatants and the local community also enjoyed the virtual reality experience of the UN Verification Mission in Colombia #PathwaysColombia, about the stories of those who are building peace in the territory.


    Special Coordinator encourages Lebanese women's role in Lebanon’s economic revival

    This week, Special Coordinator of the Secretary-General Joanna Wronecka called for prioritizing support for women’s economic empowerment and addressing identified gender gaps to ensure a more sustainable economic recovery. Wronecka was a key-note speaker at a conference on women and the economy, which was organized by the Beirut-based NGO Women Leaders Association. The Special Coordinator identified existing structural challenges that prevented equal opportunities for women in the economic sector, and proposed opportunities for ensuring the inclusion and empowerment of women. 


    Special Coordinator underlines need for adherence to Resolution 1701 

    This week, in a round of meetings with senior Lebanese officials, Special Coordinator Joanna Wronecka underlined the importance of full adherence to Security Council Resolution 1701 for reinforcing security and stability in Lebanon and the region. The Special Coordinator relayed to caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati the UN’s concerns over military maneuvers that took place outside state control last Sunday, contrary to the requirements of Resolution 1701. With Lebanese Armed Forces Commander Gen. Joseph Aoun, the Special Coordinator emphasized the need to safeguard Lebanon’s security and stability, including by reinforcing state institutions, implementation of Resolution 1701 and compliance with human rights standards. The same issue was raised with Deputy Parliament Speaker Elias BouSaab.


    Mangrove Nursery Launched in Basra to Combat Climate Change

    On 22 May, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert participated in the launch event of a new mangrove nursery in Basra Governorate. In her remarks, she highlighted the adverse effects of climate change on Iraq and recognized the efforts of all those who have made the nursery project a reality, including the volunteers. The mangrove nursery is expected to help plant 5 million mangrove trees by 2028.

    Read more here


    DSRSG/RC/HC Isaczai meets with Kurdistan Regional Government Minister of Interior to discuss IDP support

    On 23 May, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq (DSRSG/RC/HC) Ghulam Mohammad Isaczai met in Erbil with Kurdistan Regional Government Minister of Interior Rêber Ahmed. They discussed UN support for finding durable solutions for Internally displaced persons (IDPs) and strengthening coordination between the UN and different sectors of the governments at national and regional levels to achieve this goal.


    UNAMI Human Rights Office holds workshops in Erbil

    The United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) Human Rights Office held two workshops in Erbil, Kurdistan Region this week. The first workshop held on 23 May brought together representatives from the High Council for Women and Development, the Directorate for Combating Violence against Women, as well as key stakeholders from the judiciary and the police. Participants identified gaps that hinder the successful prosecution of criminal violence against women and deliberated on strategies to enhance coordination efforts among all relevant entities with the aim of ensuring accountability for perpetrators of criminal violence against women.

    The second workshop, on 24 May, aimed at strengthening civil society engagement with the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. The event had 23 participants, including members and representatives of Iraq’s diverse religious and ethnic component groups and civil society. Participants gave presentations on a range of human rights concerns affecting component groups in Iraq, followed by group discussions. They identified key issues for inclusion in ‘shadow reports’ which Iraqi NGOs will have the opportunity to provide to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination as part of the Committee’s upcoming review of Iraq. These workshops are part of UNAMI’s ongoing efforts to promote and protect human rights in Iraq.


    UNAMI hosts outreach event with students from Cihan University

    As part of outreach with different stakeholders to explain the work of the United Nations in Iraq, the UNAMI Regional Office in Erbil hosted on 23 May a group of students from the International Relations Department of Cihan University (Erbil). The visit, organized by the UNAMI Public Information Office, aimed to provide the students with an overview of UNAMI's work in the Kurdistan Region and to hear their views and concerns.

    Learn more here

    Next Week

    The Security Council will discuss Syria on Tuesday, 30 May. The United Arab Emirates will take over the presidency for June.




    Subscribe to This Week in DPPA here

    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org

  • 26 мая 2023

    With hunger spreading worldwide and tobacco responsible for eight million deaths each year, countries should stop subsidizing tobacco crops and help farmers grow food, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Friday.

  • 26 мая 2023

    Allowing space for everyone to speak up, is critical for a free and fully functioning society said the UN human rights chief on Friday, warning that a safe environment online has never been more essential.

  • 26 мая 2023

    Humanitarians reached 5.4 million people in Ukraine with desperately needed aid by April this year, including cash assistance, food, health services, and medicines, the UN said on Friday.

  • 26 мая 2023

    The food security situation in Yemen’s government-controlled districts “slightly improved” during the first five months of this year, but acute malnutrition is on the rise, UN agencies warned in a new report released on Friday.

  • 26 мая 2023

    The United States’ National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicts “near-normal hurricane activity” in the Atlantic this coming storm season, said the UN weather agency on Friday, forecasting between five and nine major storms that could become hurricanes.

  • 26 мая 2023

    The UN convened the first ever global meeting with education ministers from around the world to explore risks and rewards of using chatbots in classrooms, announcing on Friday a new roadmap to chart a safer digital path for all.

  • 25 мая 2023

    The UN political affairs chief on Thursday appealed for the Security Council to ensure reliable funding for African Union (AU) efforts towards greater peace and security on the continent.

  • 25 мая 2023

    The UN and humanitarian partners are mobilizing to reach as many people as possible while the stuttering ceasefire between warring military factions is being respected, said the UN Spokesperson on Thursday.

  • 25 мая 2023

    The UN’s 87,000-plus peacekeepers worldwide are “a beacon of hope and protection” for vulnerable civilians, in an increasingly dangerous and uncertain world, the UN chief said on Thursday, recognizing that last year, another 102 ‘blue helmets’ fell in the line of duty.

  • 25 мая 2023

    One of the world’s most wanted genocide fugitives has been arrested after being on the run for more than two decades, the UN tribunal prosecuting war crimes committed in Rwanda announced on Thursday.

  • 25 мая 2023

    UN Special Representative, Pramila Patten, expressed her ‘deep concern’ on Thursday over increasing allegations of sexual violence against women and girls being carried out in camps for the internally displaced (IDPs) around Goma, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

  • 25 мая 2023

    The Conference of Ministers in charge of Gender and the Advancement of Women of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) began on 25 May...

  • 25 мая 2023

    We mark Africa Day at a time when cooperation and solidarity to advance the continent’s future is more needed than ever.

    Africa’s dynamism is unstoppable; its potential is...

  • 25 мая 2023





    New York, 25 May 2023


    Thank you, Madam President,

    ​I am grateful for the opportunity to brief the Security Council on United Nations support for African Union (AU) peace operations. 

    ​And I am very pleased to speak to you on Africa Day, alongside Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security of the African UnionCommission, Mr. Bankole. Today we mark the signing sixty years ago of the charter of the Organization of African Unity, the precursor of the AU. I salute the countries of Africa today for their growing unity and solidarity.  

    Madam President,

    ​Cooperation between the African Union and the United Nations has grown significantly since the signing of the 2017 Joint UN-AU Framework for Enhanced Partnership in Peace and Security. We have joined efforts and worked closely including in the Central African Republic, Somalia, South Sudan, and Sudan.

    ​We have addressed a range of peace and security issues: conflict prevention and conflict resolution initiatives, peacekeeping and peacebuilding, the climate emergency, and women,peace and security among others.  

    ​Recently, for example, the UN and the AU supported ECOWAS efforts to restore constitutional order in Mali, Burkina Faso and Guinea. Today, the UN, AU and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) are supporting efforts to bring peace and a civilian-led order to the Sudan.

    ​Over the last twenty years, the AU has shown its readiness to speedily deploy peace support operations in response to armed conflicts on the continent. With its missions in Burundi, the Central African Republic, the Comoros, Mali, Somalia, and the Sudan, the AU contributed to the maintenance of continental peace and security, in line with Chapter VIII of the UN Charter. 

    ​Those missions demonstrated significant political will and commitment, but they also faced some recurrent problems. Challenges included funding shortfalls and the absence of requisite operational and logistical capabilities, as well as force enablers and multipliers. 

    ​While the support the UN and other partners have provided has been useful and appreciated, it has also often been unpredictable.

    ​Perhaps the most novel form of cooperation between our two organizations has been UN support to AU peace enforcement missions in Somalia.  In 2007 the UN Security Council approved the AU Mission in Somalia (AMISOM).  In 2009 this Council mandated partial support from assessed contributions to ensure that AMISOM had sustainable and predictable support to carry out its mandate.

    ​AMISOM was instrumental in supporting Somali forces in their efforts to stabilize the country, and I would like to pay tribute to the fallen soldiers in AMISOM and in Somalia.  Last year, AMISOM became the AU Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS), with the objective of handing over security responsibilities to Somali Security Forces by the end of December 2024.

    Madam President,

    ​As we look at different parts of the continent, it is obvious that the need to put AU peace operations on solid footing is increasingly pressing. 

    ​The AU and the Regional Economic Communities and Mechanisms have in recent years scrambled to respond to the changing nature of conflict in Africa—from the Sahel to Somalia, from Mozambique to Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, among other situations. 

    ​Armed violence invariably and significantly harms civilian populations and often spills over across borders. In Africa and elsewhere, risinginsecurity is characterized by an increasing use of asymmetric tactics and sophistication of armed extremist groups and expanding influence of transnational organized crime. These connected phenomena require commensurate global approaches and responses. 

    ​The Sahel is particularly affected.  This is why, the Secretary-General and the Chairperson of the AU Commission jointly invited the former President of Niger, Mahamadou Issoufou, to lead an independent panel to assess the situation in the Sahel.  We anticipate its recommendations on responses to the region’s complex challenges this fall.

    Madam President,

    ​The imperative of providing predictable, flexible and sustainable financing for AU-ledpeace support operations is well known to this Council. In 2015, for example, the report of the Independent High-level Panel on Peace Operations, concluded that the lack of sustained, predictable and flexible funding mechanisms to support AU peace operations undermines their sustainability and effectiveness.

    ​Recognizing this common challenge, theSecurity Council expressed, in resolution 2378 (2017), its intention to further consider practical steps to establish a mechanism through which AUpeace operations could be partly financed through UN assessed contributions on a case-by-case basis.

    ​The Council has before it today a report of the Secretary-General with recommendations on securing such support for AU-led operationsmandated by the Security Council and an update on progress made since 2017. The report was prepared in collaboration with the AU, Member States and partners. 

    ​We are pleased to note that the AU, in close cooperation with the UN and other partners, has made significant progress to fulfil the commitments set out in Council resolutions 2320 (2016) and 2378 (2017).

    ​Most notably, the AU has worked to address the financial challenge of its operations, including by committing to increase its own financial contributions by revitalizing its AU Peace Fund. 

    ​The AU, in cooperation with the UN and the European Union, also moved to develop and operationalize a compliance framework to meet international human rights and humanitarian law obligations as well as conduct and disciplinestandards.

    Madam President

    ​AU peace operations should be considered as part of the range of responses to crises in Africa, alongside established UN mechanisms. 

    ​The report in front of you outlines a standardized consultative planning and mandating process, through which the UN, the AU and subregional configurations can assess together the required response to an emerging crisis.

    ​This process would reassure the Council that a given situation has been systematically assessed by all the relevant entities. It would thus help the Council decide whether assessed contributions can be accessed.

    ​The report presents the joint mission model and the support packages delivered by the UN as the two most practical options for ensuring the funding AU-led operations need, authorized on a case-by-case basis. 

    ​Madam President,

    ​The case for adequately financing AU-ledpeace support operations is beyond solid. We are therefore hopeful that the Security Council will agree to provide its backing, including allowing access to UN assessed contributions. 

    ​As the Secretary-General has stated, concrete action on this longstanding issue will address a critical gap in the international peace and security architecture and bolster the efforts of the African Union to tackle peace and security challenges on the continent.

    ​Thank you, Madam President.

  • 25 мая 2023
  • 24 мая 2023

    Excellencies, distinguished member of the 5+5 Joint Military Commission (JMC):

    First, I would like to warmly welcome...

  • 24 мая 2023

    The co-chairs of the Security Working Group of the Berlin Process International Follow-Up Committee at Rixos Al Nasr in Tripoli, Libya, on 24 May 2023.

    TRIPOLI – The...

  • 24 мая 2023
  • 24 мая 2023

    The UN’s Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has endorsed the addition of 18 new sites from around the world to its network of outstanding Geoparks, showcasing some of the most beautiful sites of natural beauty around the globe.

  • 24 мая 2023

    The robust growth that many African countries experienced before COVID-19 was lost to the pandemic, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Wednesday, highlighting the need to scale up efforts towards a single trade market on the continent. 

  • 24 мая 2023

    The UN’s top advocate on ending violence against children, joined UN agencies on Wednesday in highlighting the urgent need to protect the rights of young people on the move, amid spiralling crises worldwide.

  • 24 мая 2023

    Swift action is needed to prevent flare ups of Israeli-Palestinian violence and avert a looming food crisis, the top UN official in the Middle East told the Security Council on Wednesday.

  • 24 мая 2023

    A hundred and ninety-three countries have unanimously approved the creation of a global greenhouse gas monitoring mechanism, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) announced on Wednesday.

  • 24 мая 2023

    With “crisis atop of crisis” threatening millions in the Horn of Africa, the international community cannot afford to stand idly by, Secretary-General António Guterres said at a pledging event to raise $7 billion for the region, held at UN Headquarters in New York on Wednesday. 

  • 24 мая 2023

    New ideas must open fresh pathways towards finally ending the era of colonialism and to help advance sustainable development in the world’s 17 remaining colonies, the UN chief said in a video message to the Organization’s decolonization seminar in Bali, Indonesia

  • 24 мая 2023

    The “senseless” fighting in Sudan must stop now, and the warring generals have to insist on zero tolerance for sexual violence among their troops, the UN rights chief said on Wednesday.

  • 23 мая 2023

    TRIPOLI – 22 May 2023 – More than 100 members of civil society organizations and the Arab Network of Electoral Management Bodies participated...

  • 23 мая 2023
  • 23 мая 2023

    As a clearer picture emerges of the trail of destruction left by Cyclone Mocha in Myanmar and Bangladesh, humanitarians are continuing to provide life-saving assistance, and the need for an urgent increase in funding.

  • 23 мая 2023

    Despite going into reverse on more than 30 per cent of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it’s not too late to “turn the tide” said the Secretary-General on Tuesday, who told Member States that the UN was “determined to do just that.” 

  • 23 мая 2023

    More than one in four patients screened in violence-afflicted Gaza at UN-run health centres, require mental health and psychosocial support, the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) said on Tuesday, publishing its annual overview.

  • 23 мая 2023

    Following widespread diversion of lifesaving food aid in Ethiopia last month, the World Food Programme (WFP) has strengthened safeguards and controls in a bid to prevent further misuse, the UN agency said on Tuesday.