
Reports and Policy Documents


  • 23 4月 2024

    For over 75 years, the United Nations special political missions have been promoting peace, preventing violence and working to end conflicts. We joined these efforts in 2007, by the initiatives of the five Central Asian states, when the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia opened its doors in Ashgabat with the mission to liaise with the Governments of the region on issues relevant to preventive diplomacy.

  • 23 4月 2024

    Disturbing reports continue to emerge about mass graves in Gaza in which Palestinian victims were reportedly found stripped naked with their hands tied, prompting renewed concerns about possible war crimes amid ongoing Israeli airstrikes, the UN human rights office, OHCHR, said on Tuesday.

  • 23 4月 2024

    The General Assembly on Tuesday debated veto power in the Security Council on the eve of the second anniversary of a special measure adopted to monitor its use, following on the heels of the United States vetoing Palestine’s bid last week for full UN membership.

  • 23 4月 2024

    The UN verified 3,688 cases of rape and other sexual violence committed in war in 2023, a “dramatic increase” of 50 per cent over the previous year, the Security Council heard on Tuesday. 

  • 23 4月 2024

    The UN acknowledges assurances from the South Sudanese government that the recent imposition of taxes on fuel and supply trucks does not apply to the Organization. Still, concerns remain regarding the delivery of humanitarian aid efforts in the region since some of the UN’s fuel and supply trucks are being held at many depots and the border. 

  • 23 4月 2024

    The head of the UN agency that assists Palestine refugees, UNRWA, on Tuesday reiterated that he welcomed the recommendations of a much-awaited report on its efforts to ensure neutrality and to respond to allegations of serious breaches when they arise. 

  • 23 4月 2024

    The opening of the exhibit “...

  • 22 4月 2024

    Meaningful action to prevent the use of explosive weapons in populated areas could reduce the number of child casualties in conflicts by nearly half, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said on Monday. 

  • 22 4月 2024

    UN chief António Guterres issued an appeal on Monday to “actively support” the UN agency for Palestinians, UNRWA, adding that he accepted the final findings of an independent probe into the organization, launched amid serious unconfirmed allegations of UNRWA collusion with Hamas fighters and as part of efforts to assess whether the agency was doing everything within its power to ensure neutrality.

  • 22 4月 2024

    UN chief António Guterres issued an appeal on Monday to “actively support” the UN agency for Palestinians, UNRWA, adding that he accepted the final findings of an independent probe into the organisation, launched amid serious unconfirmed allegations of UNRWA collusion with Hamas fighters and as part of efforts to assess whether the agency was doing everything within its power to ensure neutrality.

  • 22 4月 2024

    The UN Middle East envoy has expressed concern about increased levels of violence in the West Bank, UN Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric told journalists in New York on Monday. 

  • 22 4月 2024

    As gang violence increases in Haiti, the international community must continue to stand in solidarity with the population, the UN Special Representative for the country told the Security Council on Monday.

  • 22 4月 2024

    Mogadishu – The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Somalia, Catriona Laing, is completing her assignment in May.

    “I have full confidence that Somalia will succeed and that the...

  • 20 4月 2024
    A brief roundup of United Nations-related political and peacebuilding events and developments globally.

    "It is high time to end the bloody cycle of retaliation" in the Middle East, Guterres tells Council

    On 18 April, Secretary-General António Guterres reiterated to Security Council members his “strong condemnation of the serious escalation” represented by Iran’s attack on Israel on 13 April, as well as his condemnation of the attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus earlier this month. “It is high time to end the bloody cycle of retaliation," he said. Guterres underscored that the international community must work together to pull the region back from the precipice by advancing comprehensive diplomatic action for regional de-escalation, starting with Gaza. “Ending the hostilities in Gaza would significantly defuse tensions across the region,” he stressed.

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    "Creating political space for youth to meaningfully engage in peace and security initiatives is key," DiCarlo tells Council

    On 17 April, Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo, briefing at a Council open debate on the role of young persons in addressing security challenges in the Mediterranean, said youth needed to be empowered to participate in decision-making that can affect their present and future (see our Politically Speaking story on youth and peace and security initiatives). In the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean, young people constituted 55 per cent of the population, she said, and recalled the wave of demonstrations – with youth at the forefront – that swept across the region in 2011. DiCarlo highlighted DPPA’s work in its special political missions, where it has deployed new technologies to organize digital consultations with youth. “Creating political space for youth to meaningfully engage in peace and security initiatives is key,” she said.

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    SRSG Bathily tells Council that the “selfish resolve” and “stubborn resistance” of current Libyan leaders must stop

    On 16 April, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Libya Abdoulaye Bathily told the Council that his recent dialogue with the five key stakeholders on contested issues regarding electoral laws and the formation of a unified government were met with “stubborn resistance, unreasonable expectations, and indifference to the interests of the Libyan people.” He underlined that “despite continuous and extensive engagement with the main institutional actors, their persistent positions are significantly impeding efforts to advance the political process. “The selfish resolve of current leaders to maintain the status quo through delaying tactics and maneuvers at the expense of the Libyan people must stop,” he stressed, adding: “More than ever, the renewed and coordinated commitment among regional and international actors is imperative.” Following his briefing, Bathily confirmed to reporters that he had submitted his resignation as Special Representative.

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    Ceasefire and roadmap for political process “best possible chance for achieving peace” in Yemen

    On 15 April, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen Hans Grundberg warned the Council that “In the absence of a ceasefire in Gaza and a complete termination of attacks in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, the threat of further escalation persists. The recent developments involving Iran and Israel further underscored the urgency of the matter, he said. While the conflicts in Yemen and the wider region have become interlinked, resolving the conflict in Yemen must not be contingent upon the resolution of other issues. “If we leave Yemen’s political process in the waiting room and continue down this path of escalation, the consequences could be catastrophic, not only for Yemen but also for the wider region,” he stressed.

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    UN Special Coordinator holds round of meetings in Lebanon

    This week, UN Special Coordinator Joanna Wronecka met with Lebanese officials and political leaders to stress the importance of safeguarding Lebanon’s security and stability at a time of growing regional uncertainty. With caretaker Minister of Interior Bassam Mawlawi (pictured), the Special Coordinator discussed the need for a return to the cessation of hostilities across the Blue Line. In separate meetings with Gebran Bassil, leader of the Free Patriotic Movement, and leader of the Lebanese Forces party Samir Geagea, Wronecka highlighted the need to end Lebanon’s prolonged presidential vacuum. She also discussed with Commander of the Lebanese Armed Forces Gen. Joseph Aoun the importance of adhering to Resolution 1701. She held similar discussions with the Acting Director of General Security Brig Gen. Elias Baissari.

    DSRSG Isaczai showcases past humanitarian work of UN Iraq

    Speaking at the 8th Sulaimani Forum on 18 April,  Deputy Special Representative for Iraq Ghulam Isaczai showcased UN humanitarian work in the country during the years of conflict. He also spoke about the transition from humanitarian to development and cooperation with the government towards the Sustainable Development Goals.

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    Peacebuilding Support Office partners visit South Sudan

    This week, DPPA's Peacebuilding Support Office organized a partner visit to South Sudan to highlight the impact of UN Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) supported initiatives. The delegation included representatives from Brazil, representing the Chairpersonship of the Peacebuilding Commission, contributing partners including Denmark, the European Union, Finland, Ireland, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, the United Kingdom, and two members of the PBF’s Advisory Group. Hosted by the Ministry of Peacebuilding, the participants met with the Minister of Peacebuilding, Minister of Governmental Affairs, the Upper Nile State Government, the UN Country Team, UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) and other strategic partners. Interactions with communities and civil society in Juba and Malakal, Upper Nile State, where PBF-supported efforts are being implemented, showcased the willingness of many people to move forward towards peace and reconcile, and the possibility of undertaking projects to build peace.

    Promoting the role of women in Great Lakes region peace processes

    The Office of the Special Envoy for the Great Lakes Region (OSESG-GL), in partnership with the African Union Office of the Special Envoy for Women, Peace and Security, convened a meeting in Nairobi on 17 April to promote the role of women in the ongoing peace processes in the Great Lakes (the Nairobi and Luanda processes). The meeting, chaired Special Envoy Huang Xia, brought together a select group of women leaders, civil society representatives, women rights groups activists and experts from Burundi, Democractic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda.

    Preventive Diplomacy Academy holds training on gender equality

    This week, the Preventive Diplomacy Academy of the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA) held its 6th hybrid training session in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. The training focused on gender equality. Presenters discussed issues such as the root causes of gender inequality, social norms, stereotypes, cultural factors, and the drivers of gender-based violence, as well as the role of men in promoting gender equality. The Academy highlights UNRCCA’s commitment to equip future leaders with the knowledge and tools needed to build a more inclusive and peaceful Central Asia.

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    For victims, peace signatories and police in Colombia, football is an act of reconciliation

    On 13 April, a soccer championship kicked off in the former Territorial Training and Reincorporation Area (TATR) Tierra Grata in Manaure, department of Cesar. Peace signatories, victims, police and nearby communities joined together to create 14 teams. The event uses soccer as a reconciliation activity to create bonds among children and young people from the Serranía del Perijá. The tournament is taking place in April and May with the backing of the UN Verification Mission in Colombia.


    Next Week

    On 22 April, the Security Council will hold a briefing on the UN Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH). On 23 April, there will be an open debate on Women, Peace and Security: Conflict related sexual violence sanctions. On 24 April, the Council will be briefed on the Great Lakes region. On 25 April, there will be a briefing on the Middle East.

    Starting on 22 April, a photo exhibit from the Office of the Special Envoy for the Great Lakes Region (OSESG-GL) entitled “The Great Lakes Region Through Your Lens" will be on show at UN Headquarters. Read more about the exhibit in Politically Speaking.

  • 19 4月 2024

    Under-Secretary-General Rosemary A. DiCarlo's

    Remarks to the Security Council on Sudan

    New York, 19 April 2024 


    Madam President,   

    Thank you for the opportunity to address the Council. It is crucial to keep the spotlight on the need to bring an immediate end to the war ravaging the Sudan and its people. 

    The conflict started just over a year ago when an outbreak of fighting between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces brutally interrupted the political transition.  

    Since then, the Sudanese people have endured unbearable suffering. Both parties have failed to protect civilians. Over 14,000 people have been killed and tens of thousands wounded.   

    My colleague from OCHA, Director Edem Worsornu, will expand on the humanitarian situation and needs, but I would like to cite just three appalling figures: half the country’s population - 25 million people - need lifesaving assistance, while more than 8.6 million people have been forced to flee their homes, including 1.8 million refugees.  

    Allegations of atrocities abound. There are reports of widespread use of sexual violence as a weapon of war; of the recruitment of children by parties to the conflict; and of extensive use of torture and prolonged arbitrary detention by both parties.   

    Thousands of homes, schools, hospitals, and other essential civilian infrastructure have been destroyed. The war has wrecked large swathes of the country’s productive sectors, crippling the economy. 

    Meanwhile, many media outlets and civil society organizations have been closed, while hundreds of human rights defenders and journalists have been forced to seek refuge abroad.  

    In short, this is a crisis of epic proportions. It is also wholly manmade.  

    The warring parties have ignored repeated calls to cease their hostilities, including from this Council. Instead, they have stepped up preparations for further fighting, with both the SAF and the RSF continuing their campaigns to recruit civilians.  

    The conflict started in Khartoum but has since engulfed large parts of the country. And it continues to spread.  

    In Darfur, recent reports indicate a possible imminent RSF attack on El Fasher, raising the specter of a new front in the conflict.  

    Already, clashes between the RSF and SAF-aligned members of the Joint Protection Forces have erupted in Mellit, a strategic town to the north of El Fasher.  

    Fighting in El Fasher could unleash bloody intercommunal strife throughout Darfur. It would also further impede the delivery of humanitarian assistance in an area already on the brink of famine.  

    Beyond Darfur, greater Khartoum continues to be the epicenter of fighting between the SAF and the RSF. Galvanized by recent gains, the SAF has intensified aerial raids in Khartoum, the Kordofan regions and parts of Darfur.  

    Since April, clashes between the SAF and the RSF also escalated in and around Gezira.  

    Madam President, 

    All warring parties must uphold their obligations under International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law and adhere to the Jeddah Declaration of Commitment to Protect the Civilians of Sudan.   

    I reiterate the Secretary-General’s call on all parties to exercise maximum restraint and avoid further bloodshed. 

    But if the parties have been able to sustain their confrontation, it is in no small part thanks to the material support they receive from outside the Sudan. These external actors continue to flout the sanctions regime imposed by the Council to support a political settlement, thereby fueling the conflict. This is illegal, it is immoral and it must stop. 

    At this critical moment, in addition to global support for aid, we need to redouble our efforts to achieve peace in the Sudan.  

    Over the past four months, the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General, Mr. Ramtane Lamamra, has tirelessly engaged with a broad variety of national, regional, and international stakeholders to promote the coordination of mediation initiatives.  

    Just yesterday, Mr. Lamamra briefed the African Union Peace and Security Council. Today, we look forward to hearing from the Chairperson of the African Union High Level Panel – Dr. Mohammad Chambas.   

    The United Nations stands ready to redouble efforts with our multilateral partners – including the African Union, Intergovernmental Authority for Development, the League of Arab States and key Member States and partners –to help bring about a durable cessation of hostilities and an inclusive and effective international mediation.  

    Madam President, 

    The Jeddah platform provides a promising vehicle for dialogue between the warring parties to achieve an agreement on a ceasefire and related transitional security arrangements.    

    We hope that it will be reconvened in the coming weeks.  

    A renewed push for peace also means continuing our work on Sudan’s democratic transition – by supporting and empowering civilians — including women’s rights groups and young people. 

    We salute the efforts of the African Union and the European Union to support Sudanese civilians in coordinating a common position on an inclusive political transition in the Sudan.  

    And we congratulate France, Germany, and the European Union for hosting the recent Paris Conference on Sudan and welcome its outcomes, including the overwhelming support for humanitarian efforts. The Conference emphasised the need for unity of purpose and action among peace initiatives on the Sudan. 

    To this end, the Secretary-General’s Personal Envoy has proposed the convening of an inclusive meeting to develop a comprehensive mediation and peace-making strategy. 

    Madam President, 

    We must build on the momentum of the Paris conference to boost our efforts to help end the fighting and return the Sudan to a path towards inclusive democracy and recovery.  

    This is a shared responsibility.  

    We must spare no effort in supporting the Sudanese people in their aspirations for a peaceful and secure future. 

    Thank you. 

  • 19 4月 2024

    The year 2023 marked a new beginning for the Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs with the launch of the Strategic Plan for 2023-2026. In the coming four years, DPPA will have a crucial role to play in helping shape how the UN adapts its work to this new global environment and in supporting the Secretary-General and the wider system to chart the path through this transition. This document was updated in March 2024.


  • 19 4月 2024

    Following reports of alleged Israeli strikes inside Iran near a nuclear power station early Friday, the UN Secretary-General António Guterres issued a new appeal to all parties to “stop the dangerous cycle of retaliation in the Middle East”.

  • 19 4月 2024

    The UN’s top human rights official on Friday raised alarm over the escalating violence in Myanmar’s Rakhine state between junta and opposition forces amid reports of the military regime forcing members of the minority Muslim Rohingya community to join their ranks.

  • 19 4月 2024

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine is “a stark reminder” of the challenges to multilateralism and remains the top priority of UN partner the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the Security Council heard on Friday. 

  • 19 4月 2024

    A new oral vaccine for cholera has been given the green light for manufacture by the UN health agency allowing for the massive scale-up of lifesaving immunisation in the world’s most vulnerable communities.

  • 19 4月 2024

    The year-long ongoing war in Sudan is “a crisis of epic proportions” and the world must rethink the way it supports the Sudanese people amid rampant atrocities against civilians and no end in sight, top UN and African Union officials warned the Security Council on Friday.

  • 18 4月 2024

    This reporting period covers the inaugural year of the Department’s Strategic Plan for 2023-2026, and demonstrates how DPPA was able to respond to new and protracted crises –together with our partners – amidst an ever more complex international peace and security environment. In 2023, the MYA secured $31.1 million, falling short of the $41 million target by 24 per cent. Despite strong ongoing support from our current and new donors, this deficit impacted the MYA portfolio.

  • 18 4月 2024

    ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan

    On 17 April, UNRCCA Preventive Diplomacy Academy (PDA) hosted a hybrid session, for the 2024 cohort participants from Central Asia...

  • 18 4月 2024

    UN human rights chief Volker Türk this week met survivors of massacres in eastern provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) who told him they are desperate for peace.

  • 18 4月 2024

    UN independent human rights experts on Thursday raised alarm over the “systematic destruction” of the Palestinian education system in the Gaza Strip, as Israel’s military operation continues unabated.

  • 18 4月 2024

    Recent escalations in the Middle East make it even more important to support efforts towards lasting peace between Israel and a fully independent, viable and sovereign Palestinian state, UN Secretary-General António Guterres told the Security Council on Thursday. 

  • 18 4月 2024

    UN human rights chief Volker Türk this week met survivors of massacres in eastern provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) who told him they are desperate for peace.

  • 17 4月 2024

    UN Special Coordinator Joanna Wronecka held a round of meetings with Lebanese officials and political leaders to stress the importance of safeguarding Lebanon’s...

  • 17 4月 2024



    “The role of young persons in addressing security challenges in the Mediterranean” 

    New York, 17 April 2024 


    Mister President,  

    I would like to thank Malta for convening this debate today.  

    In 2015, this Council adopted resolution 2250, which acknowledged the importance of youth in prevention and peacebuilding.  

    The resolution urged Member States to increase youth representation in decision-making processes at all levels.  

    As we approach the tenth anniversary of this groundbreaking text, today’s debate is a timely reminder that advancing meaningful youth participation must remain a priority for all of us. 

    The potential and opportunity for renewal that young people represent – as well as the vulnerabilities that can often affect them disproportionately – means that they must be part of the broader discussions shaping our societies.  

    Yet, so much more needs to be done to meet the aspirations of the region’s youth, including by empowering them to participate in the decisions that can affect both their present and their future. 

    Mister President,  

    Today’s discussion is focused on the Mediterranean region, and with good reason. 

    In the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean, young people constitute 55 per cent of the population.  

    We recall the wave of demonstrations that swept across the region in 2011. Youth were at the forefront of these movements, protesting disenfranchisement and the lack of economic opportunity and employment.  

    We also witnessed how violent and extremist networks exploited such grievances to lure young people into their ranks.  

    Young people also make up most of those embarking on the perilous crossing of the Mediterranean, fleeing conflict and poverty in search of a better life.  

    Mister President, 

    It is estimated that one out of four young people around the world is affected by violence or armed conflict.  The young, especially women, are more vulnerable to neglect, abuse, and exploitation. Young people are more likely to be recruited by armed groups when they have no other livelihood opportunities.  

    Additionally, estimates also suggests that more than 90% of all direct conflict deaths occur among young adult males.  

    Exposure to conflict at a young age creates well documented mental-health and psychosocial impacts that persist into adulthood.  

    These grim facts and figures are borne out in the unfolding calamity in one part of the Mediterranean. The 7 October attack on Israel by Hamas and the war in Gaza has destroyed many young lives.  

    Seventy per cent of the population in Gaza is under 30. Almost all have been exposed to unprecedented levels of trauma, violence, disease, and food insecurity. All schools across the Gaza Strip are closed, impacting more than 625,000 students. 

    Mister President, 

    The impact of war and violence on youth is well known. What is still not sufficiently recognized is the many ways young people – with their energy, innovative ideas and creativity - can make the search for peace more sustainable and effective.  

    We have witnessed this spirit of innovation in our special political missions where we have increasingly deployed new technologies to organize digital consultations with youth. From Libya to Lebanon, these dialogues have helped us better understand their views and aspirations, and to reflect them in our work. 

    Creating political space for youth to meaningfully engage in peace and security initiatives is key. For example, last September, our mission in Libya launched the “Training Future Leaders of Libya” initiative.  

    Thirty young Libyan women will develop their skills in human rights, as well as legislation and policies to promote women’s participation and to counter hate speech. In February, the programme brought these young women to the European Parliament, where they discussed the impact of conflict on youth. 

    Mister President,  

    Young people are inheriting a planet on fire. One statistic encapsulates our dire situation: last month was the hottest March ever recorded. The previous nine months also set records.  

    The Mediterranean is particularly vulnerable to climate change, warming at a rate 20 per cent faster than the global average. Massive floods, devastating storms and long droughts threaten livelihoods, health, water and food security across the region. 

    The World Bank predicts that up to 19 million people would become internal climate migrants in North Africa alone by 2050 without concrete climate action.  

    In addition to facing these risks, youth are also expected to be most vulnerable to climate change related health hazards due to prolonged exposure during their lifetime. 

    Youth continue to take on a leading role in influencing, advocating, and demanding greater political will and concrete action on climate change.  

    This has been clear in their strong messages at the various COP meetings. Young women are often at the forefront of these movements, advocating for a gender lens at all stages of policy and decision-making related to climate risks.  

    In Cyprus, for example, our Good Offices Mission has helped young people across the divide to unite around shared concerns over environmental sustainability and to prepare joint positions for COP28 last December. 

    Mister President,  

    As documented in the Secretary-General’s report on youth, peace and security, negative stereotypes of youth as agents of unrest and violence continue to contribute to their marginalization and stigmatization.  

    To strengthen the role of youth as positive agents of change, regional and multilateral actions are essential. 

    In his policy brief on A New Agenda for Peace, the Secretary-General strongly advocates for active youth participation in decision-making processes. The United Nations is intensifying its efforts in this regard.  

    UNDP’s flagship report on Human Mobility reminds us that by accessing training, education and economic opportunities in other societies, young people, especially women, can be agents of change by bringing new experiences, skills and wealth back to their home countries. 

    Further, my Department’s Youth, Peace and Security Strategy builds on the Youth Promotion Initiative of the Secretary-General’s Peacebuilding Fund. It remains the only international financing mechanism dedicated to the implementation of the agenda.  

    The Fund has invested $128 million (US dollars) in 97 projects in support of youth inclusion across more than 30 countries since 2016.  

    But we will need more adequate, predictable, and sustained funding to translate youth inclusion from a political commitment to tangible practice. 

    Regional organizations have a key role to play. In this regard, we welcome the League of Arab States recent endorsement of its first Youth, Peace and Security strategy.  

    I also commend the Union for the Mediterranean for its Youth 2030 Strategy and its efforts to support work opportunities for youth in the Southern Mediterranean.    

    Mister President,  

    Investing in youth is investing in peace.  

    The work of this Council is critical in this regard.  

    In his third report on the implementation of Resolution 2250, the Secretary-General noted that the number of young briefers to the Security Council had decreased in the past two years.  

    Meaningful youth engagement can start in this Chamber. I urge the Council to create more opportunities for young briefers and to continue to champion the youth, peace and security agenda, which is critical for the Mediterranean region and beyond.    

    Thank you, Mister President. 


  • 17 4月 2024

    The Commissioner-General of the UN relief agency for Palestine refugees (UNRWA) briefed the Security Council in New York on Wednesday as the humanitarian crisis in Gaza worsens, telling ambassadors that life-saving deliveries are being blocked by Israel as part of an "insidious campaign" to push it out of the Occupied Palestinian Territory. 

  • 17 4月 2024

    The Commissioner-General of the UN relief agency for Palestine refugees (UNRWA) briefed the Security Council in New York on Wednesday as the humanitarian crisis in Gaza worsens, telling ambassadors that life-saving deliveries are being blocked by Israel as part of an "insidious campaign" to push it out of the Occupied Palestinian Territory. 

  • 17 4月 2024

    UN and partner agencies insisted on Wednesday that “critical changes” are needed to improve aid access into Gaza, as they launched a $2.8 billion appeal to provide urgent assistance for millions of people in the devastated enclave, but also in the West Bank, where Palestinians have been targeted by increasing settler violence.

  • 17 4月 2024

    The UN’s top political and peacebuilding official on Wednesday emphasized the pivotal role of youth in shaping the future of societies, stressing the need to involve them in decision-making on issues ranging from conflict to climate change.

  • 17 4月 2024

    The Commissioner-General of the UN relief agency for Palestine refugees (UNRWA) briefed the Security Council in New York on Wednesday as the humanitarian crisis in Gaza worsens, telling ambassadors that life-saving deliveries are being blocked by Israel as part of an "insidious campaign" to push it out of the Occupied Palestinian Territory. 

  • 16 4月 2024

    Joint Communiqué: The United Nations-African Union Joint Task Force on Peace and Security Holds its Twenty Third Consultative Meeting


    New York, 16 April 2024 — The United Nations-African Union Joint Task Force on Peace and Security held its twenty third consultative meeting on 16 April, in New York.

    The meeting reviewed the status of the partnership between the United Nations (UN) and the African Union (AU), with an update on the implementation of the Joint UN-AU Framework for Enhanced Partnership in Peace and Security. In this context, the meeting discussed peace and security developments in the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Ethiopia, Libya, Mozambique, Somalia, the Sudan and South Sudan, as well as West Africa and the Sahel region. The meeting also discussed the way forward following the adoption of Security Council Resolution 2719 (2023) on financing of African Union-led peace support operations.

    The AU Commission and the UN Secretariat were represented by AU Commissioner Bankole Adeoye (Political Affairs, Peace and Security); and the Under-Secretaries-General Rosemary DiCarlo (Political and Peacebuilding Affairs), Jean-Pierre Lacroix (Peace Operations), Parfait Onanga-Anyanga (Special Representative of the Secretary-General to the African Union), and Assistant Secretaries-General Martha Pobee (Africa) and Lisa Buttenheim (Operational Support). The meeting was also attended by other senior officials from the two Organizations.

    The Joint Task Force took note of the considerable progress achieved in the UN-AU partnership, including with Regional Economic Communities and Mechanisms in Africa, together with international partners. These include sustained collaboration on support to AU peace support operations, early warning, prevention initiatives and coordinated support to national authorities for the conduct of timely, peaceful, and inclusive elections, as well as for the promotion and protection of human rights. The meeting discussed the need for sustainable financing of Security Council-mandated AU-led peace support operations.

    The meeting highlighted the challenges facing West Africa and the Sahel countries, including the persistent threat of terrorism, and the need for the international community to strengthen support for these countries to avoid spillover to other countries. The meeting discussed the revitalization of the Joint Sahel Assessment on Security, Governance, and Development and, in this regard, emphasized the importance of streamlining the security, humanitarian, and development requirements in every initiative by the international community in the region. The meeting also agreed that the adoption of Security Council resolution 2719 (2023) was a positive development in UN-AU support for the fight against terrorism through the provision of predictable and sustainable support to African Union-led peace support operations. The meeting agreed to hold technical-level discussions in Addis Ababa by 25 May, and a follow up meeting around 17-20 June if required, to agree on the next steps for the operationalization of this milestone resolution, including modalities for its implementation.

    Concerning the Central African Republic, the Joint Task Force commended the progress achieved in the advancement of the peace process, and welcomed the Central African Government’s continued ownership and commitment to pursue the implementation of the Political Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation in the Central African Republic, and the Joint Road Map for Peace in the Central African Republic of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region. The Joint Task Force, however, noted that these gains remain fragile, pointing to the deterioration of the security situation at the border areas and transhumance zones that continue to pose threats to civilians. To this end, the Joint Task Force reiterated the importance of concerted regional efforts to address the persistent insecurity in the Central African Republic. The Joint Task Force highlighted that the long awaited local elections provide an essential opportunity to strengthen local governance and decentralize the peace process, and called on regional and international partners’ support to this important process.  The meeting took note of the appointment of the new Special Representative of the Chairperson of the AU Commission and Head of the AU Mission for Central and Eastern Africa (MISAC), António Egídio de Sousa Santos, who has already assumed office.

    Regarding the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), the Joint Task Force expressed serious concerns over the continued deterioration of the security situation in eastern DRC and urged all armed groups to lay down weapons and disarm unconditionally. The Joint Task Force encouraged countries of the region to work towards peace and avoid any action that would undermine the stability, sovereignty and territorial integrity of their neighbours. The meeting commended efforts spearheaded by H.E. João Lourenço, President of Angola and African Union Champion for Peace and Reconciliation, for his efforts to de-escalate tensions and normalize relations between the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda under the Luanda roadmap. The Joint Task Force welcomed the deployment of the Southern African Development Community Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (SAMIDRC) and the endorsement, on 4 March, of the regional force by the African Union Peace and Security Council. The Joint Task Force agreed to continue working towards the harmonization and coordination of regional initiatives for peace and stability in eastern DRC.

    On Libya, the Joint Task Force expressed concern over the stalled political process and highlighted the importance of UN-AU cooperation in support of Libyan efforts to lead the country towards elections. Participants underscored the importance of a unified and coordinated approach by all international partners for the advancement of the political process in Libya. The meeting welcomed the African Union’s continued commitment to supporting the national reconciliation process in Libya, including through the organization of the National Reconciliation Conference, in collaboration with the Presidential Council, in order to uphold a rights-based approach to reconciliation that is rooted in the principles of transitional justice and includes all Libyans.

    The Joint Task Force welcomed progress in the implementation of the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement in Ethiopia. The meeting highlighted the importance of establishing inclusive dialogue processes to address insecurity and underscored the commitment of the AU and UN to accompany Ethiopia in building sustainable peace.

    Regarding Somalia, the meeting noted that cooperation between the AU and the UN in Somalia remains strong towards ensuring Somalia is better supported to advance its key national priorities, including the ongoing security transition. Participants expressed concern about the financial gaps of ATMIS, which need to be addressed by the international community. The meeting stressed the imperative for international partners to ensure a predictable and sustainable financing mechanism for any follow-on AU presence while equally investing in the capacities of the Somalia Security Forces to assume security responsibilities.

    Echoing Security Council Resolution 2724 (2024), the Joint Task Force called on the warring parties in the Sudan to ensure an immediate cessation of hostilities and to take genuine and concrete steps towards a sustainable resolution of the conflict through dialogue. The Joint Task Force called for continued efforts to enhance coordination of the existing diplomatic initiatives to put an end to the conflict and to restore a lasting, inclusive civilian-led democratic transition in the Sudan.

    Regarding South Sudan, the meeting exchanged on UN and AU respective discussions with South Sudanese stakeholders on the state of the transition and the progress towards the holding of the first elections since the independence of South Sudan, scheduled to take place this year. The meeting underlined the need to continue to work with international partners and regional actors including IGAD through the Trilateral Mechanisms to encourage South Sudanese stakeholders to overcome key obstacles on the various transitional processes; and accelerate preparatory work for the timely holding of peaceful and inclusive elections which will pave the way for the end of the transition as envisioned  in the 2018 Revitalised Agreement to the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan.

    The next statutory meeting of the Joint Task Force will be convened by both Organizations at a date to be mutually agreed.

  • 16 4月 2024

    Madame President,

    Since I invited the five key Libyan stakeholders for a dialogue to resolve all contested issues pertaining to the electoral laws and the formation of a unified government, I...

  • 16 4月 2024

    ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan

    On 15 April, the UNRCCA Preventive Diplomacy Academy (PDA) successfully concluded its 6th hybrid training session aimed on equipping the 2024...

  • 16 4月 2024

    Scaling up assistance in Gaza remains a challenge in the face of continued access denials, delays and other impediments, the head of the UN humanitarian affairs office (OCHA) in the occupied Palestinian territories said on Tuesday. 

  • 16 4月 2024

    Nearly 10,000 women have been killed in Gaza since war erupted six months ago and one child is injured or dies every 10 minutes, UN agencies warned on Tuesday, amid spiralling violence in the West Bank and concerns over a regional escalation of the conflict following Iran’s missile and drone strike on Israel. 

  • 16 4月 2024

    Efforts to foster dialogue and address the concerns of Libyan politicians are being met with “stubborn resistance, unreasonable expectations and indifference” on their part, contrary to the national interest, the UN envoy to the North African nation said on Tuesday.

  • 15 4月 2024

    Joint Communiqué: The United Nations-African Union Joint Task Force on Peace and Security Holds its Twenty-Third Consultative...

  • 15 4月 2024


    New York, 15 April 2024. The members of the Security Council reiterated their full and unanimous support for the peace process...

  • 15 4月 2024

    As UN chief António Guterres on Monday reiterated his appeal for “maximum restraint” in the Middle East following Iran’s drone and missile attack on Israel, independent human rights experts said that the alleged use of artificial intelligence on targets in Gaza by the Israeli military had taken an “unprecedented toll” on civilians, housing and services.

  • 15 4月 2024

    A full year of conflict in Sudan has already caused immense suffering and death but the situation could easily worsen with the news that the warring parties are arming civilians, UN rights chief Volker Türk said on Monday.

  • 15 4月 2024

    “The world is forgetting about the people of Sudan” the UN chief warned on Monday, calling for a boost in humanitarian funding and a global push for peace to end a year of brutal fighting between rival militaries.

  • 15 4月 2024

    As tensions worsen across the Middle East region, Yemen’s plight has become increasingly intertwined with wider geopolitical dynamics, the UN Special Envoy for the country said on Monday.

  • 15 4月 2024

    A recent spate of “reckless attacks” on the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) in Ukraine must end immediately, the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) told the UN Security Council on Monday.

  • 14 4月 2024

    The people of the Middle East are facing a real danger of a devastating full-scale conflict, António Guterres said on Sunday, urging “maximum restraint” across a region “on the brink”, hours after Iran launched attack drones and missiles against Israel overnight Saturday. 

  • 14 4月 2024

    Tripoli – More women must be included in economic decision making in Libya to accelerate economic progress and women's empowerment. 

    This was the conclusion of a panel discussion...

  • 13 4月 2024
    A brief roundup of United Nations-related political and peacebuilding events and developments globally.

    Escalation of Ukraine war is direct threat to regional stability and international security, warns ASG Jenča

    On 11 April, Assistant Secretary-General Miroslav Jenča told the Security Council that Russian attacks on Ukrainian cities and towns had become "a daily destructive pattern." These attacks included intense and systematic targeting of Ukrainian energy infrastructure across the country, he said, going on to note the increase in civilian casualties. According to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), since the war began, it has recorded 10,810 civilians killed, including 600 children, and 20,556 civilians injured of which 1,357 were children. “This is unacceptable,” Jenča stressed, emphasizing that attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure are prohibited under international law and must cease immediately.

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    Despite divisions, Colombia remains a model for conflict resolution, SRSG Massieu tells Council

    On 9 April, Special Representative and Head of the United Nations Verification Mission in Colombia Carlos Ruiz Massieu told the Council that “However difficult and demanding of patience, Colombia’s decision to prioritize dialogue as a principal means to resolve conflict sets the country apart as a model that is more relevant than ever in today’s world." He further underlined continuing efforts to advance the implementation of various aspects of the 2016 peace accord. “As the Security Council was able to observe firsthand during its recent visit, there is deep desire for peace in Colombia that extends from the highest levels of Government and State institutions, across civil society and to vulnerable communities in the regions still afflicted by conflict,” he said. However, transforming that aspiration into reality will require Colombians to overcome divisions across the political spectrum.

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    SRSG Imnadze participates in conference on advancing peace and building trust among countries

    On 11 April, Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) Kaha Imnadze took part in a conference entitled, “Advancing Peace: Implementing Strategies to build trust among countries." The meeting focused on the UN General Assembly resolution declaring 2025 as the “International Year of Peace and Trust”. SRSG Imnadze stressed that it was essential to get multilateralism back on a peaceful, diplomatic track, restore trust between countries and actively promote the resolution of existing conflicts by peaceful means. He also noted that Member States should reaffirm commitments to the principles of the UN Charter, in order for the international community to overcome global challenges.

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    UNOAU participates in 30th commemoration of the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda

    The International Day of Reflection on the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda was observed on 7 April, initiating the 100 days of "Kwibuka" (remembrance). Special Representative to the African Union and Head of the United Nations Office to the African Union (UNOAU) Parfait Onanga-Anyanga delivered remarks at a high-level event held at the African Union headquarters in Addis Ababa, organized by the AUC PAPS (African Union Commission Political Affairs, Peace and Security) in collaboration with the Embassy of Rwanda.

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    SRSG Hennis-Plasschaert meets with Prime Minister of Iraq

    On 7 April, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert met in Baghdad with Mohammed S. Al-Sudani, Prime Minister of the Republic of Iraq. During the meeting, they discussed the cooperation and relations between Iraq and the United Nations. 

    DSRSG Cordone briefs members of Council Informal Experts on WPS

    On 8 April, Deputy Special Representative to the Secretary-General for Political Affairs and Electoral Assistance Claudio Cordone briefed members of the Security Council Informal Experts Group on Women, Peace and Security on developments in Iraq. The meeting was attended by representatives from the UN Country Team and the Investigative Team to Promote Accountability for Crimes Committed by Da'esh/ISIL (UNITAD) in Iraq and relevant UN entities in New York. Participants discussed efforts to advance women’s political participation, legal protection, and opportunities to strengthen engagement with Iraq to promote women’s rights, including through the implementation of the second National Action Plan on Security Council resolution 1325.

    A day of remembrance and reconciliation in Colombia

    On 8 April, the UN Verification Mission in Colombia joined commemorative events for the National Day of Remembrance and Solidarity with the Victims of the Armed Conflict. From the capital, Bogotá, to departments including Antioquia, Arauca, Chocó, Meta and Huila, the Mission accompanied communities in their expressions of non-violence, underlining the importance of truth and reparation as fundamental pillars to advance towards national reconciliation. In this context, SRSG Carlos Ruiz Massieu stressed that the centrality of victims is a promise of the Agreement and a fundamental principle of its implementation.

    Next Week

    On 15 April, the Security Council will hold a briefing on Yemen. On 16 April, it will be briefed on UNSMIL and Libya sanctions. On 17 April, it will hold an open debate on "Maintenance of international peace and security: The role of young persons in addressing security challenges in the Mediterranean." Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo is scheduled to brief. On 18 April the Council will hold an open debate on the Middle East. On 19 April, there will be a briefing on Sudan, where the war is entering its second year.