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Reports and Policy Documents


  • 16 Oct 2019

    UN Statement as delivered by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNOAU, Ms. Hanna Tetteh at the African Union Peace and Security Council Meeting on the Situation in South Sudan. 

  • 15 Oct 2019

    New York, 15 October 2019 - The members of the Security Council reiterated their full and unanimous support for the peace process in Colombia.  They welcomed both parties’ continued affirmation of their commitment to its...

  • 15 Oct 2019

    Eighty-five people were killed and another 373 injured during attacks related to the recent presidential election in Afghanistan, a report by the UN Assistance Mission in the country, UNAMA, reveals.

  • 15 Oct 2019

    A recap of Tuesday’s stories: Millions of children undernourished and overweight says landmark report; Security Council marks transition after 15 years of ‘blue helmets’ in Haiti; violence continues ‘on both sides’ of Syria-Turkey border; UN human rights office raises concerns over deportation of Haitian migrants from the Bahamas; UN migration agency helps migrants in Algeria return to Niger; rural women celebrated on International Day.

  • 15 Oct 2019

    Although 15 years of UN peacekeeping in Haiti has drawn to a close, the Organization’s commitment to strengthening and stabilizing the country, will continue, the Security Council heard on Tuesday.

  • 15 Oct 2019

    Amid ongoing fighting in northern Syria and disturbing reports that extrajudicial killings have been streamed online, the United Nations and their partners are continuing to deliver humanitarian supplies to tens of thousands of people displaced by the violence, UN agencies stressed on Tuesday.

  • 15 Oct 2019

    After serving with the United Nations for forty years during a career spanning development and international cooperation, humanitarian coordination, conflict...

  • 15 Oct 2019

    KABUL - A special report released today by the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) describes the severe impact of election-related violence on civilians, mainly coming from the...

  • 14 Oct 2019

    A recap of Monday’s stories: UNICEF estimates some 70,000 children have been newly displaced in northeast Syria; UN chief sounds alarm on threat of ISIL amid fighting in Syria; Secretary-General welcomes start of Ecuador peace dialogue; Deadly Libya attacks 'blatant violation' of human rights; Food agencies reveal scale of global food waste problem. 

  • 14 Oct 2019

    The ongoing Turkish military incursion in northeast Syria could unintentionally lead to the release of scores of people associated with the terrorist group ISIL, the UN Secretary-General fears.

  • 14 Oct 2019

    Tripoli, 14 October 2019 - Once again, innocent children pay the ultimate price. An attack today ended, in the most horrible way, the lives of three innocent young girls of the same...

  • 14 Oct 2019

    Mr. Chairman, distinguished delegates,

    I have the honour to introduce on behalf of the Secretary-General the report on strengthening the role of the United Nations in enhancing the effectiveness of the principle of periodic and genuine elections and the promotion of democratization (A/74/785). In line with General Assembly resolution 72/164 of 19 December 2017, the report discusses developments in the field of elections and provides an update on the UN’s provision of electoral assistance to Member States.

    I am pleased to report that during the last two years, the United Nations has assisted, at their request or on the basis of a Security Council mandate, some 55 Member States in conducting elections. While the nature of the requests has varied, our support is mainly provided in the form of technical assistance or the strengthening of the capacity of national electoral authorities.

    Our response to Member States is a system-wide endeavour, which includes the Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, the Department of Peace Operations, the UN Missions on the ground, the Country Teams, the United Nations Development Programme, as well as other UN partners, among them: the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights; UN Women; UNESCO; and UNOPS.

    Let me highlight a few elements of the report.


    As the General Assembly designated UN system-wide focal point for electoral assistance, the Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs is responsible for ensuring system-wide coordination and coherence with the partners I mentioned earlier. Over the past two years we have continued to make progress in ensuring that United Nations electoral assistance delivers as one. We have, for example, continued to expand the system-wide internal policy framework.

    Beyond the UN system, I am also pleased to report progress made in strengthening our collaboration with regional organizations. We designed and implemented a number of activities in collaboration with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the secretariat of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), the League of Arab States (LAS), the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR), the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the Southern African Development Community (SADC). This included staff exchange programmes with some of these organizations. We have also engaged in new partnership activities with the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC).

    I reaffirm our commitment to continue our strong regional cooperation, which offers a platform to facilitate actions in the electoral field by United Nations and non-United Nations partners.


    During the reporting period, elections continued to be compelling and effective ways for citizens to participate in their countries’ political processes. In some case, however, Member States experienced tension or disputes around elections. As noted by the Secretary-General in his report, these experiences have reconfirmed that it is political leaders – from both government and opposition parties – who bear the overriding responsibility for successful elections. Both those who end up winning and those who are defeated face the choice of reaffirming public trust in their country’s political system or undermining belief in its legitimacy. Winning magnanimously entails: recognizing that a part of the electorate preferred another candidate or party; giving appropriate political space to such different views; and refraining from monopolizing a hold on State institutions or harassing opponents. Losing graciously after a credible process involves refraining from broad, potentially provocative comments about an “illegitimate” election without sufficient evidence.


    Mr. Chairman

    I wish to make few points on the question of women’s political participation and representation. Since 1997 the percentage of women in lower or single houses of parliament worldwide has almost doubled, increasing from 12.4 per cent to 24.3 per cent in 2019.

    That is encouraging, but still far short of the gender balance highlighted in the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, which will be reviewed, at its 25-year mark, in 2020. Clearly, more needs to be done, in both developing and developed countries, to improve the situation. Supporting the efforts of Member States in promoting women’s participation in political and electoral processes therefore remains one of the highest priorities of the Organization.

    The violence perpetrated against women in elections is of deep concern. It deprives women of exercising their right to participation and to live a life free from violence; hampers opportunities for their full and equal representation in decision-making; and thereby weakens democratic processes and institutions. We stand ready to support Member States, to understand these forms of violence and develop tools to prevent them.


    Mr. Chairman

    In his report, the Secretary-General notes that the influence of the Internet and social media in elections has raised complex issues for Member States. The paralyzing suspicion that any information or discourse can be or has been manipulated, leading to the erosion of trust, lies at the heart of the Internet’s challenge to democracy. Furthermore, the spread of hate speech through online platforms can have a damaging impact on an electoral process and be a trigger for violence. The response to these challenges is still evolving, as are opinions on how to best confront them. Member States may wish to focus on building the resilience of their societies to handle potentially false, emotive and incendiary online content, including by promoting critical thinking and digital literacy and supporting professional journalism. Particular attention should be focused on protecting those who are often the target of hate speech, such as women and vulnerable groups.


    Mr. Chairman, distinguished delegates

    I would like to conclude by recalling that the United Nations system stands ready to support Member States, at their request, in facing these and other challenges in conducting their elections. The strength of the system lies in its political impartiality and in the global expertise accumulated over several decades. It also lies in the fact that United Nations assistance is designed to be multipronged, drawing on the expertise of a range of diverse United Nations entities, while maintaining a cohesive, coordinated framework with a global focal point function and a strong focus on integration and delivering as one. These institutional arrangements have proved to be efficient. Furthermore, electoral assistance is designed to complement other UN activities, in particular, those in support of peaceful transitions, democratic governance, the rule of law, human rights and gender equality.

    We look forward to working together as we pursue these important goals.

    Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

  • 14 Oct 2019

    Mogadishu – On the second anniversary of the deadly October 14, 2017 suicide bombings in Somalia, the United Nations envoy to the country today remembered the victims of the attack and reaffirmed the world...

  • 14 Oct 2019

    KANDAHAR - Peace remains the top priority for Afghans, said religious scholars and other community leaders gathered at a UN-backed event in the southern province of Kandahar....

  • 13 Oct 2019

    UN chief António Guterres has strongly condemned Friday’s attack on a mosque in northern Burkina Faso, in a statement released on Saturday.

  • 13 Oct 2019


    Mogadishu – The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Somalia, James Swan, condemned today’s indirect fire attack on...

  • 13 Oct 2019

    KABUL - The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) is encouraged by the Afghan people who turned out to have their voices heard on 28 September and to exercise their constitutional right...

  • 12 Oct 2019
    Tenth Edition of the Regional Open Day on United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1325 (2000) and subsequent on Gender, Women, Youth, Peace and Security Women and youth call on...
  • 11 Oct 2019

    Amid violent street protests that have rocked Ecuador’s Government, fomenting a political crisis, the UN Secretary-General has voiced his concern, saying the Organization is standing by to help mediate if politicians can agree to sit down for talks.  

  • 11 Oct 2019


    5 - 11 October 2019

    This Week in DPPA aims to keep you abreast of political and peacebuilding events at UNHQ and the field.


    DPPA Chief in Middle East

    Under-Secretary-General DiCarlo visits Israel, Palestine, Jordan and Lebanon Rosemary DiCarlo, Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, visited the Middle East from 5 to 11 October to discuss current efforts by UN Missions, agencies, funds and programmes in the region with key counterparts and partners. She met with government official and civil society organizations in Israel and Palestine and visited the Office of the Special Coordinator for the
    Middle East Peace Process
    in Jerusalem. On Twitter, she reiterated that  “[t]he UN remains fully committed to the two-State solution.“ In Amman, Jordan, she met with Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi, among other officials. Ms. DiCarlo continued on to Lebanon, where she held talks with Prime Minister Saad Hariri and other government officials, and civil society organizations. She was accompanied during much of her visit by UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon. The Under-Secretary-General also visited UNIFIL in southern Lebanon.


    Security Council

    Guterres: “Prevention brings enormous rewards”
    In a Security Council session on the centrality of preventive diplomacy, conflict prevention and resolution in Africa held on 7 October, Secretary-General António Guterres said, “Conflict prevention is difficult to quantify and may not make news. But no news is good news for the people we serve. Prevention brings enormous rewards.”
    Read his full statement here

    Ruiz Massieu: Precious opportunity to end recurrent dynamics of violence in Colombia
    Carlos Ruiz Massieu, Special Representative and Head of the UN Verification Mission in Colombia, briefed the Security Council on the latest developments in the country on 10 October. “It is now more important than ever to support the women and men who remain resolutely committed to peace and to transforming their lives and those of their families and communities,” Mr. Ruiz Massieu said. “This a precious opportunity to put an end to the recurrent dynamics of violence in Colombia, “he concluded.
    Read his full statement here


    The same day, the Council held consultations on northern Syria following the latest developments in the region. Assistant Secretary-General Khaled Khiari briefed the Council in closed session. The Council also discussed the UN Integrated Peacebuilding Office in Guinea-Bissau (UNIOGBIS).   


    New York

    First high-level political consultations between DPPA and GCC
    Assistant Secretary-General Khaled Khiari co-chaired the first-ever high-level political consultations between DPPA and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) in New York on 8 October. The GCC delegation was led by its Assistant Secretary General for Political and Negotiation Affairs, Dr. Abdulaziz Hamad Al-Owaishek. They exchanged views on peace and security issues of mutual interest and agreed on strengthening cooperation through a joint action plan. Both sides attached importance to strengthening cooperation on conflict prevention and resolution. It was agreed that the GCC side would host the next annual high-level political consultations in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, in 2020.
    For more information, please contact DPPA


    Peacebuilding Commission contributing to World Bank Strategy
    The World Bank presented its forthcoming Fragility, Conflict and Violence Strategy 2020-2025 at a meeting of the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) in New York on 9 October. The meeting aimed to contribute to the finalization of the strategy and explore opportunities for greater collaboration and cooperation between the UN and the World Bank in peacebuilding and sustaining peace contexts. “The Fragility, Conflict and Violence strategy is an opportunity to explore joint efforts that align the PBC’s gender strategy with the World Bank’s own to close the gender gap in fragility, conflict and violence settings,” UN PBC Chair H.E. Guilermo Fernandez de Soto said while opening the meeting.
    For more information, please contact DPPA



    Afghanistan’s Youth Representative to the United Nations selected
    Aisha Khurram has been selected as Afghanistan’s Youth Representative to the United Nations for 2019, joining a group of other young people from across the globe to act as representatives for a new generation seeking to make their voices heard at the world body. The selection of Khurram as Afghanistan’s second Youth Representative to the UN follows a multi-stage process involving video and in-person interviews, as well as a debate that took place on 7 October 2019 in Kabul. Tadamichi Yamamoto, Special Representative for Afghanistan and Head of UNAMA, was among the judges.
    Read more on UNAMA’s Facebook page





    Central Asia

    First UNRCCA Preventive Diplomacy Academy held in Kazakhstan
    The United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia held the first session of its new initiative, the UNRCCA Preventive Diplomacy Academy, in Taraz in southern Kazakhstan from 7 - 9 October. SRSG and Head of UNRCCA Natalia Gherman, Mayor of the city of Taraz Kairat Dosayev and partner organizations opened the event. The workshop brought together 15 young people from the city of Taraz and 15 young people from the city of Talas, just across the border in Kyrgyzstan, to learn about preventive diplomacy and the work of UNRCCA, conflict prevention strategies for their daily lives and in their communities, intercultural communication, leadership and the basics of project management.
    Read more on UNRCCA’s website


    Papua New Guinea

    Peacebuilding and sustaining peace in Papua New Guinea
    The Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) met on 10 October in New York to discuss peacebuilding and sustaining peace in Papua New Guinea (PNG), at the request of the country’s Government.  The meeting, which brought together senior representatives of the Government of PNG, of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville, PBC members and partners from the region, focused on the preparations for the referendum for the political status of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville and the situation in the Hela Province of the Highlands region. The Government acknowledged the key role of the UN since the start of the Bougainville Peace process in 2001, and the role of the Secretary-General’s Peacebuilding Fund -- which has invested $16.5 million in PNG since 2015 -- in enabling them to move forward with implementing the peace agreement.
    For more information, please contact DPPA



    Joint mission to secure Presidential election in Guinea-Bissau
    A joint mission of the United Nations, the African Union, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries (CPLP) visited Bissau on 7 October 2019 to emphasize that all efforts should be made to hold the first round of presidential election scheduled for 24 November 2019. Mohamed Ibn Chambas, UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General for West Africa and the Sahel, and Rosine Sori-Coulibaly, Special Representative for Guinea-Bissau, took part on behalf of the world body.  
    Read more on UNOWAS’ website



    Support to national dialogue in Lesotho
    The Fourth National Leaders Forum of Lesotho took place on 9 October in the capital Maseru. The forum aimed to develop a roadmap for next phase of the reform process. Prime Minister Dr Motsoahae Thomas Thabane gave the keynote address and acknowledged the UN’s support.  The Secretary-General’s Peacebuilding Fund backs the Lesotho National Dialogue and Stabilization Project, a response to  political instability in the country and a first step towards the implementation of comprehensive national reforms aimed at long-term stability and sustained peace and development.
    For more information, please contact DPPA



    Insecurity among the pressing challenges of business women
    Special Representative James Swan met Somali business women on 8 October to learn more about their experiences. The women, drawn from Somalia’s hospitality, textile, tourism, travel and agricultural sectors, flagged insecurity, lack of income and lack of local inputs among their pressing challenges.
    or more information, please contact DPPA


    The Gambia

    Ibn Chambas expresses support to The Gambia during three-day visit
    Mohamed Ibn Chambas, Special Representative and Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), concluded a three-day visit to The Gambia on 10 October. He underscored the importance of moving forward with the reform process in accordance with timelines that will allow the international community to continue to support the country. “We remain engaged and committed to support The Gambia in its efforts towards consolidating peace and development, “ Mr. Ibn Chambas said. 
    Read more on UNOWAS’ website
































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    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org 

  • 11 Oct 2019

    Airstrikes and a ground offensive by Turkey in northern Syria against Kurdish forces have left civilians dead and forced tens of thousands to flee, UN agencies said on Friday, amid fears of another “humanitarian catastrophe” in the war-torn country. 

  • 11 Oct 2019

    The winner of this year’s Nobel Peace Prize has been praised by the UN Secretary-General for creating a pathway to stability in the Horn of Africa region.

  • 10 Oct 2019

    A recap of Thursday's stories:  Guterress calls for military de-escalation in Syria's north-east; the role of cities in the climate crisis; new UN data resource to support refugees; reintegration of Colombia's ex-rebels; global community raises billions to eliminate diseases.

  • 10 Oct 2019

    A de-escalation of renewed conflict in northern Syria is “absolutely essential,” the UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Thursday. His comments follow the launch of airstrikes and a ground offensive by Turkey on Wednesday just days after the United States announced it would pull its troops out of Syria.

  • 10 Oct 2019

    Thousands of former fighters from Colombia’s largest rebel group remain committed to the historic 2016 peace deal which ended more than five decades of civil conflict, but attacks against the ex-combatants have been a continuous cause for concern, the Security Council heard on Thursday.  

  • 10 Oct 2019

    The Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), Mohamed Ibn Chambas, concluded...

  • 10 Oct 2019

    The scale-up in military operations in north-east Syria has forced tens of thousands of civilians to seek safety, the UN refugee agency, UNHCR, said on Thursday, one day after Turkey launched airstrikes and a ground offensive across the border.

  • 10 Oct 2019

    Efforts to eradicate the deadly Ebola epidemic in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) are proving successful but “now we have to kill the virus”, the UN health agency said on Thursday.

  • 10 Oct 2019

    1. The joint mission, comprising the United Nations (UN), the African Union (AU), the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the Community of...

  • 10 Oct 2019

    GARDEZ - University students from the southeast province of Paktya gathered at a UN-backed symposium in the provincial capital of Gardez to make their voices heard on the...

  • 10 Oct 2019

    The translation of the Compendium of good practices on the protection of critical infrastructure against terrorist attacks in Russian was finalized at the end of July 2019. The translation of this documents was suggested by Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (CTED). It was realized in the framework of the third phase of the project “Towards the implementation of the Joint Plan of Action of the United Nations Counter-Terrorism Strategy...

  • 9 Oct 2019

    The killing of two people outside a synagogue in Germany on Wednesday has been characterized by the UN Secretary-General as “another tragic demonstration of anti-Semitism.”

  • 9 Oct 2019

    Recent positive trends could help transform the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) into a stable country, the head of the UN operation there told the Security Council on Wednesday.

  • 9 Oct 2019

    The 49th round of the Geneva International Discussions (GID) took place today.

    In Working Group I dealing with security issues, the exchanges focused on the situation on the ground and the worrisome developments of August 2019, in particular in the Chorchana – Tsnelisi area. In this context, the Co-Chairs welcomed the continuous efforts undertaken in the framework of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM) in Ergneti to defuse tensions on the ground. The Co-Chairs also welcomed the participants’ commitment to de-escalation and called on relevant actors to continue their dialogue to find a mutually acceptable solution.
    The exchanges in Working Group I also touched upon various other issues, including extensive discussions on non-use of force and international security arrangements. The Co-Chairs urged the participants to renew efforts to achieve progress on these core issues. In addition, the Co-Chairs reiterated their call for the resumption of the work of the Gali IPRM without further delay.
    While acknowledging the recent lifting of crossing restrictions imposed at the Abkhaz administrative boundary line (ABL) in June 2019, the Co-Chairs stressed the need to reopen all crossing points along the South Ossetian ABL.

    In Working Group II dealing with humanitarian issues, the co-moderators noted the impact of such restrictive measures on the freedom of movement and livelihoods of the conflict-affected population. The participants also discussed issues relating to missing persons, mobility, documentation, public health, education, cultural heritage and environmental challenges. The participants welcomed ongoing efforts to address the problem of environmental pests and agreed on the need to continue them.
    It was once again not possible to complete discussions on the issue of internally displaced persons/refugees due to a walkout by some participants in Working Group II. The Co-Chairs express regret at this disruption and remind participants of the need to engage constructively on all agenda items.
    An information session on the topic “Public health: best practices for managing communicable diseases” with experts from the World Health Organization and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control was held on the eve of this round.

    The participants agreed to hold the next GID round on 10-11 December 2019.

  • 9 Oct 2019

    Both parties joined together to make undrinkable water accessible to their communities. This initiative is their only hope since they do not have access to this vital liquid. The...

  • 9 Oct 2019

    “Multiple” airstrikes by the US military on alleged methamphetamine drug labs in a remote area of western Afghanistan earlier this year, killed or injured dozens of civilians who should not have been treated as military targets, the UN said on Wednesday.

  • 9 Oct 2019

    NUR-SULTAN, Kazakhstan

    On 9 October, in Nur-Sultan, SRSG Natalia Gherman met with H.E. Mr. Mukhtar Tleuberdi,...

  • 9 Oct 2019

    TARAZ, Kazakhstan

    The United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (...

  • 9 Oct 2019

    KABUL / GENEVA - A United Nations special report, which examines the impact on civilians of United States’ airstrikes on alleged drug-processing facilities on 5 May 2019...

  • 8 Oct 2019

    Former FARC-EP combatants, their relatives and young people from the local community of San José de Oriente, in La Paz, Cesar, established an artistic training school to promote...

  • 8 Oct 2019

    Tuesday’s top stories: Global need for eye care is set to increase ‘dramatically’; work and reforms of the UN ‘at risk’; progress on Mali security; South Sudan peace accord anniversary; Rights chief Bachelet urges rollback on Australia migration policies; and an interview with Maha Mamo, living proof of why statelessness needs to end worldwide.

  • 8 Oct 2019

    The UN chief on Tuesday expressed “great concern” over recent policy statements made regarding northeastern Syria, following the announcement from the United States at the start of the week, that it would withdraw troops from the area close to the border with Turkey. 

  • 8 Oct 2019

    Tripoli, 08 October 2019 - The Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General, UN Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator for Libya, Yacoub El Hillo, strongly condemns all attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure in Libya.



  • 8 Oct 2019

    Some progress has been made towards restoring peace and stability in Mali as outlined in a fragile 2015 peace deal, yet sustainable peace developments are not happening fast enough, the Security Council heard on Tuesday. 

  • 8 Oct 2019

    A joint high-level international mission of UN, ECOWAS, African Union and CPLP was in Bissau to assess preparations for the presidential elections in Guinea-Bissau, scheduled for November 24 of the year in course.

  • 8 Oct 2019

    The members of the Security Council met on 3 October 2019 to discuss the situation in the Great lakes region and the implementation of the Peace, Security and Cooperation (PSC) Framework for the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Region. They were briefed by Mr Huang Xia, Special envoy of the Secretary General for the Great Lakes region.

  • 7 Oct 2019

    For the first time, part of the original manuscript of Tolstoy’s epic novel, War and Peace, has been unveiled amid tight security in Geneva, where it is the highlight of an exhibition helping to mark 100 years of cooperation between nations.

  • 7 Oct 2019

    The Security Council’s strong engagement with its Member States, partner organizations and institutions in conflict prevention efforts on the African continent is needed “more than ever”, the Secretary-General told the 15-member peace and security body on Monday. 

  • 7 Oct 2019

    KABUL - Aisha Khurram has been selected as Afghanistan’s Youth Representative to the United Nations for 2019, joining a group of other young people from...

  • 6 Oct 2019

    The UN Secretary-General has strongly condemned two separate attacks on Sunday against the organization’s Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) which left one peacekeeper dead and four others injured.