Bienvenidos a las Naciones Unidas

Reports and Policy Documents


  • 18 Dic 2020

    UNHCR PHoto

    (Beirut, LEBANON) 18 December 2020 – UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), and the United Nations...

  • 18 Dic 2020

    18 December 2020 - UNSMIL condemns the recent threats made by armed groups against the National Oil Corporation (NOC) and its subsidiary, the Brega Petroleum Marketing Company based in Tripoli.  The NOC is and must remain a unified, independent, and apolitical institution that works for the benefit of all Libyans.  These actions may constitute a violation of UN Security Council Resolutions and those responsible could be subject to sanctions.

    Libya's oil production has...

  • 17 Dic 2020

    New York, 18 December 2020

    On this International Migrants Day, we reflect on a year in which,...

  • 17 Dic 2020

    Although Afghanistan is coming to the end of a monumental year, authorities will still require international support as they assume greater responsibility for national security while battling COVID-19 and other challenges, UN Special Representative Deborah Lyons told a virtual meeting of the Security Council on Thursday. 

  • 17 Dic 2020

    17 December 2020 - Acting Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for Libya (ASRSG) Stephanie Williams convened today a...

  • 16 Dic 2020

    Thank you so much, Mr. President,

    Let me brief you today on the Constitutional Committee, the situation on the ground, and the search for a wider process towards a political solution that implements resolution 2254.

    As you know, the Fourth Session of the Small Body of the Syrian Constitutional Committee convened in Geneva from 30 November to 4 December. Given the major COVID-19 challenges in Switzerland, it took the dedication of Swiss authorities, UN staff, and the Committee members themselves to hold the session safely – and I thank all for playing their part.

    During the session, Committee members continued their dialogue on the agenda – which was, in line with the mandate, Terms of Reference and Core Rules of Procedure, discussing national foundations and principles. They discussed a wide range of topics and, towards the end of the week, the Government and Opposition nominee positions were also reflected in overview presentations in writing.

    The delegation nominated by the Syrian Government presented eight principles related to combatting terrorism and condemning terrorist ideologies and support to terrorists, condemning unilateral coercive measures, condemning occupation of Syrian territory, rejecting separatism and separatist projects, supporting the Syrian Arab Army, promoting national identity, protecting cultural diversity, encouraging and guaranteeing refugee returns and addressing humanitarian issues. These were presented as national foundations and principles, and, as the delegation emphasized, were not explicitly linked to a future constitutional text.

    The delegation nominated by the Syrian Negotiations Commission presented 23 points which addressed a range of principles including Syria’s sovereignty, territorial integrity, international relations and commitment to international law, national identity, cultural diversity, democracy, political pluralism, rule of law, separation of powers, corruption, terrorism, citizenship, refugee returns, rights and freedoms and social and economic principles. These points were framed by the delegation as grounded in the 12 living intra-Syrian essential principles affirmed in Sochi and in the Committee’s mandate – and were presented by the delegation as points for development to form part of the basic principles within a new constitution.

    Some civil society members of the Middle Third presented points on conditions for safe, voluntary and dignified refugee returns, and related issues such as the restitution of housing, land and property, restorative justice and relevant independent and impartial constitutional mechanisms. Meanwhile, other members made interventions on a range of themes, such as the need to address terrorism, sanctions, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

    The impact of conflict on lives of Syrian women, and the importance of their role in political life and of ensuring equality between men and women was raised on many occasions during the session – by members from all three delegations.


    Mr. President,

    There were many stark differences among the positions and narratives presented within the Committee. And there were a few tense moments. I was not surprised by this. But it is positive that some positions were put forward concretely. And I was somewhat encouraged that members listened to each other’s narratives with attentiveness and even respect … with fewer interruptions and points of order than before … and with some genuine attempts to engage with each other’s positions. My team and I listened carefully to all that was said, and it is possible to see, in our opinion, potential common ground in the discussions … potential that can be explored.

    Consistent with the package agreed between the Co-Chairs, they and the Committee members have agreed that the Fifth Session of the Small Body will convene in Geneva between 25 and 29 January 2021 – COVID-19 conditions permitting. Without any preconditions and as agreed, the agenda will focus, in line with the mandate, Terms of Reference and Core Rules of Procedure, on constitutional principles or basic principles of the Constitution.

    I will be engaging both Co-Chairs before the next session on how to ensure that the Committee moves, as its mandate says, from ‘preparing’ a constitutional reform to ‘drafting’ one. As the Co-Chairs affirmed during the session, the Committee is mandated and empowered to do this by the agreement of the Syrian Government and the Syrian Negotiations Committee.

    The Constitutional Committee does, however, need to improve its working methods. I would like to see the Co-Chairs find a consensus on working methods that can promote the good functioning of the Committee and organize and structure its work, enabling it to consider specific constitutional items and draft provisions. In addition to a clear method for the Fifth session, I believe we also would need a workplan beyond that, so that the Committee works expeditiously and continuously to produce results and continued progress, without foreign interference or externally imposed timelines.

    I will continue to involve and consult Syrian women, and met virtually with the Women’s Advisory Board twice during the session of the Constitutional Committee. I continue to be impressed by their commitment to supporting the political process and arriving at inclusive proposals and solutions in the interest of all Syrians, men and women. I am encouraged by their recent engagement with women’s groups in different areas of Syria and the region to test some of their ideas on the constitution and to hear of the priorities and concerns of Syrian women.


    Mr. President,

    This past month, I also continued to engage civil society through the Civil Society Support Room. Just yesterday, I resumed consultations with a diverse group who are experts in their respective fields. I did so using dedicated online virtual tools, allowing us to connect with a wide range of Syrian civil society actors, from different parts of Syria and the diaspora. I heard from them strong concerns at what many feel is a lack of tangible political progress, including within the Constitutional Committee. They described the suffering in many parts of Syria, the economic meltdown and the impact of sanctions and of growing criminality. They demanded progress on the detainee file and protection guarantees for refugees and their land and properties, and they called for greater civic space and protection of civil society. We will continue this dialogue -- I will meet with them again tomorrow -- and [continue] to convey the voices and messages of civil society to the parties.

    These messages remind us that a credible constitutional process is important. And they also remind us that there are a range of issues beyond the constitution, of urgent concern to ordinary Syrians and identified in resolution 2254, that need to be addressed.

    Violent conflict and terrorism are still very much a reality for Syrians. Thanks to existing arrangements, including those involving Russia, Turkey and the United States, a fragile calm continues, and there are ongoing efforts to address listed terrorist groups, including ISIL and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham. But this still falls well short of the nationwide ceasefire envisioned in resolution 2254. Shelling, airstrikes and IED attacks continue to kill and injure civilians. Dangers of renewed conflict are ever-present - in the northwest, the southwest and even in the northeast, where there were troubling signs of tensions this month. And much more can and should be done to address terrorist groups in a manner that is consistent with international humanitarian law and which ensures the protection of civilians.


    Mr. President,

    With five international armies operating in Syria, the country remains a tinderbox for a major international incident, with potential implications across the region. Much more can be done to safeguard international peace and security while also looking at practical and concrete ways to safeguard and restore Syria’s sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity in the context of the 2254 process. To achieve this, key players would need to be ready to come to the table together. Mr. President,

    The humanitarian situation of millions of Syrians remains precarious and even catastrophic for some. As we have just heard from [Emergency Relief Coordinator] Mark [Lowcock], and as he told you, much more must be done to ensure the necessary access and resources to meet their needs, with food insecurity a particular concern.

    Indeed, Syrian civilians continue to suffer profound economic hardship, particularly with fresh currency depreciation, and shortages of bread, fuel and medicine in the middle of what is set to be a hard winter, with the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to spread. I continue to believe that more can and should be done to address these conditions, including through ensuring that any sanctions avoid aggravating the plight of Syrian civilians.

    There has still been no meaningful action on detainees, abductees and missing persons, especially of late. Frankly, I am disappointed at where this file stands. It is not moving. Yet when we look at other examples in the region – take Yemen for instance – it must be possible to unblock it. There is a need for meaningful action at scale -- including access to prisons and detention facilities; the release of women, children, the sick and the elderly; and information on the missing. This is a humanitarian imperative – and also essential to build confidence and infuse the entire political process with muchneeded hope.


    Mr, President,

    The millions of Syrians who are refugees or internally-displaced persons are not returning to their homes at any meaningful scale. I believe that much more can be done to address the range of conditions that should be in place for refugees and IDPs to return, in a safe, voluntary and dignified manner.

    Ultimately, following the adoption of a new constitution and the creation of a safe, calm and neutral environment, resolution 2254 calls for free and fair elections, administered under UN supervision, to the highest standards of transparency and accountability, and with the participation of all eligible Syrians, including the diaspora.


    Mr. President,

    Let’s be honest: after nearly a decade of conflict, the political process has not delivered for the Syrian people, and they continue to suffer deeply – both inside and outside Syria. Only a political solution can end this suffering, and prevent renewed conflict and instability, protecting Syria’s civilians and the region from further grave danger.

    As we look back on 2020, we have two elements to build on – a relative calm with no shift in frontlines since March 2020, and a Constitutional Committee. As we look to 2021, we need a deeper and broader process: a nationwide ceasefire, substantive constitutional drafting, and a wider effort to address the full range of issues, with actions to build confidence and movement, step for step. This needs a new form of international cooperation on Syria, with key players at the table and key issues on the table.

    Given the deep divides in Syria, in the region, and internationally, forging a consensus on exactly how to bring about mutual and reciprocal steps and a truly constructive Syria diplomacy is proving very difficult. But, Mr. President, I am convinced it is possible, and that there are common interests that make it so. I will be continuing – as I have started in recent weeks – to take stock, engaging the Syrian parties and key international stakeholders, and seeking to identify new and additional ways to move the process forwards. Obviously, we cannot do this alone. We need the strong and united support of this Council in charting such a path towards the implementation of resolution 2254. I count on your support.

    Thank you.

  • 16 Dic 2020

    The ceasefire that halted Libya’s civil war in October has begun to pay economic dividends that should improve living standards for ordinary Libyans, with a first central bank board meeting in five years and a full resumption of oil production helping to build momentum for political change.

  • 16 Dic 2020

    As the end of another year of war looms, “families in Syria remain without respite after almost a decade of conflict”, the UN Emergency Relief Coordinator told the Security Council on Wednesday.

  • 16 Dic 2020

    The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) applauds the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Libya for the decision taken in this morning’s long-awaited...

  • 15 Dic 2020

    The head of the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), has appealed for the international community to remain focused on the country as it continues to make gains on the political and peacebuilding fronts.   

  • 15 Dic 2020

    United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres announced today the appointment of Raisedon Zenenga of Zimbabwe as Assistant Secretary-General and Mission...

  • 15 Dic 2020

    15 December 2020 - On 14-15 December 2020, With the generous support of the Government of Switzerland, UNSMIL’s Acting Special Representative of the Secretary General Stephanie Williams, together with the co-...

  • 15 Dic 2020

    Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen and thank you for joining the session at short notice.

    Before starting, please join me in observing a...

  • 15 Dic 2020

    The United Nations has recorded the deaths of 255 people in 66 massacres in Colombia this year, as well as the killing of 120 human rights defenders, the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) said on Tuesday.  

  • 15 Dic 2020

    The United Nations voiced grave concern on Tuesday for the safety of thousands of refugees and internally displaced in the wake of a deadly attack on Toumour, a town in southeastern Niger’s Diffa region, near the border with Nigeria. 

  • 15 Dic 2020

    Mogadishu – The recent Somalia Partnership Forum enabled all involved to openly exchange views on current developments in the country and to...

  • 14 Dic 2020

    GENEVA, 14 December 2020 - Acting Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Libya Stephanie Williams convened today a technical meeting on...

  • 14 Dic 2020

    Second Government-Youth Dialogue for Central Asia and Afghanistan (10 December 2020)

    ASHGABAT, 10 December 2020

  • 14 Dic 2020

    New York, 15 December 2020

    Fruits and vegetables are the cornerstone of a healthy and varied diet.  They provide the human body with an abundance of nutrients, strengthen immune systems and help lower risks for a number of diseases.  Yet, despite these tremendous benefits, we do not consume enough of them.

    By declaring 2021 as the International Year of Fruits and...

  • 14 Dic 2020

    Today marks the second anniversary of the Stockholm Agreement, a diplomatic breakthrough that offered a glimmer of hope that an end to the devastating conflict in Yemen...

  • 14 Dic 2020

    The United Nations Secretary-General has called for the “immediate and unconditional” release of hundreds of boys, believed abducted by suspected bandits, after an attack on their school in northwest Nigeria. 

  • 13 Dic 2020

    MAIDAN WARDAK – Panellists in a series of UN-backed radio programmes across Afghanistan’s central provinces remain hopeful, despite all the many challenges and obstacles, that...

  • 13 Dic 2020

    The closing ceremony of the United Nations Integrated Office for Peacebuilding in Guinea-Bissau took place on December 11, 2020.

  • 12 Dic 2020

    Garowe – Pastoralism is a way of life for many Somalis and Puntland, in Somalia’s north, with its semi-arid landscape and warm climate, is a key location for this form of livelihood.

    But, over the past...

  • 11 Dic 2020

    The Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (...

  • 11 Dic 2020

    The Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the...

  • 11 Dic 2020

    Outstanding issues related to Syria’s initial declaration of its chemical weapons stockpile and programme cannot be considered “accurate and complete”, the head of the world body monitoring States’ implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention told the Security Council on Friday.

  • 11 Dic 2020

    The 51st round of the Geneva International Discussions (GID) took place in the Palais des Nations on 10-11 December 2020.

    Against the backdrop of the unprecedented challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, this was the first and only GID round that took place in 2020. In the interim, the Co-Chairs held a series of consultations via videoconference and conducted several visits for in-person meetings with the participants. The holding of an in-person GID round re-confirmed the commitment of all participants to the GID process.

    In this regard, the importance of in-person meetings was noted, as was support for continued dialogue and joint efforts, which are aimed at addressing conflict-related issues and defusing tensions and potential misunderstandings. The collective efforts of the Co-Chairs allowed participants to better address issues relating to the security and humanitarian situation of conflict-affected populations on the ground.

    During this 51st GID round, the participants once again met in two separate working groups focused on security and humanitarian issues. The security situation on the ground was assessed as relatively calm and stable. The participants reviewed a number of issues on the agenda, including the situation in the Chorchana-Tsnelisi area, recent detention cases, missing persons, and the importance of conflict-affected populations' access to livelihoods. Particular focus was given on the one side to the core agenda item of non-use of force and, on the other, on the impact of COVID-19 on the humanitarian situation on the ground. Efforts to address these challenges jointly were positively noted. Participants could not engage on the issues of IDPs and refugees, due to a walkout of some participants.

    The resumption of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM) in Ergneti with two meetings held this year was welcomed. The Co-Chairs emphasised the need to resume regular meetings of the Gali IPRM.

    The Co-Chairs reiterated their call for all participants to increase efforts to build trust and confidence among them, and to ensure constructive cooperation with international humanitarian and human rights organisations.

    The participants agreed to hold their next meeting in Geneva on 23-24 March 2021.

  • 11 Dic 2020

    As the world marks the fifth anniversary of the adoption of the landmark Paris Agreement on climate change, a promising movement for carbon neutrality is taking shape.  By next month, countries representing more than 65 per cent of harmful greenhouse gasses and more than 70 per cent of the world economy will have committed to achieve net zero emissions by the middle of the century.

    At the same time, the main climate...

  • 11 Dic 2020

    New York, 12 December, 2020

    At today’s Climate Ambition Summit, I appealed to leaders worldwide to declare a State of Climate Emergency in their countries until carbon neutrality is reached.

    There can be no doubting or denying that the world faces a climate emergency.

    The past decade was the hottest on record.


  • 11 Dic 2020

    New York, 12 December 2020

    I am pleased to welcome you to the Climate Ambition Summit on the fifth anniversary of the Paris Agreement.

    Five years after Paris, we are still not going in the right direction.

    Paris promised to limit temperature rise to as close to 1.5 degrees as possible.

  • 11 Dic 2020

    New York, 12 December 2020

    The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us just how important it is for all countries to have strong health systems that provide the entire population with quality services when and where they need them.

    This year we have seen the tragedy that strikes when health facilities are overwhelmed by a new, highly infectious and often deadly disease – and when the effort...

  • 11 Dic 2020

    Acting Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for Libya (ASRSG), Stephanie Williams, held yesterday a virtual consultative meeting...

  • 11 Dic 2020

    5 - 11 December 2020

    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world.

    Security Council

    DiCarlo: “Sudan is at a critical juncture”
    Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo on 8 December briefed the Security Council on the transition in Sudan, together with Jean-Pierre Lacroix, Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations, and Atul Khare, Under-Secretary-General for Operational Support. “Sudan is at a critical juncture. It can move forward decisively in its transition, but that progress can still be derailed by the many challenges it faces. It is incumbent on all of us to support Sudan in its efforts to achieve democratic governance, economic prosperity and an inclusive society for all Sudanese,” Ms. DiCarlo said.  
    Read her full remarks here
    Read more in UN News

    Special Representative encourages inclusive and meaningful political dialogue in Central Africa
    Special Representative François Louncény Fall on 9 December briefed the Counil on the situation in Central Africa and the work of UNOCA in the region. “As election preparations continue in the months ahead, I would like to encourage national authorities and all political stakeholders to promote continued dialogue and consensus on the conditions governing the elections, using political dialogue frameworks where they are in place, as is the case for instance in Chad and the Republic of the Congo, or through ad hoc arrangements,” Fall said.
    Read his full remarks here
    Read more in UN News



    Call for an end to violence against women in Afghanistan 
    As part of a series of interactive radio programmes marking 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, participants from Afghanistan’s central provinces called for urgent measures to help prevent the crime. "Violence against women is inhumane and un-Islamic," said Sarah Seerat, a women's rights defender, speaking on Radio Sada e Nijrab in Kapisa  "but unfortunately, it remains prevalent in our society." The radio series was organized by the UNAMA field office Kabul.
    Read more here

    UN calls for improved access to justice for crimes of violence against women and girls
    Afghan women and girls are being failed by the country’s justice system with their access to justice for crimes of violence remaining tenuous, according to a new report released on 7 December by UNAMA and the UN Human Rights Office. The report, titled “In Search of Justice for Crimes of Violence Against Women and Girls,” examines the response of the justice system and the redress provided to survivors in reported cases of violence against women and girls in the period between September 2018 and February 2020.
    Read more here


    Central Asia 

    Meeting of Deputy Ministers of Foreign Affairs
    The tenth annual Meeting of Deputy Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Central Asian states and Afghanistan, organized by UNRCCA in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, took place on 10 December. The event brought together Deputy Ministers from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Afghanistan. Addressing the meeting, Special Representative Natalia Gherman underlined that “despite the current challenging situation countries of the region maintained regular contacts at different levels, including at the highest political level, to secure cooperation in the socioeconomic and other fields”.   
    Read more here



    Mosul rapper launches new song on Human Rights Day
    Mosul rapper “The Golden Nenous” jumped at the chance to record a rap song about standing up for human rights during the global pandemic. The result is “New World (COVID-19)”, a song commissioned by the UNAMI Human Rights Office and launched on UNAMI social media to mark Human Rights Day 2020 on 10 December. The Golden Nenous casts a lyrical spotlight on the importance of protecting each other from COVID-19, ensuring health care is provided to all Iraqis without discrimination, and enabling marginalized and vulnerable communities to participate in decision making on the response to the virus. This song highlights the creative talents of Iraq’s youth and the importance of putting human rights front and centre as Iraq responds to the pandemic. 
    Watch here



    Webinar on COVID-19 media coverage in Yemen
    Yemen Envoy Martin Griffiths on 10 December opened a webinar on COVID-19 media coverage in Yemen, organized by the French Agency for Media Development (CFI), with support from the EU. “The digital world in this time of trouble is, for somebody like me, a new discovery”, he said. “The United Nations, almost certainly belatedly, but finally is picking up on this, and on the way in which digital engagement can bring inclusion at a level which has not been imagined before. So, we do not rely only on people physically going to a meeting to be involved in a discussion”.
    Read more here

    Meeting with representatives of civil society working on issues related to prisoners and detainees
    Representatives of civil society working on issues related to prisoners and detainees, met virtually on 10 December with the Office of the UN Special Envoy for Yemen (OSESGY) and shared their views and recommendations on ways to move the file of detainees forward. The meeting discussed priorities, efforts and ways to keep the momentum and evaluated the current status and situation of detainees in different areas in Yemen.
    Read more here



    Personal Envoy concludes work in Bolivia
    The Secretary-General on 11 December paid tribute, through his Spokesperson, to Jean Arnault, his Personal Envoy for Bolivia, who has concluded his mandate following the peaceful culmination of the electoral process in that country. The Secretary-General expressed his gratitude for the work and steadfast dedication of his Personal Envoy, carried out during a challenging year.
    Watch noon briefing here



    Lights, Camera, ¡Peace Actions!
    Twenty  young people from the Reintegration Area of Tierra Grata in Cesar department, and Pondores in La Guajira department, along with young people from their neighboring communities, completed  three months of virtual training in strategic and digital communication on 7 December. According to Anna Pont, head of the UN Verification Mission's regional office: "In this case, within the framework of the Mission's youth strategy and with support from the Public Information Office, we have worked to strengthen the relationship between the children of former combatants and young people in the process of reintegration, and the community. To promote their productive projects, improve their capacity to disseminate information, and support the consolidation of the reintegration areas”. The UN Verification Mission and UNDP backed the workshop.









    Closing ceremony for UNIOGBIS
    A ceremony marking the closure of the UN Integrated Peacebuilding Office in Guinea-Bissau (UNIOGBIS) was held in the capital Bissau on 11 December. The mandate of the Mission ends on 31 December. The UN Country Team, the UN Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS) and regional organizations will continue supporting the country. Bintou Keita, Assistant Secretary-General for Africa, attended the ceremony, and in her remarks, she conveyed the Secretary-General’s deep gratitude and appreciation to Special Representative Rosine Sori-Coulibaly and UNIOGBIS staff, past and present, for their tireless efforts and dedication to the mandate.
    Watch the ceremony here



    Somalia Partnership Forum takes stock of country’s progress
    The Federal Government of Somalia and its international partners gathered on 7 December for a high-level meeting dedicated to taking stock of the progress made by the country in various areas, as well as agree on priorities ahead of it. As occurred last year, the Somalia Partnership Forum (SPF) was held in Mogadishu, and the topics covered included the country’s elections, the fight against Al-Shabaab and security transition planned for 2021, economic development and more. In his remarks, James Swan, Special Representative and Head of UNSOM, called for dialogue to solve Somalia’s challenges with the current elections, and highlighted the need for a practical roadmap with clear benchmarks that would lead to ‘one person, one vote’ elections in the next electoral cycle.
    Read more here



    Group of Friends of the Peacebuilding Fund meeting
    The fourth quarterly meeting of the Group of Friends of the Secretary-General’s Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) took place on 11 December, convened by Group co-chairs Sweden and the United Kingdom. The Peacebuilding Support Office briefed partners on the status of the Fund, notably the $134.9 million of initiatives approved so far, including $36.9 million for this year’s Gender and Youth Promotion initiative.  Nearly half of ongoing PBF projects have made COVID-19 related adjustment. Partners were also briefed on the Fund’s high-level Replenishment Conference to be held on 26 January. The conference aims at mobilizing  commitments in support of the Fund’s strategy for the next 5 years.


    Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) meeting on Sierra Leone 
    The Peacebuilding Commission met on 10 December to discuss its future engagement with Sierra Leone. Traditionally, the PBC’s work with with Sierra Leone has centered around mobilizing and sustaining international attention and support to peace consolidation and peacebuilding efforts. The discussion built on Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed’s visit to Sierra Leone on 14 November and considered a roadmap for future engagement with the PBC prepared by the Government, stressing the need to further promote peace and national cohesion, including through the implementation of the 2019-2023 National Development Plan and by fast-tracking the establishment of a Commission for Peace and National Cohesion. The Commission expressed full support for the government’s efforts to invest in human capital development, economic diversification, and enhanced institutional governance, while at the same time ensuring effective COVID-19 response and recovery. The Commission recognized the critical role of the PBF, which has buttressed in the last decade national efforts to rebuild State institutions, improve security, and promote inclusive governance and reconciliation. The Commission encouraged stronger action to ensure meaningful participation of women in decision-making processes and promote youth employment and empowerment and stressed the importance of concluding the Constitutional review process, which would enable the inclusion of ethnic minority groups into governance structures. 
    Recording available here


    Talking Peace

    Final session of “Talking Peace” Series
    The DPPA-Shared_Studios Talking Peace series concluded on 10 December with a final conversation about speculative design and the future of peace. Co-hosted by UNESCO’s High-Level Futures Literacy Summit, the 90-minute interactive event saw close to 50 participants, including local peacebuilders from Afghanistan, Bolivia, Iraq and Rwanda; foresight experts and enthusiasts, and DPPA-DPO and other UN colleagues. The discussion focused on new means and opportunities to advance the inclusion of women and youth in the future. The Design Futures Initiative (DFI) and DPPA Innovation Cell introduced aspects related to foresight methodology for peace and security, drawing on the recent DPPA-DFI call for speculative artefacts that evoke novel ways to better sustain peace. 

    Next Week 

    Security Council
    Special Envoy Martin Griffiths will brief the Security Council on 14 December on political developments in Yemen. On 16 December, Syria Envoy Geir Pedersen will update the Council on the work of the Constitutional Committee. Special Representative Deborah Lyons will brief on Afghanistan and the work of UNAMA on 17 December.
    Updated Council programme of work here


    The Work of Peace

    Virtual exhibit
    Remember to check out our virtual exhibit: The Work of Peace. It highlights the UN’s key role in preventive diplomacy, good offices, mediation and elections over the past 75 years, and looks ahead at what the future may hold for this work.
    Enter here






















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  • 11 Dic 2020

    On 14 and 15 December, ASRSG Stephanie Williams  and the co-chairs of the Economic Working Group of the Berlin Process including Egypt, USA and EU, will convene a technical meeting of representatives of...

  • 11 Dic 2020

    Amidst “disturbing reports” from Ethiopians fleeing to Sudan, the UN refugee agency called on Friday for “unfettered access to Tigray in order to reach people in need”. 

  • 11 Dic 2020

    UN humanitarians issued a fresh alert on Friday for war-torn Yemen, warning that time is running out to avoid famine in the country. Out of two million children who need treatment for acute malnutrition, 360,000 are at risk of dying if they do not receive medical care, the World Food Programme (WFP) said.

  • 11 Dic 2020

    The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for global solidarity and greater international cooperation, and must be turned into an opportunity for fundamental change, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said in a keynote address to the Nobel Peace Prize Forum on Friday. 

  • 10 Dic 2020

    The Secretary-General takes note of today’s delivery by the Special Tribunal for Lebanon of the sentencing decision of Mr. Salim Jamil Ayyash to five concurrent sentences of life imprisonment. 

  • 10 Dic 2020

    At a time when Africa is mobilizing resources for pandemic recovery and sustainable development, illicit financial flows (IFFs) are robbing the continent of $50 billion annually, UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed told a high-level virtual meeting on Thursday held under the African Union’s (AU) ‘Silencing the Guns’ initiative. 

  • 10 Dic 2020

    New York, 11 December 2020

    Mountains are home to stunning biodiversity.  Mountain regions host more than a quarter of terrestrial plants and animals and 30...

  • 10 Dic 2020

    10 December 2020 – Representatives of Yemeni Civil Society working on issues related to prisoners and detainees, met virtually today with the Office of the UN Special Envoy for Yemen (...

  • 10 Dic 2020

    Griffiths addressing Yemeni journalists in a webinar by CFI

    Remarks by the UN Special Envoy, Martin Griffiths, at the...

  • 10 Dic 2020

    Mogadishu – With the theme of this year’s Human Rights Day centred on ‘Recover Better. Stand Up for Human Rights,’ the United Nations envoy to Somalia today called on all...

  • 10 Dic 2020

    ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan

    The tenth annual Meeting of Deputy Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Central Asian states...

  • 10 Dic 2020

    New York, 10 December 2020

    The COVID-19 pandemic has reinforced two fundamental truths about human rights.

    First, human rights violations harm us all.

    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a disproportionate impact on vulnerable groups including frontline workers, people with disabilities, older people, women and girls, and minorities.


  • 10 Dic 2020

    A UN International Media Seminar on Peace in the Middle East concluded on Wednesday, with a vibrant online panel discussion exploring how the systematic spread of untruths has changed the way traditional news outlets cover the Israel-Palestine conflict, and created avenues for citizen journalists to quickly push out stories to express their lived realities. 

  • 10 Dic 2020

    ‘Rights Commitments Should Be Central in Libya’s Ongoing Political Process’


  • 9 Dic 2020

    With so-called vaccine nationalism spreading “with full speed”, the Secretary-General told a journalists, following the fourth annual African Union-UN conference, that the continent must be “effectively supported” to fight the pandemic everywhere. 

  • 9 Dic 2020

    Security Council Briefing on the Situation in Central Africa by Special Representative and Head of the United Nations Regional Office François Louncény Fall


    Mr. President,
    Distinguished members of the Security Council,

    It is a pleasure to brief the Security Council today on the situation in Central Africa and the activities of the United Nations Regional Office for Central Africa (UNOCA) remotely for the second time this year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic seems generally under control in the subregion, with only 13,470 active cases as of 7 December, for a total of 88,422 cases and 1,614 deaths officially reported since the beginning of the pandemic, although in recent days the number of infections in some countries have been on the rise again, thus delaying the lifting of some of the restrictions imposed to counter the evolution of the pandemic.

    The trends across Central Africa clearly indicate that the early measures enforced by the governments of the subregion to contain and reduce the propagation of the pandemic have proven effective. However, this effectiveness comes at a high socioeconomic cost as the economic slowdown triggered by the pandemic and the different restrictive measures further depleted the already limited capacity of the States to provide basic social services to their populations. I would like to encourage bilateral and multilateral partners to avail their support to all countries in the subregion to help them continue to fight the pandemic and address its economic, socio-political and security impact. I also appeal to international financial institutions to continue to facilitate the release of emergency assistance for all COVID-19 affected countries in Central Africa.

    Notwithstanding this peculiar context that impacted the smooth implementation of UNOCA’s mandate, I was able to engage with key UN, national and international partners in the subregion on various issues, including during my recent visits to Cameroon and the Republic of the Congo. On 1 December, I convened a meeting of heads of UN presences in Central Africa, during which we agreed, among others, to reinforce coordination in supporting regional efforts to address the impact of climate change, prevent election-related violence and fight against hate speech.


    Mr. President,

    I am pleased to report that ECCAS has reached a key milestone in its institutional reform process, with the swearing in of its new Commission on 1 September, including its President, Ambassador Gilberto da Piedade Veríssimo, its Vice-President and five Commissioners. The convening of two ordinary summits of Heads of State and Government is further evidence that regional leaders are determined to enhance regional integration and address peace and security issues in Central Africa. I therefore was pleased to witness such commitment at the 18th ordinary summit of ECCAS held in Libreville, on 27 November, which adopted the ECCAS Indicative Strategic Plan for 2021-2025 and Priority Action Plan for 2021, and decided to appoint a Mediator and deploy an election observation mission for the upcoming presidential and legislative elections in the Central African Republic. Ahead of the Summit, UNOCA has been engaging with the new Commission to identify joint priorities for the years ahead, notably on conflict prevention and regional integration, and enhance coordination of international partners for the implementation of the 2021-2025 Indicative Strategic Plan.

    While the reformed ECCAS institutions are gradually becoming operational, the United Nations Standing Advisory Committee on Security Questions in Central Africa (UNSAC) remains a relevant forum where the countries of Central Africa discuss and make recommendations aimed at addressing regional peace and security challenges. The 50th ministerial session of UNSAC took place virtually on 4 December. The Committee reviewed the regional peace and security situation, discussed the situation in the Central African Republic, and held a debate on the impact of COVID-19 on peace and security and on peaceful electoral processes in Central Africa. The Committee adopted declarations on the two latter issues, stressing the need to reinforce regional cooperation in addressing them.  


    Mr. President,

    Several countries of the subregion have been preparing for the holding of elections, including Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Republic of the Congo and Sao Tome and Principe. On 6 December, Cameroon successfully held its first ever regional elections aimed at finalizing the decentralization process in the country, including the implementation of a special status for the North-West and South-West Regions. In the Republic of the Congo, political consultations to discuss preparations for the 2021 presidential election took place on 25 and 26 November, with the participation of opposition parties. In Chad, following the recommendations from the second National Inclusive Forum convened by the authorities from 29 October to 1 November, amendments were voted to the Constitution on 3 December. The amendments included the creation of a position of vice-president, the re-establishment of a senate and a court of auditors as well as the reduction of the minimum age to stand as a candidate in a presidential election from 45 to 40 years.

    As election preparations continue in the months ahead, I would like to encourage national authorities and all political stakeholders to promote continued dialogue and consensus on the conditions governing the elections, using political dialogue frameworks where they are in place, as is the case for instance in Chad and the Republic of the Congo, or through ad hoc arrangements. To be effective, such dialogue initiatives should be inclusive both in terms of participation and the issues discussed. I will continue to offer the good offices of the Secretary-General, wherever required, to encourage inclusive and meaningful political dialogue in the countries preparing for elections.


    Monsieur le Président,

    L'insécurité dans toute l'Afrique centrale a continué d'être une source de préoccupation, y compris lorsqu’elle a une dimension transfrontalière, notamment dans le bassin du lac Tchad et le golfe de Guinée.

    Lors de ma dernière visite au Cameroun en novembre, j'ai constaté avec une grande inquiétude la poursuite de la violence dans les régions de l'Extrême-Nord, du Nord-Ouest et du Sud-Ouest. Je déplore le fait que la violence dans les régions du Nord-Ouest et du Sud-Ouest vise maintenant les civils, y compris les élèves et les enseignants, ainsi que les religieux. Au cours de ma visite, j'ai réitéré l'appel lancé par le Secrétaire général à toutes les parties concernées pour qu'elles renoncent à la violence, fassent taire les armes et cessent les attaques contre les civils et les infrastructures civiles telles que les établissements scolaires. À cet égard, je voudrais appeler tous les acteurs à rester engagés en faveur d’un dialogue constructif pour mettre fin à la crise dans les deux régions et construire une paix et un développement durables. Je prends note de l'engagement des autorités nationales à faire avancer la mise en œuvre du programme présidentiel pour la reconstruction et le développement des deux régions, qui sera encore consolidé par un tel dialogue et la cessation des hostilités.

    Je suis particulièrement préoccupé par le fait que Boko Haram continue d’être une menace sérieuse dans le bassin du lac Tchad avec la multiplication des attaques et des enlèvements, entre autres. Les groupes terroristes ont continué d'intensifier leurs attaques au Cameroun et au Tchad et de perfectionner leur modus operandi, comme l'a démontré une récente attaque, dans la nuit du 24 au 25 novembre, lors de laquelle quatre soldats tchadiens ont été tués et environ 16 autres ont été blessés après que leur bateau eut apparemment heurté un engin explosif improvisé dans la région de Ngouboua sur le lac Tchad.

    On ne saurait trop insister sur la nécessité de traiter la crise dans le bassin du lac Tchad de manière globale, notamment dans le cadre de la Stratégie régionale de stabilisation, de redressement et de résilience des zones du bassin du lac Tchad affectées par Boko Haram. Malgré les difficultés dues à la COVID-19, le Plan d'action régional de la stratégie a été finalisé et les huit territoires les plus touchés sont maintenant en train d'élaborer leurs Plans d'action territoriaux. Je voudrais une fois de plus en appeler à la générosité des membres du Conseil de sécurité et des autres partenaires pour fournir les ressources nécessaires à la mise en œuvre rapide de la Stratégie régionale, afin de permettre aux populations du bassin du lac Tchad de bénéficier du dividende de la paix qui, en retour, renforcera leur résilience à la radicalisation et à l'extrémisme violent.

    La proximité et les similitudes entre les situations dans le bassin du lac Tchad et au Sahel justifient que nous les suivions et les analysions conjointement et que nous coordonnions nos réponses aux défis qui s’y posent. Plus concrètement, nous devons établir des liens entre la Stratégie intégrée des Nations Unies pour le Sahel et la Stratégie régionale pour le bassin du lac Tchad afin d'éviter les doubles emplois, rationaliser l'utilisation des ressources et faire en sorte que les deux stratégies se renforcent mutuellement.

    Dans le Golfe de Guinée, la criminalité organisée maritime a continué à se développer, notamment le trafic de drogue, la traite des personnes et le trafic illicite de migrants. Tout en saluant les mesures individuelles et les initiatives de coopération bilatérale prises par plusieurs Etats de la région pour faire face à l'insécurité maritime, je tiens à souligner que les réponses aux menaces à la sécurité tant des Etats que des personnes dans le Golfe de Guinée ne seront efficaces que si elles sont coordonnées entre l'Afrique centrale et l'Afrique de l'Ouest, par le biais des mécanismes existants tels que le Centre interrégional de coordination et les centres régionaux de sécurité maritime de l’Afrique centrale (CRESMAC) et de l’Afrique de l'Ouest (CRESMAO). Mon collègue le RSSG Mohamed Ibn Chambas de l'UNOWAS et moi-même avons convenu d'intensifier notre engagement en faveur de la coopération et de la coordination interrégionales en matière de sécurité maritime dans le Golfe de Guinée, ce qui constitue l'une des principales priorités communes de nos deux bureaux. Lors de sa 50ème session ministérielle, l'UNSAC a recommandé la tenue d'une conférence régionale sur la sécurité maritime en Afrique centrale.  

    La transhumance et les conflits entre agriculteurs et éleveurs se sont poursuivis en Afrique centrale, comme en témoignent les récents incidents sécuritaires dans la sous-région. Le 27 novembre, le gouvernement du Tchad a annoncé que 22 personnes ont été tuées et 34 autres ont été blessées lors d’affrontements entre agriculteurs et éleveurs dans la nuit du 23 au 24 novembre dans la province du Mayo Kebbi Est. Selon le gouvernement, 66 personnes ont été arrêtées à la suite de cet incident, tandis que les autorités ont également imposé un couvre-feu dans la zone. Je réitère l'appel du Secrétaire général aux gouvernements et aux communautés locales d'Afrique centrale pour qu'ils continuent à travailler ensemble afin de relever les défis communs liés à la transhumance. Je réaffirme également l'engagement de l'UNOCA à continuer à soutenir la CEEAC et ses États membres en vue de l'adoption d'une cadre réglementaire sous-régional sur le pastoralisme et la transhumance.


    Mr. President,

    To conclude, I would like to emphasize that these threats to peace and security in Central Africa also affect other regions, especially West Africa and the Great Lakes. This is the case of the already mentioned instability in the Lake Chad basin. Similarly, the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) is currently present in both Central Africa and the Great Lakes, two regions to which several countries under UNOCA’s purview belong. Addressing these threats requires coordination between all affected regions and between the UN regional offices. On 23 November, SRSG Chambas and I agreed on a set of joint activities that our offices will undertake with regard to the situation in the Lake Chad and the Gulf of Guinea, and support to the implementation of the Lomé Declaration adopted at the 2018 ECCAS-ECOWAS Summit on peace, security, stability and the fight against terrorism and violent extremism. I will also continue to hold regular consultations with my colleagues from the Office of the Special Envoy for Great Lakes Region, UNOAU, MINUSCA, and MONUSCO, as well as UN Resident Coordinators and regional offices to address interregional challenges. All these coordination efforts are intended to improve our understanding of challenges in our areas of responsibilities and to better support the affected countries to address them.

    I thank you for your kind attention.