
Reports and Policy Documents


  • 15 10月 2018

    New York, 11 October 2018 - Said Djinnit, Special Envoy for the Great Lakes, presented the recent report of the Secretary General on implementation of the Peace, Security and...

  • 15 10月 2018

    On the occasion of the Annual Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, the United Nations, in partnership with the World Bank, the G5 Sahel and the Sahel-Alliance...

  • 15 10月 2018

    ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan

    A five-day regional training on “Good Practices in Border Security and Management to Strengthen National and Regional Capacities in...

  • 15 10月 2018

    Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), 12 October 2018 – Said Djinnit, United Nations Special Envoy for the Great Lakes region, attended a high-level workshop on “Silencing the Guns in Africa by 2020” organized by the African Union (AU) on 11-12 October 2018 in...

  • 15 10月 2018

    TIRIN KOT - To discuss the Uruzgan’s latest economic development plans, preparations for the upcoming elections and human rights, UNAMA’s Kandahar regional office organized a series of meetings with civil...

  • 15 10月 2018

    In the Katfoura village on the Tristao Islands in Guinea, these rural women, through a grant from UN Women's Fund for Gender Equality, are forming cooperatives while building leadership skills...

  • 14 10月 2018

    KABUL - The full participation of women in Afghanistan’s electoral process is vital to ensure that upcoming parliamentary elections are inclusive and credible, said the UN’s top envoy in a meeting...

  • 14 10月 2018

    The 14 October 2017 bomb blast that ripped through the capital city of Mogadishu and killed more than 500 civilians is still fresh in the mind of Abdulkadir Mohamed Abdulle.

  • 14 10月 2018
      PRESS STATEMENT 10/2018

    Mogadishu – The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General (SRSG) for Somalia, Nicholas Haysom, expressed his solidarity with the victims of a devastating suicide bombing...

  • 14 10月 2018

    Fadumo Haji Ali is lucky to be alive.

    She is a survivor of the devastating 14 October 2017 explosion that shattered Mogadishu, killing more than five hundred civilians and leaving hundreds more...

  • 13 10月 2018

    NEW YORK - The Secretary-General condemns today’s lethal attacks against an election campaign rally in Takhar Province and a candidate’s office in Herat Province in Afghanistan. He extends his...

  • 12 10月 2018

    The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in Guinea-Bissau (SRSG), Jose Viegas Filho, was on the ground today to see by himself the ongoing voter registration. SRSG Filho went to Bra...

  • 11 10月 2018

    New York, 11 October 2018. The members of the Security Council reiterated their full and unanimous support for the peace process in Colombia and shared the assessment of the Secretary-General set out...

  • 11 10月 2018

    KITI - Government officials, religious scholars, elders, activists and other community leaders from Daikundi and Ghor gathered at a UN-backed symposium in Daikundi’s remote western district of Kiti to take stock...

  • 11 10月 2018

    New York, UN Headquarters

    Since the General Assembly’s first resolution, in 2007, calling for a moratorium on the use of the death penalty, we have seen significant progress.  Today, some 170 States have either abolished the death penalty or introduced a moratorium on its use. This positive momentum is marred by setbacks and the continuation of practices in violation of the relevant treaties.

  • 11 10月 2018

    KABUL - With Afghanistan's Parliamentary elections little more than a week away, the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) notes that, despite significant security challenges, progress has been made by the country'...

  • 10 10月 2018

    New York, 10 October 2018

    Mr. President,

    Distinguished members of the...

  • 10 10月 2018

    The 45th round of the Geneva International Discussions (GID) took place on 10 October 2018.

    On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the GID, the Co-­Chairs acknowledge the participants’ continued commitment to this unique mechanism, which allows them to meet and to address important issues and concerns in order to reach tangible results.

    Throughout the years, the GID have contributed to improved stability and accountability on the ground. A key achievement has been the establishment of the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanisms (IPRMs) and the related hotlines, which enable local security actors to address incidents on the ground. However, the Co-­Chairs regret the current difficulties surrounding the IPRMs. While taking note of the positions of the participants, the Co-­Chairs call on them to resume the regular meetings of the IPRMs without further delay.

    Despite some achievements, core issues on the GID agenda remain to be resolved. While the principle of the non-­use of force is largely being adhered to, efforts to agree on a joint statement on non-­use of force and to work towards steps implementing this commitment have so far been inconclusive. Further work is required to provide sustainable security.

    While there has been progress, challenges also remain regarding the needs and rights of conflict-­affected communities. To address those, a broad range of humanitarian issues are being extensively discussed, such as livelihoods, documentation, freedom of movement as well as missing persons. Positive steps have been undertaken on archives and environmental threats, but much more needs to be done. Unfortunately, substantial discussions on IDPs and refugees have not been possible in recent years, due to repeated walkouts by some participants.

    As we mark the 10th anniversary of the GID, the Co-­Chairs call on the participants to adopt a forward-­looking and more constructive approach that will allow this unique format to fulfil its mandate. The primary responsibility for making effective use of this format lies with the participants. The Co-­Chairs remain fully committed to do their utmost to facilitate this process.

    The participants agreed to hold the next round on 11-­12 December 2018.

  • 10 10月 2018

    KABUL - The figures released today by the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) show continuing high casualty rates being inflicted on the Afghan civilian population, especially...

  • 9 10月 2018

    The Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), Mohamed Ibn Chambas, welcomes the decision taken by the Government and opposition parties in Niger to revise the electoral code within the National Committee for Political Dialogue (CNDP).

    "This agreement between all political actors members of the CNDP is a major step forward in consolidating the political dialogue in Niger," said Mohamed Ibn...

  • 9 10月 2018

    Abdifatah Hassan Ali’s childhood was forged in a crucible of civil war and violence. By his own account, he fled the chaos and insecurity of Mogadishu on ten occasions, only to find his way back to the war-torn city...

  • 9 10月 2018

    KANDAHAR - After nation-wide consultations on peace among ordinary Afghans from across the country, all documented in a new book, community leaders in Kandahar met at a UN-backed event to...

  • 9 10月 2018

    KABUL - With less than two weeks to the polls to elect a new Parliament, the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) highlights that taking part in elections is a citizen’s right enshrined in the...

  • 8 10月 2018

    Kampala (Uganda), 8 October 2018 - The heads of State and Government of the signatory countries of the Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework for the Democratic...

  • 8 10月 2018

    Kampala (Uganda), 8 October 2018 - The heads of State and Government of the signatory countries of the Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework for the Democratic Republic of...

  • 8 10月 2018

    GHAZNI - The active participation of young Afghans in peace-building is necessary for creating a more stable, inclusive and peaceful region, said participants at a UN-backed symposium in the south-eastern province of...

  • 8 10月 2018

    ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan

    On 5 October 2018 SRSG Natalia Gherman took part in a briefing, organized by the Ministry...

  • 5 10月 2018

    The registration process is underway in Guinea-Bissau, despite the difficulties. With about 150 teams on the ground, the Electoral Process Support Office (GTAPE) has already managed to register more than 30,000 voters.


  • 5 10月 2018

    Bogotá, October 5, 2018 – The Special Jurisdiction for Peace is a key component of Colombia's peace process. It is necessary to guarantee victims' rights to truth, justice, reparation and non-repetition. It is also indispensable to ensure access to transitional justice for former members of the FARC-EP, members of the security forces and other agents of the State and third parties who voluntarily wish to submit to it.

  • 3 10月 2018

    KUNDUZ - Government officials, civil society members, teachers, activists and other community leaders from Afghanistan’s northeast gathered at UN-backed events in Kunduz and Takhar to discuss recent...

  • 2 10月 2018

    NEW YORK - The Secretary-General condemns the series of lethal attacks – including today’s suicide bombing at a campaign rally in Nangarhar Province, on candidates, their affiliates and their supporters...

  • 2 10月 2018

    The Secretary-General congratulates Mr. Barham Salih on his election and swearing in on Tuesday, 2 October as President of the Republic of Iraq. The Secretary-General looks forward to working closely with President Salih on all issues of mutual concern, in accordance with the mandate of the United Nations in Iraq.  

    The Secretary-General hopes the election of the President will pave the way to the swift formation of an inclusive Government in line with constitutional...

  • 2 10月 2018

    KABUL - The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) expresses its concern around the level of violence early in the campaigning period for the 20 October parliamentary elections, including intimidation and...

  • 2 10月 2018

    Tunis, 2 October 2018 – From 1 September to 31 September 2018, the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) documented 40 civilian casualties –18 deaths and 22 injuries – during the conduct of hostilities...

  • 30 9月 2018

    LAL WA SARJANGAL - Government officials, religious scholars, activists and other community leaders in a remote district of Ghor gathered at a UN-backed symposium to strategize on ways to promote social...

  • 30 9月 2018



  • 29 9月 2018

    KANDAHAR - With a special focus in 2018 on the meaningful participation of women in peace initiatives, this year’s nationwide ‘Global Open Days’ events commenced in Afghanistan with a...

  • 27 9月 2018

    Foreign Minister Soreide,
    Prime Minister Hamdallah,
    Minister Hanegbi,
    Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

    We are grateful to Norway for convening and chairing this forum.

    Last year and again in March, this forum noted the deeply worrying trends in the occupied Palestinian territory and the rapidly deteriorating humanitarian and socio-economic situation. Since then, the situation has worsened.

    The situation on the ground cannot be divorced from the broader context: Israel’s continued military occupation and settlement activity; Hamas’ continuing hold on Gaza, its militant activity, including rocket attacks and tunnel construction; uncertainties about the future of the peace process and the two-state solution; unilateral actions that undermine peace efforts; political divisions between Gaza and the Palestinian Authority; and turmoil in the wider region.

    The importance of the parties coming together with the international community to engage in meaningful dialogue at this critical time cannot be overstated.

    The Secretary-General has expressed concern about the violence during the recent demonstrations in Gaza. He deeply regrets the loss of lives. He is also concerned about the dangerous military escalation in Gaza and southern Israel and calls on all sides to exercise maximum restraint, cease all provocations and attacks, and use lethal force only as a last resort.

    The situation was also discussed by the Envoys of the Middle East Quartet, as reflected in their statement yesterday. We are grateful for the support of the US, Russia and EU, and are committed to pursuing our efforts to prevent further escalation, empower the legitimate Palestinian authorities in Gaza, and address all humanitarian needs.

    Over the past two months, United Nations Special Coordinator Office for the Middle East Peace Process (UNSCO) and Egypt have engaged in diplomatic efforts aimed at restoring calm and returning to the 2014 ceasefire arrangements. I commend these efforts. For the de-escalation to hold, all sides must continue their engagement and do their part.

    The Secretary-General has stressed that a negotiated two-state solution remains the only viable way to end the conflict and meet the legitimate aspirations and security needs of both Israelis and Palestinians.

    The Secretary-General has repeatedly called on all parties to refrain from unilateral actions that jeopardize prospects for peace and progress.

    Continued Israeli settlement expansion in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, is an impediment to the two-state solution. It is illegal under international law and needs to stop. The return of the Palestinian Government to Gaza is critical not only to help meet Gaza’s humanitarian needs and advance its development objectives, but also the goals of self-determination and statehood.

    State-building remains a cornerstone of our efforts to achieve lasting peace and stability. International donors and the parties themselves should meaningfully engage with this critical endeavour. The Palestinian Authority must continue implementing the National Policy Agenda. Progress on the state-building agenda depends on an end to settlement construction, violence, and the revitalization of the Palestinian economy. Concrete steps to prevent territorial fragmentation and increase Palestinian access to Area C must be prioritized. 



    An unprecedented reduction in donor funding has brought into question the will and the ability of the international community to effectively respond to the increasing needs on the ground. As a result, this reduction in humanitarian and development assistance to Palestine, will leave a large gap of unmet needs. The impact of funding shortfalls on the economy and humanitarian situation, on the work of UNRWA, other UN Agencies and NGO’s, has and will be significant.

    To help mitigate these effects, the UNSCO’s report has highlighted a number of the most critical humanitarian interventions required to support Gaza’s failing energy, water and health networks. The United Nations has also established a Project Management Unit in Gaza to work with Palestinian and Israeli authorities to facilitate the smooth implementation of urgent projects.

    We are also supporting the parties to conclude a timely and critical review of the Gaza Reconstruction Mechanism, to improve its functionality, transparency and predictability. I would also like to acknowledge UNDP and the World Bank for taking on the challenge of job creation in Gaza, particularly their efforts to prioritize women and youth.

    These steps will help advance a number of critical interventions for Gaza. The international community should offer as much support as possible. I welcome the recent announcements of contributions by several Member States and urge additional new funding including for UNRWA.



    The international community has invested extensive resources for years in Palestine’s statehood. Now is not the time to give up. The parties must also realize that donor support will not continue indefinitely without a meaningful political horizon and without resolving the split between Gaza and the West Bank.

    We should not lose sight of our central objective: fostering a climate conducive to meaningful negotiations that will end the conflict once and for all. This must be the foundation of all our efforts.

    The UN remains committed to support peace efforts leading to a negotiated two-state solution.

    I thank you for your continued engagement and support and wish you the best in your deliberations.

  • 27 9月 2018

    Follow up Mechanism field trip to M23 camps in Rwanda in eastern DRC, 10-14 September 2018 (Ph. anonymous)

    In the second week of September...

  • 27 9月 2018

    Experts Meeting on the Great Lakes region, Nairobi , 3rd September 2018 (Photo : Abdikarim Said)

    Four experts met in Nairobi on 3 September with the Office of the Special...

  • 27 9月 2018

    JALALABAD - A UN-backed peace initiative has helped ease a longstanding land dispute in Nangarhar, demonstrating the power of local...

  • 26 9月 2018

    “Upholding the UN Charter and the Purposes and Principles of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM): Towards a Culture of Peace”


    Distinguished Chair of the Non-Aligned Movement,

    H.E. Mr. Jorge Arreaza, Foreign Minister of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela,

    Distinguished President of the 73rd Session of the General Assembly, H.E. Ms. Maria Fernanda Espinosa,

    Distinguished Ministers members of the Non-Aligned Movement,

    Ladies and gentlemen,

    It is an honour to address the Non-Aligned Movement on behalf of the Secretary-General, for the first time.

    The Non-Aligned Movement represents nearly two-thirds of the membership of the United Nations.  You hail from diverse societies joined by common goals. 

    For decades, the United Nations has greatly benefited from our partnership with the Non-Aligned Movement. We share an abiding belief in the importance of international cooperation, respect for human rights, justice and equality of all races and all nations.

    From its inception, the Non-Aligned Movement understood the critical importance of multilateralism.  The topic you have chosen for this Ministerial Meeting, [“Upholding the UN Charter and the Purposes and Principles of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM): Towards a Culture of Peace”], reinforces this idea.

    No country, regardless of size or resources, can on its own address the challenges deriving from today’s global trends –such as climate change, growing inequality, migration, and the increasingly complex and internationalized nature of conflict.  


    Mister Chair,

    The United Nations and the Non-Aligned Movement are united by a common purpose: an understanding that multilateralism is the most effective means to address these global challenges.

    However, these are trying times for multilateralism.  Yesterday, in his opening remarks at the General Debate, the Secretary-General expressed concern that “multilateralism is under fire precisely when we need it most”. 

    The Secretary-General further called for “renewed commitment to a rules-based order, with the United Nations at its centre”.

    More than ever, we need the support of the NAM in asserting the value of international cooperation and multilateralism.


    Ladies and gentlemen,

    There is no clearer path to move toward a culture of peace than through the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. 

    Members of the Non-Aligned Movement have been crucial in making sure that sustainable development remains central to the UN agenda.

    The 2030 Agenda points to renewed faith in multilateralism and gives us hope that we can overcome global divisions in the name of the common good. 


    Mister Chair,

    To conclude, I would like to say a few words about the UN reform, the operational response to the 2030 Agenda, which reinforces synergies among the peace and security, the development and the human rights pillars of our organization.

    The reforms presented by the Secretary-General, based on an ample debate among Member States, aim to make the United Nations more “fit for purpose” and will strengthen our collective efforts to ensure that the multilateral system is more effective in responding to the current volatile global environment.

    The Secretary-General has placed great emphasis on sustaining peace and prevention, understood in a broad sense that includes prevention of natural disasters, conflict, human rights violations, among others.

    Sustaining Peace calls for ensuring national ownership through inclusive and people-centred approaches. 

    Sustaining Peace stresses the need for stronger partnerships between the United Nations, regional and sub-regional organizations, international financial institutions and civil society organizations. 

    Sustaining Peace also highlights the need for predictable, fast and flexible funds to advance peacebuilding priorities.

    With the approval of the reform proposals by the General Assembly, the peace and security architecture will now be better positioned to both help to prevent conflicts and more effectively respond to resolve them, thus contributing to the advancement of a culture of peace.

    Guided by the core principles of equality, justice and peace, as enshrined in the UN Charter we look forward to continuing our joint cooperation to address today's pressing challenges and build a better world for future generations.

    Thank you.

  • 26 9月 2018

    39th session of the Human Rights Council


    Mr. President,

    Distinguished Members of the Council,

    I wish to thank you for inviting me to...

  • 25 9月 2018

    The Envoys of the Middle East Quartet from the Russian Federation, the United States, the European Union and the United Nations met on the margins of the UN General Assembly in New York to discuss the prospects for peace negotiations and the situation on the ground, in particular in Gaza.

    The envoys expressed their deep concern over the continued escalation in Gaza.

    The Middle East Envoys expressed support for the United Nations’ efforts...

  • 25 9月 2018

    KABUL - Preliminary findings from the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) indicate that 12 civilians were killed Sunday in an airstrike in Maidan Wardak province during operations...

  • 25 9月 2018

    As the situation on the ground in Gaza is on the brink of collapse, a United Nations report has called for urgent steps to prevent violent confrontation in Gaza, support for the return of the legitimate Palestinian Government and humanitarian assistance. This includes easing of Israeli movement and access restrictions, de-escalating tensions and urgent humanitarian and economic interventions to address Gaza’s failing basic services and devastated...

  • 25 9月 2018
  • 25 9月 2018

    KABUL - The UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) expresses its concern about the rising number of civilian casualties from airstrikes this year in Afghanistan, with credible reports of the latest incident...

  • 25 9月 2018

    NEW YORK - The Secretary-General met with H.E. Mr. Abdullah Abdullah, Chief Executive of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. The Secretary-General and the Chief Executive discussed the upcoming...

  • 24 9月 2018

    New York, 24 September 2018. The Secretary-General met today with H.E. Mr. Iván Duque Márquez, President of Colombia. The Secretary-General...