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Reports and Policy Documents


  • 27 يناير 2020

    TRIPOLI/GENEVA (27January 2020) –In a new report on the July 2019 airstrikes in Libya that killed at least 53 migrants and refugees at the Tajoura detention centre – one of the deadliest incidents since a new round...

  • 26 يناير 2020

    KHOST - The abuse and recruitment of children in the Afghanistan remains a reality that must be challenged, said participants at a UN-backed event in the southeast province of Khost.

    More than 60 participants, including...

  • 25 يناير 2020

    The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) deeply regrets the continued blatant violations of the arms embargo in Libya, even after the commitments made in this regard by concerned countries during the...

  • 25 يناير 2020

    The United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), together with The Economic Community Of West Africa States (ECOWAS) Commission organized a Workshop...

  • 25 يناير 2020

    With over 240 public meetings and a wider range of civil society briefers, the UN Security Council continued its push towards more transparency in 2019, a year marked by widespread popular uprisings and the erosion of hard-won international treaties.

  • 24 يناير 2020

    18 - 24 January 2020

    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world.

    Security Council

    DiCarlo: “Crucial necessity of dialogue and diplomacy in [Middle East] region” 
    Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo briefed the Security Council on the situation in the Middle East on 21 January. She briefed on the latest protest in Lebanon and developments related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. On the latter, she said that: “In the absence of progress towards an agreement that will resolve all final status issues, the United Nations continues to focus its efforts on establishing an environment conducive to the return to the negotiations. Recent regional events have once again brought to fore the crucial necessity of dialogue and diplomacy in the region.”  
    Read her full statement here 
    Read more in UN News 


    Still “long way to go” in Libya, Secretary-General says 
    Secretary-General António Guterres briefed the Security Council, in closed consultations, on the outcomes of the Berlin Conference on Libya. At a press encounter following the meeting, that took place on 21 January, the Secretary-General said that it is still a long way to go in Libya, and that the Berlin Conference was just the beginning. “We need to move to a ceasefire, and from the ceasefire, we need to move to a real political process and we are not yet there. And so this meeting of the Security Council is very important and the pressure that the international community over the parties to the conflict and those that have an influence on them, to make sure that this roadmap is implemented, that we have the truce transformed into a ceasefire and a true political process. The pressure of the international community is essential. The role of the Security Council is essential,” he said.  
    Read more here 


    European Union 

    ASG Jenča visits European capitals for consultations 
    On a five-day mission to Europe from 20 to 25 January, Assistant Secretary-General Miroslav Jenča visited Paris, Brussels and Budapest. He met with French, Belgian, and Hungarian senior government officials and representatives of EU and NATO and discussed recent developments in the European Union and its neighborhood as well as cooperation with the United Nations. Meeting with EU Commissioners in Brussels, ASG Jenča expressed the United Nations’ readiness to engage with the new leadership of the European Union. 
    For more information, contact us 




    Provincial authorities and media forge ties to improve access to information  
    In a bid to improve access to information, the provincial government and media in the northern province of Samangan have forged closer ties. More than 30 journalists and government officials, including the provincial deputy governor, participated in a one-day workshop on 19 January to discuss ways to improve the free flow of information to the public. The UNAMA backed meeting agreed to replicate a model recently adopted in the Balkh province, with designated press focal points in departments and creating a joint-WhatsApp group with the local media. 
    Read more on UNAMA’s website 

    Journalist safety discussed in Kabul  
    “The vibrant and pluralistic media in Afghanistan is a success story to be championed and defended. Ensuring reporters can work without threats or violence is vital. If media freedom is challenged, society as a whole suffers,” Tadamichi Yamamoto, Special Representative and Head of UNAMA, said at roundtable meeting on the safety of Afghan journalists on 20 January. The meeting, that was held in Kabul, was organized by the Afghan Journalist Safety Committee and UNESCO and chaired by Second Vice President Sarwar Danish.   
    For more information, contact us






    Special Representative visits Qatar  
    Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, Special Representative and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq, was received in Doha, State of Qatar, by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, H.E. Sheik Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani on 18 January. They discussed issues of mutual concern, emphasizing the importance of dialogue to de-escalate regional tensions. Photo: Courtesy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the State of Qatar.  
    For more information, contact us 




    Tourist expedition guided by ex-combatants
    36 international visitors tested the 'Marquetalia Route,' on 18 January as part of a tourism initiative by former FARC combatants in the mountains of Southern Tolima. This is one of the regions where the conflict began half a century ago. Visitors from 22 countries, including Germany, Spain, United States, Finland, France, the Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden and United Kingdom, and representatives from Traveled Century Club, Most Traveled People, and Nomad Mania, some of the most important extreme travel clubs in the world, participated. Representatives from the travel clubs shared their experiences and knowledge on extreme routes and hiking with the former combatants and the local indigenous community. The initiative was supported by the Reintegration and Normalization Agency, the UN Verification Mission in Colombia, the Mayor of Planadas, the Association of Ecological Producers of Planadas, and the public force. 
    For more information, contact us




    New York

    High-level meeting on the Peacebuilding Fund
    An Ambassador level meeting of the Group of Friends of the UN Secretary-General’s Peacebuilding Fund was held in New York on 22 January, hosted by Anna Karin Eneström, Permanent Representative of Sweden and Karen Pierce, Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom, co-chairs of the Friends of the Fund. Marc-André Franche, Chief, Financing for PBF, presented the review of the Fund Performance along with the PBF Strategic Plan 2017-2019 in the context of UN reforms. Assistant-Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Oscar Fernandez-Taranco discussed priorities under the new Investment Plan 2020-24. “The Fund has proven its effectiveness, its relevance and is now in a position to drive peacebuilding investments which will save us all millions in response costs,” he said.  The permanent representatives also provided feedback on the priorities identified under the draft Investment Plan 2020-24.
    For more information, contact us






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    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org

  • 24 يناير 2020

    Statement of U.N. Special Coordinator for Lebanon Jan Kubis Following Meeting with His Excellency Prime Minister Hassan Diab

  • 24 يناير 2020

    The Secretary General of ECCAS and the Head of UNOCA, Mr. François Louncény Fall, calls for the electoral process to unfold in peaceful and secure conditions in Cameroon, where the electoral...

  • 23 يناير 2020

    An independent human rights expert said she has not given up hope for a democratic transition in Myanmar even though the country has yet to address “grave allegations” of international crimes, including possible genocide. 


  • 23 يناير 2020

    Myanmar must take steps to protect its minority Rohingya population, the top UN court unanimously ruled on Thursday. 

  • 22 يناير 2020

    KABUL - Kicking off the world’s biggest listening exercise in Afghanistan, a group of youth representatives met in Kabul this week and shared their hopes and fears as part of the global UN75 initiative to...

  • 22 يناير 2020

    Amman, 22 January 2020 - The UN Special Envoy for Yemen, Martin Griffiths, is deeply alarmed by the latest round of violence in Yemen which resulted in the death of many innocent civilians.

    Mr. Griffiths has been in contact with the parties reiterating his call for de-escalation.

    Mr. Griffiths calls on all the parties involved to take all necessary measures to cease all military activities including movement of troops, airstrikes, missile and drone attacks.

  • 22 يناير 2020

    The start of the New Year finds the world facing four looming threats to human progress: surging geopolitical tensions, the climate crisis, global mistrust and the downsides of technology, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Wednesday. 

  • 22 يناير 2020

    Mogadishu, 22 January 2020 – Somalia’s federal authorities and international...

  • 22 يناير 2020

    Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General

    on the formation of new Government in Lebanon


    The Secretary-General welcomes the announcement of the formation of a new Government of Lebanon today. He looks forward to working with Prime Minister Hassan Diab and the incoming Council of Ministers, including in support of Lebanon’s reform agenda and to address the pressing needs of its people.


  • 21 يناير 2020

    Authorities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and the UN peacekeeping operation in the country, MONUSCO, are being urged to develop a comprehensive joint strategy to address insecurity in Beni territory, located in the east. 

  • 21 يناير 2020

    Statement attributable to the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General

    on the formation of new Government in Lebanon


    The Secretary-General welcomes the announcement of the formation of a new Government of Lebanon today. He looks forward to working with Prime Minister Hassan Diab and the incoming Council of Ministers, including in support of Lebanon’s reform agenda and to address the pressing needs of its people.


  • 21 يناير 2020

    Recent heightened tensions in the Middle East underscore the critical need for dialogue and diplomacy in the region, the UN’s Political Affairs chief told the Security Council on Tuesday. 

  • 21 يناير 2020

    What had been largely peaceful demonstrations against Lebanon’s Government in the capital Beirut grew increasingly violent over the weekend, sparking the concern of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.

  • 21 يناير 2020

    Mr. President,

    Members of the Security Council,

    I brief you today amid heightened regional tensions that threaten to destabilize further an already volatile political and security environment. The Secretary-General has been clear in calling on all leaders to exercise maximum restraint and has emphasized that the world cannot afford another conflict.

    The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not immune to the tensions in the region. At the same time, the effects of its persistence are felt far beyond Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

    The United Nations has consistently stated that we cannot hope to bring sustainable peace to the Middle East without taking firm action to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and achieve a two-State solution based on international law, relevant United Nations resolutions and prior agreements.

    It is sadly not a surprise that a recent survey of millennials by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) found that almost two-thirds (65 per cent) of Israeli millennials thought the Israeli-Palestinian conflict would “never end”, making them the least optimistic of the people surveyed in countries affected by war. Palestinians were also pessimistic, although slightly less so, with 52 per cent believing that the conflict would never end.

    The international community bears a responsibility to help build a different future for these young Israelis and Palestinians, one that promises hope, reconciliation and peaceful coexistence rather than perpetual occupation and conflict. 


    Mr. President,

    During the past few weeks, the UN has continued its engagement with all Palestinian factions to stress the need for and the prospect of holding long-overdue legislative and presidential elections.

    Political parties have confirmed they would include more women candidates than the law requires. Discussions also continue regarding potentially amending the electoral law and raising the quota of women candidates on a list from 20 to 30 per cent.

    Despite broad internal political agreement and a series of compromises by all factions, to date President Abbas has not issued the decree needed to schedule elections.  In the past month, he has stated that he would not set dates until Israel agrees that elections can take place in East Jerusalem. Plans to organize the vote are now grinding to a halt.

    The Secretary-General and the Special Coordinator remain hopeful that elections will be scheduled soon in line with previous practice. 


    Mr. President,

    With the political process deadlocked, negative developments continue to undermine the prospects for a two-State solution.

    The beginning of 2020 witnessed the continued expansion of settlement activity and the threat of annexation of parts of the West Bank. On 4 and 5 January, Israeli authorities advanced plans for some 1,900 residential units in settlements in Area C. The plans include the retroactive “regularization”, under Israeli law, of an outpost and advancement of plans in two other locations that were regularized in 2019. In addition, tenders were announced for some 2200 units in Area C and East Jerusalem.

    On 5 January, an inter-ministerial committee tasked with discussing annexation plans for the Jordan Valley held its first meeting.

    On 9 January, the Office of the Minister of Defence announced the appointment of the director of a new task force to tackle so-called “illegal Palestinian construction” in Area C of the West Bank.

    Also in January, the Jerusalem District Planning Committee advanced a new 150-unit compound to be built in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Beit Hanina, on land owned jointly by Israelis and Palestinians. The construction rights are expected to be split between the Israeli and Palestinian owners of the land, though the Palestinian owners had previously submitted objections to this plan.

    On 15 January, following a ruling by Israel’s High Court of Justice, Israeli authorities demolished two houses in the outpost of Kumi Ori, in Area B of the West Bank.

    Also, on 15 January Israel's Defense Ministry announced it was advancing the declaration of 7 new nature reserves in Area C and the expansion of twelve existing ones. If implemented, these declarations would be the first of their kind since the start of the Oslo process.

    I reiterate that all settlements are illegal under international law and remain an obstacle to peace. The annexation of some or all of Area C, if implemented, would deal a devastating blow to the potential of reviving negotiations, advancing regional peace, and the essence of the two-State solution.


    Mr. President,

    Meanwhile, sporadic violence in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza continued throughout the reporting period. Some 220 Palestinians, including 80 children, were injured in various incidents, including during clashes, protests, search and arrest operations, and settler-related violence. Of these, 50 were injured by tear gas inhalation. In addition, 6 Israelis, including one child, were injured during the reporting period.

    Developments in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Al-Issawiya are a significant and growing concern. The area continues to be the focal point of ongoing clashes and numerous arrests, including of minors. The United Nations continues to monitor the situation closely.

    In Gaza, while the situation remains extremely fragile, there has been a notable and welcome reduction in violence in and around Gaza as the understandings brokered by the United Nations and Egypt continue to be broadly upheld.

    On 26 December, the organizers of the ongoing protests along the Gaza perimeter fence announced that the weekly demonstrations would be on hold until the end of March. Following the announcement, a relative calm has prevailed along the fence.

    The limited demonstrations that took place prior to the announcement remained relatively peaceful, though some protesters engaged in violent activities including approaching the fence and throwing Molotov cocktails and explosive devices towards Israeli forces. Israel Defense Forces (IDF) responded with riot dispersal means and live fire, injuring some 140 Palestinians, including some 75 women and children. According to OCHA, the number of injuries recorded during the Gaza protests in the reporting period was the lowest since the protests began in March 2018. One Palestinian died of injuries sustained during a protest in May 2018.

    It is concerning and regrettable, however, that in the last few days there has been a resurgence of incendiary balloons and kites launched from Gaza towards Israel. These actions are a risk to the civilian population.

    During the reporting period, Palestinian militants fired some 20 projectiles from the Gaza Strip towards Israeli communities, a significant decrease compared to previous months. The rockets fell short, fell in open areas or were intercepted and did not cause any damage or injuries. In response to the rocket attacks, the IDF conducted several strikes against what it said were Hamas targets in Gaza. No injuries were reported.

    ASG Muller will elaborate in further details on the humanitarian situation in the occupied territory.


    Mr. President,

    Despite ongoing efforts, the socio-economic situation in Gaza remains very difficult. Progress was made during the reporting period on implementation of the package of urgent humanitarian and economic interventions for Gaza, endorsed by the Ad-Hoc Liaison Committee (AHLC) in September 2018. I take this opportunity to thank those in the international community who have contributed to the implementation of the AHLC plan and call on all to increase their support to UN programmes on the ground.

    By the end of 2019, 37,000 temporary jobs had been created by UNRWA, UNDP and the World Bank. The cash-for-work programmes specifically target women and youth, as they are underrepresented in the labor force and require specialized assistance to gain access to employment opportunities.  Several thousand more jobs are expected to be created this year.

    The increased funding would allow UN agencies the capacity to significantly scale up and improve these job opportunities, as well as implement other programmes to support the economy and address unemployment more long term. Qatari funded fuel supplies for the Gaza Power Plant also continued, allowing for increased and more stable electricity supplies in Gaza.

    Meanwhile, many of the AHLC projects remain unfunded or in a deficit. Critical health interventions identified in the package are still in deficit of USD 4 million. Donors are encouraged to continue their support of these interventions to alleviate the suffering of the population and help avoid another deadly escalation.

    Despite the welcome progress in advancing these projects, it’s a fact that humanitarian and economic steps alone will not resolve Gaza’s immense challenges. At their core, Gaza’s problems are political, and they require political solutions. Palestinian leaders must take concrete steps to ensure that Gaza and the West Bank are reunited. At the same time, Israel must significantly improve the movement and access of goods and people to and from Gaza, as a step towards the full lifting of the closures, in line with Security Council resolution 1860 (2009).


    Mr. President,

    In other developments during the reporting period, on 20 December, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court released a statement, announcing that the ICC’s preliminary examination into the Situation in Palestine “has concluded with the determination that all the statutory criteria under the Rome Statute for the opening of an investigation have been met.”  In doing so, she expressed her view that, among other things, “war crimes have been or are being committed in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip.”

    She also stated her position that the Court’s jurisdiction applies to the Occupied Palestinian Territory.


    Mr. President,

    In line with legislation passed in the Knesset in July 2018, on 29 December, the Government decided to withhold USD 43 million in clearance revenues that Israel collects on behalf of the Palestinian Authority, in monthly instalments spread over the course of 2020. The amount was determined by Israeli authorities to be equal to what Palestinian authorities paid Palestinians injured in attacks against Israelis and families of those killed in such attacks. This deduction comes in addition to USD 139 million already withheld by Israel over stipends paid in 2018 to prisoners convicted or accused of security offenses against Israel.

    I am concerned that this development may strain the tenuous progress made in October 2019, when Israel and the Palestinian Authority reached a partial agreement on transferring clearance revenues. I reiterate my call to both sides to engage in a constructive manner to ensure compliance with the Paris Protocol on Economic Relations. The UN stands ready to assist in this process.


    Mr. President,

    Turning to the region, in Lebanon, efforts to form a Government have continued since Hassan Diab was nominated Prime Minister-designate on 19 December. The popular protests also continue, against the background of a deteriorating economic situation.

    The violent incidents that took place in Beirut between protestors and security forces in recent days and incidents of disproportionate use of force raise very serious concern, particularly as the protests have been largely peaceful until now.

    Following recent tensions in the region, the Special Coordinator for Lebanon and the UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander encouraged parties to shield Lebanon from any potential spill-over and to urge for calm. The situation in the UNIFIL area of operations, including along the Blue Line, remained stable.

    While in the past weeks the situation on the Golan had generally remained clam, on 14 January, the Syrian Armed Forces issued a statement informing that the Israel Defense Forces had conducted an airstrike on targets located in Syria. UNDOF engaged both parties in order to prevent an escalation of tensions and reminded them of their obligation to respect the 1974 Disengagement of Forces Agreement.


    Mr. President,

    In closing, I would like to emphasize the continued urgency of resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict on the basis of relevant UN resolutions, international law and bilateral agreements.

    In the absence of progress towards an agreement that will resolve all final status issues, the United Nations continues to focus its efforts on establishing an environment conducive to the return to the negotiations. Recent regional events have once again brought to fore the crucial necessity of dialogue and diplomacy in the region.

    And, we don’t need to look any further to find living examples of dialogue and co-existence at the community level. Despite the political deadlock and tensions, Palestinians and Israelis on the ground continue to work every day to build a more peaceful and secure future.

    From youth creating new platforms to increase cultural understanding across religious and national lines, to women demanding a greater role in their governments’ decision-making, these remarkable individuals continue to serve as an inspiration to all of us to redouble our efforts towards a negotiated solution.

    I assure you that the United Nations remains committed to supporting Palestinians and Israelis as they pursue a peaceful and just future. 

    Thank you.

  • 21 يناير 2020
  • 20 يناير 2020

    The top UN aid official in Nigeria has condemned a weekend attack against a major humanitarian facility in the north-east of the country. 

  • 20 يناير 2020

    The top UN aid official in Nigeria has condemned a weekend attack against a major humanitarian facility in the north-east of the country. 

  • 20 يناير 2020

    Twenty-two journalists were reported killed in the Latin America and Caribbean region in 2019, making it the deadliest part of the world for the press, followed by 15 in Asia-Pacific, and 10 in Arab States.

  • 19 يناير 2020

    I would like to express again my gratitude to the Germany authorities and Chancellor Merkel for their efforts in the past few months in order to push this process...

  • 19 يناير 2020

    Speaking at a major, high-level summit on Libya, held in the German capital Berlin on Sunday, UN Secretary-General António Guterres evoked the disastrous humanitarian situation faced by thousands of civilians, as conflict in the North African country grows deeper and more destructive.

  • 19 يناير 2020


    Amman, 19 January 2020 – The Special Envoy for Yemen, Martin Griffiths condemns the escalation of military activities in Sana’a, Sa’dah and Marib governorates where airstrikes, missiles and ground attacks reportedly...

  • 19 يناير 2020

    Chancellor Merkel,


    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    We are here for an urgent and pressing reason: to stop Libya’s...

  • 19 يناير 2020

    AIBAK – In a bid to improve access to information, the provincial government and media in the northern province of Samangan have forged closer ties.

    More than 30 journalists and government...

  • 18 يناير 2020

    Under-Secretary-General for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) Rosemary A. DiCarlo today concluded her first official visit to West Africa with a stop in...

  • 18 يناير 2020

    UNSMIL expresses deep concern over current efforts to disrupt or impair oil production in Libya. This move would have devastating consequences first and foremost for the Libyan people who depend on the free...

  • 17 يناير 2020


    11 - 17 January 2020

    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world.

    West Africa and the Sahel

    DPPA chief visits five countries in five days on first West Africa tour
    On a five-day visit to West Africa and the Sahel from 13 to 17 January, Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo traveled to Senegal, Guinea-Bissau, Niger, Nigeria and Burkina Faso. In Senegal on 13 January, she met with President Macky Sall and Foreign Minister Amadou Ba and agreed that the international community must step up support to efforts to address security challenges in the Sahel region. DiCarlo also commended them on recent legislation to combat violence against women.


    Recent presidential elections were the focus of discussions in Guinea-Bissau on 14 January, where DiCarlo met with President José Mário Vaz and congratulated him for completing his term and for his readiness to peacefully transfer power. She also met separately with the contestants in the second round of the election, Domingos Simões Pereira, from the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC), and Umaro Mokhtar Sissoco Embaló, of the MADEM-G15 party. She encouraged them to work for reconciliation and unity in the country.


    In Niger the following day, DiCarlo met with President Mohamadou Issoufou, Ministers Ankouraou, Bazoum and civil society. She expressed her condolences and solidarity with Niger for the loss of life in recent terror attacks. She also urged greater international support for Niger’s efforts against terrorism and to address development challenges.

    In Nigeria, the Under-Secretary-General exchanged views with Nigeria's Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Zubairu Dada, on the overall security and humanitarian situation in Lake Chad Basin, including the need to continue to improve humanitarian access to affected areas. She also met with Jean-Claude Kassi Brou, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Commission President, and discussed specific actions to enhance coordination in the implementation of the United Nations Integrated Strategy for the Sahel and the ECOWAS action plan.

    In meetings with President Roch Marc Christian Kaboré and other Burkinabè officials, DiCarlo reiterated UN condolences and solidarity with Burkina Faso following recent terrorist attacks. They agreed that current challenges cannot be addressed only militarily. Social cohesion, development and ensuring the rule of law are key. She also held encounters with civil society and political parties – the ruling party and the opposition. "I encouraged peaceful and inclusive elections in 2020, and greater participation of women in the political process. The unity of the Burkinabè is essential in these challenging times, she tweeted.

    Burkina Faso was the last stop on the Under-Secretary-General’s visit to West Africa. From Ouagadougou she is flying to Berlin to take part in the Berlin Conference on Libya on 19 January.
    For more information, contact us


    New York 

    Commemoration of tenth anniversary of Haiti earthquake
    At a ceremony on 17 January, Secretary-General António Guterres honored the memory of the hundreds of thousands of Haitians and 102 UN colleagues who lost their lives in the earthquake on 12 January 2010.  "Together, we will safeguard Haiti’s future and build lives of peace, prosperity and dignity for all Haitians," the Secretary-General said.  After the ceremony, participants paid their respects to the victims at the new Haiti earthquake memorial installed in the North Lawn of UN HQ, which lists the first names of the UN colleagues who lost their lives. The tragedy in Haiti is the single greatest loss of personnel in the UN’s history.
    Read the UN News story


    Security Council

    Ruiz Massieu: Hard-won gains in Colombia must be protected, preserved and built upon
    Special Representative and Head of the UN Verification Mission in Colombia Carlos Ruiz Massieu told the Security Council on 13 January that Colombia had continued to make significant strides in its peace process in 2019 even in the face of serious challenges. “These hard-won gains must be protected, preserved and built upon,” he said, warning that the pervasive violence in conflict-affected areas continues to threaten the consolidation of peace. “Peace will not be fully achieved if the brave voices of social leaders continue to be silenced through violence and if former combatants who laid down their weapons and are committed to their reintegration continue to be killed.” He concluded by recalling that the UN remains convinced that the full implementation of the Peace Agreement, in all its interconnected aspects, provides the best possible hope for Colombia to lay the foundations for a more peaceful and prosperous future.
    Read his remarks


    UNMHA mandate extended
    The Security Council, on 13 January, "[r]eaffirming its commitment to the unity, sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Yemen and its commitment to stand by the people of Yemen," extended the mandate of the United Nations mission to support the Hudaydah ceasefire agreement (UNMHA) until 15 July 2020.
    Read Security Council resolution 2505 extending UNMHA’s mandate

    Military de-escalation cannot be sustained without political process, says UN envoy
    Special Envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths said during his Security Council briefing on 16 January that the movement of forces and military on the ground had reduced, leading to "one of the quietest periods of the conflict.” "Experience however tells us that military de-escalation cannot be sustained without political progress between the parties," he cautioned. Recent developments constituted good news, he said, “not least because it is also a starting point for opening a new page to be dominated and noted and themed by sincere consultations between the Yemeni parties to reach a political solution to end the Yemeni crisis.”
    Read his remarks

















    Former adversaries and local community build bridge together
    At the request of the Colombian Armed Forces, the UN Verification Mission in Colombia transported materials for the construction of a bridge in southern Tolima department on 11 January. Tolima is where the FARC guerrilla organization was born 56 years ago.  The bridge will be built by former combatants, the Armed Forces and members of the community working together. It will benefit the surrounding communities, including schoolchildren. "I cannot think of a more encouraging example to begin the new year than the image of former adversaries working with a local community to build a bridge together," Special Representative Carlos Ruiz Massieu said in his briefing to the Security Council on 13 January.
    For more information, contact us


    Peacebuilding Commission visits Colombia
    At the initiative of the President of Colombia, Iván Duque Márquez, a meeting of the Peacebuilding Commission on “Good Practices in Financing for Peacebuilding and Partnerships” took place in Cartagena, Colombia, on 14-15 January. An exhibition displaying the products made by former-combatants, survivors and communities was also held. The President, Foreign Affairs Minister Claudia Blum, Mr. Ruiz Massieu, Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Oscar Fernández-Taranco, and representatives of the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB), the World Bank, the private sector and civil society addressed the meeting. 
    For more information, contact us


    Commemoration of 10th anniversary of the Haiti earthquake
    Assistant Secretary-General Miroslav Jenča was in Port-au-Prince on 12 January to honor those lost in the earthquake in Haiti 10 years ago. During his visit, he also discussed with President Jovenel Moïse the political dialogue process in the country and cooperation between the UN Integrated Office in Haiti (BINUH) and the Government.
    For more information, contact us



    “Without women in the peace process, there is no peace.”
    The ‘Women as pioneers for peace’ meeting on the role of women in peace in Herat, the capital of the western province, on 13 January,  brought together around 100 women activists, government leaders and civil society from across the region, including Badghis, Ghor, Farah and Herat. Herat Governor Abdul Quayom Rahimi and his Deputy Monesa Hassanzadeh, reaffirmed a call for women to take centre stage and ensure that their role and rights are adequately reflected and safeguarded in peace efforts, as well as any subsequent agreement. "Without women in the peace process, there is no peace,” Rahimi told the participants. In closing the event, participants unanimously adopted a final declaration comprising thirteen articles and calls for the meaningful participation of women in all decision-making processes related to peace, reconciliation, reintegration and security; the establishment of a consultation mechanism to accompany the peace process; and for the peace process to be Afghan-led and Afghan-owned building on democratic, civil and human rights values.
    Read the story on UNAMA’s website



    Special Envoy meets President of Yemen and US Secretary of Defense
    In a meeting with the President of Yemen, Abdrabuh Mansour Hadi on 13 January,  Special Envoy Martin Griffiths praised recent steps taken for the implementation of the Riyadh Agreement between the Government and the Southern Transitional Council and discussed next steps to reach a comprehensive peace in the country. President Hadi renewed his commitment to the UN-led peace process in Yemen.
    For more information, contact us



    African Union Peace and Security Council and African Council members discuss peace and security in Africa
    Assistant Secretary-General for Africa Bintou Keita participated in the 7th high-level meeting on peace and security in Africa between the members of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union and the African members of the UN Security Council. The meeting was held in Libreville, Gabon, from 13 to 14 January. On the margins of the event, Keita, together with UN Special Representative for Central Africa François Louncény Fall, met with the Secretary-General of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), Ahmad Allam-Mi, on 13 January, and on 14 January participated in a working session with Gabonese Defence Minister Rose Christiane Ossouka Raponda focusing on the security situation in Central Africa and the role of Gabon in conflict prevention and peacekeeping. On 15 January, she also met with Gabonese Minister of Foreign Affairs Alain Claude Bilie-By-Nze, accompanied by Mr. Fall and UN Resident Coordinator Stephen Jackson, to discuss various peace, security, development and regional issues in Central Africa. 
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    Ceasefire and Berlin conference discussed during visit to Tripoli
    Special Representative for Libya Ghassan Salamé and Deputy Special Representative Stephanie Williams met the head of the Government of National Accord (GNA) Fayez Serraj in Tripoli on 15 January. The meeting focused on the latest developments, including the ceasefire and ongoing preparations for the conference in Berlin on 19 January. At a temporary shelter at Al-Ghunaimi School, Bin Ashour District, they listened to the concerns and needs of internally displaced persons (IDPs) who had fled the fighting in Tripoli. They stressed the readiness of the UN humanitarian agencies to intensify efforts to provide necessary support to IDPs. Salamé said he hoped that the Berlin conference would lead to a lasting ceasefire, allowing a safe retun of all IDPs to their homes. 
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    Horn of Africa envoy visits Somalia
    On his visit to Mogadishu from 13 to 14 January, the UN Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa, Parfait Onanga-Anyanga, met a range of Somali government and electoral officials, civil society representatives and international partners and discussed regional security, elections, development, humanitarian and other issues. “It gives me hope that, as the country will be engaging in a quite significant electoral process, everything will be done in a way that the country can build on its gains so far, to strengthen the rule of law and governance structures,” he said. During his meeting with the Chairperson of Somalia’s National Independent Electoral Commissions, Halima Ibrahim, Onanga-Anyanga discussed the challenges and opportunities regarding the country’s upcoming “one-person, one vote” elections. He stressed the importance of inclusive political participation and the meaningful role that women and youth can play.
    Read the full story on UNSOM’s website

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  • 17 يناير 2020

    More than 200,000 Haitians who perished in the devastating earthquake which struck the island nation ten years ago, were honoured in a solemn ceremony of remembrance at UN Headquarters in New York on Friday, along with 102 staffers who died – the single greatest loss of life in the Organization’s history. 

  • 17 يناير 2020

    The world should not accept the “dire and untenable” situation facing children in wartorn Libya the head of the UN Children’s Fund, UNICEF, said on Friday.

  • 17 يناير 2020

    TRIPOLI, 17 January 2020 - Six months ago, Siham Sergewa, an elected member of the House of Representatives, was seized at night from her home in the heavily...

  • 17 يناير 2020

    A marching band in Farafenni, a market town in The Gambia, just south of the border...

  • 16 يناير 2020

    Despite the threat posed by recent tensions in the Gulf, Yemen was able to weather the crisis thanks in part to restraint exercised by its political leaders, the UN Special Envoy for the country said on Thursday. 

  • 16 يناير 2020

    Nearly nine years of conflict in Syria have robbed boys and girls of their childhood and subjected them to “unabated violations of their rights”, including being killed, maimed, displaced, forced to fight or subjected to torture, rape and sexual slavery. 

  • 15 يناير 2020

    New York, 15 January 2020 . The members of the Security Council reiterated their full and unanimous support for the peace process in Colombia and reaffirmed their commitment to working closely with Colombia to make progress in implementation of the Final Peace Agreement.  They welcomed both parties’ continued commitment to implementation of the Final Peace Agreement as it moved into a fourth year, and strongly supported the complementary efforts towards this end by the...

  • 15 يناير 2020

    Fresh clashes in the Central African Republic’s southeast have driven some 400 people to seek shelter at a UN base there, the United Nations Spokesperson said on Wednesday.

  • 15 يناير 2020

    Implementation of the 2015 peace agreement in Mali provides the only pathway for stabilization there, the head of UN peacekeeping told the Security Council on Wednesday. 

  • 14 يناير 2020

    KANDAHAR –  Efforts by religious and community leaders to foster peace and reconciliation in the country’s south and nationwide were reinforced by a series of UN-backed events through 2019 enabling hundreds of Ulema and tribal...

  • 14 يناير 2020

    Mogadishu, 14 January 2020 – The top UN official for the Horn of Africa today left Somalia expressing hope for the country’s progress as it enters a pivotal...

  • 13 يناير 2020

    On her first visit to Bissau, in the context of a mission to several countries in the region, Rosemary di Carlo said she was happy to see that the...

  • 13 يناير 2020

    The President of the 74th session of the UN General Assembly on Monday set out his 2020 priorities, which aim to make the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) a reality by the start of the next decade.

  • 13 يناير 2020

    Colombia has continued to make “significant strides in its peace process”, the top UN envoy in the country told the Security Council on Monday.

  • 12 يناير 2020

    HERAT – Under the header of ‘Women as pioneers for peace’, attendees at a meeting on the role of women in peace adopted a declaration calling for the substantive involvement and...

  • 12 يناير 2020
  • 10 يناير 2020

    The Security Council on Friday evening renewed a UN operation delivering humanitarian aid across the Syrian border to millions of civilians, but some of the body’s members expressed disappointment that the “watered down” measure cut in half the number of crossing points and duration of the authorization.

  • 10 يناير 2020


    4 - 10 December 2019

    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world.

    New York 

    Highlights of Security Council Practice for 2019
    The Security Council Affairs Division (SCAD) has released its Highlights of Security Council Practice for 2019. The interactive document summarizes the Council’s daily work for the year via an informative set of facts, figures and interactive charts.
    See all the highlights here


    Security Council

    Salamé: “Keep your hands off Libya”
    Ghassan Salamé, Special Representative and Head of UNSMIL, spoke to the media  after briefing the Security Council in closed consultations on 6 January. “Keep your hands off Libya,” was his message to international actors intervening in the conflict. “There are enough weapons in Libya, they don’t need extra weapons,” he said. “There are enough mercenaries in Libya, so stop sending mercenaries as is the case right now, with hundreds or thousands right now coming into the country of late.” 
    Read the transcript here

    Devastating surge in terrorist attacks in West Africa and the Sahel
    Special Representative Mohamed Ibn Chambas, presenting the latest report of the Secretary-General on the activities of UNOWAS on 8 January, told the Security Council that despite positive political developments, “the region has experienced a devastating surge in terrorist attacks against civilian and military targets.” “The geographic focus of terrorist attacks has shifted eastwards from Mali to Burkina Faso and Niger, and is increasingly threatening West African coastal States,” Mr Chambas said.
    Read his full statement here
    Read more in UN News

    Guterres: “We must come home to the UN Charter”
    The Security Council held an open debate on “Upholding the United Nations Charter to Maintain International Peace and Security” on 9 January. In his statement at the meeting, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres encouraged countries to return to fundamental principles. “We must come home to the UN Charter,” he said. “At this time of global divisions and turmoil, the Charter remains our shared framework of international cooperation for the common good.”  
    Read his full statement here






    UNAMI chief meets with Iraqi president
    Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, Special Representative and Head of UNAMI, met with Iraqi President Barham Salih on 6 January. They discussed the current political developments in the country and the region. Ms. Hennis-Plasschaert reiterated United Nations support for Iraq’s security and stability as well as the need to undertake reforms that would address the Iraqi people’s legitimate demands for change.
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    Experts discuss Libya’s economic future
    UNSMIL convened a meeting of 19 Libyan experts on 6 January representing the main Libyan financial and economic institutions as well as the different economic sectors. The experts were selected based on their capacity to represent interests from across the Libyan political and geographic spectrum. The experts agreed that the Libyan economy was under duress due to the institutional fragmentation caused by the conflict and that this was having an increasingly detrimental impact on the daily lives of Libyans. It was also agreed that any comprehensive political settlement would require a mechanism to unify financial and economic policy as well as the institutions.
    Read more on UNSMIL’s website



    Visit to Somaliland
    The Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia, James Swan, visited Hargeisa in Somaliland on 8 January. He met with Somaliland’s President Musa Bihi Abdi and members of his cabinet, and they discussed how confidence-building efforts and dialogue between the authorities in Hargeisa and Mogadishu could bring about broad benefits in several areas. “The United Nations welcomes initiatives aimed at building mutual confidence and fostering dialogue between Hargeisa and Mogadishu,” he said. “We believe there are many areas in which greater cooperation could improve security, promote economic growth, and improve the lives of the people,” Mr. Swan told press after the meeting.  
    Read more on UNSOM’s website 










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