مرحبا بكم في الأمم المتحدة

Reports and Policy Documents


  • 22 نوفمبر 2022

    <p>More than 40 people have been killed in Iran during the past week, including two teenagers, the UN human rights office, OHCHR, <a href="https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2022/11/iran-critical-situation"... on Tuesday. </p>

  • 22 نوفمبر 2022

    <p>Although the past decade has seen a steady decline in piracy in the Gulf of Guinea, countries and their international partners must accelerate efforts to counter this singular threat, a senior UN official said in the Security Council on Tuesday. </p>

  • 21 نوفمبر 2022





    New York, 21 NOVEMBER 2022


    Mr. President,

    According to the official news agency of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), and various government sources, at around 10:15 am local time on 18 November, the DPRK test-fired what it described as a new-type intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), which it named the Hwasong-17. 

    The missile reportedly flew a distance of 1,000 km and to an altitude of approximately 6,100 km.  It is reportedly the first successful test of the DPRK’s largest and most powerful missile, capable of reaching all of North America.

    The launch was the latest in a series of alarming activities related to its nuclear weapon and ballistic missile programmes that the DPRK has conducted in 2022, including over 60 launches using ballistic missile technology.  Two of those launches involved ballistic missiles characterised by the DPRK as intermediate-range, and three as intercontinental-range. 

    Other launches involved shorter-range missiles using ballistic technology and other systems, which the DPRK has stated are for use to deliver so-called “tactical” nuclear weapons. This year it has also carried out launches using ballistic missile technology to test so-called hypersonic weapons and satellite systems.

    The DPRK did not issue airspace or maritime safety notifications for any of these launches.  Unannounced launches represent a serious risk to international civil aviation and maritime traffic.

    Mr. President,

    The Secretary-General has strongly condemned the DPRK’s latest intercontinental ballistic missile launch, the second ICBM launch this month.  

    The DPRK’s continued pursuit of its nuclear weapons programme and launches of ballistic missiles blatantly violate relevant Security Council resolutions and have led to a significant escalation of tensions. 

    We reiterate our calls on the DPRK to desist from taking further provocative actions and to fully comply with its international obligations under relevant Security Council resolutions.

    Mr. President,

    The DPRK appears to be actively pursuing its nuclear programme. The Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reported on 16 November that the Punggye-ri Nuclear Test Site quote “remains prepared to support a nuclear test” end quote.

    The IAEA has continued to observe activity at the site. It has also observed construction activities at the Yongbyon nuclear facilities as well as indications that the 5-megawatt nuclear reactor was operating. 

    Mr. President,

    This is the tenth time the Council has met to discuss the DPRK in 2022, yet the situation on the Korean Peninsula continues to head in the wrong direction. The repeated missile launches, confrontational rhetoric, and military exercises contribute to a negative action-reaction cycle.  

    Tensions continue to increase, with no off-ramps in sight. In addition, the COVID-19 pandemic is complicating diplomacy by impeding official and unofficial contacts with the DPRK. 

    It is critical to de-escalate and reduce tensions. Communication channels must be enhanced, particularly military to military, to lower the risk of miscalculation.

    I join the Secretary-General in urging the DPRK to take immediate steps to resume dialogue leading to sustainable peace and the complete and verifiable denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.  

    I also conveyed our serious concerns during my meeting with the DPRK Permanent Representative on 9 November. 

    Mr. President,

    The Secretary-General counts on Members of this Council, as a united body as well as individually, to urge the DPRK to refrain from carrying out further launches using ballistic missile technology or a seventh nuclear test.  

    Unity in the Security Council is critical, and a diplomatic solution is the only way forward.

    Mr. President, let me close by stressing our concerns regarding the humanitarian situation in the DPRK. 

    The United Nations is ready to assist the DPRK in addressing medical and humanitarian needs, including those related to the COVID-19 pandemic. To allow for a timely and effective response, we reiterate our call for the unimpeded entry of international staff and humanitarian supplies. 

    Thank you.

  • 21 نوفمبر 2022

    At this transitional moment for humanity, it is important to uphold mutual respect, unity, and solidarity, the senior UN official promoting cross-cultural understanding and cooperation has stated. 

  • 21 نوفمبر 2022

    <p>At this transitional moment for humanity, it is important to uphold mutual respect, unity, and solidarity, the senior UN official promoting cross-cultural understanding and cooperation has stated. </p>

  • 21 نوفمبر 2022

    <p>At this transitional moment for humanity, it is important to uphold mutual respect, unity, and solidarity, the senior UN official promoting cross-cultural understanding and cooperation has stated. </p>

  • 21 نوفمبر 2022

    <p>Updating the Security Council on Monday, the head of UN Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (DPPA) recalled that last Friday, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) test-fired what it described as a new-type of intercontinental ballistic missile. </p>

  • 21 نوفمبر 2022

    Mogadishu – People’s ability to influence the future of their country by exercising their democratic rights was a topic of public discussions in Mogadishu, Baidoa, Kismayo, Garowe and Jowhar during ...

  • 21 نوفمبر 2022

    People’s ability to influence the future of their country by exercising their democratic rights was a topic of public discussions in Mogadishu, Baidoa, Kismayo, Garowe and Jowhar during October and...

  • 21 نوفمبر 2022

    SRSG Abdoulaye Bathily: “Women have an important role to play in Libya’s journey to stability”


  • 20 نوفمبر 2022

    Deputy SRSG/RC/HC Ms. Georgette Gagnon speaking at World Children's Day event

  • 20 نوفمبر 2022

    Powerful explosions shook the area of Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP), “abruptly ending a period of relative calm” at the facility, the head of the UN nuclear watchdog agency said on Sunday.

  • 19 نوفمبر 2022

    I thank our hosts – the Egyptian government and COP27 President Sameh Shoukry – for their hospitality. 

    I also want to recognize Simon Stiell and the United Nations Climate Change team for all their efforts. 

    And I pay tribute to...

  • 18 نوفمبر 2022

    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 

    Security Council

    Under-Secretary-General: the war in Ukraine must end, in line with international law, the Charter

    Briefing the Security Council on Ukraine on 17 November, Under-Secretary-General (USG) for Political and Peacebuilding Affairs Rosemary DiCarlo said Ukrainians have been subjected to some of the most intense bombardments of the nine-month-old war in the past few days, and that the impact of such attacks would only worsen during the approaching winter. The USG stressed that attacks targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure are prohibited under international humanitarian law. “There is only one way to stop the death, destruction and division. The war must end. And it must end in line with international law and the UN Charter, as called for by the UN General Assembly,” she said.

    Read full remarks here

    Security situation in the Sahel continues to deteriorate, ASG Pobee tells Council

    On 16 November, Assistant Secretary-General (ASG) for Africa in the Departments of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs and Peace Operations Martha Pobee briefed a Security Council session on the G5 Sahel. She said the security situation in the Sahel has continued to deteriorate since her last briefing in May, going on to note the impact on civilians, notably on women and girls. ASG Pobee said that the G5 Sahel Joint Force remains an important regionally-led component of the response to insecurity in the region. A new concept of operations for the Joint Force is being considered, she said, which would address the challenges resulting from the evolving security and humanitarian situation, as well as the withdrawal of Mali, while acknowledging bilateral operations undertaken by neighboring countries. 

    Read full remarks here

    Head of UNSMIL briefs Council on situation in Libya

    On 15 November, Abdoulaye Bathily, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL), briefed the Security Council by VTC. He noted that UNSMIL will meet with key institutional players to move towards the organizing of free and fair elections. He also stated that he had pursued consultations with Libyan stakeholders from all regions of the country upon his arrival in Tripoli in mid-October. The Special Representative encouraged them to engage in dialogue with each other to send a clear message to the population that they are serious about resolving differences.  

    Read full remarks here


    Artists paint murals in Agua Bonita for peace and reconciliation project Peace 

    This week, the UN Verification Mission in Colombia was in the town of Agua Bonita in La Montañita, department of Caquetá, southern Colombia, for the festival “Agua Bonita is painted in colors in the hands of peace and reconciliation”. The event brought together members of the community, former combatants, institutions and delegations of artists from different parts of the country. More than 400 participants took part in cultural and academic activities and contributed to the creation of muralsthemed around reconciliation and commitment to Peace. 

    Central Asia

    UNRCCA co-organizes national workshop for Turkmen representatives on prevention of firearms trafficking

    On November 17-18, the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA), in partnership with the UN Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) and the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), held a national workshop with law enforcement agencies and other state institutions of Turkmenistan on interinstitutional cooperation on preventing firearms trafficking and its diversion to terrorists. The consultations focused on cooperation among state institutions dealing with firearms detection, investigation and prosecution.  Law enforcement representatives and experts from the United Kingdom, Serbia, Lithuania and Italy also took part in the consultations.

    Read more here

    Podcast: "She Stands for Peace"

    New episode focuses on Women, Peace and Security agenda and women peacebuilders in Africa

    The latest episode of the podcast “She Stands for Peace” features Awa Dabo, the Deputy Head of DPPA’s Office for the Peacebuilding Support Office (PBSO). Dabo talks about supporting peacebuilding strategies for the Women, Peace and Security agenda in Africa, the realities of localizing global strategies, transitional justice, and creating enabling environments for women peacebuilders in Africa.

    Listen to the episode here


    UN Special Coordinator Wronecka hosts discussion on Lebanon’s economy

    This week, UN Special Coordinator Joanna Wronecka hosted a roundtable discussion with economic and business experts, which focused on the unprecedented socio-economic and financial crisis of the past three years, and the urgent reforms needed to place the country back on the path to recovery. Economic experts shared their views on priority areas of concern and on the proposed agenda of reforms, particularly those required to finalize an agreement with the International Monetary Fund.

    Special Coordinator meets with Egyptian Foreign Ministry, Arab League

    From 13-14 November, the Special Coordinator visited Egypt to meet with officials from the Egyptian Foreign Ministry and from the Cairo-based League of Arab States to discuss the situation in Lebanon and how best to coordinate international efforts in support of Lebanon’s stability and security. In her meeting with Arab League Secretary-General Ahmad Aboul Gheit, the Special Coordinator underlined the importance of electing a new President without further delay and emphasized the need for Lebanese stakeholders to work together. The Special Coordinator also held consultations with the Egyptian Assistant Foreign Minister Alaa Moussa, with a focus on the reform agenda and the importance of measures that prioritize Lebanon’s interests and stability. 


    UNAMI DSRSG Cordone meets with tribal leaders; DSRSG Isaczai visits IDP camps

    On 15 November, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General (DSRSG) for Political Affairs and Electoral Assistance of the UN Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) Claudio Cordone met with tribal leaders from the governorates of Iraq. Discussions focused on the current political situation, as well as issues related to water scarcity, reconstruction, the return of internally displaced persons, and the role of the tribes in social cohesion and societal peace. Also on 15 November, DSRSG/ Resident Coordinator/Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq Ghulam Isaczai met with the Governor of Dohuk, Dr. Ali Tatar. The DSRSG also visited an IDP camp in Duhok to talk to displaced persons from Sinjar and hear their views regarding their situation and obstacles to their return. On 16-17 November, the DSRSG met with the Governor of Ninewa, Najm Al-Jubouri, to discuss the humanitarian transition, development interventions and challenges of IDPs/returnees in the region. He also visited Hassan Sham camp and heard about challenges for IDPs, particularly with regard to education.

    UNAMI Human Rights Office holds roundtable on social cohesion

    On 15 November, UNAMI’s Human Rights Office held a roundtable discussion in Basra with representatives of groups in the south of Iraq. They discussed opportunities and challenges to promote human rights, social cohesion, peaceful co-existence, and the safe return of IDPs to communities of origin. Also on 15 November, Chief of the UNAMI Human Rights Office Danielle Bell met in Baghdad with Deputy Speaker of the Iraq House of Representatives, Shakhwan Abdullah, to discuss the process of selecting the new Board of Commissioners of the Iraqi High Commission for Human Rights, including the working procedures of the Committee of Experts in nominating new members of the Board of Commissioners. UNAMI welcomes the steps taken by the Council of Representatives to begin this process, and welcomes the selection procedures, which will be carried out in accordance with relevant procedures of domestic law and in line with the Paris Principles. 

    UNAMI shares information on human rights monitoring and digital rights with Erbil students, conference participants

    On 16 November, the UNAMI Human Rights Office, in coordination with Knowledge University in Erbil, briefed students on the Mission’s human rights monitoring and reporting, focusing on priority areas of work in the Kurdistan region. UNAMI’s Office of Electoral Assistance provided an overview of its work, highlighting support to elections on the national as well as regional level. From 15-17 November, the Human Rights Office participated in the @BreadandNet conference organized by SMEX in Beirut, Lebanon, delivering a session on how its projects enhance online civic space and freedom of expression in Iraq. The yearly conference aims to promote and defend digital rights across Arabic speaking countries.

    To download HRO’s “Online Protection and Digital Security: User Guide for Human Rights Defenders,” click here


    Seventh Advisory Group discusses PBF’s strategic direction and priorities for its two-year mandate

    The Seventh Advisory Group to the Secretary-General’s Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) held its first meeting in New York on 17-18 November. The Group met USG DiCarlo to discuss the UN's priorities in the current context, including the importance of the New Agenda for Peace. The Group also exchanged views on synergies between the Fund and the Peacebuilding Commission with the Commision's Chair and Vice Chairs. It heard briefings by the Executive Director of the Multi-Partner Trust Office, Jennifer Topping, and others. 

    PBC provides advice to the Security Council on the G5 Sahel

    On 16 November, the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) submitted written advice to the Security Council on the G5 Sahel. The Commission stressed the need to preserve the political unity of the G5 Sahel and the gains achieved through its cooperative efforts to address the multidimensional challenges faced by the region. The Commission also acknowledged the need to address the adverse effects of climate change and encouraged greater support for the objectives of the G5 Sahel Priority Investment Program, which incorporates climate change adaptation and governance reforms.

    Peacebuilding Fund hosts workshop on strategic portfolio review of its investments in Guinea

    From 15-16 November, the Secretariat of the Peacebuilding Fund’ (PBF) in Guinea hosted a workshop in Conakry as part of an independent strategic portfolio review of PBF investments in Guinea over 2017-2022. The review will report on findings and lessons on the relevance and impact of PBF investments and help orient future PBF support to Guinea. The workshop included participants from the transitional authorities, UN agencies, international NGOs, local civil society and a diverse group of direct PBF beneficiaries, among them representatives of youth and women associations and a chief of traditional hunters.

    Secretary-General Guterres declares Madagascar eligible to the Peacebuilding Fund for another five years

    On 14 November, Secretary-General António Guterres declared Madagascar eligible to receive funds from the PBF for another period of five years. The declaration will enable the country to benefit from longer-term PBF support to help address continued causes and factors of fragility, while enabling the UN to play a greater peacebuilding role in an environment of decreasing civic space and continued community and political tensions. This new phase of support will build on the previous PBF investments, which saw improvements in institutional governance, local security, social cohesion in marginalized and conflict-prone communities in Andriry, Grand Sud region of Madagascar.


    Peacebuilding Fund’s Evaluation Policy 2022-2024 commits to innovation

    This week the PBF released its Evaluation Policy 2022-2024. The Policy outlines the organizational set-up, procedures and accountabilities governing the evaluation function at the Fund, including evaluative exercises at globalcountry portfolio, and project levels.


    Peacebuilding Commission holds meeting on upcoming elections in Liberia

    On 14 November, the PBC Liberia Configuration held a meeting on preparations for the upcoming legislative and presidential elections in the West African country. Briefers agreed that 2023 elections represent a crucial milestone in Liberia’s consolidation of democracy, peace and national development. ASG for Peacebuilding Support Elizabeth Spehar drew the attention of the Commission to two PBF funded projects, one aimed at promoting peaceful electoral environment in the country through UNDP/IOM/OHCHR and the other promoting inclusive political participation and elimination of violence against women in politics through UN Women/UNDP.  


    PBC Meeting on Central Asia with the focus on women leadership for Women, Peace and Security agenda and the role of women in the context of climate change

    The PBC convened a meeting on 11 November on women leadership in the implementation of the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda. The focus was on the impact of climate change on women in Central Asia. The Women Leaders’ Caucus of Central Asia (CAWLC) and its participating States of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan took part in the meeting. It discussed how greater regional cooperation can support national and local efforts in implementing the WPS agenda, specifically in addressing climate change and achieving social cohesion, peacebuilding and sustaining peace in the region. The PBC and its Members noted that the Commission could bolster support of regional women associations and networks, and render issues pertaining to women’s political, social and economic participation as one of the priorities in international co-operation in the region.



    Multi-Year Appeal 

    This week, DPPA received voluntary contribution from Türkiye to DPPA's Multi-Year Appeal, which will support our conflict prevention, mediation and sustainable peace work around the world.  

    Next Week

    On 22 November, the Security Council will discuss Peace and Security in Africa on Piracy Gulf of Guinea. In the afternoon, Special Envoy Hans Grundberg will brief the Council on the situation in Yemen. 

    Subscribe to This Week in DPPA here

    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org

  • 18 نوفمبر 2022

    New York, 19 November 2022 

    Improving sanitation is a highly cost-effective way to transform people’s lives.

    The benefits of better sanitation go far beyond public health. Safe toilets and sanitation improve nutrition, help to manage scarce water resources, and promote school attendance and work opportunities,...

  • 18 نوفمبر 2022

    New York, 19 November 2022 

    Improving sanitation is a highly cost-effective way to transform people’s lives.

    The benefits of better sanitation go far beyond public health. Safe toilets and sanitation improve nutrition, help to manage scarce water resources, and promote school attendance and work opportunities,...

  • 18 نوفمبر 2022

    Dakar, 18 November 2022 – As part of the implementation of the Dakar Call to Action on Climate Change, Peace and Security in West Africa and the Sahel adopted at UNOWAS’...

  • 18 نوفمبر 2022

    <p>A “breakthrough” has been made on the potential distribution of hundreds of thousands of tonnes of Russian-made fertiliser blocked in European ports and which are vital to avoid a global food insecurity crisis next year, a senior United Nations official said on Friday.</p>

  • 18 نوفمبر 2022

    <p>Children across the Middle East and North Africa Region (MENA) are again confronting a surge in violence, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said on Friday, describing the “unacceptable reality” that on average, over 10 children have been killed every week since the beginning of the year.</p>

  • 18 نوفمبر 2022

    <p>The UN refugee agency (UNHCR) has reiterated its call for a ban on forced returns to eastern provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), including asylum seekers who have had their claims rejected.</p>

  • 18 نوفمبر 2022

    ASHGABAT, Turkmenistan

    On November 17-18, UNRCCA, in partnership with the UN...

  • 18 نوفمبر 2022

    Meeting of women leaders in Maimana. Global Open Day events also took place in Kunduz, Herat, Baghlan and Kabul

    This week, UNAMA heard from women leaders in a series of events across Afghanistan...

  • 17 نوفمبر 2022

    UN Special Coordinator Joanna Wronecka hosted a roundtable discussion with economic and business experts, as part of her consultations with different stakeholders on how to steer Lebanon towards a more...

  • 17 نوفمبر 2022

    She Stands For Peace | Season 3-Episode 11 | Out Now!  Click here to listen: https://unoau.unmissions.org/podcast-series-she-stands-peace

  • 17 نوفمبر 2022

    <p>UN Secretary-General <a href="https://www.un.org/sg/en">António Guterres</a> on Thursday welcomed the renewal of the Black Sea Grain Initiative, which had been due to expire on Saturday.</p>

  • 17 نوفمبر 2022

    <p>The entire credibility and relevance of the United Nations will be called into question unless the General Assembly finally takes a lead on reforming the Organisation’s most powerful body responsible for peace and security issues, the Security Council.</p>

  • 17 نوفمبر 2022

    UNSMIL is alarmed by reports that more than 70 inmates at Mitiga Central Prison are on a hunger strike.

    Inmates have been striking since October,...

  • 16 نوفمبر 2022





    New York, 16 NOVEMBER 2022


    Mr President,

    In the past few days, Ukrainians have been subjected to some of the most intense bombardments of the nine-month-old war. Russian missiles and drones have rained down on Kyiv, Mykolaiv, Chernihiv, Cherkasy, Zhytomyr, Sumy, Kharkiv, Lviv, Poltava and elsewhere, destroying or damaging homes and severely disrupting critical services.

    The impact of such attacks can only worsen during the coming winter months.

    As of 14 November, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) has recorded 16,631 civilian casualties: 6,557 persons killed and 10,074 injured since the start of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

    The recent barrages will alas add to horrific toll the war has already taken.

    I must say it again: attacks targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure are prohibited under international humanitarian law.

    The military dynamics on the ground continue to evolve. In the past week, the city of Kherson returned to Ukrainian Government control. Heavy battles also continue in Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

    Indeed, there is no end in sight to the war. As long as it continues, the risks of potentially catastrophic spillover remain all too real.

    Yesterday’s incident in Poland near the Ukrainian border was a frightening reminder of the absolute need to prevent any further escalation.

    I wish to join the Secretary-General in extending condolences to the families of the two Polish civilians killed in the incident.

    Mr. President,

    The ongoing bombardment of Ukraine has already damaged an estimated 40 per cent of the country’s power-generation capacity. Kyiv has been hit hardest. Most parts of the capital are now without electricity for 12 hours a day.

    As the Ukrainian Government focuses on repairing damaged infrastructure, the United Nations has made it a priority to ensure that the most vulnerable receive winter supplies and services. More than 185,000 people have already received essential basic winter supplies.

    Humanitarian partners are setting up “heating points” near the front lines. Some 525 generators were provided or are being distributed, to priority institutions, including hospitals, collective centers, clinics.

    Humanitarian access has resumed in the areas back under Ukrainian Government control, including in Kherson. However, it is still extremely difficult to reach people in need in areas of the east and south under the control of the Russian military and across the front line.

    Mine contamination - particularly in areas close to the front or where control has recently shifted – are putting more lives at risk, impeding the movement of civilians and hampering humanitarian efforts.

    I remind the parties that international humanitarian law requires them to facilitate rapid and unimpeded passage of humanitarian relief for all civilians in need.

    Mr. President,

    The allegations of atrocities and human rights violations in Ukraine during this war are extensive.

    Today I would like to highlight grave concerns about the rights, safety and security of the youngest Ukrainians. Over 400 children have been killed, and many more have been injured, lost their family members, or been forced to leave their homes.   

    According to the Government portal “Children of War,” 279 children were considered missing as of 12 November.

    There are also disturbing reports of forced transfers of children, including of some under institutionalized care to Russian-occupied territory, or to the Russian Federation.

    OHCHR has documented several individual cases, including of unaccompanied children, that appear to amount to deportations to the Russian Federation – in violation of international humanitarian law.

    OHCHR also continues to document other types of human rights violations, including 57 verified cases of conflict-related sexual violence. Forty-eight of these cases are attributable to Russian armed forces and affiliated groups; nine are attributable to Ukrainian armed forces and law enforcement authorities.

    The Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine continues its work towards accountability for alleged violations and abuses of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law with ongoing investigations in and out of Ukraine.

    The Commissioners are planning another visit to Ukraine before the end of the year.

    Another issue of concern is the conditions of prisoners of war.  I welcome the continued prisoner exchanges between Russia and Ukraine, including most recently on 11 November. We encourage the sides to continue releasing POWs.

    I call on the parties to ensure humane treatment of prisoners of war, in line with their obligations under international law, in particular, the Third Geneva Convention. I also call on the Russian Federation to grant OHCHR and ICRC unimpeded access to detainees.

    Mr. President,

    The extension of the Black Sea Grain Initiative remains vital to help avert a food crisis for millions of people. More than 10 million metric tons of foodstuffs have now been moved under the Initiative, reaching, or on the way to, some 40 countries.

    The impact of the Initiative extends far beyond immediate ports of arrival, helping to lower global prices for key food commodities around the world.

    The Secretary-General has continued his engagement with all parties in support of the renewal and full implementation of the Initiative.  

    He has also emphasized his commitment to removing remaining obstacles to Russian food and fertilizer exports. These products are not under international sanctions but suffer indirect impacts.  

    It is important and critical to get them back to world markets – the sooner, the better.

    Mr. President,

    The risk of a nuclear incident in the context of the open hostilities in Ukraine remains an unacceptable danger. I wish to echo the serious concerns expressed by numerous Member States in this regard.

    The IAEA Director-General has recently briefed this Council on the organization’s latest efforts, including ongoing discussions regarding the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant as well as assessments of activities and materials at other sites in Ukraine.

    The IAEA has reported that, in the coming weeks, it will send nuclear safety and security missions to three more operating nuclear power plants, as well as to Chernobyl, at the request of the Ukrainian Government.

    I reiterate the imperative to avoid any military activity that could risk compromising the safety and security of any nuclear facility. 

    Mr. President,

    Since before the invasion of 24 February, the United Nations and many others in the global community warned of the consequences of a wider war in Ukraine, for Ukrainians, first of all, but also for much of the world.

    Those fears have amply borne out.

    One significant casualty of the war has been the international collective security system we have all pledged to uphold.

    The damage to the structures built to resolve or manage tensions and conflict is significant, making it, in turn, even more difficult to chart a path out of the hostilities in Ukraine.

    There is only one way to stop the death, destruction and division. The war must end. And it must end in line with international law and the UN Charter, as called for by the UN General Assembly.

  • 16 نوفمبر 2022





     New York, 16 November 2022


    M. le Président, Distingués membres du Conseil,

    1. Je remercie le Conseil de sécurité de l’occasion qui m’est donnée de présenter le rapport du Secrétaire général sur la force conjointe du G5 Sahel.
    1. Depuis la dernière réunion du Conseil de sécurité sur le Sahel, la situation sécuritaire dans la région continue de se détériorer. L'utilisation aveugle de la violence par des groupes terroristes signifie que des milliers de civils innocents souffrent, tandis que des millions d'autres sont forcés de quitter leurs foyers. L'insécurité exacerbe une situation humanitaire déjà catastrophique. Les femmes et les enfants souffrent particulièrement du manque d’accès aux services de base et sont les premières victimes de la violence et des inégalités croissantes.

    Mr. President, distinguished Members of the Security Council,

    1. Against this backdrop, the G5 Sahel Joint Force remains an important regionally-led component of the response to insecurity in the Sahel. The initiative complements the multifaceted engagement by the United Nations and other regional and international partners. It is, therefore, regrettable that in addition to its financial difficulties, the G5 Sahel Joint Force has been weakened by the withdrawal of Mali in May.  The second coup d’état in Burkina Faso, in September, also negatively impacted the Force’s operational capacity and further undermined regional cohesion.
    1. Despite these challenges, the Joint Force continued to conduct military operations across the three Joint Force Sectors, namely the Central Sector in the tri-border area, the Western Sector at the border between Mali and Mauritania, and the Eastern Sector at the border between Chad and Niger.  In total, seven major military operations have been conducted since May.  Looking forward, the elaboration of a new concept of operations for the Joint Force is being considered.  This new concept of operations would address the challenges resulting from the evolving security and humanitarian situation and the withdrawal of Mali, whilst acknowledging bilateral operations undertaken by neighboring countries.
    1. Meanwhile, the Executive Secretariat and other components of the G5 Sahel continued their activities, including the operationalization of its gender policy and training for women leaders on dialogue, in conjunction with the African Union and the West African Network for Peacebuilding.  Other activities were organized, jointly by G5 Sahel entities and donors, to strengthen the prevention of violent extremism and to empower local authorities in security governance.  Several UN agencies, funds and programmes have continued to implement their programmes in support of the G5 Sahel, including those involving regional capacity building in the areas of criminal justice, border security management and prevention of radicalization and violent extremism. 

    Mr. President, distinguished Members of the Security Council,

    1. In line with its Security Council mandate and as provided for by the technical agreement between the United Nations, the European Union and the G5 Sahel, MINUSMA continues to provide support to the Joint Force. The Mission works with contractors to deliver life support consumables to the four contingents of the Force outside of Mali.  Technical and operational challenges remain a matter of concern, while insecurity and lack of infrastructure along supply routes continue to pose multiple challenges.  As detailed in the Secretary-General’s report, divergences between the G5 Sahel Member States, which culminated in the withdrawal of Mali from the organization, further complicated the implementation of MINUSMA’s support to the Joint Force.
    1. Through the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations also supports the Joint Force in operationalizing its international human rights and humanitarian law compliance framework.  Defeating terrorism and violent extremism requires a comprehensive response and will not be attained through military gains only.  It is important that the Joint Force integrates Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law into the core of its operations, or risk fostering further breeding ground for violent extremist groups, causing ever increasing suffering for the populations.  Likewise, at national level, G5 Sahel countries should ensure that their military strategies to counter terrorism and violent extremism are fully anchored in human rights and put the protection of all populations at their core, including when they partner with non-state actors to operate alongside national armies.

    Mr. President, distinguished Members of the Security Council,

    1. A coordinated breakthrough in our response to violent extremism is urgently needed.  If we fail in this effort, the effects of terrorism, violent extremism and organized crime will be felt far beyond the Sahel region and, indeed, the African continent. We need to rethink our collective approach and be creative, going beyond existing efforts.
    1. In the coming months, it will be crucial for stakeholders in the region to maintain political dialogue to pursue their common security objectives.  We remain deeply committed to supporting them in this endeavour, working closely with ECOWAS and the African Union as they lead in resolving the current tensions in the region.  Meanwhile, progress can be made at bilateral level.  For instance, we have recently seen national authorities in Burkina Faso and Mali seeking to strengthen their bilateral cooperation in the field of security and defence.
    1. As the security situation worsens in the Sahel, armed groups are tightening their destructive grip on the broader region.  The northern regions of the coastal states of the Gulf of Guinea are increasingly exposed to the spill-over of violence and insecurity.  In this regard, international partners have indicated their willingness to actively consider extending their support to neighbouring countries in the Gulf of Guinea and West Africa, based on their demands.  This is a positive development that would bolster relevant regional organizations in their counter-terrorism efforts; support initiatives like the Accra Initiative; and strengthen national strategies to improve living conditions, security and resilience in the most vulnerable regions.  It will necessitate continuous dialogue between the concerned governments and international partners to ensure that support is aligned with national and regional priorities.

    Mr. President, distinguished Members of the Security Council,

    1. The Secretariat remains committed to supporting the region as well as the G5 Sahel. We are convinced that it is only by working together, in a coordinated and complementary manner, that we can effectively address the multiple challenges before us.  It is in this spirit that the United Nations and the African Union, along with ECOWAS and the G5 Sahel, are supporting the work of the Independent High-Level Panel on Security and Development in the Sahel led by former President Mahamadou Issoufou of Niger.  At the behest of the Secretary-General and the AU Chairperson, this exercise aims to marshal greater attention and resources on the national, sub-regional, regional, and international level and propose innovative ways to address the security, governance and development challenges in the region.  The initiative will also reach out to national stakeholders and the region’s bilateral and multilateral partners to address this shared responsibility.
    1. As we await the recommendations of this independent assessment, we look forward to the continued support of the Security Council towards a stable, secure, peaceful and prosperous Sahel.   Faced with the growing threats to the region and beyond, we urge the international community to remain engaged in the spirit of shared responsibility and solidarity with the populations of the region.

    Je vous remercie de votre attention.

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    SRSG Bathily speaking to the UN Security Council

    (As Delivered)

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