مرحبا بكم في الأمم المتحدة

Reports and Policy Documents


  • 10 Mar 2021

    The Secretary-General welcomes the endorsement of an interim Government of National Unity by the House of Representatives as an important step towards restoring unity, stability, security and...

  • 10 Mar 2021

    Secretary-General António Guterres has underlined the UN’s determination to continue pursuing a negotiated political settlement to the Syrian civil war, a “living nightmare” that has endured for 10 years now. 

  • 10 Mar 2021

    Over half the Yemen population is facing acute food shortages “with millions knocking on the door of famine”, the UN food relief agency chief said on Wednesday, wrapping up a two-day visit to the country with an urgent plea for peace and funding to help feed vulnerable families.

  • 10 Mar 2021

    Disturbing reports have emerged from North Korea - officially known as the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) - that people have starved or been executed because of COVID-19 restrictions, a leading rights expert said on Wednesday.

  • 10 Mar 2021

    Tripoli, 10 March 2021 - The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) congratulates the Libyan people on the approval by the House of Representatives (HoR) of a new interim unified...

  • 9 Mar 2021

    The political transition in Sudan is moving forward, though formation of the legislative council and other important milestones have yet to be achieved, the head of the new UN mission in the country told a virtual meeting of the Security Council on Tuesday. 

  • 9 Mar 2021

    Mogadishu – The Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Somalia, James Swan, condemned today’s attack in which six mortar rounds landed within the perimeter of the Aden Adde...

  • 8 Mar 2021

    The United Nations Secretary-General on Monday called for the safe release of hundreds of peaceful protesters trapped by security forces for several hours in residential buildings in the Yangon neighbourhood of Sanchaung. 

  • 8 Mar 2021

    USG DiCarlo Remarks at the Security Council Arria Formula Meeting “Leading by Example: Ensuring the Full, Equal and Meaningful Participation of Women in UN-led Peace Processes”

    Thank you, Ambassador Nason. I am pleased to be here on International Women’s Day to discuss an issue so fundamental to women’s rights.

    Let me begin by congratulating Ireland and Mexico on assuming your roles as chairs of the Security Council’s Informal Experts Group on Women, Peace and Security. Your efforts to bring attention today to the issue of women’s participation in peace processes reflect both the seriousness of the challenges we face and the urgency of action required.

    Last year, as we marked the 20th anniversary of Security Council resolution 1325 (2000), the resounding message from women’s activists across the world was clear – far more remains to be done to realise the promise of the women, peace and security agenda.  

    As the Secretary-General recently reported, women are currently Heads of State or Government in 22 countries, and only 24.9 per cent of national parliamentarians are women. At the current rate of progress, gender equality of Heads of Government level will take another 130 years.

    We are, therefore, pleased that this year’s session of the Commission on the Status of Women is devoted to increasing the participation of women in public life – and that includes participation in peace and political processes.

    We know that women are essential to identifying durable and inclusive political solutions that can lead to sustainable peace. Yet overcoming the obstacles to their participation – entrenched power politics, patriarchal attitudes and unequal social structures – has no quick fixes.

    Comprehensive, long-term efforts are needed from all stakeholders. The United Nations is committed to playing its part. 

    So you may ask, “What efforts are we making?”

    First, we know that we must lead by example. 

    The Secretary-General is committed to achieving gender parity among UN staff.  He has appointed women to serve in over 57 per cent of senior leadership posts in Special Political Missions, including the heads of mission in Afghanistan and Iraq that are the two largest missions.

    We have ensured that UN-led and co-led processes consistently include women in mediation support teams. In 2020, 40 per cent of staff working in these teams were women.

    And we are committed to meaningful women’s participation in peace processes led by the United Nations. We have made a progress but much more needs to be done.

    Second, we are pursuing innovative participation models. In Libya, the UN has facilitated consultations with women’s groups that has led to the inclusion of more women in intra-Libyan dialogues. The UN also ensured 22 percent women’s participation in the 75-person Libyan Political Dialogue Forum meeting last November.  The Forum agreed to a new political roadmap with a 30 percent quota for ministers and deputy ministers in governmental agencies. In Yemen, our envoy has held focus groups with over 500 Yemenis, over a third of them women and nearly half youth regarding potential peace negotiations.

    There is no substitute for having women at the table, but we have encountered obstacles even in the processes that the UN leads. 

    To overcome them, we have created women’s advisory boards in Iraq, Syria and Yemen to ensure that women’s voices are taken into account.   Members of the Syria advisory group are now sitting at the table in Syria’s Constitutional Committee, which includes 30 percent female membership.

    We have strengthened our cooperation with regional women mediator networks. In 2020, this included supporting FemWise deployments to Cote D’Ivoire, Libya, Mali, and South Sudan.

    We are also working with international mediators on practical ways to expand women’s participation in peace processes. Since 2013, more than 250 senior envoys, negotiators and experts, from all regions of the world, have participated in the UN High-Level Seminar on Gender-Inclusive Mediation Strategies.

    Women’s participation also continues to be a matter of acute concern in peace processes not led by the United Nations.

    The Afghanistan peace negotiations that began in September represent a significant step towards peace.  Regrettably, women remain underrepresented in both negotiating teams.

    The UN has supported the convening of hundreds of Afghan women, over several months, on their priorities for peace negotiations.  I travelled to Afghanistan in July 2019 with the Deputy Secretary-General to hear the views of Afghan women on the future of their country. 

    They were determined to maintain the rights they have gained and eager to lead.  They deserve our full support.

    And my third and final point - we need sustained funding for our efforts. Every project funded by the UN’s Peacebuilding Fund includes dedicated funding towards women’s empowerment. Since 2018, the Peacebuilding Fund has allocated 40 per cent of its annual total investments towards gender equality initiatives, which in 2020 amounted to $69 million.

    Young, marginalized and rural women face additional barriers to their political participation. This is why we have scaled up the Peacebuilding Fund’s Gender and Youth Promotion Initiative from $2.7 million in 2016 to $36.6 million in 2020. In Sudan, these funds will be used to build a diverse, intergenerational group of women leaders from remote, conflict-affected areas to meaningfully engage in peace efforts.

    In all these efforts, the UN works closely with partners in pursuit of our common objective of securing women’s participation.

    After all, it is clear, that more than 20 years since the adoption of resolution 1325, the hard work of influencing decision-makers, expanding community support for women’s participation, and overcoming structural obstacles, can only be done with the sustained political will, commitment and investment of us all.

    Thank you.


  • 8 Mar 2021

    08 March 2021 – The UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy (SE) for Libya and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMI) Ján Kubiš paid...

  • 8 Mar 2021

    Tripoli, 8 March 2021 - The United Nations Support Mission in Libya welcomes the convening of a formal House of Representatives (HoR) session today in Sirte to deliberate...

  • 8 Mar 2021

    Mogadishu – On the occasion of International Women’s Day, the United Nations in Somalia commends Somali women for their immense contributions to peace and development in the...

  • 8 Mar 2021

    Mogadishu - Hinda Dahir Jama’s love for journalism started early – and has involved its share of danger and hardship.

    “Being a journalist is my childhood dream come true. It stems from my strong hope to become a role model for...

  • 8 Mar 2021
  • 8 Mar 2021

    8 March 2021

    Today, the world celebrates International Women’s Day, which is marked globally under the theme of “Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a...

  • 8 Mar 2021

    ‘Libyan Women Are a Force for Change’



  • 8 Mar 2021

    Every year, on the 8th of March, the world celebrates International Women’s Day. In 2021, the focus is on “Women in Leadership; Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world”.

    Before COVID-19, participation of women globally as national parliamentarians had only managed to rise from 11 per cent in 1995 to 25 percent in 2020 and only 21 per cent of government ministers were women in 2020. In business, the proportion...

  • 7 Mar 2021

    KABUL - On International Women’s Day, the UN family in Afghanistan celebrates the achievements of so many women...

  • 7 Mar 2021

    Representatives of a recently-formed bloc of women members of political parties (Takattul al Nisaa al Hizbiyat) met on 28 February with the head of the...

  • 7 Mar 2021

    Tripoli, 07 March 2021 - The UN Secretary-General Special Envoy for Libya and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) Ján Kubiš stresses the...

  • 6 Mar 2021

    New York  -- The Secretary-General strongly condemns the deadly terrorist attack that took place in Mogadishu yesterday. He extends his profound condolences to the ...

  • 5 Mar 2021

    Hopes placed in the UN and the Member States that serve on the Security Council to take action against leaders of Myanmar’s military coup, are waning fast, the UN Special Envoy for the country warned on Friday.

  • 5 Mar 2021

    The Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), Mohamed Ibn...

  • 5 Mar 2021

    The United Nations independent human rights expert on Myanmar has called on the Security Council for “decisive and unified action” against the military junta, including targeted sanctions and an arms embargo. 

  • 5 Mar 2021

    The African Union Peace and Security Council (AUPSC) held its 983rd meeting on the unified role of the African Group (A3) in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) on 4 March.

    At the opening session, the participants commended the A3 for the continued cohesion in representing Africa’s interests. The participants expressed appreciation for the monthly coordination meetings between the incoming Chairs of the two...

  • 5 Mar 2021

    New York, 8 March 2021

    The COVID-19 pandemic has erased decades of progress towards gender equality.


  • 4 Mar 2021

    Given the persistent reports of serious human rights violations and abuses in the Tigray region of Ethiopia, the UN rights chief on Thursday stressed the urgent need for an objective, independent assessment of the facts on the ground.

  • 4 Mar 2021

    Seven years after the Security Council mandated the destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons programme, there have been only “limited developments” in the implementation of resolution 2118, passed unanimously in 2013 to bring the country into compliance with its global obligations, the UN disarmament chief said on Thursday. 

  • 4 Mar 2021

    The Co-chairs of the International Follow-up Committee on Libya (IFCL) Economic Working Group (EU, Egypt, US), with the UN Support Mission to Libya (UNSMIL), express their concern regarding the situation in Libya’s electricity sector. Without a swift allocation of funding to undertake urgent repairs, the electricity situation could worsen from early summer 2021. The Economic Working Group co-chairs note that there are multiple other areas where the...

  • 4 Mar 2021

    As part of his continuous efforts to mobilise support to the three-track intra-Libyan dialogue process, the Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations...

  • 4 Mar 2021

    The United Nations top human rights official, on Thursday, said that the military in Myanmar must halt their “vicious crackdown” on peaceful protestors, amid reports that at least 54 people have been killed since the 1 February coup, 38 of them on Wednesday alone. 

  • 4 Mar 2021

    TRIPOLI, 4 March 2021 - In accordance with the Secretary-General’s recommendation in his report of 29 December 2020 and subsequent to the Security Council’s request of 4 February, the United Nations deployed a small advance team to...

  • 4 Mar 2021

    Out now! Episode 4 "She Stands For Peace" - Click here: https://unoau.unmissions.org/podcast-series-she-stands-peace...

  • 4 Mar 2021

    UNOWAS Supports the Organization of a Consultation Workshop of Young Women and Men for Peaceful and Violence-Free Legislative Elections, and the Consolidation of...

  • 3 Mar 2021

    UN Special Envoy for Myanmar, Christine Schraner Burgener, warned on Wednesday that the situation in the country challenges “the stability of the region” and could lead to a “real war”. 

  • 3 Mar 2021
    This Week in DPPA is a brief roundup of political and peacebuilding events and developments at UNHQ and around the world. 

    Security Council

    Schraner Burgener: ‘Stability of the region’ hangs on Myanmar

    Christine Schraner Burgener, Special Envoy for Myanmar, updated the Security Council, in a closed session on 5 March, on the situation in the country. “I will continue my efforts in solidarity with the people of Myanmar. Their hope will depend on unified support and action from the Security Council,” she said. In a virtual press conference on 3 March, the Special Envoy warned that the situation in Myanmar challenges “the stability of the region” and could lead to a “real war.”

    Watch full press conference here


    Special Envoy mobilizes support to advance Libyan-led/owned dialogue process

    Ján Kubiš, Special Envoy for Libya and Head of UNSMIL, briefed the Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) of the International Follow-Up Committee on Libya (IFCL) on 2 March in Geneva about the progress made in the Libyan-owned, Libyan-led dialogue process. Participants reaffirmed their countries’ full support to UNSMIL and its leadership in facilitating international efforts to help the Libyan people.

    Read more here

    Kubiš visits Moscow

    Special Envoy Ján Kubiš traveled to Moscow on 3 March to meet with high-level Russian officials as part of efforts to mobilise support to the three-track Libyan-led/owned dialogue process. He met with Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov and with his Deputy Mikhail Bogdanov on 4 March.

    Read more here

    Côte d'Ivoire

    Consultation Workshop of Young Women and Men for Peaceful Legislative Elections in Côte d'Ivoire

    A consultation workshop to strengthen the participation of young women and men for peaceful legislative elections in Côte d'Ivoire on 6 March was held in Abidjan on 2-3 March with support from UNOWAS to the Ivorian section of the West African Youth Network Women Leaders (ROAJELF-CI). Participants representing civil society, political parties, as well as unions, religious, traditional leaders, community associations, defense and security forces, exchanged views on their experiences in peacebuilding, and the necessary measures to be put in place to enable young people to play a decisive role in strengthening social cohesion and peace in the country.

    Read more here

    The Gambia

    Special Representative visits The Gambia

    Mohamed Ibn Chambas, Special Representative and Head of UNOWAS, travelled to The Gambia from 25 to 27 February. In talks with President Adama Barrow and key national stakeholders, he commended the Government for the progress being made in the transitional reform processes and emphasized the significance of completing the ongoing consultations on a new Constitution in a timely manner for the organization of peaceful and inclusive elections on 4 December 2021.

    Read more here


    Special Representative for Iraq visits Oman

    Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, Special Representative for Iraq met on 1 March with Foreign Minister Badr Albusaidi to discuss the political and security situation in the region. 



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    Contact DPPA at dppa@un.org

    Launch of ‘Breaking the Silence’

    UNAMI launched ‘Breaking the Silence’ on 3 March, a short film prepared by the UNAMI Human Rights Office to encourage efforts to criminalize domestic violence in Iraq, formalize an effective support system for survivors and hold perpetrators accountable for crimes committed inside the home. “Iraq’s law must protect those most vulnerable from criminal violence, especially inside the home, as stipulated in Iraq’s constitution and international human rights obligations”, said Danielle Bell, Chief of Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Iraq. 

    Watch the video  

    Learn more


    New Deputy Special Representative arrives in Mogadishu

    The new Deputy Special Representative of UNSOM, Anita Kiki Gbeho, arrived in Mogadishu on 2 March. “I am looking forward to engaging with the Somali people and their leaders, and all regional and international partners of Somalia, in working toward sustainable progress in the country,” she said, noting the upcoming electoral process in the country. SRSG James Swan remarked that Gbeho will play a leading role in UNSOM’s work in the political, electoral, human rights, rule of law, and security areas.

    Read more here


    Special Envoy visits Sudan

    Parfait Onanga-Anyanga, Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa, travelled to Sudan from 27 February to 2 March. He met the President of the Transitional Sovereign Council, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Defense and other Sudanese interlocutors. The mission was held in the context of Security Council Resolution 2550 (2020), which provides for consultations in view of the proposed United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) exit strategy. While in Khartoum, the Special Envoy sought the views of the newly appointed cabinet members vis-à-vis the Sudan-Ethiopia border dispute, the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) and other issues pertinent to the maintenance of peace and security in the Horn of Africa. Special Envoy Onanga-Anyanga also met with UNITAMS leadership.


    Agreement signed to strengthen reintegration process in southwestern Colombia

    Former FARC-EP combatants and indigenous authorities from Tacueyó, Tumburao, and Caldono communities signed an agreement on 2 March in the Reintegration Area of Caldono, Cauca in southwestern Colombia. The initiative aims to provide support and build capacities to promote Avocado Hass and Trout projects, strengthen its commercial competitiveness, and broadening the market for the products. This alliance is supported by Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, the Basque Agency for Development Cooperation, the Government of Cauca, municipal authorities, and the accompaniment of the Agency for Reintegration and Normalization, UNDP, IOM, and UNVMC.

    Next week

    Security Council

    Special Representative Volker Perthes on 9 March will update the Security Council on the situation in Sudan and the work of UNITAMS in the country. The Council will hold an open debate on conflict‑induced starvation and hunger on 11 March.  

    International Women’s Day

    USG DiCarlo will be speaking at an “Arria Formula” meeting of members of the Security Council on 8 March on the theme of “Call to Lead by Example: Ensuring the Full, Equal and Meaningful Participation of Women in UN-led Peace Processes”

    Please register for the event here

  • 3 Mar 2021

    South Sudan’s transformation from conflict to recovery is underway, but much needs to be done before securing “a peaceful and prosperous future”, the UN Special Representative to the country told the Security Council on Tuesday. 

  • 3 Mar 2021

    Nairobi (Kenya), 3 March 2021 – The Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework agreement for the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and the region signed in Addis...

  • 2 Mar 2021

    GENEVA, 02 March 2021 – On 25 February the Special Envoy (SE) of the UN Secretary-General for Libya and Head of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya (...

  • 2 Mar 2021

    New York, 3 March 2021

    The planet’s forests are home to some 80 per cent of all terrestrial wild species.

    They help regulate...

  • 2 Mar 2021

    Public Space | UN-Habitat builds public facilities at the...

  • 2 Mar 2021

    Mogadishu – The new Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General (DSRSG), Ms. Anita Kiki Gbeho, arrived in Mogadishu today to assume her duties with the United Nations...

  • 2 Mar 2021

    While the release of more than 200 girls abducted from their school on Friday in northwest Nigeria is a welcome development said senior UN officials there on Tuesday, civilians and aid facilities have come under attack in the country’s northeast, highlighting the plight of civilians who have suffered years of conflict and insecurity.  

  • 2 Mar 2021

    Tripoli, 02 March 2021 - UNSMIL takes note of ongoing preparations to convene the House of Representatives (HoR) in the city of Sirte, scheduled to be held on 8 March....

  • 2 Mar 2021

    Mogadishu – International partners* welcome the continuation of talks on 1 March between Federal Government of Somalia Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble and the Council of Presidential Candidates.  After...

  • 1 Mar 2021

    BAMYAN - The role of youth as agents of peace and development was spotlighted during a series of UN-backed radio programmes in the country’s central and southeast provinces.

  • 1 Mar 2021

    The head of the UN’s nuclear watchdog agency told journalists on Monday that inspections in Iran should not be used as a “bargaining chip” to revive a troubled nuclear deal. 

  • 1 Mar 2021

    The international response to Monday’s High-Level Pledging Event on Yemen has been described as “disappointing” by the UN chief, announcing that pledges totalled less than last year’s humanitarian response, and a billion dollars less than the figure raised in 2019.  


  • 1 Mar 2021

    The fate of tens of thousands of civilians being held in Syria’s “notorious” prisons or detention centres is still unclear, 10 years after the country’s civil war began, UN investigators said on Monday. 

  • 1 Mar 2021

    The United Nations Mission to Support the Hudaydah Agreement (UNMHA), on Sunday, strongly condemned an attack in Yemen that killed five civilians, including a woman and child.